
A Welfare Fuck.


I was once at a fancy restaurant with my husband and two daughters. When the waiter put down the plates of food my daughters both made faces and added an “eww”.The waiter smiled and said, “You don’t eat with your eyes, but with your mouths.”That stayed with me because he was right. Many times we see something that we don’t think we will like, but what we don’t know and would never find out was if it tasted good; that was the case with Josh.******Fifteen years earlier, somewhere in suburbia. “Raven, you got to get your notes up if you want to get into MIT.”I was lying on my bed facing my mother, who sat at my desk looking worried. She was right; my grades were okay, but not good enough for MIT, which was my first choice. I guess, being a cheerleader, dating the quarterback, Mike, and all the parties had made me lose focus on school work. It was my senior year and graduation was just a few months away. Outside the birds sang and the sun shone in through the window, warming my bare legs.“I know, Mom, I will do better.”She sighed. “I’m grounding you. You can’t see Mike and I want you at home right after cheerleader practise, do you hear me?”“That’s so unfair! I want to see Mike.”She got up and said, “No, you can’t, not until your grades are better. I want to see straight A’s on all the upcoming exams. I’m also calling Mrs. Walsh; I want Josh to tutor you.”“Oh, c’mon, please, not him. He is such a nerd.”My mother smiled. “Exactly, a nerd, and that’s why he’s at Cornell. You are lucky he came back early for summer break.”When she had gone I cursed myself for being a lazy bitch, but the simple truth was that ever since me and Mike had fucked the first time, I couldn’t get enough of him. Going to the movies or having a burger were just excuses; he would drive us out of town to a small wooded area, and there we would fuck on a blanket he had brought. I loved sucking his cock and when he licked my pussy I thought I would explode. When I came back after one of our sessions I would sometimes rub my pussy before going to sleep thinking about how Mike opened me up with his cock and slid in and out of me until my body tensed and I came.******Josh was four years older than I, which made him twenty-two. When we were kids we would play with the other children that lived on the street but when almanbahis he turned fifteen he stopped going out and stayed in with his computer and school books.Josh was not a good looking young man, far from it. He had a sunken chest, and long, thin legs and arms. His hands were quite small for his size and his head a bit too big. His shoulders were bottle shaped and his hooked nose made him look like a stork.But he was a good guy. Once I fell and hurt my legs and he carried me home while I cried on his shoulder. I think he had a crush on me at some point because he would come by our house and ask my father all kind of things about football, and I knew Josh had zero interest in sports, I guess it was an excuse to be close to me.******The next day I was in the kitchen, sitting at the table having my afternoon snack when there was a knock on the door. I heard my mother get up from the sofa in the living room and walk down the hall.“Hi, Josh, so good to see you,” I heard her say before the door closed.I looked up from my sandwich and there he was. Tall, thin with his large head, just as I had remembered him.“Raven, it’s been a long time,” he said and walked towards me.I got up and gave him a short hug, “Yeah, how many years has it been?”He thought for a moment before saying, “Three.”We sat down and my mother went back to the living room. After a few seconds of silence he said, “So, what do you need help with?”I sighed and pushed away my plate. “Algebra, calculus, physics, and biology.”“Mm, I see, and how are you doing now in those subjects?”His voice was deeper than I had remembered, but kind. “I got C’s across the board and I need A’s.”“I see, well, it’s going to be hard work, but I think you’ll make it.”“I know, my mom has grounded me so I am all yours.”His eyes quickly moved from mine to my lips and then down to my cleavage. My C cups were pushing hard against my cheerleader uniform and I knew he could see the outline of my nipples. It made me blush and I quickly put an arm in front of my boobs, resting it on the table.His eyes went back to mine and he said, “Let’s get started.”*******Two weeks later I had my first exams and I aced them all. I was so happy that when Josh came back that afternoon I jumped up and gave him a big wet kiss on his cheek.“I did it, I did it!” I shouted almanbahis yeni giriş when he had let me down.“That’s great, I am so glad for you.”