
My Sister, My Gateway Drug… Pt. 01


Started this one a while ago and forgot about it. Wanted to post part one, more will be coming. All straight sex in this one! Hope you enjoy.

Summer was almost over and our family was taking the 2 weeks we had left before going back to school on our annual camping trip. My older sister Lisa sat in the back seat with me, upset she’d been taken away from her boyfriend so was in a foul mood from the start.

“Now Lisa, this is the last year we can all go together at this time of year. You’ve had your year off and this year Marcus goes to college out of state so we wanted to have one last trip as a family,” said Mom.

“It’s not like we won’t be home on break, I just wanted to spend a few more days with my boyfriend,” replied Lisa.

“You used to love these camping trips, hiking and being in nature,” said Dad.

“Yeah, when I was a kid,” she replied.

“Well I could always leave you with your Aunt Gina, I’m sure she’d love to see you,” laughed Dad.

“Very funny, I’m not spending the next two weeks shoveling horse shit for 2 hours for every 10 minutes on the horse.”

The rest of the drive was fairly quiet, I didn’t want to taunt her by proclaiming I was actually looking forward to time away from the stresses leading up to my move. I listened to my music and took a nap, only waking when we got to our land.

“Marcus, can you get the gate please?” asked Dad.

I unlocked our gate with the key and closed it again when Dad drove through, we owned some land with our own private campsite in the woods, it had very basic amenities but that’s what we liked. Being in a valley our cell signal was terrible but we had radios for emergencies and a fresh water well. The shower was usually hooked up to Dad’s truck, it worked but was often cold. Since we were older, Lisa and I got our own tents, we’d set them up for the first night then hike to the bigger camp where we had a cabin that was only reachable by foot. It took a good 5 hours to hike there but the trail was very scenic. Dad unloaded all the stuff and put it into our piles.

“Your pile looks kinda small Lisa, I only asked 3 times if you packed everything,” he said.

She looked through and was missing her waterproof cover and her air mattress and only had a small bag of clothes.

“Did you move my stuff?” she said to me.

“I didn’t touch it, Lisa, I put my own stuff straight onto the truck like Dad asked,” I replied.

“I asked you to help me with a few bags.”

“When? I had headphones on all morning, did I reply?”

“No, I guess not. Sorry, I wasn’t blaming you.”

“We have extra blankets at the cabin, tonight is meant to be mild, you’ll be okay for one night,” said Mom.

I set my tent up and helped Lisa with hers then we went to gather firewood. On our way back though, Lisa got distracted and tripped on a rock and fell pretty hard. I dropped my wood and ran over to help her.

“Are you okay?” I asked, she cried out in pain when she tried to move her leg.

“I… I twisted my ankle,” she said.

I yelled to my Dad and he helped me carry her to the truck.

“It’s not broken, just a bad sprain. You’ll need to stay off it for a couple of days,” said Mom, who was a nurse.

“Will we need to take her home?” asked Dad.

“No, I can stay here, you guys go to the cabin and I’ll follow when I can walk,” said Lisa.

“I’m not leaving you here alone. Marcus, would you stay with her and then help her when she’s better?”

“Fine,” I replied.

“Sorry, I know you’ve been looking forward to fishing,” said Lisa.

“It’s fine Sis, Dad can get in some practice and I’ll show him how it’s done when I get there,”

“Oh really, maybe I’ll just catch them all,” he replied with a laugh.

“Are you sure you’ll be okay?” asked Mom.

“Yes, Marcus will look after me then give me a piggyback in a few days,” laughed Lisa.

“Or, you can use the stick I’m going to find,” I replied.

“Come, let’s get the wood gathered and start a fire,” said Dad.

We got Lisa comfortable, I had to sacrifice one of my pillows so she could raise her leg better but I didn’t mind. Mom gave her one of her strong painkillers which knocked her out and she was still sleeping when the rest of us woke early next morning.

“I’ve left the 2nd gun in the truck, don’t lose the keys! The battery on the radio should last 3 days but let’s turn them on for 10 minutes at the top of every hour after 11am to check in okay? Mom and I should get there after lunch if we keep a brisk pace but I’ll tell you where we are. I know you’ll be fine,” said Dad.

“I will, I’ll no doubt be running after her ladyship all morning,” I replied.

“Well, we’ll talk later okay.”

Mom and Dad set out with their packs once they’d loaded up the supplies and headed up the trail. I got some breakfast cooking and a bleary-eyed Lisa surfaced when it was almost ready.

