


Subject: Operation Pied Piper – Part 107b IMPORTANT NOTE TO ALL READERS: Any references made to Schools, Castles and Aristocratic titled personages around England, Scotland or Russia are pure fiction. None of the story features about those places or named titles personages are true, none of what you are about to read actually happened. This story and all the characters are 100% fiction. I am grateful to Nifty for posting my stories. If you enjoyed my story or any others on this site then please show your appreciation and donate whatever you can afford. fty/donate.html No part of this story may be reproduced in whole or in part in any manner without the permission of the author. ******************** `Oh, Leith fuck me’ His groan shuddered through me as his cock reached deep, my sphincter gripped his shaft, pulling his balls tight against me after every thrust. He slow ploughed me, deep enjoyable strokes, my fingers joined my thighs which were locked tightly round his waist, forcing him deeper into me, my passion got the better of me and I felt my nails dragging down his back, digging into his arse cheeks. My faltering voice begging him to `Keep going’ ******************* Operation Pied Piper � Part 107b – Morning Sickness Davy continues the story Leith buried his head into my neck; nibbling my ear, his legs spasming as his balls emptied in to me, I squeezed my stomach muscles down on his throbbing cockhead, sure I could feel it flaring as it began pumping out his cum deep into me, his orgasm juddered to a final shiver, and thrust. I released my grip and lay back; aware my stomach was covered in my own cum; I had shot my load as came. Leith sat back and giggled rubbing his fingers through it, gathering up some on his finger he put it to his mouth. `You taste so sweet’ He leant forward and kissed my nose, his face studied mine `What’s up? Are you okay?’ `Yes, I had better get back to my own bed’ He pushed back my fringe `Why, when you can stay here’ I pulled myself up and shuffled my bum to the edge of the bed `No, I had better not, this shouldn’t have happened’ `Why? We are just two horny guys’ I got off the bed and headed for the bathroom, I sat on the toilet, feeling gravity remove his load from me. There was a tap on the door `Are you okay in there? `Yes fine’ I heard Leith’s footsteps move away from the door, I sat for a bit longer then got myself cleaned up and flushed, opening the door and reaching to switch off the light, just as the front door opened. `God Fort’s, what are you doing here?’ `Davy…what sort of a welcome is that? I wanted to be with you’ He let the door bang closed behind him; throwing down an overnight bag as he ran towards me. Throwing his arms round me, he kissed me. `I missed you stupid, why do you want me to go? He gave a little chuckle and then squeezed me again `I needed to talk to you’ Fort’s statement trailed off and hung in the air as Leith walked towards us naked, his thick long cock hanging heavily, an obvious bead of cum hanging from his exposed bellend. Leith smiled and held out his hand `Hi’ Fort’s stepped back letting go of me, his eyes ran slowly up Leith’s body, ignoring his out stretched hand. Oh shit. `Fort’s’ He glanced at me, accusatorially and put his arm in front of me. `No wait; this looks like it is going to be interesting?’ He stared at Leith, cocking his head. `Well, I am waiting, just what’s going on? In fact, just who the fuck are you? `Fort’s please’ He glared at me `I didn’t ask you, I asked him’ Forts took a step forward. Leith put his hands up in front of his chest in the famous surrender gesture. `Hey come on big fella, It’s not like it looks’ Forts scoffed `Really? `Look, come into the sitting room, let us sit down and talk sensibly’ I stepped towards Fort’s and took his arm; his eyes spun to look where I was holding him. `Fort’s please’ Fort’s shook his head, then glared at me again. Contempt written all over his eyes and with that look of disgust on his face he snapped. `No, I think I had better go, I don’t want to be a gooseberry, made a fool of by you two’ He strode off down the corridor still shaking his head, I was sure his shoulders twitched, he bent down and snatched up his overnight bag. With my voice brimming with emotion, I shouted after him. `Fort’s please, STOP, STOP. Here you go again, how come it was okay for you and Dima and it’s not okay for me? Fort’s stopped, suddenly he was staring at the front door his back to me. The bag dropped from his hand to the floor. He shoulders slumped again and I heard him sob. Waving a confused looking Leith