
Ghost Town

Big Dicks

Rose had been on the road for six hours. Her coffee was gone and the snacks she brought were picked at to the point they were no longer desirable. Signs on the side of the freeway announced a Ghost Town just up ahead. She still had several hours until she hit her destination. Her back felt tight, her legs pent up, and her mind reasoned that stopping to experience something new wasn’t a bad thing. She pulled off the exit and drove a mile and a half toward the mountains where she entered an abandoned mining town.Parking, she got out and stretched. Stashing her car key in her jeans pocket, she stood beside her locked car and looked around. There were no other cars in the lot and the sun was brazen in the sky. She decided a short walk through the historic town would be enough and then she would be back on the road. Walking up a steep incline, she found herself surrounded by abandoned buildings. The wood was warped, but the adobe-style bricks maintained the structure’s original shapes. Some were locked with chains and bike locks but a few had missing doors. It was hot and the few trees were still from a lack of breeze. Feeling a little uncomfortable, she walked, it was as if she was being watched. It was a silly thought and she continued.Near the center of town, she found the original saloon. The short push doors were still in working order. She walked in and found an ample space that looked as if it was right out of a movie. A solid wood bar covered in dust with a long pitted mirror on the wall behind it lined the left side. The right was filled with round tables surrounded by chairs. Straight ahead was a stage with billowing faded red curtains flanking its sides.To the left of the stage was a wide staircase that went up to a hidden area above. Rose walked to the stairs and cautiously tested her weight on the first step. It felt sturdy. Step after step, she worked her way up until she found herself on a narrow landing. A long hallway lined with doors on both sides was set before her. Her mind grew bahis siteleri hazy, but she continued exploring.Opening the first door on her left, she found a small room with a bed and a mirror over an antique water bowl. Stepping into the room, the door closed behind her. Startled, she turned to the door and paused, not knowing why it closed on its own. A dull sound of laughter slowly filled the room. She walked to the door and opened it. The abandoned hallway was now filled with light from the lamps that hung on the walls. Confused, she walked out and slowly opened the door across from the room she was just in. Peeking in, she saw a room with the same setup, but a man lay on the bed and a woman in a traditional saloon dress was straddling him. Her breasts were pushed up from the top and she rode him looking bored. His hands gripped her hips and he grunted beneath her. Her eyes were locked on the wall in front of her and she made unenthusiastic sounds but continued her motions.Startled, Rose stepped back and quietly shut the door. In the hall, sounds of grunting and giggles came from the other rooms. She turned in a full circle and felt the rustling of a skirt across her thighs. Surprised, she looked down at her outfit. Gone were the jeans and white tank top she walked in with, replaced by a similar dress as the woman in the room. Cut low, her breasts were pushed up in a tight blood-red corset with a short skirt of matching material that flared at her waist ending at her knees. Her slip-on shoes were now heeled ankle boots. Before she could spend too much time thinking about it, she heard footsteps coming up the stairs behind her. She debated hiding but didn’t have enough time and honestly didn’t know where to go.“Rosy, there you are. Sheriff Fletcher is downstairs waiting for you. Fanny will be done in room eight in ten minutes. Be a good girl and keep him company until I come and get you,” said an older woman. She was thick and dressed in similar attire. Her dress was made of heavy blue velvet canlı bahis siteleri and swept the floor as she walked. “Now, girl. I don’t know why the richest man in these parts fancies you so much, but you better not make him cross.” She walked past Rose and swatted her on the ass toward the stairs.Rose didn’t know what was going on, but she just wanted to get out of there. She walked quickly down the stairs but found the once empty room full. Three women were on the stage dancing, and men in leathers and cowboy hats sat around the tables playing cards or watching the show. The bar was lined with men trying to get the bartender’s attention.“What is going on?” she whispered to herself. She wondered if these were actors, but how did that lady know her name? Why was she all of a sudden dressed in period clothing? Trying not to draw attention to herself, she started to the doors looking to escape. She almost made it when an arm wrapped around her waist and dragged her onto the lap of a large, fat, dirty man. “Where do ya think you’re going, little lady?” he spat against her neck.He smelt horrible. Trying not to react, she responded meekly, “I just need to get a bit of air.” She tried to stand, but he held her tighter to him. His hand gripped her right breast and squeezed, causing her to yelp in pain. Was this the sheriff she was told to keep happy? She needed to get out of there. Trying to dislodge herself again, he gripped her harder, pushing his hard cock into her leg. Nausea rolled through her.“Get your good for nothing hands off her,” came a low growl behind her.An unexpected sense of calm spread through her. The man’s hold on to her loosened and she shot up grateful to be free. Turning to the deep voice, she found a tall muscled man dressed all in black. His black cowboy hat sat low, obscuring his eyes and a thick brown beard covered his rugged features. His muscles were tense under his dark shirt sleeves and his black leather vest had a star pinned over his heart. The sheriff. Without canlı bahis thinking, she stepped toward the strong, handsome man. His hand slid to the small of her back as he said, “I know your business in my town Lenny, but don’t think you will get away disrespecting the ladies here. I’ve shot men for far less in these parts.”Guiding her with his hand he maneuvered them to the bar. “Can I get you a drink?” he asked. She looked at the transparent glass bottles containing liquids varying from clear to various shades of amber. She had no clue what was in them. “I’ll have what you’re having.”He chuckled. “Whiskey might be a little too strong for you. How about sassafras?”“I would rather have the whiskey,” she replied forcefully. He ordered two shots, picked them up, and handed her one. She clinked the rim of her small glass to his and downed the shot in one swallow. He did the same. She grimaced slightly at the burn as it went down her throat. She slammed the glass down and asked, “One more?” The sheriff had a look of surprise that transformed into amusement and he ordered another round. After shooting it back, a warm feeling rested in her chest and belly. She looked up to the sheriff and gave him a sheepish smile. “It’s been quite a day. Thank you.” “Happy to oblige,” he said, smirking. They stood looking at each other. Rose was still confused, but something about the man seemed familiar. She felt calm in his presence. She was searching for something to say when the older woman from upstairs approached them. She looked at the empty glasses with a raised eyebrow. “Rosy, you know it’s against house rules for my girls to drink the hard stuff.”Before she could respond, the sheriff stepped in. “I know your rules Madam, but I asked her to join me for a drink.” The woman smiled in a way that didn’t reach her eyes.“Of course. Your room is ready. Please follow me.” At that, the woman made her way to the stairs. The sheriff placed his hand on Rose’s back again and guided her through the throng of men before them. At the top landing, Madam was at the end of the hall, standing in an open doorway. As they approached, she said, “Take as long as you need, Shariff.” She turned to Rose and gave her a stern look before walking away.

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