
Ice Storm Makes for Icy Bedfellows


** The following is a true story that happened in late 2004. I wrote down this account a few weeks afterwards, partially to relive the eroticism of the experience, but also to make sure I got the incredibly unlikely and impossible circumstances that led to this encounter recorded accurately. **

I was driving across Pennsylvania on my way to my in-law’s house in late December. I was traveling a few days behind my wife and kids due to some work obligations that kept me from going with them. Y’all probably heard about the storm that shut down I-64 in Indiana/Kentucky for over 10 hours (it was on all the major news outlets.) Well, that same kind of storm hit north-central PA and caused many of the same problems. We were stuck a huge traffic jam on I-78 in ~20-degree weather for over 6 hours due to ice on the road and semis being unable to climb hills and blocking the interstate.

I’d also been roped into picking up my sister-in-law from her teaching job at a college in the vicinity of Harrisburg. She was terrified by the wintry conditions on the roads, so she was planning on getting a hotel until everything blew over. With the approaching bad weather and the fact that I was already out on the roads and passing nearby the college anyway, everyone (else) thought it would be a great idea for me to pick her up and save her husband the aggravation. Normally, I’d agree with this assessment, except for the fact that my sister-in-law and I have a tendency to piss each other off quite easily. We’re both Type A personalities and don’t hide our opinions one bit. However, when we manage to behave and choose our words carefully, we have a lot in common and occasionally have a good time chatting with one another. (Normally, in a story like this, I’d tell you every physical detail about my sis-in-law so y’all could picture her while you pleasure yourselves, but to be honest, I don’t know how much she weighs, her breast size or anything else you don’t read below.)

To start, travel just sucked that day. I traveled through rough weather most of the day, with blowing snow and 1/4-mile visibility persisting in much of the WV/MD/PA mountains. I was beat by the time I picked up my SIL at the college, but it was nice to have a short break and some company in the truck for the final couple of hours of driving. She was in a surprisingly good mood that night, so we both enjoyed some light conversation and tunes for the 1/2 hour or so.

As we were driving through a particularly rural part of NE PA, we saw a bunch of stopped traffic ahead and slowed down. We both thought aloud that it must be a fender-bender, so she called her husband to let him know that we’d be late and would call when we knew what was going on, and I did the same with my wife. This was the beginning of an unbelievable ordeal for both of us, the likes of which I’d never been through before and hope to never repeat again.

Basically, we were stopped about 3 miles past the last exit and over 3 miles from the next exit, with Jersey barriers blocking the middle and no way to turn around. Tractor trailers were unable to make it up a hill due to ice about 2.5 miles ahead of us, so the state troopers were working to get the situation remedied ASAP. My SIL and I were both pissed about this situation. I was tired from driving all day and she was a nervous wreck about the weather. We chatted and called folks on our cell phones to pass the first couple of hours until our cell batteries were getting low and we shut them off to keep some emergency reserve in case we needed to call for help later. Thank goodness I’d had the good sense (or good fortune) to fill up the gas tank about 15 minutes before we hit the backup, so we could keep the truck engine idling to provide heat for us.

I was pissed about being stuck in this situation, but I also realized that worrying or bitching about it would just make things worse. My SIL, on the other hand, bitched, fussed and worried for the first half-hour after shutting down the cell phones. I finally told her (as politely as possible) that all that worry wasn’t going to do a thing to make our ordeal any better…we couldn’t turn around, we couldn’t go forward…all we could do was wait until the road was reopened. I went on to tell her that I had plenty of food/drinks in the truck and plenty of gas, so other than figuring out how the bathroom thing would work (if we were stuck that long), we should focus on being as upbeat as possible to make this situation go as well as possible. Well, I thought for-sure that she’d rip me a new one for patronizing her, but to my surprise, she apologized for acting that way and agreed with me about the situation.

With our newfound positive attitudes, we talked for another hour about stuff. We hadn’t moved an inch in over an hour, but we were both not trying to focus on that. What we were starting to mention from time to time was our hope that we’d be going again before we had to use the restroom. We both had to go, but neither Alsancak Escort of us were critical yet. I suggested that we play ’20 Questions’ to pass the time, so we made a half-assed attempt at it. (I’m a trivia buff, but she wasn’t very good at the game. We played for about a half-hour, but I suggested we stop because I could tell she wasn’t having a good time and was feeling self-conscious about the mismatch in useless-fact knowledge.)

