
Satellite Installation 1 by loyalsock


Satellite Installation 1 by loyalsockMickey looked at the job card in his hand. “So, it’s a two room set up yes? Which rooms exactly?”The middle-aged lady nodded. “The lounge, just through there,” she answered, pointing to the door across the hallway “and in my daughter’s room, upstairs, first room on the right. I need to get to work but Amy is in her room and if you need anything just shout her. Do you need anything more from me?”Mickey shook his head. “No, should be fine. Seems like a nice easy job to start the week” he smiled. He picked up his tool case and walked to the lounge. “By the time you get home, you’ll have your great satellite TV up and running. Maybe even treat yourself to a nice bottle of wine and a movie tonight Mrs Renshaw.””Great” she replied, smiling. “I’ve been meaning to get satellite for ages. Probably won’t see much of Amy once she has it in her room but that might be a good thing!” She picked up her bag and keys and headed to the door. “Bye then.”Mickey nodded, waited until she had left then went into the lounge. He was in a good mood. This would be a simple install and he didn’t have another appointment until nearly lunchtime so he’d have time to stop off at the nearby shopping centre and have a browse at the new sports shop. He started to unpack the equipment, laying out everything he needed in the methodical fashion he followed for such jobs. His mind wandered to the sports shop. His girlfriend hated the fact he was sports mad and she seemed determined to curtail his passion for football. Maybe a new team shirt would be a devious thing to buy, he grinned to himself. He was 28, and had played football for over twenty years. Not professionally, or indeed even to a high amateur status, but he loved playing for his local team; the training, the games, the team spirit. Becky wasn’t so keen though. He sighed, knowing in his heart that engagement probably wasn’t that far off, marriage thereafter…god, even k**s perhaps. He could see his football time diminishing before his eyes.They had been together five years now. It had been fun, no question. But it was getting serious now. He sighed again; maybe this was just how things went. “Oh well, on with the job” he muttered to himself. The door behind him opened and he turned to see a young girl smiling at him.”Hey there” she said.”Oh, hi,” he replied, smiling out of politeness and also at the attractiveness of the girl. She was about 5’5″ with long, auburn hair that fell over her shoulders. She was wearing jeans and a white tank top that showed off her slender bare arms. “You must be…ummm…Amy yeh?” he asked. She nodded. “So, you are getting satellite in your room huh? Lucky girl.”Amy grinned. “Yeh, been begging for it for, like, ages” she giggled.Mickey smiled. “Well, I need to go outside now and put up the dish, then I’ll do this room and then yours. Within an hour you’ll have all the channels you’ll ever need.” “Awesome,” she replied, beaming a smile. “I’ll be upstairs if you need anything.”Mickey nodded. Amy grinned, she bit her lip subtly, flashed him a smile then turned and left the room. He couldn’t help but stare at her tight, firm bum, his mind instantly recalling that Becky used to have a bum like that. It was only then he saw the mirror on the other side of the hall and that Amy was grinning at his reflection. He blinked, realised he’d been caught, then quickly turned away to pick up his equipment bag, feeling sheepish and embarrassed. It took him half an hour to connect the dish to the side of the house. The cabling went without a problem and within another fifteen minutes he’d set up the box in the lounge, tested it and satisfied himself all was working. He prided himself on his professionalism, and was pleased how neat the job was. He gathered his bag and started up the stairs. He wondered if the pretty girl would stay in the room while he connected it, and couldn’t help smile at the prospect. Perk of the job he surmised.He reached the landing, and stepped towards the first door on the right. It was closed, but he could hear music playing. His hands were full with his kit bag and the box for the room, so he pressed against the door, balanced the box on his knee and tapped the door. There was no response so he pushed down the handle and with his foot pushed the door open. “Hey there, it’s me” he announced loudly, shifting to get the box back properly into his hands before stepping forward. As he looked up, his eyes widened and he felt his jaw drop in shock.Amy had turned to face him, her hands covering her naked breasts. Mickey blinked. He saw the white tank top on the floor by his feet. Amy was a few metres beyond him, at the edge of her bed.”Oh god, sorry” she exclaimed “I…I didn’t hear you knock.””I…I did” he protested, feeling his cheeks redden. “I…I didn’t realise you were…you were…” he nodded towards her.She grinned. “Didn’t realise I was getting