
Redwood Manor: Autumn Pt. 02



I have been overwhelmed by the feedback from the first chapter of this series. To those who took the time to email me, thank you – more importantly, a HUGE thank you to my readers out there. Your support is the encouragement that helps me to continue.

I feel it is important to clarify that this series will not be a standard read. I am firmly decided that scenario is as great a component of Erotica as explicit content, and this is written to reflect that. If you are looking for a quick, guilty pleasure, this may not be for you. If, however, you are willing to let the tension build inside as each chapter unfolds, you may find yourself well rewarded.

Feel free to share my work, but please, I ask that all content including and following this paragraph be attributed to myself, the author, and that this note appear at the head of any reposting. I am happy to answer any mail, time allowing – just drop me a line at the link in my Author Profile. Comments, both public and anonymous, are encouraged! PLEASE! Feedback only helps me to improve.

Constructive criticism is also welcomed, directed at the same email as found on my Author Profile. Happy reading, and more importantly, I wish you the best of fantasies 😉




Autumn: Part 2

It was a gray Saturday morning, and the room was heavy with the carnal scent of sex. Windows fogged, the pouring rain could now only be heard above the girlish, gentle moans that filled the room.

“Ugh, fuck,” Clayton grunted aloud. Emily’s pussy had just tightened considerably and relaxed again, the wolfish grin on her face completely betraying her intentions. She was always able to burn away his stamina whenever she was ready.

“What’s the matter, baby,” she whimpered. “Too tight for you?” Clayton’s eyes closed as the contraction repeated. He could not hold on much longer, and had lost the will restrain himself anymore. He kept his eyes closed as his thrusting lengthened and intensified, the orgasm in his pelvis starting to burn out of control. Only a gasp of surprise and a tensing of the thighs told him that Emily was no longer extremely comfortable with the pace. Her impeccably shaved pussy, tight as it was, could not handle the full length of his manhood, and this proved to be very frustrating in the heat of the moment. Clayton felt the walls of her soaking hole close around his cock as Emily tried to squeeze the orgasm out of him as fast as possible. The fire inside him broke free, and he opened his eyes in absolute euphoria.

Emily was holding her breath, head turned to the side, desperately biting down on the covers of her sheets as her nails clawed on the bed. Her eyebrows were arched in a mixture of pleasure and pain, and as Clayton pulled his cock out to cover her tiny stomach in his cum, she let out an audible choke of relief. Clayton didn’t say anything; he let the gobs of hot cum spattering Emily’s torso speak for him. Clayton had needed this more than Emily knew.

With a deep grunt, Clayton finished cumming, and flopped over onto his back. It may have been 2 weeks since he last had sex, but the sexual frustration he felt had been compounded infinitely after the incident with Kendra. Eleven days had elapsed since that evening, and every single one, Clayton had caught his mind wandering back to that erotic display. He had seen Kendra multiple times since, but they had yet to speak more than a few words to each other. Whenever Clayton came by the sister’s apartment at Redwood Manor, Kendra would disappear into her room, remaining hidden there until long after he and Emily would head to sleep. The few times Clayton had found himself alone in the same room as Kendra, conversation was so tense that it felt artificial to even open his mouth. Eyebrows lightly furrowed in thought, Clayton jerked a little in surprise as Emily jabbed a finger into his cheek.

“Hey Mr, that was really intense. I kinda liked it. What are you so lost in thought about? You just as breathless as me?” Emily giggled, wiping off Clayton’s cum with a towel, and spoke in a playful tone.

“You made quite the mess, I’ll give you that. I’m going to take a shower. You should probably start making us breakfast, if you ever want a piece of this again.” She smacked her ass lightly, disappearing into the shower attached to her bedroom. Clayton rose, putting on sweats and a t-shirt. The rain was beginning to ease up – perhaps they would make it to the Corn Maze tonight after all. Clayton walked out of Emily’s room, surprised to see Kendra sitting on a couch in tight plaid pajama pants and a sweater. Her eyes lifted from the book she was reading, sweeping over Clayton with a cool, reserved disposition. Clayton shifted a little, and making up his mind, started to speak before Kendra could walk away again.

“Look, I saw…enough…the other night. I shouldn’t have watched, but I couldn’t help myself. It was just so..hot.” Clayton bit down on his tongue. The last bit he had not meant Konyaaltı Escort to vocalize. Kendra’s cheeks gained a bit of color, but her expression remained unreadable. Clayton knew he was in for the long haul now, and he forged ahead with increasing speed.

