
A bigger bed…


A bigger bed…Never in a million years did I ever think I’d end up in the situation that I had along with three other sisters, one of whom was my fraternal twin. At twenty-four years of age, I had suddenly become more than a brother; I’d become father too and head of the household. It had been over a year now since a horrible accident had claimed the lives of our parents. Penny and I had immediately assumed the role of guardianship though it certainly wasn’t anything we’d ever planned for or expected to have to do. Bonnie who had just turned twenty had elected to stay at home and help around the house while attending a local university in her spare time. Penny and I both had steady jobs, and provided enough for the four of us to live on, but it meant a lot of personal sacrifice on our parts for doing so.Gwen, the youngest at eighteen would soon graduate from high school, but had done well enough in school that scholarships, and a part-time job that she had would enable her to eventually continue her education as well.Certainly the tragedy had brought us even closer together, but I again never suspected that it would eventually lead in the direction that it soon would either.We had been going through a particularly hard time financially, dealing with some unexpected and certainly unanticipated home repairs. And though we’d inherited a little money from our parents after the accident, most of that was in trust for education and as supplement for meeting the required day-to-day needs of our little family.We had just managed to get through the recent crisis and saw better days looming ahead. To celebrate, we’d actually ordered in pizza, something we hadn’t been able to do for quite some time. In addition, I’d even stopped by the local video store to pick up a movie to watch while we ate it.It was funny in a weird sort of way, I had actually begun to find myself being the over protective parent. Prior to the accident, I could have cared less what my sisters did when they were out and away from home, afterwards, I tended to question everything they did, and every place they went until Penny, who had assumed the role of mother, put her foot down.”Brad, you’re being too over protective,” she told me. “You need to lighten up a little and cut them some slack, they’re good k**s, hell…they’re really not even k**s any more, and you need to quit treating them like that!”She was right of course, Bonnie was an adult in her own right and could certainly come and go as she please, the fact she’d remained here at home helping around the house which had relieved some of the burden and stress off of Penny was something I had to continually remind myself of. And though Gwen was still in high school, she’d be graduating in less than two months and was every bit as mature as her sisters where in that respect.After we’d enjoyed our rare pizza treat together and had watched the movie I’d brought home along with it, Both Bonnie and Gwen had headed out on “dates” leaving Penny and I alone in the house which had also become a rarity. They were barely both out the door when Penny turned to me asking, “Ok Brad, so where’s the other movie you brought home?” she asked.Stupidly, I tried to pretend I had no idea what she was talking about, which is when she stood up, walked over to the coat-closet, and reached into my jacket pocket producing the second movie I’d secretly, or thought secretly rather, that I’d brought home.”Ah, now I see why you tried to hide this one,” she said holding it up and reading it.It wasn’t exactly a hard-core porn video, but it was about as close a thing as you could get. Simple plot, lots of skin and an arousal factor that I was in desperate need of. I couldn’t even remember the last time I’d been out on a date, let alone slept with a woman either.”Put it in!” Penny said handing me the CD.”What?””Oh come on Brad, neither one of us has been out lately, and I think we both could use a little stimulation! Besides, with the two of them gone, we can watch it without feeling guilty about it or worrying about them!”It was true. On the one hand Penny and I had always been a lot closer being fraternal twins and all anyway, growing up we’d often confided in one another, even exploring curiosities about one another along the way as most k**s often did. That had continued on most of our spent life together with Penny being there to talk to when I first lost my virginity, and she hers. So it wasn’t like we had a lot of secrets that we kept from one another, but now in the new roles we’d suddenly been put in, that intimate friendly relationship we’d always had, had all but disappeared.”You sure?” I asked. “It’s pretty naughty,” I added as a final additional warning.”Good! The naughtier the better!” she told me. “It’s been a while!”I had to laugh at that knowingly. “Yeah, I know what you mean, been like that for me too.”At first I felt a bit awkward and uncomfortable as the movie began, going into a rather steamy sex-scene almost immediately, though its intent was to set up the rest of the story-line and plot which I commented on being really interested in.”Ah huh,” was all she said smiling at me. “You just want to see a bunch of women’s boobs!” she said catching me in the lie. Which again was true, but I wasn’t about to admit it to her either.Midway through the movie, I was really beginning to feel uncomfortable, and not because of what we’d been watching, that had more or less evened itself out as we actually did both get interested in the storyline along with all the hot arousing sex-scenes. The real problem was, I had an erection that was giving me fits. And my own sister wasn’t helping much either, though I tried very hard not to think about that.Living as we had been, occasional glimpses of nudity around the house wasn’t all that uncommon, especially as we only had two bathrooms that seemed to be constantly in use while the four of us where there. At night, Penny wore what she usually did once she’d gotten comfortable which was a simple pair of panties and either a tee shirt or tank top, which she then wore to bed to sleep in. So the problem for me at the moment was my sister sitting on the couch next to me with what I’d discovered a short time ago, as her hard little nipples had peaked, pressing against the tight form fitting tank top she was wearing anyway as the movie continued and obviously had aroused us both. Luckily for me in a way, my arousal, though less noticeable and far more uncomfortable, didn’t stand out like a lighthouse beacon the way Penny’s were.I found myself periodically using my peripheral vision to look at her, or look directly whenever we spoke or commented about something we were watching. I know I shouldn’t have, but under the circumstances I was allowing my arousal to guide my thoughts rather than in ignoring them as I otherwise might have done. Penny really did have nice looking breasts, I had seen them a couple of times when we’d either inadvertently run into one another in various stages of undress, or when she’d leaned over while doing something which had on occasion given me a view of her near perfect orbs. But here they were now, the tank top she was wearing almost too tight anyway, perfectly molding them with twin hard little points pressed against the all too thin material, making my own situation more and more uncomfortable to try and deal with. I’d actually begun to look forward to the movie finally ending so I could make the excuse that it was time for bed, then relieve the stress and arousal which I’d been doing for several month’s now. Then out of the blue, she turned towards me and asked.”Brad? You ever watch any of those old movies dad had?”I had in fact, once. A few of them, though not nearly all. My father had a pretty extensive collection of 8mm black and white movies, though there were a few later colored movies as well, most of those of which I had watched. He’d kept them locked up in a large metal box however, with the only key that existed being the one on his key ring. The one time that he and my mother had gone away for the weekend together, he’d actually left his keys behind, and finding myself also alone as all three of my sisters had quickly s**ttered into the night on adventures of their own, had left me with “idle” hands and a curiosity about that secretly locked box that I couldn’t overcome. I had been surprised of course to discover my father’s collection of early-on porn videos, found many of them fascinating even though a lot of them if not most were without sound. Still, it had been an unbelievable adventure for me to spend time watching them, and then getting nervously worried about it having done so, and carefully putting them all back just the way I had found them. I’d never looked at them or watched them again.”Once,” I told Penny truthfully. “Were they any good? You know, I’ve never even seen an X-rated movie before,” she added curiously.I really wasn’t sure how to respond to that. I mean they were good in the respect that they’d given me plenty of jerk-off material to think on for a while, but did she mean good as in story lines or production capability? Probably not.”You even know where they’re at now?” she asked before I could answer her last question.Even after a year there was a lot we hadn’t dealt with yet, some things we needed to, but had procrastinated in doing for one reason or another. One of which was going through the attic where a lot of things were still kept in storage, including a lot of old clothes, furniture, and an old metal box with dad’s