
My Best Friend’s DILF


Dream Date: 30.12.2022

Start Date: 01.01.2023

Finish Date: 20.11.2023

Word Count: 5434

Even over the buzzing of the closing roller door he could hear some clattering of pans and plates.

Great, he thought. What mess is he going to make this time?

He walked down the hallway into the kitchen and lounge area. His son skidded into view.

“Great timing, Dad. We’re just about ready!”

“Hey, Dad!” A hand popped up from the lounge. Belinda was here. Well, he did see her car on the street.

“Dad, I want you to meet someone.”

He didn’t even notice there was someone besides Tracey in the kitchen. A girl with her hair tied back. He’d never seen her before.

“Dad, this is Mona, my girlfriend. Mona, this is my dad, Zack.”

Zack’s eyes quickly darted to Belinda who’s eyes were peering over the lounge. Not her? Without letting the pause get too noticeable, he held out his hand. “Nice to meet you.”

“Nice to meet you, too.” Mona replied with a smile as she shook it.

Zack moved along to put his work things away. He glanced again at Belinda, who met his gaze and with his eyes, tried to convey, “When did this happen?”

“Bel, plates aren’t warm yet, can you clear the table and put the cutlery down, please?”

Her eyes followed Tracey’s voice. “Yeah, all good.”

With the other two further away, Mona took her chance to whisper to Tracey while they checked over the food and prepared it for plating.

“I still don’t get what Belinda’s here for if it’s all about me meeting your dad.”

Tracey batted his hand like he was swatting a fly with a smile. “He’s easier to deal with when Bel’s around. I think he’s got a daughter crush on her or something.” He chuckled as he opened the oven to get the warm plates out. “He’ll be nicer this way, trust me.”

Zack walked back out having nearly finished rolling his shirt sleeve up. There’s no way Tracey cooked this food, it smells way too good. He went to the fridge and got himself a beer.

“Anything interesting happen at work, Dad?”

“No.” He replied in a flat voice as he continued on into the dining room.

Belinda had the table cleared and cutlery set. Before getting into his seat he noticed on the surface of the display cabinet was a pile of paper crap he knew for certain was Tracey’s Uni stuff that he definitely had sprawled all over the table. Never packs his stuff away when he’s done.

“Good day at work today?”

Bel’s voice distracted him from his current thoughts. He took a breath in a smiled at her.

“Just a normal day.” He opened his beer bottle. “Not any issues like beginning of the week. Just nice and smooth.” He took a sip and then nodded towards the kitchen. “How long’s that been going on?”

“Um… you remember that party we went to about a month ago? They met there and just been hanging out since. The whole boyfriend/girlfriend thing’s only been about a week or so.”

“You like her?”

She sucked air through gritted teeth. “You know, I’ve just not had the time to get to know her.”

Why did he get the feeling she was holding back a little?

“Dinner time!” announced Tracey. He and Mona came in with plates of food and set them down for them all to eat.

When it was about time to leave, Tracey and Zack walked Belinda out to her car to say goodbye. They waved as she drove away.

“So let me just, figure something out.”

Tracey looked at his dad, puzzled.

“You and Bel… nothing’s happening with you two?”

Tracey cracked a smile as he knew this was coming. At least he waited for when Mona wasn’t around.

“No, Dad. Me and Bel aren’t a thing.” He started walking back towards the house.

“Alright, you just…” He followed along. “spent a lot of time together over the years.”

“Well, maybe some people just work better as friends.” Tracey shrugged.

“So… is she with someone that you’ve just not mentioned?”

He shook his head as he grabbed the door handle. “No, her and her high school boyfriend broke up a little bit into first year. I didn’t know him ’cause we didn’t start talking ’til end of first semester working on the group project. In the end he was pretty much just being a dick and apparently gave her a lot of shit for taking a gap year. She’s not been in a relationship since as far as I know.”

They walked inside and Zack locked the door behind them.


Over a month later…


Zack stirred in drowsy frustration that someone was banging on the front door. There’s no way the postie would be coming this early. He wasn’t even expecting anything.

With half closed eyes, he stumbled out of bed and to the front door. To his surprise, on the other side was Belinda. She looked like she was ready for a workout. She wore leggings with a fish scale design and a baggy muscle shirt. Her hair was in braids and completed the look with a smile as he had opened the door.

“Oh hey, Dad! Sorry if I woke you,” She raised her phone in her hand. “Trace hasn’t gotten Sahabet back to me. He was supposed to just let me in so we wouldn’t wake you.”

