
The Princess and the Whore


by BrettJ © 2012

The deal was now firmly in place. For one week out of every year, Princess Jeannette of Moldavia was to be given her freedom. She would be carefully snuck out of the palace and a replacement was to be put in place. During that week, Jeannette could go where she wanted, do what she wanted and have sex – a LOT of sex – with whoever she wanted. The 22-year old had never been happy with the circumstances of an arranged marriage. She balked at the restrictions until her parents reasoned with her. “It will be a marriage in name only,” King Eric had told his youngest daughter. “Your sisters didn’t object.”

“Yes, but they’re boring, stuffy old farts,” Jeannette complained of her sisters, 15 and 10 years her senior, respectively. “You know that Daniel will be able to do whatever he wants and come and go as he pleases. This is the 21st Century. Shouldn’t I be accorded the same rights?”

The royal consort, Queen Meryl, happened to agree with her youngest child. She was American-born and she held with none of her husband’s stuffy, old-world traditions. After all, hadn’t he been allowed to marry someone he loved and only a university coed at the time? “Eric, I have a proposal, let me talk with Jeannette alone and we’ll see if I can’t reason with her,” Meryl smiled. Jeannette knew the minute she saw her mother’s dark eyes sparkle that something was in the offing.

They entered one of the private rooms in the palace which was under heavy guard. “Leave us,” Meryl commanded the two guards. The two young men looked at each other and then looked back at their Queen, unsure of what they should do next.

“But Majesty, his highness said …”

Meryl got that look she got when she was about to get angry with Jeannette for doing something she shouldn’t, like ditching her bodyguards. “Have you forgotten that I am still the Queen? Leave us or shall I report that you disobeyed a direct order?”

The two guards left as quickly as their legs would carry them, leaving the Queen and the Princess alone. Both men had been terrified for their jobs, although Meryl wouldn’t really have gotten them in trouble and was glad that they hadn’t called her bluff. “Mother, I don’t honestly know how you think you can convince me, but I …”

“Would you just be silent for once in your life and listen to someone else?” Meryl snapped, somewhat exasperated with her youngest daughter. Of all her daughters, Jeannette was the most spoiled. It came from being everyone’s favorite for she could be beguiling, cute and funny. She was never condescending to the staff and treated people with kindness. Of all 3 royal children, it was she was loved the most. She was also the one who returned the kindnesses and expressed her gratitude with a smile. Her older siblings expected to be treated like royalty and rarely acknowledged anyone’s efforts on their behalf. Royal snobs, the pair of them. Spoiled or not, Jeannette was always sweet with a kind word for almost anyone she encountered.

“Do you remember your cousin Jeannie?” Meryl asked her daughter. Jeannette smiled and nodded her head. Her cousin had come to Moldavia for a few summers when the girls were much younger. Many had commented then just how much alike they appeared. The reason for that was that the girls’ mothers were identical twins and even their husbands looked a bit alike. Aunt Marla was married to a hot-shot attorney with a lot of money. Her aunt was almost as spoiled as Jeannette herself. “She’d like to come here and get away from New York for a while, my sister says. I think this would be a terrific opportunity for the both of you,” Meryl suggested.

“I’m not following you mother, I’m afraid to say,” Jeannette sighed.

Meryl shook her head; sometimes her youngest daughter could be a bit obtuse. “I’m proposing a switch like in the Mark Twain novel The Prince and the Pauper. We could fly Jeannie here discreetly and for about a week, she could pose as you. I could coach her a bit and she wouldn’t have to do every much. With a bit of hair and makeup, we could pull it off and a slight cold or laryngitis might explain the differences in voice. While that’s happening, you could go to New York and get some partying out of your system. Only a few selected servants would know and I myself would know about the switch, as well as your aunt. We wouldn’t dare tell your father, he’d lock you in the palace until the day of your wedding,” Meryl said to her daughter.

Jeannette thought that her mother had come up with an intriguing idea. “However did this occur to you?” She asked Meryl.

“Your aunt and I used to do this all the time in school,” Meryl laughed. “She hated French and I hated math. To this day, my sister doesn’t speak a word of French and I have to use a calculator for everything but basic arithmetic,” she chuckled to Jeannette.

Jeannette knew she and Jeannie might just be able to pull it off. She explained to her mother that she would go along with it conditionally and go through with their wedding plans for her sake. She did like Daniel. sincan escort He did have his merits and she knew that she had some responsibilities to her homeland.

