
Transition to Vikki, part seven (reworked)

Transition to Vikki, part seven (reworked)
Transition to Vikki, part seven (reworked)
Chapters one through eight of original story, completely rewritten (final draft). Story continues from chapter nine as My transition to Vikki.

The journey continues as Vikki arrives at her new home and meets the others. Things settle down as her new life starts to unfold. As with all the other parts, this is for the new upgraded version.

Following the same routine as the previous parts this one has also been rewritten. Bits that worried me from the last one have been either corrected, added to or removed. Typos, grammar and story glitches have been put right, as I see them.

If you want to read the story from its beginning, make sure you have the right version. All chapters are around the same length now, one of the problems from before !!.

As I’ve seen from other people’s stories, a disclaimer to ensure copyright. “This story, its plot, characters and content is my own creation and my property. No individual person, group, body or association has my permission to use, copy or edit this story in entirity or part under any circumstances”.


The drive turned left and then right. On both sides there were high hedges set back from the driveway. I could not see the house at all until we made a final right turn, and there it was ahead of us !. To call it a “house” would be a disservice. Two storeys high, and three bay windows either side of the front entrance, it appeared to be either late Victorian or Edwardian. Stone pillars were each side of the door and the covered road entrance. Off to the left I could see a large multi door garage with space inside for a dozen cars easily. To the right I could see part of one annexe between the hedge and trees beyond. Single storeyed, but built to look identical to the rest of the house. Hedges again obstructed any views further to both sides. But looking around I could see yet more cameras and lights for security.

Gina was getting excited now, leaning forward to see if anyone was there to greet us. I followed her gaze as I drove under the covered approach at the front door. Sure enough !, there to meet us was one of the most striking women I’d ever seen in my life. I knew at once this must be Anna. She stood expectantly, one arm leaning against a pillar by the entrance. Eyes fixed on the car and a beautiful smile lighting her face. To say she was lovely is inadequate, Anna oozed sex appeal and confidence.

A few centimetres shorter than Gina, a little slimmer and with breasts just larger than Valerie she awaited our arrival. Her long curly blonde hair done in the style of 1960’s Hollywood stars, made her clear blue eyes even more noticeable. Dressed in a white blouse with top buttons open and black high waisted slacks she looked like a film poster of days gone by. I could see she wore flat soled shoes and not heels, maybe a deliberate act so as not to seem overpowering. Overall she gave me the impression of a young Diana Dors. No visible jewellery gave the sense of a woman who needed no trappings of excess. A woman who met the world on her terms and was happy to be that way. Turning off the engine I turned to Gina and smiled,

“Were home darling. It would appear that Anna’s come to greet us herself, let’s go and say hello shall we !”.

I got out, and opened the rear door for Gina and Valerie. Gina flew straight over to Anna and kissed her, giving a warm intimate hug as she did. I stood a few feet away with Valerie, waiting my turn. Gina let go of Anna, and, holding her by the hand, brought her over to myself and Valerie. Gina had an expression on her face I’d not seen before, pride !. Stopping in front of me Gina said with a beaming smile,

“Anna, this is the one I’ve been waiting my whole life for, say hello to Vikki. The love of my life and now my fiancee. I hope you’ll make her welcome in her new home.”.

Anna looked at me with those blue eyes for a few seconds, then she broke into a wide beaming smile. Kissing me lightly and stroking my cheek Anna followed this by giving me a strong hug, pressing her breasts into my own chest. I could smell her hair and perfume, a blend of flowers and fresh fruit. Breaking her grip she spoke at last,

“Welcome to your new home Vikki. I’ve heard so much about you from Gina in the last months. I’m glad that my instincts and decision to let her meet you were correct. From what she’s told me over the weekend it’s clear you love each other deeply. We’ll talk more inside, first I have to welcome your companion to our house”.

Anna stepped over to Valerie and greeted her warmly, giving her another kiss and hug. Gesturing towards the door Anna showed us the way into the house. We walked up the steps to the front door, that’s where I stopped. Anna and Gina looked surprised but said nothing. As before at the hotel I bent down and lifted Gina easily into my arms, before carrying her over the threshold. Anna smiled to herself but said nothing. Carrying Gina I told her,

“Just like at the hotel Gina, but THIS time it means exactly what it’s supposed to. We may not be married yet, but I just had to carry you into your home”.

Gina smiled and kissed my forehead. I carried her into the hall and put her back down so she could stand. Looking round I got a good look at the entrance hall. A double, carved wooden staircase went up to the first floor from both sides of the hall. A balcony wrapped round so I could see doors on three sides of the upper level. More doors were visible to both sides of the ground floor as well. Looking straight ahead I saw what appeared to be a lit corridor leading to the kitchen. An old fashioned fireplace was over at the far wall and the floor appeared to be the original period tiles. The only concessions to modern life were the lights around the walls and the ornate modern chandelier hanging from the ceiling.

I heard the sound our heels made on the tiled floor echo around the walls as we followed Anna off to the right hand side of the house. Opening a set of tall, period double doors, we walked into the following room. All I remember next was lots of clapping and then Gina sobbing, it took a while before I could gather my senses to take in the scene. We had walked into an extremely large lounge, still retaining some of its period features. I took in the ceiling cornices and the plaster mouldings which had been artfully lit for effect. I saw the large multi seat sofas arranged around the far end fireplace in front of a massive flat screen TV on the wall. I could see out onto a beautifully mowed lawn leading out into the gardens. The last thing I noticed however were the women standing by the centre table, all clapping and smiling from ear to ear. I noticed helium balloons, with things like “Congratulations” and “Welcome home” written on them. Anna walked over to the women and lifted a champagne bottle. Popping the cork skilfully she poured it into flutes already waiting on the table. Handing round a drink to everybody, Anna cleared her throat and raised her glass,

“I would like to congratulate Gina and Vikki on their engagement. I only let her go for a weekend and she comes back with a fiancee !!”,

everybody laughed at her comment. Holding up her hand she continued,

“It’s high time Gina had some happiness, and I couldn’t be more delighted that she found it with you Vikki. I want to say welcome to your new home also, I really hope that you find some peace with us here. A warm welcome to you as well Valerie, I hope the next week with us succeeds. It would be nice to add you and your skills to our group. To Gina, Vikki, and Valerie !!”.

Everyone repeated the toast and we all sipped our champagne. Then the rest of the household came to Valerie, myself and Gina to congratulate us. The next few minutes passed in a blur of kisses, hugs and stroking fingers. Every woman gushed over Gina’s large engagement ring and both of their lockets. I never got the names right away, but it didn’t matter. I’d have plenty of time to do that in future !!. Moving down to the large sofas we all sat down to talk. Gina sat pressing herself against me on my left, Valerie on my right on one sofa. The girls sat relaxed on the other sofas, leaving Anna the armchair by the lit fire. I looked round at Gina’s housemates, each one of them gorgeous. All dressed casually in an assortment of either jeans and t-shirts, skirt and blouse, or sweatpants and sports top.

