
Wild Party.


Wild Party.
It had been a night to remember.The house was full of young people enjoying themselves ,but the enjoyment soon got out of control when too much alcohol was consumed, By morning the house was a mess,the police were called and twelve had been arrested,so far. Jason,Sandra and Orla were three of those now in serious trouble;they were given the choice of having the full force of the law weighed upon them or accepting a visit to the Monastery of Repentance. They talked among themselves and decided to take the latter option;while they knew some pain would be involved,it would be over soon and a lot better than a court appearance.
( Sandra,Jason and Orla.Photo taken the night of the party. Two days later their spankings were administered.)

So it was that on a very cold Thursday morning at 10am Jason,Sandra and Orla found themselves sitting on a long church pew outside a room waiting to be called in to see the Abbot of the Monastery .
“I heard they beat your ass with a stick,” Orla whispered.
“They probably will fuck you up your ass ,you sexy girl,” Jason joked.
“No,serious,I know someone who said she was slapped on her bum by one of the nuns with a thick ruler,” Sandra interjected.
“I heard that too,what if it really fuckin’ hurts,” Orla said ,concerned.
“Then beg them to stop,tell them you bruise easily and your going out Saturday night,” Jason laughed.
“They’re gonna slap you too ,Jason, what do you think of that?” Sandra said.
” They can slap all they like,it will make me horny as fuck,” Jason laughed out load a nun standing nearby hushed him with a stern look.
All three sank into the pew as if trying not to be noticed..

About fifteen minutes had passed when the door of the room opened and woman aged about thirty came out,she was rubbing her bum and looked at Sandra,Jason and Orla,she had been crying,she managed a smile and said. “Whoever is first is to go in.” She walked down the corridor rubbing her bottom.
The three looked at each other. Orla was nearest to the door,Jason shoved her, “Go on,you first,get it over with,” he said laughing.
Orla stood up.
“Remember tell him you bruise easily”,Jason said.
“Fuck you,” Orla retorted,
“Yes Please,” Jason quipped.
“Fuck,leave her alone;everything will be okay,Orla,take no notice of him,” Sandra sad soothingly.
Orla walked slowly towards the door,took one more look back at her friends and stepped inside the room.

“Close the door,girl,” the Abbot said,and come over here”.
Orla closed the door and walked over to where the Abbot was sitting. She had never been this close to a monk before and first thing to enter her dirty little mind was,’ what does he were under his habit,bet he wears nothing’,
The Abbot was sitting on an ornate,straight backed chair. He was wear a long black woolen habit with a thick,long black strap around his waist,he wore a scapular and cowl. On his feet he wore thick woolen socks and sandals. Orla couldn’t help but stare,what was going to happen,what was he going to do to her?,she wondered.
“Now,my girl,you and your friends outside have been sent here to receive punishment for performing some grievous acts of wanton destruction and flagrantly breaking any moral code;you stand before me convicted of moral perversion and for that I will severely chastise you and help you to mend your ways”, the Abbot said.
All what he had said went over Orla’s head,she was just concerned with what he was going to do to her.There was silence,Orla felt uneasy. The Abbot had closed his yes and was muttering to himself.
“I will place you over my knee and begin correcting you by spanking you,making your body atone for your wicked,errant ways;come closer Orla,” the Abbot said. Orla could swear she heard a hint of excitement in his voice.
“I bruise easily,” she blurted out without thinking.
“Indeed,well you will learn a valuable lesson,my naughty girl”,the Abbot said,clearly getting impatient.
Orla walked over and stood at the right hand side of him. He gently pulled her over his lap and before she had time to prepare herslf he landed the first hard slap. She yelped. Another slap,it was harder than the first. Again and again his hand came down;he was taking his time,the slaps were measured and hard.Orla began to cry out and then came the tears as her bottom began to react to the hard,measured slaps. Oral felt her bottom was on fire,it stung a lot and she tried to move to prevent the Abbot from hitting her in the same place,but to no avail,the Abbot held her down and exacted each slap with great excitement. Orla lost count how many times he hit her ,but she was in great pain,she could feel her legs kicking and was temporarily blinded because of all the tears welling up in her eyes.The Abbot’s hand came down again ,unabated . Orla screamed,the agony she was in she had never felt before,a brief image of Jason and Sandra sitting outside came into her mind;could they hear her torture? She wanted this to stop,she was really in pain and could hear herself begging the Abbot to stop;she began to struggle violently,but the Abbot had her where he wanted and his hand came down again and again. Finally the Abbot stopped,much to Orla’s great relief.He told her she could go and to send in Jason. Orla left the room crying uncontrollbley.

Outside Jason and Sandra hugged her ,but Orla was in so much pain she was jumping around. A nun came up and before Jason or Sandra could do anything Orla was dragged away by the nun. Jason was next to go in and once over the Abbot’s knee soon quivered under a hard spanking and lost all his bravado. Jason endured the extra torment of 10 strokes of the strap for calling the Abbot a pervert.Once his punishment had been administered he was taken to a private room by a monk; his fate can only be guessed at,but word was that he suffered more and his bare bottom was covered in great,red welts. Sandra had just as bad an experience over the Abbot’s knee. She was heard screaming down the corridor and after her just spanking was taken away by a nun to a private room to receive a private flogging at the behest of the Abbot. The three naughty party goers were indeed made to repent for their action.

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