movies sitting in it.”Yeah, in the attic,” I said simply. “Why?””Because I’d like to see one,” she told me just as honestly. “The only reason I ever knew they existed was because I came home once unexpectedly, and found mom and dad actually sitting in the downstairs den watching them. I saw the flicker of the old projector and thought maybe they were watching some of our old home movies, and I thought it was kind of sweet of them to be doing so, so I took special care not to alert them I was even home and figured to slip quietly into my room and let them have that time together. When I quickly passed by the room heading towards my own room, which was downstairs then, I almost fell over. Mom and dad were sitting on the couch, naked, playing with one another, and one of those old black and white movies was playing with what turned out to be a rather wild looking orgy going on. I was in a state of shock for days after that. Couldn’t believe my own parents would actually watch something like that together.”I was laughing, couldn’t help myself from doing so. I knew exactly what she meant, what she must have felt when she caught them and saw what they were doing, I’d even walked in on them myself once, took a while for me to accept that my parents had a sex-life and that it was perfectly natural and normal for them to do so, even if it sometimes included watching a few dirty movies together.”You’ve never seen a porn movie?” I asked seriously.”No, I never have!” she admitted once again. “That old projector still even work?””I don’t know,” I told her. “Guess we could find out,” I heard myself telling her, surprised now that I was.It was early yet, so there was no real worry about either one of the girls coming home. Even so, we pulled the pull-down ladder back up into the ceiling with us as we entered the attic, turning on the only two dimly lit light bulbs that we had to even see by. The room smelled musty as well as dusty, but neither one of us really seemed to mind. In a way, it was like going back in time whenever we’d sneak up here together to explore our adolescent curiosities, so in a way, it felt a little like that once again as Penny soon confirmed.”Just like old times, isn’t it?” she said giggling. “Almost feel like we have to be quiet while we’re up here, with mom or dad wondering where we are, and us having to be quiet about it being up here or else them catching us and wondering what we’ve been up too.””Yeah, does sort of feel like that doesn’t it?” I agreed, just then finding dad’s heavy metal box, moving some other cardboard boxes that had been stacked on top of it.”Damn, what about the key?” Penny asked.I produced the hammer that I’d brought along with me. “Don’t know what happened to it, but under the circumstances, we don’t really need it any more now do we?”It was a cheap lock, never intended to do anything but keep someone out unless they were anxious to get in, which we now were. One hard smash of the hammer against it, and it broke free. In a way, it really was like opening a treasure chest, as old as some of these movies were, I couldn’t help but wonder if they might even be worth a little bit of money. Some of them looking more than a bit fragile as we carefully pried open their metal containers looking inside.I quickly set up the old projector there in the attic as Penny took one of the old sheets she found folded in one of the clothes boxes. Making a makeshift screen, which we hung on the wall, I started up the projector, relieved when it actually began running. The movie wasn’t a very long one, perhaps about 12 – 15 minutes is all, and one of the silent one’s to boot. Still, it was interesting to watch, even in black and white, and surprisingly explicit. Perhaps it was because we had a bit of that “old” familiarity going on from days gone by, added to the excitement of exploring dad’s dirty movies together that we really didn’t feel awkward or even uncomfortable while viewing them, especially as explicit as many of them were, though also feeling more erotic than dirty, simply with them being in black and white. I was certainly still horny, as was Penny, but even that we really didn’t acknowledge, the excitement of hurriedly threading the next movie to watch suddenly taking precedence over that. “Wow, this next one’s pretty long,” I told her, removing the much larger reel from its metal container, threading it through the projector. I laughed when reading the title. “What?” “It’s called ‘Peeping Tom’, says it runs about twenty minutes too,” I told her. Penny giggled excitedly. “This should be interesting then,” she said and settled back down on the floor where we’d attempted to make a comfortable place to sit using a couple of old sleeping bags which where sill folded up as chairs. It was again a silent one, also in black and white, but in fairly good condition as the quality was far better than some of the others we’d already watched. As it started off, the movie looked to be funnier, rather than erotic, beginning with a rather busty looking brunette sitting at an old style vanity table brushing out her hair which had been cut in the style of the day of course. She was wearing a black, very sheer negligee that barely concealed her rather full breasts as she sat there. The next shot was that of her window, the blinds not quite pulled all the way to the bottom, then an outside shot of a guy passing by on the sidewalk noticing that her window was open, looking in both directions to ensure he hadn’t been seen of course, then making his way over to the window where he then stood peering in at her. More moments of her brushing her hair, but then suddenly for no apparent reason, she sits there and begins to caress her breasts with her hands. Meanwhile the guy outside the window takes his cock out of his pants of course, and begins stroking it, all the while watching the woman in the bedroom who is now suddenly naked, having obviously for whatever reason, chosen to remove the negligee she’d been wearing. She now sits, the hairbrush still in her hand, but is now rubbing it against herself down between her legs. What I had at first thought to be a rather tame and even semi-silly movie has now become quite honestly very erotic. And I am again very much aware of my very stiff cock, which has become even more uncomfortable than it had been earlier, almost to the point of being painful in fact. I glance quickly over towards my sister, who is also as engrossed in the movie as I am now, and notice upon doing so that she too has shifted finding a more comfortable position, sitting now on one leg, the other bent at the knee, but I notice too that her hand seems to disappear down between her legs. “Is she masturbating?” I wonder, thinking then just as quickly that surely she wouldn’t be, not in front of me anyway, and that it is simply my very aroused over-active imagination running amuck here. But even those thoughts now make my own situation even more unbearable than it was a moment ago, and unless I do something, and quickly, I’m truly going to be in some pain here. Using the little bit of darkness that we have as cover, I shift once again, but this time pop the button on my jeans though allowing my belt to remain buckled. I then slowly unzip myself, keeping one eye on the movie, the other on Penny as I do. With the additional expansion of my pants, there is far less discomfort now, my cock no longer pressing against my pants the way that it had been, though I also realize, there is now no way of fastening them back up without making it obvious either. On screen, the woman is obviously masturbating herself now, lying on top of the bed, the handle of the hairbrush being used as a dildo which she is sliding in and out of her very dark hairy pussy. She continues to fondle her own breasts, her nipples also large and very thick, which is an additional turn-on for me to watch her doing. Outside the window of course, our ‘Peeping Tom’ is excitedly jerking himself off, periodic close-ups of his dick showing how lubricated he is, little drops and bubbles of his pre-cum oozing out his dick-head which he smears around it with his fingers. Penny moans at that moment, forcing my eyes towards her and away from the movie. This time there is no doubt in my mind that she’s doing what I had only thought or even fantasized she was doing earlier. The movement of her arm too obvious for it to be anything else, especially as she periodically closes her eyes, her head tilted back for a moment, her nipples even harder than I’d seen them earlier pressing sensually against her tight white little tank top. She moans once again, but then turns to look at me as she does so, the look on her face lusty, vulnerable, her expression pure pleasure which she is obviously no longer trying to hide, not that she had been, but it is evident that she no longer cares that I know, especially when she reaches over with her other hand, now lifting her top, baring her breast which she now cups, touching her nipple with the tip of her finger. “Go ahead,” she says softly, her face a mix of pleasured torture. I mean I’d heard her, knew exactly what she meant, but even then I sat there unmoving, but it wasn’t because I was shocked by her comment, or even that I had already decided to do so, but I was mesmerized by watching her, the movie long forgotten now. But it was my delayed response perhaps that caused her to speak again. “Oh for hells sakes Brad, it’s not like I haven’t seen you jerk off before!” Which is true, she had, but that seemed like a lifetime ago, in another