
A Tale of Survival chapter 5


 The alarm sounds at five am and Jeanie reaches up and hits snooze, groaning, “Geez Jake we need to go to bed sooner or make a ten o’clock deadline for sex. One thirty in the morning is killing me. I might have to call in reinforcements to take care of you, you brute.” Jake rolls over and bites her on the back, “Well it’s your fault babe, I had to work for an hour to get you off that last time.” Jeanie sits up and slaps him on the back, “No way mister. I had up the white flag at midnight, you must have been hallucinating about some wild woman. Go shower while I make coffee and get Cassie’s things ready to go. I’m starving.” After dropping Cassie off, Jake pulls into the parking lot in the new truck. Smiling, “You know what Jeanie? This has been a dream of mine to have one of these trucks and you made it happen. How am I supposed to ever make this up to you? I feel like a kept man, a giggolo, a Mexican slut.” Jeanie turns to him, “Jake this truck wasn’t meant to get you to commit to anything. If you ever want out, just tell me and I’ll give you the $3500 for your old truck and you can walk away. I don’t want you to feel like you have to stay with me. I’d like for you to stay, but if you want to get your own apartment and go your own way, there are a lot of women that come in the cafe that would love to grab you. I might hurt for awhile, but I’ll survive. I’ve been hurt before and I’m still here.” Jeanie climbs out of the truck and walks into the cafe leaving Jake to think about her words. Jan sees her come in the door and brings coffee out , “Good morning Jeanie, I watched you come in in the new truck. Where’s Jake? You didn’t kill him did you? Or is he to weak to crawl in by himself.” Irene slides into the booth beside Jan, “Want me to go out and drag his ass in here Jeanie?” Jeanie looks towards the door. “No, I think Jake is having ego problems, he thinks that I’m pushing him to commit to me. I tried to explain things to him, but he will have to work it out by himself.” She empties her coffee cup and stands, “I’m going to get things going in the kitchen. I’m afraid it’s going to be a long day.” Irene leans over and whispers bursa escort to Jan, “I think it might have swelled Jake’s head up yesterday, all those girls wanting his ass. I heard Judith telling Molly and the others that Jeanie better hang on tight cause she wants some of Jake.” Jan looks towards the kitchen, “Damn, I wish Glen was here, Jeanie always perks up when he pulls in. Only trouble with that is that he leaves again. If he should come in, Jake better mind his manners.” Jake walks in exactly at six, seeing Jan in the booth with coffee for him. Irene says, “Good morning Jake, have a good day, I have to get to work.” Jake smiling, “Morning ladies, I’m ready to get going. Where’s Jeanie?” Jan looks at him sourly, “She’s in the kitchen getting your job ready for you, she wasn’t sure if you were going to come in. I feel like I should warn you Jake. You showed up here and turned Jeanie’s world upside down. She hasn’t been with a man for over three years. She never dates or goes out, she works like a dog here and keeps her house nice and takes care of Cassie. If you hurt her Jake and my bro pulls in, you better run for the hills. She isn’t out to trap you into anything. Anyway you better go to work, that is if you’re staying. Your choice Jake.” Jake walks into the kitchen to find Jeanie has everything up and running, bacon and sausages on the warmer. He starts to say something and Irene clips an order on the wheel and yells, order.” Guess I better get my ass busy, thanks for starting things up Jeanie.” Jeanie smiles. “Sure Jake glad to help.” She picks up an order book and goes out to help Irene, pouring coffee and bringing water to the tables. She smiles and trades remarks with everybody then goes back in the kitchen to prepare breakfast plates. Shortly after seven o’clock she sees a man come in wearing a Butler Dodge uniform, she goes to meet him, “Hi you have a child’s seat for my truck? I almost forgot to call and tell you guys where the truck is.” She walks quickly back and gets the keys from Jake, tossing them to the man. “After you get it installed come back in and have breakfast on me,” she smiles bursa escort bayan and winks at him. As she walks back to the kitchen Judith and Molly and three