
Out Of Afrika, Chapter 51


Out Of Afrika, Chapter 51A Fantasy created by International Writers Curt B, Julie Van, Satinlvr_mwf andWunderboi******Chapter 51 – History repeats itself******?Our story thus far:Rhino the South African electronics conglomerate continues to spread its influence and philosophies far beyond the small town of Hawksville where they first took root. The activities, both commercial and social, in which they specialise transformed the lives of many of the original inhabitants and at the same time attracted many outsiders to come and work for the dynamic company. Once involved, most become prey to the embedded software of their products which transmits mind-controlling commands compelling the recipients to accept and encourage the domination of the black man over white women and for their husbands and partners in one way or another to become subservient cuckolds.The enterprise is run and conducted under the leadership of CEO Oskar Botha, a South African who has a burning ambition to redress the rights of the black race for the indignities and humiliations suffered under the Apartheid system into which he was born. Following the Rainbow revolution that swept the system away, Rhino industries became his instrument for achieving his objective.Oskar is very clear-headed, very focussed on his aim and has created a very effective system to bring about his ambition to ‘change the system’. Oskar is also a control freak and demands from his employees their total loyalty. Oskar has frequent management meetings when he gets detailed reports from his heads of departments as to progress and when he can lay down his latest directives. Oskar is a pain in the arse.*******?Janice Baldwin, a personal assistant to Zaire, Oskar’s second-in-command, heaved a sigh of relief when at last Oskar dismissed the end-of-week meeting which in turn meant that everybody could at last go home and enjoy the weekend. She loved her job but, my-oh-my, Oskar could go on a bit too much sometimes and his meetings were not the most comfortable experience.No matter, her position meant that she regularly got her share of black cock from her boss as a work-related benefit; she had Herb, her husband, who was totally conditioned to the concept of black being superior to white and as part of his conditioning had become a full-blown sissy. There was nothing nicer than the times when she could humiliate Herb in the presence of her boss when he called by the house. In short, other than occasionally having to put up with Oskar’s overbearing presence at work, life was good and now with the prospect of a weekend ahead with not a lot to do other than relax she reminded herself that the day Rhino came to town was one of the best things ever.It had been another tough week at work and after Oskar’s declarations at the meeting it was clear there was a prospect of an even busier one to follow. She made up her mind that she was going to do little more than have Herb pamper her and that she would try to finish off reading the diary of her Great-great-great-great Grandmother (she thought she had the relationship worked out right!) that had been discovered when she cleared out her recently deceased father’s possessions.She had been thrilled at the descriptions of life back in the 18th century and she felt a close bond with her ancestor not least of which that they shared the same name which made it was easy for her to imagine herself as being the one relating the story. The thought of being dressed in crinoline frocks and no knickers, which was the style of those times, excited her greatly and when she had last looked at the journal she had reached a point where the poor girl had suffered the most awful degradations at the hands of black slaves who had previously been her submissive subjects. She was so looking forward to getting home and picking up on the story and discovering ‘what happened next’. She decided that this time she was not going to put the journal down until she reached the last page even if it took all weekend to do it.It being Friday Herb had her permission to go and spend his evening with his friends. She wasn’t too sure of what they got up to (although she had her suspicions) but he would either be going to spend time with Ian, Simone’s best friend’s husband who was similar disposed in his way of thinking to Herb, or he would be going to the WIMPS meeting at the church where she was convinced they all spent a few hours comparing their silly little white dicks in between masturbating under the instruction and watchful eye of the meeting leader, Melanie Baker.Janice had Herb run her a bath, and then wash her back before telling him to get her a supper to be laid on a tray that could be taken into the study. He did so and quickly returned to the bathroom where he obediently held up her robe so she could wrap the silky material around her naked body. When she had decided all was in order and that there was nothing more she required of him she dismissed him with a curt, ” You can go off to join ‘your sissy friends’ now, I don’t think there’s anything more for you to do here”. He didn’t say anything but just stood expectantly before her.”Oh, I nearly forgot, didn’t I? …” She reached to the thin gold chain around her neck and extracted a key, “…. come here.”He shuffled over to where she stood, unbuckled his pants and let them drop to his ankles before pulling down his boxer shorts. She smiled to see his cock and balls scrunched up inside the chrome cage and waited for him to plead with her to unlock the device. He did so and freed of the restraint he quickly pulled up his pants and made toward the front door.”Don’t be too late getting home “, she called out to his retreating figure. She heard the sound of the front door being closed and took her supper into the study, cleared a space on the desk top, opened up the old journal and found the bookmarked page she had last reached. She took a bite of her sandwich and re-read the last paragraph.******?” Thus for the next two or three days we continued for some instants, lost, breathless, senseless of everything, and in every part but those favourite ones of nature, in which all that we enjoyed of life and sensation was now totally concentred. I had been transformed from being a lady of privilege and purity to be nothing better than a slave myself, a slave to black cock.The weather abated and our captors being sated from their carnal endeavours and dalliances with Katherine and me left us alone in order to forage for food and other sustenance in the wreckage of the dwellings which had been torn asunder by the storm. Samuel led the band of ragamuffins up the hill to the remains of the mansion knowing that pickings would be rich. Mammy who amongst all of our captors was the only one who had knowledge of the interior of the house and thereby could direct them to the places where such booty could be found went with them leaving us under the charge of a youthful black boy. We were left with no instruction other than to obey his command to remain in the compound containing the slave dwellings.Kathy despite our