
Straight-A Cassie


Dr. Theodore Andrews straightened his tie as he stood in front of the empty room. The students had not yet begun to arrive, but he knew they would be there soon. He had been teaching for years, and none of his classes had ever really been quite the same as the one before. Generally, he ended up with upperclassmen taking the class because it satisfied one last requirement and had the reputation for being a blow-off class. Their disinterest was the only common thread from year to year, but he prided himself on his ability to suck everyone in with his enthusiasm.

The first student arrived and looked around the room before slowly making her way to the front. She probably felt obligated to do so, he found himself thinking. He figured it would be best if he looked away, so as to keep from making her uncomfortable, but as she descended the auditorium-style seating, he couldn’t. She was wearing a dark blue sweater with a rather deep v-neck, with a lacy tank top peeking out, to keep her “decent”. Though not particularly large, her young breasts moved enticingly as she approached him, her rounded hips accented by the tight jeans she was wearing. Her eyes were large and innocent, a brown or dark green, partly hidden under side swept bangs. She met his gaze and smiled shyly as she sat in the front row, just a few feet away from him. He returned the smile, hoping it read more as “welcoming educator” than “lecherous old man.” She tucked her chocolate-brown hair behind her ear and pulled out a notebook.

“Are you looking forward to this class?” He just couldn’t leave her alone. She looked up, maybe surprised that he was speaking to her, then smiled. Her lips were a soft pink, with a perfectly-shaped cupid’s bow.

“I am,” she answered with a nod. “I was really excited to see that there were still openings in this section, too. I’ve heard that you’re the professor to have.”

Yeah, probably because he was so easy or something. He fought back a chuckle and cleared his throat, leaning against his desk. “So what year are you?”

“I’m a sophomore.” She seemed to cringe a little. “Is that okay? Someone told me that this class is usually reserved for seniors.” He watched her lower her eyes along his body and suddenly became aware of the fact that his dick was growing just slightly hard. Maybe it wasn’t noticeable yet. He stood up, moved around behind his desk, just in case. Right. She’d asked a question.

“No, that’s fine. As long as you have the required classes, which I assume that you do, since otherwise you wouldn’t have been able to register in the first place, then you are welcome here, my dear.” It slipped out purely by accident, but he decided that he’d better stop talking before he got himself into trouble. More students began to file in, and, thankfully, his erection went away in time to face them.

That night, with his wife, he found himself imagining that her eyes were a greenish-brown as he fucked her.

A few weeks later, Dr. Andrews sat in his office, grading papers. No one ever came to see him during office hours, anyway: might as well get something done. After a while, he heard a gentle tapping on the doorway and looked up. It was the girl. Cassie Locke. His blood surged through his veins, and he decided against rising to greet her. She was wearing a thin cotton dress with a hem that fell just above her knees. Her calves were small but shapely, and he itched to smooth his palm along her leg. She was wearing a small cardigan perhaps in acknowledgment that it was October now, and beginning to get cold.

“How may I help you, Miss Locke?” If this were any other student, he might imagine that she was here to perhaps trade a blow job for a few extra percentage points, but not only was it far too early in the year for that, she was also one of the best students in her class. Still, he couldn’t kelp imagining her innocent little mouth wrapped around his cock under the desk, and had to shift in his seat. His pants were growing uncomfortable. She was still hovering in the doorway, looking unsure. “Please take a seat.” She obeyed and, as she sat, leaned forward to place her bag on the floor. This treated him to a glance of the pale skin that was usually hidden from sight, and he licked his lips. When she sat back, she continued fidgeting. “You’re not here to tell me that you’ve been cheating or anything, are you, Miss Locke?” He highly doubted that, but with the way she was acting…

“No!” güvenilir bahis siteleri She answered vehemently. “No. I do not plagiarize, and I do not cheat.” She lowered her voice, but met his eyes. “I promise.” She looked away and sank her teeth into her lower lip. He wanted to smooth his tongue along that very lip, maybe press a kiss or two there. Dammit, Ted. Stop it. She is a student. “But…I think I’m going to have to withdraw from the course.” The idea clearly pained her.

“Why? You’re doing very well! I’ve just finished grading your paper. You have a few shaky points, but other than that, it’s a very solid paper, very well-written. And you know that it’s too late to get any of your money refunded.”

She nodded miserably. “I know. And it’s not my grades.”

He wished she would just spit it out already. Her perfume was drifting over to his nose, and it was extremely distracting. He looked up at her, and realized that she…well, she appeared to be cold. Her nipples were clearly puckered, little buds pressing against her dress. She seemed to notice too, and pulled her sweater more tightly around herself.

“So what is it, then?” You know I’m willing to work with students as much as I can. Is everything okay at home?”

“It’s fine,” she replied. “Ugh, I feel so stupid.” She rose, then stooped to pick up her bag. Was it just his imagination, or did her dress just slip down and show him a hint of nipple? “I can’t come to class anymore, because I can’t pay attention. I just sit there, and then I have to borrow someone’s notes every week, and I just can’t do it anymore.” Her cheeks were a dark pink, and her eyes bright and watery. “And I know you’re going to ask. So what’s distracting me? The short answer, Dr. Andrews, is that you are.” She moved towards the door, but froze when he spoke up.

