

Aidra Fox

                                                   A Diplomatic Affair


                 The Trials and Tribulations of One who Serves The Crown

                                                A tale by Ivor Sukwell


Chapter the Fourth


“Your Gardens are truly most Beautiful, Sir,” the Captivating Carlos proclaimed as he and Sir Henry walked the Brick Paths between Beds of Colourful Flowers in the Soft, mid-morning, Summer Wiltshire air, “Should there be but some Music I would feel I were in some Masque of Romance, an Arboreal Nymph come to Dance amid the Blossoms.”

“Already are you like that Celandine that Twines and Twists so about Banks and Stones,” Sir Henry, his Cares of Propriety for the Moment all Forgot, so Delightful did he Find the Company of the Delectable Boy, “All soft White and Delicate Pink, a Delight to the Eye.”

“And my Legs the Green Leaves,” the Wonderful Boy made Claim, Delighted that the Manner of his few coverings, chosen for the very Purpose the Knight made Reference to should meet with such Unrestrained Approval, “Though I fear I cannot wind those Around my Body so the Picture is Complete. Though still I may,” he smiled in a most Wicked and Boylike Manner, “Twine and Twist my Celandine about the Bank beside me.”

How was it, Sir Henry Pondered, that Boys could utter Words in Innocence that may be Taken in a Manner not Innocent at all and have no Understanding of what they did?

“Then would I have Need to Carry you about me as we Walk,” Sir Henry smiled, and had some Wish he may Say that such a Thing he would much Like to do, but restrained himself from such Forwardness and Impropriety.

“Then will I be that Nymph and Dance, and as I have no Knowledge of the Dances of Nymphs, I will dance as a Boy of Spain.”

And so he did, one hand Placed upon a Hip, the other by his Side, though at Times both Hands were Clasped behind the Back, and all was but rapid Movement of his Feet upon the same Portion of Ground, Body held still and Upright and with the Head held back some so the Delicate softness of his Throat was most Exposed.

Sir Henry gazed for but a Brief Time upon those stamping Feet, for most soon did he become Aware that the Movement of the Feet caused Movement elsewhere also,  and that Part that Declared Delightful Carlos to be Boy Jumped and Jiggled beneath the Covering of his Breeches in a most Arousing Manner, and there the Knight fixed his Desiring Eyes.

This Placement of the Eyes went not Unnoticed by the Dancing Boy and he enhanced his Movements some that there might be more Jumping and Jiggling to be Observed and all caused some small swelling of that Part that Boys take such Pride in and Men Delight in.

All was Observed also by James and two Boys from the Kitchens he had with him to Carry and Lay out the promised Picnic.

“That “un do be girt ripe for ploughing,” one said, but softly that they be not heard and discovered, “It do be a right wonder that one who do do much work of state and do be named as Eyes and Ears of the King do be seeing and hearing so little ataköy escort of boys.”

“Aye,” the other sighed in bewilderment more than a little, “More than enough boys `ee do have about him, and all do be most willing to be ploughed, and never do `ee do nothing about it unless our James do lead “un naked to his bed.”

“I did have to drop my breeches and did need to present him with my hard cock `fore `ee would suck it first,” James recalled, sighing also, “Though when he did find he did much like that taste he did have me from the stables straight.”

“Not like the Cook,” the first boy sniggered, “Did have me breeches round me ankles and me over a table for ploughing `fore `ee”d let me to work in his kitchen.”

“Aye, and the like he did do to me,” the second kitchen boy agreed, “Did show I right and proper how a chicken do be stuffed with sausage.”

“Well, let us to our work and put up the picnic for them,” James instructed, “The boys of the garden do be putting on some show for them may help Sir Henry to his senses.”


“I much wonder, Sir,” the increasingly Delectable Carlos mused, “Both why it should be that when I Observed these Gardens from my Window I spied many Boys at Work on them, but None now are to be Seen. And why, Sir, is it that you appear to have none but Boys in your Employ?”

Sir Henry was much Relieved to have Questions that he may Answer with no Confusion to his Mind, for that Mind was in some Turmoil as the Alluring Boy walked so close it would have needed but a Small movement of an Arm to Encircle a narrow Waist and Sir Henry was in some small Danger of Yielding to the Temptation of Indulging in such Lewd and Licentious behaviour.

“To the First,” he said, “It is but because those Boys began their Labours with the Rising of the Sun, and it being now past the Middle of the Morning they partake of some Breakfast and, no doubt, also wash and bathe their aching Feet in the Lake. As to the Second, it is an Affectation of mine that I should, in some way, have a Care for the Poorest in my Villages, and so I give Employment only to those Boys who would else Starve or find themselves in a Workhouse.”

“Most noble of you, Sir,” Carlos Inclined his Head toward the Knight, “But is it only Boys you have?”

“Not so,” Sir Henry, now at Ease as he Spoke of his Philanthropic Hobby, replied somewhat in the Manner of an Instructor, “It is Needed that the Boys do Learn so they be fit for Service when they Depart. I have a Cook who Instructs the Kitchen Boys in all his Art, and an Aged Butler who gives Instruction to the Boys of the House that they may grow to Footmen, and I Myself teach the Garden Boys some small Botanic Mysteries. Some thirty Boys do I have in all,” Sir Henry Announced with Pride, though he Neglected to Inform the Curious Carlos that he had, with the Devoted Assistance of his Servant, James, brought all of those Boys to Seeding and also Ploughed them all, and all most Willingly Presented him with their Special Parts to Suck and their Furrows to Plough.

“So many Boys!” the Celandilic Carlos Exclaimed, as they continued their Casual merter escort Perambulation, “Are they not a Trouble to you with so Few to Instruct and Control them?”