changed?” she finished his sentence. avcilar escort She giggled. “Bad timing huh?”Mickey nodded. He realised he was staring at her chest. Her breasts were small enough that her hands covered them, but it was clear they were firm and round. As he lowered his eyes, he took in her slim figure; her just visible rib cage, her tight midriff. He was just thankful she had her jeans on.”I…I’m really sorry” he mumbled, shuffling his feet. “I’ll give you a minute.” He looked back at her and tried to compose himself. “I should have shouted or something” he added, forcing a smile to try and diffuse this very uncomfortable situation. He turned to leave the room, but in his hurry felt the box slipping from his grasp. He cursed as he lost his hold on it, clumsily tried to rescue it but proceeded in juggling it with one hand. He let his bag drop and then used his now free left hand to try and hold the box, but fumbled it and then found himself on his knees preventing the expensive box from crashing to the ground. Amy laughed. “Whoa…you ok there?” she giggled. Mickey looked up at her from his knees, feeling his cheeks flush. “I…yes, yes I’m fine” he stuttered, astonished at how this situation was turning him into a fumbling, mumbling idiot. “I really shouldn’t, ummm…try to carry so much,” he added, in a tone that to his own ears sounded slightly pathetic.Amy giggled again. “I’m sorry, you probably weren’t expecting me to half undressed huh?” Mickey looked at her. “Well, no, I certainly wasn’t.”She grinned. “You must see all sorts, being in and out of people’s houses though, huh?”Mickey shrugged. “Well, I guess, but never young girls without…ummm…you know…no top on.” He knew he must be blushing bright red.Amy bit her lip. “Oh…just desperate housewives then?” she giggled. Mickey found himself chuckle. He realised he was shocked not just by the fact she was topless, albeit still covering herself with her hands, but that she seemed totally unfazed by the situation.”Well, to be honest, not really” he replied.Amy frowned. “Really? I’d have thought bored housewives would love having a fit bloke like you in their house,” she said, matter-of-factly. Mickey grinned. “Fit bloke? That’s…ummm…very kind of you.” He was shocked by her confidence. He realised he was still on his knees, so he started to raise himself up, holding the box in both hands. He smiled; after all, it was good to think that a teen girl still thought he was attractive. He wondered how he could subtly let Becky know he’d been complimented as such. He rose to his full height, feeling himself start to relax. Amy was clearly unruffled by the situation, so why should he be? It had been an honest mistake, barging into her room. He would now just gather his things, wait until she was dressed then get on with the job, maybe banking the picture of Amy in his mind for a ‘quiet’ moment later, and of course be satisfied that he was regarded as ‘fit.’ He could feel his heart thumping, and a strange nervous twinge in his stomach, but he took a breath as he started to relax. What happened next shocked him to the core though.Amy stretched out her arms, uncovering her firm 34B breasts. “Want me to take that box, save you from dropping it again?” she said.Mickey’s jaw dropped again. He couldn’t help but stare at her naked breasts. “I…ummm…you…I mean…fuck…” was all he could mutter. Amy grinned, her arms still outstretched.Mickey shuffled his feet, hearing nothing but his heartbeat thumping. “Dont…dont you want…I mean, shouldn’t you…you know…c…cover yourself up?” he mumbled, averting his gaze.”Oh, sorry,” she replied, giggling. “Am I making you uncomfortable?” Mickey raised his eyes, concentrating hard on looking at her face, and her face only.”Well…just…a little” he replied, fully aware he was feeling very uncomfortable. “Aren’t…you?” he asked, honestly shocked at how brazen she was being. Amy shrugged “ummm…not really. You’ve seen a pair of tits before haven’t you?”Mickey gulped. “Well, of course, but not…you know…like…certainly not a…a young girl like you. Well, not since I was your age anyway.”She laughed. “You haven’t seen a pair of tits since you were 18?” she quizzed.Mickey blinked. “No, that’s not what I meant” he retorted. “I mean, I’ve seen ti…boo…breasts” he stuttered. “My girlfriends,” he added meekly.Amy giggled again. “You’re not married then?”Mickey shook his head. She seemed so cool, so confident. She still had her arms outstretched. Again, he found his gaze was on her breasts. He blinked again. Then inhaled sharply as Amy took a step forward and gently took the box from his hands. She held it at her midriff; her breasts still in plain view, less than a metre in front of him. “How old are you?” she asked.Mickey took a deep breath, trying to regain his composure. “What? Oh, I’m 28,” he replied.Amy nodded. “And your girlfriend? How old is she?”Mickey şirinevler escort swallowed, though his mouth was bone dry. “Umm..she’s 29. Why do you