
So Sue Me Pt. 02


“Hey Sport.” I greeted him, as I pushed Sue off my cock and turned to him, my hard cock dripping.

Josh looked absolutely gobsmacked. If his jaw could actually detach it would have been on the floor. He stood speechless as I got off the bed and walked over to him.

“Did you want in on this?” I asked. “Is that what’s got you upset this morning?”

He gazed from my dripping dick up to my face. “Huh?” Obviously still a bit perplexed.

“Jealous? Or did you want to join?” I asked. “What’s the cause of your outburst?”

I explained, that I already knew he was having sex with her, and that I had even suggested it last time I’d been here. I reminded him that I’d been doing her way before he was born and he had no cause to be jealous of me. Then I gently reminded him of our weekend romp.

Josh just looked at me, then at his Mother. Sue had gotten up and was sitting on the edge of the bed now, not even trying to cover up. Even had her legs spread, exposing her slick swollen labia and a damp matted bush of pubic hair.

“I was just about to give her ass a taste of my member.” I said bluntly. Then Josh snapped at me.

“NO!” he yelled. “You can’t do that!” Then as if he’d bitten his tongue, he went silent.

I had a sudden flash of insight, and turned to Sue. “Not letting the kid back in the way he came out?” I asked, and was rewarded with a wide toothy grin. “I guess that’s why you’re ready to try anal with me now, eh?” Sue just shrugged.

Josh tried to walk around me to get into the room, but I stopped him. “What’s the deal?” He asked.

I motioned to Sue to come over then I gestured to my still stiff cock. “This is your fault.” He glanced at it then gave me a questioning look.

“Well.” I went on. “I’m either gonna drag your Mom, back to the bed and powerfuck her.” Then looked over at him. “Or… You’re gonna get on your knees and finish me off.”

“You’re not serious?” He asked. His face going a bit pale.

I turned to my sister. “Sue, I know you were a bit shocked last time.” I began. “But wold you like to see your son give your BIG Bro a Blowjob?” I made sure to emphasize BIG as Sue always did.

Sue walked over to Josh and kissed him on the cheek. “Sweetie.” she said with a smile. “Would you do Mommy a favor and clean up Uncle David?” Then she stroked his cheeks a few times gently.

A minute later, Josh was on his knees in front of me. Sue had begun fingering herself.

I moaned with delight as Josh’s lips wrapped around my manhood and began sucking and cleaning his Mother’s juices from ti. I didn’t last long at all, and after a few minutes, deposited my load down his throat.

After dislodging me shrinking manhood from Josh’s mouth, I turned and stepped over to Sue, put my arm around her waist and lifted her up. “Shower?” I inquired. She leaned toward me as I lifted and flicked her tongue across my nipple.

Sue had not lost any of her tom boyishness over the last several decades. As a matter of fact, she had kind of improved on her plain looks. She had some definition now. Apparently a Gym Mom, her arms and legs, as well as her torso were toned. Her breasts looked a bit larger too.

“HEY!” Josh bellowed as we headed toward the bathroom. “What the Fuck?” a hurt look on his face.

I just guided my Sister to the shower and waved to Josh as I closed the door behind us.

Sue and I spent about thirty minutes groping, soaping, lathering and rinsing each other. We finished up, dried off and got dressed. And went out into he kitchen. Josh sat there, with some toast, a plate of eggs and some bacon, just munching away.

“Did you make any for us?” I asked. Only to be rewarded by a very loud and sudden.

“FUCK OFF!” which then drew Sue to shout back.

“JOSHUA! Language.” he shrugged and pointed toward the microwave, then kept eating. “I am still your mother and you will at least show common courtesy.”

In the microwave there were two plates with the same fair Josh was eating. He’d actually made us breakfast, even though he was still upset. Sue smile and silently mouthed, “My Son.” then shrugged.

I piped in with “Hey, You had me for a whole month.” I reminded him. “I’m making up for lost time with my beautiful Sister before I head to the convention.”

Three things followed that declaration. My Sister punched me lightly in the arm, then kissed my cheek. And Josh jumped up and shouted, “CONVENTION? Do you mean?”

“Yeah, I do.” I replied, then puffed up my chest and proudly announced “I was a Sci/Fi Nerd before it was cool to be a Sci/Fi Nerd.” Josh beamed at me and finally voiced his question in the form of a demand.

“Take me with?” was the entire statement. I took a plate and sat across from him.

“After what you just pulled?” I questioned. “Do you think I’ll just say sure it was nothing, let’s go?” His look told me all I needed to know. His hurt expression said he knew he blew it, but didn’t like being called out on it.

