
Becoming a Man


“Brad Shearer? Mr. Jamison would like to see you in his office. Can you make a 4 PM meeting?” the woman’s voice on the phone asked.

Brad looked at his calendar and saw there was a meeting, but as it was non-critical decided he could reschedule, “Sure. Um, can you tell me what this is about?” he asked, “Do I need to bring anything…you know, to prepare?” he asked.

“No, not necessary. I am not sure, he said just to ask you to come up to his office at 4,” she said before hanging up.

The thirty-year-old man looked at the dead handset before hanging up. What does the CEO want with him, a first-line manager with just a few years of experience? He called up the org chart and chuckled. He recalled the movie “Six Degrees of Separation.” That was what he had from the CEO. Six layers of reports before he got to the top.

Normal communication within a corporation is for the direct report to deliver news, instructions, or any other message. Bypassing a layer was considered a slap in the face for any one of the reports skipped over. Having the CEO ask to see you directly was so far from the normal protocol that he had a difficult time focussing the rest of the day.

He debated calling his wife Brenda, but she had a class right then and after that, she was usually booked solid with office visits from her students. He suspected she had twice the number of students seeking one-on-one advice than her colleagues.


Brad and Brenda met at USC just one week before they each graduated. Brenda was sitting at a bus stop when Brad stood near her under the shelter. Mostly to himself, he’d mumbled, “Finally – the weekend. Yippee-ki-yay,”

Brenda unconsciously responded, “motherfucker,” before blushing. “Sorry, when someone says yippee-ki-yay, I always think motherfucker.”

Brad laughed, “You a ‘Die Hard’ fan?” The girl was gorgeous, easily a 10. Long straight auburn hair, perfect body, the clearest skin he’d ever seen. An air of innocence that made hearing the word ‘Motherfucker’ come from her mouth amazing.

“You kidding? Bruce Willis at his best. I fell in love with him in ‘Moonlighting,'” she said. She turned to face him as his eyes flicked down to her chest before focussing on her face. She had the slightest smile as she caught him looking but the open vee in her shirt was almost like a neon sign, ‘Look here,’ she thought. On the other hand, she gave up trying to hide her 36Ds long ago as no matter what she wore men and women always glanced…or openly stared.

They sat there talking and seemed unaware that the bus had arrived. They’d seen all his movies, many multiple times. Brad looked up as the sun set, “You know, they’re showing Sixth Sense over at University Village 3 tonight, I know you’ve seen it a dozen times…”

“Yes! I’d love to…I need dinner though,” she smiled.

“It’s a date…I mean as an item on a calendar,” he mumbled. “Or, if it’s a date date, I’m Brad, Brad Shearer.”

The girl stood up, easily matching the boy’s 6′. She put out a hand, “Brenda, Brenda Lamb.” She suddenly gasped and started laughing.

“What?” Brad asked, starting to laugh himself, “Wh..what’s funny. Oh, Christ, stop it,” he sputtered.

Brenda got hold of herself, “This is embarrassing, but we just met…just decided to go on a date before even knowing each other’s name and I just thought about my name if we got married,” she sputtered, “If that doesn’t scare you off, nothing will,” she laughed.

“Oh, God, that’s too funny,” Brad laughed, “and I think this is a record for me, 4 seconds after being introduced…a girl checking out her married name with me,” he laughed. Then he started humming a song causing Brenda to laugh again.

“I’m sorry, but are you humming ‘Radar Love?'” she asked.

“Every time I hear the name Brenda I think of that line, “Brenda Lee’s coming on strong,” he smiled. You must get that a lot.”

She nodded, “Worse than that,” she blushed, “Ok, I’ve never told anyone this, but apparently mom and dad were screwing he came inside her just as Golden Earring was singing that line,” she blushed. “Sorry, TMI?”

Brad laughed, “They told you that?” he asked.

Brenda shook her head, “No, it was something like, ‘You were conceived right as that line came out of the speakers,'” she sighed. “I didn’t think much about it until I was in my teens and understood what she’d meant. God, you should run now while you have the chance,” she muttered. “Anyhow, I was supposed to be named Laura, Laura Anne Lamb but instead they decided Brenda Lee Lamb was more appropriate.”

The next week was a whirlwind as they crammed in as much as they could between studying for the finals, getting prepared for graduation, and finding lodging for their visiting parents.