He shook his head to wake himself up more.

“Oh, umm… Trace isn’t here.”

“…What?” Her smile disappeared.

“…He left last night to go to Mona’s,” He continued cautiously. “I don’t think he’s come back.”

Belinda looked down and sighed, taking a moment to process. He had never seen her look so deflated before.

“…Did you wanna come in? Maybe he’s on his way. You can wait for a response at least.”

She made little nods and then agreed, “Yeah, sure, that’ll be good. Cheers.”

They walked into the kitchen and Belinda dumped her bag and pulled up a chair. It looked like she was typing another message.

“You thirsty? Want some water?”

“Um… yeah, thanks. Saves me using mine.”

“What are you doing today?” Zack asked while getting a glass.


“Oh, that’s why it’s early.”

“Yeah, beat the heat and hopefully not get a park that’s too far away.” She grabbed her glass from Zack and took a sip.

“Yeah, it’s the worst when you gotta do a hike just to get to the car park.”

“Sorry for waking you up again. The morning is not turning out as planned.” At least not what I planned.

“All good. Has he responded yet?”

“Nope,” Belinda looked at her phone. “I sent a message last night to confirm arrival time, no response. A message this morning to let him know I was on my way, nothing. And now this one and still nothing… You know what?” She got up from her seat. “I’m just gonna call him till he picks up.” She walked away into Tracey’s room and shut the door.


She seemed to have a bit more of a stomp in her step. Zack didn’t initially realise her shirt was one of those with the deep arm holes and he noticed the bare skin of her waist in the quickest of instances….Those leggings were making her look pretty good too.

Whoops, no. None of that! Zack caught himself before he thought anymore. Will I still be able to fall asleep when she leaves? Should I just start my day now?

He grabbed the kettle and took it to the sink. He heard a little bit of muffled speech come from the room but the filling of the kettle and then boiling sounds was too much to eavesdrop. By the time the water was boiled she came out looking very annoyed.

Zack put his teabag in his mug and poured. “…Is he nearly here?”

“Nope, he…” She raised her hands for air quotes, “‘forgot.’ So even if he tried getting ready now there would be no point in going anyway so… We’ll just do it later.”

If she was trying to hide her irritation, she wasn’t doing a very good job. Belinda sat back down and put her phone on the counter and let it slide a little out of reach of her.

“Well,” Zack began to try and sound comforting. “let’s hope next time he won’t be so forgetful.”

“This isn’t the first time. His priorities are only where he’s putting his dick right now.”

Zack stopped stirring his tea and looked at her with raised eyebrows. “Looks like you brought your own tea. You want to talk?”

“…Do I still have hot chocolate here?”

“Let me check.” Zack replied while grabbing her mug out.

He prepared her hot chocolate the way she instructed him. Even gave her the spiral handled dessert spoon she liked because, “It’s fun to drink it this way.”

Belinda accepted the mug from Zack and blew on the hot chocolate on her spoon before drinking it. She began eating some of the froth, looked up at Zack and huffed.

“So here’s the thing.” She began. “I don’t know what it is but ever since getting with her his memory of our plans are just non-existent. Like, it feels like I can’t trust him to hang out anymore. He makes the plans and then he bails on them.”

Belinda brought the mug to her lips and took a mouthful. The froth remained over her top lip and was quickly licked off. Zack remained silent and looked away as he took a sip from his own tea.

“And it’s always because of her! He’s always with her. “Oh sorry, Mona’s got a family dinner now. Sorry, Mona had this spur of the moment idea. Oh sorry, I forgot and I’m out with Mona.” Her accurate Tracey impression gave him quite the chuckle.

Trying to be serious again he said, “I’m sorry about that. I’d have no idea what would be going through his mind. The boy can’t even get to his damn classes on time. Whenever he’s not here, I usually just assume he’s with you. I honestly don’t know how you’ve put up with him for so long.”

He tapped his fingernails on his mug thinking before he asked. Would this be too forward?

“You know,” Zack continued. “I actually thought you two were gonna get together at some point.”

“Yeah, you and about every-fucking-one else.” She took another drink. It appears she was too annoyed to do her calm spoon drinking of hot chocolate today. She’d never sworn like that in front of him before.