ordeal of the past days when our poor cunnies and other orifices had been so sorely abused had retained her sensibilities far better than I and whispered to me that this was an opportunity for us to make good our own escape. She confided that she had a plan but it required that we should engage and gather the confidences of our young watchman in order for him to relax his guard and enable us to steal away in the opposite direction to that taken by Samuel and his band. In my confused and sorry state I could think of nothing that would allow us to make converse with him for I had only ever heard him speak together with others in a tongue which I did not understand but his demeanour suggested that he had been instructed not to engage too closely with the two white ladies who had been left in his charge.Such obstacles were no match for Kathy’s ingenuity for she later confessed to me that she recognised that when he and other boys had frequently been present when we had been fucked by their elders and that she had seen all them playing with their stiff young affairs as they observed our distress. She had also noticed that one time when one of them attempted to join in the carnal abasement that they had to their great annoyance been denied and dismissed from the proceedings by Samuel who presumably considered them too young to be involved in such mature activity. It was this curiosity that Kathy said we should satisfy and that by such means we could distract him from his sentinel duties and make good our flight. She told me to follow her lead.Kathy bid me to sit on the pallet that was the platform where I had spent most of my time in this godforsaken place and for me to make sounds of distress. I did as bidden and with Kathy on her knees by my side played my part and as such began to wail as if in some anguish. The youthful blackamoor who had been holding his station at the doorway nervously took in the tableau of Kathy attempting to comfort me and contrary to his orders responded to her gesture and made to come to the bedside to observe closer what might be the cause of my discomfort. He was much perturbed to find that Kathy had tossed my petticoat to my waist and was gently stroking the lips in and around my cunnie as if to smooth away the source of some pain unseen. His confusion was made complete when we both looked upon him with smiles that we trusted would suggest that there was no pain and that we were only looking toward continuing with that pleasurable activity which he had observed his elders enjoying.When he saw that we presented no threat to his duty and that maybe with his betters away from the scene that there might be an opportunity to further his education he relaxed his fearsome manner and leaned forward better to observe that which clearly intrigued him so.I undertook the lead, and began the attack. I gestured him to come and sit by my side on the bed made presently very free with him. At my first motion of meddling, his surprise and confusion made him receive my advances but awkwardly and he shied back a little. I encouraged him with my eyes, plucked him playfully by the coarse hair on his head, sleeked his cheeks, and forwarding my point by a number of little acts of wantonness and soon turned him familiar. I perceived a fire lighting in his eyes, and, diffusing over his cheeks, blend its dark glow with that of his blushes. The emotion in short of a****l pleasure glared distinctly in the simpleton’s countenance. Struck with the novelty of his situation he did not know which way to look or move but under the touches and murmurings from Kathy who whispered words unknown to him in his ear he became tame, passive, simpering, with his mouth half open in stupid rapture. He stood and tractably without words that we could understand suffered us to do what we pleased with him. I had now, through more than one rent, discovered and felt his thighs, the skin of which seemed the smoother and fairer for the coarseness, and even dirt of his dress, as the teeth of Negroes seem the whiter for the surrounding black. Poor indeed of habit, poor of understanding, he was, however, abundantly rich in personal treasures, such as flesh, firm, plump, and replete with the juices of youth, and robust well-knit limbs. My fingers too had now got within reach of the true, the genuine sensitive plant, which, instead of shrinking from the touch, joys to meet it, and swells and vegetates under it: mine pleasingly informed me that matters were so ripe for the discovery we meditated, that they were too mighty for the confinement they were ready to break. Kathy pulled at the waistband that held the loincloth that covered his groin and I unskewered the rag of a shirt and it revealed the whole of the idiot’s standard of distinction, erect, in full pride and display. His peggo was positively of so tremendous a size, that prepared as we were to see something extraordinary, it still, out of measure, surpassed our expectation and astonished us both for we had not been used to trade in trifles. It made a fine show of its enormous head seemingly in hue and size, not unlike a common sheep’s heart; a broad back of the body of it; the length of it too was prodigious then the rich appendage of the treasure-bag beneath, large in proportion, gathered and crisped up round in shallow furrows, helped to fill the eye, and complete the proof of his being a natural. Nature, in short, had done so much for him in those parts, that she perhaps held herself acquitted in doing so little for his head.For my part, who had sincerely no intention to push the joke further than simply satisfying my curiosity with the sight of it alone, I was content, in spite of the temptation that stared me in the face, with having raised a May-pole for another to hang a garland on. Reading Katherine’s desires in her wishful eyes, I acted the commodious part and made her, who sought no better sport, significant terms of encouragement to go through-stitch with her adventure. Intimating that I would like nothing better than to stay and see fair play and how she could accommodate this monster in the course of this her darling operation.Kathy, whose appetite was up, and who, like the industrious bee, was, it seems, not above gathering the sweets of so rare a flower. Urged then strongly by her own desires, and emboldened by me, she presently determined to risk a trial of parts with the black idiot, who was by this time nobly inflamed for her purpose. By all the irritations we had used to put the principles of pleasure effectually into motion, and to wind up the springs of its organ to their supreme pitch, it stood accordingly stiff and straining, ready to burst with the blood and spirits that swelled it. I shall never forget it.Kathy pushed me to one side and then, taking and holding the fine handle that so invitingly offered itself, led the ductile youth by that master-tool of his, as she stepped backward towards the bed; which he joyfully gave way to, under the incitation of instinct and palpably delivered up to the goad of desire.Stopped then by the bed, she took the fall she loved, and bahis