
The Community

Thank you for reading my story, I hope that you enjoy it. Love Mica xxx Yorkshire England.

Jacob was just doing up his trousers. We had spent a pleasant half an hour in my bed after he came around to check I was okay during the power cut. He said that he had an old diesel generator that he didn’t use, and that I could use it if I wanted, but I would need to get an electrician to connect it up. I thanked him in the only way I could. Well, that is not strictly true, I enjoy our trysts as much as he does, and pretending I was thanking him is a little unfair. I enjoy sex, he is well equipped and knows what to do, so, there we are. Elvina and Fay always keep away when Jacob visits, they don’t trust him.

There is a small outhouse at the back of the cottage, he said that would be ideal for the generator, and if I cleared it out over the next few days, he and one of his lads would bring it up and put it in there, all I had to do was arrange for an electrician. I thanked him again.

“What’s beyond the end of my track Jacob?” I asked him. There are no obvious signs of a public footpath and so I haven’t really wandered that way.

“Well, there is the commune, bunch of hippies, about a mile further on, the field is only grass, so you could walk through it without too much crop damage. If you keep walking east, you will get to my field boundary, and then you are on to their land and you will see their place. Rambling old big house and some barns and outbuildings. They have goats and chickens and they grow a lot of vegetables as far as I know.”

“Hippy commune, here in Yorkshire, wow, who knew?”

“Well they keep themselves to themselves. I don’t think they ever come to the village, or if they do, it’s very rare. I don’t have owt to do wi them to be honest.”

That had been a few days ago, the land was slowly drying out after the deluge last week, power was back on, with an offer of five pounds compensation from the electricity company. Well, that would buy some diesel. I set to emptying the outhouse. It was mostly old pottery plant pots. I removed them and sort of scattered the whole ones around the garden edges, just as a bit of a feature, I didn’t want to throw them away, and I wasn’t up here enough to start new plants off and then keep them watered. The rest were old gardening tools, and broken pots and smashed crates. I gathered the rubbish and took it down to my wheelie bin at the end of the track.

Bin day was a Wednesday, and I just kept the bins down there, so much easier than trying to wheel them two miles along the track every Tuesday evening. The council won’t go up my track to collect, so pretty much that’s my only option. I then rang the electrician who had done the rewiring and stuff and we chatted through my options. He said to let him know when the generator was in place, and he would come and have a look and give me an idea on price. I decided to buy some Jerry Can containers in the meantime and fill them with diesel so that I could be ready.

I was pretty dusty when the task was done, and the outhouse cleared and so decided an early night after a shower would be the order of the day. Leah had stayed a couple of nights, the roads still flooded but passable when she left, and I had then enjoyed a day or so of solitude, sitting on my deckchair watching the angry sky slowly clear as I drank mug after mug of Lapsang. The variations in grey and silver light in the sky were captivating, I wished I had the skills to capture them, instead I sat and enjoyed them.

“Are there boy faeries?” I asked Fay as she danced and flew in front of me.

“Oh yes, they can be so naughty though, not nice like us girls and nowhere near as delicious as human boys.”

‘Delicious’? I didn’t think I wanted to know any more. The skies had eventually turned simple grey and then finally white with outbreaks of blue. Thank goodness. The storm had been wild, and almost sadly, I had been distracted with Leah; I think it would have been nice to sit and watch it roll through, the skies must have been fascinating to watch as the clouds unleashed inch after inch of rain whilst the wind gusted and the few trees swayed in the wind and dropped under the weight of the rain.

I had decided the soil needed a few days of dry air and wind before I dared venture on a walk, there was still lying water in most of the fields from where I looked, and that just creates mud if you try and walk through it.

I sat in my chair by the beck and sipped at a Lapsang. The white fluffy clouds were scudding through the sky, the high up winds looked quite powerful, yet down here at cottage level all was calm. The air shimmered.

“Oh, hello,” I said, “who are you?”

“I am Osidus,” the figure answered. Unclothed, obviously, in fact, very obviously, male, and hovering in the air above the beck.”

“Nice to meet you Sid,” I answered, “did you get wet in the storms?”