Sue just twisted the knife and shoved it in deeper. “I guess you can go back to campus early.” she began. ankara escort bayan Josh looked up at her as she walked to the table. “I’m tagging along with him as well.”

“SUSAN!” I yelled. That was beyond cruel, and completely uncalled for.”

I guess Josh either didn’t pick up on it, or say it as motivation. He was suddenly up from the table and on his knees next to my chair.

“Anything!” he offered, “Anything at all. Suck you? Fuck You? Eat your Ass? You name it.” he grasped my arm. “Please take me with you Guyzzzzzzzzzz.”

I wasn’t going to let this go one much longer. “Sorry pal. I only have these passes.” and I tossed a stack of weekend passes with lanyards on the table. “Only those people on the passes can get in.”

Josh frowned as he spread the passes. Then noticed there were three. One had my name, one was Sue’s and one was Josh’s. He beamed and gave me kisses on my cheek, then my lips. Then he hugged and kissed Sue.

“I’m not trying to take your Mom from you.” I told him in a serious tone. “Remember, she was mine before she was yours.” I patted her thigh. “And we won’t talk about Bill.” I laughed but they didn’t.

After breakfast we began packing for the four hour drive to San Diego. Josh practically locked himself in his room, searching for something he wouldn’t disclose, but said he had it a few years ago. Of course I was already packed and loaded up. So I went to help Sue.

“Quickie?” she asked as we entered her room and closed the door. I just smiled and stripped down.

Sue disrobed as well, then began looking through the shoe collection in her closet. Then I got it.

I walked up behind her as she rummaged, and unceremoniously shoved my cock deep into her pussy. She squealed, pretending surprise. After allowing me a few pumps she stood with a single pair of shoes and walked to her suitcase.

I followed. When she bent over I entered her again. She responded. “My Goodness! Is this at all proper?” I slapped her ass and began pumping madly. She pushed back and went to the dresser and knelt to open the bottom drawer. She pulled out what seemed to be swim suit parts.

I followed and allowed my cock to slap her cheek when I got close. She turned, starting to say, “Why Sir, I…” and was cut off when she swallowed my cock and closed her lips around it and began to suck.

This continued for a good fifteen minutes. A different kind of edging, and I kind of liked it. But time was short and we needed to get going. I finally grabbed her, forced her face down on the bed and drove into her.

I fucked her hard and fast until I lost control o my orgasm and let it fill her up. She squealed in delight. When I pulled out she went into the bathroom. But was out in a matter of second.

“That was quick.” I announced. She just nodded and began getting dressed in jeans and a T-shirt.

“I’m keeping it for later.” She said. The when she noticed I looked puzzled. “You cum. I put in a Tampon, I’m saving this for later.” I wasn’t sure how to feel about that, but I couldn’t think on it now.

We got out to the car after locking up, Josh got into the back seat and pulled out his game console. Then, with an audible sniffing noise, he said. “Jeez you guy! You couldn’t wait?” Sue and I laughed.

Four and a half hours and one stop at In-N-Out later, we arrived that Hilton in San Diego to check in and get our rooms for the weekend. After dumping out luggage, we left the hotel and walked to the Convention center to register our Badges for the weekend.

The line was long, and some people were already strutting around in costume. Josh wash chatting with people as they passed us, taking pictures with his phone and seemed content to wait. After we’d been waiting a while, Sue stepped close and said;

“I think you’ll like my Costume.” and she winked.

Standing that close, I was able to get a whiff of her. She certainly smelled like Sex. But as nobody there knew who we were, they could all think what they liked if they caught her aroma.

It took three hours in line and forty minutes at the tables to register us all. By the time we finished, it was well past lunch time. So I suggested an early dinner.

We ate at a popular steakhouse between the center and the hotel. We talked, over dinner about our weekend agenda and hotel assignments. Josh agreed that he preferred his own room. However he cautioned us not to overdue things and miss events.

I was suspicious of his motives, but decided not to get into that conversation. When we’d finished and got back to the hotel, I stopped at the desk and put in a seven a.m. wake up for all of us. The Convention opened at nine a.m.

Morning wake up came all too soon. Sue grabbed her bag and locked herself in the bathroom for almost an hour. Me? I don’t really like dressing up and building complex costumes, so I went with a simple multi-purpose costume.

All Black Suit, White Kent Dress shirt, plain Black tie, Black Oxford loafers and a pair of dark Ray Ban’s. With a choice of many toy guns to stuff in my eryaman escort inside pockets, I could be a Man in Black, or Agent Smith if I decided to change up on the fly.

