
Overtime Ch. 03


Monday came all too soon, and I was still sore from my ordeal with Jamie on Saturday. I moved slowly all day, as I went about my work. People noticed this and would ask me what was wrong. There was no way I could tell them what really happened, so I just told them I had to help a friend move. This was technically was true, since I did move Jamie around while she was on my back.

It would be three more weeks until Jamie would work a Saturday again, and I could get another opportunity to be close to her feet. I figured I would try to get as many chances as I could to visit her during the week, to hold me over until then.

Unfortunately, things were about to change in the office. Apparently, the office manager, Nikki, had gone to some seminar on increasing productivity and got it in her head that too much chit-chat was going on in the front office. She put out a memo stating that anyone wasting company time would be severely reprimanded.

That kind of ended our daily gab sessions, but at least we still had the weekends. Nikki had worked at the company long enough, so she didn’t have to work them and rarely ever came in.

The next day I checked the board and to my surprise, Jamie was working this weekend. She must have had to trade days with one of the other girls. I started to let my workload back up so I would have a reason to work this Saturday. My mind was racing with thoughts of what had happened the last two weekends and how it would go this weekend.

The week seemed to drag on, but finally Saturday came. I was anxious all morning in anticipation of what was hopefully to come. Once it was afternoon and I was sure most people had left for the day, I headed up to the office. Jamie was in her cubical as normal, so I went in and started chatting with her. Being a Saturday, she was wearing a cute faded overall blue jeans shorts outfit with a T-shirt. She had already taken her shoes off and was working away barefoot.

Jamie had what you could call busy feet. Her feet would be almost constantly moving. She would sit there dangling her shoes just by her toes, one leg crossed over the other swinging her leg, or barefoot playing footsie with her shoes under her desk. Sometimes she would stretch out her legs and spread and wiggle her succulent little toes. Other times she might sit half Indian-style with her right ankle under her left knee, giving me a perfect view of her supple sole.

As we talked away, I kept stealing glances at her lovely bare feet. I kept hoping to get as close to them as I did the past two weekends. Suddenly, we heard voices just outside the office door. Oh crap, I thought to myself, it’s Nikki. Jamie recognized her voice too and she got a concerned look on her face.

“We’ll be in big trouble if she catches us wasting time,” she whispered. “Remember the memo and lecture she gave just last week.”

“I know, neither of us can afford to be on her bad side. What are we going to do?” I asked.

“There’s no way you can make it out of the office without her catching you. She’s right outside the office door.”

We sat there a moment awaiting our impending doom, when out of the blue she spoke. “I know, quickly, hide under my desk. Then she won’t be able to see you if she comes into the office.”

Not knowing what else to do, I did as Jamie said and crawled under her desk. It was pretty much your typical desk with a column of drawers on each side. I positioned myself so that my back was against the right side of her desk near the wall. The desk wasn’t high enough for me to sit up straight and I had to slide down a little to keep my head up. My knees where up tight against the left side of her desk near the opening to her cubical. Luckily there was just enough room under the drawers for my feet to fit, yet not stick out from under the side of her desk.

Jamie looked at me under her desk. “You got to move farther back.” She said playfully nudging me in my left hip with her bare foot. I noticed if I put my right arm at my side and kind of under the lip at the back of her desk, that I could squeeze under a little bit further. I just let my left arm lay by my side.

It got quieter in the hall and we heard Nikki’s footsteps coming into the office. Jamie took one last glance at me under the desk. “Now don’t move or make a sound no matter what.” Her face disappeared from my view as I heard Nikki calling to her.

As she called back to Nikki, she placed both hands on her desk and quickly rammed her rolling office chair in so I couldn’t be seen. Unfortunately for me, the front roller on her chair ran over the back of my left hand pinning it to the ground. I bit my tongue so as not to yell out as the roller settled just above my knuckles. I wanted so bad to signal her somehow and let her know to move her chair, but I couldn’t. I was jammed under her desk pretty tight; my right arm was trapped against Pendik Escort the back of her desk and my left was now pinned under her chair. I was stuck there for the duration.

