
Katie Gets What She Wants, Part 2


Katie’s hand flew up over my mouth, even though I was being dead silent. We listened for a few moments as our seemingly drunk mother stumbled around the kitchen. I heard the fridge open and close, but nothing was put in or taken out. Luckily, though the couch is visible from the kitchen, it is facing away and the back of the couch blocks visibility of anyone laying down. This was obviously especially lucky, since her son and daughter had just been fucking! After a few more moments of her drunken stumbling and a few hiccups, her hand hit the wall and blindly groped until it found the light, which switched off again. She managed to perform some kind of task similar in goal to walking, but quite different in mechanics, up the stairs and into her room. Katie pulled her hand from my mouth and whispered into my ear. “That was amazing. It felt so fucking good.” Katie kissed me again and I firmly squeezed that perfect ass as her tongue slipped into my mouth. Then she stood up again, and, after finding and donning her clothes, walked towards her own bedroom, with that ass swinging teasingly. So, first of all… Holy shit! I just fucked my sister! This was kind of a bittersweet moment for me, it seemed. I mean, she’s fucking hot, but… She’s my sister! I picked all my stuff up and went to my own room to think things over. I thought about how I could balance my moral standings here. But before I had thrown any pros or cons, I realized something. I didn’t regret it. I didn’t regret squeezing her tits and pumping in and out of that pussy for a minute. Before I could think any more, I was falling asleep. In the night, I dreamed about Katie. I actually didn’t have a sexual dream, but I dreamed that she had told my mom about what had happened, and my mom had gone on to say that she had sex with her brother all the time. It was weird. When I woke up, it occurred to me that she didn’t even have a brother. That day, I snuck out around six in the morning to avoid an awkward standing with Katie. I slipped out and walked down my street till the end. At the very end of the road, after all the turns and countryside, there’s a canyon wall with a huge river deep below the cliff. It’s actually about seventeen miles down the road, so I usually drive, but this time I had walked the three and a half hours. To the west, viewing opposite the flow of şişli escort bayan the water, is a huge waterfall. It cascades down maybe 100 feet before spraying the water off the rocks in a huge mist. The mist carries far enough to lightly spray against you on a windy day, so it’s well worth standing at the ravine for a refreshing breeze. As I looked down at the river, with the mist against my left, I had a sick vision of jumping in. It was a good sixty foot plunge to a rocky death, and one or two desperate crooks had tried to make it without success. I sat down on the edge of the cliff and thought more about last night. First of all, it was amazing! Katie really is incredibly hot, I was quickly realizing, and made for a great fuck. Knowing she had taken my virginity, I wondered if I had taken hers as well. For whatever reason, I really wanted to know that I had. Something seemed special to me about that, and I had always wanted my first with a girl to be her first too. It just seemed like it built a special connection. After sitting for a couple hours, I checked the time. It was Saturday, so I had no plans or obligations, and the time read 11:52. I called my friend Josh, and asked if he wanted to do anything. “Hey Josh. I’m bored, do you have anything going on today?” “No. My brother’s got a Little League game I’ve gotta take him to at 4 though. Why, what’s up?” “Nothing really. Hey, I’m at the ravine. Can you pick me up? We can hang out at your place, maybe?” “Yeah, sure. My parents are in Chicago for my dad’s business meeting, but I’m stuck here with Aaron. At least he’s not being any trouble, he’s actually still sleeping.” Aaron was Josh’s nine year old brother, who was kind of the star player on his team. They got along really well for brothers, and impressed most people with their cooperative behavior. “That sounds great. I’ve got some stuff to tell you anyway. Seeya.” “Seeya.” While I was waiting for Josh, I looked through my messages. Oddly, I had a missed text from the school’s auto-alert service. It read: “Dear student, parent, guardian and/or staff member:Due to a week’s worth of unused snow days weighing on the school’s planned curriculum, and the absence of snow since March, the Board of Education has made the decision to give all members of the school’s staff and student body, with the addition mecidiyeköy escort bayan of transferred exchange enrollment, 8 school days vacation. The week off begins this Monday, and extends to the Wednesday 10 days after.” The message included oursuperintendent’s name at the end to make it official. ‘This is great!’ I thought, ‘I can hang out with Josh and a few other friends this week, or just relax at-‘ Then it struck me. Being home with Katie might be extremely awkward! I had no idea what to say to her. Hopefully, she’d come up with a way of approaching me about this, since I didn’t know what to do, or think, or say… Josh pulled up by me, and I hopped into the passenger’s seat. “Did you hear about the school?” “No, what’s up? “We get 10 days off! Monday to next Wednesday.” “Wow, that’s sweet! I guess I should make plans. So, why the hell were you out here? Did you walk all this way?” “Yeah, I slipped out around six. They probably think I’m sleeping. I’ll text my mom and tell her I’m with you.” “Cool. So why were you really here?” “Oh, umm… I’ll tell you when we’re at your place, the.. car… doors have… ears. Or something.” Josh laughed, and gave me a funny look. But he stayed quiet for the next 15 minutes as we came back to his house. Once we were inside, I began to tell him everything. At first he thought the whole story was a joke. Then afterwards, he thought it was disgusting and stupid. But after I had told him every last detail, he actually admitted it was pretty hot.”Wow, man. I’ve always though Katie was fucking hot, but I didn’t know she was like that. I wish I had a sister like her, I’d sleep with her every night.” “Yeah,” I said, “I just might do that. It was pretty amazing.” We quickly came off of the subject, and moved on to video games and soda. Soon enough, four ‘o’ clock came close and Aaron and I loaded into the car with Josh. Josh dropped me home before he went to the field, and I sheepishly walked into the house. There was nobody in sight, but when I walked into the kitchen I found a note from my mom. “Jack- Phone broken, but got your text. Can’t text back, so if you need to let me know anything it’ll be a one way exchange. On my way to Kentucky to pick up our cousins, be back Monday. School is cancelled for a while, check their website if you don’t know. -Mom” Something escort şişli about having the house to myself and Katie was both exciting and scary to me, so I hurried into my room hoping she wouldn’t see me yet. After I shut my door I heard hers open, then close without her coming out. I let out a quiet sigh of relief and turned on the television in my room. The t.v. was really just for noise to make me sound busy, but I sat down at my desk and started scribbling on a piece of paper. I didn’t draw anything, but let out some frustration as I thought. It occurred to me that the cousins my mom was picking up were Jake and Grace. Jake was … twelve, now, I think, and Grace was three months younger than me, between Katie and myself in age. I had been thinking all day about incest itself, knowing it was most common between cousins, and started thinking about Grace. Grace was beautiful, too. She and Katie shared some resemblance, since our mothers are twins, and so she had a great formed body. Grace had always been taller than Katie, a little, but thinking back I realized Katie’s breasts were slightly larger. We had all four been close when we were younger, and had spent a lot of time together as kids, but we hadn’t seen them for almost a year. I was excited to see how they were doing. I crumpled up and tossed the paper I was scribbling on, turned off the t.v., and then started changing. My clothes were awfully dirty from the ravine, since the dust and moisture carried by the wind had mixed into a gross solution on all of my clothing. As I was changing, I glanced in the mirror to check myself out, like I always do. I looked at my belly, since I’d been working slowly on building up a six pack, and noticed that the outline was getting more defined. I started flexing my abs and arms, when I heard my door creak and saw it move in the mirror. Knowing it was Katie, I pretended not to notice. I turned away from my mirror, and walked to my dresser, where I knew she could still see me but I couldn’t see her. I put on some pants, and suddenly felt her arms slip under mine and up over, so her arms were bent and she was holding my biceps in place. Katie kissed my neck lightly, and whispered in my ear in an incredibly sexy voice. “Why put those on? You know they’re just going to come off again anyway. I want to play a game, Jack…”She released her arms from mine, and after I’d just about cum in my pants from that voice, I turned around to grab her and kiss her, but she was gone. My door was closed too, like some weird dream, but I knew Katie was light enough to have snuck out and closed the door without making a noise.

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