


Dinner had been lovely. The wine was decent and the décor was elaborate, just like always. This party had been just as fun and just as boring as those in years past. Iris had been more social than she might have been under other circumstances, though. This year she was without a date. She was alone by choice, but not enjoying it as much as she had hoped she would be. A plan was forming, though. A devious, delicious, drunken one. During dinner, she had been talking to a coworker whom she did not really know, but also liked to look at as he passed through the office. She grabbed a seat at random table, and there he was. He’s new to the company, so there was a lot of easy conversation between answering mundane questions about the office, and a few about herself.By the time the awards and announcements had finished, so had been three glasses of wine. Conversation was getting a little more personal. Huh. To hear him talk, you’d think he’s a virgin… Iris considered for a moment. Probing a bit more, Iris determined the answer to her question. A distinct no. Living with his ex-girlfriend was kind of a surprise, though. That must be interesting… He didn’t necessarily seem the type to have the emotional wherewithal for a situation like that.Two hours into their increasingly interesting discourse, Iris realized quite suddenly that she couldn’t remember his name. It caused a moment of panic, but she quickly decided that it was too late. Though a bit embarrassed, she did her best to move on. It was mostly only because he had introduced her by name to his friends as they happened by the table. As the night accelerated forward, Iris was starting to find him interesting, albeit in a casual, immature kind of way. The same way you might fancy the girl across the hall in your freshman dorm, or the guy you see a couple of times a year at parties and inevitably fuck.This is a lot of wine. Iris told herself silently. Perhaps a trip to the bathroom was in order. A moment to herself could have useful. Just a second to collect her thoughts and tidy herself. Unfortunately, it seemed like he agreed with that sentiment, and decided to walk with her. beylikdüzü escort After a bit of stilted conversation on the way, they stood outside the bathroom doors and exchanged a lengthy pause. As he apparently, shook the thought out of his head, Iris followed suit and both entered the bathrooms assigned to them by their assumed genders.Stopping at the marble counter first, Iris paused and analyzed her reflection in the mirror. Somewhat unexpectedly, she looked fine. Something about being intoxicated in public was making her feel a bit disheveled. She thought about refreshing her lipstick for a moment, but decided in the end to leave it, figuring she was probably about to smear it anyway.When Iris emerged from the restroom, she found her friend waiting, obviously having finished some time before she did. Seeing that he’d waited for her made her grin, though. It felt like he was just waiting for her, and she liked watching him get gradually more impatient. Knowing that she got to make the first move while so aware of his heated interest gave her a sense power – maybe even a feeling of dominance over him – that she just adored. In the following moment, as he met her gaze with his, she smiled through the strain of a playfully bitten lip, and took his hand.Leading him with a gentle pull and a gesture of her head, they headed toward the one of the smaller, quieter rooms. The petite antechamber rested between the main ballroom and the hallway leading to the restrooms. Standing now in a small, elongated room, whose doorless corners felt almost secluded, both Iris and her new friend were starting to feel a bit more comfortable, and a little less awkward.In the corner, a box of metal painted red and black called to Iris. Enticing in it’s gracefully aged art deco style, the machine made her feel a sudden wave of playful promiscuity from deep in her abdomen. Quietly, she met his eyes and held contact for a moment before casting a meaningful glance to the secluded box. He smiled at her softly, but his lips curled in a mischievous, silent giggle. Slowly segueing across the room, the momentary couple avoided beylikdüzü escort bayan the gaze of those around them. The others in the room were certainly occupied with their own companions. After checking if they were being observed one more time, they stepped inside.Iris stood awkwardly in the limited space, not really able to avoid touching her recently befriended longtime work crush in some way or other. Unnecessarily bulbous wine glasses in hand, both of them twisted their faces at the camera on the wall into shapes and forms that they found amusing. Amusing after four or five glasses of the pinot, that is. The next thing she knew, they had flung their drinkless arms over the other’s shoulder. They were both showing drunken affection, and needed a bit of support in the effort of standing. Without thinking too much about it through the fog of fermented grapes, Iris laid her head on his shoulder for the next set of pictures.Coworker didn’t seem at all uncomfortable with this, which, for a moment after she put her head down, Iris had been quite concerned about. The whirring mechanical grind and click of the camera summoned their attention back to it. This time Iris ran her hand across his chest, and found herself halfway in front of him. She almost kissed him, but just instinctively. She wanted to touch him. It was all she could think about. Softly biting her lip, she looked to the worn, slightly tattered curtain of red velvet. The decrepit machine groaned quietly under their shifting weight.Straining against her instincts, logic survived a few minutes longer. Long enough to begin aching for him so intensely that it turned her stomach – though, the wine combined with an empty stomach may also have had something to do with that too.A swelling in his pants pressed against her with each breath. One more everlasting moment, and she lost all control. This is the right moment, she told herself. Taking him by the head and the back, she kissed him. She kissed him, but she didn’t just kiss him. She felt his surprise as he hesitated. He didn’t pull away, and after only an instant, he pushed escort beylikdüzü back.Nearly spilling, but managing to hold on to his wine, Work Crush slid his arm around the small of her back, pulling her closer. His free hand replaced his other, as it traveled the length of her spine to her neck, which he held as he pushed forward, kissing her intensely. It was around this time that Iris melted completely. Her arm dropped from behind his back, spilling her remaining half glass of wine on the floor.Rather abruptly, there was a pause between them, followed by a giggle as they disentangled. Iris put her hand to her forehead, covering her face as she chuckled a moment longer than he did. Presented with opportunity to call it off, they exchanged questioning looks with each other, then another with the curtain, then both of them failed to stifle their laughter, before he set his wine glass on the corner seat behind them.After some further seconds of extraordinary kissing, Iris made the decision. She had to have more. Right then, with him. Placing her hands on his hips, she held him still, starting to take control. With her thumbs she applied gentle pressure where his legs meet his torso. He held his ground, continuing to kiss her. Enjoyable though the kissing had been, she added a bit more energy to her push, and took him down. He hit the rudimentary block of a seat with a soft, but audible thud. Another pause.Kicking off the uncomfortable spikes she laughably refers to as heels, Iris looked into his eyes and put a hand on each of his knees. She pushed them apart. A moment later, she fell to her knees in the space she made between his legs. The impact of knees on floor caused the booth to emit another noticeable thud, which elicited another excited giggle from her. In an attempt to stifle the very obvious sounds she was emitting, Work Crush grabbed her by the roots of her hair, and pulled her face first onto his erect cock. Laughter turned instantly into muffled sounds of pleasure.A firm cock stoically held its ground under the vigorous, complicated motions of her mouth, while it’s owner struggled to remain silent, and failed to remain still. Having his hardness in her mouth for the first time reminded her how long it had been since she had anything fun in her mouth. Iris loves blowjobs, and in the whole of her three years with Ruby… well, she had been feeling a void for sometime, but she was going to fill it that night.

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