
B6 Chapter 18 Run For Your Life


B6 Chapter 18 Run For Your LifeChapter 18: Run For Your Life Barocca ran from Dee Dee’s lab with all of the speed she could muster. She didn’t know if she should try to make it to where her girls were staying on the other side of the Island in one sprint. Or if she should try short dashes, and lessen the time she was exposed in the hallways to the other girls. Then Barocca decided upon a course of action for the short term. “I’ll duck into the first set of quarters that I can find. Then I’ll call the other girls on the cellular phone, and tell them to be ready for me. I can use a short rest, and it’ll make it a little harder for Ebony, or anybody else who’s searching for me, to find me.” Barocca ran to the end of the corridor, and began searching for any door to a room or quarters that was unlocked. What she encountered was completely unexpected. Sitting on the bed, and also in the chairs on the side, were Jordan, Cleo, and two of the Vectran girls, Dejah and Kristal. It was almost a slumber party atmosphere. The four girls had finished their marathon of sexual events earlier in the night, and they were now simply chatting and getting to know each other better, after they had spent their juices. “Good fucking grief,” muttered Barocca. “Hundreds of rooms on this damned Island, and I have to pick the one that you’re in, of all places.” “Nice to see you too,” Jordan retorted. “What’s the matter with you? You look like you’ve been running all night long.” “Never mind where I’ve been!” said Barocca. “How come you’re here and not in your regular room?” “You left the banquet table in such a hurry with Rhiannon,” said Cleo, “you didn’t stop to see what else happened. The four of us told Tiffany that we were going to spend the night to- gether, so she let us have a larger room.” “How come you aren’t still with Rhiannon?” asked Dejah. “If there’s one thing I know about our Commander, it’s that she can fuck and suck all night long, when she wants to.” “Yeah! That should’ve been right up your alley, Barocca,” said Jordan. “Why aren’t you still with Rhiannon?” Barocca just stood there with a puzzled look on her face. She certainly couldn’t blurt out what had really happened between herself and Rhiannon. So much had happened to her in such a short time this evening, that she was momentarily lost for words. The other four girls in the room just stared at Barocca with quizzical looks on their faces, as they began to form suspicions about her. Then there came a high-pitched beep from one of the Vectran girls’ communicators. “Vantha. Dejah. Kristal. Somebody, come in please. This is Calista.” Kristal picked up the device. “This is Kristal. What’s up, Calista?” “Has anyone seen Rhiannon? She’s not in the quarters that she and Barocca went to earlier tonight.” “Negative, Calista. Dejah and I are still over here with Jordan and Cleo. What’s going on?” “Ugly shit is starting to happen around here. Barocca and her friend barged into the lab, and jumped me a little while ago.” Hearing this, Dejah positioned herself in front of the door, with her arms folded before her chest. The other girls glared at Barocca as the conversation continued. “What in the world for, Calista?” “Barocca tried to force me to reprogram the software she stole for some type of crazy experiment. Thankfully, Dee Dee and Ebony returned to the lab sooner than she expected, and we turned the tables on her though. I left Ebony and Dee Dee in charge of those two. “But Barocca had mentioned something about d**gging the wine she gave Rhiannon, when they were alone; I checked where they went to earlier, and now she’s nowhere to be found.” Barocca could sense that things were rapidly crumbling about her, but she suddenly thought of a desperation plan. Barocca lunged at Kristal, and grabbed the communicator out of her hand. Without warning, Barocca whirled and threw the communicator as hard as she could against the wall. The device struck the wall loudly, and gouged out a small chunk of the sheet rock. It caromed off the wall, and fell to the floor with a thud. While Kristal had been using it, the device had flashed several colored lights, and made an assortment of beeps and buzzes. Now it was a lifeless hunk of plastic. “You worthless little bastard!” 