


PREDATORS’ HUMAN – 40bChapter 40b: CONFLICT ON THE PLAINS – ContinuedSuddenly I did know what we were going to do to survive. And if we could bring it together decisively and immediately, the day will still be ours. Because when it got quiet, at least right around me as everyone was surprised by my reaction, I heard the disturbance. But I had to be sure. So I yelled for quiet, to listen, to be sure. And then I was sure. I heard the disturbance in the air that I have come to recognize as the cloaked shuttle of the Predators. They have arrived! I didn’t know how they knew to come just now or if maybe it was blind luck. But they were here. I could not account for a two prong assault on us. But apparently, the initial battle bought us enough time for the Predators to arrive. And, luckily for us, the invaders were overly confident and did not commit their entire force in the initial assault.Those around me are still confused. And now even more so. For now I turnto the group of species and tell everyone to stay still and get down to the ground. But I am now wearing a smile. Not the look of concern and hopelessness of only moments before. I tell those around me to pass the message through the group. Everyone is to stay still and stay close to the ground. And the message is passed through all the species. The murmur of the message could be heard going back into the crowd. I ask b**st to stay with the other a****ls and to trust me.I then take Alex by the hand and lead her down the road toward the oncoming second group of invaders. I want us separated from our group but still on the rise. I want to be sure we maintain the high ground even if it is only slightly so. I squeeze Alex’s hand and tell her, “Follow my lead and prepared to send hell itself onto them.”“Hell? I don’t understand what that is, Alexa.”“Sorry, my old culture. Show them no mercy. We have company in support of us. Once we start, don’t stop firing both your gun and your cannon until I stop you.”“Company? Who?”I put my helmet on and Alex follows suit. I hear noise from the species behind us. I turn and Alex does the same to see what is causing the disturbance. What we see is the species are reacting to something, but nothing is visible except possibly for a blurring occasionally as if the very air is changing but still basically transparent. They are moving to the side as if something is brushing by them. Their a****l instincts telling them there is something near, but not seen. I turn again toward the formation that is still coming towards us. I tell Alex, “Stay even with me, but on the opposite side of the road. Stay alert and wait for my signal before starting to shoot. Then focus on the front and work back into their formation.”“I will stay with you, Alexa. But there are only two of us against all of them. Even these weapons can’t make up for the difference in numbers. Perhaps we should attack from the dragons and use the rest of the grenades.”“We don’t have that many left. But, we don’t need them. Trust me. Just a moment longer.”Then a familiar voice and Alex jumps and turns to it startled, “Is this a private party or can I join?” We look to the right as Otton uncloaks.Then, “And me?” “And me?” “And me?” And Sinar, Tobar, and Actab each uncloak, already in position so they are spread out to our sides.“But why, how? Why did you come now?”“Before we left the last time the Commander allowed the deployment of spy satellites to monitor activity around the island. Luckily, when the alert came we were in a position to clean up our tasks and depart. We were just that far away that we only now arrived.”Alex turns to me but with the helmet I can’t see what the expression on her face might be. But she then turns to Otton, “Otton! Am I glad to see you. I thought this woman might have gone crazy thinking she and I could fight them alone.”“Alex, we’re just sorry we missed the first battle, but we were highly impressed by your performance. The satellites showed us much of it.” He then asks, “Alexa, what are the rules of engagement?”When I say it, I am surprised how cold I sound. But it has to be, “Kill them all.” Then I amend that, “I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to have one or two to question after.” I then hear the call through our helmets to the other Predators and that is when I realize the other Unit was out there somewhere.“Otton, the other Unit is here, too?”“They insisted. When they heard we were intending to assist you, they wouldn’t take no for an answer. And the Commander authorized our full support.”“Dare I ask about the shuttle?”“Alexa, he authorized ‘full support’. The shuttle, too. Full use in combat. It will have to come out of stealth to fire. But I suspect its appearance overhead will only increase their panic and fear.” I must have indicated some verbal response because I know he couldn’t see my response. “I know. I was surprised, too. But you made quite an impression on this commander.”“Where is the other Unit positioned?”“To their rear. They also have high ground. We all will be firing slightly down on them so fear of catching each other in our cross-fire is dramatically reduced. The shuttle will stay elevated outside of our firing angles. They will drop charges and perform strafing runs across their formation. Does that meet with your approval, Alexa?”