away, I ran to him; he was crying, no so much more than that, he glanced back as I wrapped my arms round him. `Fort’s what is it? He turned and hugged me, tears running down his face. `I am sorry I shouldn’t have come, but I needed to be with you’ `Forts what’s happened? What’s wrong? I stared into his face, trying to wipe away his tears with my fingers. He just couldn’t hold it together any longer. `Theodora is pregnant, the baby is mine’ He slumped to the floor; I tried to catch him as he went down, but was in shock myself, having just been hit by a racing truck, my stomach churned as I shouted back down the corridor. `Leith, Leith, come and give me a hand’ Leith appeared in a shirt and a pair of shorts, he hurried to us `What’s happened is he okay? `Just some bad news, can you help me get him to the sitting room? `Sure’ Together we somehow got Fort’s into the sitting room. We got him onto the couch and I sat next to him holding him as he buried his face in his hands. Leith wanted me to go into the kitchen with him so he could speak to me, mouthing, “`What’s going on?” I stood and then shook my head ankara escort `Please not now, can you get us all a drink? Leith nodded and gave me a little smile, and handed me a towel, I wrapped it round myself, sitting down next to Fort’s once more, putting my arm round him again. His tear-stained eyes looked at mine. `What a fucking mess, I am sorry, I shouldn’t have come, I just had to be with you’ Leith put down our drinks in front of us. `I will leave you both to chat, I am just in my bedroom if you need me’ I nodded and mouthed “Thank you”, he gave me another smile and left the sitting room. Forts took hold of my hand. `I’m sorry Davy, now your new flat mate thinks, I am some kind of loony, I just needed to be with you’ He squeezed my hand and leant into kiss me `Can you forgive me? My head was still reeling; what? he was asking if I could forgive him? ** Leith picks up the story I lay in bed; I had left my door slightly open; I couldn’t make things out at all. At first, I thought Fort’s was going to hit me, maybe he would have felt better if he had. Next thing, he is sobbing his heart out, asking Davy to forgive him, I just couldn’t work it out. I lay there, I was never going to sleep now. Davy didn’t deserve this, my mind was racing, before I knew it, I was out of bed and listening by the door. I eased it open and slipped out into the corridor, edging myself along to the sitting room. I took a deep breathe and went in, Davy looked up, he had been crying too. `Cup of tea, you two? Davy nodded, then Forts looked up, I am not sure who’s eyes looked worse. Retreating to the kitchen, I made a pot and loaded up the tray with three cups, milk jug and sugar bowl. I placed the tray down on the pouffe and then got my favourite tea cosy, my old mum had knitted it for me just before she died; although that was a sad memory, the tea cosy in the shape of Highland Cow, complete with woollen horns and a silly grin always made me laugh. I poured out two cups, I glanced at Fort’s his eyes hadn’t left me, I gave a friendly smile. `Milk and sugar? He nodded and mouthed “Thank you” `You Davy? `Yes please, but Leith, we can’t take any more of your sugar ration’ I just shook my head and stirred in two teaspoons in to each cup. Forts looked at Davy, then at me `We can bring you some next week to replace what we have taken, thank you Leith’ I nodded, mumbling, Davy had obviously told him my name. `There is no need, honestly’ I poured myself a cup and felt my self-hovering `Is it okay if I stay? Or would you rather I left you two alone? Forts, straightened `Leith, please join us, this is your home after all’ Davy looked up and nodded, then Fort’s got off the chair and held out his hand towards me. `Please excuse my bad manners, I am Drageon, but all my friends call me Fort’s, pleased to meet you Leith and thank you for looking after Davy for me’ I smiled, and shook his hand, nodding I gave him a little friendly smile `Fort’s? …Davy gave you a huge Russian sounding name’ Forts nodded, then grinned at Davy, I noticed they were still holding hands. `Yes Drageon Drageonivanov, but I still prefer Fort’s’ Davy gave him a little punch and turned smiling to me. `He is His Highness, Prince Drageon Drageonivanov Romanov, Prince of the Blood Imperial’ I winked at Drageon `That’s some mouthful’ `That’s why I prefer Fort’s’ He gave a chuckle. I could see he was relaxing, his smile was infectious, his emerald green eyes, set off by his black hair, simply breath-taking. I moved the tea tray to the sideboard and