
Dana’s Story Ch. 41-42


Dana returns home for spring break. The town hasn’t changed noticeably, but by the end of her visit, her relationship with her mother has. And not in ways she’d ever expected. Then it’s back to school, where she resumes her relationship with Randy at the earliest opportunity. Zoe witnesses some of it, and documents it for posterity.


“So, are we ever going to meet Zoe?”

“What do you mean?” Dana asked.

Dana sat with her parents and two of her siblings at the kitchen table. Terry had greeted her on her way out the door for a date. Dana’s late start meant that she didn’t get home until after dark, and after dinner. She’d called before she left to warn her mother she’d be late, so she wouldn’t work herself into a tizzy imagining Dana dead in a ditch somewhere.

“You two seem very close,” her mother said. “You spent a week visiting her family over Christmas. I thought you might invite her to visit this week.”

“Oh.” Dana sipped her iced tea. “I thought about it, but Zoe and Bobby already had plans for spring break. Maybe I’ll invite her to visit one weekend, or during the summer.”

“That would be nice. We’d like to meet her,” her mother said.

“Bobby, that’s Zoe’s boyfriend, right?” her dad asked.

“Yeah. They both live in Arlington, but they never met until last semester.”

“What about you?” her father asked. “Are you dating anyone?”

Dana ate a bite of the omelet her mother had made her to buy herself a few moments to marshall her thoughts, and hoped she wasn’t blushing.

“Yeah,” she admitted. “Sort of. His name’s Randy.”

“Oooh, tell us all about him,” her sister Nancy demanded. “What’s he look like? Is he another nerd?”

“No,” Dana told her, scowling. “He’s not a nerd. He does like video games, though.”

“Cool!” ten year-old Aaron piped up. “What games?” He rattled off half a dozen game titles Dana was only vaguely familiar with.

The interrogation went on for some time, and Dana was surprised to discover that she was willing to talk about him. Not about the sex, of course. But simply admitting to the relationship, and to her attraction to him, was more than she’d have been capable of a year ago.

“I like him,” she said, going even further, admitting to a vulnerability she’d once have kept to herself. “But I don’t know how long it will last. We don’t really have that much in common.” Wow. Zoe’s openness had rubbed off on her.

Her father just nodded, watching her closely. Dana had the feeling that she wasn’t the only one to notice her uncharacteristic openness.

“Well, if it’s meant to be, it’ll work out,” her mother said.

The conversation moved on. Dana told them about her classes, other friends and acquaintances, and life on campus. Her mother caught her up with the goings-on in town, and among family friends and neighbors. Aaron grew bored with the conversation and left the table to go watch television.

Nancy followed up by telling her all the gossip from school. All of it. Dana’s parents excused themselves, hugging her and telling her how glad they were to have her home. She was happy to see them as well.

Dana smiled and endured Nancy’s monologue, most of the names only vaguely familiar to her at best. She was amazed by how well-connected Nancy was. Dana hadn’t been that plugged-in when she was a senior, much less at fourteen. Of course, Terry and Nancy had always been more extroverted than she was.

Eventually the tsunami of words trickled to a halt. While Nancy was talking, Dana had had an idea. “Nancy, do you know of anyone whose family has a set of weights?”


Dana nodded. “Barbells and plates, or dumbbells. A bench. A squat rack would be great, but beggars can’t be choosers.”

Nancy wrinkled her nose. “Why do you want to know that?”

“I’ve been doing strength training for the last couple of months, and I don’t want to take a week off while I’m here. I don’t want to lose ground.”

“Ew,” Nancy said, suspicions apparently confirmed. “Are you gonna get big muscles?”

“No!” Dana said. She’d had the same concerns initially, but first Randy and then Mr. Blaine, the gym owner, had explained how and why that wouldn’t happen.

Nancy shrugged. “I don’t know anybody who does. But I can ask around.”

“I’d appreciate it.” Dana yawned. It was early, not even eleven yet, but she was tired. She was still recovering from her night of debauchery and a four-hour drive. “I’m going to bed,” she told Nancy. “Good night.”

She went into the basement family room to say goodnight to her parents, who were watching television. “I’m heading off to bed,” Dana told them.

“Are you going to church with us in the morning?” her mother asked.