“I am so glad to see you guys that anything you do will be a life saver for us. But, yes, that is an excellent battle plan. And, if I have neglected to say it yet, THANK YOU!”The invader’s formation front line hesitated only a moment as the other four appeared suddenly along our line. But clearly they had no understanding of how or who. There were still just six of us compared to their fifty or so. They continued on and we stood waiting. I turned to look at our group behind us. Although they were all still down on the ground, there were still a few that were visible. I walked back and knelt in front of b**st and took my helmet off. I looked into his eyes and kissed his snout. He licked up my face. I smiled at the slobbery kiss. ‘b**st, both Units of the Predators are here. And they will be using the shuttle for firing support. I will be fine with this battle suit against their weapons as long as we control how long we are exposed to their fire. But I am worried about you and the others. They will be returning our fire, at least initially. I am afraid of stray fire hitting into our group. And you. I want you after this is done. You know what I mean. Can you encourage the others further down the slope? Please? Trust me and the Predators to take care of this one.’‘It is hard for me to stay out of it. But I know you are right. This is a fight across distance, not close in. I do trust you to bring us out of this. We all do.’I spoke in the languages in the species to instruct them to move further down out of the line of fire. The word spread and the group crawled further down the slope. I started to put my helmet on and the entire group roared encouragement to us. I smiled at them and held my arm up in the air and the roar continued. I put my helmet on and returned between Alex and Otton.We stand and wait. The invaders continue toward us. Then we see a flash from the beyond the formation. Otton sees it too. “That is the signal. The other Unit is in position and has good firing lines. Whenever you are ready, Alexa. We have them in front and in back. The sides are open but that is the path of the shuttle’s strafing.”I look to Alex and see her head is turned to me. I hold up my hand and put my thumb up. She waves and returns the gesture. I speak in Predator, “All of you, it is an honor to have you by our side and to go into battle with you once again. I am sure we can find a way to thank you properly on the other side of this. On the countdown to ‘one’, release all of hell onto them. Three … two … one!”And all hell did break loose below us. At that moment ten battle suit cannon and more than that number of pistols and rifles combined sent death into the formation below. Then the shuttle uncloaked and went from our left to right strafing the ground and dropping charges. Back and forth the shuttle flew, reaching the other side and turning into a sharp bank for the next run. If I thought the first battle went quickly by taking just the morning, this was then like a blink of an eye in comparison. Of course, in battle all time seems to stand still but this was quick. When I sent the word to cease fire, it was deathly quiet between the Units.And just like that the heavy battle was over. Now the always dangerous cleanup. The time when a last enemy gets off one more shot and one of your number needlessly dies when the battle is over. One of the worst fears of any combatant. We wait. Otton asks if we should move in but I want to wait. As far as the reports have indicated, none of us has even been injured. We’ll wait just a little more. And sure enough, a dozen of them suddenly jump up and try to run for the settlement. The unit behind them cuts them down immediately.“Okay. That’s what I was waiting for. Let’s go clean up.” I call and b**st and the species comes over the rise and surveys what has happened. They are quiet. Very quiet. I call back to them, “Is everyone okay?”“We are untouched, Alexa. What about you and these others?”“We are all good. Uninjured. Let’s make sure they are all dead. But be careful.”We only need to walk through the mutilated invader formation. The wolves and gorillas are right behind us checking all the bodies for any sign of life and eliminating all they do find. I do find one who is gasping, clutching to his stomach. He won’t last long but I kneel next to him and the Unit forms up around me for protection. “You are dying. You know that, right?”“I didn’t want to die here. This was supposed to be easy money. This wasn’t supposed to happen.”“Were you told that others had met similar fates? Did you hear the battle from this morning?”“We did but we were told it was our group. That this was a woman and a bunch of wild a****ls. Any explosion had been from our group. They lied to us, didn’t they?”“Yes, it would certainly appear they did. You can still get back at them for it, though.”“How, you just said it yourself that I am dying.”“Tell me anything you know about the man who hired you, who sent you. Where he is. How many more men and ships he has.”He started laughing which I took güvenilir bahis for hysteria. But then after a coughing fit, he stopped. “I wish I had the strength to go back there and kill him myself.”