place, tipobet365 güvenilirmi another time. This was now. Penny had all but given up any pretense of decorum or modesty at this point, openly fingering herself, the wet juicy sounds of her pussy being pleasured reaching my ears, her breasts fully exposed the tank top she’d been wearing now discarded as she used one hand to caress herself with, all the while continuing to finger her pussy, frigging her clit. Seeing her, my own arousal well off the chart, any thoughts towards this being wrong, right, or otherwise no longer a concern. I stood, the movement surprising her a little as she jumped, opening her eyes fully, watching me now as I quickly undid the belt which had been the only thing holding up my pants, now slipping them down and off, along with my underwear. “Better?” she grinned playfully. “Oh yeah, much!” I freely admitted as I stood there absentmindedly fondling my cock all the while looking at her. Once again she reached up openly fondling her tits, uncaring that I stood there fisting myself watching her. “Damn Penny, you really do have nice looking tits!” I said in a lust-filled tone of voice. She grinned, a small flush spreading across her face. “And you’re a lot bigger than I remember seeing too!” she replied back. “Yeah, well…” was all I said. Just then the “tappity-tappity-tappity” sound of the reel having run through the projector alerted us both that the movie was over, which again I had completely forgotten all about. I quickly shut off the projector and pulled the reel off, placing it back inside its container. I had had to lean over while doing so, my cock actually sticking out far enough that it was almost in the way, which again caused Penny to laugh. “Oh yeah…much larger!” she said again giggling. Now it was a bit more awkward. With an erotic movie playing giving us an excuse of sorts, we now sat no longer really having one. “Put in another,” she told me, “another long one.” I was only too happy to comply. I don’t think either one of us really watched this one either. Though this one actually did have sound, and was in color. The background noise of moans and groans, along with the somewhat silly sounding music playing in the background, only served to add to our own arousal which we masked in watching one another by pretending to pay attention to it more than each other, though we managed to do that too… frequently. This one too got very explicit, and very erotic. Several couples now played together, touching fucking, sucking, with even the women going down on each other, all the while being fucked from behind. As far as I was concerned, the movie ended far too soon as I was literally on the verge of having an orgasm, and not caring if Penny knew it when I did. “Fuck!” she said, expressing my own thoughts, though in a much bolder way that I’d been thinking. Even then I laughed, Penny had always had a way of surprising me when I least expected it. “And I was so damn close too!” she freely admitted. “So was I,” I told her, my cock still in hand, leaking profusely as she looked down at it. Then I felt her hand as she placed it around me, gently moving it up and down. Penny slid over even closer sitting beside me. Wordlessly, I slid my own hand between her legs, found the very wet almost sloppy wet passage of her cunt and began worming my fingers around inside her. “Oh yeah…yeah,” she moaned as she continued pumping my cock up and down. “Keep…doing…that.” She half begged me. I had no intention of stopping of course I was already well past the point of no return, Penny’s hand feeling far better than my own. She came in an unexpected shudder, a sudden warmth filling the palm of my hand, a tiny trickle of clear liquid spilling out of her cunt as she moaned deeply, audibly, her hand temporarily forgetting she’d been stroking me, which for the moment, I’d forgotten about too, once again enthralled, mesmerized as she climaxed, enjoying a series of one orgasm right after another.When she finally did regain her senses, she began jerking me off in Ernst, her hands flying up and down my stiff prick as I leaned back against one of the boxes, enjoying the view as well as the incredibly erotic sensation as my own sister sat there jerking me off. “Oh fuck, I’m gonna cum!” I announced, watching her, watching myself, then began spurting. Her accompanying giggle of delight only heightened my pleasure. “Oh yeah! Yeah! Yeah!” she cried out with each hard-felt spurt of my cock. “Damn, it’s been a while since I’ve seen a man cum!” she grinned happily. “That was nice!” “You can say that again,” I said smiling back, though already the lusty edge of wanton desire was rapidly being replaced by reality. “Listen…Penny,” I began already standing as I spoke, jumping back into my jeans. “No, Brad…you listen,” she said interrupting me. “I know what you’re going to say, but you need to hear what I have to say first,” she demanded. “Now…sit down while you do.” I did, as she continued. “You and I both know that neither one of us has any time to even consider trying to date or see anyone, at least for the time being. We took on this responsibility knowing that, something which I have come to accept…for now. But I also know that one day, we’ll both find someone, get married, and have k**s of our own, and when we do that, I want to look back on all this, smile and remember it, with no regrets. Not a one. And I’m not going to start doing that now either!” “I agree,” I said simply. “No regrets,” though I’d said it meaning that this moment between us, as good and as much needed as it was, was something I was willing to accept and not look back on, or make any attempt to repeat it again either. “Good, because that’s exactly the way I feel! We’ve both known all along that each of us had a high curiosity and interest in sex. The fact that we’ve had to put that on hold because of the situation doesn’t make things any easier either, if anything a little unfair if you really think about it. So, If anything, what I don’t want, is to become resentful towards Bonnie or Gwen, it’s not their faults either that we’re all going through this. So let’s just accept things the way they are for the time being, and try not to make a big deal out of it. If you and I can enjoy, and pleasure one another from time to time, what harms it really going to do? As long as you and I are both ok with it. So, we’re in agreement here then? Yes?” It took me a moment to digest what she’d just said. “Ah…yes,” I heard myself saying. “Yes.” # “What time is it anyway?” I glanced at my watch. “A quarter to,” I told her. Though Bonnie certainly didn’t have a curfew, Gwen did. Even on a weekend we expected her home by midnight unless there were special circumstances that we knew about ahead of time. “That’s good,” Penny said. “Yeah, we should have plenty of time to get all this straightened up and put away again.” “That’s not what I meant.” I looked over towards her, she was busily unrolling one of the sleeping bags. “What are you doing?” “What do you think I’m doing?” she shot back at me. “And don’t you dare think that you can get me all nice and horny like that and up a leave me…don’t you even dare!” “I wouldn’t dream of it,” I told her somewhat surprised. “Good, now…get over here and fuck your sister!” # Most of the neighbors certainly knew what had happened of course, and had been more than kind and helpful towards us, even delivering home cooked meals and groceries on occasion. Something we all greatly appreciated. But Penny and I both knew that would end in a New York minute if anyone outside the house got wind of the fact that Penny and I had been fooling around. A majority at least would look at us like we were some kind of monsters, sick and twisted perhaps, so we were well aware of the dangers and took every and all precaution against anyone becoming suspicious or ever finding out. Too bad we weren’t as cautious and careful about it inside the house, as we perhaps should have been. Several weeks had gone by since that time we’d shared together in the attic. For days afterwards we acted and treated one another just like we always had, sometimes teasing, sometimes serious whenever it came down to some financial concern or problem that needed to be resolved. But there was another aspect that had entered our lives, and that was the emotional need and desires we’d both been lacking which had suddenly sprung back to life again for each of us. Maybe we should have seen it, stood outside ourselves and took notice of it, but we didn’t. Bonnie did however, even though we were unaware that she had. We were always careful to never do anything, not even in a semi-flirtatious way whenever either one of them was around. But the moment they were gone, leaving us alone together, we seemed to explode, crawling all over one another in complete abandonment. There were times in the morning when I was dressed ready to go to work and had stood sipping a cup of coffee while waiting to walk out to the bus stop which was thankfully right across the street, so I never missed it. Bonnie would swing through, grab her lunch and head off to school, as would Gwen only moments later. The moment they were gone however, anything and everything could happen. I don’t know the number of times that Penny had my cock out just seconds after the door had closed. Quite often I would bend her over the kitchen table, enjoy a nice satisfying fuck with her, and then speed off barely getting my pants zipped up in time to meet the bus. So it was, that we took advantage whenever we could when the girls had some function