I could hear Nikki start to talk. “As you know Jamie, I was at that seminar last weekend and I learned a couple of new things. Since you don’t seem to busy right now, I thought I’d run a few ideas past you. If you don’t mind?”

Jamie was silent for a second and then responded. “Um… sure, that would be okay, I guess.”

If only she knew the pain she was causing my hand with her chair, I’m sure she would have thought of some excuse. But since she didn’t, I guess she thought she would just listen to Nikki so as not to arouse any suspicion.

Nikki then started to tell her about what she had learned and how she thought it could be beneficial in our office. Jamie began to settle in and get comfortable as Nikki continued talking. Then suddenly, she lifted both her bare feet off the floor and placed them down on my stomach. There they were, right in front of me, the two cutest little feet I had ever seen. The right foot was on the center of my stomach and the left foot was half covering the top of my waistline.

I could feel the warmth of her soft soles through my T-shirt and, despite the pain my hand was in, a stirring in my manhood. Being in the scrunched up position I was, it didn’t take long before my manhood was bumping up against the side of her left foot.

She then lifted her left foot and crossed it over her right at the ankles. I gazed up and down her shapely bare legs, and back to her feet. She now had the heel of her right foot on my stomach and was waving her left foot in front of my face. As I watched every subtle movement her foot made, I long to lean my head forward and kiss her succulent little toes.

She then lifted her feet and crossed them the other way. As she did, her left heel came down on the tip of my manhood. She then followed up by crossing her right foot over her left at the ankles again.

My tip is now supporting the weight of both her lovely legs under just her left heel. She casually started to sway her right foot and the motion carried through to her left foot. Her left heel was now grinding down on my tip as if trying to put out a cigarette.

While she passed the time away just swaying her feet, I laid there trapped and suffering. The head of my manhood was being mercilessly ground under her left heel. It was like seeing a train wreck; as much as I wanted to look away, I just watched as her lovely feet did a number on my manhood.

Eventually, I got relief, as she adjusted her feet to cross her legs at the knee. Her left foot was now flat, with my manhood under the arch, and her right foot was swinging in the air. Once again, I could feel the motion travel down to her left foot, but this time it was more of a massaging action. My manhood throbbed in rhythm with her foot and my eyes rolled back in ecstasy. I had gone from the depths of hell to the heights of heaven in mere seconds.

Just as I was really starting to get into it, she readjusted her legs, crossing her left over her right at the knee. The motion of her moving her legs caused her chair to rock a little. I gritted my teeth as the wheel of her chair now brought a fresh rush of pain to my helplessly trapped left hand.

Didn’t she notice how uneven her chair was? Why didn’t she look down to check? I guess she just assumed that she ran over her shoe when she pulled her chair in and didn’t want to bring attention to me being under her desk.

She settled into her new position and it wasn’t long before her left foot was waving in my face, randomly bumping my nose, cheek or lips. If I timed it right, I could just catch her scent as her foot came closest to my face. I puckered my lips and when her toes hit them, I imagined that she was making me kiss her foot.

She must have gotten caught up in her conversation with Nikki and forgot there was a person hiding under her desk. The next time her foot made contact with my nose, it stayed there. I breathed in deeply, trying to take in as much of her foot’s scent as I could, before she might decide to move it again.

At first, she started pushing on my nose in a gentle pumping action. Then she moved her foot left and right, rubbing the bottom of each toe against the tip of my nose. I watched hypnotized, as her toes went back and forth past my eyes. The soft touch of her toes on my nose, in combination with the aroma of her foot, caused quite a stirring in my manhood.

Eventually, she just rested her foot on my left cheekbone. Her big toe was just under my left eye and her little toe was still on the tip of my nose. I tried my best to focus on her toes, but they were now too close, so I concentrated on my sense of smell instead.

Out of the corner of my Pendik Escort Bayan eye, I saw motion and heard Jamie speak. “I think I have one here in my desk.”