“Back where?”“The settlement! He came with us. He was sure a woman and a****ls could only have defeated his men before by blind luck. He is here! He invaded a fishing village. Took most of the people as slaves. Some escaped into the hills and forest. Everything he has is here. He brought it all to be sure it didn’t go wrong.”“Thank you. Now, do you want to die slow or fast? You will die from these wounds.”“Can you make it fast, please?” I nodded and one of the Predators took his lance out and slit his throat with a quick stroke he never even saw coming. We proceeded to the edge of the settlement. We immediately see a group of men coming to us. They don’t even hesitate when they see us but walk near us and kneel on the ground. We move to them. They identify themselves as the crew of the ships. He gives us more of the story. He said they were commissioned by the company to transport goods and men from the mainland to a port on this island. Once we arrived at the village, we were captured and given the choice of cooperating or losing our lives and our ships. We really didn’t have much choice in the matter. They had mercenaries. We were freighters. Once in the village we learned more and committed to waiting for our chance to take a ship and running. They never let us get the chance. We were constantly under watch and guard. It turned out that the entire village had been taken over. It was a fishing village. Most of the boats escaped in the first nights but most of the people were stuck. They became enslaved. Some ran into the hills and the surrounding forest. He was just starting to build his empire. He was gaining wealth through slaves and exotic a****ls.I wanted to check his story against the other man’s who had nothing to lose. “What of the leader and other men and ships left at the fishing village?”“What other? There is no other. Everything is here. Even the leader. He came so he could be a part of the capture of the species. He especially wanted to capture at least one of the dragons that were reported to exist here.”“If the leader is here, what other men are with him? How many more mercenaries?”“Mercenaries? I don’t think any. The men with him would be his office staff. Those working in the company office. Managers and support people.”“Who else besides company people would be in these buildings?”“Most of the people here are slaves from the fishing village.”I stand up and motion for some of the wolves and gorillas. “Take these to the side and watch them.” To the ship’s crew, “Stay quiet and on the ground. No sudden movement. Wolves might eat you and gorillas might just as soon tear your arms and legs off.”Otton touches my arm, “Really?”Alex laughs, “She’s just scaring them. But each could be true if provoked. Look at the mouths of the wolves. And I know you think you are strong, but these … they are really strong but in a much more primitive way. Not a skilled way. You know what I mean?”“That’s okay, we won’t test it.”I send a****ls out into the surrounding land and ask that all they find be brought into the corral they used for the draft a****ls which we have now released. We also surround the settlement buildings. The shuttle’s communication system is used to generate an external announcement. Alex creates a repeating message with Actar’s assistance that demands everyone in the settlement must come out and assemble outside or be destroyed with the settlement. From within the settlement people begin streaming out. There is no resistance. We quickly identify the company owner and his staff and others loyal to the company with the further assistance of the ship’s captains. There is total surrender. We tell them we won’t kill them if they cooperate in our interrogation. As would be expected, the leader of the company is now very focused on somehow saving himself even if his actions have resulted in the deaths of so many. The interrogation yields much information about their operation and confirms the ship’s crew statements. This is the entire operation. He had hoped that what he could take from this island would provide him with enough wealth to purchase his own ships, hire his own crews. That now was over.We also find those from the fishing village who had been enslaved. We offer them a choice of staying here (more primitive than they are used to but a chance at a new beginning) or returning to their former village and try to rebuild their lives there. We have confirmed by the company leader that the ship’s crew was in fact also functioning under threat of harm. I offer them to take as their own one of the ships provided they take anyone of the enslaved back to the fishing village who wants to, and that they then never to return to these waters. Naturally, they readily accept.Alex discovers a number of young women huddled together who had been used as whores for the men. They, six of them, were forcibly taken from the village and held here for the men’s amusement. They are roughly Alex’s age, maybe a little older. Alex brings them to me. They do not want to face their own intolerant