A month later, she married Daniel. They went on a lavish honeymoon and got intimately acquainted. They got to know each other so well that Jeannette knew she would have to escape many more times than just once a year. Daniel was a very predictable lover. Nothing fancy, nothing kinky. Thank God that no one had expected her to be a virgin in this day and age. Jeannette told her mother that she was already going stir-crazy.

Meryl smiled. “I well remember my early days with your father, so I understand. Why don’t you give Jeannie call and make the arrangements? I’ll handle things on this end.”

The two cousins talked and agreed to a meeting in New York so they could work out their stories. Jeannette wanted her cousin to know about the royal lifestyle while she got the skinny on Jeannie’s life. She remembered her cousin liked to party. She just hoped that she remembered how.

Jeannette was pleasantly surprised to find her cousin’s apartment was both a penthouse and quite lavish. Jeannie’s parents were well-to-do, but nothing of this stature and that was their money, not Jeannie’s. She and her cousin looked so much alike that they could have been twins. There were some differences, some quite noticeable if you know just where to look. Jeannie wore her dark hair down and flowing and her clothes were a bit more provocative. Also, her breasts were a size bigger than her royal cousin’s. The two women hugged and began talking. “How far are we going to take this?” Jeannie asked her cousin as Jeannette sipped a nice glass of Merlot.

“I am not sure what you mean by that,” Jeannette replied to her cousin.

“Presumably, your husband doesn’t know you’re here yet,” Jeannie said. “I assume you sleep with him, so do you want me to pretend to not feel well for a while or do I …?”

“Fuck him if you want, I certainly don’t care,” Jeannette sighed. “Maybe you can get him out of the predictable rut he’s in. I certainly don’t intend to stay celibate while I’m in New York. You won’t mind if I have some fun with some of your friends, will you?”

“Knock yourself out,” Jeannie smiled as she stretched out on a leather soft that likely cost a few thousand dollars. “Since we’re being so candid, I think there’s something that you should know about. You’re probably wondering how I can afford a penthouse apartment, aren’t you? Well, the answer is quite simple. I’ve been working as a call girl for a year or two now. My client list is small and I’m very selective, I generally only sleep with friends or people I’d sleep with for free in the first place. But I make amazing money and don’t have to ask the ‘rents for Dime One.”

“You said people, so you sleep with men and women alike?” Jeannette asked as Jeannie nodded.

“Fuck yes, why should I limit my options?” Jeannie told her. “You’re taking this very well; nothing seems to be freaking you out.”

“Why should it? I know that it’s entirely your own life,” Jeannette smiled. “However, now I know how you afford to party so much and dress the way you do.”

“I rarely pay for a single drink,” Jeannie chuckled. “Of course, you won’t have to do anything like that when you’re here. I’ll put the word out that I’m taking a week or two off.”

“Don’t do that, I came here for an adventure,” Jeannette smiled. “I could really use a good fuck or two and I haven’t been with a girl in … well, a long while, they watch me like a hawk back home. I think that it’ll be kind of a kick fucking your friends and them not knowing what’s actually going on. You’re cool with that?”

“Sure am and I can promise you that your stuffy husband will be a whole lot looser when you get back,” Jeannie laughed. “Come on, let me show you some of the favorite outfits my clients like me to wear and I can fill you in on who’s who and what their naughty little kinks are.”

Jeannette got a call a few days later, some of Jeannie’s friends wanted to go out dancing. She was thrilled to have the chance; she hadn’t been dancing in years. She found an outrageous short black skirt that no royal would have ever been allowed to wear and squeezed into it, adding black heels and sexy, almost-trashy, makeup. She met Jeannie’s friends at the club with smiles and hugs. From pictures her friend had showed her, she knew who most of them were and she could figure out the rest as the night wore on.

Two people seemed especially interested; an older, dark-haired man she learned was Brock King and his much-younger wife, a giggly blonde named Stacey. They kept plying her with drinks and conversation filled with sexual innuendo. Stacy sidled up to her and whispered “We’ve got more than enough money if we can convince you to come home with us tonight. Brock’s been dying to see me eat pussy and I like to make him happy. If I make him happy, he makes me happy, know what I mean?”

“Sure baby,” Jeannette sıhhiye escort smiled, giving Stacey a playful pat on her gorgeous, miniskirted ass. She understood completely – the slender blonde was in it for the money. Nothing wrong with that, so was Jeannie and through default, Jeannette. She hadn’t had a good fuck in ages and a threesome was a new experience entirely. “But let’s stay here and have some more drinks and dance a bit, I haven’t been out in weeks,” Jeannette said softly.