after school they wished to go to, or in Bonnie’s case a date mid-week since Wednesday was her only other night off from her part-time job when she’d often go out. On those nights Penny and I both hoped that Gwen too would eventually wander off, which she most often did, leaving us happily alone together. It was the following day when all hell broke loose, mainly because of our own stupidity. It had been several days since we’d had the opportunity to do anything. We never even tried to sneak into one another’s rooms at night, as it just simply wasn’t worth the risk. Thursday was Penny’s day off. She only worked four hours a day at a nearby clothing store, so she was always home in the evening when the girls came home, and when I did, but with the hectic schedules we all had, it was the one day she used to sleep in and catch up on some much needed rest. As it happened, I had a few days vacation coming to me, none of which I could certainly plan on using to go anywhere, we couldn’t afford to. But taking one here and there was a nice luxury in and of itself. As a surprise, or what I thought would be one anyway, I had taken the day off without telling anyone. I had stood in the kitchen sipping my morning coffee, making sure that the girls got off to school ok, which they did, while Penny remained upstairs in bed sleeping. I finished my coffee, and then smiled as I made my way upstairs to her bedroom, opening the door and grinning at finding her nude, comfortably lying on top of her bed. I quickly removed my clothing and climbed into bed next to her, after softly caressing her for a short time, she woke, pleasantly surprised to find me there. “I took the day off,” I said simply. Penny purred, pulling me to her. “Then come fuck me,” she asked. “In a minute,” I told her, “Let me wake you up a little first.” I loved; truly loved going down on a woman, and Penny had one of the sweetest tasting cunts that I had ever had the privilege to stick my tongue in. She knew immediately what I had in mind, spreading her legs for me as I slithered down on the bed, my head immediately between her legs as I began licking her sucking her clit and enjoying her taste. I’d been doing so for only a few minutes when I felt her suddenly tighten up, stiffening. Surprised to find she was so close to orgasm already as I normally knew that she was well ahead of time. And then I understood why. “So…how longs this been going on? Though I guess I should know, I’ve suspected it for quite a while now.” Quicker than I could even think, I rolled out between Penny’s legs sitting up in bed and trying desperately to cover myself with part of the sheet, though in hindsight that must have looked ridicules as Penny had been laying on top of most of it. And also in hindsight, I had to admire Penny’s reaction. Initially, she had frozen up of course, my first hint that something was wrong, but upon seeing Bonnie as she stood there in the doorway, she knew the worst thing she could do was react negatively towards her, so she didn’t. Once I had rolled away from between her legs, she merely rolled over onto her side facing her sister with no effort made whatsoever in trying to cover herself, not that it really mattered. “You want the full unabridged addition? Or just the Readers Digest version?” she asked trying to keep it light. Bonnie could have done several things. She could have stormed out of the room, which is what I fully expected her to do, which thankfully she didn’t. Or she could have continued to stand there and wait to hear some sort of explanation, which is what I actually did hope for, but which she also didn’t do either. What she did do surprised me. Bonnie walked over and sat down on the bed instead, even with me sitting there naked just inches away from her. “So, except for this, where’d we go wrong?” Penny asked her. Bonnie looked directly into my eyes as she spoke. “It was several weeks ago I guess, you know how it was back then. Everyone seemed to always be getting on one another’s nerves. I could hardly wait to get out of the house at night it had gotten to be so bad, and then suddenly, almost overnight, the two of you were joking around again, teasing one another just like you used to do. At first, I was really happy to see it, I began to believe that things were working out, and that we were all going to be ok. I even started to feel better about myself, and didn’t mind it when I ended up staying home at night instead of going out. But then…” “Then?” I actually asked interrupting her. At least she smiled at me. “Yeah…but then, you two would seem antsy whenever Gwen or I decided to stay home instead of going out, like you wanted to be alone, which obviously you did. I even said something to her about it.” “You mentioned your suspicions to Gwen?” Penny asked worriedly. “Yes, I did, but not about being suspicious you two were doing anything, only that it seemed like the two of you were trying to keep something from us, something you’ve never done before.” “Oh,” Penny said nodding her head, realizing she was right. “See, you two have never done that before, you’ve ALWAYS told us what’s going on, no matter how bad it was, so you see…we’re both sitting here wondering what IS going on, and wondering why you’re not telling us.” “Damn,” I said adding my own thoughts to my younger sister’s reasoning. “So you see? I was suspicious, I just didn’t know what to be suspicious about. But then a few days ago, I saw something else, that neither one of you realized I had seen, and that confused me even more, until I began putting two and two together.” “Ok, so where else did we fuck up then?” Penny asked, though I was surprised that the tension in the room had lessened considerably. Bonnie continued. “Two, maybe three nights ago? After Gwen and I had both gone to bed?” “Yeah?” I prompted. “Well, you were sitting there in your boxer shorts, which you started doing a lot lately, which is something else you didn’t used to do at night, but I really didn’t give it a lot of thought after that either. So you’re sitting there watching The Tonight Show, like always, and Penny’s sitting in her chair reading a book,” “Like always,” Penny interjected beginning to see where this was going now, though I remained clueless. “Exactly!” Bonnie managed to laugh. “Anyway, I’m lying there in bed and suddenly realize that Penny had told me she’d already finished that book, so I thought that was a little odd that she’d be reading it again already. ” Now Penny laughed realizing her mistake, though she remained silent. “By now I feel like I have to pee, since I can’t sleep, and since I have this little twitch inside my head telling me that things just don’t seem right for some reason. Anyway, I decided to be quiet when I came out of my room, noticed the lights were obviously still on downstairs, and crept down the stairway until I could see down into the room. That’s when I saw you.” “Saw what?” I asked trying to remember. “That’s when I saw you kiss Penny goodnight, as she was heading upstairs to bed, except it wasn’t one of those ‘good-night s*s’ kisses, it was one of those kisses that I didn’t even get from my ex-boyfriend!” “Ex?” I asked bewildered, but all Bonnie did was Glare at me. “Yeah Ex…I told you that a few weeks ago,” she said. “About the time you started flying around with your head in the clouds!” “Oh…sorry, but that made you even more suspicious then,” I finished thinking that’s what had really done it. “Almost…but when I saw your hand come up and caress Penny’s breast, and her hand go down between your legs and begin caressing you…then I knew!” It all came flooding back at that moment, I remember how good Penny’s breasts felt in my hands as I had stood there caressing and playing with them. How she in turn had begun playing with me, standing there stroking my cock, moments later, dropping down to her knees, taking me into her mouth. “I stood there on the stairs watching you sucking him,” Bonnie turned speaking directly towards her sister. “It was one of the most erotic things I have ever seen in my life! The next thing I knew, I realized I had slipped my hand down the hem of my panties and had begun fingering myself while you blew him, his hands on your head, now fucking your face as he got closer and closer…and as I did.” I now had this image of my other sister standing there on the stairs fingering her cunt while watching us, I found myself aroused, yet ashamed, repulsed all at the same time. “Bonnie, I’m sorry…we never meant…” “No, don’t!” She interrupted looking at me now. “I’m not stupid, I know how hard it has been on you two, on all of us. Neither of you have had any kind of life outside this house, and as I said, even my own relationship suffered to some degree because of it. After I had seen you cum in Penny’s mouth, I ran upstairs to my room, masturbated furiously while thinking about it, and then afterwards thinking about how I felt about it too.” “And how do you feel about it?” Penny finally asked. “Well, to be honest with you both, at first I was hurt. Not because you two were fooling around with one another, but because you were keeping it a secret.” “Or trying to,” I added. “But the point is,” Bonnie went on, “You’d never kept secrets from us before, so Gwen and I naturally began to suspect the worse, that there was more than you were telling us about. But then it was Gwen who actually wondered if maybe the two of you were ‘doing it’ tipobet365 yeni giriş as she said, though I laughed that off at first. But she was the one who actually wondered if you were and suggested