
Behind the Cracked Door – Aftermath


Note to the reader:

All characters and events depicted are fictional, not a depiction of real life events; any resemblance to real persons is purely coincidental; the events depicted are the product of my very fertile imagination, fantasies and/or personal bucket list.

All characters are 18 years of age or older.

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“Richard, can you help me with my necklace please”, 18 year old Rick heard his grandmother Maggie call to him over the noisy air conditioner laboring in her bedroom window.

The years had been kind to Maggie, who could easily pass for a woman a decade younger than she. Over her 52 years of life Maggie had evolved into a quiet, respectable and mature woman who neither smoked, drank alcohol nor swore. A dignified and modest woman, her life revolved around home, family and work. In summary, the picture of the ideal grandmother.

On the short side, only five feet four inches tall in her stocking feet, she had accumulated a few pounds over the years, but her gains were well distributed on her small frame and her active lifestyle had kept her womanly curves firm, particularly the shapely, full bosoms perched high on her chest, her most prominent feature.

“OK… I’ll be right there” the young man answered from his bedroom as he finished getting dressed.

It was the last week of August, 1967, so the weather forecast for the day was for another unbearably hot, steamy late summer day. Rick was planning to spend one of the last days off that he would have from his part time job before summer ended and his college career began by chilling at home and avoiding the heat until that evening.

Later he planned on driving from the modest suburb where he lived to rickety old Connie Mack Stadium to watch his beloved Phillies play the cross state rival Pirates as his favorite team tried to catch the first place Saint Louis Cardinals. An avid baseball fan, after his high school graduation he attended games in person as often as possible. The part time job he had worked at for a little more than a year provided the funds for tickets to the games, gas to get to them and refreshments.

Rick was up and dressed so that he could drive his grandmother to her job at the local store of the leading national retail chain where she had worked as a bookkeeper for almost twenty five years. As a high school graduation gift he had received the keys to a used 1962 Chevy and a payment book from his parents, who had made the down payment and arranged the loan to be repaid by him.

For as long as he could remember he had helped his grandmother with fastening the tiny fasteners of her necklaces and bracelets, and with buttons, hooks and zippers that she was unable to reach as she dressed. Frequently Maggie was partially dressed, but always modestly covered up, as Rick helped her, a condition so commonplace that he barely noticed.

That morning, as he pushed open her bedroom door and stepped into the room he saw his grandmother standing at her vanity facing the door. As he looked at her, the lingerie that she was wearing evaporated and Rick was staring at every detail of Maggie’s trim, womanly body! She was standing in front of him… NAKED!

Stunned, Rick blinked his eyes rapidly and looked again at his grandmother. To his great relief he realized that her body was modestly covered with the typical tastefully feminine lingerie that she normally dressed in, and that her nudity had been an illusion.

Guilt overcame the 18 year old as he realized what had triggered the shocking vision. For some time his out of control teenage hormones had been driving him to seek a naked woman’s body to discover and explore. A few days earlier those same hormones had motivated him to begin spying on the attractive middle aged woman as she bathed, hoping that he would be able to satisfy his biological need to discover the secrets of female anatomy.

His first spying attempt was a failure, but Rick was a resourceful young man. His nimble mind quickly developed an alternate plan, which ended up being successful beyond his wildest dreams. He had discovered a defect in the panels of the bathroom door, then painstakingly tinkered with it to provide a clear view of the bathroom.

That same night his grandmother had bathed.

The horny young man had watched.

First he watched as her womanly curves had become visible when she dropped her modest feminine bathrobe to the floor around her feet. He had scrutinized her firm, full breasts, the most prominent feature of her body, as she moved, memorizing their many exciting features, including their shape, size and their sensual way that they moved independent of the rest of her body. The teenager had quickly become aroused as he focused his attention on the prominent rosy pink nipples the size of pencil erasers which protruded from the tip of each enticing breast and the matching shaded silver mersin escort dollar sized areolae which surrounded each.

Maggie’s grandson’s gaze then drifted downward, discovering the hourglass shape of Maggie’s enticing voluptuous figure, with the trim tummy and narrow waistline curving outward to her seductive womanly hips and curvy derriere.

