
American Girls Ch. 15-17

Female Ejaculation

Author’s notes.

My stories are based on personal experiences and are as close to accurate to what actually happened as I can remember, and I have a pretty good memory (even many years later).

Nobody in this story (that had sex) was underage.

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Chapter 15 — Annette

I had Darlene coming over to my apartment every Tuesday and Thursday, which left the rest of my week free to meet other girls. I also didn’t have to worry about Darlene getting jealous, since that wasn’t the kind of relationship we had.

I found myself hanging out at the university library a lot, since it offered me a quiet place on-campus to study and complete projects, while still offering me the chance to meet girls. That was how I found myself sitting at a table in a back area of the library one Saturday afternoon when a cute girl with dark brunette hair came walking up to me. “May I sit here?” she asked, motioning at the seat across from where I was sitting.

“Of course,” I replied. “There is always room for a pretty girl.”

She hesitated, but then replied, “Thank you.”

I decided to introduce myself. “Hi. My name is Pete.”

“Hi, Pete,” she replied. I’m Annette.”

“Where are you from, Annette?” I asked.

“I grew up in central Utah,” she said. “In Salina. Do you know where that is?”

“Yes,” I replied. “I know where it is. It’s just on the road if you are going to Richfield or Fish Lake.”

“You know that area?” she asked.

Again, I answered, “Yes. I was in charge of the climbing program at a camp near Loa.”

“Oh, wow,” she exclaimed. “You climb?”

“I do,” I said. “Are you interested in climbing?”

“Oh, no,” Annette answered. “That scares me. I could never do that, but I admire those who do climb.”

“Well,” I said, “Maybe you would like to watch me do some climbing up in Rock Canyon this afternoon. I was going up there after I finish here at the library.”

“Yes, please,” she replied. “I would like that very much.”

“OK,” I said. “It will take me about an hour to finish my project. Is that OK with you?”

“Yes,” she answered. “I will be done by then.”

When I finished up an hour later, Annette had already put her books back on the shelf and was waiting patiently for me. I told her that my car was back at my apartment just off-campus and asked if it would be OK if we stop there first. She was fine with that, and it turned out that the house she lived in was on the same street as my apartment. Like the house next to my apartment, there were seven other girls living in the house with her.

When we got back to my apartment, we went in, took off our shoes, and I had her sit on my bed while I went into the bathroom to change into my climbing clothes. It gave her a chance to look around my apartment. “This is such a nice apartment,” she said when I came out of the bathroom.

“I like it,” I answered.

“It must be really nice living alone like this,” she commented.

I asked her if she needed to use my bathroom before we went up the canyon. She did, and soon we were driving toward the canyon. I hadn’t actually brought any climbing gear except for my climbing shoes, since I wasn’t planning to do anything other than bouldering. I bouldered for a while, and then we went over to the Chicago route by the green gate.

Annette couldn’t believe it when I swung from hold to hold as I ascended the route. I think it scared her to death, but she watched the whole time, unable to tear her eyes away. When I reached the top, I told her I would be down in a minute, and turned to scamper off the back side of the quartzite slab the route was on and down the slope next to it until I once again reached the green gate.

“That was scary,” she said. “I would never do that.”

“It’s OK,” I replied. “Very few can do it, and I would never ask you to do something that scares you.”

“Would you like something to eat?” I asked.

“What did you have in mind?” she replied.

“Just something at McDonalds,” I answered.

Annette smiled. “That sounds great.”

We headed down the hill and past the university to the McDonalds on University Avenue. We ordered burgers, fries and shakes, and then sat down to talk and eat. Since we hadn’t talked all that much at the library, we spent quite a bit of time getting to know each other at McDonalds. When we had pretty much worn out our welcome at McDonalds, I asked if she would like to continue our conversation back at my apartment. She liked that idea, and off we went.

Arriving at my apartment, I parked just down the street, and we walked to my apartment. When I let her in, we once again removed our shoes, and went to sit on the bed. I scooted across the bed so my back was against the pillows, and Annette quickly joined me.

She leaned in to kiss me, so I returned her kiss. Our embrace lengthened and became more and more passionate. Annette had definitely kissed before. After several minutes, we broke our kiss, but then she sighed and said, bursa escort bayan “That was nice. Let’s do it some more.”