other girls are finishing their breakfast at a table, she speaks and smiles at them. Judith says,” Hey Jeanie, is Jake up for grabs or have you got a collar on him.” The other women all laugh and Jeanie turns and smiles sweetly, “He might be up for grabs as you call it Judith and I certainly don’t have a collar on him. Maybe you should try asking him instead of trying to piss me off.” She smiles again, “Have a nice day ladies and y’all come back now.” Walking back into the kitchen she prepares another plate to go out and hands it to Jake, “Take this out to Don in booth 12 and one of your fans wants to talk to you.” Jake takes the plate and carries it out , “Here you go Don, enjoy.” He turns to go back and Judith along with Molly stops him. “Hi Jake, I’m Judith, do you have a minute that I can talk to you back by the restroom?” She takes his hand and leads him back to the hallway to the restrooms. Once out of sight of the dining area Judith stops suddenly and wraps her arms around his waist. “Jeanie tells me that you might be on the market and I’d like to go to dinner with you tonight so we can get to know each other a lot better.” Jake is caught with his mouth open as Judith has her breasts against his chest and her hips are dry humping him. Judith feels his cock starting to firm up and push into her. She reaches under his apron and squeezes his cock. “Hmm I can tell one part of you likes me, shall I pick you up from Jeanie’s house about six?” Jake is in shock and nods his head. Judith grins up at him and pulls his zipper down, trying to reach inside his jeans. Jake grabs her wrists, “Hey calm down, you can’t do that here.” Judith laughs and turns back to Molly. “Shit Moll its even bigger than we thought.” They make their way back to the front and Judith wastes no time telling several other women, “Jake is mine tonight girls.” The rest of the day passes quickly and Irene tells Jan, “Some of the women told me that Judith is taking Jake out to escort bursa dinner tonight, says she is picking him up at six. Pat said she and Martha were sitting over there where they could see down the hall and Judith had him back there and practically fucked him while Molly watched.” Jeanie has finished cleaning and has her purse getting ready to leave. Jan walks up to her, “Well I guess you heard the talk, you not waiting on Jake?” Jeanie smiles, “Tell him I’m walking over to get Cassie and he can take the truck home. If you would, tell him if I’m not there when he leaves with Judith, he better not come home if he has been drinking. I won’t put up with that and I don’t want any of his women in my house either. He had a choice to make and I guess I can see which one he made. I can live with it. I’ll be here in the morning as usual Jan, have a good evening.” She waves goodbye to Irene as she walks out. Jeanie walks over to Jenn’s and gets Cassie and walks slowly home. She sees Cassie looking around for Jake, “Where’s Jakey momma?” “Jakey is busy sweetie, maybe you’ll see him later.” Arriving home she finds the new truck parked in front and she walks over to look in at the child’s seat. She holds Cassie up so she can see her new seat. Once in the house she finds Jake taking a shower and dressing in the new clothes she bought for him. She sits down on the bed and brings $3500 dollars out of her purse, smiling as she thinks about Mr. Fallow bringing it to her. Hearing Jake in his room she walks in and holds her hand out. “I’ll take the keys to the truck Jake, here is the $3500 for your old truck.” “Jeanie we’re just going to dinner, I thought she could leave her car here and I would drive the new truck.” Jeanie glares at him, “Well Jake that’s the third wrong choice you made today. Now when she gets here to pick you up, I want you to take all your clothes with you. You won’t be living here anymore. I’m sorry that I wasn’t enough for you Jake. I wish you luck in your life.” A horn honks out front and Jake tosses all his belongings in a trash bag and walks out the door as Judith is coming up the walk. “What’s in the sack Jakey?” Jeanie stands in the door and watches. Jake tells her, “I got all my clothes with me Judith, I have to find a place to stay tonight.” Judith looks up at Jeanie, “Damn girl you kicked his ass out? Hell I just wanted to fuck him not take him in.

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