without thinking put my feet up on the pouffe. `Christ, they are huge’ Fort’s spluttered into his tea, Davy and I began laughing, Forts looked at us confused. `What? Davy, gripped his hand `That’s exactly what I said earlier, Leith was laughing at how small mine are, show him yours Fort’s, you have huge feet too, amongst other things’ Forts blushed `Leith doesn’t want to see my size twelves’ I grinned and put my other foot alongside my first. `On the contrary, plonk them up here and you too Davy, let’s have a real compare’ Moments later, three sets of feet were on the pouffe. Davy pointed `I always think Forts, has feet like a Hobbit, look how hairy they are’ Davy began laughing, Forts grabbed Davy’s foot and pulled it to his chest and began tickling it. `You can talk, look at your tiny feet twinkle toes’ Davy shrieked and tried to pull his foot back, I grabbed the other one, Forts winked at me, `One three Leith, one, two, three’ Forts stuck out his tongue as he pulled Davy’s foot up to his mouth; he nodded for me to do the same, together we began to lick and suck at those beautiful dainty feet and toes, Davy was screaming, tears of joy running down his cheeks, he was wiggling all over the place. Soon on his back, the towel he had wrapped round himself to sit down with, quickly fell apart. I looked at Fort’s eyes, not sure how this would go. He let go of Davy’s foot and leant forward, he planted his lips on to Davy’s, then pulled back `You really are insatiable’ He looked at me `What do you think Leith? Through to your room? `Yeah, if you want?’ I let go of Davy’s foot, Forts bent down and scooped him up off the couch, Davy gave a half-hearted struggle. `Hey, isn’t anyone going to ask me? what I want’ Forts kissed him again. `I think we already know’ * Moments later we were all naked on my bed, I had watched while Fort’s undressed, he was a real hunk, opposites obviously attract, not that Davy’s wasn’t a hunk too, but they were so different. I watched as Davy, shuffled up to Fort’s and whispered `Thank you in his ear’ Forts winked, he looked at me `Well shall we make this boy work for his supper? Forts was soon alongside me, both of us sitting with our backs against the headboard, escort ankara our legs stretched wide in front of us; Davy, kneeling aside our inner legs, his knelt a foot away from our swaying cocks, grinning up at us. `So, what do you want me to do? Forts hefted his cock and balls, `Show us why our cocks and balls are so amazing, work them for us, starting with mine’ Forts gripped and squeezed his meat again as Davy smiled and shuffled forwards, his own balls dragging along Fort’s and my legs’ as he moved. I watched his hands reach out for Fort’s balls, his weren’t as hairy as mine, although they looked a similar size as Davy held one in each open palm, he bent down and kissed each of the ovals, he held his nose to Fort’s sack and breathed deeply, he looked up at me and gave a bit of a dopey look. `Hang on, I want to smell and taste them too’ I manoeuvred myself until I was down with Davy, inches from Forts gorgeous body, I pushed my face into his balls sac and allowed the fragrant muskiness to engulf my senses, feeling it travelling up my nose, its journey activating different pleasure sensors. Davy held up one hand with its precious egg to my mouth, I let my lips surround it and slowly sucked it inside, its twin vanished into Davy’s mouth, side by side we worked those two huge balls, rolling them over and over, occasionally catching each other’s eyes, which had us winking and then pulling away from each other, stretching his ball skin taut, enjoying the deep moans and groans coming from above us. Davy let the ball slip from his mouth; I wanted them both, I tried to suck up the second orb, struggling to get it between my lips and into my mouth. My eyes pleaded for Davy to help me. I stretched wide as he fed the second cum filled ball into my mouth, once past my lips it was easier. My mind was blown by the sheer weight of them, my tongue rolled them over and over; how easy it would have been to start eating them; his sac skin tasted amazing each wrinkle giving up yet more of his unique flavour; I felt Davy stroke my back, it suddenly dawned on me, I was hogging the show, I pulled slowly away from his body, stretching his ball sac once more, one egg popped from my lips, quickly followed by its twin, I gasped at the saliva coated meat before me smiling at Davy; who gave a quick lick of both balls, while Forts just moaned in appreciation. Davy looked back at me, winked and then his hand slipped under the