thinking people. They see how open the people of the island are. Alex and I have long since removed our battle suits but still wear our weapons and are again in our natural, naked state. They say they want to accept our offer to stay here. I ask Alex to take responsibility to work with the villagers to assimilate them into the villages. I can see that these young women see how Alex commands the respect of both the villagers and the a****ls and can also somehow communicate with both and are immediately drawn to her and look to her. I suggest to Alex that she take them as a group and suggest the Eastern Village where they will be close. I am impressed when they ask for roles and suggest preparing food from the supplies that was brought on the ships.It seems to be one thing after another. Discoveries that need handling, new issues that need a decision, new survivors found that need to be determined if they are company people or enslaved. The Predators wisely took up positions on the outskirts of the settlement to protect against any combatants returning who might have escaped us before. The shuttle has landed and the dragons have taken up patrolling the skies above and around the settlement.We finally believe we have accounted for all the new people still alive on the island and have separated them into four groups: the crew of the ships; the enslaved that wish to return; the enslaved that wish to stay with us; and the company people who are being held in the livestock corral and surrounded by wolves and gorilla. One attempted to escape by jumping the rail of the corral but was grabbed by a gorilla and thrown back in. Nobody else tried.I asked that the Eastern and Western Team along with other representatives from the species and several of the Predators meet with me in the center of the settlement. It was late in the afternoon and I saw no reason to delay any further action regarding the situation. Once we were all assembled, “We had a great victory today!” Roars and shouts came from all of them. “There are still things that need to be done and then we are done with this threat to our island. And I will address those issues shortly. But, first, I want to introduce to you my friends who came just in time to help us. Perhaps to save us as it turned out.” I asked the Predators to remove their helmets. I gasp came from many, especially the villagers. But quickly they came forward and touched the Predators, a gesture of thanking them. “They are friends who I have fought with before. Alex and b**st know them.” There are more roars and shouts issued in honoring them. I then went through a condensed version of what we had learned about the people in the settlement. That some were enslaved and wish to stay with us, start a new life. Others who were enslaved wish to return. That we also trust the crew of the ships. And then there are the others and I point to the corral.“Does anyone object to allowing the people to stay who wish to?” No one. “I have proposed that the ship crew take one of the ships as their own in return for delivering the other enslaved back to their home. Then, they are never to return to these waters. Does anyone object?” No one. “Finally, I suggest we get rid of the remaining ones. Then we are finally done with this.”Alex steps forward, “But Alexa, you promised them for information you would not kill them.”“Yes, I did. And I don’t intend to. But the ocean might. I propose we put them on the other ship and have it taken out into the ocean where the current will take it away from here.”“But, they could just go somewhere else and return later.”“Not if the ship has no sails and they are forced to just drift. According the ship’s captain they don’t know of any land mass in that direction of the current. We will give them food and water, but they will not survive unless they are able to somehow change their fate. But, I suspect the leader will not survive long among them at any rate. Are there any objections to this?” No one.And so it was done. All the survivors from the settlement directly associated to the company are loaded onto a single ship. The ship has food and barrels of water put on it. Then the ship is taken out of the small harbor in tow by whales without sails. Once out in the ocean channel the whales release the ropes and set them to drift in the ocean current. I took the extra precaution to ask for sharks to escort the ship until it was well away from the island to discourage anyone from trying to jump ship and swim for land.And even though the other group is not considered the same risk or threat, we get the other ship on its way, as well. We make sure that there is plenty of food supplies and water put on board for a comfortable journey to the fishing village. There the people will be put to shore and the ship will be on its own. While interrogating the leader/owner of the company we got him to transfer one of the ships to the name of the captain we designated. If they are ever questioned in some port, the ship will in fact be theirs.Finally, the danger is over. And everyone seems to collapse güvenilir bahis siteleri with the release of the tension. But we find there are lots of additional