1xbet yeni giriş exclaimed Kristal. “What did you do that for?” “She’s trying to keep the other girls from finding out where she is,” said Jordan. “Shut your mouth, or I’ll shut it for you, Jordan!” blurted Barocca. “You’re in no position to give orders, girl!” shouted Dejah. She gave Barocca a powerful shove, forcing her backwards, and Barocca landed on the bed on her back. “Jordan’s right though,” admitted Kristal. “We didn’t get a chance to tell Calista that Barocca was in the room with us. Plus she probably doesn’t know where this room is anyway.” Cleo picked up the communicator from where it lay on the floor. “Do you suppose that this could be repaired?” as she handed it to Dejah. “It probably could,” replied Dejah. “But unfortunately, not with your technology on the Island.” “All right. This is a fine mess,” said Kristal. “Rhiannon’s disappeared. Vantha and Rayleena are with somebody on the Island, but we have no idea where. Calista’s roaming the hallways without a map. And now our communications are out.” “This little snot is a one-woman wrecking crew,” Dejah referred to Barocca. “We need to get everybody together again,” said Kristal. “Only now we’re going to have to do it the hard way. I say we go out and look for them. This island can’t be that big.” “If I could offer a suggestion,” said Cleo. “Look, I know you want to get the other mem-bers of your landing party together again. But you don’t know your way around the Island, and you’re liable to wind up running around in circles. “Let me go with one of you. We’ll go alert Tiffany, and she can help organize a search for everybody. We’ll leave one of you here with Jordan, to watch over Barocca, to make sure she doesn’t go anywhere.” Dejah and Kristal held their heads close together for a moment. “Okay,” said Dejah. “You’re making sense, Cleo. You and I will head out and find Tiffany, and tell her what’s hap-pened. Then we’ll comb the Island for Rhiannon, Calista and the others.” “Jordan and I will keep Barocca company here,” said Kristal. “I’m certain that Rhiannon is just dying to meet up with her again.” Cleo and Dejah left the room so that they could begin their search. “We’ll be back as soon as we can,” called Dejah. “Make damned sure our ‘guest’ doesn’t go anywhere in the meantime.” “You got it!” Kristal shouted back. Kristal, Jordan and Barocca were now in the room by themselves. Jordan reached over to where Barocca was lying on the bed, and grabbed her tote bag. She began rummaging through it. “Give me that back, you little bitch!” snapped Barocca. “It’s not yours.” Jordan quickly found the four CD’s of the alien software. “You’re right, it’s not. And these certainly aren’t yours either.” She handed them to Kristal. “I think you’d better make sure that Rhiannon gets these again.” Barocca sat up on the bed, and glared at Jordan with hate. “You little slut! Now you’ve ruined everything!” Kristal shoved Barocca back onto the bed, on her back again, with her free hand. “I’d keep my mouth shut if I were you. You’re in deep enough shit as it is.” She placed the CD’s in her bag for safekeeping. “Have you got a ‘next of kin’ or someone we can contact for your last rites? I’m afraid I don’t say much for your chances, after Rhiannon gets done with you.” For a moment, Barocca was silent. Then she hissed through clenched teeth. “As long as you’re at it, you may as well make the final arrangements for Jordan here, too. She’s fucked things up for me for the last time!” Jordan was livid. She hissed, “You lousy cunt!” and slapped Barocca hard across the face. Barocca stumbled back a couple of steps rubbing her cheek. She had a wicked smile on her face as she said, “Oh yeah! I was hoping you’d feel that way, Jordan. I can’t wait to put you in your place, bimbo!” She lunged at Jordan, tangling her hands in her hair, driving her knee into her crotch. Jordan emitted a loud, startled shriek as Barocca’s knee made painful contact. “Ooh! A floorshow!” said Kristal. “Go ahead and take out your frustrations on each other, you two. Just be sure to leave enough of Barocca for Rhiannon, Jordan.” Jordan’s knees buckled and she gasped for breath. Barocca yanked her by the hair forward 1xbet güvenilir mi to the floor. She straddled Jordan, rolling her on her back. She slapped her hard