His focus had continued lower, to the mysterious vee at the junction of her thighs, studying the sight of her fleshy pink lips peeking through the triangular patch of curly light brown hairs flecked with grey that lightly covered her veiled lady bits.

As Rick completed his visual survey of his grandmother’s naked body he expected her to step into the old fashioned cast iron claw foot bathtub next to her. Instead, she began to perform a series of basic exercises. Grandma Maggie bent and stretched her torso as she performed a set of toe touches, followed by jumping jacks, then had lowered herself to the floor, reclining on her back. In that position she had lifted her legs into the air and pumped her shapely legs as if riding a bicycle for several minutes. In the process of her exercise session Rick’s unsuspecting grandmother had revealed every minute detail of her naked anatomy to her stunned grandson!

Then, to his disbelief, Rick watched his grandmother pleasure herself as she stretched out on the cushy bathroom rug next to the bathtub until her body erupted in a massive orgasm! The stunned teenager had struggled to breathe as his heart pounded in his chest. Beneath his khaki shorts his steel hard, painfully engorged organ had been stretched to its limit with arousal, on the verge of exploding at the sight of his grandmother pleasuring herself as he watched her every move.

Desperately needing relief, Rick had ended his voyeuristic session after watching his grandmother climb into her bath on shaky legs, then hurried down the hallway to his bedroom. There, he had quickly stroked himself to his own explosive orgasm.

Because of his work schedule and his attendance at Phillies games the voyeuristic teen had not had another opportunity to spy on his grandmother in the intervening days. Still, he was looking forward to repeating that night’s experience at the earliest opportunity.

Now, a few mornings after that remarkable night, young Rick realized that his overstimulated brain had flashed back to those unforgettable naked images of his grandmother as he entered her bedroom. Not wanting to stir up any suspicions which might jeopardize future surveillance, he fought to regain his composure. He took several deep breaths to calm his emotional turmoil and tried to focus on the present.

Maggie noticed her young grandson’s disturbed look, asking “Is something wrong? Are you okay?”

“Uh… Yeah… I’m fine.”

“Are you sure you’re OK? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” She questioned again, concerned for her eldest grandchild.

Rick answered “Yeah… I’m sure… I’m okay… It was nothing.”

Satisfied, Grandma Maggie asked “Will you please help me fasten my bracelet and necklace?”

“Sure” Rick responded.

Maggie handed her grandson the stylish gold bracelet that she regularly wore and he wrapped it around her delicate wrist, fastening the tiny gold clasp securely and released it from his fingers. The mature woman twisted and turned her arm, confirming that it would not open accidentally. She reached toward her vanity to pick up the matching necklace, then paused.

“Oh, I need to put my blouse on first” she commented to herself. “Rickie, would you mind getting it for me? It’s hanging on the closet door.”

The young man inwardly bristled at his grandmother’s use of his childhood nickname. To him the diminutive implied that the speaker didn’t recognize that he had become a young adult. However, distracted by the lingering effects of his disturbing vision, he ignored her slip-up, instead walking over to the closet and carrying the hanger back to his grandmother.

Grandma Maggie removed the lace bordered short sleeved beige silk blouse from the hanger. She slipped both her arms into the sleeve openings of the blouse, which buttoned in the back. As she pulled it up over her shoulders and stretched it tightly across her generous bosoms she asked “Button it for me?” She turned her back toward her young grandson to provide him with easier access to the tiny pearl buttons.

Rick took the top corners of the blouse in his hands and pulled them tighter together so that he could button the blouse. As the slim five foot ten inch tall teenager fastened the top button he glanced past the shoulder of his much shorter grandmother and discovered that the blouse had a V neckline in the front. Since he was a typical teenage guy he also noticed the voluptuous cleavage prominently visible between the soft white mounds of flesh that were tastefully displayed beneath her lacy white bra and slip. He felt his groin twitch in reaction to his view of his grandmother’s soft breasts.

Once the blouse was mersin escort bayan buttoned Maggie again reached for the delicate necklace and handed it to her grandson, matter of factly commenting “Now you can fasten the necklace… Thanks.”