stored food supplies some of which will appeal to all the species. With gorillas to balance me, I stand on b**st’s back and announce to all the species, “We did it! This land is again ours and is safe for our families and our future! Who wants to celebrate on this night? Tomorrow we will make a new day for ourselves and will again be bothered by decisions for the future and troubles of the present. But tonight we celebrate!”It is getting dark, but now we can celebrate with safety, comfort and ease. And as the scene has been quiet for many hours, we are surprised by the arrival of females and families, villagers and a****l. All anxious to know who survived? Luckily, very few didn’t. Very few of our families have to go through the grief of loss. So few in fact that even they take some measure of comfort in it. Those who did now know that they will be supported and cared for, not only within their species group, but by the large cooperative. So, the celebration that commences truly is joyful and heartfelt.And with the darkness, fires are built around the commons area of the settlement. I wonder what is to become of the settlement. Who knows? There is already some talk among some villagers of trying to make some boats or canoes and try fishing the ocean as well as the lake and rivers. Evolution and growth. Who knows what will become of the island after several generation into the future.But enough of that. I see ten Predators ahead of me standing around awkwardly as these humans and a****ls celebrate together without really even being able to communicate. And I remember a comment I made to them at the start of the second battle. And just then I hear Alex behind me. While still fixing my gaze on Otton and the Predators, I call to her. “Alex, do you by chance have your new friends with you?”“Alexa, b**st, hi. Yes, they are. Everyone seems to be feeling very sharing. I thought maybe we could stimulate more physical activity among them.” I hear the young women giggling.“Well, I have a proposition for you and them. You see the Predators? There are ten of them and only one of me. The eight who were on the ground fighting with us and the two piloting the shuttle. Would you care to help me?”“Really, Alexa? You’ve said they are big … you know.”“Yes, Alex, I know. I have had them many times. But you haven’t. But since you can take b**st’s knot, you will do fine with these cocks.”One of the women gasped, “Alex, you’ve taken b**st? I have heard any knot is big but his must be …”I turn around to communicate directly with them and stop. They are all now naked. They see my reaction, “We thought it would be okay since you and Alex are naked.”“It is definitely okay. I just know you were used against your will before and didn’t know how you would feel about all of this. I see you are fine.”“It was taken from us before and we didn’t like it then. But we all know that even if we didn’t like being forced there was a sense of pleasure, also. Now it will be freely given from ourselves. We know about pleasuring men. Now it will also be pleasurable for us. And Alex says you have been with all the species and we are … curious to try that, too.”“So, how about helping me with my friends here?”The one who had been speaking didn’t appear to be the oldest but she did appear to be something of a natural leader among them. They looked at each other and they all shyly nodded.“Okay, ladies, let’s go thank some males properly.”“What did you call us?”“Ladies? I called you ladies.”“Thank you, Alexa. We haven’t been referred to so nicely in a long time.”“Well, ladies, you stayed on the island to start a new life. So erase the old negative memories and prepare to create new ones. Starting with these males.” Before we got there Tessra came up behind us. I hugged her. I hadn’t seen her since the battle. She was also naked. I told her where we were headed and what our goal was and she took my arm and joined our march to the Predators. I am sure from their perspective it was interesting to watch nine naked human females come walking directly to them. We walked directly in front of them and stopped. “Otton, we are here to thank you for coming to our rescue today. We hope you will accept our gift.”“You don’t need to do that, Alexa. You know we came for you, not for more sex.”“I know that. But, I also know that part of our relationship has long included the sex. Freely and willingly given. This time I have brought some help. None of whom have experienced Predator cock before. I told them they won’t regret it.”“In that case we would very much enjoy your offer.”