across the face with both forehand and backhand rights as Jordan’s cheeks turned fiery red. Barocca then unleashed her anger on the stunned girl. Jordan blinked her eyes and shook her head. She knew she had to get Barocca off her and she sank her nails deeply into Barocca’s lush breasts. Barocca squealed in pain as Jordan’s long, sharp nails dug deep into her soft flesh. She pulled at Jordan’s hands, slapped her face and tore at her hair, but Jordan wasn’t fazed. Barocca quickly sank her own nails into Jordan’s breasts. At least she could inflict the same amount of pain she was receiving! They dug, pulled and clawed each other, shrieking, squealing and swearing. They tore each other’s thin, bikini bras to shreds in their fury. Jordan was slowly rolling Barocca over as they struggled. She wanted to straddle Barocca and turn her into hamburger. They hissed and spit like jungle cats, and it was the survival of the fittest right now. Somehow, the two girls managed to rise to a near vertical position, as they were locked together in combat. “Watch where you’re going, you two,” growled Kristal. She gave Barocca a shove in the rump with her foot. The action sent Jordan and Barocca tumbling onto the bed, still clawing and grasping at each other. In the meantime, Cleo and Dejah began moving through the hallways on their way to find Tiffany. By pure luck, they came upon their other objective first. They heard it before they saw it. Rhiannon was staggering through the corridors, bellowing out in rage, yelling for Barocca, and from time to time massaging her head, to try and stop the throbbing in it. “I hate to say it, but I’d know that voice anywhere,” said Dejah, even though they were several corridors away. “That’s Rhiannon, and I’d say she’s extremely angry right now. I sure wouldn’t want to be Barocca right now.” “Amen to that,” agreed Cleo. The two girls rounded a corner, and they suddenly came upon Rhiannon. Her eyes lit up as she recognized a familiar face. “Dejah! Where the hell is everybody in this place? And who’s your little friend?” “This is Cleo, sir. After the banquet, Kristal and myself went with her and another girl, and we…” “Never mind. I can guess the details,” said Rhiannon. “That little bitch Barocca, put something in my wine that knocked me out. Then she stole the software again.” “We know sir.” Rhiannon blinked at her in amazement. “A lot of stuff has been going on, and we’ve found out some things, before we found you. We’ve caught Barocca! She’s being held in the room where we spent the night.” “Hot damn!” exclaimed Rhiannon. “That’s the best news I’ve had since we got here! Lead the way, Dejah.” At that point, Calista came around from the other end of the corridor. “I thought I heard your voice, Commander.” She trotted up to the trio of women. “It’s good to see you too, Calista,” replied Rhiannon. “This leaves just Vantha and Rayleena unaccounted for. We’ll find them later on. Right now, I’ve got a score to settle with that bitch, Barocca. Big time!” Dejah, Calista and Rhiannon turned and went back the way she had come. Cleo was confused as to what to do. “Wait!” she called out. “What about alerting Tiffany?” “You can do whatever you like, Cleo,” replied Dejah. “Our loyalty to Rhiannon comes before Tiffany, or any of the girls here. You can come with us, or you can go off and alert Tiffany. Your choice.” Cleo had no love for Barocca, or most of the girls who were her cohorts. The Island was a small enough place, that Tiffany would find out about things soon enough anyway. She caught up with Dejah and Rhiannon, and followed them back to their temporary quarters. Barocca tangled her shapely legs tightly with Jordan’s in an effort to keep her from getting the top position. Jordan also squeezed and locked her legs around Barocca’s. This could work to either woman’s advantage. They rocked back and forth, each trying to mount the other. Each woman could feel tiny trickles of blood running down her breasts as they dug their sharp nails in deeper. They were shrieking and screaming at the top of their lungs, 1xbet giriş more from rage than pain. Their heat angered state had made them oblivious to the pain of the claw holds. After a few minutes, they ripped the last few shreds of cloth from each other, leaving each bare