I glanced over to see her lean to her left and start to search in her drawers. My left hand also felt the shift in her weight and another surge of pain as her chair wheel bit deeper into my hand. I watched helplessly as she closed the top one and leaned over farther to reach the bottom one. Suddenly, her left foot slid forward and up my cheek. Before I could blink, her big toe made contact with my eye and trapped my eyelid open.

Jamie’s big toe was now directly touching my left eye. The pain was intense and there was nothing I could do. I took slow deep breaths, trying to lay there as still as possible, but my body still quivered, almost in shock, from the torment in my eye.

My eye tried desperately to continue its normal blinking pattern, but it was no match for her big toe. My eye began to water, to try and flush itself out, and I could feel the tears running down my left check.

I’d accidentally poked myself in the eye before, but this was a thousand times worse. At least then it was only for a second. Now all I could do was lie here and endure this torture.

If I called out after being under here this long, who knows what Nikki would say or do? She might be outraged enough to just fire us both and I couldn’t let that happen, so I had no choice but to wait it out.

After what seemed like an eternity, Jamie finally closed the drawer, sat back up, and removed her big toe from my left eye. I quickly closed my eye to try and ease the pain, but I didn’t feel much relief. It had been forced open too long and was dried out from overexposure to the air – not to mention Jamie’s toe. A searing pain engulfed my eye as my own tears mixed with the salt left behind by her sweaty toe.

As I tried to regain my composure, I noticed that she now had the ball of her left foot pressed up against my lips. Her toes were right under my nose and I inhaled deeply. Her overpowering aroma filled my senses and helped me to deal with the pain.

I could feel her soft, supple foot on my lips and I became caught up in the moment. I slowly pushed my tongue against the right side of my mouth, until it parted my lips enough to make contact with her foot. I could now taste her foot, but I wanted more. I slowly dragged my tongue across the ball of her succulent foot, feeling every subtle change in the taste and texture. As I got to the side under her big toe, I noticed it was already damp and little saltier from my tears.

She hadn’t moved, so she must not have noticed me gently licking her foot. I took a chance and slowly moved my tongue back toward her little toe. There was still no response, so I risked it one more time and licked toward her big toe again.

Suddenly, when I was halfway across, she quickly uncrossed her legs. Crap, caught in the act, I thought, but she then proceeded to just scratch her foot on my right jeans pocket. I must have accidentally tickled her foot. Hopefully, she was too into her conversation with Nikki to realize it was with my tongue.

She left her legs uncrossed and was now sitting with both feet flat on me. Her right foot was still on my stomach and her left foot was now on my manhood. She began to use her left foot’s big toe to play with my belt loop. She slowly slipped it in and out of the loop, causing a subtle massaging action on my manhood, and I started to feel a tingling sensation throughout my body.

With her right foot, she started scrunching her toes and playfully tugging at my shirt. Eventually, her foot worked my shirt free and I could now feel her soft, warm, bare sole on my bare belly. She slid her right foot back a little and started using her big toe to gently trace circles around by belly button. Every now and then, she’d work her toe into my belly button and wiggle it around a little.

She suddenly stopped playing footsie with my midsection and moved her right foot under her left. She then started rubbing the arch of her left foot with her right, as if scratching an itch. Her right foot was now also rubbing against my manhood. Her feet switched positions and she started scratching the arch of her right foot. The more she scratched her arch, the more she worked over my manhood. All this attention my manhood was now getting made me feel like I was going to peak at any minute.

Suddenly, she stopped and placed both feet flat with my manhood under both arches. Then, like I’d seen her do dozens of times to her shoes, she started to rub her feet back and forth to scratch her soles. She was now using my manhood as nothing more than some thing to ease her feet on.

As one foot went forward, the other foot came back. The vigorous rubbing action of her feet was driving me crazy. I Escort Pendik watched as her cute little feet started to take me to the brink of ecstasy. She now had me so worked up that the pain in my hand was but a distant memory. I could feel my body start to quiver in anticipation, and I didn’t know how much longer I could hold out. Although it would be a dream come true, it would also put me in a bad situation.

