
Marital Lust 10: Taking Her Turn


I was annoyed.

Annoyed and frustrated. Not with either of them and certainly not at my daughter, but with my ex-husband, who still couldn’t seem to handle a single tough moment as a parent even though she was sixteen and we’d already been divorced for more than three years. Furthermore, he’d known how hard the divorce was on Lainey because she was still in middle school when we first split up and unlike Maddie, who was in college, couldn’t escape and had to live through just about all of it.

Naturally, she hated his new girlfriend and after my husband moved her into his new place, Lainey didn’t want to spend time there. I don’t blame her, of course, but I also wanted to follow all of the arrangements and agreements because I was paranoid he’d find some way to weasel out of paying what he owed me. So I sat her down and was honest with her about why she had to spend every other weekend with him and that she could text me whenever she needed anything.

It worked until fairly recently, and that’s why I was standing in my bedroom wearing fishnets and high heels, my chest covered in cum, cutting my afternoon short. They were understanding (albeit disappointed) and went home, where I know they got to finish things properly once they got the chance. As for me, I showered, dressed, quickly discarded any evidence of our tryst, then treated my daughter to a night out. Later, I finished things for myself.

Then, for a month, nothing. Lainey stayed exclusively with me while I played main negotiator; I got slammed at work planning for my organization’s spring gala; and I barely saw any friends, let alone her, except for the occasional cup of coffee. I’ll admit, too, that it was a little more awkward than the times we’d gotten together after my Christmas party. I don’t think anything had really changed; I told myself we were both incredibly busy and stressed. We talked mostly about our kids, work stress, and aside from her accepting my invite to that gala (we need tickets and donations, after all), none of our escapades were mentioned. Then again, we were in a Starbucks that was always filled with people we knew (or who knew people we knew), so you could never tell who was going to overhear.

At the beginning of April, she texted me to let me know that her husband was taking their son to a baseball game so she was free to hang out. The high school kids had been on spring break all week and while I love my daughter, I needed to be around someone other than a teenager (who was still refusing to see her father, although we were going to try again a week or two later), so I gladly accepted. Saturday rolled around and just after dinner, I told Lainey that I was heading around the corner for drinks. She could text me if she needed me, but I knew she wouldn’t; she was home and chatting with her friends while binging her favorite show. So if I were to get up to anything, I’d be in the clear.

Of course, you have to know that I didn’t assume anything was going to happen. I was ready, though.

I grabbed a bottle of wine and headed over, dressed in a T-shirt and leggings with a denim jacket and my hair pulled into a ponytail. She answered wearing a T-shirt and jeans and I immediately noticed that she’d cut her hair short again. It swept across her forhead and hit just below her ears.

“Thanks,” she said when I complimented her, and explained that the long hair had started to annoy her and reminded her why she’d kept it short to begin with. I responded with a nervous chuckle.

But after an hour and a couple glasses of wine, my nerves cooled. We sat on her couch and talked about work, upcoming travel and vacation plans, what we were watching, and our kids. We were both animated and laughing and you couldn’t have guessed that there was any awkwardness at all. Then, she asked about how my daughter was doing after all that drama. I clenched up a little.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to bring up such a sore subject,” she said.

“No, it’s okay. I just wish he wasn’t so useless, you know?”


“At least you’ve got a husband who genuinely likes spending time with your kid,” I said, “And likes you.”

“Don’t sell yourself short. He likes you, too,” she chuckled.

I laughed, feeling the ice break again. “Well… the feeling’s mutual.”

“Oh, I’m aware of that,” she replied.

I took another sip of wine. “Is it wrong that I was annoyed at him for interrupting us?”

“No, it’s not. Although I guess it could have been worse?”

“Oh God. Could you imagine if he just dropped her off? How would we explain that?”

She laughed and snorted a little, which made me laugh. I refilled our glasses and sighed. “It was really fun, though.”

“I’d say it was more than that,” she said before taking a sip.

“Yeah. I… well, I’d say you got what you, uh… came there for?”

“Oh, I came all right,” she laughed. I groaned and took another gulp of wine and there were a few quiet moments before she said, “So I was wondering…”

“Hmm?” I asked.