it.””She knows?” I asked worriedly. “Well no, not really. Like I said she brought it up as more of a passing thought, I actually convinced her that that wasn’t possible, boy did I feel stupid after catching the two of you! Because of that, I had made up my mind I was going to confront the two of you this evening, then when I left this morning, I realized I had forgotten a report that was due today and came back for it. Low and behold…” “Well I guess it was bound to happen,” I said standing up and beginning to pace the room, no longer concerned about my nudity, or even aware of it as I did so. “I guess that’s that then,” I said turning to face the two of them. “That’s what?” They both said in sudden unison looking at me as I stood there. “No more!” I shot back bewildered starting to feel angry, though for the life of me I didn’t know why. Angry at being found out? Or angry because my sex-life suddenly went back to the way it was before, meaning me dating my hand again. “I’ll be damned if I’m going back to having things the way it was before,” Penny suddenly announced. “For the first time in month’s I’ve actually started to feel good about myself again, not to mention no longer feeling irritable or as stressed as I was either!” “Then what?” I asked sitting down on the edge of the bed, now more confused than ever. “She’s right,” Bonnie said. “And you’re missing my whole point because what I was coming to was this. Being that the two of you are twins, you’ve always had a very special closeness anyway, so the fact that you ended up getting involved intimately isn’t that big of a surprise, especially after everything we’ve been through. But…I’m your sister every bit as much as Penny is. I may not be your twin, but I am still your sister. So if this is to continue, it would make me feel like there was some sort of favoritism going on between you two with regards to this household and everything involved with it because of your intimate involvements.” “Like I said,” interrupting her once again, “that’s the reason this has to end between us then.” Now Bonnie was becoming irritated. “Damn it Brad! That’s not what I am suggesting at all!” “Then what are you?” Penny laughed standing up next to her sister. “What’s so funny?” I glared at her, not finding anything funny at all in any of this.”She’s right Brad,” Penny said and then reached over beginning to unbutton my sister’s blouse. “Penny?” “Bonnie’s your sister every bit as much as I am, no more, no less. And I have absolutely no intention of going back to the way things were, not now at least. So until then,” Penny continued now removing my sisters blouse so that she stood in just the skirt and bra she was wearing, a knowing smile on her face as she stared at me. “You’d better come to grips with treating the two of us equally, and fairly in everything that’s going on around here.” “Exactly!” Bonnie said grinning from ear to ear. “That’s exactly what I decided to tell you, if you’re going to fuck my sister, then you’re going to start fucking me too!” she said with finality. “Holy shit!” I said staring at the two of them as Bonnie began helping her sister as she stood there removing her skirt, quickly followed by her bra and then her panties. She now stood in front of me naked, as they both now were. I continued to sit on the edge of the bed, though speechless now, just looking at the two of them while they stood looking, and waiting on me. Although there were obvious similarities between us, as I sat there looking at the two of them, now standing naked side-by-side, I saw the major differences, something of course I would never have known nor realized up until now. Penny was a natural brunette who wore her hair long and in a ponytail most of the time, Bonnie on the other hand being what they called a dish-water blond, as was also evidenced by the small tuft of neatly trimmed pussy hair, and unlike her sister who kept hers completely shaved. Penny had a bit larger sized full breasts, her nipples likewise a bit larger and darker in comparison to her sisters. Bonnie’s breasts though slightly smaller, had more of a perky pointed uplift to them, each one capped by a delicately pink colored areola, though her nipples were larger than her sisters and stood hard, firm and erect well away from her breast almost invitingly so. She had slightly fuller hips than her sister as well, and I watched half mesmerized as Penny gently caressed Bonnie’s ass with her hand as they stood there still looking at me together. “Well?” “Well what?” I said again stupidly. “Well, are you going to fuck me now or what?” Bonnie said, and then walked over and climbed onto the bed. She lay back, spreading her legs and positioning herself. “Though to be honest s*s, what he was doing to you when I first walked in here sure looked good too. Pete wasn’t very good at doing that, is Brad?” she asked looking at her sister completely ignoring me for the moment. Once again Penny giggled. “Oh yeah s*s, he is…very good in fact!” At that moment Penny slid into bed next to her sister and began toying with those hard little nipples of hers. “Well Brad? You going to get up here and take care of your sister? Or am I going to have to do it?” “Penny! You promised! You said you’d never tell!” Penny laughed, “s*s…I think that under the circumstances, all bets are off here. You were the one complaining about there being too many secrets between us, remember?” I saw Bonnie’s face flush furiously. “You two have…have…” I stammered, causing them both to blush a little as well as continue to giggle about it. “We’ll tell you about it later,” Penny said, seeing Bonnie shaking her head in agreement. “Yeah, later…much, much later,” Bonnie finished as she began stroking herself right before my astonished eyes, though I found myself slithering across the bed towards her as she continued doing so, until my tongue speared her tender sensitized flesh, hearing the groan of pleasure as she sucked in her breath as my tongue began exploring, tasting and teasing my other sister’s clit. # Bonnie had climaxed within minutes of my going down on her for the first time, but it did nothing more than fuel the flames of her newfound desire. “Now we fuck!” she’d announced boldly, pushing me onto my back, sliding her wet slippery cunt down over my cock before I’d even realized that she had. “And now…you also get to finish what you were doing to me when we were so rudely interrupted!” Penny said teasingly. In the next instant, she was sitting on my face, rubbing herself against me. Almost automatically, my tongue began flicking at that hard little nubbin of hers, my cock gloriously being bounced on simultaneously. Though I couldn’t see much, I could sense my sister’s touching, caressing and even kissing one another as they faced one another while sitting upon me. I reached up with my hands, finding one of Bonnie’s tits as well as one of Penny’s, adding to my own thrill and desire as I now fondled and caressed the two of them as they in turn fondled and caressed one another all the while fucking my face and cock into oblivion. So heated, and so in tune to one another’s needs, we seemed to climax simultaneously together. I felt the liquid release of Penny’s pussy begin, the sweet tasting trickle of her pleasures as they began to slide into my mouth, her soft moans of ecstasy triggering my own, the sudden onrush of cream spewing from the tip of my cock into my sister’s cunt, then hearing her own deep-throated groan of joy in feeling my cock throb suddenly deep inside her, the feel of her cunt suddenly tightening, clenching, and then drenching my prick in her own cascading release of pleasure. # As erotic and as stimulating as it had been between us, there was a moment of awkwardness as we dressed, the unspoken worry and concern we still faced. “What about Gwen?” I asked finally. “What about Gwen?” Penny said. “No more secrets remember? We have to tell her…everything.” “Including this?” I said speaking the obvious. “Yes! Including this!” Bonnie adamantly demanded. I hesitated while thinking about it. “I don’t know,” I said worriedly. “You caught us actually doing it,” I said looking at Bonnie, “and as strange as that may be, that also gave you some time to think about it and decide how you wanted to deal with it, how you felt about it before approaching us. As far as Gwen is concerned, we’re going to be springing this on her, it might be quite a shock.” “Maybe…maybe not,” Penny interjected. “I don’t think you’re giving Gwen enough credit though,” she added. “And you’re certainly not treating her like an adult, which she is. She needs to decide for herself how she feels about it, one way or the other. But this isn’t something any of us can continue to hide from her either!” “Maybe we can sort of stage it so that she accidentally finds us fooling around the way Bonnie did,” I suggested half-jokingly. “At least that way she can come to a decision the same way Bonnie did.” “No,” Bonnie said disagreeing with me. “She needs to know, but not like that. And besides, all three of us are involved now too, and she needs to hear about all of it all at once, and not walking in on a mini-orgy when finding out.” I could see that in my mind, Gwen seeing us, freaking out and then doing God knows what afterwards. “Ok, so what do we do, and how?” I asked. “I have an idea,” Penny said, always the thinker when it came to working through a problem and finding a possible solution. “Let’s have a comfy night tonight!” she said. “Comfy night?” I asked curiously, “what’s that?” “That’s a great