
Through The Lens Pt. 04


Through The Lens PT4

This is a repost from when I was on here under a different username.

After demand from many readers, here is the fourth and final part of the story. Thanks for reading.

It has been two weeks since we did the bikini and lingerie shoot. I am still amazed that Sally managed to talk Mum into it, even more so as Sally got to make out with Mum.

Since the shoot Mum had been a regular visitor, she told Sally she hated sitting at home on her own every night. I hadn’t mentioned it to Sally, but I was thinking of asking if Mum wanted to move in with us.

One evening Mum called round, I was fitting a safe in the cupboard under the staircase.

“You got loads of money to put in it then?” Mum laughed.

“I wish.” I replied. “We decided to put all the pictures of us in there, just in case anyone breaks in.”

“Not a bad idea.” Mum replied. “I’ll bring my album round for you to put in there, I don’t have anywhere safe at home. I’d die if those pictures ever got out.”

Mum and Sally were in the kitchen making a drink, I could hear them talking, just not what they were saying. When I was finished it crawled out of the cupboard, covered in dust and sweat. I put the albums in the safe. I sat and drank a coffee as we talked.

“I’m going for a shower, back soon.” I dashed upstairs.

When I returned Mum and Sally were still talking, Mum looked up at me.

“Shame, I was going to come up and wash your back.” Mum and Sally both laughed.

“Anytime Mum, anytime you fancy.” I replied, they both looked at me and shook their heads.

Mum didn’t stay too late as we all had work tomorrow, I offered to walk her home. She declined, saying she was a big girl and could find her way on her own.

It was the time of the month for Sally, so sex was a no go this week. I cuddled Sally as I normally did, she always fell asleep before I did. The following evening we had a couple coming round for a shoot. The guy, Eric, explained the picture was for his grandmother. She was living in a care home, her own house had to be demolished after it burnt out. She lost everything, Eric wanted a photo of him and his wife for her.

For a change, I let Sally take the pictures. She was still learning but Sally was good at portrait shots. Other stuff like scenery and wildlife, she needed to work on. Eric picked the photo he wanted, and I printed it out for him that night. Sally was pleased with herself, in fact all the pictures she had taken recently were good.

Sally was still finding work for me on the weekends. I think I had one weekend in the month where I didn’t have a shoot arranged. The last shoot we did before our free weekend, as we had taken to calling it, was a pain in the arse. The kids were absolute monsters. It was so bad that I got Sally to put away anything we were not using. Despite being told not to by their parents they kept touching stuff, I took the pictures as quickly as I could. When the parents picked out the ones they wanted I said Sally will bring them to work with her, I just wanted the kids out of the house before something got broken.

“Jesus, what a fucking nightmare! I’m sorry Rick, I never knew the kids would be that unruly.” Sally said as she flopped onto the sofa.

“Not your fault Sal. The parents are responsible for their kids, thank God we don’t get too many like that.”

On our free weekend the weather was really good. I suggested to Sally that we take the camera and she could practise shooting outdoors, Sally thought it was a great idea.

We started out shooting some scenery. As we walked through the woods Sally took several pictures of wild flowers, she took one shot of the sun shining through some tree branches. It was so good I told her I was going to print and frame it for the lounge. We reached a wooded area where there were no other people around, Sally passed me the camera. I took several pictures of her posing topless, the best one was when she stood close to a tree and looked at me seductively. When she finished I had a hard on, Sally gave me a blowjob to help it go down. I was about to suggest she bend over so I could fuck her, that was when we heard voices in the distance. We both dressed and walked back to the car, stopping occasionally to shoot a picture.

We had no sooner got indoors when Sally started tugging at my clothes, we fucked on the carpet in the lounge. Mum called to say she was on her way over to see us. We got cleaned up and dressed in record time.

Mum arrived, we went through to the kitchen. I made coffee as we talked. When we finished our coffee Mum asked if she could speak to Sally, alone. I went upstairs to download the pictures we took earlier, Sally called up a little while later to say they had finished talking.

I yıldırım escort had printed the picture that Sally took earlier of the sun shining through the trees, Mum said it looked good. Sally asked Mum if she was staying for dinner, she declined as she had stuff to do.

“I don’t suppose you are going to let me in on the big secret?” I asked.