şirketleri leaned to the most, gently backward upon it, still holding fast what she held, and taking care to give her clothes a convenient toss up, so that her thighs duly disclosed and elevated laid open all the outward prospect of the treasury of love: the rose-lipped overture presenting the cock-pit so fair, that it was not in nature even for a innocent boy to miss it. Nor did he, for Kathy, fully bent on grappling with it, and impatient of dalliance or delay, directed faithfully the point of the battering-piece, and bounded up with a rage of so voracious appetite, to meet and favour the thrust of insertion, that the fierce activity on both sides effected it with such pain of distension, that Kathy cried out violently that she was hurt beyond bearing, that she was killed. But it was too late: the storm was up, and force was on her to give way to it; for now the man-machine that the black boy possessed strongly worked upon by the sensual passion, felt so manfully his advantages and superiority, felt withal the sting of pleasure so intolerable, that maddening with it, his joys began to assume a character of furiousness which made me tremble for the too tender Kathy. He seemed, at this juncture, greater than himself; his countenance, before so void of meaning, or expression, now grew big with the importance of the act he was upon. In short, it was not now that he was to be played the fool with but, what is pleasant enough, I myself was awed into a sort of respect for him, by the comely terrors his motions dressed him in: his eyes shooting sparks of fire; his face glowing with ardours that gave another life to it; his teeth churning; his whole frame agitated with a raging ungovernable impetuosity: all sensibly betraying the formidable fierceness with which the genial instinct acted upon him. He was wild like an over-driven steer, he ploughs up the tender furrow, all insensible to Kathy’s complaints; nothing can stop, nothing can keep out a fury like his: with which, having once got its head in, its blind rage soon made way for the rest, piercing, rending, and breaking open all obstructions. Kathy, I suspected, realised that her plan may have been endangered by this unexpected turn of events. Nothing could have prepared us for the reality of seeing a horse-size cock on the slender form of such a young master. She began to struggle and invoke me to her rescue, and endeavours to get from under the young savage, or shake him off, but alas in vain. Her breath might as soon have stilled or stemmed a storm in winter, as all her strength have quelled his rough assault, or put him out of his course. Indeed, all her efforts and struggles were managed with such disorder, that they served rather to entangle, and fold her the faster in the twine of his boisterous arms; so that she was tied to the stake, and obliged to fight the match out, if she died for it. For his part, instinct-ridden as he was, the expressions of his a****l passion, partaking something of ferocity, were rather worrying than kisses, intermixed with eager ravenous love-bites on her cheeks and neck, the prints of which did not wear out for some days after.Poor Kathy, however, bore up at length better than could have been expected; and though she suffered, and greatly too, yet, ever true to the good old cause, she suffered with pleasure and enjoyed her pain and soon now, by dint of an enraged enforcement, the brute-machine, driven like a whirlwind, wedged its way up, to the utmost extremity, left her, in point of penetration, nothing to fear or to desire. As Shakespeare so sinctly wrote, “Gorg’d with the dearest morsel of the earth,” Kathy lay, pleased to the heart, pleased to her utmost capacity of being so, with every fibre in those parts, stretched almost to breaking, on a rack of joy, whilst the instrument of all this overfulness searched her senses with its sweet excess, till the pleasure gained upon her so, its point stung her so home, that catching at length the rage from her furious youthful driver and sharing the riot of his wild rapture, she went wholly out of her mind into that favourite part of her body, the whole intenseness of which was so furiously filled and employed.She lay lost in those delirious transports, filled with those ecstasies of the senses, which her winking eyes, the brightened vermilion of her lips and cheeks, and sighs of pleasure deeply fetched, so pathetically expressed. In short, she was now as mere a machine as much wrought on, and had her motions as little at her own command as the black youth thus broke in upon her, made her feel with a vengeance his tempestuous tenderness, and the force of the mettle with which he battered. I watched transfixed as their active loins quivered again with the v******e of their conflict, till the surge of pleasure, foaming and raging to a height, drew down the pearly shower that was to allay this hurricane. The purely sensitive idiot then first shed those tears of joy that attend its last moments, not without an agony of delight and even almost a roar of rapture, as the gush escaped him. Kathy kept him faithful company, going off, in consent, with the old symptoms: a delicious delirium, a tremulous convulsive shudder, and the critical dying.He withdrew and, oh, on his getting off, she lay pleasure-drenched, and re-gorging its essential sweets quite spent and gasping for breath. His black shaft continued to expel its pearly nectar and without other sensation of life than in those exquisite vibrations that trembled yet on the strings of delight, which had been too intensively touched, and which nature had been so intensely stirred with, for the senses to be quickly at peace from.As for the changeling who was now fully cognisant of what his elders had denied him, the pleasure of experiencing and whose curious engine had been thus successfully played off, his shift of countenance and gesture had even something droll, or rather tragi-comic in it. There was now an air of sad repining foolishness, added to his natural one of innocence and idiotism. He stood with his label of manhood, now lank, unstiffened, becalmed, and flapping against his thighs, reaching down almost to his knees, terrible even in its fall. His eyes naturally followed and cast down towards his struck standard. He looked piteously toward Kathy, and then layed down alongside her and without ceremony fell asleep.I gave assistance to Kathy and helped her to her unsteady feet, for she was sorely affected from her amorous ordeal at the hands and peggo of this untutored youth. As she gained her standing a torrent of the pearly effusion so deeply injected by her assailant issued forth and I reached for his discarded shirt so that we might use it as a cloth to clear the evidence away. He made no movement in recognition of our disturbance but continued to snore such was his exhaustion from his carnal endeavours. We adjusted our dresses and must have looked to be a sorry sight all torn and stained as our apparel had become but nevertheless made our way to the open doorway where we could see that the compound was empty save for a few young girls who