“Well, mersin escort I know we were interrupted, but I did get what I wanted. So I guess we should plan what’s next?”

“Right,” I replied, “What are you thinking about?”

“I’m wondering what you’re thinking about, actually. It’s your… uh, turn.”

“Oh yeah,” I said and drank some more wine.

“I mean, I don’t want to force anything. I know you’ve been very busy planning the gala and with all of this family drama, so I get it if you haven’t had time to think about it.”

“Oh, I’ve thought about it. Trust me,” I said with a nervous laugh.

“Nice. So what is it?” she asked.

I breathed in, placed my wine glass on a coaster, reached across the crouch and kissed her. We broke apart, kissed again and while I slid my tongue into her mouth, she put her own glass down. I leaned in closer so that I was right on top of her while we made out, and she ran her hands up and down my back.

A few moments later, we came up for air. “You sure?” she asked.

I kissed her again while squeezing her breast over her shirt. “Yeah.”

“You know I’ll have to tell him about it.”

“I’m counting on it,” I replied.

She pulled me in and squeezed my ass. I started kissing her throat, sucking on it a little while I took in the scent of the wine on her breath and floral perfume. She let out a sigh and squeezed me harder. Then I started kissing her again and when we came up for air, we were both panting.

“We could go upstairs,” she managed.

I nodded and sat back then grabbed my purse and followed her upstairs. She dimmed the lights and pulled me onto the bed before kissing me again, and within seconds we were lying next to one another, devouring each other’s tongues while our hands roamed all over one another’s bodies. I slid my hand up her shirt and under her bra then squeezed her nipple and she responded by rubbing me through my leggings.

“That feels good,” I breathed before kissing her again. She kept rubbing me and when I started to pull at her shirt, stopped and sat up so she could take it off. I sat up and did the same and she grabbed my breast and pushed me onto the bed while kissing me some more.

I rolled us back to our sides so I could touch her breasts as well and we continued to kiss passionately. Her breasts were soft, her skin was smooth, and while she kissed and sucked on my neck and throat, I ran my hands all over her. She brought her hand back between my legs and began rubbing me again.

I sighed and she said, “You’re so wet.”

“I know,” I replied, and kissed her again. I had completely soaked not only my underwear but my leggings, and I’m sure that if I let her keep going, I’d come.

So that’s what I did. I swirled my hips a little and arched my back; she got my signal and began kissing and sucking on my nipple while rubbing faster. I took a deep breath and held it for a moment as I concentrated on the way my body was started to tingle. When I let it out, I pushed on her back so she was even closer.

She sucked my nipple harder and I felt her fingers sliding back and forth over my leggings even faster. I moaned and my hips bucked against her, and soon I was clenching my legs around her hand while holding her head against my chest. I gasped for air as I came and pulled away when it was done.

“Wow,” I said. She smiled as she caught her breath and I took a moment to take in the sight of her: short blonde hair now matted, her cheeks flushed, and her nipples swollen on her round breasts. “Lay down.”

As she did, I rolled on top of her, kissing her throat, her collar bone, and then her breasts. I swirled my tongue around her right nipple and sucked on it for a moment, repeated the same motions on her left nipple and then placed my head between them. She took in a deep breath and sighed out as I licked her chest before kissing my way down her stomach.

I undid the button of her jeans and she squirmed a litle as I slowly unzipped them then took a moment to kiss her right above the waistband of her panties. Her pants were not off yet but I could smell the arousal of her sex. It was sweet and sharp and I took a deep breath while I continued to kiss her and found my patience. Then I slid her jeans and underwear down, revealing her bare pussy.

She kicked herself out of her clothes and spread her legs to show me just how aroused she was. Her lips were swollen and so wanting. I felt myself tingle and took a deep breath before I bent forward, sliding my hands up her thighs. I flattened my tongue and dragged it up the middle of her pussy, opening up her wetness until I found her clit. It was swollen and hard, so I flicked it with my tongue.

“That feels good,” she breathed.

I slid my tongue back down, licking her right side, stopping to swirl it around her hole a little. Then I licked up her left side and stopped to swirl my tongue around her clit. She sighed with pleasure and I did it again, making sure I was going slowly.

“Just like mersin escort bayan that,” she said.