“I’ve made coffee already, it’s in the flask,” I said, pointing to it.

“Can you help me get to the bathroom?” she replied.

“Sure, I found a pretty sturdy sıhhiye escort stick to help when you’re a little better too. Hop on.”

I turned around and had Lisa get on my back and carried her to the portable toilet we had next to the truck. I walked away to give her privacy then helped her back to her chair next to the fire when she was done.

“This is amazing little brother, thank you,” she said, eating the bacon and eggs I’d made.

“You’re welcome,”

“Does your phone have any signal, I can’t get a thing.”

“Like 1 bar, I can get texts but that’s it, no data.”

“Can I send a couple to Alex?”


A couple turned out to be 10 minutes, she was pretty upset when she gave me my phone back.

“He shouldn’t text again but if he does, tell him to go fuck himself,” she said, a tear running down her face.

“What happened?”

“He said ‘Oh hey, I didn’t want to do this over text but I’ve found someone else, it has been going on for a while’. Fucking asshole.”

“Sorry, that’s a dick move.”

I left her alone for a while, gathered more wood for us and busied myself around the camp. Lisa tried to get up but cried out in pain when she tried to put weight on her ankle.

“You’re supposed to just rest, I really don’t mind looking after you Lisa,” I said, helping her into her chair.

“I hate feeling useless. I smell bad and need to shower, how am I supposed to do that?”

I thought for a few seconds.

“Can you stand okay on one leg with support?”


“I can stand just outside and you can lean on me with one arm.”

We tried clothed to see if it would work but she had trouble.

“Oh, we still have that pail we used to use for water, let me find it.”

The pail was an old metal bucket, it was just small enough to let her sit down and shower. Our setup was basically a PVC frame with a curtain around it, an electric generator/inverter for the hot water and was set over a pre-made channel for the water to drain away.

“The clip for the showerhead is too high, can you hold it for me? Just while I wash my hair, I can hold it once I’ve soaped up but it’s at the wrong angle,” she said, I was close in case she had problems.

I reached into the shower and held the showerhead for her, where my arm was, the curtain opened a little and I couldn’t help looking and caught a glimpse of her breast as she massaged shampoo into her hair. She rubbed her shower gel over herself and then rinsed her hair under my spray, I turned my head away when she looked at me, she just laughed.

“I’m almost done ya perv, can you angle it towards me a little more?”

I did as she asked, I felt my face go red and also felt my cock harden in my shorts. She took the showerhead from my hand when she was ready for it.

“Thank you, I’m almost done,” she said.

When she was finished I turned off the inverter and handed her a towel then decided it was easier to just carry her to her tent. Halfway back her towel fell open though and I almost fell over. Lisa just laughed but didn’t rush to cover up.

“Oh you’re so easy to embarrass, they’re just tits. Take a good look, call it a thank you for being so good to me,” she said.

“I… I can’t, you’re my sister,” I stammered.

“So, they’re just tits, it’ll be easier for me if you can help me with more stuff instead of you almost dropping me when my tits fall out.”

At her insistence I gazed at her breasts for what felt like forever, my cock responded of course. She really did have a beautiful pair, (36 D she told me later) and they suited her frame perfectly. I had a noticeable bulge in my shorts by the time I gently put her down.

“Ooh, did I cause that?” she said, looking at my bulge with a smile on her face.

“I… I’m sorry, I couldn’t help it,” I replied.

“Marcus, relax already. I’m taking it as a compliment, I was feeling shitty about being dumped, that I’m not good enough to hold on to and you’ve made me feel a little better.”

“Even though I’m your brother?”

“Especially since you’re my brother. We hear all the time you’re not supposed to look at your sister that way, Mom and Dad made us both respectful and you really are. I’ll stop if it makes you uncomfortable but I don’t care if you look.”

“I can’t help it if I react this way, they are really nice.”

“Well thank you. I’m going to put some clothes on now though, you should probably turn the radio on soon too, Dad will be checking in. Tell them I’m okay, I can take more pills at lunch but my ankle isn’t as bad as last night.”


I turned the radio on and right on time, Dad checked in.

“Hi Dad, Lisa said to tell you both she’s doing okay,” I said.

“Good, your mom and I are almost there, we made great time without you two slowing us down,” he replied.

“Very funny, we can’t all be fitness nuts like you.”

“Well, I’ll check in at 12 but we should be there by then, keep an eye on the weather too, some mean-looking clouds may be headed this way.”

“Will şırnak escort do, thanks, Dad.”