“So what do we do now?” she asked, frustrated.

“The only other game I can think of is Truth and Dare, but given the politics of our in-laws, I don’t want to know any of the answers to the Truth questions I can think of,” I replied. This comment caught her attention and she perked up right away.

“Oh, come on! An answer like that is just begging for me to pull those questions out of you!” she teased.

I wasn’t biting on her bait, as my MIL was a real tough bitch and I didn’t want to know any more dirt on them than necessary, mostly because it would pull me deeper into their games and I didn’t want that. “No dice…I’m serious about not wanting to share details/dirt/gossip about our in-laws. You’ll either have to come up with a Dare or another game…sorry,” I said.

“Fine then…show me your dick,” she said flatly.

I thought my ears had deceived me, so I looked at her and said, “What?!”

I could tell she was pissed that I wouldn’t play Truth and gossip about the family, so she looked me in the eye and said, “I said that I DARE you to show me your dick. It’s either that or you answer my Truth question.”

“Faced with that choice, what’s your question?” I shot back.

She then asked me a question about my bachelor party, involving a situation her husband (who was not yet her husband then) was involved in. I’m good friends with my BIL and we had agreed not to talk about that incident further, so I was truly fucked as to having a good out. With a thoughtful pause about my situation, I popped off my seatbelt, raised up my hips and unzipped my fly.

“I don’t want to see your dick…answer my question,” she said to me.

“I’m not answering that question and it won’t help our situation to get pissy with you about it…I’ll take the dare,” I replied. I tugged my mostly-limp dick through my fly and leaned back, saying “There…happy?”

My SIL said that she couldn’t see it and told me to pull my pants down, so I pulled my pants down to my knees. “Not bad,” she said, smirking, “I’d never have guessed you to be the type of guy that shaved.”

I smiled back at her smart-assed comment and told her that her turn was next and that I could be just a big of a bastard and payback was a bitch. She lost her smile as I dared her to do the same and pull her pants and underwear down around her knees and leave them there for the rest of the game. She said she’d rather answer a question but I restated my position of not wanting to know any of her dirt, so she undid the waist and zipper on her slacks and pulled her pants down, leaving a surprisingly small and sexy pair of underwear in place.

“There, are you happy now?” she said uncomfortably.

“I believe I said pants AND underwear,” I reminded, looking her in the eye to make the point. She grunted in annoyance as she raised her hips up and shoved the underwear down to join her pants. The lighting in truck wasn’t good (being after-dark and the only light was from the dash instruments), but I could now see a prodigious brown ball of hair residing in her pubic area.

I smiled and said, “I’d have thought an image-conscious woman such as you would have trimmed the hedges a bit.”

She smiled flatly and replied, “Not in the winter…and remember, we’re being nice, right?”

Being her turn again, she asked me the same question as last time, but I again held firm and refused to answer it. A little more annoyed, she then dared me to make my cock hard and hold it up for her to see. I told her that I was nervous, it was cold and I didn’t think I’d be able to.

She teased me back about not being able to get it up, so I said, “Fine, but I’m going to look at you down there while I do it. Can you handle that?”, hoping that’d kill the dare.

To my surprise, she said, “Do whatever it takes,” crossing her arms and leaning back to make the point that she wouldn’t be intimidated easily.

So, having no other choice than to get pissy and end the game, I stared at her crotch and began teasing my dick to life. I was focusing on the fact that she had more volume and thickness of pubic hair then I’d ever seen in real life. My wife (and almost all of my girlfriends before) were partially or completely shaven, so this was something new for me. I had to piss like a racehorse, so I tried to use that excuse to say I couldn’t do it while having to pee. (Hopefully she was naive enough to believe that lie.) She said that she didn’t care…if I couldn’t Buca Escort do the dare then I had to answer the question.