When Sue came out of the bathroom, I gaped at her. I probably drooled too, but we won’t go there. She was dressed in the Princess Leia Slave Bikini from Return of the Jedi. I was ready to strip and take her right there and then.

Now, I already mentioned that she was pretty toned. But the way the bra portion accentuated her breasts, and the loin cloth framed by her toned thighs on each side, and the colors, pulling your eye to her midriff, I swear I felt my cock start to harden just looking at her.

“Pick your tongue up off the floor Agent S.” she said as she patted my cheek and walked toward the door.

“Agent S?” I questioned. “But my name starts with a D?” I complained.

“S for Sex Fiend.” she answered with a giggle. I slapped her naked thigh and we left the room.

Josh met us in the hall, again, he was dressed in the short sailor suit with striped leggings. “Do you wear that to ALL the conventions? I asked.

Josh just laughed and headed toward the elevator. Not wanting to get all sweaty this time. We waited in the lobby for the shuttle bus that went to the Convention Center. I got to see a portion of the convention goers and Cosplayers staying at our hotel.

The shuttle bus was standing room only when we got on. All manner of people in all manner of costume. Iron Man was gracious enough to stand and let Sue sit. “Leave it to a guy in Armor to pull off the chivalry play.” I thought.

The day passed in a blur. None of us entered any contests, but we were approached quite often. We all had people ask to take picture with us. I had more than my share of Matrix cosplayers who wanted a group picture.

There was a very attractive Agent L who was being escorted by a Ballchinian that got their photo with me. I even got a couple of Ghostbusters to have me pose as a Mortician for them. A fun time was had by all.

That night, back in the room Sue asked me about my time with Josh and the things we did. She wanted to know how I was talked into that kind of sex and what it felt like. I told her I wouldn’t have been swayed if it was just some guy. But Josh was family and I couldn’t find a good reason to refuse him.

Using my past phobia as an excuse would have been wrong. So I agreed, under certain conditions. It eventually began feeling good to me and if I enjoy something I will go back for more. I knew I enjoyed performing anal, but Josh helped me realize I enjoyed receiving it as well.

“I had a long talk with him too.” Sue admitted. “We discussed his side of his tryst with you.” Her smile was a bit conspiratorial when she continued. “I remembered you’d asked me about anal way back. So I asked Josh to show me.”

“So how was it?” I inquired. “You must have at least not been turned off by it, or you wouldn’t have said you were ready for me.”

Sue dropped down on the bed and sighed. “At first he was a bit weirded out.” she became somewhat pensive then. “Though, it didn’t take MUCH convincing at all.” Then she sat bolt upright at stared at me. “That little shit wanted me before I even asked!”

I couldn’t hold back my laughter. I began laughing uncontrollably. I felt Sue pounding on my back yelling at me to stop laughing. I finally caught my breath and looked up at her.

“Yeah. Makes sense.” I said. “It isn’t a surprise that a son would have feelings for his mother.” She glared at me suspiciously. “Not a chance!” I shot back. “You got me first and that was that.” She was about to ask if I’d been with our Mother.

Truth is, I’d tried once. While sleeping in bed with her, I tried fingering her pussy. She just slapped my hand away and told me never to try that again.

“Hey! I hare an idea.” Sue chimed in, breaking my reverie. “Wanna double team Josh?” she asked with a predatory grin on her face.

I thought for a moment, then answered. “Sure…Why not.”

Sue called Josh’s room and asked him to come over. She had something to discuss with him. He arrived several minutes later. In that time, I closed myself in the bathroom, and Sue got naked and was lounging on the king size bed.

When he knocked, Sue sauntered over and opened it. Standing behind it so no one walking by in the hall could see her naked. When he came in, she put the ‘DO NOT DISTURB’ sign out and privacy locked the door.

“STRIP!” I heard her command through the bathroom door. I heard her settle on the bed, and Josh walk over.

“The hell is that?” I heard him ask. “You on the rag now?”

I guessed, she’d laid on the bed legs spread and he saw the string of the tampon she’d been wearing since early morning. “Nope.” she chuckled. “Come on over and pull it out.” she commanded.

Josh extracted the tampon and immediate let out a disgusted sound. “Eww! What is that?” he asked.

“It’s your Uncle’s cum.” she informed him bluntly. “He gave it to me this morning. So I saved some for etlik escort you.” she let out a low chuckle. “You’ve had some before, give it a try?”

I can only imagine that he was shaking his head or making some other negative gestures, because Sue followed up with. “Well, you can’t play with Mommy unless you help her clean up first.”