I kissed her again, this time allowing my hands to wander up under her top to her breasts. Realizing that she was wearing a bra, I reached behind her to unhook it, and then let my hands caress her bare breasts. I don’t think she saw this coming because she jerked a little when my fingers first contacted her nipples, but I held the kiss, and she eventually got used to my hands on her breasts.

She was moaning into my mouth as I massaged her breasts and tweaked her nipples between my fingers, so I knew that she was getting pleasure from my actions. She told me later that she wasn’t sure what she should do when I touched her breasts, but that she had decided to just see where it went. Annette had never dated a non-Mormon boy (and she didn’t even know that I was a Catholic at the time because we hadn’t discussed religion), so she expected that I would eventually stop myself at some point.

Annette assumed that 1) I was a Mormon since I was attending BYU and 2) I was probably a returned missionary since I was older. Both assumptions were incorrect. Annette was a freshman at BYU and had been taught all of her life that she should be passive and follow the direction of men, so she was just letting me continue my activities. Besides, I was giving her the most pleasurable sensations that she had ever felt, so she didn’t really want me to stop.

By the time she realized that I wasn’t going to stop, her top and bra had been pushed up and free of her breasts and were around her neck, and her panties had been pushed down her legs and off of her feet. Her skirt was bunched up around her waist. Annette never even noticed when I slid my pants and boxers down my legs.

By then, she was so turned on that she couldn’t have stopped me if she had wanted to … and she wasn’t sure that she wanted to. I was kissing and suckling her breasts and nipples as my fingers massaged her vulva from her clitoris to her vaginal entrance, and Annette was writhing in pleasure under me with her eyes closed.

I continued like that for a while, and then I moved further down her body until I was kissing and sucking her clitoris and labia and my fingers were exploring her vaginal entrance. Annette’s hymen was up inside of her vagina, so I was able to stimulate her G-spot with my fingers as well as working her clit and labia with my mouth. It was only a few minutes before her body went into orgasm, and she was gasping in pleasure as waves of pleasure washed over her.

I slid up her body until my cock settled into her vaginal entrance. I worked my cock around in her juices to lubricate it, and then I thrust up into her vagina, sinking almost fully into her and breaking her hymen with the first thrust. Her eyes shot open and she cried, “Oh no. What are we doing?” But then, when I rested deep inside of her for a moment, she relaxed and resolved herself to the fact that she was already being fucked.

When I felt her vaginal walls tentatively squeeze my cock, I figured that it was time to continue. I withdrew my cock a little and then slowly thrust even more of my cock into her depths. Annette was breathing heavily as I started to slowly fuck her, but she didn’t voice any more protests to what I was doing.

Once my cock was pressing firmly against her cervix with every thrust, she started rocking her hips to meet my thrusts, fully participating in this sex act. Her eyes were once again closed, but she had a smile on her face. The initial tears from penetration were now gone, replaced by her eyes fluttering from the pleasure she was feeling.

As I was fucking her, I asked when her last period had ended. She hesitated, but then told me it had ended almost three weeks before. That meant I was safe to fuck her all the way to climax. I redoubled my efforts, slamming into her pussy, and causing the room to fill with the sounds and scents of sex. Her pussy was by then producing large quantities of natural lubrication.

I had finally come close to the end, but she had not yet climaxed, so I rubbed her clit with my thumb and forefinger as I fucked her hard and deep with my cock. That sent her over the edge, and I was able to fill her womb with my seed as her whole body seemed to melt around my cock.

Both of us fell asleep after we climaxed, and it was a couple of hours later when I awoke to the feel of her kissing my body. She was whispering, “I love you, I love you, I love you,” to me. As I opened my eyes, she realized I was waking up, and she quickly straddled my body with her legs. It was only a moment before my cock was once again deep inside her vagina. “I will make you happy,” she said as she slid onto my cock.

“That’s sweet,” I replied, “But I am already happy. Please don’t throw the “L” word around too soon. At this point, this is only sex.”

“OK,” she said, “But I will make you love me.”

“Maybe,” I said. “Love doesn’t come instantly, and we certainly nilüfer escort don’t know each other well enough to be in love.”