idea!” Bonnie quipped enthusiastically, “It’s been a long time since we’ve had one!” “Comfy night?” I asked once again. “Someone want to tell me what is it that you’re talking about?” “If you’ll hold still for a minute, I will!” Penny said impatiently. “On those rare evenings when mom and dad went out, and when you were out doing God knows what with your friends, we’d decide to get together and have what we called a comfy night. We’d usually order in pizza, slip into something really comfortable, which was usually our favorite nighties, or in my case, a simple tank-top and panties of course.” “Of course,” I said knowingly. “Then we’d usually watch a movie together or something, and end up having one of our ‘girl talks’ while we were at it.” “This might be a good time to tell Brad about what we hinted at earlier,” Bonnie giggled, once again her face beginning to flush. Suddenly I was even more interested. “Yeah, maybe it would be!” “Well, this particular night we’d watched a pretty risqué movie together, and one of the scenes had suggested, without showing much explicit detail two women orally pleasuring one another. Anyway, Bonnie then asked me if anyone had ever done that to me, and I told her that yes, I had experienced it, with another woman when I was just out of high school and still a virgin myself back then.” I sat there listening, surprised that my cock was already beginning to show renewed interest. “And then what?” “Well that’s when I told Bonnie and Gwen about dad’s secret dirty movies, and that I had also seen one of those and had watched a woman being gone down on by another woman, and how that had made me curious about it too, which is how when the opportunity presented itself, that I decided I wanted to experience that for myself…so I did.” “Gwen was there too?” I said incredulously. “Only for the chat and discussion,” Bonnie stated. “I could tell she was aroused and curious about it.” “Fidgety,” Penny said remembering, and laughed. “Oh yeah, fidgety,” Bonnie giggled. “She soon after excused herself claiming she was tired, but the truth was, she was damn horny and immediately headed up to bed to masturbate, something she was always doing, though she tried to conceal it from us, even though we both knew she always was. Sharing the same room together, I’d often pretend to be sound asleep, and then sure enough a few minutes later, I could hear her playing with herself. Anyway, so when she left to go upstairs to do her thing, Penny and I continued talking about it, and about the movie she’d seen.” “And that’s when Bonnie told me she really wished she could experience that too, but that she didn’t know, or would she ever dare approach any of her girlfriends about it, and certainly not her boyfriend who at the time, she’d not even allowed to touch her breasts yet let alone try doing anything like that!” “And that’s when Penny said she would, if I was ok with it, and to which I said I was, provided she never said anything to anyone about it, including Gwen, but especially you of course. I was worried about that to some extent, because even back then, you and Penny never kept any secrets from one another.” “Except for this one obviously,” I said looking over towards Penny. “You didn’t need to know about this one,” she informed me. “No sense giving you any additional jerk-off material to masturbate too, you’re constantly barging into my bedroom when I was dressing or getting undressed must have given you plenty back then,” she added with a knowing smile. “Oh don’t look so shocked Brad, those silly reasons and excuses for coming into my room unannounced didn’t go without notice. I knew exactly what it was you were trying to do…to see. And so once in a while I actually waited for you to do so, and made sure you’d have something to see when you did!” She laughed seeing my face. “Looks like you got me on that one,” I finally admitted confessing to her, but then quickly changed the subject and got them back on track as to what we were originally discussing. “So that was the night you and Bonnie…” I stopped trying to find the right words. “Ate each other out? Yes!” Penny laughed looking at me, and then down at my now very aroused, very hard cock. “We tossed some of the pillows from off the couch onto the floor, and then lay there for the longest time just licking one another’s cunts. We were having a damn good time too, until we heard the sound of your car pulling into the drive. We hurriedly straightened up, and then went to bed, me joining Bonnie and Gwen back in their room, because by now we were both still incredibly horny, and even if Gwen hadn’t finished masturbating herself yet, we’d already decided we were going to surprise her with our coming in, and doing ourselves right there in front of her.” “And you did?” “Boy…did we ever!” Bonnie laughed remembering. “Fuck!” I said getting even more aroused, once again touching my cock, not even realizing I was as I sat there listening to their erotic, naughty little story. “So then what?” “Poor Gwen doesn’t even know we’re there until it’s too late. She’s laying there in bed, knees bent, legs spread, shoving this cucumber that she stole from the fridge into herself.” “No shit!” I said envisioning all this. “No shit, surprised us too!” Penny admitted, “But it was also hot…walking in, seeing Gwen with this green piece of fruit shoved up her pussy.” “And then what happened?” I pressed anxiously. “Penny and I both walked over to the bed, poor Gwen realizes we’re there now of course and is freaked out a little, trying to pull the covers up, but by then it’s too late of course. Anyway, Penny slips into bed on one side of her, and I on the other. She’s sort of wild-eyed and embarrassed, until Penny takes the cucumber she was using, and slips it into herself for a moment, then takes it out and hands it to me, which is when I did. Then I gave it back to Gwen. She’s smiling now, relieved, and inserts it back into herself. We spent the next hour or so watching one another fucking ourselves with the cucumber, as well as one another until we’d all climaxed a number of times.” “After that…we had a ‘comfy’ night whenever we could get away with it,” Penny told me. “So you did this again?” “Several times little brother,” which is what Penny often referred to me as when she chose to tease me, being older by just eight minutes, “several times!” “Damn!” I said seeing it clearly etched within my mind. “And to think, I never knew!” I added with surprise. “You were always too busy trying to see my tits rather than thinking you might catch the three of us doing a hell of a lot more!” Penny grinned. “Comfy night huh?” I said ignoring her comment. “Yeah, comfy night. Only this time, you’re invited.” # “So how’s this going to work exactly? Obviously Gwen might not react well if you tell her you’re having a comfy night and I’m going to be there…just like that.” “No, but I will tell her that we’re going to “sort of” have a family night together, which will include making ourselves comfy for it, and that we’re going to have a chat about things, about the family and such. At least she’ll be better prepared when she hears what we have to say.” “God s*s, what if she freaks out or something?” “Don’t worry about it Brad. Let Bonnie and I do ALL the talking. You just need to be there, but don’t say anything unless Gwen decides to personally ask you something. Let us explain the situation to her. After what the three of us have shared together in the past, I don’t think it’s going to be nearly as awkward for her to hear as you think it is.” “Still…” I said worriedly. “Well, even if she needs to go off and think about it after we have, we let her. You know how Gwen is. You can’t corner her into making a snap decision. Sometimes she needs to spend time by herself thinking about it from every angle before she commits to something one way or the other. We just need to give her that time, no matter what happens after we’ve told her. But that’s also why it’s important that Bonnie and I do all the talking, and you remain silent unless she addresses you directly.” “So…we do this tonight then huh?” “Yes, I think the sooner the better,” Bonnie agreed. “Now, if you’d give me a quick lift to the university so I can turn in my report, I’ll call her and let her know not to plan anything this evening and to make sure she’s gonna be home for a ‘family comfy night’.” “Ah…maybe we should take care of that first,” Penny pointed out, nodding her head over towards my very erect, very stiff prick. “Good idea,” Bonnie grinned once again pushing me back onto the bed as she and Penny began licking me up one side and down the other. # As it turned out, Gwen didn’t have any plans for the evening, and was pleasantly surprised when Penny told her that we’d be having a comfy night, until she added the fact that I would be there, and that we had some family issues to discuss. “Oh, I thought you meant comfy night like we used to have,” Gwen said disappointedly. “I’ve really missed that,” she added honestly. “Well, you never know,” Penny told her over the phone. “We’ll just have to wait and see,” she said, and then hung up before Gwen could ask anything else. Penny had fixed a light but delicious dinner for everyone, though telling all of us that since it was a family comfy night, tipobet365 güvenilirmi we’d be eating it in the living room, on the floor as they used to do, and that we’d also all be wearing something nice and comfortable to sit in while we talked. Gwen had questioned that briefly, until she was informed that I’d agreed to dress comfy