“Sorry.” Belinda added quickly, only to be waved off from Zack showing Sahabet Giriş he was not offended. “It’s like a guy and a girl can’t just be friends. Gods, I had just broken up with my ex when we started hanging out and then we got close quick, everyone thought we were gonna date. I couldn’t tell if I wanted him ’cause I wanted him or just ’cause everyone thought something more was there.” She clinked her spoon in the mug as she lazily stirred. “Maybe I should have just dated him then. At least then I wouldn’t have gotten a crush on him too late and now he’s with DeSmOnA.”

Zack’s eyebrows raised in surprise. That was a bit condescending. This was really bringing out the mean side in Belinda.

She continued stirring with her fist holding her head up. “So, you got a secret lady-friend stashed anywhere, Zackery?”

He swirled the remaining tea in his mug. “No, no, no one stashed away. Tried dating a few years after the divorce. I’m not exactly putting myself out there these days though.”

She nodded and took a swig to finish the last of her drink. Zack grabbed it and she thanked him as he rinsed it in the sink.

That’s probably the quickest she’s ever drunk that. He thought.

“You still gonna do Lofty, you think?” He called back to her.

“No,” She sighed. “Maybe I’ll go for a walk somewhere closer. I dunno. I’ll let you get back to sleep, though.” Her chair scratched the floor as she got up. “Thanks for the hot chocolate, and the chat.”

“Hey, what are dads for?” He shrugged with a smile.

He didn’t tend to do that often when he spoke with Trace, smile, that is. Which Belinda thought was sad. She liked that he always had one for her at least.

She collected her bag and hung it over one shoulder while he walked her to the door and opened it for her. She paused for a moment before stepping out.

“Hey,” He said. “It’s not my business but,” Zack raised his hand and lay it comfortingly on Belinda’s shoulder. “I can have a talk with him if you’d like. You’ve been friends for so long. It’s not alright that he’s not smart enough to juggle a girlfriend and you.”

Zack’s hand was warm. It was really nice. They’d never had this much alone time to talk before. Maybe it was also in the casualness that he was still in his pyjamas and not in his nice work clothes that he seemed just like some regular guy. A friend.

She smiled. “That’s okay, I can deal with it. But thanks, Dad.”

Belinda stepped in and wrapped her arms around his waist. Her head rested on his shoulder. Sure, he didn’t mind this. Zack hugged her in return. Hand across her back pulling her in for a warm embrace.

Her arms relaxed. She pulled away and looked up at him. His smile was soft and comforting. She saw up close the wrinkles in the corner of his mouth. His smooth lips captivating her. Drawing her in with the aroma of his tea.

Belinda rose on the balls of her feet and met his lips with hers. Tasting his tea. His stubble scratching her chin.

Her eyes widened in horror. She pulled back….I just kissed Tracey’s dad!

Zack remained still, mouth agape….He leaned into her.

The door slammed shut. Belinda threw her bag off, her lips returned to his, pushing more desperately this time. Zack’s arm motioned her to the door. She followed where he lead and he pressed his entire body against hers.

His hands dove between the large openings of her armholes. Fingers glossing over the smooth material of her leggings and sports bra, trailing between them in the curvature of her spine on her exposed skin.

She felt smothered by him. Her tongue slipped between his lips, tasting his second hand tea. The scratching of his stubble didn’t bother her when his tongue was so slick and smooth.

Belinda grabbed the elastic of his shorts and pulled him closer. Lulling his hips into her. She felt the squishy member between his layers harden. How long had it been since she got laid? And holy fuck, she was gonna get it from Zack!

Her fingers slithered underneath his layers. Under the shorts. Under the briefs. Her fingers wrapped around his throbbing dick. Warm and pulsing. She squeezed up and down his shaft. He wasn’t huge in length but he felt thick.

Zack pulled himself from Belinda’s lips and caught his breath. Breathing near her ear. His hips thrust into her hand. Fuck it felt good to be touched by someone else again.

The pre-cum leaked out of him. His head became slippery as she swirled it around. And then she gasped. Her grip ceased.

Shit. He thought. I took this too far.

“I’m sorry.” Zack apologised as he pulled himself off her. “I shouldn’t have continued it.”

“No,” Belinda exclaimed. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have started it!” She removed her hand from his briefs. “I’m sorry, I’m just so angry at Tracey. I just… I just thought something that made me stop. I thought, “If he’s gonna blow me off then I’ll blow his dad.” And I…” She covered her face in shame and shook her head.

So it’s more of a revenge thing. Thought Zack. Sahabet Güncel Giriş Of course, that’s fine. Why would she kiss him otherwise?