Waking on their last morning together, Brad looked over at Brenda and felt a wave of sadness. She was promised a job in St. Louis and he found a job in Seattle. He’d gone through a long-distance relationship when he came bursa escort out to LA and it lasted just a couple of months. He didn’t want this to happen here and wished there were a solution.

Brenda opened her eyes and looked at the man she’d been trying to not fall in love with. These types of relationships are fun but hanging on while they both are thousands of miles apart just causes pain. She felt sadness and saw that reflected in his face. Stifling these feelings she kissed him, “Good morning.” She looked around the room, “Our last morning,” she sighed.

Brad pulled her naked body close and as he got hard, let himself be pulled on top of her. He started to say something, but Brenda pressed her lips against his as she guided his hard cock inside her.

“Don’t say anything, let this be what we remember most,” she sighed as they matched each other’s rhythm. Brad was easily the best lover she’d ever had as he could go for hours and seemingly orgasm when he wanted to. “We can’t take all morning though, so don’t worry about me,” she said, “Just cum inside me, I want to feel you inside me all day,” she sighed.

Brad wasn’t quick and when Brenda was cumming a second time, he let himself release. He’d never felt her hold him so close as they both came and even after the pleasurable feelings faded, they held onto each other tightly.

Brenda stroked his back, the feelings she’d been suppressing coming out, “Motherfucker!” she hissed, “We’ve been here for six fucking years and we had to meet with just 7 days left?”

Brad stroked her face, “Just what I’ve been thinking all week long.” He sat up and looked down at her, “Would you let me fleece you?” he asked, looking serious. She had a blank look on her face then grinned.

“Yes, yes I would,” she said suddenly tearing up. “Wow! Did you just think of that?” she asked.

Brad shook his head, “No, at the bus stop. I thought of it right when you put our last names together but it seemed a bit presumptuous of me to pop the question right then and a week is much better,” he said, “so just to be clear, you will marry me?”

Brenda laughed, “Of course, and had you asked me at the bus stop, I would have said yes then. Hell! A huge Bruce Willis fan? Totally husband material.”

The celebration that night was three-fold. Brenda getting her Master’s in Fine Arts, Brad getting his MBA, and an engagement party. Having the parents there meant a lot of toasts, a lot of happy people, and a lot of alcohol.


Brad thought back over the last five years. Brenda had immediately said she’d call the school in St. Louis telling them she was getting married and moving to Seattle. Brad nixed that immediately, “No, that’s not fair. We need to decide what fits best for both of us, and from where I’m sitting, the offer you have in St. Louis is a great fit for you. I’ll find a job, not worried,” he’d said.

And it had worked out. The company in Seattle had filed Chapter 11 a year later and Brad had found a great position with a strong company not far from Brenda’s College where she taught art. They managed to meet at least once a week for lunch and found a condo within walking distance to both their places of employment.

He started in HR doing basic tasks, data entry, filing but soon was promoted to lead then as manager over his department. Just last week Jerry, his director came to him suggesting he apply for his position as he was retiring in a couple of months. He told him at 30 he’d be the youngest director, but that shouldn’t deter him from applying. It would mean more money but more importantly, it would mean being able to have more say in how he thought the departments should be run…a more personal, employee-driven culture. The thoughts of this excited him as his current boss had begun that at his suggestion.

He looked at the time at the base of his monitor. 35 minutes. 30 before he heads over to the elevator, then a one-minute ride up 32 floors to the executive suites. That with a slight buffer would leave him three minutes waiting. Not too soon to look eager, not cutting it too close to look like he didn’t care. What did Jack Jamison want with him? He thought back to the few time he’d met the man.

Christmas party, three years back. He’d been introduced to the man by Jerry. He remembered being embarrassed hearing the praise but chalked it up as the standard compliments given, then Jack’s attention turned to Brenda and the CEO smoothly leaned down and kissed her knuckles. That was the last he’d seen him that night, although Brenda had picked up an admirer. JJ or Jack Jamison Jr. had latched onto them. He was 15, gawky and innocent. Brenda found herself sitting and talking to the boy and even had a dance or two with him. It was amusing to watch as Brenda was easily 4″ taller than the boy, and he stiffly held himself away as they swayed and turned slowly on the dance floor.

He’d gotten a call from Jerry saying that Jack Jamison was escort bayan really grateful for entertaining his son as the boy was incredibly shy. Various other parties and events occurred, and whenever JJ was there he’d spend the entire evening with Brenda.