“I…don’t think so,” Dana said, her stomach knotting.

“All right,” her mother said after a pregnant pause, surprising Dana. “You’re an adult. It’s your choice.” She smiled. “I’m glad you’re home, Dana. Good night.”

“Good night, mom. Dad.”

* * *

Dana ankara eryaman escort had told the truth. She was tired. But she was also unbearably horny, and had been all day. She’d have thought that all the sex she’d had the night before would have sated her. And it had, at least briefly.

But she started the long drive home replaying the events of the party in her mind, and memories of all the pleasure she’d experienced left her wanting more. Much, much more. She didn’t remember ever being this horny before. It was like she’d unlocked a whole new level of desire, as if the more sex she had, the more sex she wanted.

It was maddening. Her body was primed, her nipples hard, her pussy wet, empty and aching to be filled. Her panties were soaked, and she found herself rubbing her thighs together in a fruitless attempt at getting some stimulation. She’d be on the road for hours, and even once she reached home she wouldn’t be free to masturbate until late that night.

And eventually it was too much to bear. Dana yanked the hem of her t-shirt out of her jeans to allow her to reach up beneath it, push her bra up out of the way and caress and tease and pinch her nipples. It felt good, but it wasn’t enough.

She unsnapped and unzipped her jeans. Her fingertips slid inside her panties, which were just as wet as she’d suspected. The first tentative caress of her clitoris took her breath away. She was so turned on, so close already, that it would take very little to bring herself to orgasm.

Someone honked behind her, dragging her attention back to the road. She’d gradually slowed until the driver behind her got annoyed. He glared at her as he passed with a roar of his engine. Dana sat up, her cheeks burning, the shock of adrenaline overcoming her libido.

This wasn’t safe.

She could have an accident. She could hurt or kill someone, or herself. Or just wreck the car. That would be bad enough, and impossible to explain.

Dana put both hands on the wheel and made a production of driving very carefully. For a while. But her memories of the party were impossible to put aside, and her desperate need for relief remained. She couldn’t possibly spend hours more on the road in this state.

A highway sign advertising a rest stop ahead was the answer to her prayers.

Several miles further along, she took the off-ramp and drove slowly into the rest area. A large building containing rest rooms and vending machines dominated it, but a picnic area with grills was visible, along with an area for people to curb their pets. Best of all, there were lots of parking spaces.

Dana drove to the far end of the lot, pulling into the most distant parking space available, far from any other vehicles. She sat for a moment looking around, considering her options. No, that was a lie. She knew what she was going to do. She was working up the nerve to do it.

Her breathing was heightened, and her hands were shaking. She didn’t think she’d get caught, but the possibility was both terrifying and thrilling.

She got out of the car, trying to act casual. Nothing to see here. She retrieved her toys from the bag in the trunk of the car, then paused to look around. Nobody appeared to be watching her, or even to have noticed her.

She climbed into the back seat and locked the doors, then removed her bra without removing her shirt first, the “magic trick” she’d amazed Randy with once. A glance out the windows showed that she was still alone and unobserved. A moment later, her jeans and panties were down around her ankles.

Settling into the corner made by the rear seat and the door, Dana could glance out the rear window of the car to survey the whole parking lot. She’d see anyone approaching in plenty of time to cover up, but the possibility of getting caught was still enough to have her breathing fast and to feel her heart thudding in her chest. She unzipped the toiletry bag containing her toys with shaking hands.

The glass dildo felt cool beneath her fingers, and colder still against her bare thighs. Fortunately, she was already very wet. She slid two fingers down the length of her labia–and god, but it felt nice–before transferring some of her lubrication to the dildo, making it slippery and warming it a little.

The tip of the dildo still felt cool when she ran its length between her labia, rolling it as she did so. It felt good, but that wasn’t what she needed it for. She needed something to fill the emptiness deep inside her, to soothe the hollow ache of desire.

She changed her grip on it, adjusted her aim slightly, and pushed.

“Ohhh fuck,” Dana muttered. The slick glass cylinder slid inside her with minimal resistance, but nonetheless satisfied her need to feel something pressing deep, parting her flesh and filling her up. God, it felt so good.