“Huh? You were with us here just last week, remember?”

“Was I?” Jeannette giggled, trying to cover her error. “Boy, maybe I’ve had a bit to drink already. It felt like weeks to me, but come on, let’s you and I dance and drive everyone nuts,” the gorgeous princess smiled. She and Stacey looked hot together and they didn’t shy from PDA on the dance floor. If the paparazzi knew that it was actually Princess Jeanette making out with a hot blonde, they would have had a field day. She had taken every precaution to make sure she wasn’t discovered, even trying harder to sound like Jeannie and not let her slight accent shine through. With the loud music, few had noticed the differences. She and Stacey were now engaged in grab ass and they were barely dancing. It was almost like fucking on the dance floor. When they finished, everyone applauded loudly. Jeannette liked all of the attention, she was used to it as Princess Jeannette but this was for an entirely different reason.

Jeannette spent another hour with Jeannie’s friends, finding them fun and exuberant. They were hedonists of a sort and she liked that. She was getting hot though and she could feel Brock and Stacey watching her intently. It was time to fuck and she was up for that. As she looked back at him, Jeannette wondered if Brock had other qualities besides money that could keep someone like gorgeous blonde Stacey attached to his hip.

Jeannette said her goodnights to the group and the trio made their way back to the Kings’ apartment. It wasn’t as lavish as her own home, of course, but it was huge and tastefully decorated. “Christ, I’m fucking horny,” Stacey blurted out. “Dancing with Jeannie got me all worked up Brock, can I get started baby?”

“Sure thing hon,” Brock smiled. “Take our gorgeous guest into the bedroom and I’ll be in directly. Don’t worry about starting without me, I’ll catch up.”

Jeannette found Stacey sexy as hell, slender and blonde in contrast to her own, curvy brunette body. Stacey had a nice touch and was touching her bare arms and fondling her tits. “I’ve always wanted to play with a woman’s tits, but if anyone back home in Indiana learned I liked girls, my family would have made the rest of life hell,” she grinned as Jeannette turned her head around for a hot kiss. “They’re real fucking bible-thumpers. I do like girls Jeannie, I like them a lot. I can’t wait to get you into bed and suck your sweet pussy dry,” she panted eagerly.

“Then let’s not wait any longer,” Jeannette chuckled. “I’m sure my thong is soaked and you can lick me to your heart’s content – but I get to lick you too. I’m going to make both you and Brock glad you brought me home tonight.”

“Brock’s wanted to fuck you for ages,” Stacey told her. “We could just never co-ordinate our schedules with yours. Oh God, you’re even hotter without clothes, how is it possible a woman is so fucking hot?” Stacey groaned as Jeannette got naked. Her bra was tossed aside and she let Stacey have the fun job of removing her thong. Stacey had never eaten pussy before but there wasn’t a single thing that was going to stop the slender blonde any longer. She moved close to Jeannette, gave her body some sexy kisses and got between the brunette’s legs, eating her eagerly as Brock walked in with an ice bucket and a large bottle of champagne. He set it down near the bed and smiled at the two ladies who were already twisted up in each other’s arms.

“Looks like you two are off to a good start,” he chuckled as he put down the bottle. “Is she good, baby?”

“She’s fucking delicious Brock, I’m so glad we could finally make this happen,” Stacey sighed, her face gleaming with pussy juice. “She’s a hot little slut too, very responsive.”

“God damn baby, when you’re right, you’re right. She sure is one fucking gorgeous cunt,” Brock chuckled as his gorgeous wife got up to undress him. Jeannette actually thrilled at hearing the lewd language, she felt so alive and totally in control of herself for once. No one was watching her, telling her what to do or what to say or how to act. As Jeannette watched Stacey undress her husband, she saw that it just might not be the size of his wallet that interested Stacey after all. Brock was a mass of solid muscle and his cock was likely about 21 centimeters long! His sire must have been a stallion. “Suck it baby,” he said brusquely as he approached Jeannette on the bed. “I’ve heard you know what to do with a man’s dick, let’s see if what everyone says about you is true.” Jeannette looked at his massive tool and took it in tandoğan escort her mouth while Stacey got back on the bed with her and sucked her gorgeous tits.