It was clear that nobody played the fashion diva here, all was relaxed and low key. Looking at their faces I noticed some had make-up, others went without, or it was subtly done to look that way !. All their faces and figures were striking, I would have instantly pursued any and all of them in my old incarnation as Steve !. Anna saw me look around the room and the girls during the first awkward silence. She smiled and asked me, waving her arm around the group,

“Well !, which ones are they Vikki ?. I saw you look at all the ladies here, were you trying to work out which were the real women ?”.

Taken aback slightly by the question, I’d not noticed Anna watching me so closely. I sipped quickly to gather my thoughts then replied,

“If you mean which ladies have their organs on the inside, I never even considered that. All I thought when I looked round was, not to be rude, but WOW !!. I’ve never been so close to so many gorgeous creatures before, your life here must really agree with you all”.

Another sip while I got into my stride,

“As to your question Anna, I wouldn’t be so crass as to assume that only some of you are “real” women. You’re all women, I suppose I could even include myself now. Some of you have had that decision made genetically, others made it emotionally, or have always felt they see themselves as a woman. Whether the process happened at birth, or through years of hard work, it makes no difference to me. I love my Gina more than life itself, I also love Valerie. Two entirely different people, but to me BOTH real women. I will not treat them any other way, I value them both too much to see them differently. I hope that answers your question ?”.

Anna lifted her glass in a silent salute and smiled over the top,

“It’s true, I was testing you to see if you still saw us as different. I’m glad to hear your answer, I just had to be sure for myself. I’ll let you, or anyone else get on with questions, I’m sure you have a lot to ask !”.

For the next two hours we sat, bouncing questions back and forth. They asked about myself and Gina, naturally !. Valerie came in for her own share of questions too. They all seemed impressed with her skills, and outlook on life and sex. I asked about the house and how things work. Also about the weekend, had they really been watching our porn videos ?. At that they laughed or smiled knowingly. It appeared that our films were evening viewing in the party room over the weekend. The three of us were at the sharp end of some risque comments and double entendres. They all appeared to enjoy the films immensely and were eager to see the real thing in action soon. Talk of the recent weekend and movies seemed to finally break the ice. The rest of the time and champagne was spent chatting about normal matters and plans for my week ahead. Another of them, Denise, asked what I did before I met Gina.

I told them that I spent my time out having fun. If at home I’d spend whole days war gaming in my war room. Not knowing what I meant I asked if anyone has a laptop handy so I could show them. Carol left and soon came back with hers. Typing in a site name, I showed them pictures of war games on a table. I told them I’d spent a lot of time away over the last two and a half years, learning to cook and paint. They relaxed me, I felt they gave me a real reason to keep going. Fielding more questions from the girls Anna eventually asked if I wanted to keep gaming. Telling her yes, she smiled,

“Everybody needs a hobby to unwind”.

Dusk was falling and Gina ended the conversation when she told everyone it was time she showed me our suite. We stood and Gina led myself and Valerie through the far door and down a wide well lit corridor. Turning left I looked down the annexe corridor, this one with doors only down the right hand side. The left side was entirely glass, all the way down to the end. I did notice some sliding patio doors set at regular intervals along the glass wall. Outside I could see a large paved area and right across to the other annexe wing. Sunbeds and seats with tables were spread around the patio outside. I could see a pair of supersized hot tubs under a verandah as well. At the far end of the other wing I saw another building, again the walls were all glass. Inside I could just make out a diving board and see one end of the large swimming pool.

Gina stopped in front of the first door after the elbow turn, looking at me and Valerie she opened the door,

“Here we are darling. OUR suite, I hope you like it”.

We followed Gina inside and looked round. The suite had been painted in shades of light blue, apart from the dark blue main wall behind the headboard. Gina had decided to have wood on the floor. I did notice the lack of radiators, which meant to me there was underfloor heating. I saw the large king sized bed with its blue bedding. Swinging gently from the ceiling above the bed was a dream catcher. Large windows looked out on to the gardens, in front of which was a dresser with make-up and perfume bottles. To one side I could see through to an extremely large walk in closet. The other side led through to a bathroom.

Walking round the suite I looked in the closet to see that Gina had already cleared space for my clothes !. Planning ahead or what ?!. The bathroom was just like the one at our hotel. A double head walk in shower and a large bath at one end. Toilet, bidet and twin sinks toward this end. Expensive tiles and fittings were throughout, giving an impression of opulence, yet still maintaining taste. Valerie looked round with mouth open and eyes wide, she asked Gina,

“Are all the suites like this ?. Or is yours just done differently to the others ?”.

Gina smiled,

“Not at all Valerie, all suites are exactly the same size. Even yours next door, while you stay with us here. If you sleep there at night it’s up to you, but all your things will be put in there for you. If you decide to stay with us for good, then Anna will arrange for some interior designers to talk with you. As a welcome gift she’ll arrange for you to have it decorated however you wish”.

Wanting to lighten the mood, I turned and ran at the bed, then jumped spread eagled to “bomb” the bed. As I landed I laughed out loud then turned onto my back, looking at the others. They stood with mouths open,

“I needed to test the bed babe !, at least test the mattress anyway. I thought it would be fun. I’ve not done this since I was still at school. Don’t tell me you’ve never done it yourself ?”.

I saw her face change, a slow smile crept across it and her eyes flashed. Kicking off her shoes Gina ran at the bed and jumped right on top of me. She landed and I was instantly surrounded by the dark cloak of her hair. Light was blocked out by it and she breathed softly in my ear,

“I do this now and again because it’s nice to be silly. But don’t worry my love, tonight we WILL test the mattress properly to welcome you home”. Before I could reply we both heard a cry of,

“Geronimo !!”,

and the bed sagged again as Valerie joined us, the three of us tangled in a heap. Both of them then proceeded to attack me, tickling me relentlessly before I could escape their clutches and claw my way to the edge of the bed. I managed to stand and looked down at the pair of them. Both kept laughing as they continued to tickle and tease each other. We all looked round when we heard a knock at the door, it was Anna, wanting to know if we’d like the packages brought in. Telling her yes, and we’d be there to help in a minute, she left. Straightening our clothing we returned to the lounge where we saw the girls waiting by the hall door. Taking out my car key fob I walked to the front door and pressed the button. They followed me to the rear of the car and helped carry packages into our bedroom. Valerie’s things were placed in her suite as well. Anna was the last to leave, putting her head round the door she told us that coffee was being made in the kitchen and would we like a cup ?.

Leaving the packages stacked on the bed and floor we went next door to Valerie. We found her in the middle of the large bedroom, looking round with a stunned expression. I asked what’s wrong, having to ask twice before I got a reply,

“This is insane !. This entire suite is for me ?, and Anna will PAY for it to be decorated how I wish ?. Do you realise that the bathroom alone is much bigger than my accommodation back at the hotel !!. Now you tell me that she’ll give me all this AND a big contract to work as your own live in physio ?. Pinch me please !, I must be dreaming”.