I shut off the radio and pulled up my phone, there was a mild storm heading for us but we were sheltered enough so I figured we’d be okay. Dad checked in again at 12, they were at the cabin and getting settled, he said it was raining there. We agreed to check in every 3 hours after that. Not long after our last agreed check-in for the day the rain started. It started out light but before long it was torrential.

I’d forgotten about Lisa’s tent missing its waterproofing until she came bursting into my tent, soaked to the bone. I barely managed to conceal the fact I was jerking off to the mental image of her tits before she was getting water all over me.

“What the fuck Lisa, here dry off, shut the zipper,” I said, throwing her my towel.

“I was fast asleep, Mom’s pain pills knocked me out, I was already soaked by the time I woke up,” she replied. “I’m so sorry, were you sleeping? I don’t have the keys to Dad’s truck or I’d just have slept in there.”

“I wasn’t sleeping, I’m sorry, I forgot about your tent or I would have said. Here, you can put this shirt on, you’re soaked. I think my sweatpants should fit you too. Throw your wet stuff in the corner, we can dry it tomorrow.”

Lisa dried off, I turned around while she put my dry clothes on.

“I’d ask if I could warm up with the truck running but we’d both get soaked again. Can you snuggle with me, I’m freezing,” she said after she’d dried her hair.

“Uh, sure, glad I have a queen airbed,” I replied.

I took ages to fall asleep, Lisa got behind me and held me close and fell asleep once she stopped shivering but I could feel her nipples pressing into my back and my cock was soon hard.

“Was I snoring?” said Lisa after a while.

“What? No, sorry, just can’t sleep.”

“Am I too close? I’m warm enough, I don’t have to be so close, here, lay on your back.”

“No, it’s okay.”

“Marcus, I know you sleep on your back, I’ve woken you up often enough at home to know that for a fact.”

I reluctantly rolled over to my back, Lisa snuggled into me again, resting her head on my shoulder.

“I’m guessing the little tent under the blanket is what was keeping you awake too,” she said quietly.

“Y.. yes,”

“Will it go away on its own?”

“Probably not with you so close.”

Without saying anything, Lisa reached up and grabbed her still-damp shirt, pulled the blanket back and draped it over my stomach and chest. She then reached into my boxers, pulled my cock out and started jerking me off.

“Wh.. what are you doing?” I stammered.

“Helping, we both need sleep, you need to cum and you won’t do it with me right here so I’m getting the tension over with and just getting it done. Now cum for me, think of my juicy tits and spray your load,”

Her sultry voice in my ear did it, I had been close when she burst into my tent but that was a few hours prior. I groaned in pleasure as I sprayed my cum all over her shirt, the last few drops oozing over her hand. She wiped her hand on her shirt, made sure she got the last few drops from my cock then tucked it back in my boxers. She threw her shirt back onto the wet pile then pulled our blankets back over us and snuggled up to me.

“Now can we please get some sleep?” she said, kissing me on the cheek.

I didn’t say anything but I did manage to fall asleep. When I woke with my alarm, Lisa was still snuggled against me, it was still raining pretty hard too. I got Dad on the radio at check-in time.

“I’ve been watching the weather, it’s pretty clear up here but it looks like it’s going to rain non-stop for another day or two. Drainage is good for the camp but the path is going to be miserable for a few days after it stops. Do you two want to check into the motel up on Highway 7 or will you be okay?” he said.

“That place is horrible Dad, I’d rather sleep in the rain. I may drive to the laundry place if that’s okay though, I got soaked through helping Lisa, all her stuff got wet too,” I replied.

“That’s fine, I have the solar hooked up here, I’ll leave the radio on, call when you’re at the gate, should still be in range.”

“Okay, I’ll let you know.”

“Do you have the umbrella, I have to pee real bad,” said Lisa when I put the radio down.

“Yea, it’s right here,” I replied.

Things got worse for her though, I zipped the tent back up while she headed for the tree to pee but heard a thump, a yell of pain then her swearing her head off. I looked out and she’d slipped and fell in the mud, the umbrella was destroyed too. I rushed out to help her despite the rain.

“Are you okay?” I asked as I got to her.

“I slept so well I forgot about my ankle, slipped in the fucking mud,” she replied.

“Do you still need to pee?”

“Yes but you’ll get all muddy and wet.”

“I’m already soaked Lisa, let me help you.”

“Get me to that tree, I’m soaked, no point worrying about dignity now.”

