
The Camping Trip


Thursday, March 20th, 2003Mitch had been having a great year.  He had finally found a home teaching in the western part of the state.  His first couple of years out of college, he had struggled. He had bounced around, trying to find the right fit for him.  His first two jobs were both single year stints. However, in the summer of 2001, he had been hired to teach history in a nice mid-size town.  Well, mid-size for this state. In some parts of the world, a town with 15,000 people still qualifies as tiny, but it was big enough for Mitch.He had developed some good relationships with his fellow coworkers, but none more so than Misty.  Misty had been hired earlier that same summer, just before Mitch. In fact, Mitch and Misty had interviewed for the same position—a position that Misty had been hired for.  Later that summer, another teacher left town. Having already interviewed Mitch, and needing a quick replacement, the principal had given Mitch this opportunity. So, Mitch had always considered it a remarkable stroke of luck that he and Misty had ever met at all.Their first year working together, they had become good friends.  They were the same age, and had experienced similar struggles trying to find a long-term position.  They leaned on each other quite heavily through that first year, finding moral and emotional support in each other.  They traded ideas about assignments, swapped stories about problem students, and had long conversations about everything from politics to the weather.  There were lots of laughs, lots of headaches, and even a few tears when things got really rough (as things often do with that particular profession).Throughout their second year together, they had grown even closer.  Yet, Mitch was frustrated. He felt as if he and Misty’s relationship had stalled out.  They were indeed close. But they had never seemed to be able to break beyond that barrier of being more than just “work friends”.  He talked to her every single day at school. At times, it seemed like they could read each other’s thoughts. During faculty meetings, they could simply exchange a glance with each other and an entire conversation could take place.  But he had never been invited to her home. They had never hung out after work together or anything close to that.Mitch knew why.  He wasn’t stupid.  For one thing, Misty was married.  This frustrated him to no end. He had never met her husband before, but he had seen pictures of him and Mitch just couldn’t understand.  He couldn’t comprehend how this intelligent woman who was witty, engaging, pretty, and all sorts of other things, could be married to—for lack of a better way to say it—a redneck.  Every picture Mitch had ever seen of him, he was either holding a gun, a dead animal, or a beer (sometimes more than one of those items). He didn’t seem like Misty’s type at all.Mitch was certain this was why she had never invited him over.  He could only imagine the awkward conversations between himself and her husband, Justin, as they tried to make small talk.  Surely they had nothing—absolutely nothing—in common. Mitch was also certain that Justin would not be cool with Misty just deciding to go out to the movies, or out to dinner with her male friend from work.  Guys like that were always very territorial. At least, that’s what Mitch told himself.Which is why Mitch was totally shocked the week before spring break.  He had gone to Misty’s room after a rather stressful day. He flopped down into a desk and buried his face in his arms, staring straight down at the desk.“I just don’t know what to do with that class,” he moaned.  He knew he didn’t have to say which class, he and Misty had been discussing how horrible his 7th hour class was all year long.“Well, just keep thinking to yourself, only two more months, only two more months,” Misty joked with a smile.  “Then, they will be out of your hair forever.”Mitch sat up and rubbed his forehead.  “If I have any hair left by then,” he replied.They talked for a few more minutes before a lull in the conversation occurred.  Mitch often found lulls like this unsettling, but not with Misty. When he was around her, it was more of a comfortable silence.  He closed his eyes and tried to unwind from his aggravating final period.“Hey, I’ve been meaning to ask you something,” Misty started, interrupting the silence.“What’s that?” Mitch asked, his curiosity piqued.“Justin and I have been talking about you lately,” she explained.“Oh, really?” Mitch answered, his breathing şişli escort altering just slightly—the same way it did every time she mentioned her husband by name.  “What about?” he prodded. “All good, I hope,” he added hesitantly.Misty giggled.  It was a cute, lighthearted giggle that Mitch had always liked.  “Of course it’s all good,” Misty replied. “Actually, we were wondering if you would like to go camping with us over spring break.”“Camping?” Mitch asked nervously.  What a crazy idea, he thought to himself.  I’ve never been camping in my life, and I’ve never even met Justin.  He always assumed that they would start by having dinner or something before they ever moved on to anything like taking vacations together.Misty must have noticed his hesitation, because she immediately added, “If you don’t want to, that’s okay, I just thought I would offer, and let you know that you are welcome to join us.  We’ve got an extra tent you can use and everything.”Mitch studied Misty for a moment.  She smiled at him with her cute, pixie-like face.  She had such a look of excitement in her big blue eyes.  Mitch could tell that she genuinely wanted him to come along on this trip—for some reason.  He made up his mind instantly.“Of course, I’d love to go.  It sounds fun,” he said, still not convinced that it would be fun at all.  He then explained his reservations about having never met Justin before and having never been camping.  