Walking over I pinched her backside, hard !. Making her yelp, I told her,

“No dream Valerie, it’s all real and hopefully all yours. All you have to do is spend this week having the best time of your life. Fit in with the women here and you’ll have a new home too. If Anna wants you here, then you’ll be here for good !”.

Telling her that we’ve got coffee on the go in the kitchen, the three of us went back the way we came and walked round into the large kitchen diner. Sitting at the large table with the rest we were handed a coffee, then Anna asked me if there was anything I wanted to know. Thinking while I sipped my drink I asked about the other girls, their professions. In turn they all explained to myself and Valerie how the house functions and their part in it. Valerie asked about nights out and the club. They all smiled at that question, Anna chose to reply herself,

“It’s a club we go to when we fancy a girls night. Lots of lovely ladies, and “girls” like us, but strictly no men !. We drink, we dance, have a karaoke sing now and again. Sometimes we might come home with an extra “guest” or two. Then the party continues in the bedrooms !. I have a business stake in the club with its owner Brandi, her staff know all of us and who we are”.

Feeling my stomach growl told me it must be time for food. So I asked how meal times work here. They replied it’s a communal effort, everybody pitches in with cooking. We just decide in advance what we’re going to have the next night. Lunches and breakfast you take care of yourself. Marina let me know it was lasagne that night, so we all moved over to the kitchen side and started getting the evening meal ready. It may have been a group effort, but the food that night was great. Sitting round the table afterwards, we finished off our wine making small talk. Catching Gina’s eye I asked if it was time to unpack all those boxes and put the clothes away. Laughing she told me not to bother, we can just open something tomorrow morning. The rest could be put away later on. In ones and twos we returned to the lounge and got comfy on the sofas. It was getting dark outside but it felt nice sitting in the dark. Someone switched on the TV and scrolled through to the films list. A good natured discussion about what to watch went back and forth before we agreed on Iron Man.

Lighting was adjusted to intimate levels, wine glasses topped up and we watched the film. Gina kept pressing against my body and stroking my thigh. Valerie joined in and did the same on my other leg. I thought we had some privacy, but I could see the other women look across now and again and smile. Gina snuggled her head against my shoulder and whispered,

“When this film ends, you, me and Valerie if she wants to, are going back to OUR bed. I sooooo want to christen it with you !!. I want to feel you deep inside me, and I want to make love to you too”.

Valerie had heard this whispered comment, and added,

“Don’t forget me !. I need both of your girl cocks in ALL my holes before I go to sleep tonight”.

All I could do was simultaneously stroke Gina and Valerie along their thighs. Reaching the top I felt Gina was already hardening and Valerie wriggled against my probing fingers, moaning gently to herself. Wishing for the film to end I sat and slowly felt both of my ladies get more aroused. I knew we were going to have some serious action in a while. Eventually the film ended and Gina told the group it was time to retire for the night as it had been a long hard day. As the three of us left we heard someone laugh that it wouldn’t be the only thing “long and hard”. Valerie heard this as well, without turning round she called back,

“I hope so, OHHH GOD I HOPE SO !!!!!”.

Holding hands as we walked down the dimly lit corridor we all heard the others laugh and wish us good night. Gina closed her window blinds, adjusted the bedroom lighting then shut the door. At the foot of the bed we stood looking at each other. We could see the desire written on each other’s faces, but we waited for someone to take the initiative.

Valerie cracked first. With a soft moan she crossed to Gina, turned her face up to kiss her gently and at the same time slipped both hands round to rub her ass cheeks. Watching the pair kiss in the soft lighting was getting me more excited, so I quietly moved to behind Valerie. Pressing my body against hers, so she was between Gina and myself, I reached around and started undoing the buttons on her top. I was half way down Valerie’s shirt before Gina realised I’d joined in. She switched her hands from Valerie’s body to her trousers where she started on the zip and catch. Both of us were undressing her. Gina kissing her gently, and me kissing the back of her neck. Valerie was making low soft moans in her throat as we slowly stripped her. She was also hanging on to Gina to keep herself from falling.

The last button on her shirt opened and I slowly pulled it back over her shoulders. This now left her caged breasts ripe for attention. Sliding my hands up her ribcage I cupped her breasts from below, feeling their softness and weight. Valerie purred and settled further back against my body. Holding her gorgeous orbs in my palms I used my fingers to stretch upwards and slowly drift across the sheer surface of her bra. I could feel her breasts, hot and inviting, the nipples already erect as I slowly stroked my thumbs across them. Again Valerie moaned into Gina’s mouth as they kissed.

Wanting to gain unfettered access to her, I pulled Valerie’s shirt down her arms and slipped it off, throwing it onto a chair. Valerie moaned again when I resumed my stroking of her breasts with my fingers. I also went back to gently kissing and nibbling the back of her neck. Gina used this opportunity to drop to her knees and slip the trousers from Valerie’s legs, leaving her in the sheer underwired bra and increasingly moist panties. We could smell her arousal spreading around the room, a musky aroma of her pheromones. With Gina already on her knees, we simultaneously started on the remaining cover between her body and ourselves. I brought my hands round to the back of the bra to unfasten it, at the same time Gina slowly ran her fingers in the sides of Valerie’s panties. Knowing what we intended to do, and wanting it to happen herself, Valerie groaned a low “YESSS” when her bra opened and her wet panties slipped down past her knees.

With the last of her clothes removed we left Valerie standing in the soft lighting of our bedroom. She stood with eyes closed and her mouth slightly open, head to one side. Her hands were stroking her body slowly of their own accord, legs spread apart and juices starting to run down her thighs. I looked over to Gina and our eyes latched onto each others. With a single look we both moved to Valerie, picked her up and carried her to the bed, where we placed her gently. I stood back and looked to Gina again, beckoning her over with a shake of my head. She came round and looked at me, wanting to know what I had planned. Thinking we would have a little fun I wolfishly grinned and told her, loud enough for Valerie to eavesdrop !,

“I think we should have a little fun before bed. Why don’t we BOTH fuck every hole in this slut, bury ourselves right down to the root !. Choke her with girl cock !, fuck her until she screams !, then take turns sodomising her. When she’s had enough, we let her choose where she wants us to cum”.

Gina thought about my idea, then the same grin crept over her face. We both looked round to Valerie to see her response. It would seem that she wanted it too from her current actions. She was on her knees with legs spread wide apart, her head down on the duvet and face to one side. Right now she had her eyes closed and her mouth was open, breath escaping in quick gasps !. The fingers of both hands were buried in her two holes. Three fingers were thrust in her rectum, spreading her anus to epic dimensions. Her other hand was buried up to the thumb knuckle in an attempt to fist herself. Juices were running in streams down her thighs and arm. Gina and I exchanged another look and quickly undressed. Clothes were thrown around the floor and we both leapt onto the bed together. Valerie’s body was thrown about as we landed, putting her off her stride. Removing her fingers and looking up at the pair of us, she implored us with her eyes,

“PLEEEEEAASE, just for tonight, abuse me like a cheap slut. Fuck my holes raw, bugger me into another dimension. Ram your cocks down my throat and make me gag. Fill me with cum and make me beg for mercy !”.