“Then you all are way over dressed. I want you to strip. We’ll just stand here and watch.” The women behind me giggled, again. They caught the turn-around of that. Usually it is the males who watch the females strip for them.Once they were naked, also, I took Otton and Sinar and led them to some grass. I looked over my shoulder, “Don’t be shy ladies. Grab one and enjoy him.” I heard murmurs as the women took in the impressive sizes of the cocks in front of them. I noticed Alex step right up and take one by the hand and lead him to another patch of grass. The others quickly followed suit. All staying close to the area I picked which was fine. This was not for privacy. And I was about to enjoy cock like I hadn’t in a very long time. Two Predators in a DP.I knelt in front of Otton and Sinar as they had seen me many times in the past. I sucked them and licked them, working on their cocks and quickly getting them hard. I glanced around me and saw the other eight women also working on Predator cocks. All of them struggling to fit them into their mouths but all succeeding in creating very hard and rigid cocks. But my interest in what they were doing was quickly lost. I had two very hard and very big cocks in front of me and I knew exactly what I wanted to do with them.“Okay you two. You know what this is. We’ve done it before. Who goes where?”Sinar was clearly yielding to Otton as the Unit Leader. “I think I want your pussy this time. Sinar, if you haven’t had her back there, it will drive you crazy. Enjoy it.” That’s one of the things I always appreciated about Otton. He didn’t take advantage of his position and status. He did what was necessary with it but was comfortable also giving to the other members of the Unit. Undoubtedly, it was one of the reasons why the Unit has functioned so well.Hearing that I pointed to the ground and Otton lay down on his back. His massive, hard cock sticking up in the air. While sucking on them I had been simultaneously fingering myself to get myself well lubricated and I now worked two fingers into my pussy and then transferred them to my ass. Working them in and then working three in. As I did this, they were intently watching and this little display only increased their erections. I then stepped over Otton’s midsection and squatted over him and felt his cock touch my pussy. I wiggled around to work him into me and then I slowly slid down his length. Giving myself time to adjust to his size. When I was fully seated on him and felt him deep inside me, I remembered the first few times with them and how they were constantly hitting me with their thrust deep inside. And how, over time with the benefit of the different hormones in the Predator food, my body adjusted and moved somehow to accept these cock fully inside me without bottoming out. My asshole as well. I was soon able to accommodate these cocks with more ease. I leaned into Otton and placed my face against his chest, reached back with both my hands and spread my ass cheeks for Sinar. He used some of his spit on my asshole to increase the lubrication and took position behind me, putting his cock head at my entrance and stroked my back.“Yes, Sinar. Now, but slowly until you are in.”He pressed firmly at me. And I pressed firmly back at him. I wanted this. My feelings of thanks and gratitude to them for coming were overwhelming me. I knew I would have had us running for the jungles and the mountains but with their numbers and weapons, they would have eventually beaten us down. And, almost worse, our life in the meantime would have been of constant conflict and evasion as we tried to protect the young, old and families. But here we were, finally free of the threat that had existed since b**st and I had arrived.So I pushed back as he pushed at me. And slowly, ever so slowly, I felt my sphincter begin to yield, to open, to allow him inside me. And when the head of his cock popped past, I cried out. And he stopped but I told him not to dare put away. I told him I wanted the rest of him inside me. But I rested, I breathed, I gave body a chance to recover, to accept this massive intrusion. And slowly I did. Slowly I didn’t feel like I was going to be split in two by these two cocks inside my holes. And when that feeling felt real, my body moved again. And that was his signal as he also moved with me with short smooth strokes. And each stroke drove him further inside me until I felt his thighs hitting my ass as he drove forward. I had them both, fully inside me.“Okay, guys, do your best to me. I am yours to take pleasure from.”And they both started pumping into me. At first awkwardly but soon they found a mutual rhythm that drove their cocks deeper and more urgently into me. And as I supported myself against their thrust, I looked to my left and say Alex on top of Actab. She also had him on his back and she rode him. Crouched over him and raising and lowering herself onto him. Nearly pulling off him and then violently dropping back down. And I knew from the look on her face that with each drop he was hitting her deep inside her pussy. But she continued with her head hung down in front or flung back but always with moans and gasps coming from her open mouth. Beyond her was Tessra and one of the new women. Both of them were on their back and being taken deeply. To my right were several more of the women, both on their backs. I assumed the others were s**ttered around behind me somewhere. But the air was filled with the sounds of women and Predators in the throes of their lust. And I was not the quiet one. I was as vocal as the others.My body iddaa siteleri was in sensory overload. These two massive cocks driving in and out of my two holes, made even tighter by the presence of the other in the adjoining chamber. My arm were rigidly locked at the elbow