seemed to be unaware of our presence as they went about their play. With no one to witness or impede our passage we slipped out of the crude gateway and orientated ourselves so that we were pointed in the opposite direction to the mansion and our captors. We made great haste toward the town and harbour where we had first stepped foot in this strange land in the hope that we might find solace and an escape from our ordeal.We passed through a landscape that was transformed from the idyllic garden of Eden of our arrival to that which almost defied description such was the devastation that lay before and around us. Passage was made difficult by fallen trees and debris that covered the track and it was with great endeavour that we picked our way around the many obstacles in our path to eventually find ourselves within the confines of the town. Our dishevelled presence was quite unremarkable to the few inhabitants who observed our passing for it was clear that they all had matters and concerns of their own which their attentions demanded as they made reparations to the recent tumult of their lives. So it was that we spoke with no other person until we reached the shattered remains of the harbourmaster’s office and there to find that Aunt following her flight from Sugarhill had taken shelter under the comforting tutelage of the injured Harbourmaster for whom she had much affection. She expressed much relief and joy to see us for we learned that she had suffered many travails of her own before reaching this sanctuary and as a consequence had no way or means to send help to us. She did not elucidate the nature of her suffering but it was clear that when we described our own travails of the past two days that her experience involved much the same treatments from black natives she had encountered whom had been freed from their servitude by the impact of the storm. They had taken her horse and thereby her means of mounting a rescue which is why we had received no word back from her after she had left us to our fate. We rejoiced in our reunion and made plans to escape this dreadful place.The Harbourmaster although much weakened by the injuries he had suffered when his dwelling had collapsed around him, had sufficient strength and fortitude to forge a means by which we could leave the island. Within the harbour were vessels that had taken shelter from the storm although most had suffered much damage, some beyond repair we were told, there were two that escaped the consequences and being seaworthy were preparing to be sailing back to their ports of convenience. One was a British ship plying its triangular trade between its home to Africa and then to Hispaniola where it had taken shelter. The other vessel was flying the ensign of the American colonies. The Harbourmaster made arrangements with the master of the British ship for us to be given berth for our restitution but he tempered his instruction by informing us that given the near anarchic state that the storm had created that we should not make our presence known and to wait until the hours of darkness when one-by-one we three ladies could slip aboard unnoticed by the marauding black slaves who were seeking to make profit from the chaos that abounded.The evening hour and the rising tide was upon us and, as instructed, we waited until darkness enveloped the dock. As a further precaution our appearance had been transformed from ladies of refinement to being for all intents that of seamen for the harbourmaster had furnished us with clothes that gave such an impression. Like my dear companions I had discarded my torn crinoline dress and was dressed in breeches and a rough tunic that strove to hide my bubbies and womanly curves and with our tresses tied and hidden beneath a cap it could be said that we all passed muster as being deckhands or some such position.Aunt was the first to leave the ruins of the cottage where we hid and following the instruction of where to find the ship she left us and was soon gone from our sight. The harbourmaster gauged the time and then giving Kathy a peck on the cheek he sent her to follow. I was left alone with him to wait my time before I could take the same route. Again our saviour made the calculation that it was my turn to make my escape and with the wind gathering pace, heralding the approach of another storm through the gloom and the driving rain I saw the vessel and the gangway onto the ship. A seaman looking over the gunwales was keeping a watch and saw my approach and hastened me to climb aboard; once I had done so he directed me to a hatchway where I went down steep stairs into a large cabin below down. There was much confusion reigning with other seamen engaging in tasks and my arrival in their midst was not noted but my appearance must have been a form of signal for as soon as I had boarded I felt movement beneath my feet that suggested that we had set sail and had detached from that dreadful place. My palpable relief was soon displaced for as we gained the sea beyond the harbour I looked through an aperture in the wall of my sanctuary and even though the night was dark and the rain was squalling I recognised that the British ship was still at the dockside; I had boarded the wrong vessel!I was bereft with fear as I contemplated the consequences of my error. How could I have made such a mistake; where were we headed; what would become of me once my presence was revealed, as it surely would be once the men with whom I had been involuntarily thrust would discover? I curled myself into a corner of the cabin and awaited my fate.The ship sailed rapidly ahead of the storm and it was some hours after leaving the confines of Hispaniola that with the approaching dawning of the day the violent pitching and tossing of our vessel calmed down and we proceeded to make haste Northwards. With the coming of the dawn exhausted men appeared at the stairwell and without delay they lay themselves down on the bunks that now with the coming of the light of day I was able to identify. My presence was mainly unrecognised other than by the mariner who had provided me with the mistaken welcome. He came to my corner and gesturing me to keep quiet he climbed alongside me on what I now recognised to be another bunk. He said with a gentle whisper: “Pray, my dear, do not be startled, I know who you are and I will take my reward . . . I will be very tender and kind to you .. do not make a sound and I will not expose you to the others …” He then hurried off his wet and smelling clothes and drew me near and pulled down my breeches. Whilst he was stripping, I was to observe his brawny structure, strong-made limbs, and rough shaggy breast. I was much afraid for he then got to his knees between my legs, he drew up his shirt and bared all his hairy thighs, and stiff staring truncheon, red-topped and rooted into a thicket of curls, which covered his belly to the navel and gave it the air of a flesh brush. He hesitated not and soon I felt it joining close to my exposed cleft when he bahis firmaları drove the nail up to the head, and left no partition but the intermediate hair on both