“Oh no, the water doesn’t affect us when it falls as rain. We usually just stay in our own realm. Some of escort the girls like to play in the rain, but those of us with sense just ignore it.”

“Oh, I see.”

“Did you like the storm?”

“Well I didn’t see much of it, I had a friend to stay, so we pretty much just stayed inside and let the storm do its thing.”

He flew across to me and took my hands and before I knew it, I was in his arms floating above the beck, the air around us shimmering, and then my cottage and the fields all disappeared. I blinked, the view before me was of a beautiful green garden filled with flowers of all colours and small flying creatures. The air seemed to smell of honey and gardenias, freesia and peonies, there was a light shimmer to the air too.

“I would rather be here than in a grey storm,” Sid said, “wouldn’t you choose this?”

“It is beautiful,” I said and then realised that we had landed. The grass felt like velvet between my toes and all the insects that I saw were in fact just faeries of varying sizes. It felt magical.

I found myself somehow laying on the velvet soft grass, Sid hovering above me, and his face in front of mine, close. His lips touched mine and his tongue delved inside, long, impossibly long, pushing inside and past my throat and in that distraction, I felt him nudging in my groin. My legs parted and my sex opened, and he penetrated me, so big, so filling, I tried to gasp but his tongue filled my throat as his faery dick filled my fanny. I stared into his eyes, large on his head, his iris pointed oval, not round, brilliant green in colour, unblinking. His tongue curled and left my throat, air rushed in, and I gasped, and as I gasped my fanny clenched and he roared as he filled me, faery semen spurting deep within me.

I blinked and I was once more sat in my garden chair, my mug lay empty to the side of me, my Lapsang had spilled. Was that a dream? I couldn’t be sure. I slipped my hand up my dress and felt my crotch. Oh. That was no dream, faery cream oozed from me.

“Well, thanks Sid,” I said as I got up, first to shower and then to make another cup of tea. As I walked back to the kitchen I could hear childlike laughter. I decided Sid would probably be good at oral, but it had all been a bit one sided. Better for him than me.

I grilled some bacon, cut two slices of bread, buttered them and as the bacon cooled, I made a pot of tea. I wandered out to the garden and sat by the beck, tea in one band bacon butty in the other. I watched as the water in the beck babbled as it went past, returned now to pre storm levels. I didn’t speak, I just enjoyed the quietness of the countryside, the perfume of the country and the solitude. The bacon sandwich was pretty good too, perfection. There was no shimmering or other realm visits, my solitude was my company.

I resolved that I would venture on my walk today, it was as good a day as any, rain was forecast towards the end of the week, and I would be back at the house with Mik by then. No, indeed, today was the day for it. Long dress, walking boots and a big floppy sun hat and I set off. As I walked I tried not to step on too many grasses, but it was quite hard, and I had no field edge to keep to. I just headed East until I encountered a dry stone wall, not high, and with a few stones dislodged here and there, but largely intact. This must be Jacob’s boundary.

Looking in front I could indeed see a large farmhouse and barns in the distance and there were people moving. Too far away for me to see what they were doing. The field between me and there was a lower, greener grass than in Jacob’s, more just overgrown lawn by the look, rather than crop grass. I climbed the wall and headed across the grass towards the house. As I got nearer, I could see that there were large vegetable and fruit patches and that the people I could see moving were in fact tending to the lots. There was a mix of men, women and children. The women all wore long flowing dresses and scarves in their hair, the men, breeches and shirts. The children seemed to either wear dresses or smocks. A woman came towards me.

“Hello stranger,” she said, “what brings you this way?”

“Oh hello, I am Mica, I live just over the hill, and I thought I should meet my neighbours.”

“Well you are welcome, you must be in the Beck cottage. You must meet Joshua. Please follow me.”

She turned and headed to the house. A man stood in front of the house, breeches, white shirt, neckerchief covering his throat and a straw hat.

“Joshua, this lady lives in Beck Cottage, she came to say hello.”

“Thank you, Mercedes,” he said, his voice quite deep and rich.

“Would you care for some birch tea, and then we can chat,”

“Well, yes thank you, that is most hospitable.”

He led the way into the house and spoke to one of the women who seemed to be peeling potatoes.

“Eloise, some birch tea please,” his voice commanding, so much so, I nearly did it myself.