“Fucking Christ Stacey, she sure as hell does know how to handle a dick, she’s worth every fucking penny,” Brock groaned as Jeannette sucked his prick. It thrilled her to enjoy this man’s cock while his pretty young wife licked at her breasts. She didn’t give a fuck about her title or her royal station or her marriage to Daniel, all she wanted to do was fuck and suck and just have the best time in years! Normally she would have found Brock’s attitude a bit off-putting but it was turning her on instead.

Brock got into bed with her and grinned. “I love that gorgeous body of yours bitch, it’s hot seeing Stace sucking your tits, but I want some pussy. Stacey hon, you suck my dick – but don’t make me cum – I’m going muff diving!”

Jeannette held his head down as Brock sucked her horny cunt. He was as good as his wife and she also enjoyed the show that slender blonde Stacey was putting on. She was gobbling her husband’s cock like there was no tomorrow and he had yet to cum. If she had ever gone down on Daniel like that, one of two things would likely have happened. He’d have had a heart attack or he would have cum in under than 5 minutes.

“Okay bitches, time to pull out all the stops,” Brock commanded. Again it occurred to the high-born Jeannette that in different circumstances, she would have found him a bit hard to take but in bed, it was incredibly sexy. He was all man and both she and Stacey seemed to get off on his domineering personality. “Jeannie babe, I’m going to fuck you doggy style while you return Stacey’s earlier favor and eat her out. Make my little wife cum and we’ll all make you cum. Don’t worry about how long it takes, we’ve got all night and I can afford whatever it costs.”

Hearing the reminder that she was being paid for this night of debauchery also gave Jeannette a thrill. She felt so absolutely evil. She got on all fours and presented herself to her client. When his huge cock sank deeply into her whorish cunt, Jeannette didn’t stop herself from expressing her pleasure. “Holy fucking God, fuck me with that big cock, you god-damned motherfucker!” She yelled. “Fuck me; fuck the shit out of me while I eat your wife’s gorgeous twat!” It was so liberating to be able to say and do whatever the hell she pleased. She slaved over Stacey’s pussy; making the pretty wife cum at least 3 times before Brock had his own cum. She and Stacey cleaned him up and then started their own girl play. Jeannette couldn’t believe that it was the blonde’s first time with another girl; she was hitting all the right buttons. She had already cum so many times herself that she’d had enough orgasms to last for weeks. That wasn’t going to be the case though; Brock fucked Stacey while she rode Stacey’s face. Then she rode Brock’s cock and fucked holy hell out of him before they all called it a night. The drinks were served and they cleaned up and Jeannette went back to Jeannie’s home with 5 thousand dollars in her hands. She couldn’t believe how much money her cousin could earn from just one night of sex. Had she not been a princess, she might have taken up the life herself. You earned great money, went to interesting places, you met sexy people and ultimately, you got your brains fucked out. What could be better than that?

Jeannette was woken up the following morning at the ungodly hour of 10 AM. She shook the cobwebs from her brain and remembered that she was supposed to be Jeannie. It was her cousin’s private business line. “Hello, Jeannie here, what’s your pleasure?” She answered, using the cute business phrase her cousin had told her about.

“Oh baby, you know what my pleasure is, don’t you?” a soft, husky voice replied. “Hey sexy, it’s Jacki. Are you available this afternoon?”

Jeannie had told her all about Jacki, a gorgeous blonde heiress with far too much time on her hands. “For you baby, any time,” she purred in response. “Where and when?”

“Noon and I’ll pick you up.”

Jeannie had told her about Jacki and stressed the main thing about the sexy blonde was that she couldn’t be predicted. All Jeannie had said was that Jacki was a sex fiend and spoiled, but a truly wild ride and a lot of fun to be with. Jeannette wasn’t sure how much of a wild ride she could handle after the previous evening, but she had made promises to her cousin. She showered and found a sexy outfit she thought that Jacki might like – a low-cut red blouse that looked good against her olive skin, some dangly earrings, tight black leather pants and heels. The lingerie underneath was trashy and fun, including a half-bra that held her tits nicely but also exposed them. Any breathing person would have noticed how gorgeous she was and she hoped Jacki would go for her look and that their day would prove interesting.

Jeannette had no idea how interesting it would be until a few minutes past 12 when a young, long-legged blonde pulled up on a very large motorcycle. She got off, removed her helmet and walked towards Jeannette, kissing her heatedly. “Mmm, I missed these lips,” the girl who was obviously Jacki stated. She handed Jeannette a helmet. “Put it on and let’s go. I have an entire afternoon planned, God, I just need to get the fuck away from my family.”

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