“GREAT!” Josh responded. “More FUCKING Chores!” I heard the bed squeak. A minute or so later, I assumed he’d sucked the tampon to Sue’s satisfaction. She then ordered.

“Now clean it all out of Mommy’s Pussy.” Then she sighed as his face met her crotch. “Good Boy.”

Completely naked now, I opened the bathroom door and quietly walked out into he room. Josh was face down on the bed, is head between her thighs and making slurping noises as I assumed his tongue was digging my cum out of Sue.

When Sue saw me, she made a circle with her thumb and forefinger and opened her mouth and began mimicking a blowjob. I shook my head no, then made my own circle and jabbed a finger through it, then pointed to Josh.

“That’s enough baby boy.” she said ruffling Josh’s hair. “Come give Mommy the manhood she gave you at birth.” Josh got up, knelt between her legs and tried to lift them high. Sue stopped him.

“Not tonight. I want you to replace the Cum your Uncle gave me.” Josh immediately perked up. Then planted his cock between the folds of her pussy lips and sunk in as deep as he could.

I harrumphed and Josh stiffened. I think his cock may have even throbbed in her, because Sue squeaked when he did.

I walked over, stroking my cock, and letting them see the KY bottle in my other hand. I dropped it next to the bed and climbed up behind Josh. “Hey There.” I said. “Can anyone join this party?” Josh blanched, then looked at his Mother.

“Sorry sweetie.” sue said. Rubbing Josh’s temples and running her fingers through his hair. “I really want to see your Uncle fuck someone in the ass, before I have him do me.” Then she scooted her hips forward, taking him in deeper and sighing.

“Seeing my favorite son, enjoy his Uncle’s delicious cock is just a bonus.” she giggled like a school girl. Then kissed his nose.

I climbed up between Josh’s legs and spread them further with mine. I placed a hand on his back and pushed forward. His face planted between Sue’s beasts and he gasped. Then I move in and place the head of cock against his sphincter until it popped inside. I heard another short gasp.

Addressing Sue now I said, “You know, when I start fucking him deep, it’s gonna drive him deeper into you with each thrust.” I aid and saw her smile widen. “Yup, Chain Reaction.” I finished.

When Sue nodded, I took that as a sign to continue. I pressed forward slowly, driving my cock deep into Josh’s anus. Josh began moaning. As I sunk deeper and deeper his moan got louder. Then I bottomed out and fell against his back.

“Hard and fast or soft and slow?” I whispered in his ear. I reached over and pinched one of Sue’s hard little nipples. Josh bucked his hips up at me pushing himself deep and mumbled hard from his place against Sue’s chest.

I sat back straight and grabbed Josh’s hips. I slowly pulled back then set myself to drive into him hard and fast. I added a little bounce to my motion as I pushed in again, building momentum with each thrust.

“Oh wow!” Sue exclaimed as she both saw me fucking Josh and felt his member moving inside of her at the same time. “This is a weird feeling. I’m loving it.”

I was getting close to my limit and thought I might just cum, but I pulled out of Josh suddenly and croaked “Roll over. Both of you together.” I got a questioning look from Josh, who seemed disappointed suddenly. But Sue grabbed him and rolled with him.

Josh now on his back and Sue face down on him I grinned. As I squirted another large glob of KY onto my hand and began massaging my extremely hard, red hot and throbbing cock. I said to Sue. “Now I’m going to plant my shaft in YOUR ass, Little Sister.”

The sudden shock on her face turned to excitement as she wiggled her hips. She’d obviously forgotten Josh was still inside her pussy, because that motion elicited a deep moan from them both.

I positioned myself to thrust my cock into Sue’s anus. Her hole was already gaping and I could see inside. So I planted the tip and shoved.

“EeeeeeOW!” She barked as my shaft sunk in and traveled up her channel. I could feel Josh’s shaft inside of her. He was moaning as he felt it as well. “Slower Dave!” Sue demanded. SO I stopped half way and patted her rump.

“I can feel you both” she huffed breathlessly. “It’s incredible.”

I gave her another minute to adjust, then finished my thrust forward and into her depths until my balls slapped Josh’s. He moaned and bucked his hips. I thought I felt his cock throb. Sue did too, because she gasped.

I began slow rhythmic thrusts in and out. I could feel a tightening in my gut and knew it wouldn’t be long before I burst. This was a first for me too. I’d seen this in porn but never tried it. The sensation was intense.

Without any warning, Josh grunted and through gritted teeth he croaked, “I’m fucking cumming!” No sooner had he gotten that out did I feel a flood of cum inside Sue. It pulsed in her and squeezed back out, and then hot slick semen was dripping all over m balls.

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