“I mean, you know, I am dating your sister, so there’s that.” This was going terribly, he realized. “Emily means a lot to me, but other women still turn me on occasionally. Not that you’re just ‘another woman’. You’re her sister…which kinda makes this whole thing even worse. So, I guess what I am trying to say is that I am sorry for watching you, I just couldn’t look away – wait, that’s not what…fuck. OK, I’m going to stop talking now. Sorry.”

Kendra remained silent, but her look wasn’t as distant as it was before, and the tension in the room had eased substantially. She brushed some of her dark, brunette hair behind an ear.

“Thanks for apologizing. We don’t need to talk about this again. To anybody. OK?” She looked back down at her book. Clayton nodded to himself, catching her double meaning. Kendra wasn’t going to say anything to her sister, and some things were just better left buried and forgotten, he decided. After a minute, Kendra rose from the couch, and without a word walked back to her room. Clayton cursed himself silently as he could not help but stare at her firm, shapely ass as she walked away. Flashbacks of the previous night blazed across his vision. He put a hand to his eyes, rubbing them lightly, determined to corral his thoughts. The barely-audible sound of a snicker opened his eyes again. Kendra was in the doorway of her room, and with a final, cryptic glance, she walked inside. Clayton swore he could have seen the hintings of a smile on her face – but the moment lasted only half a second, and Emily’s sister disappeared again, closing the door quietly behind her. Shaking his head, Clayton walked over to the refrigerator, pulling out a pack of bacon. He was feeling increasingly hungry, and not just for breakfast.

“Pull yourself together, bud,” he muttered under is breath. “That kind of crap only happens on the Internet. Don’t read into this one.”

The bacon sizzled as he slapped it in the pan.


“KENDRA! Come out! You’ve been in there ALLLL fucking DAY!!” Emily pounded on Kendra’s door, the metal clasps of her coat adding to the clangor. It was safe to say, Clayton mused, that one of Emily’s favorite pastimes was annoying her younger sister. It didn’t matter that Kendra was 3 inches taller – Emily yapped at her regardless, like a small dog that didn’t know any better. An exaggerated groan of annoyance sounded through the door.

“Ughhhhhhhhhhh, Emily, what is wrong with you?!?!” The door popped open, a very aggravated Kendra bursting into the frame.

“Time to venture forth into the world, hermit. Me and Clayton are going to Benhurst Farm for their Corn Maze, and you’re coming along. You need some fresh air, anyways.” Kendra made another exasperated sound of protest.

“First off, I’m not a hermit. Second, I have nothing to even wear, no thanks to you an your inability to operate a washing machine correctly!” The old machine had broken out of nowhere the previous day, and because Emily had been the last to use it, the accident was incontrovertibly her fault. At least, according to Kendra.

“HERE we go AGAIN,” Emily rolled her eyes. “The people will be here with a replacement in, like, 2 days. You’re telling me you have NO clothes?” Kendra scowled at her, mute.

“Kendraaaaaaaa,” Emily began to tease in a singsong tone, “do we have to drag you out the door in your PJ’s?” She turned towards the five stairs that led to the front door, gesturing dramatically. “Or do we just have to toss you out there buck naked? Not that anybody would want to see that.”

Clayton, who had caught Kendra’s eye as Emily turned around, immediately broke off the apologetic grimace he had offered in response to the antics of his girlfriend. Coincidentally, Emily’s words found Kendra very interested in her nails. Emily whirled about.

“So. What’s it gonna be?” Kendra grumbled under her breath, closing the door behind her. Her voice could be heard through the door.

“Give me five minutes!” Emily plopped down on the couch in the living room, an air of satisfaction about her.

“The more the merrier, right?” Emily beamed. Clayton shrugged, nodding once in the affirmative. Tonight had just taken a very unexpected turn.


It was a little past sunset by the time that the three of them had found parking. Kendra had complained with vigor for a little more than half the drive, and resumed her vocalizations as they exited the vehicle into the crisp fall air.

“Yoga pants. Boots. Heavy coat. Scarf. Seriously Emily? You made me come out dressed like this? I don’t care what you say, I’m gonna freeze!!” Emily paraded on to the entrance of the Maze itself, unfazed.

“Quit yer bitchin’,” she taunted, “You won’t be Lara Escort cold for long.” Kendra’s doubts of that statement could be clarified by one look at her face. Clayton laughed, pulling on some gloves.

“You guys argue like first-graders with the mouths of sailors.” Emily whirled on him, defensive as ever.