However, Misty ensured him that all would go well, he and Justin would get along splendidly, and camping was a breeze—nothing to worry about.She explained the plan was to leave on Thursday, and camp out both Thursday and Friday night, packing up and coming home sometime Saturday.“That way, we can all have a day to recover before we have to go back to work on Monday,” she added with a mischievous grin.A week later, Mitch found himself awkwardly, and quite nervously, parking his tiny Honda Civic in front of Misty’s house.  Both Misty and Justin were outside already, busily packing items into the back of a large quad-cab Dodge Ram. As Mitch stepped out of his own vehicle, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of inadequacy.“Hi, Mitch!” Misty greeted warmly as he walked up the driveway.  “Are you ready for this?” she asked with a smile. She introduced Justin, and the two men shook hands.  Justin’s grip was incredibly strong. As they were introduced, Mitch took in the other man’s appearance.  Justin was exactly as Mitch thought he would be. He was 6’4” and fairly stout. He had what appeared to be about five-days-worth of beard growth on his face.  That would take me about five weeks to grow, Mitch thought.  Justin was wearing a T-shirt which promoted the oilfield company he worked for, blue jeans, and cowboy boots.Seeing Misty standing next to her husband, Mitch was once again startled at the contrast between the two of them.  Not only in terms of personalities, but in size. Misty could not have been more than 5’ 4”, and might have weighed a hundred and ten pounds with her shoes on.  She was wearing her long blonde hair in a ponytail, and a plaid flannel shirt. She was bouncing around energetically as she loaded the pickup, and seemed to be in high spirits.“All right,” Justin said after the brief introduction.  “We’re all loaded up, so let’s head out!”The drive was not a long one, perhaps thirty to forty-five minutes.  As they drove, the three made small talk, with Misty trying to get Mitch and Justin to know each other a little better.They arrived at their campsite and Justin jumped out of the truck and started unloading the gear.  Mitch stared in awe at the spot where they were staying. It was beautiful. They were clearly in a pasture used for grazing cattle, and were surrounded by undulating hills of green grass.  But there was also a sizeable grove of trees, which they were now parked at the edge of. Not far away, there was a large pond—the water rippling with the breeze. Mitch noticed a spot that had obviously been cleared away for camping purposes.  A slightly dug out (and charred over) pit in the center indicated a place to start a fire. Several logs were placed around the pit, presumably as places for people to sit.“How often do y’all come out here?” Mitch asked.“About four or five times a year,” Misty replied.“My grandparents own this land,” Justin explained.  “I’ve been camping out here since I was in grade school.  It’s a nice little spot. Plenty of catfish in there,” he said, pointing to the pond as he spoke.The mecidiyeköy escort evening started out in what Mitch assumed was a fairly typical manner.  They set up their tents first. Mitch’s tent was smaller, probably made for two people, but Misty and Justin’s tent was much larger.  As he helped them erect it, Mitch guessed that four people could have comfortably slept inside.After the tents had been set up, they searched the grove of trees, collecting branches for firewood.  They weren’t difficult to find. There were numerous branches littering the ground, and in no time at all they had a sizeable pile, which Justin set ablaze.  Within a few minutes, they were sitting next to a beautiful, developing campfire.It was getting towards late March, which meant it was warm during the day, but the nights were still pretty chilly.  This had been one of Mitch’s biggest concerns in joining the couple on this outing. He wasn’t sure how cold it would be.  However, when the sun went down, they were all kept plenty warm by the roaring fire. In fact, they had to sit at a pretty good distance to avoid getting too hot.Misty cracked open an ice chest and removed a package of hotdogs.  Each of them found a lengthy stick and spent a bit of time removing excess branches.  They skewered the hotdogs on the end of the sticks, and had fun roasting them over the fire.  Mitch had never roasted a hotdog over an open flame before and got a real kick out of it. Although, he wasn’t sure about eating something that had just been penetrated by a piece of wood.Justin handed him a cold can of beer which he had just retrieved from the ice chest.  “You drink Coors Light?” he asked.“I’ll drink just about anything,” Mitch said, taking the can from him.  He cracked it open and took a sip.As the evening wore on, Mitch began feeling much more comfortable around Justin.  He had always assumed that spending time with Misty and her husband would be incredibly awkward.  Yet, he realized he was having a great time. For nearly two years, he had painted this image in his mind of who he thought Justin was; he had been so certain he would dislike him.  But as the three of them talked, he realized that Justin was a nice guy and—just as Misty had predicted—they were getting along pretty well.They had moved from hotdogs to marshmallows, and both men were laughing at Misty as she accidentally smeared scalding hot marshmallow goo all over her hand and chin, and was now trying to both lick it up and wipe it off—but not having much success with either.  Mitch noticed that Misty, aside from the hotdogs and marshmallows, had also consumed about five cans of her husband’s Coors Light. Given her small body frame, this might have explained why she was having so much difficulty with the marshmallow goo.“Do you need some help, Sweetie?” Justin asked through his laughter.“No, I’m good,” Misty said, finally finding a wet-wipe and removing the stickiness from her face and hands.  As she did, she also turned on a small, battery powered stereo, and started some music. She sat back down on one of the logs with a thump.  “You know Mitch,” she said, sounding as if she were ready to change the subject, “today’s an important day.”“Why’s that?” Mitch asked.“It’s March twentieth,” she said simply.“What’s special about March twentieth?” Mitch pressed.“You don’t know?” she chided, giggling a bit.“No, I don’t,” Mitch said honestly.  “Is it your anniversary?”Misty giggled again, but shook her head.  “No, good guess though.” She looked up towards the sky, “today was the vernal equinox.”“What’s the vernal equinox?” Mitched asked, genuinely curious.“Well, it’s a lot of things,” Misty started.  “It’s one of the two days of the year when the hours of light and darkness are in perfect balance with each other.  But more importantly, it’s also the first day of spring,” she stated enthusiastically.Justin took a sip from his beer bottle.  “Misty loves spring,” he said tiredly. “It’s her favorite time of the year.”At that moment, Mitch seemed to realize how little he really knew about Misty.  He felt very close to her, but he had no idea that her favorite time of year was spring—in all the conversations they had had together, it had never come up.“Yes,” Misty said, standing up and taking a step closer to the fire.  “I love the spring. It’s such an incredible time. The Earth is freed from her icy prison.  It’s a new beginning. All the colors burst forth, replacing the drab brown and gray of winter.”Mitch listened with interest. He’d never heard Misty talk so passionately about something like that.  Justin, on the other hand, sort of rolled his eyes. He had obviously heard this all before.“The fire makes me feel good,” Misty said, as she started swaying to the music in the background.  “I like it. I like to feel it against my skin.”This statement caught Mitch off guard, but it was nothing compared to the next shock he received.  Misty began to dance and sway in rhythm to “Sweet Dreams” by the Eurythmics. As it played over the stereo, she started unbuttoning the flannel shirt she had been wearing all evening.  In just a moment, the flannel shirt was off, and she threw it at her husband. Underneath, she wore a form-fitting tank top (of the variety that is typically known as a ‘wife-beater’).Mitch watched in awe as his friend continued her striptease.  She slipped her shoes off, and then her jeans, kicking those in Mitch’s direction.  He laid the jeans down gently, right next to him on the log he was sitting on. Mitch then cautioned a glance towards Justin, not exactly sure what to think.  To his surprise, Justin simply smile, and then waved his can of beer towards Misty as if to say, “What are you looking at me for? Enjoy the show.”Misty danced around the fire seductively, and for a moment, Mitch thought perhaps she had gone as far as she would go.  But then, her hands reached for the hem of her tank top, and she lifted it up and off in one fluid motion. She was not wearing a bra and Mitch saw Misty’s magnificent, perky tits for the first time.  The tank top was flung towards Justin, who set it down on top of the shirt she had thrown him.One more time around the fire, and Mitch continued to watch, entranced. His eyes were glued on Misty’s body.  He knew, with her husband sitting less than ten feet from him, he shouldn’t be ogling her this way, but he couldn’t help it.  The firelight illuminated her tiny body, her glistening white skin. She now wore only a G-string, which meant the only thing between her and complete nakedness was a small black triangle of cloth.She tugged off her last vestige of clothing.  She picked the panties up with her toes, and then shot them, slingshot style, at Mitch.  The panties hit his face before he could reach up and grab them. He continued to hold them firmly in his hand, as she danced around the fire, completely nude.“It feels so fucking incredible,” Misty cried out.  “I just adore the way the heat feels against my skin.”At that point, Justin stood up and handed her the flannel shirt.  “Put your clothes back on,” he said with a chuckle. “I’m gonna go find some more firewood.”As Justin disappeared into the woods, Misty wrapped the flannel shirt around her, but to Mitch’s surprise, she neither buttoned it, nor did she put the rest of her clothes back on.  Instead, she came and sat down on top of her jeans, which were still laying on the log, right next to Mitch.“So, how are you liking camping so far?” Misty asked, as if the entire incident had not taken place.“I—like—I like it—I like it a lot,” Mitch stuttered, trying to avoid staring at her.“That’s good, I’m glad you’re having fun,” she said happily.  She seemed to notice Mitch’s averted gaze. “It’s okay, you can look,” she said.  “After all, you’ve already seen them. You really have to get over this country boy shyness of yours.”Slowly, hesitantly, Mitch turned his head, and completely gave in to his urge to just stare at her incredible, petite body.“That’s better,” Misty chided.  “It’s hard to talk to someone who won’t look at you.”Their faces were very close together, and Mitch’s heart was racing.  What if Justin came back right now and saw us sitting like this?  Would he be mad? Would he beat the shit out of me? He’s certainly big enough to.“I’m glad you came with us,” Misty said gently.  Then, without another word, she leaned in and kissed Mitch.  Her tongue slipping inside his mouth. Instinctively, Mitch kissed back.  Just a moment before, he wouldn’t have believed that his heart could beat any faster than it was—but now he felt as if he was on the verge of a heart attack.She reached for the zipper on his jeans.  In another moment, they were unfastened, and she was leaning over.“What about Justin?!” Mitch hissed.Misty looked up, a bemused expression on her face.  She shrugged and replied, “What about him?”Then, Misty’s lips were wrapped around Mitch’s cock.  He was lost in pleasure. He no longer cared that she was another man’s wife—or that the other man was off in the woods, not too far away, and could return any second. All he cared about was that she continued doing what she was doing.

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