“Indeed they are Not!” Sir Henry replied with some Emphasis, “On the Contrary, it gives me Pleasure that I may Help them Rise some.”

Giving Assistance to those Boys he had Observed at Work and Aiding them to Rise was a Pleasure Carlos knew he would also Enjoy, but the Circumspect Carlos Declined to put that Interpretation of Sir Henry”s words into Voice, and Questioned instead the Absence of Females in his Host”s Estate.

“It is my Understanding,” Sir Henry gave Reply to that Enquiry, “That such Creatures evidence themselves in two Varieties. The older are known to Bully and make Demand of those they are Supposed to Serve, most probably because they are in want of a Husband to have control over, and the Younger, and I beg Forgiveness for my Indelicacy, are no sooner Employed than they are Straight with Child and must be Dismissed. Boys neither Bully nor make Demand on me, and nor may they be got with Child and therefore I Find that to be Served by Boys alone is most Congenial.”

Young Carlos had much Wonder in his Mind if that Sir Henry, Encompassed as he was by only Boys, did make Endeavour to Demonstrate the Proof that Boys could not be got with Child, he being in no Way Ignorant of the Looks that Knight bestowed on him and on which Part of him those Looks did most Concentrate, a Concentration he did all a Boy of Birth could do within the Bounds of Decency and Propriety to Encourage.

Their slow Perambulation brought them at last to the place where the Picnic was laid, a Patch of fine Grass some Way above the Lake and Screened by Bushes and by Shrubs from View of any. It was a Place well-known to Sir Henry, and he found himself Amused some in that his Servant, James, had chosen it for the Picnic spot, it being a Place that many Times had Sir Henry made Picnic of a Boy fresh bathed in the Lake who Wandered there with intent to be Tasted, brought to Seeding and mayhap Ploughed also.

The Happy Sounds of Playing Boys reached Clearly the Ears of Sir Henry and the Delightful Carlos as they reclined on the Grass and partook of the Picnic, though Vision of them was there None, nor would there be unless one should Rise from the Grass and Progress through the Bushes till a Sight of the Lake may be had.

To do this Carlos made Polite Request of and was Amenably Granted such, though Sir Henry declined to Accompany the Boy, wishing him to take all Advantage of what Delight he may find in such a Rural Setting, so Different from all that a Boy Raised in the Court would know of.

The True Extent of the Difference, Sir Henry had no Knowledge of, he being Ignorant of the Plot laid by his Servant, James, nor of the Degree to which those Boys of the Gardens had extended that most Devious Scheme.

The Curious Carlos turned straight to a most Aroused Carlos when he Perceived the Reasons for the Sounds he heard and the Nature of the Sport the Happy Boys were Playing. Two were reclined on their Backs in Observation of the Others bahçeşehir escort and the Sport of those Others did straight Demand the full Attention of the now much Aroused Carlos.

Two were clearly Making all Attempt to get with Child two others, two were Engaged in each the handling of the Other”s Parts and kissing most Lasciviously as they did so, and two were Endeavouring to bring the final two to Seeding by the use of their Mouths, and not one single Item of Clothing was to be Seen on the Bodies of any.

This most Arousing Sight was but some Ten Yards from where Carlos stood now at the edge of the Picnic Concealing Bushes, and that he should be Discovered were any to Look in his Direction concerned him not at all, so Engrossed was he by what he was Beholding.

One of the Reclining Boys did then Look to where Engrossed Carlos stood and Spied him, a broad Smile Spreading on his Youthful face when he Espied that all was watched only by a Boy, and he turned his Body some so he may be Properly Observed and Reached a Hand for his soft Parts, encouraging that to Fullness some, and giving Plain Indication that, as he had Displayed all to Carlos, he had wish to View something in Return.

Greatly did Excited Carlos wish to cross those few Yards of Ground and make Sport with those Boys, but he Knew it was not Politic to do so, Believing that Should he be Discovered by Sir Henry Engaged in that Sport, his Careful Scheme would be Destroyed, but still he felt Obliged to Present himself for Viewing as he had been Requested to do.

His Revelation was Greeted by a Look of Approval from the Reclining Boy, who Beckoned with a finger for Carlos to join them, and who also made Gesture with his Hand and Mouth of what he may do if Join with them he did.

To this Invitation, Carlos shook his Head in Denial, and Pointed over his Shoulder in Hope to Indicate that he was not Alone, and this the Reclining Boy Appeared to Understand, Shrugging his shoulder a little and Presenting a face of Disappointment. But then he Smiled again, and made Gesture that Carlos should bring Himself to Seeding by his Hand for all to watch, and this Carlos did Consent to do, both because it Greatly Excited him to Perform thus before this Audience of Naked Boys and also because he Knew he could not Return to the Picnic with a Hardness for which there was but one Cure.

It was an Elated Carlos who returned to where Sir Henry sat; Elated because he Knew he had been Accepted by those Lake Boys as a Boy. It Mattered Nothing to them that he be as far Above them in Status as the Moon is Above the Earth in Height; he was a Boy like them and shared with them their Boys” Delight that they were Boys, and that his Boy”s Desires were no different from all Boys” Desires gave his Mind much Contentment.

Elation also that what he had Observed, and to some extent Participated in, gave him Reason to Believe that the careful Scheme made by his Father, would, if it Proved to be Necessary, come to Work, though in a Variation that was solely the Invention of Carlos himself, and Nothing Known of that to his Father.

Yet for this to come about, it must Seem to Sir Henry that all was his Desire, and so the Cunning Carlos must seem to be still the Alluring Carlos, the Delectable Carlos, and above all, the Desirable Carlos, but, until the Time was Ripe, the Innocent Carlos, the Unobtainable Carlos.


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