too, and was forewarned that that meant I’d be wearing nothing more than a pair of tight-whiteys as she’d put it to her, and that Penny would as usual be wearing nothing more than her tank-top and panties, just like always even with me there. Likewise, Bonnie came downstairs wearing her favorite P.J.’s, which these days consisted of a pair of panties and a cut-off football jersey that barely covered the bottom slopes of her breasts. “You’re wearing that?” Gwen asked upon seeing her. “Sure, why not? ” Bonnie said easily. “Like Penny said, this really is a comfy night, even if Brad’s going to be there, and he’s only wearing briefs, so lighten up!” Penny already had dinner waiting for everyone in the middle of the living room floor when Gwen finally came downstairs to join us. She was dressed far more demurely however, wearing a simple pair of flannel pajamas that though obviously comfortable to wear, were certainly not provocative at all in nature. “Chicken!” Bonnie whispered over to her as she sat down, looking towards me, surprised perhaps to discover that I was indeed only sitting there in a pair of tighty-whiteys as Penny called them. I remained silent, almost awkwardly so through most of dinner, the tension thick enough that you could almost cut it with a knife. Nearly everyone sat eating in silence, with the few words being spoken as more polite mundane conversation more than anything else. By the time we were all finished, Gwen was acting about as nervously as I’d ever seen her. “Ok, now that we’ve gotten through dinner, is someone going to tell me what’s really going on?” she asked observantly. “See? I told you,” Bonnie said. “She’s not stupid!” “Never said she was,” Penny was quick to point out seeing the look of consternation on Gwen’s face, and then on mine as she peered over towards me. “What’s wrong?” she asked worriedly. “Nothing’s wrong Gwen,” Penny began seriously. “It’s just that we need to come clean with you about something, and be upfront and honest about it. So what I’m going to ask of you is to at least listen to what needs to be said. Then afterwards, you can ask any of us whatever you’d like, or you can go off and think about it first, whatever you prefer.” “Ah oh…” she said, “Sounds serious, but…ok, tell me. What is it? What’s been going on around here lately that I don’t know about…yet!” She added now glaring towards where Bonnie was sitting. “Obviously…you do!” To my surprise, Penny started out with the very beginning, telling the story fully from when she and I had gone up into the attic to watch dad’s old 8mm movies. I sat in silence listening, watching for reaction from my sister, surprised to get more of one out of Bonnie as Penny told the full story, not leaving out a single solitary detail as she did. Gwen sat in silence herself however, absorbing everything Penny said, sometimes shutting her eyes as though seeing it, thinking about it, and obviously wrestling emotionally with a great deal of it, which didn’t surprise me. Only her reaction did, as there really wasn’t one. I had fully expected to see he suddenly bolt up off the floor from where she was sitting and race up to her room, but she never did.Bonnie soon after added her own little experience at coming home and catching us, then everything that had happened after that, once again between the two of them not leaving out a single detail, much of which was pretty explicit, and as far as I was concerned, not entirely necessary. But again, Gwen absorbed, listened and made no immediate comments except to ask a simple question here or there by way of clarification. For myself, I kept waiting for her to explode. When the entire thing had finally been said and laid out, Gwen finally stood and indicated she needed a few minutes by herself to think about what we’d told her. She quickly turned and headed upstairs to her room without saying another word. “Well, that certainly went well.” I said sarcastically. “She’s probably up stairs packing her bags right now thinking we’re all a bunch of perverts or something.” “Oh hush Brad,” Penny told me. “She’s not thinking that at all, she just needs some time to digest it is all, you know how she is!” That still didn’t help to convince me however. “Maybe I should go up and talk to her myself, alone.” I suggested. “Don’t you dare,” Bonnie warned me. “That’s the worst thing you could do right now. We threw a lot at her tonight,” Bonnie reminded me unnecessarily. “And if she’s going to be angry or upset with anyone…it’s going to be me, not you or Penny. You forget, I’m the one who convinced her that the two of you weren’t doing anything, when she was the one who was actually suspicious of it in the first place!” We sat arguing and talking about it amongst ourselves for quite some time, blaming ourselves and sometimes one another, worried about Gwen, as well as our own future as a family. “Regardless of what she decides about it,” Penny began, “she’s still our sister, and we’re hers, and you’re still her brother too Brad! Maybe she won’t agree, or even accept what we’ve decided to accept amongst ourselves, but at least she knows now, and can make her own decision regarding it. Whichever one it is, we’ll find away to work around and through it.” Penny assured the two of us, though I remained highly skeptical, and still thinking that it might be best to try and forget everything we’d done at this point, and somehow find a way to go back living the way we had been, make it work somehow, and try and forget everything we’d now done. We were still sitting there discussing it, heatedly at this point when Gwen stood at the top of the stairs looking down at the three of us and spoke in a fairly loud voice. “So…let’s see those dirty movies,” she said simply. “Where’s the projector?” What we all noticed immediately as Gwen stood at the top of the stairs looking down at us was that she no longer wore the flannel pajamas that she had been wearing. Now she was dressed in what she considered to be her favorite “comfy” attire, which consisted of one of her favorite red-sheer teddy’s that did little if anything to conceal her young, though full and well-rounded breasts, that were perhaps even a bit larger and a bit fuller than Penny’s were. Penny was smiling up at her sister as she stood, meeting her at the bottom of the stairs as did Bonnie, each of them giving her a reassuring hug as they did so. “Well? Do I get a hug from my brother too?” she asked almost coyishly. I quickly walked over giving her one, feeling the press of her near-naked breasts against me as she did so. “So, let’s see some of those movies,” she suggested once again. We quickly brought down the projector from the attic along with several canisters, some of which even I hadn’t had time to go through yet. Penny set up the screen, which we hadn’t bothered with the last time as I threaded in the first movie, and as Bonnie and Gwen went about fixing up everyone with something to drink and hopefully still settle a few honest nerves. I know I was grateful for it, downing the first margarita they’d handed me in one gulp. “They’re pretty explicit,” I warned just before turning the first one on. “Well duh…I certainly hope so!” Gwen said excitedly taking a seat. “I’ve never even seen a real porn movie before, though I’ve always wanted to. Not just with anyone I happen to know at the moment,” she added with a grin. As I had done with Penny the first time we’d watched any together, I now found myself doing again with the three of them. Keeping one eye on the movie, and the other on them, taking more interest in their reactions than I was on whatever might be taking place on screen. All three seemed rather absorbed in what was going on, especially Gwen whose eyes had grown wide as two women had sandwiched some guys cock between them, he laying on the floor, and each of them positioning themselves against one another on top of him where they attempted to mash their cunts together with his dick sticking up and in-between. “That’s certainly interesting,” she exclaimed after a few moments, and then even more so when he stood jacking himself off above the two women as they finally merged their cunts together, humping one another passionately as he soon after came, showering them both with a massive ejaculation that sprayed obscenely down on the two of them. It had been a short movie, which I’d purposely chosen in the event that Gwen didn’t find it all that interesting to begin with, but she as well as my other two sisters obviously did. “Find a longer one,” Gwen told me. “One that has a little of everything,” she added almost demurely. I selected one that I thought would do just that, poured myself another drink, then reached over and turned on the projector as Penny turned off the lights. I had sat in one of two single chairs, Penny taking the other while Bonnie and Gwen shared the couch together. In doing so, I was able to at least partially hide my obvious arousal, the fact that my cock was pressing stiffly against the front of my shorts at least didn’t feel so uncomfortable that I couldn’t sit there like that. But I didn’t dare, and wasn’t about to openly touch myself either, even though I was by now highly aroused, curious, and somewhat anxious about the evening, even though everything seemed to be perfectly ok. Not too surprisingly however, I glanced over to where Penny was sitting across from me and found her once again sitting on one leg as she most often did, but lifting her other leg bent at the knee foot flat on the cushion of the chair. Once again her hand found