“What big secret?” Sally replied as she started to prepare dinner.

“Whatever it was you and Mum talked about earlier?”

“Oh that. We can talk about it after dinner.”

“Is everything okay? Is Mum ill or something?”

“No and no, after dinner, Mr Nosey.” Sally laughed.

I couldn’t wait to finish dinner, I was intrigued at what Mum and Sally discussed. When Sally told me that Mum wasn’t ill I relaxed a little. I washed the dishes and joined Sally in the lounge. I sat down and looked at her.

“Come on then, what’s the big secret?”

“You remember when we did the shoot with Mum?

“How can I forget?” I smiled, “I’ll never forget that, no matter how long I live.”

“Pervert!” Sally laughed. “When Mum and I kissed and touched each other, it was mostly for me, or so I thought. Earlier on Mum asked if we could do another shoot, just me and her. I said yes, then I realised what she was getting at. I can’t be intimate with her and take pictures.”

“So you want me to take the pictures for you?” I asked.

“Yes. But mum asked if you would only take the pictures. She is curious and nervous, she wants it to be about me and her. I understand it will be tough, Rick. I told Mum I would ask you, she was too embarrassed to ask you herself.”

“So you want me to take pictures of you and Mum fooling around, shouldn’t be a problem.”

“Yeah, but there is something else. Mum said if she decides it’s not for her we stop, secondly no matter what happens, you do not get involved. Can you do it, Rick?”

“I can. If Mum is that nervous will she be okay with me being there? Think about it Sal, Mum is curious and nervous, you said so yourself. Surely having me there will make it worse?”

“I thought the same thing. I don’t think Mum is nervous about you being there, she might be nervous about getting intimate. That was the impression I got when we spoke earlier. I’ll be honest Rick, she shocked me when she said she wanted to try it. Please say you’ll do it and not get involved. If you do, I promise to make it worth your while.”

“I’ll do it, Sal. I’ll take the pictures and not get involved. I want a promise from you as well.”

Sally looked up at me. “What promise?”

“I want you to promise that if Mum says no or stop, you’ll stop. Please don’t try and force her.” Sally nodded in agreement, she knew if she tried to force Mum it would piss me off.

I let Sally make all the arrangements with Mum, she managed the diary for weekend shoots as part of helping me out. Sally was out with friends on Friday evening, so I took the opportunity to go and see Mum. I wasn’t going to mention the shoot, it was purely a social visit. We sat chatting about work and other stuff, Mum mentioned she was planning on redecorating her bedroom. I offered to help if she needed it. Mum got up to make another drink for us both.

“I take it Sally has talked to you?” Mum asked. I thought it strange as she didn’t look at me when she spoke.

“Yeah, she did. I have to ask, Mum. Are you sure about this?”

“Yes. No. Sort of, Rick. It was my idea, after all.” Mum looked embarrassed.

“You don’t have to do it, Mum. I’m sure Sally will understand.”

“It’s not that, Rick. After the last time, you know when we did the lingerie and stuff. When Sally kissed and touched me it felt different, I thought about it and decided I wanted to try it for myself. I thought the only way I could talk Sally into it would be to do a shoot. Now I am thinking it would be better if we just tried it in private or forgot the idea altogether.”

“Your choice, Mum. I’ll leave you to sort it out with Sally, after all, I’m only taking the pictures.” I laughed, trying to make light of things.

When I left Mum’s to return home she asked me to get Sally to call over and see her, I agreed, kissed Mum goodbye and left. I spoke to Sally on Saturday morning, she asked if I knew what she wanted to talk about.

“Probably about the shoot. I’m not sure Sal, but I think she might have changed her mind.”

“I’ll go round and see her later, if she has changed her mind then so be it. Now let’s get dressed and go shopping, unless you want to starve?”

We had just finished putting the groceries away when the doorbell rang, Sally answered the door, it was Mum.

“Coffee, Mum?” I called out.

Mum smiled back and nodded her head. “I need to talk to you both, it’s about yıldızeli escort this shoot. I want to do it, I really do. I think we should do it as a lingerie shoot, like last time, and see how it goes.”

“Okay, I don’t mind that. What do you think, Rick?” Sally asked.

“You decide, I’ll support whatever decision you and Mum make.”

“Okay Mum, let’s go with your idea.” Sally hugged Mum.