Taking her at her word I lined my ramrod hard cock up with her pouting, moist lips. Gina nestled into position behind her and aimed her girl cock at Valerie’s pussy. With another exchanged glance we both began to slip into our choice of holes. Both of us closed our eyes and sighed in pleasure, Valerie on the other hand made a sound somewhere between desperation and sheer lust. Even though myself and Gina had taken Valerie on multiple occasions over the last weekend, it still amazed me how easily Valerie could assume the personality of complete cock slut. Capable of deeply emotional, satisfying sex with one or more partners one moment. The next occasion, capable of turning into an utterly depraved slut with no inhibitions. In either case, someone who gives themselves to the sensations and lust, willing to fuck without pressure or regret.

Gina slipped in until she was buried full length, then stopped and gasped in pleasure at the sensations she was feeling. I lifted Valerie’s head to the right angle, then drove my cock right down her throat in one slow movement. Valerie coughed and tried to back away, but Gina drove into her, pushing her face back down my cock. I could feel Valerie move her tongue around the underside of my weapon, brushing from side to side. All the time she was lubricating it, making it easier for me to drive in and out of her throat. Propping herself up with one arm, she used her other hand to tease her nipples non stop. She pulled them between her thumb and forefinger, twisting them around and pulling them about.

All the time myself and Gina drove into our target orifice Valerie was making moans and gurgles in her throat. She would gulp in a large lungful of air when I pulled back to just my helmet. This left her face and my cock slippery with saliva, ribbons of it dripping onto the bed as I fucked her face. Wanting to tease Valerie further I asked Gina how her hole felt, starting a casual conversation as we abused her. Gina looked up, drove in hard which made Valerie scream around my own well buried cock, then replied,

“You have to try this hole next darling. I’ve got the slut SOOO wet it’s like fucking hot silk, she’s dripping juice all over the place. I think it’s time to make her cum, I’ll just flick her clit for a while as I bury myself balls deep. How does the slut’s throat feel ?”.

Valerie chose that moment to cum for the first time. Whether it was being casually talked about as she gets taken like a cheap whore, or the thought of Gina attacking her clit, we never knew. We saw the result however !. Valerie started to shake and whine in her throat, her arms and legs jerking uncontrollably. We heard though as she squirted all over Gina’s thighs behind her, her body still twitching through the orgasm. I looked down at her face, streaked with saliva, reddened from being face fucked and replied to Gina,

“This end is just as good babe. Her throat feels so tight, I love driving slowly down it as she gags on my cock. I do think though that it’s time for the next hole, shall we go round and fuck this slut another way ?”.

Gina agreed with me so we both withdrew from Valerie, she fell to the bed gasping for breath and moaning weakly. Before she knew what was happening I had slipped beneath her and placed her legs astride my waist. Taking my cock by the base I lined it up with her open cunt and pulled her down onto me. As she felt me enter her, her eyes opened and focused on me. She managed to smile weakly and just let out a weak,

“Yes, fuck me more!”.

When she had taken all my cock I pulled her tight to me and waited for Gina. I felt her scoop up some loose lubrication and then run her helmet around Valerie’s anus. Knowing what was coming Valerie shot off into another orgasm, I had to keep a tight hold unless she’d escape my grip. Telling her to look at me I watched her expression change as Gina slipped her length into her rectum until I felt her sac on my legs. Valerie emitted a silent scream and her eyes rolled back in her head. Gina pulled back and then rammed in forcefully, setting up a strong rhythm. I opted for a more gentle action. Valerie could not adapt to what was occurring, no way to predict or await the onslaught. At times both of us pulled out, other times one going out the other going in. Sometimes we both drove into her at the same time. These were the strokes that made Valerie scream and writhe in my arms. The tight full feeling created when myself and Gina drove our thick solid weapons into her flesh. At last Valerie was having a series of orgasms, one receding and flowing directly into the next. No pause for her to recover and prepare for the next stage. Gina and myself fucked her holes for a good ten minutes. On and on we drove until we felt it was time to change. At an agreed signal we both withdrew, leaving Valerie wide open on the bed between us.

Gina moved to Valerie’s head and I took her place between those luscious cheeks. Telling Valerie it was time for her to decide where she wanted us to cum, I gripped her by the hips. Aiming my cock head at her anus I rammed balls deep in one stroke. Valerie was still gaping open but the shock of my entry made her gasp and jump with shock. Gina took this opportunity to slip her cock, lubricated by Valerie’s cunt juices and ass into her mouth, then onwards down the throat. Setting up the same heavy strokes that Gina used I started ramming my full length up Valerie’s rectum again and again. Gina was driving hers down Valerie’s throat, using her lips to clean off the juices and slime. Valerie was still multi orgasmic, firing her body from one into the next. Gina and I watched her body twitch and jump as she flowed through them. We listened to her moans and screams when the next one hit. Eventually Valerie held up a hand and shook it from side to side. We’d fucked her to a full stop !!.

We pulled out and looked at what we’d done to her. Her hair was a total mess, eyes bloodshot and red from crying. Face covered in saliva and cock slime. Mouth wide open and chest gasping for air as she rubbed her well fucked throat. I looked between her legs and could see her anus wide open, the muscle making no effort to close. Her pussy lips a deep red and open themselves. It took five minutes before she could speak. In a low raspy voice she asked us both to cum in her mouth, then take her to her bed so she could sleep. Kneeling either side of her head we started to stroke ourselves, the slits pointed at Valerie’s lips. Faster and faster we moved our fists up and down the slick skin of our cocks. Valerie still rubbing her throat but looking from helmet to helmet and licking her lips.

Gina came first !. A series of short gasps escaped her mouth and then her cock fired five times over Valerie’s lips, nose, eyes and into her open mouth. The sight was all I needed and I came also. Still pulling away I fired into her open mouth and over her eyes and forehead. When we had both finished, Gina and I used our softening cocks to smear the cum around Valerie’s face. She, on the other hand used her fingers and tongue to collect what she could into her mouth. We watched as she swirled around our combined cum, then loudly swallowed. Not wanting to waste a chance like this Gina and myself dropped down and spent several minutes licking all the smeared cum from Valerie’s face until she was clean.

Now that it was over I wanted to ensure Valerie was OK. Getting her a glass of water she thirstily gulped half, then sipped the rest while she recovered. Gina and I must have both shown our concern because Valerie told us she felt much better now and had thoroughly enjoyed being abused. It was her dark fantasy every now and again, to be just taken physically like some cheap whore. Used and fucked repeatedly until she had enough. We sat with her between us on the bed until she felt strong enough to move. We both walked her next door into her room and gently settled her in the large bed. Letting her know we’d wake her in the morning with a coffee we both kissed her goodnight, turned off the lights and closed the door behind us.