“What’s the long story, Miss Locke? What, specifically, is distracting you?” He watched her shoulders slump, her head bow. Then her hand slipped off of the doorknob. “I ask because dealing with things like this is part of being an adult. For example…” He was taking his career into his hands here, but couldn’t stop himself. “Do you know how distracted I am by the urge to bend you over my desk right now?”

The room was silent. He had done it. She would file a complaint. He would be fired, lose his house, lose his wife, lose everything that he had worked so hard to get. Slowly, though, she turned and though her face was still flushed, she was no longer teary. He cleared his throat.

“But…that wouldn’t happen, Miss Locke, because I am an adult and a professional.”

She said nothing, but she did lock the office door and lower the blinds. Maybe he wouldn’t lose everything? She approached him slowly, deliberately, dropping her bag into the chair and cautiously peeling off her sweater. Finally, she stood just a few inches away from him, so close he could see her pulse beating wildly in her neck. He could reach out and touch her, let his hands glide along her waist. “Why can’t it happen?” She finally asked, and sank to her knees next to him, tucking her fingers under his belt.

Shocked, he couldn’t find the words to stop her, even as her small fingers unfastened his belt. Between the glimpses she’d been teasing him with and this development in the situation, he was approaching rock hard, and he was sure she could see that. She ran one hand over the front of his pants, along his bulge. At that he grabbed her slender wrists and dragged her rather forcefully up to meet his eyes.

“Miss Locke,” he gritted out. “I am your professor. You are my student. I’m a married man: this cannot happen.

She held his gaze. “How else do you think we’ll ever get over this fascination with each other?” She pouted a little, but it didn’t come across as contrived or sly. She was serious, and her deep eyes drew him in. He stood quickly, and forced her down over his desk. He kept one hand firmly on the back of her neck, but use the other to lift the hem of her dress. No panties. Of course she wore no panties.

“Who do you think you are, Miss Locke, coming to my office and sitting in my chairs with no panties on?” He fitted his palm against one milky cheek, loving the warmth of her skin. Abruptly, he pulled his hand away and brought it back down, hard, against her skin. She yelped and struggled against his grip. “Are you some kind of whore, just pretending to canlı bahis siteleri be sweet and innocent?”

“No!” She sounded scared, so he loosened his hold on her just a little. He didn’t like pretending to be a big bad monster, though the sight of her naked ass did make his cock twitch. He smoothed his hand along the pink handprint that he had just stamped onto her sweet skin.

“I believe you, Miss Locke,” he said, trailing his hand between her legs. She was neatly-trimmed but not clean-shaven, and he he touched her soft bush. “I believe you.” He lowered her hem and released her neck. Immediately, she turned around to face him. She leaned forward and pressed her lips against his. She was soft but firm, as he’d imagined she would be, and he pulled her hips flush against his. She nipped at his lower lip, but her tongue moved shyly against his. “Is this how I distracted you?” He asked, squeezing her hips. She shook her head.

“May I show you?”

He studied her face. “Please do.”

The girl pushed him into his chair, then knelt once again, and resumed unbuttoning his slacks. She reached inside and caressed him through his boxers, then freed him from those, too. Her eyes widened as she took him in, and now he chuckled.

“You flatter me, Miss Locke,” He was not pornographically large, but, then again, his dick did get the job done without complaints. “No need for that.”

She looked as though she were about to protest, but seemed to think better of it and put her mouth to better use. She kissed the tip of his cock, her tongue darting out to move along the slit in the head. She traced gentle lines up and down the shaft with only the tip of her tongue, until he couldn’t stand it anymore.

“No one likes a cocktease, Miss Locke,” he warned, threading his fingers through her hair. She looked up at him with those big murky eyes, the bulbous head of his cock now firmly planted in her mouth. She let the tip slid out from between her lips, leaving a trail of pre-cum and saliva glistening on that pouty lower lip of her. “No one?” She breathed, hot and damp against him. “Not even you?” She let her fingers dance along his length before circling them and squeezing. When he didn’t answer, she smiled and parted her lips, pressing down against him, to introduce him back into the heat of her mouth. Fuck if she didn’t make him want to come right then and there. She reached past the base of his cock to take his balls into her small palm, tugging lightly on them and massaging as she continued to suck.

Each time she bobbed her head, he began to realize, she was taking him deeper into her mouth, and in only a few moments, he was pressed against the back of her throat. He felt her pause for a moment and the next thing he knew, he was slipping into her throat. He gritting out a moan when she continued bobbing, flexing her throat as she did so. He couldn’t help himself—he pressed his hands against the back of her head and pushed her down, hard, until he could go no deeper. He felt her gag, try to struggle to her feet, but knew that the motion of pulling out of that spasming throat would be enough to make him shoot his load right there, so he held her tightly. When his climax had distanced itself from him again, he let her pull away, then stood up and pulled her to a standing position as well.