Rick took the two ends of the necklace, which matched her bracelet, and wrapped it around his grandmother’s throat as she stretched her neck forward and lowered her chin giving him clear access to the back of her neck. As he connected the two ends of the tiny clasp he again found himself looking down over Maggie’s shoulder, this time discovering that her blouse had billowed away from her chest. So had the slip and bra beneath. He now had an unobstructed full view of his grandmother’s alluring pink nipples centered at the tips of the twin mounds of her breasts.

The distracted young man forgot what he was supposed to be doing and paused as he studied the objects of his admiration while his manhood begin to swell. He licked his suddenly dry lips as he imagined his tongue teasing the firm points he was focused on.

He was jolted back to the present by his grandmother’s voice asking “Finished yet?”

As the clasp clicked closed he answered “Uh huh… All done.”

“Thank you.”

“Do one more favor for me please,” she asked. “Can you see if the seams of my stockings are straight?”

Grandma Maggie stepped away from the teenager and lifted the hem of her slip to the top of her stockings to allow him to check the seams of her silky Taupe shaded nylons. Rick quickly confirmed that the seams were straight on Maggie’s shapely feminine legs, but again became distracted, the memorized images of his grandmother’s naked derrière and lady bits popping up in his mind, further inciting his arousal.

He again heard Maggie’s voice interrupt his reverie “Are they straight?”

“Yeah” he answered with a faraway tone.

“Thank you, Richard. I just need to get my skirt and I’ll be ready to go” Maggie told her grandson.

Maggie walked over to the closet and reached for the dark colored skirt. Suddenly she stopped, seemingly undecided about putting it on. After a moment of contemplation she took a deep breath, walked away from the closet and to the nightstand next to her bed. As Rick wondered what was going on she picked up the phone and began to place a call. When the call was picked up on the other end of the line Rick’s grandmother spoke.

“Good morning Ethel. This is Maggie… I’m sorry to give you such short notice, but I won’t be able to come to work today. I have a slight fever and a sore throat.”

Maggie ended the call and turned her attention to her grandson, who was studying her with concern.

She looked into his questioning eyes and spoke “I don’t really have a fever or a sore throat. That was just an excuse to satisfy my boss. He wouldn’t understand my real reason for staying home today…

I’m staying home today because my grandson needs me…

You need me…”

“Richard…” she calmly intoned “We need to talk.”

Confused by his grandmother’s behavior he asked “About what?”

“I know you are struggling with an important issue right now… I want to help you. Come over here and sit down next to me.” She sat down on the foot of the bed and patted the space next to her.

The teenager obediently sat down next to his grandmother and waited. Maggie reached out her hands and took his as she looked intently into his questioning blue eyes and spoke.

“Richard… You are my first grandchild. You have lived in this house with me almost all of your life. I have watched you grow from a tiny, helpless infant. Now look at you. Next week you’ll be in college. You can’t imagine how proud I am of you.

I have tried to help you every way that I could while you were growing up. So did Grandpop Tony, and your mom and dad. We’ve all tried to teach you everything you need to know about life. We want you to be happy and we want you to be successful.

I found out not too long ago that there is a big part of your life where we didn’t help you enough. Today I’m going to try to give you the help that you need.”

Rick looked back at her as he asked “What do you mean, Grandma? I don’t understand.”

“Richard… Some of the things that I talk to you about or show you might upset you. I don’t want to do that. All I want is to help you. Please, please remember that.”

With confusion evident in his tone he answered “I’ll try.”

Maggie took another deep breath, and after a long pause, exhaled “Now, let me start by telling you that when I asked you to help me this morning I was giving you a test. It wasn’t a test for you to pass or fail, it was a test for me, whether what I thought I understood was correct or not.

I was watching you closely this morning. I saw how you looked down the front of my blouse while you buttoned it, also when you fastened my necklace. I saw how you looked at my rear end while you were supposed to be checking the seams of my stockings. I was watching escort mersin you in the vanity mirror and the closet mirror while you were helping me.

I saw you looking down my blouse at my breasts. I saw you looking at my backside, and at my legs. I saw the curiosity about my body that was visible in your eyes. I saw your desire to see my body up close and to touch it.