and shoulders, not only to resist the thrusts from these two but also to keep myself up, to avoid collapsing completely on top of Otton. And my mind was desperate to control my body’s reaction to this stimulus, to hold on long enough to climax with one or the other of them. So I focused on bracing myself and giving my body to them for their relief and pleasure and holding on to be an active participant in that. And I felt Sinar, in my ass, beginning to twitch and jerk, first. And that was reasonable. My ass would be much tighter and with Otton in my pussy it would be even tighter. But as I felt his cock twitch and jerk inside me, I felt my own body reacting as if it only needed that little additional stimulation to go over the edge. I felt my ass squeezing and clasping onto the cock buried in me, as if trying to milk it. And when I felt him push into me even deeper and hold himself there, buried deep inside my ass, then felt the first of what I knew would be many spurts of cum, I too came. And it was wonderful. My body reacted by sending signals throughout my body, from my ass and pussy, to my legs and arms which were now quivering on their own. My head fell and my mouth dropped open. And from me came a series of low groans and moans.When I came to some of my senses, I was held tightly in the arms of Otton and Sinar was in the process of pulling himself from me. And when he finally pulled all the way out, I felt a stream of his cum running out of my gaping open ass. But Otton had me tightly in his arms, pleasantly pinned to his massive chest. His hands stroked me in a way that might seem strange from a Predator except for the unique relationship. And it felt good. But it also reminded me that my intention was only half complete. I kissed his chest and sat up. I smiled as I looked down on him and I slowly began rising and falling on his wonderful cock. Up and down, over and over, faster and faster. Then it was his turn. He was raising his hips to my falling on his cock, seeking to drive himself deeper, ever deeper, into me. Until finally, he too, exploded inside my pussy. And that triggered another orgasm for me. Not as strong as the other, but a satisfying extension to the first.And then I completely collapsed onto Otton. We lay that way for many moments until I sensed movement around me, opened my eyes and noticed the women gathered around. I slowly raised my body and again kissed his chest before slowly standing and letting his cock fall from my pussy. And with it a long stream of cum. This was visible to all.Otton also got up and it was then that I noticed that the other Predators were dressing and assembling their gear and weapons. Otton quickly joined them. I walked up to them and hugged and kissed some part of each of them. “Thank you. All of you. You saved us, I hope you know that. We can’t repay you.”Otton said, “Alexa, believe us, we are still repaying you. But you are welcome. We are glad we arrived in time to make the difference. Now your land should be safe for a long time to come. What is a warrior like you going to do with all this peace and quiet?”I chuckle, “That is an excellent question. I don’t know.” I pull Alex into me. “But I am sure something will come up. Do you have to leave now?”“We have to leave now. We owe the Commander a report of what happened. But we will be back tomorrow morning. There is something we should discuss with you and b**st. But it will keep until tomorrow. Tonight, you and your island have lots to celebrate. And I am sure b**st must be missing you.”“Oh, he knows exactly where I am. But you are right; I am missing him, too. Until tomorrow, then.”We, all nine of us naked human females, watched as the Predators walked aboard the shuttle and it took off and rose into the night sky far above the planet to the main battle ship. When they were gone, the new women crushed me as they came together around me. They were gushing, “Alexa, thank you. That was amazing. I have never had such a big cock before.” There was a hesitation, “Oh, I’m sorry … is that inappropriate to be so open about that?”I squeeze her arm gently, “Not with us, dear. Around some of the village women, maybe you should be a little careful, though.” They all laughed and began sharing comments and reactions. I smiled at Alex as we watched this group of young, energetic women who were suddenly so free and open. But, as I heard the giggling and gasps as the stories are being told of what they each had just experienced themselves, I turned and sought out b**st. When I saw him walking into the light of the nearest fire, he was with Landda who had an arm around his neck. I approached them and she had a smile on her face.“Landda, how wonderful that you could come, too. Did you two …?”“No, not completely. I wanted to, but he wanted to wait for you, tonight. So I just made sure he would be ready for you.”I looked underneath him and he was fully out of his sheath. His cock bobbing and occasionally slapping on his underbelly as he walked up to me. I licked my lips u*********sly at the thought of having him now, too. ‘Woman, that was obscene. But I like it that you are still that interested.’