“You are a good girl,” he said, smoothing her hair. “Very good.” He slid the straps of her dress off of her shoulders, noting with pleasure the goosebumps that erupted at his touch. Her dress fell silently to the floor, leaving her wholly exposed. He filled a hand with each breast, weighing them appreciatively, enjoying the way they felt in his hands: heavy, soft. Her nipples were hard again, and he took each one between his thumbs and forefingers, tugging almost painfully. She shifted, perhaps uncomfortable, and he lowered his mouth to her left nipple, laving it with attention before granting the same attention to the right. Having finished that, he kissed a trail down her belly until he reached his ultimate destination. He was kneeling now, despite the protests of his aging knees, and placed either hand on her hips.

“Now it’s my turn to show you how you’ve been distracting me, young lady.” He pressed his nose against her mound and slipped his tongue past her outer lips. She was dripping wet, as he’d expected, and he lapped at her hungrily. Her hands rested on his shoulders, and some of the bahis firmaları sweetest moans he’d ever heard escaped her lips. He felt her knees buckle and pulled away just long enough to pull his chair around behind her. She sat, spreading her legs for him. He spread her outer lips once more, this time moving his mouth directly to her clit. The smell of her sex mixed with the leather of his chair was a heady combination, and he fought the urge to wrap his fist around his cock.

“Professor,” the girl whimpered. “Professor. I’m going to come.”

“Do it,” he ordered, barely taking his mouth away from her. “Come on, baby, and come all over my mouth.”

She didn’t need to be asked twice. Her thighs tightened around his head as her body rocked and writhed with pleasure. When she back back down to normal, the lower half of his face was soaked with girl-come, and he wiped it off. She met his eyes and stood up, then bent over his desk, exposing her glistening and swollen pussy. She looked back at him, inviting him in. “I’m clean,” she murmured. “And I’m on the Pill. So I won’t be causing…any problems.” She smiled shyly—at least, as shyly as a naked girl could look, willingly bent over a strange man’s desk. “Please fuck me, Dr. Andrews.”

Her voice was his undoing. That sweet way she said “please”? Forget about it. He stood up and positioned himself at her slick entrance, rubbing the tip against her clit a few times before sinking his length inside her. When he was only halfway in, he noticed two things. First, hers was quite possibly the tightest pussy he’d ever felt. Second, the tip of his cock was pressing against what felt like a thin membrane.

“You’re a virgin,” he stated, incredulous. How had such a perfect body remained untouched for so long?

“I am,” she answered, tightening her muscles around him. “Please, don’t stop because of that. I need you.”

Truth be told, he had considered it for a moment: pulling out, sending her home. But now it was as though he was locked into place. He couldn’t stop even if he wanted to. He held her waist tightly and pulled out a little, only to ram himself right back into place. Her hymen tore under the pressure, and a small yelp escaped her lips. When he pulled out again, he could see traces of blood on his cock, and something about knowing that it was this girl’s firstblood turned him on even more. He slammed deep inside of her and pressed his lips close to her ear. “I’ve never taken a virgin before, Miss Locke. I’m honored.” Even his wife hadn’t been a virgin when they met. “How does it feel to lose your virginity to a dirty old professor?”

“I love it,” she moaned. “You’re so big, professor…it feels like you’re going to split me in two.”

Indeed, he could feel her stretching to accommodate him, as he drove himself deeper and deeper into her virgin pussy. Her juices began to drip down her inner thigh even as he approached climax again. He tried to hold off, though, and reached down to pinch her clit, twisting it roughly. He wanted her to come again, to feel her clench down around his big dick. His efforts were rewarded when he felt her press tightly against him, taking every inch deep inside her cunt, and heard her moan out his name. As she was coming back down once more, he resumed thrusting. After a moment he felt his balls tighten and his dick throbbed, and then he was shooting his student’s young womb full of his thick hot seed. He pulled out slowly: he wanted to watch it drip out of her, slide down her creamy inner thighs. He spread her inner lips apart with two fingers and, sure enough, a nice glob of cum began to drip out of the girl.

“I can still feel it in me, Dr. Andrews,” she marveled, her voice deep and hazy with pleasure. “You filled me up completely, didn’t you?”

“That I did, my dear,” he replied, sliding three fingers inside of her. She whimpered with pleasure, and still more seed spilled out of her. Fuck, she was sexy. After a few more moments, he reached over to take several tissues from the box on his desk, carefully cleaning his cum off of her legs and pussy. When he was finished, he allowed her to straighten, and she turned to look at him. “A+, as always, Miss Locke,” he said, approval tinting his voice. He tucked his cock back into his pants, still wet from fucking her, and stooped to retrieve her dress. “I trust I’ll be seeing you in class on Friday?”

The girl grinned and nodded as she pulled her dress back over her head and smoothed the material out over her pale skin. She picked up her sweater and her purse and headed for the door. “I’ll be looking forward to it, Professor,” she said over her shoulder, and then disappeared out his door.

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