sides.My a****l spirits then rushed mechanically to that centre of attraction, and presently, warmed, and stirred by that which I knew would give me much needed solace, I was beyond bearing and lost all restraint, and yielding to the force of the emotion, gave down, as a mere woman, to those effusions of pleasure. I employed all the forwarding motions and arts my experience suggested to me, to promote his keeping me company to our journey’s end. I tightened the pleasure-girth round my restless inmate by a secret spring of friction and compression that obeys the will in those parts and stole my hand softly to that store bag of nature’s prime sweets, which is so pleasingly attached to its conduit pipe, and most gently indeed, squeezed those tender globular reservoirs and the magic touch took instant effect. He quickened his assault and brought on upon the spur the symptoms of that sweet agony, the melting moment of dissolution, when pleasure dies by pleasure, and I felt the stream of a warm liquid flood within my ravaged cunnie.Sated, my violator and protector first lay still and then when our mutual trance was a little over he withdrew that delicious stretcher, with which he had most plentifully drowned all thoughts of my fears and distress in the sense of actual pleasure. My widened and wounded passage refunded a stream of pearly liquids, which flowed down my thighs, mixed with streaks of blood, the marks of the ravage of that monstrous machine of his, which had now triumphed over a kind of second maidenhead. I stole my handkerchief to those parts, and wiped them as dry as I could, whilst he was re-adjusting and buttoning up. He left me to join and enjoy the slumber of those other seamen around who had not stirred or noticed that their foreman had been extracting his reward in the most passionate fashion.The day dawned and with the coming of the light my presence in the galley was noted by the rough crew members who inhabited these squalid quarters where I had taken refuge. My cap had long been lost in the amorous struggles of the previous night and my blonde tresses belied the disguise of the man clothing I was wearing which I had hoped would shield my true gender. There was much confusion amongst the ragged crew and my apprehension returned as I was approached by one who by his speech and manner gave cause to think him to be young simpleton. He was full of confidence at seeing the advantage of the situation and already made to be unbuckling his breeches. Encouraged by his shipmates he then played, as it were, with his buttons, which were bursting ripe from the active force within. He pulled at his waistband and the fore-flap flew open at a touch, when out it started and disengaged from the shirt, I saw, with wonder and surprise not the play-thing of a boy, not the weapon of a man, but a maypole of so enormous a standard, that had proportions been observed, it must have belonged to a young giant. Its prodigious size made me shrink again; yet I could not, without pleasure, behold, and even ventured to feel, such a length, such a breadth of animated ivory! so perfectly well turned and fashioned, the proud stiffness of which distended its skin, whose smooth polish and velvet softness might vie with that of the most delicate of our sex, and whose exquisite whiteness was not a little set off by a sprout of black curling hair round the root.I was trapped and nowhere to be seen was my protector from the night before. I feared that I was about to endure another trauma to add to those of the past few days but I had the good sense to know that if I made to be compliant that my distress would be so much less. To a background of bawdy commentary from his shipmates it was clear that this young man had never been with a woman and that my unexpected appearance was heaven-sent for the purpose of his initiation. Under the guidance of the others the young simpleton pushed me back on the cot where I sat and pulled off the breeches I wore that were still stained from the effusions of his foreman. Seeing, I suppose, nothing extremely severe in my looks to stop or dash him, he feels out, and seizes, gently, the centre-spot of his ardours. Oh then! the fiery touch of his fingers determines me, and my fears melting away before the glowing intolerable heat, my thighs disclose of themselves, and yield all liberty to his hand and now the avenue lay too fair, too open to be missed. He is now upon me, I had placed myself under him, as commodious and open as possible to his attempts, which were untoward enough, for his machine. Meeting with no inlet, he bore and battered stiffly against me in random pushes, now above, now below, now beside his point; till, burning with impatience from its irritating touches, I guided gently, with my hand, this furious engine to where my young novice was now to be taught his first lesson of pleasure. Thus he nicked, at length, the warm and insufficient orifice. He found no breach impracticable, and mine, which had been so often entered in the days before was still far from wide enough to take him easily in.By my direction, however, the head of his unwieldy machine was so critically pointed that, feeling him foreright against the tender opening, a favourable motion from me met his timely thrust, by which the lips of it, strenuously dilated, gave way so that we might both feel that he had gained a lodgement. Pursuing then his point, he soon, by violent, and, to me, most painful piercing thrusts, wedges himself at length so far in, as to be now tolerably secure of his entrance. Here he stuck, and I now felt such a mixture of pleasure and pain, of which there is no giving a definition. I dreaded alike his splitting me farther up, or his withdrawing; I could not bear either to keep or part with him. The sense of pain however prevailing, from his prodigious size and stiffness, acting upon me in those continued rapid thrusts, with which he furiously pursued his penetration, made me cry out, “Oh! my dear, you hurt me!” This was enough to check the simple boy even in his midcareer and he immediately drew out the sweet cause of my complaint, whilst his eyes eloquently expressed his grief for hurting me but the warmth and closeness had given him a gust of pleasure that he was now desire-mad to satisfy.I was, myself, far from being pleased with his having too much regarded my tender exclaims for now, more and more fired with the object before me, as it still stood with the fiercest erection, unbonnetted, and displaying its broad vermilion head, I first gave the youth a re-encouraging kiss, which he repaid me with a fervour that seemed at once to thank me, and bribe my farther compliance. I replaced myself in a posture to receive, at all risks, the renewed invasion, and he did not delay an instant and being presently remounted, I once more felt the smooth hard gristle forcing an entrance, which he achieved rather easier than before. Pained as I was with his efforts of gaining a complete admission, I took care not to complain and to the chorus of bawdy remarks of his shipmates, some of whom were holding their less impressive