When she’d driven it as deep as she could, barely retaining her hold on the base, she drew it out again, and moaned at the pleasurable sensation, shivering escort sınırsız çankaya from the intensity of it. She’d been on edge for a long while now, desperate for an orgasm. It wouldn’t take long now.

Dana fucked herself with the dildo, slowly the first few strokes, but then with increasing speed and force. She’d slipped down nearly onto her back now, and realized she couldn’t see out the rear window, or see anything through the side windows of the car but treetops and sky.

A brief vision of how she must look filled her imagination. A young woman in a t-shirt sprawled on her back, knees spread wide, ankles bound by the fabric of her jeans. A woman with one hand mauling her breasts beneath the t-shirt, fucking herself frantically with a dildo, her whole body rigid with anticipation.

Dana cried out as her orgasm took her, curling her body around the ecstasy the toy brought her. Every muscular contraction around the dildo sent another wave of pleasure through her body. It was gloriously satisfying, and yet it was over far too soon. The satisfaction of scratching the itch she’d felt since waking was immense–but it wasn’t enough.

One orgasm wouldn’t be enough.

Not even close.

Dana lay panting on the back seat of her car, enjoying the afterglow, eyes closed until the certainty that she was being observed forced her to open them.

No. No one stood peering through the car’s windows. She struggled up to peer through the rear window. Still nobody, thank god.

No longer quite so frantic but still horny, Dana settled down again and resumed fucking herself with the dildo, but at a measured pace this time. She wanted to enjoy a slower climb to climax. She groped for the bullet vibrator, but didn’t use it yet.

She replayed the events of the previous night as she fucked herself. Tom’s amazing massage. The frantic quickie with Tito in the shower. Jim’s constant filthy talk while fucking her. The thrill of Steve and Keith switching partners, being used by both men, the taste of their cocks, the facial Keith had given her, and the remarkable size of Steve’s cock.

The memories added greatly to her pleasure, and when she felt herself getting close to climax again, Dana used the vibrator to rocket over the top, screaming and shuddering through her orgasm, pulling it away only when it became too much.

It wasn’t long, though, before she used it again. No memories this time.

She imagined someone watching her through the car window, imagined the shock and terror of being discovered–and the thrill of it. She imagined scrambling upright to try to hide her nakedness, and the way the stranger, a handsome young man she somehow just knew was muscular and well-hung, smiled at her.

The smile was disarming, telling her without words that he wasn’t a threat, that he found her attractive and desirable, and that he wanted only to share the pleasure she experienced. As he watched him, he began to unbutton his shirt, his eyes never straying from hers.

Imaginary Dana licked her lips, considering her options, balancing risk and reward. Then she leaned forward and unlocked the car door.

The stranger was naked. His cock stood erect, more than enough to satisfy her. He slipped into the vehicle, pinning Dana beneath his body, his mouth hot and hungry against hers, his hands kneading her breasts and teasing her nipples. His cock slid unerringly into her pussy, driving her to orgasm instantly.

Dana wrapped her arms and legs around him, rocking against him, desperate for more. He kissed her, nipped at her neck, nibbled her earlobes, and all the while he fucked her masterfully, driving her to orgasm again and again.

The fantasy faded away as Dana lay gasping for air, shuddering with frequent aftershocks from the orgasms she’d had. The bullet vibrator buzzed noisily from somewhere on the floor of the car, where she’d dropped it. A moment later, she slid the dildo out of her pussy and laid it on the seat beside her.

Dana giggled, giddy from all the pleasure, and satisfied at last. It probably wouldn’t last. But for the moment, she felt like she could think clearly again. Post-nut clarity, she’d heard Bobby call it. Yeah. That described it.

She sat up as quickly as she was able, which wasn’t very. The car windows were slightly fogged, and the air felt heavy. The seat beneath her was quite wet, and she wished she’d thought to put a towel down first. But she was relieved to see that she remained unobserved. The fantasy had been exciting, but with her renewed clarity, she knew the reality would have been very, very different and not at all fun.

Dressing again didn’t take long. She retrieved her toys and put them away, promising herself to clean them thoroughly as soon as she could. Climbing out of the backseat revealed that her legs were still shaky. She stumbled around to the trunk and put her toys away again, then climbed into the driver’s seat.