Back in our bed Gina asked if I wanted some more fun, my smile and wandering fingers gave my reply. She crawled up my body until we were face to face, only millimetres apart. We started to kiss gently, just as lovers would in the seclusion of their own bed. Light kisses on lips, moving over each others eyes and ears, then back again. This time with more emotion, lips parting so tongues could touch, then chase each other around in a pleasurable game of follow the leader. Hands had now joined in, slowly stroking arms and neck. Switching my attention to Gina’s neck I traced a series of light kisses up and down it from ear to shoulder, then back again. This drew soft sighs from her lips and she pulled me tighter to her warm body.

The pleasurable game continued until Gina broke away and leant back on her arms. Looking down at my face I could see the fire burning in her eyes. She smiled sweetly, flashing her teeth then licked along her lower lip. Fixing me with those beautiful green eyes Gina asked me how I would like to make love, my answer was simple. I pulled her down onto me and kissed her again, my legs opening to lift them around her hips. I whispered in her ear,

“Like this tonight my darling, with you on top. I want you to fuck me deep and fill me with your cream as you look in my eyes. Then I can sleep happy until the morning. I’ll have my turn tomorrow night. Now !!…… love me please !!”.

With a barely audible moan Gina rocked back on her ankles and stroked her girl cock until it stood proud, pre cum dripping from the slit. Smearing it around with her thumb Gina used one hand to line it up with my pussy entrance, the other arm taking her weight. I saw her start to move, then felt the delicious sensation as her warm helmet slowly opened my passage. Holding there to get properly balanced Gina slowly slid the rest into my rectum. I felt every gorgeous inch as it slipped inside me. The soft skin, but still hot and solid as steel. On Gina dove down until her groin touched my cheeks. I had taken every inch in one beautiful stroke and felt full as I could sense her twitch inside my bowels. I raised my knees further and crossed my ankles behind her back, placing my hands on her shoulders I begged her to fuck me and let me feel every inch of it !.

Gina started to rock her hips back and forth in a slow sensual rhythm. Pulling her length out to just the tip, then driving it all back in sooooooo slowly. My anus began to sting from her movements, a hot delicious sensation. One that I knew I would never tire of wanting to enjoy, especially from my beloved Gina. Her movements were driving the air from my body in constant thumps. I heard myself gasping and grunting when she drove into me, the sound adding to the pleasure. My fingers started to grip her shoulders tighter, if I had nails they would be drawing blood soon. Gina’s speed increased, along with both our breathing, my heels tapping on her back. Almost as if I was urging a horse to go faster, taking my lead Gina accelerated even more.

Sweat was on her face and arms with the exertions, I felt her skin slick and soft as I stroked up and down her back. My ankles trying to maintain their purchase around her back. My anus and rectum were now burning with the speed of her fucking but I wanted her to continue. If anything I wanted it harder and faster, an almost primal need for her to rut like some wild creature as she drove into me. I could see in her eyes the concentration, the desire to last longer and prolong the sensations. By now all I wanted was for her to fuck me as I needed it, then cum deep in me. Looking Gina straight in the eye I begged her,

“DO IT NOOOWWWW !!. Cum for me darling, please !. I need your cum inside me”.

Gina accelerated even faster and rammed into me for another minute, then gave a loud cry of relief. Her arms gave way and she dropped onto my body, her breasts digging their stiff nipples into my own chest. I felt her massive cock jump and then pulse as it pumped its thick load into my bowels. I could feel the movement as each shot pulsed its way along her cock, before exploding into my ass pussy. Gina lay there gasping as she slowed down, then stopped, her cock beginning to soften. Falling off me to the side Gina lay there gasping while I felt my pussy slowly close before all her cum leaked from me. Leaning over Gina I kissed around her face to thank her. She turned to face me, kissed me again and told me as she switched the light off,

“Get some sleep darling. Tomorrow you have to start all your legal things rolling with Anna. She’ll explain everything, it’s another busy day tomorrow”.

Bright light filtered in through the open window. Between it, and the slow waving of the blinds, the flashing strobe effect was enough to rouse me. Stretching my arms out wide in the warm bed I soon noticed I was alone, Gina was not here !. Making myself comfy against the pillows I settled back and closed my eyes to wait her return. At the same time I ran through the last seventy two crazy hours in my head. What started originally as a simple overnight hotel rendezvous with Gina, something to find out if we really had something between us. Rapidly, this morphed in turn into a full blown relationship, and now an engagement. Not to mention, bringing along another sexual partner to join us. Lying back in the plush pillows of Gina’s bed I thought about my now evidently open feelings for her.

Mmmm, my darling Gina !. The amazing, sensuous woman who had turned my sad lonely insular world upside down. A heavenly creature who convinced me to take the final step on this route and become Vikki. A woman who had the face and body to make the gods cry with jealousy !. Closing my eyes, I conjured a picture of her while I waited. Long jet black hair, naturally straight and all the way down to below the waist. Stunning, opal green eyes and that sweet little nose. They led your gaze to those luscious Angelina Jolie style full lips. A mouth which had given me so much pleasure the last few days. Also, one which could reduce me to a whimpering wreck with a simple smile.

Then on, down the slim swan neck to her body, the sculpted figure of a goddess. Breasts sitting high on her chest, firm and oh so large !. Pushing together and producing a towering cleavage which cried for attention and always got noticed over the last few days. This immense platform only emphasised her amazing narrow waist and taut stomach, which in turn swept out to head turning hips and buttocks. All this beauty was in turn balanced upon those everlasting legs of hers. Firm thighs and shapely calves below the knees. The final delicious result being a glorious one hundred and eighty seven centimeters barefoot, of sheer female perfection. A woman who made me physically ache with longing when I saw her. A woman who has decided, for reasons of her own, to join her life with mine permanently !.

I knew from our previous times talking, at first chatting online then by skype. Even from the later intimate phone calls, that Gina was an intensely passionate girl. Someone searching for something permanent in her life. I naively thought this relationship would evolve over time. I never considered she was ready emotionally to make the leap in the first two days !. As I lay there in our large bed and thought about it, I realised Gina was right. There was absolutely nothing to prevent us declaring our feelings so early. It made no difference whatsoever whether we declared our love publicly within days, or took weeks and even months to do it !. What happened was between us, and would proceed as WE dictated. I was just a little stunned at how fast we had moved. It all grew so quickly over the last three days, to the current situation of effectively “moving in” with my fiancee.

Thinking about it on those terms brought a smile. So I lay back, with the smile still there and enjoyed the morning silence. My quiet time didn’t last long. Ten minutes later the door opened and Gina came in with a cup in her hand. Looking at me, I received one of her amazing smiles when she realised I was awake. The effect hit me like a lance through my soul, I could only lie there and be glad that her attention and love was solely for me. Handing me the cup, Gina ruffled my hair then said,

“Good morning darling, my turn to say I love you !!. You’re awake early. I was wondering if I’d have to wake you up. Here’s coffee to get you going, sit and drink while I explain your first day. ………..After breakfast you’ll see Anna to set everything in motion. Valerie will follow afterwards for her talk, by then it should be near lunchtime. This afternoon I’ll show you around the house and gardens. We can talk with the girls and sort out which activities you wish to start this week. After all that, maybe relax before dinner. Is that alright with you ?”.