I stepped out and went to my studio, I was going to let them make all the decisions. As I checked all my camera gear and tidied up I wondered if me being there was the real issue, maybe i could suggest a timer on the camera. The more I thought about a timer, the more the idea appealed to me. For one thing it would save me having to watch two women make out, it might make it easier for Mum as well.

I went downstairs and pitched the idea of a timer on the camera, both of them shot the idea down straight away. Mum was the first to speak.

“No, Rick. if we are going to do this, I want you there taking the pictures.” I put my hands up in a surrender motion, Mum knew she would get her way.

Sally looked through the diary, I already knew we were going to be busy for the next few weekends.

“How about we do it on a Friday night? We can have dinner and then do the shoot.” Sally suggested, Mum agreed with her.

“So are you going to keep changing lingerie like last time?” I asked. Mum and Sally looked at each other.

“No. I think we can start in lingerie and take it from there, if we keep stopping I’ll lose my nerve.” Mum replied, Sally agreed.

As we were shooting straight through with no breaks, I needed to make sure that the camera batteries were charged.

Friday night as we ate dinner I could feel the tension in the air. Mum was chatting away, I think it was to try and hide her nervousness.

“You okay Mum?” I asked.

Mum nodded. “Yes, I’m okay. A little nervous, but okay.”

Sally looked over at Mum. “We don’t have to do this, Mum. You can say no, I’ll understand.”

Mum shook her head. “I did a shoot with Rick, it’s only fair I try to do one with you. Besides, I’m as curious as you are.”

I headed upstairs to get the camera ready, all the spare batteries were charged and ready. I put a new memory card in the camera. I could hear Mum and Sally getting changed downstairs, like the last time they were laughing and joking. I turned towards the stairs as I heard them making their way up to the studio.

I stared as I noticed they were dressed in identical style lingerie, Mum’s was lilac coloured, Sally’s was pale blue. The cups of the bras were sheer, as were the front of the thongs, both were wearing tan coloured hold up stockings.

“Start taking pictures when you’re ready, Rick.” Sally said as she and Mum walked over to the sofa.

Surprisingly Mum was the one who got things started. I looked on and took pictures as she pulled Sally close, then kissed her. Moving around I snapped away as Mum gently started to caress Sally’s breast, Sally put her hand on Mum’s thigh. Sally leaned back taking Mum with her, they didn’t stop kissing. I got a shot of Sally’s hands cupping Mum’s bum cheeks. Sally whispered to Mum, I watched as Mum lay back. They kissed again, this time Sally’s hands groped Mum’s breasts. My cock was already hard and they had only just got started.

Sally took off her bra, Mum cupped her breasts and ran her thumbs over her nipples. I stood and watched as my Mum and sister made out, after a moment I remembered that I was supposed to be taking pictures. Sally removed Mum’s bra, she was lovingly kissing and sucking her breasts and nipples, Mum closed her eyes.

Sally looked up at me and smiled, she started to trail kisses down Mum’s body.

“Oh God!” Mum hissed as Sally kissed the front of her thong.

I watched as Sally slid the thong down Mum’s legs, Mum moved her legs wider apart. From where I was standing I couldn’t see precisely what Sally was doing, the way Mum was reacting I had a pretty good idea. I moved closer to see if I could get a close up shot. As I did Mum grabbed Sally’s head pulling her closer to her crotch, Sally wiggled her head from side to side.

“Aah fuck!” Mum screeched as she arched her back. When she relaxed, Sally sat back on her knees, she looked at me and smiled. I took a picture of her face, shiny and covered in Mum’s cum. Sally stood up as Mum sat up, Mum pushed Sally onto the sofa. I watched as Mum practically tore the thong from Sally’s body, she dived between her legs.

As I took more pictures I watched Sally’s face, Mum had grabbed her thighs to hold her down. Quickly I changed the camera battery, my first shot from behind Mum. I could hear Mum licking at Sally’s pussy, her facial expression told me she was yozgat escort close, I set the camera to burst mode.

I saw Mum’s hand move, I assumed she stuck a finger inside Sally. Suddenly Sally started yelling out.