peggos in hand, he persevered with his efforts and my soft strait passage gradually loosens, yields, and, stretched to its utmost bearing, by the stiff, thick, in-driven engine, the ravishing pleasure of the feel and the pain of the distension, I let him in about half way. All the most nervous activity he now exerted, to further his penetration, gained him not an inch of his purpose but whilst he hesitated there, the crisis of pleasure overtook him, and the close compressure of my warm surrounding fold drew from him the ecstatic gush, an insufferable size of his weapon, though it was not as yet in above half its length.He fell off me his machine still ejaculating its pearly balm which caused much to the mirth of those who were standing around the cot. I was under no illusion that my ordeal may have ended for those who had been making encouragements to the young boy now began to position themselves to take advantage of my demeanour. I looked upon a trio of stiff erections of which some were already dripping that sweet clear nectar that precedes the purpose for which men are made and steeled my nerve for what I believed to be my inevitable fate; it was not to be, to my great relief a sharp command of admonishment to let me be issued forth from the open hatchway and the scoundrels who had been intent on having their carnal way with me reacted with fear and instantly made retreat from their evil purpose.The commanding voice was my protector who I assumed to be an overseer given the due deference that was paid to his appearance. He bade them to cease their intent and for them to return to their proper duties which they did without any hesitation leaving me dishabille, my intimate parts still exposed and shewing the evidence of the ravagement which it had just been suffered and the idiot youth alongside me struggling to get to his feet, his softening monstrous engine still leaking his effusion as he attempted to follow his master’s decree.Once alone my expectation was that the officer would be taking advantage of my imprisonment and furthering the unexpected pleasures I had received from him the previous night and now from the unsuccessful attempts of accommodating the horse-cocky of the young man who’s ears he cuffed as he made his hurried departure. It was not to be, rather than prolonging my ordeal, he had come to make my rescue from this squalid place and I was led up the steps to the deck where in the bright light of day I could observe that the ship was in the midst of the ocean with not another vessel or land to be seen. My surprise at witnessing my situation was furthered when I was roughly led to the stern of my transport and directed to make my way down another flight of steps. At the end of the narrow passageway was a door which gave entrance to a cabin where seated at a desk was an older man of distinction dressed in a fine tunic with brass buttons and a wig upon his head who was introduced to me as Captain Harrison, being the master of the ship; I, in turn, was presented as being, ‘the stowaway whom I just discovered’.What stories had been told about me and the circumstance of my presence I was not privy to but the captain seemed to accept that I was a poor wretch who had been forced by the storms and Hurricane to escape the trials of Hispaniola and in confusion had taken refuge on his vessel. No mention was made of the treatments that I had received prior to my introduction to this gentleman who appeared to me to be of gentle and kindly countenance and I had no cause or reason to make reference to the delights that had been forced upon me. He bid me tell him of the misfortunes that bought me to the ship and while I could not in all modesty tell him every detail I made him aware that I was a lady of some nobility who had suffered greatly at the hands of brigands and scoundrels and now my only wish was to be returned to the acquaintance of my family and to share their location.He listened with the greatest of sympathy to my plight but could make no suggestion or give me any hope of returning to a place where a reunion could be made. I was informed that the ship which was laden with a cargo of sugar was bound to sail to a port on the eastern seaboard of the American colonies. Any hopes that I might have of rescue from there would be slight as I was reminded that our two countries were in some dispute that had already led to conflict as the colonies sought to detach themselves from the rule of law and the benevolence of King George. Indeed, he informed me, the animosity between our two lands was such that it would be better for my wellbeing if my origins were not revealed for to be identified as English amongst the crew and also the place to where we were heading it would be assumed I was some kind of agent for the government of my homeland. However, he recognised my distressing circumstances as being beyond my control and also that contrary to my nationhood that I posed no such threat and as such he would assist me to meld into the land to where we were heading.It was then that his benevolent nature took a slight sinister turn for he said that my circumstances gave him concerns that my presence would endanger his crew for it was believed by many that to have a woman aboard a ship would bring misfortune. He informed me that his assistance would not come without a price and that for the remaining period of the voyage that I was expected to entertain and repay him for his sacrifice. Glances were exchanged with his subordinate who had bought me to the cabin and my heart chilled with the suspicion about the nature of the service and entertainment I was expected to provide.They spoke in whispers to each other as if to hatch and agree a plan before turning their attentions back to me to share their decision. It was decided that in order to disabuse the crew of my gender that I should continue with my disguise of being a young seaman and for me to remain within the confines of the captain’s cabin and be employed as his cabin boy. I was made to understand that he usually had such a youth at his disposal but the events of the past few days and the traumas of the Hurricane had seen the demise of the young man under circumstances not disclosed.The foreman said he would deal with those who had already made my acquaintance and under threats of an unspecified kind would ensure they made no mention that they were aware of my presence. My heart sank further when without regard to my sensibilities he drew a knife from the band of his breeches and proceeded to cut and hack off my long blonde tresses so that the hair on my head was soon reduced to the rough countenance of those who would have betrayed me.The captain reviewed my shorning and declared himself satisfied that the illusion of my ragged appearance in the apparel of a poor seaman passed muster. I was then much feared at his command when he bid me to take off my clothes but he assured kaçak bahis siteleri me his intention were pure and he directed my attention to a closet where hanging in profusion were dresses and other female attires belonging, he said , to his recently deceased