“Sit,” he said pointing to a chair by one of the many escort bayan tables in the room. I sat, interested to note that they had an old AGA, although I think it was a Rayburn make. Through the corner of my eye I could see Eloise putting some leaves into a tea pot and adding water from a kettle that had been sat on the simmer hob. She brought the pot and some mugs to the table and then a small jug of milk.

“It will need time,” Joshua said. “Tell me, how long have you been at Beck cottage, I thought no one lived there, it was just a rental.”

“I suppose a couple of months, I don’t live there full time, just free days, usually a few each week. It needed a bit of work doing, and that is now done and I find myself spending a lot of time there now, more than I intended.”

“It is not a surprise to me, the beck just there can be quite, er, interesting.”

Was he hinting that he knew of the faeries I wondered.

“Oh yes, very interesting indeed. What about here, the man that farms my land, Jacob, said this was a commune?”

“Oh no not a commune, just a community. We don’t like the pressures of life, we suspect that society will break down and we want to step aside from all that, so we just live simply, eating vegetables, eggs from our chickens and milk from our goats.”

“Sound idyllic, yet probably quite hard work.”

“Satisfying work Mica, everything that everyone does benefits the community equally.”

“And you are the leader, the head of the community?”

He lifted the tea pot and swirled the contents before pouring two mugs. “There is milk if you wish. I suppose I am seen by some as the leader, but I am really just the founder. I give suggestions that will benefit the community and people either do it and benefit everybody, or the don’t. If they don’t, I merely ask them to re-evaluate their reason for being here as we all need to help everyone.”

Sounded cult leader to me I had to be honest.

“I see, and do people leave, do people join, what is the process Joshua, I mean can people just turn up and ask to stay?”

“They can of course, and if they want to stay here then they can, but of course they will not need their goods and chattels form their old life, and we ask that they donate that to the common good. Those central funds are used to pay for essential services.”

Oh, I see, give us all your money and you can stay.

“Crumbs. Do the children go to school, or do you home school them?”

“We are very careful with our children, they are the future of the world. They are schooled in what they need to know. They are taught to read and write, to do sums, basic physics, geography, that sort of thing. They also learn some engineering skills, forging, pottery, that sort of thing.”

“Do the authorities ever come and check? I had read that some councils were not keen on communes and children fearing abuse.”

Joshua sat back and took a sip at his frankly unpleasant brew.

“We are very careful with our children. They have to remain pure until they reach eighteen, that is when they become a man or an Auntie. Before that age they are girls and boys and are not allowed to be touched.”

“What happens when they hit eighteen? Is there a party?”

“We have an adulting ceremony where the boys become men, and the girls become women.”

I wondered if it was an orgy, bonfires and dancing naked and much copulation.

“It is not what you think.” Joshua said.

“Oh, what do I think?” I asked.

“You are imaging some great orgy. That is not what happens. In our community no parent is allowed to copulate with their child. That is forbidden and if that rule is broken then the adult is asked to leave the community.”

“Oh, well, that sounds a bit modern, good for you.” I didn’t want to simply say uncult like.

“It is for practical reasons. If authorities thought such behaviour was occurring they would swarm over us and destroy our life. Also genetically unsound practice too.”

“Well yes, dads and daughter or mums and sons causing pregnancies can cause issues I have read.”


I took another sip of the drink, I wasn’t sure milk enhanced it in anyway.

“So, the turning into adults, how does that happen?”

“I help the girls, and any of the aunties can help the boys. We do have a party, the children to become adults dance and sing, the men and the aunties join in and then one of the Aunties will help the boy and I will help the girl. The rest of the people dance and love as they wish.”

So, an orgy then. “When you say that you help the girl?”

“I am her first. After me she is a woman, an auntie. After me she can go with any man she chooses, we do not follow the norms in the outside world, we have no life long legal marriages, here people share with who they want.”

“And children?”

“With sex comes children. That is something we try to control, women in their fertile weeks do not have sex, in order to try and reduce unwanted pregnancy. Once bayan escort a year one of the women will try and get pregnant, that way we manage our population. The children are born into a family of aunties who all assist in the upbringing. No one, baby or adult, is a burden on us.”