“Oh,” she replied as she settled her pussy fully against my cock, the tip pressing firmly against her cervix. “You had better hope that you didn’t make me pregnant, or none of that will matter.”

“That was why I asked about your last period,” I said. “If your period ended almost three weeks ago, there is almost no chance that you will get pregnant.”

“Yeah,” she said. “About that. I wasn’t thinking very well when you asked me about my period, and I misspoke. It has been a week and a half since my last period ended. So, will you marry me if I get pregnant?”

I sighed, “Yes, Annette, I will marry you if you get pregnant. However,” and then I lifted her off of my cock. “The first time cumming inside of you is a risk I will take, but we won’t take that risk again, just in case you aren’t already pregnant. By the way, you shouldn’t have misled me like that. Now, go get a shower and I will take you home.”

Annette was very disappointed in the current state of affairs, but she obeyed and walked into the bathroom to shower. When she returned, I was already dressed. She quickly dressed, and I walked her down the street to her house (a couple of blocks away). We exchanged contact information, and I walked back to my apartment.

I knew that I had to be more careful in the future, if I hadn’t already rolled the dice once too often. In the future, I would always ask about girls’ menstrual cycles and birth control BEFORE we were already sexually connected … even if that meant that things weren’t going any place because of me asking the question. I just didn’t need that much risk. Sure, girls could still lie to me, but there was no way to mitigate that risk.

I checked in with Annette every few days after that until about a week and a half later when she informed me that her period had come. That was a relief. I asked if she would like to go to lunch, but she didn’t see any reason to celebrate and declined my offer.

Chapter 16 — Judy

Even after my episode with Annette, I still wanted to meet new girls. I didn’t have to do too much looking, however, because girls were constantly looking on their own. I was just walking back to my apartment from the BYU campus when a girl came jogging up behind me and slowed down to match my pace. “Hi. You’re cute,” she said. “I’m Judy.”

I glanced over to see a pretty blonde walking next to me and replied, “You are beautiful, Judy. My name is Pete.”

We stopped and talked there on the sidewalk for a while, and I eventually decided that Judy was a girl I wanted to know better. I asked her if she was busy or if she might want to spend some time getting to know each other better. When she agreed to get to know each other better, I told her that we were almost to my apartment, if she would like to accompany me. She agreed and we walked to my apartment.

Upon entering my apartment, we removed our shoes and I gave her the nickel tour before we sat on the bed to talk. I was not going to make the same mistake I had with Annette. We talked for a couple of hours, and then I invited her for pizza, and we went to the Brick Oven pizzeria to talk some more. By the time we were ready to leave, we both knew a lot more about each other than I have with many girls.

Judy knew that I was prior military and Catholic (both of which surprised her but didn’t frighten her away). She knew why I had come to BYU and what my academic background and goals were. She also knew about my family, but that I was totally independent (which she really liked and admired). She knew about my climbing, which she thought was crazy, but that she could accept.

I knew that she had graduated from high school the previous spring (a freshman at BYU now) in Salt Lake City, and that she had debated whether to go to BYU or the University of Utah. She had decided on BYU because she didn’t want to live at home while going to college, so now she shared a house with several other girls on another street a few blocks from my apartment. I knew that she was on the pill (because her mother insisted before she would allow her to live away from home).

I also knew that although she was a Mormon, she was open to a relationship with a non-Mormon. She had immediately realized that finding a returned missionary at BYU was nearly impossible, and that the boy/girl ratio wasn’t exactly favorable for even finding a good Mormon mate (which had been her parents’ hope for her at BYU). I even knew that Judy had two boyfriends in high school, and although she had her breasts groped and she had given hand-jobs, she had never gone “all the way” with either of them.

As we were leaving the restaurant, Judy kissed my cheek and said, “I really like you. Could I be your girlfriend?”

“Sure,” I replied. “I like you too. Would you like to go back to my apartment, or should we do that another day?”

“I have a bunch of homework türbanlı escort this evening,” she replied, “But I would love to spend time with you another day.”

“OK,” I said. “What time do you get out of class on Wednesday?”

“My last class ends at 2 PM on Wednesday,” she answered.