wife who despite the suspicions of his crew would sometimes accompany him on some of his voyages. He said it would please him that when my ‘duties of the day were completed’ I should clothe myself in a dress of my choosing so as to remind himself of the pleasures of her company. He bade me to choose something that would please me but told me to take my time as he wished to view my naked countenance. I blushed with shame as I felt the eyes of them both upon me. I found a crinoline dress that appeared to be of my size and when I turned to seek his approval I was shocked to see that Captain H had sat back in his chair and unbuttoned and produced his naked, stiff, and erect peggo. Although he was advanced in years his manhood belied his age and once I had caught my composure I was much impressed to see the smooth shaft topped by a delicious looking plum. He held it in his fist and shook it at me as if to emphasise his pride of owning such a prize.His companion had likewise unfastened his breeches which revealed the wonderful machine which I had seen before and had satisfied my own seat of pleasure when I had first boarded the ship. I stared at them both with all the eyes I had and although my senses were too much flurried to observe anything more than in general the make and turn of their instruments, the instinct of nature strongly informed me I was to expect that my cunnie would soon feel the supreme pleasure the meeting of those parts so admirably fitted for each other.My benefactor called me to leave the dress in the closet and to come over unclothed to where he sat to which I gladly conformed. I thought that his command was that he wished to make congress with me and not wanting to cause displeasure I made to straddle his legs so that I could take that wonderfully made instrument he held and draw it into its rightful place but he stopped me from doing so saying, ‘pray not, I cannot allow myself to sully one so young; you look too much to be a c***d of my own and I cannot allow any suggestion and be accused of such a heinous crime of i****t. No c***d, I wish for you to get to your knees and to take me in your pretty mouth while my comrade here will fuck you from behind. It will be so much more proper for us to gain our pleasures in that fashion!’ I remember little of the encounter such were my spirits all afire by my being the object of simultaneous attention. My senses were doused at both ends by the spurting of that pearly seed, one deposit being made in my womb whilst at the same time I was being made mute by my mouth being filled by the old gentleman who’s cock I was sucking. And so it was for the remainder of our voyage that I attended to this kindly old man in his cabin whilst he left the navigation of the ship and its progress toward their home in the capable attentions of the first mate. I lost all sense of time as we sailed into calmer waters but nevertheless it was a journey that I will forever recall with much fondness as each evening once I had gone through the day time pretence of being the cabin boy the first mate would be summonsed and I would provide supper. Then under the watchful eye of the captain we would make to repeat entertainments of the nature as had been my introduction to this ship and of my saviour and benefactor. The process was ever the same. After our repast I would serve brandies to them and a sham discussion would be held to determine if it was deemed that I had performed my duties satisfactorily. On completion I would then be rewarded by being allowed to dress in the clothes of my true gender the sight of which would inflame the senses of both.The captain made no demands of putting his peggo into its intended place for he maintained his strict moral code of not sullying his distaste of that taboo practise of inter familial intercourse with his off-spring even though I had no such relationship and it was purely in his mind that I had the appearance of his daughter. Usually it would be the first mate who had joined us for the after-dinner repast that the captain would invite him to force his attention on my upturned bottom whilst I would make suck on my master’s peggo. He soon made me aware that his preference was not for the opposite sex but rather he had a liking for his own gender, the younger the better.I told him of the simple youth who had on my first day aboard and my ordeal when he unsuccessfully tried to fully penetrate my cunnie with his prodigious machine. The captain was unbelieving and much intrigued at my description for he claimed to have little knowledge of such intimacies of his crew. The first mate who did indeed know of such things corroborated my story and so the lad was summonsed to be bought to us and he was much surprised to find that the cabin was occupied by not just the captain but also by a lady of refinement dressed in the finest crinoline and with a powdered wig upon her head. He was left with the instruction that he was required to assist the master and his lady in whatever matter they chose and for him not to shew reluctance at their request for there would be consequences that would be dire to his position as a member of the ship’s crew. I had made no such appeals of any kind but it became obvious to me that not only had the Captain given such instruction for the youth to be summonsed but it confirmed in my mind that his reluctance to make congress with me was not due to his declared distaste of i****tuous behaviour but that he had a predilection toward young men and putting his peggo into another place rather than that for which it was designed. The simpering youth was instructed by the Captain to clear the table where we had taken supper and then told to stand his ground whilst ‘the lady unfastens your breeches’. He was much afeared and did so without hesitation and although I was not to know what was to occur I likewise did as instructed and pulled down the grubby garment which was stained down its front with god knows what. He was without undergarment and I heard the Captain give a cry of disbelief as he saw the flaccid horse-size cock revealed. ‘My God, well I never..” was all I heard as he came in to take a closer look.The owner of the object of our attention stood mute as he had been instructed and made no further move or complaint when the Captain told me to take the wonderous tool in hand and for me to stimulate him in any way I chose in order to make it swell.I took my hand, and carried it to that enormous machine of his and although my small hand failed to make any kind of grip around the prodigious girth within a trice it swelled and stood with a stiffness, a hardness and an upward bent of erection which, together with the inestimable bulge of lady’s jewels that hung beneath formed a grand show out of goods indeed! Then its dimensions, mocking either grasp or span, almost renewed my terrors of that night when I had been assaulted so, feeling what I could not grasp, a column of the whitest ivory, beautifully streaked with blue veins, and carrying, fully uncapped, a head of the liveliest vermilion: no horn could be harder or stiffer; yet no