“You have an admirer?” he’d joked. “JJ is getting less nervous when you guys dance, I mean he actually touched your waist,” he laughed.

Brenda smacked him, “The boy’s been a perfect gentleman,” she said. “He’s made no moves, no comments but just been great company. Let’s face it, when I come to these things, there’s either really boring work talk or guys wanting to get me into a dark corner.”

“What guys?” he’d asked. “I never saw that,” he asked looking around.

“You wouldn’t. I’ve had guys try to cut in while I’m dancing with JJ, others ask if I’d like to get a drink sometime, or when I am on my way to the Lady’s room follow me, but it’s not a big deal and no, I’m not going to tell you who they are,” she’d said firmly.

It probably was a good thing as he had no urge to confront his fellow employees and Brenda never gave him any reason to worry. He’d always pitied men whose wives stepped out on them knowing Brenda’s love for him was too strong.

He checked the time again. He locked his computer and went over to the elevators realizing he misplanned one thing. His bladder felt suddenly full and he’d not left time for a pee. Shrugging, he hit the elevator button.

Jessica looked up as the elevator door opened. “Mr. Shearer. Go right in. You’re fortunate as his three o’clock just finished.” She stood and opened the large walnut door, closing it after the man entered. She wondered what this meeting was about as Jack always filled her in. All he had to say was, “It’s nothing. I met the young man a few times and just wanted to get to know him a bit better.”

Jack Jamison was a large man, not fat and not just big-boned, but large, powerful. He came around the desk and stuck out his hand, “Brad, good to see you again. Please sit, can I get you anything? Coffee? Water? Scotch” he asked. “How’s your wife?” He was unused to this situation and all the preparations he’d rehearsed sounded stupid in his head. He undid his tie and flopped onto the couch opposite the young man.

Brad’s mouth was dry, but the aching in his bladder made drinking anything sound like a bad idea, “Thanks, Mr. Jamison. No, I’m fine. She’s fine, teaching over at the University today.” He sat down looking curiously at the man who sat on the couch across from him.

“Please, call me Jack. I think you’ll realize this is far from a formal meeting,” he chuckled. He decided to just get it out on the table, so he sat forward and asked the first thing that came into his head, “How are you liking it here? You’ve been here five years and I’ve heard nothing but good things about you.”

Brad smiled tentatively, “I’d like to think I’ve not let anyone down,” he said, “but that’s not why you asked me up here, is it? Sorry for being forward but you want to ask me…or tell me something and don’t quite know where to start.”

Jack stood up, “No, you’re right. I’m going to have some scotch, you sure you won’t join me?” He saw the man stand and nod then went over to the bar behind his desk, “Ice? Neat?”

Brad stood up, “Neat, thanks.” he accepted the crystal half full of the amber liquid, took a sip, and smiled, “Macallan 25? I was lucky enough to try this at a scotch tasting, but I guess that makes sense,” he chuckled. “Ok, I can take whatever it is you want to tell me,” he said as he sat back down.

Jack took a sip of his and looked at the liquid swirling in the glass, “One of the perks of the position, I guess,” he said before sitting down again. “Ok, I need a favor, a favor tied to no quid pro quo nor any implied promises,” he said softly. “I know you’ve applied for Jerry’s position and I have no say in it, though secretly I hope you get it. So, now that that’s out of the way, you remember my son?” he asked.

Brad’s head was spinning. Where is this going and what would the CEO of the company be asking, “Sure. How could I forget? He’s been Brenda’s savior during the company events, keeping her company, and warding off the various men wanting the dance with her. Nice kid, maybe a bit shy but he seems smart.”

“Painfully shy,” Jack sighed, “Totally the opposite of me,” he paused. “Look, you might have wondered about my son being so different. We’ve never told anyone about this, but he’s not…um, biologically mine. It’s not what you are thinking. Sandra had just broken up with her boyfriend when we met and started dating. A month in she found out she was pregnant and was mortified. It didn’t matter to me as I was…still am in love. I love the boy and it doesn’t matter if he…anyhow, next Friday he turns 18, and I wanted something special for him.” He looked at his hands before picking up his glass again.

“I’m still not sure…” Brad started.

“Yeah, I know. Christ! In my head, I was smooth, bursa escort confident, and just asked you…asked you if Brenda might be…fuck it! Look, let’s talk about the Cardinals.”