Letting Gina know it was all fine, we sat, kissed and chatted as I drank my coffee. Putting the empty cup down I told her it’s morning shower time and then we can get dressed for the day ahead. On my way to the shower Gina told me she’d lay out an outfit as she had plans for later on. Wondering what she had in mind, I strolled into our walk in shower and turned the water on, waiting for it to get good and hot. Satisfied with the water temperature I started my morning preparations. These were interrupted minutes after I’d started when I felt two arms wrap around me from behind. Next, I felt light kisses flutter up and down the back of my neck as Gina joined me under the steaming hot flow.

Relaxing, I leant back and felt her breasts, with pierced nipples hardening, press into my upper back. She gently steered me right under the water and held me from behind as water sprayed the pair of us. I stood and let it beat down on my head and body, the heat and pressure slowly working their magic to relax me. The steam rising from below and obscuring movement in the shower booth. I saw the vague form of Gina moving around me in the swirling mist, and next felt her hands as she began to carefully scrub my back with a rough wash cloth. She proceeded slowly, to prolong the pleasure and sensations. After each part of my body was finished Gina moved me around so the water would rinse away the soap suds. It went on until my shower was finished. I sensed that she had completed her efforts, so I turned to face her in the rising steam.

Returning the favour I took the wash cloth and lathered it up. Carrying on where Gina left off I treated her to a slow, loving, full body wash. Taking extreme care to wash and caress her erogenous areas tenderly. Finally I spent the last part of our time washing her long black hair as she sat on the small shower bench. Eventually we stood under the pounding water spray, clean and more aroused than earlier. Using both hands I brought her face down to mine and I kissed her under the water flow. Both of us giggled when we shared a wet kiss and we stepped to the side, where I slowly brought us both down to our knees.

We stared into each others eyes through the steam, seeing the arousal we had stirred in the other. Raising a hand, I stroked down her cheek with the back of my fingers gently. Gina closed her eyes and we both moaned in our throats at this simple gesture of affection. Moving my hand around to the back of her neck I pulled Gina’s lips down to my own. I kissed her quickly, running the tip of my tongue along her lower lip. Gina reacted by bringing her arms up to my head, holding it at both sides. She looked in my eyes and then kissed me violently, mashing her lips against mine. Reacting just as strongly myself I dragged her against me, keeping our kiss going as we fell to the floor. We rolled around on the wet floor in the falling water and steam, kissing each other deeply and trying to pin the other on their back.

Giggling and laughing, we teased and kissed each other as we rolled in the mist. Both of us slipping a leg between the other’s in an attempt to to flip them over. Knowing I was physically so much stronger than her, even with her height advantage, I “let” Gina pin me on my back. This was out of curiosity to find out what she had planned !. She lay still on my wet smooth chest, her own heaving with excitement and the exertions, and rising most agreeably as she breathed !. Looking down at me with a fierce stare she smiled and started to writhe her body slowly around on my own. I let my fingers and hands roam her supple body.

Her wet hot skin was naturally arousing, I simply adored the feel of her silky smooth body. Those firm breasts, the slim waist and flat stomach, those amazing hips and backside which screamed to be caressed. Inevitably, with the mutual rubbing around of our wet slick bodies, we both noticed the slow physical stirring in the other. Gina spoke for the first time since entering the shower,

“I can feel you have something getting bigger darling, what shall we do to start such a lovely day ?”.

I thought for a minute and replied, whispering it into her ear. Gina looked down at me and slowly that smile crept again across her face,

“I like it. YES, I like it a lot, let’s do it !!”.

Rolling off me, Gina got up on her knees and waited for me to do the same thing. I watched through the steam and falling water as she waited for me to join her. Shuffling forward until we were touching knees I grabbed the bottle of body lotion and squirted a good handful. With it I lathered up Gina’s swelling girly clit until it was soapy, hot, and ready for action. As usual she felt wonderful in my hand, solid as steel yet smooth as silk. The skin throbbing to my touch as I worked the soap around its surface and springy head. Gina in turn squeezed out a handful and used it to lather up my weapon. Her small fingers worked their wonders over my cock skin, gently and skilfully smoothing the soap around to cover the entire surface. When both were good and slippery we shuffled even closer together until we were groin to groin.

Our two weapons now slick and smooth, we brought them together. From their base, all the way up to the glans, our weapons touching so we made one double headed cock. I felt an immediate electrical jolt at the feel of Gina’s pole touching mine. This was the first time they’d been brought together, but I knew it was only the start of new exciting pleasures to come. We took our left hands and gripped around both slippery weapons, our fingers and thumbs just touching as we wrapped them around the throbbing cocks. Slowly we started to work our hands up and down. It took time but eventually we were matching our strokes, masturbating both simultaneously.

Maintaining a loose grip, just enough to feel the pressure, we continued stroking up and down. By now we were touching our foreheads together and gazing into the other’s eyes. Gauging the stroke tempo, we slowly worked up to the inevitable climax we both wanted. I concentrated on the feel of Gina’s large clit as it rubbed agonizingly against my own. The burning heat of it, its silky smooth feel and its size as it brushed, dragged, jumped and twitched next to mine in our clasped hands. Both of us making small cries and moans to show our pleasure. The heightened emotions being created by touching two large erect weapons at once, and having them touch each other as well.

I felt the power of the moment, of both person’s pleasure now dependant upon me and knowing Gina experienced the same thing. I also felt the inherent compliment of an erect weapon in my hand. It being so solid, hard, smooth and yet so hot just because of me. The implied message that it was ultimately intended to be buried deep in my body until it spat cum inside me. All this flashed through my mind in seconds but the importance of it remained. Taking a good hold with Gina we slowly increased our strokes, making our bodies continue to jump, knowing that soon cum would fly.

We both watched the other for now familiar signs announcing an approaching orgasm. Gina could no doubt hear me getting short of breath, and I could see that her thighs were making little twitching movements. Steam rose around us as we knelt in the shower, but we only had our senses on the moment. Without needing to tell the other we both increased our stroking again, our hands rising and falling faster and faster on the wet hot skin of our combined girl cocks. Still touching foreheads we raced each other to the finish line, arriving within seconds of each other. I felt Gina’s clit swell in my fingers, the skin pulsing its length as her first shot of cum rose up it before erupting into the steam of the shower. I watched it rise through the mist and arc towards my body, striking my left hand side just below the collarbone.

My first shot came mere seconds after hers. We both saw it fly towards Gina and hit her left breast above the nipple. Both of us carried on stroking as more shots erupted from both girl clits. We were solely fixed on the spitting, two headed cock between us, shooting double ropes of cum into the air. It briefly looked like fireworks being fired on Bonfire Night, shots arcing left and right. Passing between each other or touching, to merge into a collective stream of cum which hit somewhere on either body. The residue of our cum left to ooze from the slits and slide down over our fingers as we continued to masturbate our touching girl cocks. Finally we slowed stroking and our shots ceased, we each took a deep breath and looked at the mess we’d created.