There was nothing wrong with you looking at me. Your looking flattered me and made me feel sexy and attractive. You’re a young man. I’m not young, but I am a woman. God gave men the desire to look at women’s bodies, and women the desire to be looked at.”

Maggie took a deep breath, then continued “I also know that you were watching me while I was naked in the bathroom a few days ago.”

Rick started to protest, but Maggie refused to allow him to interrupt.

“Don’t waste time trying to deny it. It happened. You were peeking at me while I was naked in the bathroom. I heard you moving around outside the door. I looked under the door and saw you laying on the floor in the hallway. I also saw the crack in the door panel. I looked through it from the hallway, so I know that you could see all of me, completely naked, and that you watched me exercise.”

Grandma Maggie confessed “I don’t normally do exercises in the bathroom. I did them because I knew that you were there, looking, to give you more time to see my body longer and satisfy your curiosity.

I also don’t normally do what I did afterward in the bathroom. I also did that for you to see, and to learn from. That was all that I could do with Grandpa Tony sleeping down the hall. That’s why we’re here now.

Now you know that I’m aware of your struggle. I’m not accusing you of doing anything wrong, and I’m not criticizing you for doing it. I know you did it. I understand why you did it. Based on the way that you looked at my body this morning I know that you need to do it again.

You went to a lot of trouble to learn about women’s bodies. I decided that I can help you learn, and I can help make your life happier. I want to do that for you.

Today I am going to spend the day showing you what you want to see so much. I’m going to do that so that you can learn what you need to.

Today we’ll be alone here all day. We won’t have to worry about interruptions. Today I’m going to teach you as much as I can in one day about female bodies and how they work.

Rickie, now I need you to trust me.

If I say or do anything that upsets you, or if what I do makes you uncomfortable I want you to stop me and ask questions until your concerns are resolved. I don’t want to make you do anything you don’t want to, or to hurt you in any way. Do you understand?”

Her young grandson nodded affirmatively.

Maggie added “One more very important thing. EVERYTHING that we say or do today is STRICTLY BETWEEN US. NO ONE can ever know anything about today. You can never tell ANYONE about what happens. Do you understand?”

The teenager answered “I understand.”

“Promise me that you will never talk to anyone about anything that happens today. People’s lives, including ours, could be ruined if anyone finds out about today.”

He nodded affirmatively “Uh huh… I promise, Grandma.”

“Okay… Let’s get started” Maggie briskly told her grandson.

“First, let’s talk about this morning. You were looking at my breasts. Did you like looking at them?”

Rick guiltily replied “Uh huh.”

Maggie continued “Did you wish you could look at them longer?”

He again answered “Uh huh.”

Did you wish that my clothes weren’t in the way when you were looking?

He responded for the third time “Uh huh.”

Maggie pivoted her torso, turning her back to face her grandson, looked him in the eye intensely and directed him “Okay… Unbutton my blouse, please.”

After he had complied Maggie told him “Take it off.”

When he had finished removing the blouse she twisted back to a position facing him and asked “Is my slip in the way? Do you wish it was off?”

He nodded affirmatively and she responded “You can pull it down. Slide the straps down from my shoulders and pull it down to my waist.”

He followed her instructions with alacrity, excited by the direction that the morning was heading. Maggie asked “How do you like the way my breasts look in my bra?”

He reacted enthusiastically, telling her “Wow! They are amazing. I’m starting to get turned on just from looking at them, and I can feel my body reacting”

His grandmother casually offered “Would you like to find out how it would feel to touch them?”

Surprised by her unexpected offer he nervously nodded “Can I really? Yeah. I really would”

Maggie reached out and took his hands in hers. She placed his palms firmly atop her full bosoms, telling him “Go ahead and rub your hands over them… Squeeze them gently… Move them around… See how they feel.”

As the excited young man caressed a woman’s pillowy mounds of flesh for the first time he discovered that his oh-so-proper grandmother was enjoying his touches as much as he was, hearing her softly spoken words of delight, “Oooh… Squeeze them harder… Yesss… Ahhh… That feels sooo good… More… Don’t stop!”

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