Brad sat back stunned. “Wait,” he thought about his contact with the boy. Painfully shy, nervous around girls, tentative as stiff when dancing with Brenda…”He’s a virgin, isn’t he? And you want Brenda to…take his cherry,” he said softly. “Christ! I can see why that’s a hard question to ask.”

Jack nodded, “Ok, so go on and say no and we’ll never talk of this again,” he said sadly.

“That’s a hell of a birthday present, ” Brad chuckled, “I wish I had you for a dad. My 18th, dad was off on a fly fishing trip. All I got was a card.” He looked at the man, “But why Brenda? Why not hire an escort, hell walk three blocks north, and…”

Jack shook his head, “I’ve seen him talk to just one girl or woman…ever. Just Brenda. Then, I was putting some of his things back in his closet and a few pictures fell off the shelf above his shirts…pictures of Brenda at the various parties in her cocktail dresses. He must have printed them off my computers from our website. Ok. Like I told you, all this was worked out in my head, but here is how I see it. You want to hear it?”

Brad sat forward, holding his glass. “Can’t hurt. I’m not offended in the least and am actually intrigued.”

“Take Brenda to Marcello’s Friday, coincidentally I’ll be taking JJ there. I’ve actually made reservations for us…Sandra can’t make it as her mother isn’t doing well, anyhow, reservations at 7. We’ll have you join us, and I asked Jessica to page both of us at 8 for an issue which turns out we’ll have to go overnight somewhere. I’ll offer to drive leaving Brenda your car. Brenda can take JJ back to our house…or your house,” he stopped and finished his scotch then looked expectantly at the young man. He’d hoped for a positive sign, expected anger, and saw the former.

“It’s a good plan. Marcello’s requires ties for the men and Brenda could wear a revealing cocktail dress. Better than Chipotles which would mean blue jeans and a tee-shirt,” he chuckled. “I’ve seen how JJ looks at Brenda. She sure can attract attention. But just out of curiosity, we’re not really going out of town and what could we both be involved in?” he asked.

“A high-level HR situation. Jessica will call me about it and I’ll mention I have the perfect person from HR, anyhow, I booked a suite at the Four Seasons…see? I’ve had the entire thing planned out. I just didn’t know how to ask,” he sighed.

“If you are asking for my approval…permission, you have it. I don’t like the thought of Brenda being with anyone else but it’s for a good cause, I think it’s a great idea,” he paused, “But…”

“Yeah,” Jack sighed as he went over and got the decanter of scotch. As he splashed some into the young man’s glass he chuckled, “And I thought it was hard to ask you. I can’t even imagine how we ask Brenda,” he sighed.

After filling his glass and taking the decanter back he sat down. Brad looked thoughtful. “What are you thinking?” Jack asked.

“What’s your schedule look like for the next hour?” Brad asked. Hearing they were open the rest of the day, he stood. “Give me five,” he said as he picked up his phone and went out of the office to call his wife and find a bathroom.


Brenda was just getting back to her office when her cell went off. She looked apologetically at the two students with her, “Wow! This is a treat,” she smiled as she hit the green icon, “You’re calling to tell me you’re taking me out for dinner?” She opened the door to her office and paused as she listened. She looked at the two boys waiting to meet with her and sighed. “Sure, I’ll cancel my afternoon meetings, I um,” she looked at the time on her phone, “I can be there by 5. That ok? Ok, I’ll see you in 20 minutes…yeah, 40th floor, Jessica, got it.”

She apologized to the two boys and as she was heading out the front door she heard the one boy joking with the other, “You’ll get your chance to get some one-on-one time with her.” She saw them walking away. Not the first time, she thought. Half the boys in her classes wanted her to spend a bit more time with brush techniques or tips on pottery making. She was always flattered but if they got something out of it, all the better.

As she headed over to the tall glass facade tower she wondered what on earth Brad needed her for. She smiled when she considered the directorship position. Maybe that was it, but the CEO’s office? She knew who Jack Jamison was, JJ’s father. He seemed like a good person, JJ saying nothing but great things about him. One thing she’d learned is that kids and dogs are great judges of character.

She was about to tell the security guard who she was and why she was there, but he stood and held out a badge.

“Mrs. Shearer, the elevators to the left will take you to the 40th,” he smiled at her.

She looked at herself and thought she looked a bit underdressed to meet with the CEO, but short notice is short notice. White blouse, tight jeans…nothing as revealing as he’d seen her before at the gatherings. ‘But, they’ll just have to live with it,’ she thought.

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