ask?”Amy shrugged. “Has she got nice tits?”Mickey frowned. “Well, I..I guess.” Amy furled her brow, looking at him inquisitively. “You guess?” she quizzed. “She either has or hasn’t.”Mickey shook his head “OK, well, yes, she has great…ummmm…””Tits,” Amy completed his sentence, emphasising the word. “Are they big?”Mickey blinked again. His mind reeled. Was she really asking him about Becky’s tits? He answered her honestly. “Well, yes, they are pretty big. Why, why do you ask?”Amy shrugged again “No reason.” She frowned. “I think mine are a bit small, don’t you think?”Mickey looked at her. She had a genuine expression on her face. He looked at her breasts. They were firm, with small aureolas and pert nipples. He felt himself inhale, then realised his cock was beginning to harden. He swallowed again.”I…well…no…not really…they look…ummmm fine.” Amy frowned. “I mean, amazing…really, they look amazing.” He took another deep breath.Amy smiled, “awww thanks” she said cheerily, then turned and put the box down on her bed.Mickey found himself looking at her pert bum as she bent over and he shifted uncomfortably as he felt his cock continue to stiffen. “How big are your girlfriends?” she continued, straightening up and turning back to face him. “What size are they?” She had such a genuinely inquisitive expression he couldn’t help but answer honestly.”Ummm, 36C” he answered, averting his gaze again.”Big” she said “You like big tits then?”Mickey felt his stomach tingle nervously at her questions. “Well…I suppose so” he answered “but…” he ran his hand through his hair, “look, I really need to get on with this job so…”Amy looked at him, she bit her lip “So?”Mickey cleared his throat. “So, maybe you should…you know…cover up and I’ll get on with installing your satellite box.”Amy looked at him. Her eyes narrowed. “I was actually getting changed” she said. Her hands moved to the top button of her jeans. Mickey felt everything go into slow motion, and before he could protest, she undid the button.”W…what are you doing?” he stuttered.Amy stared straight at him as her hands undid the remaining two buttons. “I’m getting on with getting changed” she grinned, before sliding the jeans down off her hips.Mickey gasped. His eyes widened as he watched her pull her jeans down, revealing her slender hips, firm, slender thighs then, to his further shock as he realised she wasn’t wearing panties and failed to avert his gaze, her perfectly smooth mound. He felt his cock instantly harden. In a fluid movement, she bent down and pulled her jeans off, stepping aside and straightening to stand fully naked in front of him.Mickey couldn’t believe what he was seeing. “Oh fuck” was all he could mutter. Her body was amazing. She was so slim; almost skinny. His eyes took in her lightly tanned, tight skin and the perfect gap at the top of her thighs. He shifted his stance. “Ummm…I…really…work…to do” he mumbled, rooted to the spot.Amy grinned, and took the two short steps to stand directly in front of him. Her hands suddenly reached out and she placed them on his belt.”W…what are you doing?” he stammered, feeling his body tensing. She ignored him, and he felt her unbuckling his belt. “Look…I…I’ve got a girlfriend” he protested, willing himself to take a step backwards. “So you’ve said,” she grinned, her hands quickly unbuckling the belt and moving to his top button of his trousers. “With massive tits,” she added.Mickey groaned. He wiped his hand across his dry lips and shuffled backwards. Amy frowned. “Oh, is that it? Are my tits not big enough for you?”Mickey shook his head. “God no” he blurted out. “I mean, no…listen…fuck…you…you are…seriously…well…wow.” He winced, realising he probably sounded very lame. “It’s just…this..well, this is very…ummm…inappropriate.” Lame. “You…you’re 18…and…I’m…well, ten years older than you…and…you…your mum is my customer…and I’ve got a girlfriend.”Amy just grinned at him as he rambled. “Am I making you really uncomfortable?” she asked.Mickey nodded.She shuffled forwards and her hands quickly undid his trouser button before slipping down to the zip. “Am I making you…ummm…hard?” she continued, her voice a whisper.Mickey gulped. He was fully erect, which she instantly discovered as he felt his zip fully open and her little hand press against the bulge in his boxer shorts. “Oooooh, I am making you hard,” she giggled.Mickey closed his eyes. This was unbelievable. He couldn’t believe the situation he was in. He’d been doing this job for five years and never come close to anything like this. In his personal life, he’d never come close to a situation like this. He pictured Becky. That would bring him to his senses. He pictured her face, feeling taksim escort it would give him the strength to take control, break away from this brazen young girl, politely and maturely sort it out. But the picture of Becky was of her scowling face, the one that went with her demands for him to give up his football, the