bull sized balls and pushed the sack up and out of the way, he nodded for me to push my face in deep, how could I refuse. Once again, my nose filled with the intoxicating, aromas of fresh sweat, a bit of old sweat, musk and something else; fuck what was that. Davy’s face joined mine his nose shuffling Fort’s balls and sac out of the way, Davy gripped Fort’s thighs and pushed them back, his hips rolled back exposing his hairless taint and his twerking man hole. Davy and I pushed our tongues as deep as they would go, they joined like serpents and danced over his hole, it began to glisten as our saliva, began to prepare it. Our revelry was interrupted by Forts, deep voice. `Hey don’t forget this fella, he has been patiently waiting his turn’ He tapped both of our foreheads with his wet bellend, his fingers tightly gripping the base. Forts pushed the head of his cock down towards my partially open mouth, I couldn’t take my eyes off it. The glans was similar to mine, its colour darkening as he stroked it towards my mouth, my eyes hypnotised as the bead of precum forming on his cock lips grew ever larger. He smiled down at me, his eyes pleading, I felt my lips willingly opening to take the head into my mouth, my tongue licking that jewel of precum from its perfect setting. I coated his cockhead with my saliva, the soft touch, the salt, drove my tongue into a frenzy. I felt a kiss on my cheek, I hadn’t realised I had shut my eyes, that tiny action intensifying my enjoyment tenfold. Glancing to my right, Davy was smiling at me, I pulled my mouth free with an audible pop. I gripped the shaft at the base and dragging it down Davy’s chin, I slipped it into his mouth, he groaned, so did Fort’s, I moved back to his balls as Davy closed his eyes and his mouth began to slide up and down Forts throbbing shaft. Slurping and licking, the velvet skin. Only a few moments more passed when Forts half whispered `Chaps, please, I am going to cum soon, if you keep this up’ Davy smiled and pulled the monster from his mouth `We can’t have that, not until, you join me, in enjoying this meat’ Davy gripped my cock, Forts nodded and as I shuffled my back to the bed headrest, Forts joined Davy. They snogged passionately as I got myself comfortable, I spread my legs wide bending my knees slightly, my hard cock slapped against my abs, smearing me with precum. ** Forts continues the story I watched Davy, he mouthed “are you ready”, I nodded, together we moved towards Leith’s meat. Fuck, he had hairy balls, the hair of his pubes a darker colour; browner than the blond on his head. I slipped my hand under his heavy ball sack and lifted his two orbs, I moved closed; I had never seen balls as hairy as this, I must have been looking to long as Davy whispered, `Lick them don’t just stroke them’ Monetarily thrown, I pushed my nose into the soft hairs, they released his male pheromones with each hair my nose moved, I stopped and breathed in. Warm, musky air filled my lungs as my nose moved the air blanket surrounding his balls, I glanced at Davy, he knew exactly what I was experiencing `It’s amazing isn’t it’ I nodded and then turned back and began to lick the hairy sac, hairs vanished up my nose, each one giving off its pheromones, turning me on, just a little bit more each time, I winked at Davy `I want to do what he did to me; I want them both’ ankara escort bayan I pushed first one and then the second hairy orb into my mouth; the hairs wet with my saliva slicked to the skin, I pulled back stretching his skin taut, then winked as, I closed my mouth, rolling one of balls around between my rear molars; he gasped and his hands went to my chin, tilting my head up so our eyes met again. Leith let out a little whimper, `Please Forts, no I am sorry, I shouldn’t have taken Davy’ Davy sat up, his eyes flashing between us both, I winked, as Leith chuckled and then to a very relieved look from Davy, I gently let his balls fall from my mouth. `That had you going’ I grinned at Davy, but I still hadn’t finished, I wanted to taste Leith’s taint too. I pushed his balls aside and pig like dug my nose under the loose skin, till my tongue found what it was looking for, I glanced towards his pucker, it sat nestled in a crease of brown hairs, I licked across it and up through the hair, my senses again electrified by the deep, yet smooth, yet bitter flavours coating my tongue; he was so hairy, I was licking again, working my tongue between the hairs getting his hole as wet as I could. I felt his hand on the back of my head pulling my deeper. `Fuck, yes, go for it Fort’s, lick