“Fine,” I snapped back, reaching into the backseat of the crew-cab to get an emergency bucket we keep around for the kids. I had another idea on how to get out of this dare and told her that, if she was ordering me to pee, that would count as two dares and she’d have to pick one or give me two-in-a-row as well. She again asked me the question and I refused, so she said that I’d get two dares, but she wasn’t giving up on that question. I faced her while kneeling on the driver’s seat and position the bucket in front of me. (Thank God the windows were steamed up and a semi’s trailer was next to us, so nobody could see inside.)

Again trying to intimidate her, I then dared her to hold my cock while I peed and dry it when I was done. True to form, this didn’t even phase her determination to get the information she wanted, she reached over, grabbed my dick between her pointer finger and thumb and said, “Well let’s go then!” She jiggled my dick as she said this for emphasis, which did cause my dick to start to inflate. “So you CAN do it when you have to pee, hmm?” she said teasingly.

“Blow me,” I retorted as the piss started to flow out of my dick.

“Is that your second dare?” she quipped.

“No, it’s not,” I said flatly as she slowly stroked me.

My dick got slowly harder over the next ~15 seconds as I pissed (yeah…15 seconds, I had drunk a lot of coffee). When I was done, she shook the tip into the bucket, wiping the last drop off with her thumb. I know she did that last move on purpose so she could rub her thumb under my helmet.

She moved the piss-bucket into the back seat and teased, “Is that all the bigger it gets?”

I sat back down and stroked it a several more times while looking at her hairy crotch, bring my cock to full-staff. “Very funny. You seen enough?” I asked back.

“I didn’t get to see it fully hard…bring it up here again,” she said, leaning over the center console.

I raised up my hips and flexed my dick, trying to make my six-incher as hard as possible. She once again grabbed a hold of me with her cold hands while she inspected me, purposely acting like she was inspecting an under-ripe banana while she again teased my helmet with her thumb. She was trying to get me horny so she could get me to slip up and tell her the info she wanted, but I was onto her trick.

“OK, that’s enough,” I heard myself say, even though she was jacking me pretty well and I really didn’t want her to stop. She tried to pull her pants and underwear back up as she moved back into position in her seat (trying to sneak one in on me), but I told her if she did that, the dare was over and so was the game. (I wasn’t going to let her off the hook as long as she was putting it to me.) The thin veneer of niceness was still holding up as we both got more frustrated and competitive under the surface. I wanted to end the game (even though my SIL is quite a fuckable gal) and she wanted to know a secret I’ll take to my grave.

“OK, my turn again…that is, unless you want to quit,” I said.

“Answer the question and I’ll quit happily,” she replied.

“Not on your life. I dare you to sit on that bucket and piss and crap until you’re empty,” I said back, upping the ante and hoping to end it.

“Hand me the bucket,” was all she said in reply. She perched her wide hips atop that bucket and looked out the windshield nervously.

“I can’t see anything…raise up,” I told her. She shot back that there wasn’t enough room…she’d end up missing if she did that. “Then you’d better be careful when you aim, ‘case that’ll be your seat that’s wet.” I said smiling.

“And you’re out of dares for this round, so I’m not doing it,” she said back, smiling herself because she knew she had me there.

With that, she proceeded to unleash her own large amount of urine into the bucket, with the nasty scent of coffee-piss filling the truck a bit more than either of us would have liked. She trickled to a stop, then pushed a few times in an attempt to defecate. All she managed were a few anemic farts, but thankfully producing nothing else. My dick was still rock-hard, so I gave up on any shyness while she did this and stroked myself as she pissed and grunted. When she was done, she got off the bucket and, without asking or stopping, opened the truck door to dump the bucket on the shoulder of the road. The strong, cold wind snapped into the truck, reminding us of how nasty our situation really was.

I was looking up the road at the string of cars, many of which had now shut off their engines, which was a sure indicator that there was no hope of movement up ahead. With that hope of ending this game gone, my SIL and I looked at each other soberly for a moment, realizing just what we were getting into.

“We’d better stop this, İzmir Escort ” I said.

She looked like she was about to agree when she looked at me pleadingly and said, “I need to know that answer and I’ll tell you why.”