I kept going, teasing more wetness out of her and getting drunk on her smell and her taste. After a little while, she started breathing more heavily, so I paused at her clit and flicked it with my tongue before sucking on it a little. She sighed loudly, and I moved down the middle of her pussy until my tongue was swirling around her hole again.

She sighed again. I swirled it some more and spread her legs wider, then slid it inside her. She squirmed against me. I took my tongue out, swirled it around her hole and then went deeper. She moaned. I went faster and put my lips to work, kissing her. She moaned again.

I made out with her pussy for a while, listening to her breathing and her moaning until I knew her orgasm was getting close. When I sensed it was, I slid my tongue up toward her clit and began teasing her most sensitive spot.

“Yes, right there,” she told me.

I licked and swirled, lightly at first and then with more force as her breaths sharpened and her thighs tightened.

“Keep going,” she said, “Keep going. Keep going. Keepgoing. Keepgoingkeepgoingkeepgoing…”

Her hips bucked, relaxed, and then her entire body stiffened. She gasped as she came and when she was done, I sat up and took in the scene of her lying on her back in pleasure.

I lay down next to her and kissed her. She sighed. “I know,” I said with a smile. She kissed me again.

We were still for a few moments while she settled down. I took the time to run my hand up and down her body while kissing her every now and then and taking in the entire scene. The house was quiet, the lights were soft, the room continued to smell intoxicating, and by the looks of it, we still had plenty of time.

She kissed me again and was about to roll me onto my back when I stopped her.

“Wait. I have something in mind,” I said as I slid off the bed and stood up. I undressed and gave her a moment to check me out. She did with the same lust that was in her eyes when she watched me fuck her husband a few weeks prior.

Good. It’s what I wanted.

I crawled up the bed and then turned around, swinging my leg over so that she was between them. I felt her hands slide up the back of my legs and grab my ass. She pulled me toward her mouth and started to kiss and lick me. I sighed and lowered my head toward her pussy, which was still swollen and sensitive.

As she licked and kissed my clit, I teased hers with my tongue and thought of what might be my best move. I hadn’t been in this position with another woman since right after college and that was a good 20 years ago. Plus, the passionate way she was making out with me was making it hard to concentrate on pleasuring her again.

I took a deep breath and slid my fingers over her, rubbing around her lips and clit. She took a breath and moaned, so I rubbed faster. When she returned her attention to me, it was with more force and I felt her finger slide inside me. I returned the favor and slid one finger inside her pussy, then another, moving in and out.

We did this for a few moments and I could feel myself getting close to coming again. I didn’t want to come just yet, though, so I concentrated on holding myself off while working her up. Instead of simply sliding my fingers in and out of her, I hooked them and moved them back and forth, then lightly flicked her clit with my tongue.

“Fuck, that feels good,” she said. I kept going and she moaned again while her hips tightened. She was getting close again.

“Go ahead,” I told her.

She slid her finger out of me and grasped my thighs. Her pussy tightened around me and she stiffened again, then threw her head back and yelled as she came, bucking while I kept licking and fingering her. When she was done, I took a deep breath and sat up so that I was right on her face.

She grabbed my ass and spread me apart a little more, then her tongue found my pussy again. At first, she tried to swirl it around like before, but it wasn’t working, so I paused and told her to just hold her tongue out. Then I swirled my hips.

“Like that,” I told her.

I kept swirling my hips and she made her tongue even stiffer, which felt amazing. Her hands grabbed the tops of my thighs and pulled me down even more, so I began grinding on her face. I moaned and brought my hands up to my breasts, squeezing them.

“Fuck, that feels good,” I said as I continued to ride her hard, my hips swaying faster and faster as I once again moved right up to the edge of my orgasm. She grasped my thighs even harder and tried to pull me in even more, which made me get even more intense. I squeezed my breasts harder.

Then, I came hard, bucking and bucking against her face until every muscle in my lower body stiffened. I squeezed her head with my thighs, plunged my cunt hard onto her mouth, arched my back, and screamed. She licked me with her stiff tongue and I spasmed again. When I was done, I climbed escort mersin off of her and lay down at her side.

“Wow,” I said.

“Yeah,” she replied as she caught her breath.

“I didn’t hurt you?”