“Oh God. No. No. No. No. Oh Fuck, Mum, Mum, Mum.” Then she made a weird screaming laughing noise. I took several shots as Mum sat back. Sally had her eyes closed, I thought she had passed out. I managed to get a shot of Sally’s soaking wet pussy, Mum sat back breathing heavily. I went to get her a bottle of water, when I turned back Mum was crying softly.

“What’s wrong, Mum?” I asked, as I knelt beside her.

“It’s Sally. I’ve hurt her, look she’s passed out.” Mum sobbed.

Just then Sally stirred. “Wha..what happened?” Mum jumped up and hugged Sally, she fussed her and kissed her head.

“I’m sorry, baby. I didn’t mean to do that.”

“Don’t be sorry, Mum. That was so fucking intense, I loved it!”

I got Sally a bottle of water, they sat and drank as I copied the pictures to my laptop.

“Just going to take a quick shower.” Sally said as she and Mum walked downstairs. I was sitting looking at the pictures when I heard Mum.

“No, no, no,no. Saaaalllllllyyyyy!” I laughed as I closed the laptop screen down.

When they were dressed Mum and Sally joined me downstairs, we drank coffee as the three of us looked at the pictures. When we were done Mum hugged me and Sally.

“As much as I love you two, we have to stop. If I don’t stop now I never will.” Mum explained.

“That’s okay Mum, we understand.” I hugged and assured her.

“Yeah we do.” Sally added. “But if you want to do it again, I’m here for you, Mum.”

“Thank you, but no. It was fun but it has to stop, I have my reasons.” Mum picked up her coat, as it was late I drove her home.

“Thank you, Rick.” Mum kissed my cheek and went indoors.

Back at home Sally was still looking at the pictures, she smiled when I opened the door. I assured her Mum was okay.

“That was hot, Rick. If I ever do it again it will only be with Mum.”

“I don’t think it will happen Sal, Mum seemed sure it was her last time.”

We didn’t see or hear from Mum over the weekend, we were busy and she had plans as well. On Monday night Mum called round.

“I thought I had better explain myself, you know, the reason I said we have to stop. There’s a teacher, Brian, at the school who asked me out on a date. On Saturday night he took me to dinner and then to a little club that has a live band, we danced and talked. When he brought me home, he asked to see me again. I suggested he come round for dinner on Sunday, he jumped at the chance. He’s taking me out again on Friday night. I want you two to join us for dinner on Saturday, his idea as he wants to meet you both. Please, say you’ll join us?”

“Of course we will, Mum.” Sally jumped up and hugged Mum.

Brian seemed like a nice guy. He introduced himself to me and Sally, from the way he spoke about Mum I could tell he really liked her, it was obvious Mum felt the same way about him. Later that evening Brian and I were sitting chatting, Mum and Sally were in the kitchen. Brian leant across to talk to me.

“Rick, I just want you and Sally to know that I care for your Mum, I’m not here to play games. I can see that all three of you are very close as a family.” At that point I nearly choked on my drink. “If what your Mum and I have turns into something really serious, I hope you will both accept me.”

I looked at Brian before I replied. “Brian, If what you and Mum have gets really serious then you will have our blessing, all I ask is you don’t hurt her. She put up with enough shit from our Dad over the years.”

We stopped talking when Mum and Sally entered the room, Sally smiled at me and winked. The four of us chatted a bit more, I suggested that Sally and I leave to give Mum and Brian some time alone. As we walked the short distance home Sally was telling me all about how Mum really likes Brian, I told Sally what Brian said to me earlier.

We stepped indoors and Sally opened her handbag and handed me something wrapped in a paper bag. “Mum’s album. She asked me to put it in the safe with ours, she doesn’t want to chance Brian finding it. She’s worried it will scare him off.”

I put the album away. Sally was right, Brian didn’t need to see it. The next hurdle we would probably face was explaining to Brian why we lived together, financial reasons seemed the best excuse.

“We’ll worry about that another time, Rick. I have a room upstairs that fools everyone else, no reason it shouldn’t fool Brian. Talking of rooms upstairs, I still owe you for taking the pictures of me and Mum.” Sally opened her handbag, she waved a tube at me. “Lube, you’re going to need it!”

I stood and watched as Sally raced upstairs. “Come on then, slowcoach!”

Yep, it was going to be another long night of incestuous sex in the Lester household.

© The author. All rights reserved.

I might add further chapters to this story in the future, for now I have other works to concentrate on.

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