Both our bodies were splattered with cum above the waist. Gina’s breasts and flat stomach were peppered with streaks of our juices as they hit her and spread over the skin. My own body was no less covered in cum, some even making its way up to my left cheek, where it hung. With the exertions over, the moment passed and we slowly came back down. All that remained was to clean each other up, something I think we both anticipated with pleasure. The next few minutes were spent in total silence as we scooped, sucked and licked all the cum from each other’s body. Gina laughed as she licked the last of the cum off my cheek from her finger, then looked at me,

“After that I think we need another shower !, under the water again and NO messing around this time darling !”.

Helping each other to stand we moved back under the flow of hot water, where we spent another ten minutes washing,……………….again !!. Turning off the shower we left to dry our bodies before returning to our bedroom, where I looked to see what Gina had picked for me to wear. On the bed lay a short dark green pleated skirt, next to a lighter green top with long sleeves and wide collar. On that lay a white push up bra and white high hip panties. Dressing clumsily, (I was still getting used to it !!), I watched as Gina dressed in something similar. Walking over to a dresser she removed something, before turning to me with two butt plugs and a tube of lube in her hand. Waving them around she smiled then said,

“Bend over, drop ’em and spread ’em darling. Time to put the plug in !”.

Bending over as asked, I watched as she approached with one and lubed it before slowly inserting the plug with a slow twist. It “popped” past my anal ring and sat there all slick and cold. I could not ignore the pleasant feeling though as it sat inside me. Gina inserted her own and then she asked if I was ready for breakfast. Holding hands as we walk round into the kitchen. I could feel the plug inside me as I walked along. I found myself clenching my muscles to try and increase the feelings it generated. We saw the rest of the girls already sat and eating. Most still in pyjamas and dressing gowns, but Anna sat in her usual place, ready for the day ahead. They greeted us with a mixture of smiles and whistles at us holding hands, we simply smiled back and walked to the kitchen. Gina asked what I wanted, then we worked together, getting our breakfasts.

We sat with the others and joined in the light hearted morning banter as we ate. I’d finished my cornflakes and was half way through the boiled eggs and toast before Anna asked me when would be a good time to start things in her office. Checking my watch I told her that nine would be fine, which we agreed, she let me know to join her then. Breakfast over I asked about Valerie. Getting no sightings from anyone yet, I made a coffee and walked back to our wing with Gina. She knocked politely on the door before entering, with me following behind.

Inside we could see Valerie still asleep in bed, turned onto her left side and a smile on her face. I went to the window and opened the blinds. Gina leant over Valerie and kissed her quickly, then stroked her cheek. Valerie muttered to herself and turned over. Gina looked round at me, smiled, then slipped her hand under the duvet. After a few seconds Valerie woke with a yelp. It would seem Gina thought it was funny to wake Valerie by slipping a finger right up her rectum. She wiped her eyes and then focused on us two by the bed. Once her brain had kicked into gear she smiled, then sniffed the air. Passing her the coffee we both kissed her good morning and told her the day’s plans.

Sipping her drink she asked a few questions to get it all correct, then told us she would meet us in the kitchen. Gina asked what Valerie wanted, we left and waited for her. She swept in wearing a thin cotton blue dress and flat soled shoes, the empty cup in her hand and a big smile on her face. We talked about today and what we might do later on until it was time for me to see Anna. Gina told Valerie to wait, then walked me through the house until we were at Anna’s office door. I knocked and walked in, Gina kissed me quickly and let me know she’d see me later. She walked back out, closing the door behind her.

Anna rose from her seat, came over and kissed me, before showing me to the chair by the desk. Today she had on a blue top and a long white skirt to her ankles, hair brushed to the left and held in place with two clips. Just like yesterday she looked gorgeous. Back in her chair she looked at me for a few seconds before speaking,

“This shouldn’t take too long Vikki. I know Gina’s waiting to show you round the whole house and grounds, but this does really need to be started today”.

With that, she placed in front of me an official form. I read it and immediately understood what it meant. I looked through the whole form and was surprised to find it had been completed, except for the section dealing with my new name. Looking at Anna, she saw my expression and told me simply,

“I got these forms last week, I thought it prudent to be prepared for all eventualities. Just fill in the sections relating to your NEW name, then sign it. I’ll witness it and we can get the ball rolling today !!. After this comes back with your new legal name, we will be able to go on and change the name on ALL your other documents. We can make a list now so you can get them all together”.

For ten minutes I dictated to Anna a list of all other documents and policies which will need to be updated. Checking the form one last time, I filled in the section of the Change Name by Deed Poll form with my new names, signed it and gave it to Anna for her to witness. She looked at the names I chose and smiled. Putting the forms back in the supplied envelope it was placed in the tray for outgoing mail. Anna relaxed then and asked me why I chose those particular names. I held back emotions as I told her that my new names, Vikki Lorraine, were my mother’s names but reversed !. Anna nodded, understanding what it meant to me, and stroked my hand. She smiled and brought things round to lighter matters. We spoke more about my life and what I might wish do in future. I told her,

“I don’t have a profession like Gina or the others, but I enrolled at a catering college and learnt to cook. I’m also a reasonable artist. I decided I’d like to learn to paint, so I got myself art lessons and have started painting at home. With all my time, I finally made some positive life changing decisions.”.

After this we talked about Gina and myself. Back on safe ground it was easy for me to relax, which let Anna see just how I felt about my soulmate. Before I knew it our time was up, so I asked Anna would she mind if I make a request to the girls at lunch. Curious, she made no objection, so I left and went to find Gina and Valerie. Walking back through the lounge I saw nobody, but heard Gina’s voice from down the corridor to our suite. I found them in our walk in closet, they had started to unpack and put away all my clothing. Gina spotted me by the door and realised it was time for Valerie to see Anna. Before they left Gina told me she’d be back soon and we can carry on here until lunchtime. Looking at what they’d accomplished I noticed it was all laid out in a simple, easy to follow pattern. Skirts, dresses and coats to one side. Tops, trousers and shoes arranged on the right. Underwear and lingerie in drawers in the middle. All these further broken down by length, then colour, from light to dark.

Carrying on I unpacked the rest of the boxes and bags, laying it all out on the bed. Gina returned not long after and we soon put the rest away. Collecting together the empty wrappings, we put it all out ready for recycling. Back in the suite, Gina fell on the bed and sighed in relief, her eyes closed. Deciding that a quick break would be nice I climbed on and sprawled across her body, my hands by her face. We looked into each other’s eyes briefly, then I dropped down and ran the tip of my tongue across Gina’s lips. Putting my face next to hers I whispered in her ear,

“I’ve spoken with Anna, and I have something to ask all of you at lunch. We have an hour or so before then I think. What would you like to do, honey ?”.

Turning my head so she could look at me, Gina grinned, then kissed me. Her tongue crept between her lips and started to burrow its way between mine. As we kiss, our tongues now wrestling, we get more animated. Trying to slip my leg between Gina’s knees I attempt to turn her onto her back. In turn, she giggles while we embrace and brings her longer legs into play. Using her right leg as a lever she slowly turns over to her left side. Her arms wrapped round my shoulders, I realise I’m helpless to this attack. Her giggle gets more throaty and sensual as Gina realises she will win this round. This tactic of hers forces me to stay with her and eventually I’m on my back.