I heard Nikki start to move around as if getting ready to leave. The thought of this moment being over too soon caused me to have a change of heart, and I now yearned for Jamie to finish me off with her feet. I thought to myself, please don’t leave yet Nikki, just give her a few more seconds.

In my frenzied state I could just hear Nikki speak. “Thanks for letting me bounce some ideas off you. I’ll let you get back to work now.”

Oh my God, I’m almost there, please don’t stop now Jamie, I’m begging you. I’ve never wanted anything more in my life than I want you to do this to me right now.

Just as Jamie had brought my manhood to the verge, she called out to Nikki. “Hey, you forgot this.”

She suddenly stopped in mid stroke, just before her left foot was about to slide forward and take me over the edge. She placed the heel of her right foot on her chair leg and I could feel her toes touching my trapped and battered hand. She then leaned forward and lifted her behind off her chair as she stretched to hand something to Nikki. Almost all her weight was now focused on the one wheel that was on my hand. The searing pain was intense and I gritted my teeth to keep from yelling out.

An instant later, she shifted her weight, pushed down, and slid forward on my manhood with her left foot. With as worked up as she had gotten me, that’s all it took and my manhood erupted in an explosion of ecstasy. My mind was a whirlwind of pain and pleasure. The constant weight and pressure of her foot on my manhood milked me for all I was worth. I was in heaven and hell at the same time, yet the pain only seemed to somehow increase the intensity of the experience. Thoughts are racing through my head and while I was in my own personal nirvana, I could almost swear I heard Jamie say “Gotcha”.

Jamie sat back down and then placed her right foot next to her left on top of my manhood. I just stared down in awe at her two perfect little feet, knowing that they just took me to heights that I could never have imagined.

I was still breathing heavily from the experience, when Jamie spoke to me. “Oops, I almost forgot you where under there. It’s safe to COME out now.” She seemed to further accent the word “COME” by pressing down on my manhood with her feet, as she went to move here chair back.

Pain and pleasure mixed once again, as her feet sent waves of pleasure through my now over-sensitive manhood, while her weight on her chair brought fresh pain to my hand as it rolled off. She then slowly slid her feet off my manhood and rested them on the floor next to her chair.

Okay, I needed to pull myself together if I was going to get out of this, I thought to myself. I looked at my abused left hand, and there were obvious marks from where her chair was. It was a good thing I finished all my work before I came up here, because in its current condition, my hand was no good to me now. I looked down at my pants. Between the pressure of her foot when I peaked, and then using my manhood to slowly push herself back, there was an obvious wet spot showing.

I must have been thinking too long, because her voice startled me. “Hurry up before, with our luck, someone else comes into the front office.”

I got an idea and I quickly rolled over onto my hands and knees. Jamie’s right foot had already untucked the front of my shirt earlier, so I reached around to my back and untucked the rest. Great, now my T-shirt hanging out should just cover the wet spot on the front of my pants.

Now it was time for a little lie. “Sorry, you two talked so long and I was so comfortable that I almost fell asleep under there.”

As I turned to get out from under her desk, there – right in my face – was her left foot. While I had been working on my shirt, she had turned her chair slightly and crossed her legs. I froze and started to stare at the soft, supple sole that had just brought me to the peak of pleasure. No, I thought to myself, I was almost home free. I needed to concentrate.

I turned my head away and pretended to look at the clock on the wall. “Jeez, look at the time. I better get going. I have a few things to finish up before I go home.”

I started to get up but she didn’t move out of the way. Her left foot made contact with my chest and slowly glided down my front and across my semi-firm manhood. I got a little weak in the knees from this, but I managed to stand up and head out of her cubicle.

“Goodbye, see you on Monday,” she said.

I turned to wave goodbye to her over my shoulder, and to get one last look at her and her cute feet before I left. As I waved my hand, she stuck her leg straight out and waved goodbye to me with her left foot. I could feel my face turn red, and I quickly headed out of the office.

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