“Fine,” I replied. “Come over to my apartment when you get out of class on Wednesday. I only have morning classes that day. I will fix us a late lunch.”

About ten minutes after 2 PM on Wednesday, I heard somebody coming up my stairs. I opened the door just as Judy reached it and ushered her inside. After removing her shoes, I had her sit with her back against the pillows on my bed and then I brought over two plates with toasted cheddar and tuna sandwiches with chips (one for her and one for me). Then, I brought over two glasses of soda and set them on the side table next to her on the bed. After hopping up on the bed, I leaned over and kissed her. “Hello girlfriend,” I said. Her face lit up in a smile.

We ate our sandwiches and chips, and then I put the dishes on the other side table, so they would be out of the way. Judy was wearing a pull over top and a pleated skirt, which by this time was already riding up on her thighs. Once the playing field had been cleared, I leaned in and kissed her softly on the lips. She reciprocated, and we were soon kissing passionately. By the time the first kiss ended, we were lying next to each other on the bed. The next kiss became even more passionate as my hands found her breasts. She was wearing a bra, but it was unhooked very quickly. “You have beautiful breasts,” I told her. “May I see them without the top?”

Judy nodded her agreement and pulled the top and bra up over her head and off. “Wow,” I said. “They are gorgeous.” Her breasts were about a C-cup, and they were perfectly proportioned. Her nipples were already erect, and sticking up about a half-inch above small areola. I couldn’t resist bending down to her breast, and she sucked in air when I sucked her nipple into my mouth.

Judy was pulling my head into her breast and gasping as I traded back and forth between her nipples. “Oh my God. That feels so good,” she cooed.

I continued suckling her nipples and caressing her breasts until she was writhing next to me. Then, I unhooked and unzipped her skirt and started dragging it and her panties down her legs. “Slow down,” she pleaded. “I want to do this, but I don’t want to rush.”

“Don’t worry,” I answered. “I won’t do anything you don’t want. Just tell me what you want.” Her skirt and panties were already down at her knees when she stopped me, so I kissed the top of her pussy, licking through the furrow of her labia as I did. That pushed her beyond caring what I was doing, and her panties and skirt were soon leaving her feet without complaint. Once her legs were free, Judy spread them to give me better access to her pussy. I doubt that she did that consciously, but her instincts simply took over and her brain shut down.

When I sucked her clitoris into my mouth, her reaction was immediate. Judy’s legs tried to squish my head like a grape as her body went into orgasmic convulsions. I backed off a little, only licking her labia and sliding my finger into her vaginal entrance, but not sucking her clit. It seemed like her clit was just too sensitive to touch unless I wanted her to come totally unglued.

Judy was squealing and moaning as I worked on her pussy. I found her hymen very quickly because it was right at the entrance, but the opening was big enough that I was able to work my fingertip in to the second knuckle. Any further than that, however, was causing her pain, so I decided to let my cock explore further once she wanted me to proceed. That didn’t take very long with my ministrations on her pussy, and she was soon begging me to, “Put it in me.”

I wiped the excess juices from my mouth and moved up to kiss Judy on the lips. As I did, I slid my cockhead around in her juices until it was thoroughly wet. When it settled into her vaginal entrance, I pressed slowly forward until it wouldn’t go any further. Then, I thrust forward, and my cock slid quickly into her vagina. As my cock came firmly against her cervix, I paused long enough for Judy to recover. Tears were running down her cheeks, but she was pulling me toward her with her arms.

After the initial pause, I started thrusting and withdrawing, fucking her in increasing passion. Judy started pressing back against my thrusts, and I increased the power and tempo of my strokes until our groins were slapping against each other in rapid succession. I have no idea how long we lasted, but it was a while, and when we climaxed, it was sudden and powerful. It felt like her pussy was trying to suck my cock even deeper into her body (not that it was possible).

We both collapsed on the bed, and then we quickly fell asleep in each other’s arms. When we woke again, I suggested that we shower together, and she agreed. Of course, the shower led to more sex, but in the end, we were both clean when I drove her back to her house. It was way too late for her to walk (even though it wasn’t that far). We kissed one last time, set a date for Friday evening (I would pick her up from her house), and I left for my apartment.

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