He took a step back and sighed. He was still raring to go. Zack spoke gently and did his best not to sound pressuring.

“Without being too selfish right now,” Belinda looked at him through splayed fingers. “I’m okay if this is just a revenge thing. No feelings to it, I mean…” He looks downwards at the erect tent pole in his shorts. “Look, I’m ready. But I’m not dating anyone. So I don’t have any-“

“I could find Tracey’s stash.” Her words were hurried. “Go to your room. I’ll meet you there.”

He was stunned silent for a moment. “…Okay.”

They took off to their assigned locations. Belinda ransacked Tracey’s bedside drawers. She didn’t need to be careful of making a mess. It was already in a state. He’s got to have put them somewhere easy to get to.

Why did she put her hands on her face? The smell of his dick got her so hot! She couldn’t believe she not only kissed him but he kissed her back!

The first time she came over and met him she had to contain herself. Don’t get her wrong, Tracey is hot. She just wasn’t interested in anyone while she was getting over a break up. But Zackery…

He was the ideal DILF. The seasoned, mature version of Tracey. He would come home from work already with the top buttons undone or tie hanging loose. She could understand people going crazy over women’s ankles back in the day when just seeing his collarbone had her shook. And godsdamn when his sleeves were rolled up!

When Tracey teasingly said for the first time he thought his dad had a soft spot for her she played it up because, “Of course he likes me. I’m his new favourite child!”

And as she rummaged through Tracey’s drawers, she didn’t want him soft. She wanted him hard for her.

Her fingers came across a small cardboard box. Bingo! She grabbed out three that were joined together. Ripped a single one off, shoved the rest back in. When leaving the room she looked at the prize in her hand.

Oh… she grabbed the two. Oh well!

Zack was neatening the covers. Would they get into bed or just go at it on top? He probably shouldn’t strip down completely. That might be too forward. I mean, she is literally grabbing condoms.

He sat on the bed and waited. He heard the door close. Belinda was in his room moments later holding two packets of condoms between her fingers.

“As long as you’ve got nothing nasty, we can just put these on when you go in.”

Zack’s dick throbbed. “Nope, nothing nasty as far as I’m aware.”

She walked up to him dropping the condoms on the bed beside him. Her hands swooped the sides of his neck as she brought his face up for another kiss.

The smoothness of her leggings was something so unfamiliar to him. His hands moved up, fondling her squishy butt cheeks. It was a silky texture making it all too easy for a finger to slip in between her legs. She gasped when she felt it rub along her. Stimulating over her leggings.

She let him rub her. Massaging where she couldn’t reach herself until she got weak in the knees. She lowered herself. His bulge still throbbing beneath his pyjamas. A wet patch seeped through the layers.

Belinda’s fingers once again crept into Zack’s shorts. She pulled down the bands and his thick dick sprung out at once. His pubic hair was modest. She could tell there was at least some maintenance going on down there. Shit, when did she last tidy herself?

He couldn’t believe it. His dick was right in front of Belinda’s face. She gently held him at his base. Her mouth opened, his head went inside, warmly wrapped up by her dexterous tongue. Drinking up his leaking essence, swirling around his ridges.

Her head bobbed as she began to suck. So much was going on. Her hands kneading at his base, tongue slithering along him. Zack let himself fall onto the bed while he let her do her work. Engrossed in the enjoyment.

Fuck, were his groans hot. Belinda’s eyes looked up at him when he lay back. She could see before he fell out of view his mouth hanging open and his eyes closed in ecstasy. She liked that face. Liked it so much she felt the pulse of her pussy getting excited for when what was in her mouth was inside her properly.

It’ll be best to take it easy though. Slow. It felt like she’s opened her mouth a little further than normal for him. Or is that just because the last dick she had was from a piece of shit of a boyfriend in her teens?

His hips moved with a will of their own. Rolling to get himself submerged deeper. Her hair was braided tightly on either side of her head and his fingers stroked in motion over them. Feeling out yet another new texture she brought with her that he hadn’t experienced before.

“Bel…” Whispered Zack. She looked up and continued. “Get up here… Take your pants off.”

The slow withdrawal of her mouth felt like she was going to suck out his soul from the tip. He moved himself in the middle of the bed while she messed about with her laces getting her shoes off. Pulling down her leggings and underwear in one go, she stepped out of them and noticed the wet patch. She couldn’t tell how wet she was with the tight clothing. It wasn’t really a surprise that she soaked her panties.

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