moaning voice that instructed him not to spend so much time with footy mates.He gasped as he felt Amy tugging down his boxers shorts, feeling his erect cock springing free. He heard her little giggle as her hand grasped his cock and he heard his own groan as she gently started to stroke it. He opened his eyes and looked down. His cock wasn’t huge, maybe six inches fully erect and about an inch and a half in diameter, but it looked big in Amy’s little hand.”This…shouldn’t be happening” he said, trying to convince himself to pull himself away.Amy grinned, then to his further surprise, squatted down. “So tell me to stop,” she smiled, looking up at him as he watched his cock being pulled into her open mouth. He groaned as he felt her lips clasp around his shaft. He inhaled sharply as her hand pulled his foreskin back and he felt her tongue flick against his cock head. “Ohhhhh fuckkkkkkk” he exclaimed, knowing he couldn’t tell her to stop.She started to slowly bob her head, her warm mouth gradually engulfing his cock. He realised he was tense; his stomach was churning. She kept moving her mouth up and down his shaft, her hand firmly gripping the base of his cock and tugging gently, her tongue pressed against his head. She started to suck and he involuntarily let out a low moan as the sensation and realisation of the blowjob took over him. He pictured Becky again, that scowling face when he begged her for a blowjob and she refused; the look of disgust on her face on the odd occasion she did treat him and he came in her mouth. He realised he was rocking his hips and he looked down to see that most of his cock was inside Amy’s mouth. It felt amazing, and he moaned again “ohhh fuck that’s awesome” he gasped, and he saw a small smile curl on the edge of her lips. He looked away from her, conscious that the vision of this teen girl was so incredible it might take him over the edge. His gaze fell on the full length mirror at the side of her room, and he found himself staring at the reflection of Amy squatted in front of him, hand wanking his cock in her mouth, auburn hair falling over her slender shoulders, those beautiful firm tits, tight stomach, those firm slim legs. Her body was amazing, so firm, so tight, so young. He heard her gag as she took too much of him in her mouth, feeling his cock head touch the back of her throat. He realised he was rocking his hips more vigourously. Her hand was gripping tighter, wanking him rapidly, her head bobbing in time, her cheeks contracting as she sucked him.”Ohhhh shit,” he gasped as he took it all in. ‘Don’t think about it’ he told himself, but still he stared at the mirror. “Oh fuck that’s amazing” he groaned. Amy’s free hand suddenly clasped his ball sac. He gasped, and as he looked down her eyes met his, sparkling with what he read as naughtiness…that little smile on her lips. Suddenly, he realised he was about to climax. He groaned, knowing he should pull free, but her mouth was locked on his cock. His brain was scrambled. She’d surely be unimpressed at him cumming so quickly. She was naked…he realised she probably wanted more…she maybe wanted him to fuck her! That thought sent a shockwave through him…oh my god…she wants me to fuck her. ‘This little eighteen year old babe wants me to fuck her’ he thought. ‘And shit…I’m going to cum now.’Mickey felt his body tense “Shiiit…” he gasped “I…I’m going to cum!” He tried to pull himself free but Amy had a firm grip with her hand and mouth. He looked down at her, and she looked straight back up at him. “Seriously,” he panted, “oh fuck…I’m going to cum.” He felt himself tighten.Amy kept her mouth over his cock for a moment longer, then just as he arched his back and released a guttural groan, she pull her head back, freeing his cock from her mouth. Her hand continued to tug on his shaft as Mickey groaned “fuuuuucccckkkkk” and a spurt of cum streaked over her face, a thin rope of sticky cum running from her forehead down over the bridge of her nose and across her lips. He shuddered again and another spurt landed on the top of her head and across her right eye, then another on her cheek. She moved closer and the final spurts of his orgasm landed on her chin and the top of her chest between her tits.Mickey was panting furiously as she squeezed the final drops out, his cum dripping onto her thighs. “Wow…that was a lot” she giggled, before taking his cock back into her mouth to lick it clean. Mickey felt like his head was going to explode. He hadn’t cum that hard in ages, and Becky most certainly would not have let him spurt over her face. He took a step backwards, feeling his legs shaking as he looked at Amy, squatted in front of him with his cum in her hair, on her brow, eye, cheek, nose and chin. He could see some glistening on her chest and her thighs. “That…that was incredible” he said, wiping his face with his hand. “Fucking incredible. “

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