my hole’ I was lost, only the sensations on my tongue mattered; Davy stroked his hand up my spine, I pulled out and grinned stupidly at him. He was sucking on Leith’s hard cockhead, he pulled it from his mouth and held it to mine. My tongue flicked out at the glistening wet exposed cockhead, it looked so like mine, maybe a tadge larger. I held it admiring it, Christ it was beautifully cut, it reminded me of McPhee’s and Lieutenant Brandt’s. I smiled up at Leith `Your not royalty are you yourself? or landed gentry, you cock has been circumcised beautifully’ He chuckled shaking his head as the tip of tongue touched his shaft and traced the almost invisible scar round the circumference, his bow string had been removed too, this gave his cockhead a flatter appearance than mine. I licked over the cock lips again, once more rewarded, with his man honey. I moved up his body, he looked into my eyes, our lips joined, our tongues one minute being reserved and respectful then the next, we were growling our tongues going forcefully for domination; his retreated. We broke apart, me the Alpha, he smiled again and kissed my lips lightly. `Are you ready? I whispered he looked at me and then at Davy. `Fort’s I am only a top, I don’t think I could take your cock’ I kissed down his chest arriving once more at his throbbing cock, it was a beast, thick and veiny, yet covered in velvet, I licked down to his balls and then sat back. `Come on Davy, let’s show Leith what you can do’ `Chaps I am only a top, sorry’ Leith repeated. Davy looked confused for just a second before he turned to face me smiling, he positioned himself in front of Leith’s cock. He rose up on his knees and I positioned Leith’s cockhead; Davy slowly sat down. His early fun and Leith’s cum eased the entry, Davy snogged me as he slid down Leith’s shaft. Halfway down I pushed Davy back, unbalancing him, he felt back against Leith’s chest, Leith’s arms gripped round him and began toying with his nipples. Then is dawned on Davy, what my plan was. I shuffled forward, smearing my leaking cock head up the remaining visible half of Leith’s cock. I gripped both cocks tightly and pushed upwards; Davy’s head flopped to the side and then forward, pain in his eyes, then a gasp, his frown melting as I pushed forward and Leith pulled him slowly downward. My cock head eased in and with the gentlest pressure slowly slid in and nestled just under Leith’s, throbbing shaft deep inside Davy stomach, my balls come together against Leith’s furry orbs; even Davy wouldn’t have been able to get those four in his mouth. Our cocks one inside of him I began to kiss Davy, soon finding Leith’s tongue alongside ours joining in our kiss. I reached for Davy’s hard six inches and began to smear his precum all over his shaft and bowstring, he groaned, and rode our two cocks. `Fuck I am cumming’ I gripped his cock tighter, Leith’s hand wrapping over mine as we wanked Davy harder to an explosive orgasm. He gasped panting his cum spewing up between out fingers; but it was just starting, both Leith and I felt that first spasm, Davy’s arse muscles gripped us both hard, causing us to moan, then the flutters milked at both of our cocks, I felt Leith’s ten inches throb along the length of mine, spasm after spasm, tore up his shaft as he exploded spraying his cum, coating Davy’s inside. What about me you ask? The spasm and the feeling of hot wet cum, running over my cockhead, sent my cock spraying its load up and over Leith’s cockhead. Leith and I held Davy tightly between us, all of us momentarily lost in pleasure as we took the comfort, we needed from each other. I glanced at Leith, his smile beaming once more. `Thank you’ He whispered, then a wink `Your Highness ************************ Folk’s Thank you for taking the time to let me know you’re enjoying this story. There’s nothing more rewarding than hearing from you with suggestions or even just that you’re enjoying the story, please email me to let me know. Other Nifty stories by this writer: `NightCam Fun’ � Gay/Encounters `Exploring my brother’ � Gay/Incest `Joshs Adventures series’ – Gay/Adult Youth `An Army life for me’ – Gay/Adult Youth/Military `Grandmas Bedroom’ � Bisexual/Incest `Dominic Online’ � Gay/Adult Youth `Vampyre’ � Gay/Adult Youth `Operation Pied Piper’ � Gay/Adult Youth `Scream if you want to go faster’ – Bisexual/Adult Youth `Red and Nick’ � Bisexual/Military `The Extraordinary Christmas Party’ � Bisexual/Incest `A Brother Used’ – Gay/Incest `A very English Trailer Park’ – Gay/Adult Youth

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