“No. That was… wow, no wonder he likes that.”

I laughed and pulled her in for a kiss before laying back. She put her head on my chest and we listened to one another’s panting. Eventually, though, she laid down next to me and we started talking. It was mostly idle chit-chat like we would have been having over drinks on the couch, but naked and in bed together. It went on for ten or fifteen minutes, and I think it was probably the most normal talking I’d done after sex in years. My ex-husband had lost interest in pillow talk a long time before he lost interest in me, and the guys I’d been with since then talked mostly about how great they thought the sex was (that is, if one of us didn’t leave right after we were done).

She was telling me about–well, I honestly can’t remember and it probably doesn’t matter–when I slid my arm around her and pulled her in for a kiss. She returned the motion, pressing her body against mine and throwing her leg over me. I broke away from her mouth and licked and sucked on her neck for a moment, which made her sigh and dig her nails into my back a little. Then, I stopped and rolled away, telling her to hold on for a second.

I stood up and walked over to where I had dropped my purse in front of her dresser, opened it and took out my dildo and a bottle of lub. When I held it up to show her, her eyes widened. “What’s that?”

“This,” I said as I got back into bed, “is what I use when I listen to the audio you made for me.”

“Really?” she asked. “That’s…”

“I know,” I said with a smile. Then, I kissed her neck again.

“And,” I said.

I moved down to her breast and sucked on her nipple.

“I take it.”

I kissed my way down to her belly button.


I pushed her legs apart and started licking her pussy again, just gentle strokes with my tongue to get her started. I wasn’t going to be down there very long; the dildo and lube were still in my hand and just the mere thought of watching her use it was making me aroused. But if I could be patient, the pleasure would be so much better, so I gently went down on her for a little while longer.

When I knew she was ready (or, more specifically, when I was ready), I sat up and told her to do the same. She did and I opened the bottle of lube. As I got the dildo nice and slick, she started to look nervous.

“Don’t worry,” I told her.

“Sorry. I don’t know why I’m so…”

“It’s okay. I understand,” I replied, and sat next to her. I took the dildo in my right hand and told her to spread her legs a little more, then rubbed it against her clit.

“That’s cold,” she said.

“Sorry.” I moved the dildo down near the opening of her pussy. “Hey, take a breath.”

She did, and I gently slid it inside her, going just past its head. She exhaled loudly and I smiled because I knew it felt good. I took her hand in mine and put it on the toy.

“Go at your own pace,” I told her before kissing her again. She started playing with it and I slid away from her so that I could turn around and watch.

Right away, it was one of the sexiest things I’d ever seen. Her eyes were closed and she was breathing deliberately. Her cheeks were flushed, her breasts were swollen with hard nipples, and the eight inches of the dildo was slowly going in and out of her. I supported myself with one hand, then spread my legs apart and began rubbing myself with the other.

I was already soaking wet again, and getting wetter as I stared at her while she took the toy deeper and deeper. “Doesn’t it feel good?” I asked.

“So fucking good,” she replied.

“You can take all of it, can’t you?”

She pushed it even deeper and moaned, then took it out again so she could reposition herself. A moment later, she was sitting up with her feet flat on the bed and knees and legs spread wide; then, she slid the dildo all the way in until it couldn’t go any further.

“Fuck!” she yelled.

“That looks so fucking hot, baby,” I told her as I continued to rub myself. She kept it deep inside her and moved it around, then watched me lick two of my fingers and shove them into my pussy.

“Yeah, do that,” she said.

“Keep fucking yourself deep,” I told her.

It took maybe a minute for both of us to come, but it was one of the most intense minutes I’d ever had with another person. We locked eyes with one another and then stared intently at each other’s efforts. We didn’t say anything, either. Instead, we listened to our breathing, which turned to panting, which turned to moaning.

I came first, my pussy tightening around my fingers as my hips bucked and I gasped for air. She held off so that she could watch me, biting her lip as I arched my back and let my orgasm just overtake me. She whimpered for a moment and then, when she couldn’t take it anymore, let out a yell. I watched her entire body clench as she held the dildo in place.

She finished coming, then began to take the dildo out. I stopped her, leaning forward and putting my hand over it. “No,” I told her, “Keep going.”

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