Suddenly I’m pinned under her body, unable to move or escape. But being totally honest, who the hell would want to escape this “torture !!”. She lies on top of me, her full weight holding me down, legs apart so I can’t try to lever my way out and pin her down. The heavenly body of hers holds my top half to the duvet, her arms wrapped round my neck. Gina starts to kiss my neck, little pecks that move from one side to the other. Butterfly kisses that soon increase in tempo to include small nips with her teeth. All through this I find myself stroking her face and gently moaning. The light blocked out by her hair, thrown all around my head and the bed cover. Again Gina escalates things by biting my neck, this time crying under her breath as she clamps down on my skin.

I feel her sucking in, putting another mark on her territory as she sucks deeper. I feel the teeth digging in, maybe this time she’ll draw blood in the passion of the event. I hear the cries when she releases me and the hardening of her nipples, Gina is working herself into play mode, AND I LOVE IT !!!!!. Thinking it’s high time for me to make a move, I quickly bring my arms around the back of her neck. Turning her head I use my whole tongue and slowly lick upwards from her collarbone to her earlobe. At which point I suck it into my mouth then lick in small circles with the tip of my tongue. She jumps at the feel of my tongue and moans into my neck, her breath hot on my skin. Her fingers dig into me when I suck her earlobe and she starts to gyrate on my body. By now she’s getting really excited, I can feel it start to grow and fatten against my thigh and I’m certain she can feel my own against her body.

In our wrestling my skirt has ridden up my thighs, exposing panties and the hardening growth within. Running my hands down her back to her skirt I slowly raise it until our panty clad groins are rubbing together. Now I caress both Gina’s cheeks in my hands, feeling them move under the material and fingers. A slight moan breaks from her mouth as she runs her lips up my neck. For the next half hour we make out with each other like a pair of randy teens. Tongues searching for the other and straining when they meet. Hands running the length of our bodies as we move around on the bed. Gina had brought her legs up to crouch over my body, effectively pinning me to the bed and restricting my movements.

Both of us were lost in the passion as we kissed and sucked on each other’s exposed neck. I chose not to mark Gina as she had done to me. It seemed unfair to ruin such beauty with a love bite. Everybody knew the love we had for the other, so I didn’t want to leave any mark on her skin. What she did to me in the heat of the moment was another matter. Gina chose to bring our fun to an end when she sat up on my body, propped up on her hands by my head. She gazed down on me, hair wild and fire in her eyes,

“I think we should join the others for lunch darling, before we get carried away. I want to show you the rest of your home here, besides, there’s plenty of places where we can be private out in the gardens !”.

Making ourselves presentable, we went back into the house to find Valerie and the others. They were in the kitchen, Anna and Carol already making a salad for lunch. Gina got us both drinks and we sat waiting for everybody to come and eat. During lunch we just ate and made small talk, until Anna informed them that I had something to ask. She looked in my direction, waiting for me,

“I know it’s short notice but I have something to ask you all. After talking with Anna, I find that I need to collect my original documents which need names changing now I’m going to be one of you !. It means returning to MY home in the country to get them. I also have a couple of cars which I’d prefer were here in the larger garage where they can be kept safe. So………., I’d like to invite you all to join me for a fun weekend at MY home where I grew up, while I sort things out. Call it a visit to your second home “in the country”. I really think you’ll like it, plenty of bedrooms for everyone and best of all, NO neighbours. Totally private, can’t be overlooked by anyone and surrounded by tall trees”.

“We could travel up in a couple of cars, then some of you can drive my cars if I decide to bring them back here. If it’s ok we can go up on Friday morning after breakfast and return Sunday afternoon ?. All I need to do if you say yes, is to order enough food and drinks and arrange for it to be delivered the afternoon we get there. I am a good cook, so if the weather’s nice I can do us all a barbecue, or even home made pizzas if that makes a difference !!”.

They talked for a minute before Marina asked me what cars, and am I keeping the house,

“Yes, I’m keeping the house. My parents bought it before I was born and then spent many years renovating it, now it’s mine. I’ll add it to the houses you, or we !, can use. I need to change my name on all the the documents to it. As for cars, the Bentley outside you already know about. There’s my father’s 1940’s Silver Rolls Royce and one other, which Gina and I will be driving back in. Right now I want to keep that as a surprise”.

“I’m including the holiday home near Lake Bala in North Wales. It’s off a private road and secluded. A traditionally built single storey stone cottage, with two en suite bedrooms and private terrace. It’s WAY out in the hills outside the nearby town of Bala and ideal for a romantic getaway”.

I could see Anna look at me with a slight smile on her face as I told the others about my house. It looked like she was trying to hold something back. Testing my theory I asked her,

“Anna, I think you know more about this than you let on”.

Her smile grew wider and she said,

“Yes Vikki, I know precisely where you live and a good deal about your home. After Gina first told me about meeting you online, then later on when things started to get serious between you, I decided to have you checked out. To make sure that you were who you claimed, I had your background and details discretely checked by some private detectives I have used from time to time. When I got their reports regarding your background and life, I knew you might finally be the one for Gina, so I backed off and took no more action. It’s a very kind offer to add your homes to our group. I won’t ruin your surprise for Friday, but I will say this. Ladies, if you ever wanted to be a fairy tale princess, this weekend you won’t be disappointed !”.

Intrigued, they all started asking myself and Anna questions. Holding my hands up I managed to calm them down.

“Ladies, please, no more questions about the house, or car !!. As Anna has already stated, you will be surprised when you see where I have lived my entire life”.

More talking ensued before they agreed to my offer. Anna thanked me and agreed to leave after breakfast on Friday. After that I spent two hours ordering food and drinks for the stay. Once it was all done Gina took me for a tour of the house. She walked me through the other parts of the original house. These held the yoga room and gym, Gina’s professional hairdressing salon, the girls’ nails shop and massage rooms. She showed where Valerie could set up office for her physiotherapy work. Walking down the other wing we went into the pool house. Gina showed me the large heated indoor pool and attached sauna before we went outside to the gardens. It took half an hour to walk round the gardens and their enclosed areas of covered seating. She steered me towards the back of the gardens away from the house, then took a trail to the wall along the cliff side path. I looked down into the small private cove and beach. It was enclosed on three sides by the cliff and rock outcroppings that went out into the sea. The only ways to the beach were by water, or through the locked gate and down the stairs and path.

Although small in area, it was a nice private place and would certainly be a sun trap in hot weather. Gina took me back through the gardens to a hidden area enclosed by high hedges. Inside there was a large garden swing under a sloping roof. All around were coloured rose bushes and other fragrant flowering plants. It was quiet, scented and looked ideal for privacy. She looked at me with a slight smile and guided me to the swing, then sat down.

To be continued in part eight……………………………………………………………………………………………………

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