I söke escort helped her up and pretty much carried her to the tree. I turned away while she peed then carried her back to the tent. I was thankful my tent had a kind of staging area, we both pulled our clothes off and shared the almost dry towel then quickly got under the blanket to hold each other. She spooned behind me but was sobbing. I turned around to face her.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

“I’m so sorry, this was meant to be fun for you but all I am is a burden,” she replied.

“Lisa, I’m your brother, I love you and would do anything for you. We’re in this together okay?”

“Thank you.”

She held me close, it took a few moments to register but my body realized I had a naked woman very close to me and reacted, I started getting hard, my cock grew and started poking her leg.

“I… I’m so sorry,” I stammered, trying to pull away from her.

“My tits are pressed against your chest, we’re both naked. I’d almost take offense if you didn’t get a boner,” she said finally smiling.

I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, being so close to her, so naked, felt wonderful. The thoughts that I shouldn’t be aroused by her were quickly squashed by louder thoughts of ‘but she’s beautiful’ so when she kissed me, I didn’t fight it. I lost track of time, her kiss was soft and tender, she pulled my hand to her ass and then reached between us to stroke my cock. She broke the kiss then rolled me onto my back and straddled me then took my cock inside her.

“Oh fffffffuck that feels amazing,” she gasped, taking me deep inside her.

How I didn’t cum in her right then I don’t know. My mind was all over the place. A kiss was fine, the handjob had a purpose but holy fuck, she had me up to the hilt inside her and it felt beyond amazing.

“Th…. this feels so good,” I managed to gasp.

“I know this is so wrong but I don’t care, your cock feels so good.”

Her pussy was tight and warm, I’d only been with a couple of women before Lisa but she felt perfect for me, each thrust sending waves of pleasure over my cock. Lisa increased her pace then started to almost shudder before letting out a moan gasping that she was cumming. Her pussy tightened even more on my cock, I couldn’t hold back and pushed up into her as I climaxed too, my cock swelling with each spurt into her. When we were both spent she stayed on top of me, looking into my eyes as we caught our breaths.

“Well that was fucking amazing,” she said as she rolled off me.

“A.. are you on the pill?” I replied.

“No, oh shit, you pumped a full load into me too!”

“What are we going to do, what if you’re pregnant now!”

Lisa laughed.

“I have an IUD in my love, we’re fine. Your face is perfect though, sorry I teased you,” she said with a grin on her face.

“Not funny, I was panicking for a minute there,” I replied, my heart beating again.

She kissed me on the cheek and snuggled up to me again.

“What time is it, you’d better check in with Dad. Do you have enough dry clothes for both of us? I say we abandon camp until we can get dry,” she said, rubbing my chest.

“I think I have enough to get us there, I’ll see what Dad says,” I replied.

I turned on the radio and it was Mom who replied.

“Hey Mom, we’re in a bad way here, the rain hasn’t stopped, Lisa slipped and fell in the mud and I’m almost out of dry clothes. I think we need to get to a motel and get dry until this passes,” I said to her.

“Is she okay, how is her ankle?”

“It was getting better, I almost forgot about it but it’s so wet I leaned on it, broke Marcus’ umbrella and we both got soaked,” said Lisa.

“Well, shoot. Okay, pack up what you can, lock the gate behind you. We’re fine up here, go get dry and wash your stuff. I think if you park at Grover Point we can get a signal with the radio, why don’t you check in at the same time tomorrow and see how things are.”

“Okay, we love you,” I said.

“We love you too, go get dry, out.”

“So, it’s just the shower frame, this tent and the cooler I need to put on the truck, I can manage that. I’ll start the truck so you can stay warm, no point in us both getting soaked again,” I said to Lisa.

“I can help, it’s fine,” she replied.

“No, you’re hurt and I want you to rest.”

“Well, as a reward I’ll give you a nice slow blow job when we’re in a warm bed together.”

“I’m still getting my head around what we did.”

“That better not be regret I hear in your voice mister. I know it just kind of happened but I wanted it and I loved it. I don’t want it to be a one-time or let’s not talk about what happened kind of thing. Do you need to talk about it or are you happy to fuck my brains out when we get to the motel?”

“We can talk in between sessions,” I said with a smile.

“Good answer, okay, let’s get this moving.”

I was soaked again by the time I’d loaded up our stuff but Lisa had the blankets set up on the driver’s seat and had the heater running with the engine. We drove to the motel, thankfully it had improved since the last time we’d remembered being there, we got a room and some quarters for the laundry and then gathered up the wet and muddy clothes. We wrapped ourselves in a blanket each as we waited for our clothes. Lisa snuggled up against me.

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