
Get Down, Make Love


I want to kiss you for hours. Soft, wet, open-mouthed, sighing kisses. Feeding on your mouth, offering you mine in return. I want to kiss you until I can’t breathe. Until I’m sighing and gasping, but you don’t let me get ahead of myself. I want my lips to tingle with the taste of you, my breath to be filled with the smell of you, to live for those moments when you are my world.

I want to feel every inch of your body with my hands. To lose them in your hair, to catch myself on your broad shoulders, to wrap my hands around your arms, to slide my fingertips under your chin, to hold your mouth as we kiss, to slip my nails lightly across your chest, to trail my fingers down your stomach to your waistband, where you catch my hands gently in yours. Calming me. Slowing me down.

You release my hands to push my hair out of my face, stroking the long strands behind my ears, looking into my eyes as they see nothing but you. Caressing my forehead, my eyelids, my cheeks, my lips as I breathe you in. Then, your hands move across my shoulders, down to cup my breasts as I press up toward you, slipping down around my waist to pull me against you, but not hard enough to allow me to come… yet…

Finally, we realize that we won’t be happy until we’re naked. The hair on your chest tormenting me. Your thighs tight against mine, though you still don’t let me come. You know it would only take me moments to get myself off on you, to work myself shrinking izle all over you until I’m screaming. But you also know how to make me wait – and that it will only get better. Sweeter.

I want to rub my face on you, absorbing your taste, your smell, -you- through my skin. mouth open, sliding across your chin, licking and nibbling at your ears, you can hear me breathe, teeth skimming open over your neck, light enough to almost tickle, but driving you to want more just the same. As I move further down, you know that I want you in my mouth. I always want you in my mouth. But you’ve got another plan for me for now.

Your hand is gentle under my chin as you raise my face to look at you. Rolling me over, I sigh as you allow me nothing but respite. Your hands are as soft and unsatisfying as mine as you stroke my face, my neck that arches back for you, my sides, down to cup my sex, wet and heavy for you as ever, like a ripe peach. I’m breathing heavier, begging with every movement for you to take me, make me yours, but you’re still waiting. I’m still waiting. Back and forth your fingers slide through my wetness, tempting, pleasing, arousing, but never quite satisfying. When I think I can take no more, you pull back and do nothing but watch. Watch me writhe, watch me beg, watch me breathe, watch me watching you.

I want to sit up, taking you in my mouth, returning your teasing favors. On my own right sihirli annem izle now, I’d want nothing more than to swallow you whole, and I pray that someday I can. But not tonight. I wrap my tongue around the head, licking at your sweet gift for me. I lift your balls with my tongue, pushing, licking, but not feeding. Not yet. This is not about how fast, or how hard, or how much, or how long. This is something else entirely tonight.

Moving back up, you lean back, allowing me to cover you. I’m so hot and wet at this point that you feel me when I’m still inches above you. Our lips meet again. Tasting, sliding, wet and soft, open and hot. As open and hot, wet and soft as my sex as we move together, not penetrating, just teasing, drawing it out. I’ve never been this wet, this hot, this open. This open.

Finally, with a subtle twist of my hips, you are no longer sliding back and forth, but resting in my opening. Not inside me. Not yet. Not until I shift my weight up on to my knees. Circling my hips to slide you ever so slowly deeper. Ever so slowly further into me, until there’s not the space of a thought between us. Until we share one breath, one thought, one heartbeat. A heartbeat that I can feel as I pause to enjoy the thought of you.

But, as much effort as you’ve put into calming me, into gentling me, into seeing that I can survive this, it’s just so much. I slide back, almost letting you sizi dinliyorum izle slip out, only to rock back on to you. And I lose it. Every sense of control and decorum and pride that I’ve ever had, I lose in that moment. I am nothing but what you make me feel. You make me wild. Though I’m perfectly still above you, I’m trembling inside. I’m so close that I’m frightened. How do you do this to me? How do you take me so far? And do you promise to be there when I come back?

One hand slides up to the small of my back, pushing me onto you, against you, but denying me movement while the other slides up to cup the back of my neck, holding my mouth over yours as we kiss. Again with these soft, slow, open-mouthed kisses that break me open inside. Still not moving, I come. You can feel it inside me, though the rest of my body is still. I can’t take it any more, crying into your open mouth, the taste of my tears somehow as welcome to you as the taste of my cum.

I want to gather my wits enough to give you what you’ve given me. Slowly and deliberately, working myself up and down you. Pushing slowly yet promisingly against you. Until you can’t not push back. As rich and full and slow as honey, back and forth. As your hands reach for my hips, guiding me in pleasuring you, I lean down to take your mouth again. My hands tangle in your hair, holding your mouth still under mine, swallowing your breath and soft sighs as you get closer. And closer. Until you’re the one holding me still again as I feel you coming into me. Hot, and wet, and hard, and oh so… Feeling you fill me.

Bones melted, needs met, hunger sated, we sag against each other, grateful, drained, and safe from the world.

I want to make love with you tonight.

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