“Thanks, I couldn’t have done it if it wasn’t for you,” I said, and sat down at my desk.Josh usually sat or lay on my bed while I studied. If I had a question or didn’t understand he would come over and have a look.While I was working out a calculus problem, I asked, “Josh, do you have a girlfriend at Cornell?”It took a few seconds before he answered. “No, why?”“I miss Mike so much; he is my boyfriend and I haven’t seen him since my mom grounded me… well, in class but not alone, if you know what I mean.”That last part came out before I had a chance to stop myself. I knew a smart guy like Josh would figure out what I really meant.“I’m sorry for you, but it’s not long now. In a couple of weeks you are done and you can see him every day.”I stopped my work and turned around. “You don’t get it, Josh. I need him, I love him and I want to see him.”“I wouldn’t know what that feels like since I have never dated a girl.” He spoke in a whisper and looked down at his hands.“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. Haven’t you met anyone you like?”Josh sighed and looked up at me. “Raven, look at me, I’m not the best looking guy around.”He was right, he wasn’t, but I didn’t want to hurt his feelings. “Well, you are a good person, kind, gentle and always willing to help.” It sounded lame but what was I supposed to say?He laughed. “Thanks, but I know how I look, and that finding a girl during my college years will be difficult if not impossible. I just have to wait until I start working where people are older and don’t date based on looks.”I went back to my calculus problem; there wasn’t much I could say, he was right after all.There was a long silence where I concentrated on my work and then suddenly Josh said, “Raven, how does it feel to fuck?”I dropped my pen and turned around. “How would I know?” I knew I was blushing but I wasn’t going to admit not being a virgin.A smile grew on Josh’s face and he said, “Don’t worry, I won’t tell on you, but I saw you and Mike out there in the woods one evening. I was there looking for an owl I wanted to take pictures of and while I lay hidden you two walked right past me, not seeing me. A few minutes later I almanbahis giriş heard what you were doing.”I was shocked. Josh had heard us, and I was a loud lover and I loved using dirty words while Mike fucked me, and knowing Josh had heard me made me feel even worse than the fact that he knew what we did.“It’s okay, Raven; all I want is to know what it feels like.”I took a deep breath before speaking. “Well, I don’t know how it feels like for a guy but for me it’s just amazing. When Mike is on top of me and his weight presses me down while he has sex with me, it’s just amazing.”“Okay, and how does it feel like to come?”I giggled. “Like your body explodes with thousands of stars, it’s hard to describe in words but first it feels like if you want to pee but that changes to a tickling feeling that spreads out to all parts of your body.”I just realized he had asked me something that didn’t make sense. “Josh, how come you don’t know what an orgasm feels like? I assume you do masturbate?”It was his turn to blush, and he nodded. “Yeah, I do, but I thought maybe there was a difference when you fucked.”I thought for a moment and then said, “I guess there is, I mean when Mike fucks me he keeps on going as my orgasm rolls over me while when I masturbate I tend to stop as soon as it begins and then just enjoy it, so yes, having an orgasm while fucking is more intense than while masturbating.”“Cool, thanks, go back to your work, I’ll go down and get us something to drink.”When he was gone I realized my pussy was wet from remembering Mike fucking me. I wore a pair of tight shorts, no panties or bra and an armless T-shirt. Since that first day in the kitchen, Josh hadn’t looked at me like that again; in fact, I was surprised that he didn’t stare at all. I had an almost perfect body and I wasn’t shy to show it off, but he seemed to ignore me all together.Josh always dressed the same. Jeans, a one-coloured shirt buttoned all the way up, brown or black loafers and his hair was always neatly combed. He looked like the nerd he was.*******“So, tell me, what’s it like to study with the super nerd?”The question came from my best friend Mandy. She lived two streets away from me and we had been friends since kindergarten. Josh, Mandy and I had played together as kids, but like me she had grown up and Josh had disappeared from our lives, at least up until now.“He is cool, and very good at teaching.”“Mm, I see, and does he ogle you at all?”I laughed. “The first day he did, but since then nothing.”“Really? Is he gay?”I laughed again.

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