She was suspicious that her husband had fucked some other gal while she was pregnant, but she couldn’t fully bring herself to believe it. Her husband had been acting normally, even dutifully during her pregnancy, but his requests for sexual contact dropped off all of a sudden during her last trimester. Her husband was a pretty horny guy, so this made her worry. His absence of sex drive continued for the first month-and-a-half after her c-section and she couldn’t find any evidence of increased masturbation on his part…no porn on the computer, no “sticky” socks in the clothes hamper…hell, not even an increased use of tissues around the house! (It was at this point that I fully realized was a nosy bitch my SIL was, but then again, I have known other jealous women to go to even greater levels of craziness when they suspect their spouse has been fooling around.) Her husband denied being guilty of anything other than being overworked and not getting enough sleep after she confronted him about it…and after that confrontation, they started having sex again on a somewhat normal basis. (Now I don’t know whether or not my BIL was fucking someone else…that’s his business. I think that he was telling her the truth and her little conspiracy theory woke him up to what he was doing (or not doing.) I wasn’t going to tell her this because I did NOT want to get in the middle of her paranoia.) She had heard from her husband that someone fucked a stripper at my bachelor party and, after that slip-up, he refused to tell her more about it. She suspected that he had done it, so that doubt had burned within her ever since.

She looked at my dick (which was still hard, but starting to drop a little now that the mood has sobered), then wrapped her hand around it. She slowly jacked it with one hand while teasing the tip with the fingernail of her pointer finger on the other hand.

“I’ll even help you with this if you’ll tell me,” she whispered.

I won’t bore you with the whirlwind of thoughts that went through my head, but the net-net was that my wife would already be pissed at me for what we’d done so far, but I also knew that she’d get over it because we’d both slept with other people since our marriage -and- that her SIL would never admit to anyone that she’d done any of this. (She lives in the same area that her whole Mennonite-origin clan was raised in, so if word of this got out, she’d lose her high-standing with the family. That thought in itself turned me on something fierce, which is probably what made me do what I did next.)

“No more of this truth/dare game, then. From here on out, I’ll tell the truth you want and you’ll do the dares I want, deal?” I told her. She was quiet for a second as she had her second-thoughts, then her third-thoughts…then I told her, “put your mouth on me if you’ll do it.”

She hesitated, then raised the center console/armrest and covered my crotch with her dirty-blond hair as I felt my dick slide into her mouth. Her warm, wet mouth engulfed my once-again rigid pecker as I savored the sensations, as well as the thought of the proper, married, attractive college master’s student/teaching assistant who was sucking my dick while she was naked from the waist to her knees. I’m not a huge addict of blowjobs, but the idea of just who was doing what to me was intoxicating, so I let her suck my dick for many minutes while I savored the sensations. After a few minutes, I’m pretty sure I smelled the unmistakable scent of an aroused pussy, so I bet she was getting turned on by what she was doing too. I opened my eyes and saw a set of brake lights come on in the distance and I was suddenly scared that we’d get moving before I could finish with her.

“Take one of our legs out of your pants and underwear and lay back,” I told her.

She knew what was next, so she didn’t even say anything as she obeyed my command. With her flat on her back and her spread legs resting on the seat back and dash, respectively, I climbed between them and lined up my dick with her forbidden tunnel. (I’m glad she was wet, because I couldn’t see her lips between all that brown hair.) My sticky cock-tip touched against her wet lips and I moved my upper body forward to lay on her. I told her to kiss me, and when she did, I pushed my dick into her slowly. She kissed up hard into me as I did this, moaning into my mouth. She wasn’t tight, but she was tighter than my wife and it felt really good to be in her. Knowing time was short, I assaulted her pussy with a variety of strokes, some deep, some shallow…all bringing a shower of kisses and moans from my SIL. She wrapped her arms around me tightly, still kissing me deeply as I started to get close. She was grunting and starting to tighten up, so I knew it was now or never. I drove deep into her and ground my dick into her as everything on her body started to squeeze. She didn’t make a sound, but her mouth fell open with large, gasping-type breaths. I couldn’t hold off any longer and shot my neutered seed into her pussy. The whole thing couldn’t have lasted more than a couple of minutes, but it was intense for both of us.

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