to the waist. They wrapped their arms tightly around each other, mashing their breasts together. They buried their hands in each other’s hair, rolling slowly back and forth across the room. Their legs were tangled from their soft warm thighs to their ankles. Each woman gasped as her breasts mashed and rubbed into the other’s. Trying to pin each other, they almost tore their hair out by the roots, pulling at each other. They bit each other’s shoulders and upper arms as they lost all control. They fought like this on the bed for almost fifteen minutes, going back and forth, with neither girl maintaining a clear advantage for very long. The door opened, and Rhiannon, Dejah, Calista and Cleo entered the room. Jordan and Barocca were still locked in their struggle on the bed. “Just the little bastard I’ve been looking for,” said Rhiannon as her eyes settled on the two combatants. “What’s with these two?” “They started this just after Dejah and Cleo left to look for you,” said Kristal. “Jordan found these in Barocca’s bag,” she showed Rhiannon the missing software. “And they’ve been going at it ever since.” “Well, whatever differences they’ve got, I’m taking over, right now,” said Rhiannon. Rhiannon was recovering her senses, and her strength, but she still was not back to one hund-red percent. Without thinking, Rhiannon reached her hand in between Jordan and Barocca to try and break them up. The result was that Barocca and Jordan were so obsessed with tearing and clawing at each other, that they bit and slashed at anything that moved without thinking. That Included Rhiannon’s hand. “Ouch!” yelped Rhiannon as she jerked her hand back. “All right. That does it, damn it!” Now Rhiannon reached out found the back of each girl’s head. She brought them together sharply like two coconuts. This had the effect of finally separating Jordan and Barocca. The two girls continued to glare at each other, as they massaged their foreheads. “I ought to tie that long hair on your heads to the short hair on your ass, and then light the whole works on fire, just so I’m sure I’ve got your attention!” shouted Rhiannon. “Now get out of the way, girl. I’ve got a score to settle with Barocca.” To everyone’s surprise, Jordan stood up on the bed, and confronted Rhiannon. Even with standing on the mattress, Jordan could barely look her in the eye. Jordan mustered what strength she had left, and pushed Rhiannon as hard as she could in the midsection. Unfortunately, all this did was make Rhiannon mad. Dejah, Kristal and Cleo watched in shock. Rhiannon was like a powder keg, ready to go off, and Jordan was treading on very thin ice. Unfazed by Jordan’s actions, Rhiannon placed her hands on her hips. “Have you got a death wish, blondie?” “Why’d you butt in on us?” shouted Jordan. “Barocca’s had it in for me ever since I came to the Island. This was my chance to even the score, and get back at her for some of the things she’s done to me!” Like a scene from a schoolyard, Rhiannon reached out her hand, and grabbed Jordan’s head, easily holding her away at her arm’s length, while Jordan flailed her arms wildly trying to strike Rhiannon out of sheer frustration. With a mild shove, Rhiannon pushed Jordan so that she landed on her rump on the side of the bed in a sitting position. Jordan gasped as she felt just a small measure of Rhiannon’s strength; even Ebony wasn’t that strong.”I’ve got news for you, girl. I’m pissed off at Barocca too! While I was with her, she couldn’t resist bragging about how they put you through the gang-bang ordeal here on the Island. “But she pulled another stunt, that she’ll pay for dearly. Namely, screwing with me, and thinking she could get away with stealing the software again.” Suddenly a glint of evil mischief lit up Rhiannon’s features. A plan for making Barocca pay the price, as well as teaching some of the rest of the earth girls some manners, was forming in her mind. “I tell you what Jordan,” said Rhiannon. “I won’t pretend to know all the history between you and Barocca. But I can tell there’s hard feelings here. How’d you like a chance to pay Barocca back, and make her go through what you had to do?” “I’d do it in a heartbeat,” said Jordan. “Just tell me what I have to do!”

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