
E083:About Aunt Dorothy and Maude


Over dinner, Donald begins to tell Emma the story of his Aunt Dorothy and Maude.  Emma is so spellbound by the tale of these two women she will be meeting the next day. It is astonishing that she eats any of her dinner.  But they both do finish all of their meal over a bottle of wine and the tale.”Like I told you, my father and my aunt were twins.  Born in 1943, while the war was going on.  Their father was stationed with the Coast Guard at the time off of Cape Cod, so their mother was near him in the cottage where we will be staying.When the war ended, they returned to their home in Boston, where Dorothy and my father grew up.  In 1961 my father went off to Harvard to begin a law degree, and she to Wellesley College.  It was there that Dorothy met Maude.  They were roommates their freshman year, and every year following.Dorothy told me she was in awe of Maude from first meeting her.  A tall, sturdy woman with flowing blonde hair to her waist.  While it was just the beginning of the era, Maude had been brought up by rather progressive parents who encouraged her to explore and expand her boundaries.This was all something new to Dorothy who had gone through a more traditional youth with sock-hops, football games, proms and bridge games.  She admitted herself that she was totally preppie material, the essence of one of the seven sister colleges.  Her parents wanted her to have a good education for her to be able to be an asset to her future husband, but that was soon tossed to the wayside.Maude claims she was fascinated by Dorothy from the start too.  Such a contrast.  Dorothy was barely five feet two inches tall, busty with nice curves, and flaming auburn hair.  It was cut in the standard fifties flip, though not as ratted as many girls of the era.The first night together, Dorothy did cry a little, being away kocaeli escort from home for the first time.  Maude tried to cheer her up, and they ended up talking well into the middle of the night, sharing all sorts of things about themselves.As they both tell it, but their story will be better coming fully from them — they do like to tell it and reminisce — it took until the new year for them to draw nearer to each other.  They were friends from the start, but never would it have entered Dorothy’s mind to think of Maude that way.  And Maude, free spirit that she was, spent her first-semester dating and teasing a multitude of young college men.  She would often include Dorothy in these adventures, them dating men who were roommates or friends.The fall football season was filled with attending games at all the universities near them.  Sometimes attending Harvard games where Dorothy would meet up with her brother.  But by then my father was so head over heels about my mother he paid scant attention to what his sister was getting up to.After Christmas break, things changed.  Being apart from each other for over three weeks, even with almost daily letters back and forth, both Dorothy and Maude were missing each other’s constant interaction so much.When they got back to their room in January, what started as a hug and kiss in greeting turned into something more.  Suddenly men were of no interest to them anymore.  They took their time seeing where things would lead between them.  This was the start of the feminist period.  They found and attended several lectures which opened their eyes to possibilities between them.At first, it was just rushing back to their room each afternoon to sit on one of their beds and kiss and caress each other before the dinner bell rang.  Then blouses were being unbuttoned, kocaeli escort bayan bras unhooked, and the exploring of each other’s breasts took center stage.Even then, they both hesitated to go further, though both so wanted to.  But society at that time was not really that open to lesbian relationships, and Dorothy especially worried about what her family might think.They continued to both date men together but evenings out would end with them back in their room hugging, kissing, and laughing over the men’s foolishness.  They allowed some of the men to go at least to first or second base, they agreed between themselves that they should see how they felt having a man do this to them. Inevitably though it would end with them giggling about what had happened as they stroke each other how they were coming to love the best.After the summer following their freshman year apart with only letters and a week visit with each other, come fall they knew they only really cared about each other.  They both spent much of the summer secretly reading about how women sexually interacted together.  The first night back in their dorm room, they began sharing a bed each night.They would switch each night from one bed to the other so no one would notice one bed was left unslept in. It was the start of a heady time between them as they began to move to lower down their bodies.  They tentatively touched and explored, gasping at each other’s tender strokes.  Both realizing how wet they were getting from just this superficial investigation.The journey of discovery for them, learning to please and make each other tremble continued through their sophomore year. Feeling each other’s fingers traveling down their stomach, over their mons, to both dampen themselves with the other’s juices, feeling the slipperiness izmit escort as they ran up and down each other’s slits, making them sing out simultaneously as their clits were enlivened.  That perhaps was the first truly perfect moment between them.  Many would follow over the next few years.  When they began to investigate and pleasure each other with their lips and tongues, the pact between them was soldered.They were inseparable through college and continued on together for two more years working on their masters.  Maude got a degree in advertising and Dorothy in literature and publishing.  Both were astute enough to take business courses so to know that side of any industry they would enter.  My grandparents were not really thrilled that Dorothy wanted to pursue a career, but after making her agree to stay in Boston, they relented.  She got a job at a publishing company as an editor.  Maude, not wanting to leave Dorothy for a more lucrative job in New York City, started working for an advertising firm in Boston also.But neither started working until they spent almost a year on a tour of the European continent.  They had agreed to this to appease their parents, who thought that they might both finally meet men to marry.  In reality, it was a wonderful year of living a very bohemian lifestyle in youth hostels and the side streets of Paris.During that time, they did not care if people saw them as a couple together, and they spent as much time in bed together as they did exploring the cities.  They knew when they returned home, they would not be together like they have been for the last seven years and wanted to savor every moment together that they could.My grandparents had made it clear to Dorothy that she was expected to live at home until she married and had already the last couple of years paraded all sorts of suitable husband material before her.  They did understand with the unrest and changes of the late 1960s Dorothy wanted to try to have a career for a while, but that is all they thought it would be. Soon she would find the right man and settle down. 

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