its way down to her pussy where she pulled her panties off to one side and sat fingering herself. She glanced up occasionally to look at me, smile, and continue on with her pleasured finger fucking knowing full well that I could see what she was doing. Glancing back over at the couch was a bit more obvious in my doing, but curiosity was killing me, so I tried to look back without making a production out of it. Once I had however, I found myself eyes glued on my sisters, no longer caring about the movie any more regardless of what was taking place at the moment, which was pretty steamy all by itself with two couples busily pleasuring one another simultaneously. Gwen and Bonnie sat finger-fucking one another, openly and without any reservation whatsoever! Each sat side by side with their hands down between one another’s outstretched legs which they’d over lapped upon one another allowing easier access. Even glancing over towards me and smiling, acknowledging as they did so that I was very much aware of what was going on, only seemed to heighten their desires and passions, soon openly moaning and groaning together as they fingered one another’s cunts. Even Penny was soon alerted to their passions, standing up to move behind the couch where they were sitting to reach over, cupping a breast from each of her sisters, fondling and caressing them as they played. After a few more minutes, the movie ended, the sound of the film flapping about on the reel alerting me to the fact that it had. I stood up quickly without thought, shutting off the projector, thus throwing the room into darkness for a moment, as Penny no longer sat near the table lamp. It took only a moment or so for my eyes to adjust to the sudden darkness however, and upon doing so, to realize that Gwen now stood near me, reaching out for and taking my hand. Wordlessly, she led me over to the couch, turning me, and then having me sit down. I felt her hands grab the waistband of my shorts just before I did as she yanked them down around my ankles. Sitting, Gwen without a word, without any preamble whatsoever simply crawled up and into my lap. I felt her hand seeking me out at this point, wrapping itself around my highly aroused swollen member, using it against herself momentarily, rubbing the head of my prick up and down that wet juicy slit of hers before placing it carefully at the opening, and then easing herself down onto it. “Oh fuck!” she moaned pleasurably. “Oh…fuck!” As I quickly discovered, Penny and Bonnie had taken up positions on either side of us, kneeling rather than sitting. As Gwen slowly fucked me, I reached out fondling one of Bonnie’s tits as well as one of Penny’s as she did so. I felt hands and fingers caressing, exploring us both playfully, oft times the additional sensation of a groping hand finding my cock, helping it as it went in and out of my sister’s juicy cunt, other times frigging her clit, or even she theirs as they knelt beside us, welcoming her exploratory searching, reveling in theirs as we all touched, fondled and caressed one another simultaneously. Leaning over, I delighted myself in sucking first one, then another, switching breasts from girl to girl as often as I liked, enjoying the differences and similarities of nipple, shape and softness. Gwen’s pussy becoming more and more liquid with each thrust, each groan or moan of delight becoming more urgent, more needful as her upward, and then downward thrusts began telling me. “Fuck me! Fuck me! FUCK ME!” Gwen screamed, and began to shudder in the throes of sweet pure ecstasy as she came. Collapsing against me, I felt my cock slip out of her cunt, though it was more like being pulled out as I realized, Bonnie had gotten down on her knees behind us on the floor, now taking my cock in her mouth sucking it. But to my total and complete surprise, Penny had slithered down onto my lap, somehow worming her way between us as Bonnie bent my cock out of the way, almost painfully so, but I ignored whatever discomfort I initially felt as she began licking at her younger sister’s still quivering snatch. Lifting herself up slightly, Gwen now d****d herself over my chest, her head hanging back over my shoulder giving Penny easier access to her pussy which she’d now begun sucking , licking and tonguing just as Bonnie continued on doing to me. I was amazed how quickly she came again, hugging my neck, pressing herself against me, the feel of her magnificent breasts mashing against my face now, which I quickly began to suckle even as she entered into her climax, Penny’s lips and mouth capturing my sister’s sweet clit, milking from it yet another explosive, joyful orgasm. Feeling this, sensing this, my own orgasmic splurge began, too far gone to say or do anything, I simply let it, succumbing to the sweetness of my own pleasure, feeling Bonnie’s mouth so securely wrapped about my prick as she continued sucking, feeling the release, the momentary surprise of it, then her mouth even more furiously working at my prick-tip, drinking, swallowing each successive jettison of my spunk into her mouth. Finally Gwen collapsed off to one side, for the moment temporarily satiated, as was I. Each of us fighting to regain our collective breaths as suddenly the side table lamp came on once again throwing a soft dim light into the room. “Give me some,” Penny grinned walking over to where Bonnie still knelt, half smiling as she did so, a small trickle of cream emerging from the corner of her mouth. “Don’t make me laugh,” she said lifting her face up, gurgling as she did so, the frothy juice now so readily apparent as Penny slid onto the floor beneath her. Bonnie now leaned over, kissing her sister fully on the mouth, simultaneously spitting the cum-juice I’d only recently deposited there into her sister’s waiting mouth, which she now sucked furiously in receiving, licking her sister’s lips afterwards in search of any and all remaining residue. Having collected herself, Gwen slipped off the couch, now standing over and above her sisters. “Leave any for me?” she asked. “A little,” Penny managed to say without drooling any of the remaining nectar that she held inside her mouth. Kneeling now, I watched my sister’s kiss, watched as they swapped one little of my spending remained, then again shared with Bonnie who had joined them. I continued to sit, wild-eyed and near hypnotized. Penny soon wiggled up between Bonnie’s legs and began to lick her, likewise she doing the same now to Gwen, with Gwen completing the circle now licking Penny. I could only sit and watch the highly erotic, extremely sensual sculpture that formed, my three sister’s all interlocked together, doing something they had obviously once done before. And like it had been practiced and repeated over and over again to perfection, they came simultaneously licking and sucking one another as moans, groans and hard felt cries of pleasure erupted within seconds of one another. “See?” Penny said smiling up towards me long moments later. “If you’d just been a little more devious and curious, you might have actually caught the three of us doing this a long time ago!” I could only laugh at that in agreement. “True,” I told her. “But seeing each of your tits was enough at the time.” “Each?” Bonnie questioned me curiously. “Whenever did you see my tits? I knew you’d caught Penny a few times, and Gwen once or twice, but I thought I was always so careful about you ever catching me!” “You only thought you were,” I now admittedly freely, confessing it all. “I used to sit inside your closet when you came in to undress, watched you a number of times, even more than Penny or Gwen for that matter. You’re the only one who had slats in the doors, which allowed me to sit there in silence and secretly watch you!” Penny and Gwen burst out laughing with the admission of that. “And what else did you see and do?” They now asked. # It was just like old times now once again. Sitting there sharing with one another our little secrets, sharing our thoughts and feelings with one another as well as discussing our worries and concerns about a still very uncertain future. But there was a sense of closeness that we hadn’t felt or shared in a very long time either, a belonging to one another that surpassed anything we had ever known or felt towards one another. “Brad, your turn to get drinks,” Penny told me after a while. When I returned, I found all three of my sisters kneeling on the couch, their cute asses wiggling at me suggestively as they knelt there. “Think you can handle all three?” Penny turned smiling looking back. I sat our drinks down on the coffee table for later, my cock suddenly lurching to full size within moments. I quickly stepped behind Penny, slipping my prick deeply inside her waiting cunt, we fucked for long precious moments before I moved over to where Bonnie waited, spending equal time inside her before moving on to Gwen, then back again, over and over, fucking each with more vigor, more intensity with each pass. Even when I came, I thrust, feeling the surge of my cream shooting deep into one, pulling out, thrusting again into the other, and so on until again spent, exhausted beyond my wildest dreams. We soon after collapsed onto the floor where we spent the night curled up, sleeping in one another’s arms. In the morning, each a little stiff and sore, but relaxed beyond measure, waking to smiles of assuredness and calm, Penny spoke. “First expenditure when we can afford it,” she announced, “Is a bigger bed, a MUCH bigger bed!”

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