‘Sorry, b**st. It probably was. But my mind just went to what pleasure that will give me. But you know you are more than wonderful sex to me.’‘But the sex is good, isn’t it?’‘It certainly is! And I want some now with you. Do you have a preference in position?’‘Alexa, we could shock everyone if you were underneath me and we walked around, you interacting with others from underneath.’‘I think that would shock some. Maybe not walk all around the commons, but maybe just around here.’ And that’s what we did. I found some rope long enough to use and got myself onto his cock with the knot firm lodged inside my pussy and then secured with the rope underneath him. What a totally decadent and obscene thing to do. While knotted to b**st and snuggly attached under him, we walked around our area. Some noticed right away and commented. Some came over and started conversing, many just to make it awkward for me. But others began conversing about the battle and our victory as if I was standing in front of them as oppose to … well … how I was. Those situations made me even more awkward.But, eventually, inevitably, as we moved around the area, the constant stimulation of the knot and cock continuously with each step bumping into my pussy, I came. And since the buildup had been long in coming, my orgasm was explosive. And as if he had been just waiting for my release, he to immediately started pumping his seed into my already well coated pussy. And he continued to walk, his knot still bumping into and as my legs tired from supporting my lower body against his hips, the knot bumped my g-spot with increasing frequency. So before his knot shrank fully enough to pull out of me, I had yet another small orgasm. And when the knot did slide out of my well used pussy, I just let go and fell to the ground. b**st back up and licked my face, then my breasts which were naturally quite sensitive from the rubbing against his skin, and finally using his snout to push between my legs and lick my pussy, frequently hitting my clit. I had to finally roll onto my side and clamp my legs closed from the over stimulation.I struggled up to my feet and his tongue made another swipe of my breasts. ‘Too much, dear b**st.’‘Not for my Alexa. Alexa doesn’t ever have too much.’I looked into his eyes and smiled, ‘I love you, b**st. You are one of the best things to happen to me. And now we can grow old quietly.’‘Quietly? Not my Alexa.’‘What is it with these jokes from you? Come here, I need a kiss.’I held his face in my hands and we did. I kissed and he licked. We did what we do and we call it kissing. And I had not realized until now how consumed I had been lately with the plans and the execution of the battle. I felt tremendous release. I felt tremendous freedom.And now b**st is now nudging me, nudging me into the mass of the bodies in celebration. b**st does not communicate, so he will stay. I know that part of it is lonely for him. When it was just us in the lagoon, there was no conflict with the communication. When the Teams were formed it was still a small group. But now, the communication is fast flowing, too much and too many. He can’t track it all through my thoughts with the barrage of thoughts being processed by me. I have sensed it in him in these large groupings but we will soon be back at the lagoon and life will quiet down. Or will it? Alex and Addama with Tessra and Helman have essentially moved in with us. Even in our small confine the communication is free flowing and bouncing around. But I am confident it will work out, quiet and simplicity will return to our lives.But I go as he insists. He knows that at this time the others all want to share their joy and victory especially with me. I have been the focal point in reaching this goal. As Eewa stated it, the catalyst for the coming together of the species that allowed all this to be realized. Whether I believe it or not, they do. So I go out into the mass to join with them in their celebration and let them share their joy.Then, as I pass among them, I am surprise and pleased at what I see as I pass through their celebration. We really have learned to truly cooperate and trust and share. And even without the ability to truly communicate between the species, I am seeing sharing occurring I would not have expected: gorillas and wolves, villagers and a****ls. And even though families have separated themselves, they are together as families, all species. And individuals go off, their young attended to by others, so they too can join in the celebration and then return to allow their mate some time. The pre-existing barriers between them have been destroyed with our shared victory.Then, I again see Alex and the women in her charge as they go by giggling and rushing together as they are pursued by a group of young males of human, gorilla and wolves. This is the nature of the island I have experienced. An inclusive response to living and safety. Now, all the inhabitants are experiencing it. And I wonder about the effect Eewa might be having on all this. I will seek her again … besides for my own enjoyment with her … to ask this question.* * * Part 41 will follow * * * Thanks for reading.

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