velvet more smooth or delicious to the touch.The captain purred his delight at seeing such fine specimen and ventured that the young simpleton must be very proud to possess such a tool. He bade him to assist me in my endeavours to stroke it he made the suggestion that further pleasure might be his if ‘the lady might kiss and make suck’. I took this as being not only an instruction for the youth but also one that was directed at me and without waiting for any sign of agreement from the youth I got to my knees and did as suggested albeit that the size of the fat plum was too much to allow me to take him into my mouth. To the sounds of his appreciation I contented my endeavours with just kissing and licking the stream of the delicious clear syrup that I had learned that men produce when they are so disposed. The captain meanwhile had taken down his own breeches and from the corner of my eye I saw him move behind the youth who was bending over me as he held onto the table’s edge. From my posture I glimpsed through the open legs of my captive the captain still clad in his brass buttoned tunic but with his erect cocky in hand come and position himself and push his fiery red-topped peggo into the fundament of the boy who squealed with surprise and made protest as such an invasion. The captain bade him to keep quiet and as he began to pump back and forth said that any protest or claims of innocence was unnecessary as he knew of his crew’s disposition toward such sodomite practices.The youth calmed and I stole my hand softly to that store bag of nature’s prime sweets, which are so pleasingly attached to its conduit pipe, and there feeling, and most gently indeed, squeezing those tender globular reservoirs my magic touch took instant effect and quickened by the sensation of having his bottom hole so perfectly filled by the captain it brought on upon the spur the symptoms of that sweet agony, the melting moment of dissolution, when pleasure dies by pleasure, and my efforts were rewarded as a torrent stream of hot pearly liquid erupted from the monstrous cock I so valiantly held in front of my face. He whimpered his delight at being treated so and then just when he thought his pleasure to have been concluded he was further rewarded by the captain who with a expression of delight of his own discharged his own eruption into the fundament of the boy.What a sight we must have presented. The boy with his affair still erect and dribbling his juices of love; my face and bosom all covered in his copious discharge and the captain, his wig askew but with an expression of great contentment on his face extracting his softening cock from the bottom of the youth. The captain regained his composure and to my disappointment dismissed the youth and told him to take his stiff affair back to his quarters and his shipmates and to leave us alone but to make no mention of what he had seen. My senses were much aroused by what I had witnessed and assisted and my distress was recognised by my captain. He bade me to seat myself in the armchair and then he came and tossed my petticoats up so that my cunnie was exposed to his licentious gaze. I knew that I was not to receive that which my soul was afire to crave but was pleasantly satisfied when he came and bid me to hook my legs over the arms of the chair, knelt between my legs and demonstrated that a tongue can compensate with its stiffness and moisture to give a good account of itself. So it was that I drifted off into blissful existence as my cunnie was gamahuched by this kindly elderly man who was stroking his cock until it had recovered its stiffness. It was a wonderful ending to my voyage to freedom but my contentment was flavoured by concerns of what was to become of me once we reached the port for I learned that in a chaotic manner the colonies had achieved independence from the governance of my sovereign and being an Englishwoman of refinement my presence would not be well received.Captain Harrison allayed my fears by informing me of his brother whom he said would not hesitate to give me shelter until such time as a means of making my return to my homeland could be arranged. He said that as soon as we had made land and discharged our cargo that he would be free to take me to him and his family who farmed in a homestead some distance from the coast. The farm was close by to a hamlet which had been untouched by the recent upheavals of political dissent and therefore my presence would not cause offence. The little town went by the quaint name of Hawksville and despite the assurances that my stay would be brief it was indeed to become my home for a number of years. I was also not to know that at the time the suggestion was proffered of this sanctuary that I was ‘with c***d’ for the vigorous fuckings which had been forced upon me over the previous few weeks resulted in the inevitable result that one of my violators had planted his seed deep into my womb. It was a sorry state of affairs and one that grieves me to record …..’*******?The sudden sound of the front door latch being opened by Herb gave Janice a start and she quickly closed the book, glanced at her watch and wondered where the past few hours had gone such was her immersion in the story she had been reading. She decided that she would resume her reading the following day.”Hello, I’m still in here,” she called.Herb appeared at the doorway to the study, “Oh my, still working hard then ..” he said for the want of saying something uncontroversial, not wishing to incur her ire.”Yes, still busy but I’m done now and glad you’re back. I need to be getting to bed and there’s something I need you to do.”As always whenever his wife made a mention like this it indicated that the ‘something’ was going to be for the benefit of her pleasure and not take any account of his. However, he wasn’t too concerned at the prospect for he was already filled with the memory of his own pleasures received at the WIMPS meeting where under the careful instruction of Melanie Baker, the leader of the group, had supervised him being fucked in the arse by the ‘new boy’, Sharad, husband of that Asian woman, while Ian his best friend had been sucking his little stiff dicky. He felt quite emotionally drained as he felt the remaining tingles in his wet butt.”OK, my dear, whatever you say.”They went to the master bedroom and Janice slipped her silk dressing gown and told him unnecessarily to get undressed and to come over to where she sat naked on the edge of the bed. He did so and knowing what was expected of him stood in front of her as she retrieved the cock cage from the nightstand and then carefully locked up his silly little cock and balls noting that he was still smeared with spunk ejaculated during his night out.She lay back and adjusted her pillow so that she was positioned just so.”Erm, what is it you want me to do, my love?” he asked nervously.Janice, her head full of the visions of her ancestor in the cabin with captain said, “I want you to ‘gamahuche’ me.”Herb had not the slightest idea what she was talking about.******?

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