The car reeked of sex. Dana grinned, amused çankaya eve gelen escort bayan and not surprised. She’d air it out along the way. She still had hours to go before she reached home.

* * *

The week at home with her family proved to be an epiphany for Dana. She loved her family, and she enjoyed seeing them again. Family dinners were enjoyable. And she spent several evenings in the family room, watching television, talking, or reading while sharing the space with them. And yet…by the end of the week she’d run out of things to talk to them about.

Once she was caught up on local events, there was little else to say about them. She couldn’t talk to them about her sex life, despite it being by far the biggest change in her life, and the one that dominated her thoughts. She also didn’t talk much about her interests in gaming or genre fiction.

No one else in her family had ever shared those interests, or knew anything about them. They might listen politely for a short time, but Dana didn’t want to bore them, or paint herself as any more of an outsider than she already was.

She was surprised, then, to learn that her little brother knew what D&D was, and that he had actually played it a few times with some of his friends. None of them owned the books, which belonged to someone’s older sibling. So they improvised a lot, and though they had a lot of things wrong, they apparently were having a great time. Which, really, was all that mattered.

Nonetheless, Dana spent one afternoon in Lynchburg, driving from one store to another until she found a set of rule books and bought them for him. Aaron was thrilled, and named her the world’s best sister for that. He also monopolized her time for hours that first evening, leafing through the books and asking her questions.

Even so, there was only so much time either of them could spend on it.

Nancy failed to find anyone whose weights Dana could make use of. Dana resigned herself to losing a week’s progress. Disappointing, but nothing she couldn’t make up once she was back at school.

Her other options for entertainment were limited. Her parents didn’t have internet, or a computer, and if they had the only thing available would have been dial-up. The twenty-first century was slow to arrive in this town. Even her phone service was spotty.

She spent a lot of time reading in her room.

It was a preview of what her summer break from college would be like, and she didn’t know how she’d endure it. Many of her peers from high school would also be back home for the summer, but she wasn’t close with any of them. They’d always been friends primarily due to shared experience–they’d gone to the same grade school or high school. She’d run into a few during Christmas break, but–again–only because they attended the same church, or ran into one another while shopping. She hadn’t made any effort to stay in touch otherwise, and neither had they.

And, of course, the prospect of three long months without sex, trapped in this fishbowl of a town, was unbearable. The month long Christmas break had been bad enough, and that had included a week-long visit with Zoe’s family. She’d toyed with using a hook-up app to meet potential lovers during Christmas break, but she’d chickened out, and the downsides that had stopped her then hadn’t changed.

She’d be much happier if she could stay in Williamsburg over the summer. She’d need a summer job in any event, and she could get one there as easily as here at home. Arguably more easily–it was a much bigger town. On the other hand, she’d have to pay rent for a place to live, and for food. But she’d have more privacy even in a shared apartment than she had here at home.

Though perhaps not as much more as she’d once thought.

Dana made a habit of masturbating every night, long after everyone else had gone to bed. Her overclocked libido was slowly ramping back down to something like normal, but she needed several orgasms every night before she could sleep. She made extensive use of her bullet vibrator and dildo to bring herself to orgasm repeatedly–always careful to remain utterly silent as she came, lest someone hear her through the thin walls of her room.

It wasn’t as satisfying as actual sex, but it kept her sane. It was Saturday morning, the last full day at home before she drove back to school, that she’d had to plug in her vibrator to recharge it, and she’d left the small toiletry bag she kept both toys in open on the floor by the outlet. She’d meant to put them away after breakfast. But Nancy and Terry had talked her into clothes shopping with them in Lynchburg. She’d been gone most of the day.

When she returned to her room before dinner that evening, she’d found folded clothes and bedding on her bed for her to put away. When she checked the outlet, her toys were missing. Dana’s stomach knotted with anxiety. Had her mother discovered them? What had she done with them? Had she taken them to confront Dana with later? Had she thrown them out?

A panicked but silent search uncovered them. The dildo, vibrator and charging cord were zipped into the toiletry bag, inside the drawer of her bedside table. Dana sat heavily on her bed, staring at the open drawer. This was…not what she’d expected. Not at all. She didn’t understand it at all.

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