
First Coffee Ch. 01


Michael looked up from the short menu and once again scanned the street outside the café. There was still no sign of Kate, but he tended to be patient; especially when it came to this woman he had known for years but had never actually met before. They knew each other well; in a way that few people would understand. Spending so much time talking was one of the advantages of an online friendship. A mental and emotional closeness had developed that actual dating would never have left time for.

He cradled the warm coffee mug in his hand, and thought back to the many mornings that he had spent with Kate in video conference; watching her delicate hands caress her coffee mug as they talked of life, and the pains and passions that accompany it. His eyes took on an extra sparkle and he smiled slightly.

Sometimes he was sure that he spent too much time thinking of Kate. She was, after all, married. She had a family who depended on her for everything. She gave herself selflessly to her family, yet was neglected in her marriage. She was willing to sacrifice an important part of herself for her family, and Michael admired her for it. It made it easier for him to make sacrifices of his own when it came to Kate.

Michael had been through 2 marriages himself. He knew what it meant to be taken for granted and neglected. He had come to realize that the most giving people are often taken for granted in relationships. He hadn’t planned on getting involved with anyone again; but you can’t plan your heart or your soul. They make their own connections.

The tinkle of the bell over the café door interrupted his thoughts. He looked up expectantly, and shook his head slightly when the new customer turned out to be a young woman in a hurry to grab her coffee and return to the currents of strangers flowing down the streets outside. That glance inside the café, however, had given Michael a chance to notice something that he had missed before. With his attention so focused on the sidewalk leading to the café, he had paid little attention to the people already seated inside. He had given the tables a cursory grup escort glance when he first arrived, but since he was over an hour early for their meeting, he knew Kate would be arriving later. That was something he had planned. He wanted to watch her walk in. He wanted to see her eyes and her expression as she got closer to something they had waited for so long to experience.

What he now noticed, however, was a woman seated at a small table in the back corner; her face and most of her body hidden behind the newspaper she seemed to be reading. That wasn’t unusual, and was not what had caught his eye. What had caught his eye was the way she had one leg folded in front of her on the chair, in almost a semi-lotus position; except in this case, the heel of her shoeless foot was pressed close to her beneath her loose skirt. He couldn’t see the heel pressing against her panties: it was too dark under the table for that, but he watched closely and noticed a slight rocking of her hips.

Michael got up from his table, and walked over to the woman in the corner. He noticed the newspaper trembling slightly as he got closer, and he was now able to see that one corner of the paper was heavily wrinkled; as if it had been quickly folded down and back up many times.

“The news must be interesting today, I couldn’t help but notice how much you are enjoying your reading.” he said as he reached the table.

A soft and lyrical voice replied from behind the paper, “Yes, I have been enjoying myself, but it wasn’t the news as much as other things that I was observing.”

Michael sat down at her table and asked, “What other things?”

“Oh, things like how much you seem to want to meet whoever it is you keep looking out the window for; how you smile so sweetly when you think of her; and how your eyes, reflected in the window, smolder with promises that you yearn to keep.” was the soft reply from behind the paper.

“I have waited a long time to meet this woman, she is very special to me in a way that no one else ever has been. I came here early just so I could be sure iranlı escort to see her reaction when she arrived, but I think she has once again planned ahead of me.” Michael said.

The paper trembled a bit more, and in a voice just above a whisper, Kate said, “I couldn’t resist, Michael. After all this time that we have talked and watched each other, I needed to watch you one more time. I needed to see your feelings on your face and in your eyes one more time.”

Michael reached out and slowly pushed the newspaper down to the table. He looked deeply into the eyes of the woman that he had been waiting a lifetime for and said, “Then look all you want, love. Look and don’t ever forget what you see; because I will always feel this way.”

It was several moments before any more words were spoken, but much passed between the two as they became lost in each other’s eyes.

“How did you recognize me?”

Michael smiled and raised one eyebrow, “No one else has such talented heels, my dear.”

Kate blushed visibly, but her soft voice was still bold as she replied, “A woman learns to adapt to a life of rarely being alone, yet often being lonely.”

“Some needs are easier to fulfill than others, but I have always admired your resourcefulness as well as your beauty.”

She laughed then and said, “These talented heels are how we first met, you know.”

“I recall. I was impressed with how passionate you were.”

“It was your imagination that impressed me, Michael. It was the reason for the passion.”

Michael got them both a fresh cup of coffee, and moved his chair closer to Kate’s before sitting back down. He noticed that the newspaper had now been placed half on the edge of the table, with the other half hanging down toward the floor. This created a small curtain that blocked the underside of the table from view.

“I am thankful that you were still reading your paper when I noticed you.” He nodded toward the newspaper as he looked at Kate and sipped his coffee.

“Well, sir, I think I have the attention of the one I came here keçiören escort for. No further attention by others is needed,” Kate quipped with a smile.

“I agree. You have all my attention,” he said as his hand moved under the table to rest on the thigh of her bent leg. He watched her hands fold around her coffee mug as he moved his hand higher up her thigh. He could feel the warmth and delicate softness of her skin.

“I have always thought that you must have the softest heels imaginable” His voice got lower and took on a strong tone that felt to Kate like arms holding her safe and apart from the entire world.

“You may have imagined correctly, but imagination can only go so far,” she said in a voice that was increasingly reflecting her emotions, despite her shyness and her attempts to control what she was feeling.

“Indeed. That is why I intend to investigate further,” he said. His hand slowly slid further up her inner thigh. His eyes closed a bit as his fingers touched the edge of her silken panties, and easily slid over the damp material to where her heel was pressed firmly against the moist heat that the panties could not contain.

Kate’s breathing changed. She was almost panting the words that she now gave him, “So long have I waited to be touched; to feel your skin against mine.”

Her hands gripped her mug tightly, almost desperately. Her head was lowered, she appeared to be studying the coffee swirling slowly in her mug, but Michael noticed that her eyes were closed, and that there were the beginnings of tears trying to escape the corner of the eye closest to him.

He wanted to take her in his arms right there in the café, but he knew they would be totally lost in each other if he did that right now. Instead, he moved his hand back to her thigh and squeezed it as he gently lifted her chin with the other hand.

“You need a moment to catch your breath. I will wait for you here,” Michael said as he nodded toward the little hallway that led to the bathrooms. Kate flashed a puzzled smile and unfolded her leg as she rose from the table.

He motioned for her to lean closer so that he could whisper into her ear, “There is one thing I want you to do, Kate. I want you to bring your wet panties back to me and put them into my hand; here under the table.”

Her smile widened and her eyes narrowed as she breathed, “Yes sir.”

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