It all sounded a bit too managed for me, and when the management collapses then anarchy sets in and the society breaks down. I shrugged.

“Would you like me to show you around?”

“Yes please, that would be nice.” I stood and Joshua also.

He spread his arms and spoke, “this is the main room of the community. It is the kitchen and eating area. Food is prepared and consumed here. Everyone takes turn in here, some are better cooks than others, but that is just the way it is.”

“You only eat vegetables, no meat?”

“We eat mostly vegetables, some eggs. We don’t rear meat to eat, we simply are not self sufficient enough to rear animals. We have no refrigeration, and so meat would quickly spoil unless eaten.”

The tour was quite expansive, the rest of the house was pretty much bedrooms, many beds to a room. The barns were filled with sheaves of hay for winter feed for the goats who gave them milk. There was an underground store room filled with vegetables, some in Kilner jars for long term keeping, it was quite cool, so I guessed that reduced spoil. As we walked he got closer to me, and before long his hands were on me, touching, pressing.

Did I want to become a conquest of his? No. I pulled away and kept a distance. We discussed the difficulties of living off grid, no email, no telephone. So many organisations these days demanded online accounts. They were lucky in one respect, the electricity company they used had a direct debit on their account and took money each month to cover their usage. They did not have wifi and so they couldn’t be converted to a smart meter, it just kept thing simple.

“It occurs to me Joshua, that if you needed email, you could set up an account as required and perhaps once per week come and use my computer at the cottage. At least then you may be able to do some extra things for the community.”

“Thank you that is most kind.”

I bade farewell and headed back across the fields to my cottage. That had been interesting. It was a cult, one hundred percent, Joshua had them doing as he willed. He had sex with many different women, all women had to go with him as their first, a sort of massive ego trip for him, the virginity taker.

As I walked across the fields the clouds thickened and the skies darkened, becoming dark greys and purples as the sun set. I got back just as the first drops of rain began to fall. I decided on a shower, I somehow felt unclean after visiting the community, it left me unsettled. I didn’t mind them as neighbours, I didn’t feel them a threat, but they were not people I wished to embrace.

When I returned to the cottage I saw that Jacob had put the generator in the outhouse. I texted the electrician to let him know. The shower was quite wonderful and I felt so clean after I had finished. The community really had left me feeling itchy. I had a supper of toasted cheese sandwiches and a cup of decent tea. Too wet to sit by the beck, I curled up on my sofa and relaxed.

I must have dozed off, it was a surreal moment when I realised I was awake and not dreaming. My mind had been full of velvet grass with Joshua standing naked amongst the flowers. I shook my head and made my way up to bed. Dark outside, too cloudy for even the moon to shed a little lightness and soon I was deep asleep.

I awoke to a morning of drizzle, that thin soaking rain that seems to get everywhere. I washed, dressed in just a dress, no underwear, and made a cup of tea. Bread in the toaster and I stood at my door looking at the outside world, watching as the darkness lifted and more of the outside became visible through the mist of the rain.

I buttered my toast and poured my tea and sat in the small kitchen sofa next to the open door. That way I could at least see some of the natural beauty of England. Faery land was at the back, so I doubted I would see a shimmer, especially with this weather, a very British weather, but not one favoured by the faeries. I had just finished my toast when I saw a figure approaching the cottage.

“Joshua, good morning, welcome. Would you care for some tea?”

“Good morning Mica, yes, that would be agreeable, I apologise for the intrusion.”

“Oh fiddlesticks, no apology is needed. Leave your wellies there inside the door, and come on in. I will make some tea.”

I put the kettle on the hob and swilled the tea pot, adding a few spoons of lapsang loose leaf.

“Oh sit down Joshua, you make the place look untidy hovering by the door,” goodness he just looked lost. He sat himself on a chair by the kitchen table. I have to be honest, he was a little ‘high’, I hadn’t noticed yesterday, but today from across the kitchen the smell was quite obvious.

I poured the tea through my strainer into mugs, retrieved the milk from the fridge and put the lot on the kitchen table and I sat opposite.

“Milk if you want it, cows, not goat, so may be odd to you. I can probably find some sugar if you want some.”

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