“You want any of the whiskey, or not? Hmm?” Clayton peaked an eyebrow. Whiskey, he mused, well, that would make this quite a bit more interesting. The Benhurst Corn Maze was the biggest one in Snohomish County, attracting droves of people from all over the Greater Seattle area. The clear skies, while indicating what would be a terribly cold night, meant that rain was not a possibility, only serving to increase the amount of patrons now standing in line ahead of them. Alcohol was strictly forbidden (as it took an average of an hour and a half to solve the Maze sober, no less), but hey, what were women’s purses good for? Kendra was the first to speak up, her voice ringing with slightly nervous skepticism.

“You really think that getting blitzed and doing a Corn Maze in the dark is a great idea?” She looked at Clayton, then back to Emily. Emily just shrugged.

“Where’s your sense of adventure? Come on, I didn’t invite you along to be such a downer.” Kendra opened her mouth in retort, likely to point out that she had been more dragged along as opposed to coming by her own will. Clayton jumped on the opportunity to prevent another argument, and spoke first.

“Well, it really depends on what kind you brought along.” He had not known about this clandestine addition to their adventure, but he would be damned if he drank crap whiskey out in the corn.

“Relax, it’s not bad stuff. Picked it up from a local distillery down in Seattle after work the other day. Besides, you both like Rye, so like I said in the first place. Quit. Yer. Bitchin’.” With a resigned sigh and a sidelong look at Clayton, Kendra ceased her bemoanings and got in line.

“You better make sure we don’t get attacked, or something,” she said. Emily piped up.

“That’s the spirit!”

The line to get into the Maze moved at a laborious pace, and by the time they finally passed under the festive archway entrance, they were all shivering slightly. The path was wide, winding haphazardly side to side, and soon the view of the entrance was out of sight. In the darkness, Clayton heard the sound of a cork leave a bottle. The swishing sound of liquid came next, followed by the stiff exhale that always seemed to follow a large shot of liquor.

“Woooo,” Emily sputtered, “That’ll warm you up quick.” Clayton turned around, grasping for the neck of the fifth, silhouetted against the in the gathering dark of the corn. He put his lips on the bottle, and tilted it towards the sky. Immediately, the burn of potent alcohol filled his mouth, followed by the raw, wooden smoke of the flavor. Emily was right – this Rye was good, and went down smooth. Another quick pull off the bottle, and then it was in Kendra’s hands. She took the bottle with reserve, a caution that quickly faded as the liquor hit her lips.

“Mmmm,” she hummed as she swallowed, “this IS good.” Another trip around the circle found them all a little better off, the whiskey burning warm in their throats and bellies.

“Right then,” Clayton said as Emily put the bottle away, “which direction?” The path in front of them split into two, each winding away into the low mist on the ground. Somewhere, a frightened shriek echoed out. The dull sound of boots on dirt moved through the stalks.

“Right!” Kendra said, and off they went.

The Maze itself was utterly complex, and after stopping twice more for shots, the Clayton realized that they were utterly lost. He turned around to ask Emily if bringing flashlights would have been a good idea, only to see her totally gone. He tapped Kendra on the shoulder, and she stopped, turning to face him.

“You, ummm, see where Emily got offto?” Clayton slurred a little.

“No, no ‘tat all…where’d she go?” Kendra was in about the same state. She walked past Clayton as he turned around, stopping a foot or so back down the path from where they had come.

“EMMMMMMMMMM!” She called. “EMMMMM wherrreeee didyou goooooooooo.” Clayton rubbed his eyes. Being tipsy in the darkness always made him a little tired, but right now it was more of a reflex than anything. He squinted a bit, and the stalks to their left rustled. Kendra stiffened.

“Emily?” She peeped.

A sudden yell and explosion of movement caused them both to jump. Kendra started back, left hand flailing behind her, just as Clayton stepped forward. His hand caught hers as she stumbled, keeping her from falling, and she leaned back into him to steady herself. Clayton’s breath caught in his chest momentarily as Kendra’s ass planted itself firmly into his pelvis. It felt exactly as it looked – supple, yet firm, and perfectly sized. To his dismay, the alcohol in his system shredded his self control, Manavgat Escort and Clayton felt a stiffness rising between his legs steadily. He clenched his teeth, trying to stop it before Kendra could feel it, before this situation turned into one of pure embarrassment.

‘Too late’, Clayton commiserated. Kendra froze as she undoubtedly felt his erection pressing into her rear, her grip on his hand slackening instantly…and then, with a whisper quiet sigh, her grip returned, and her back arched delicately. Clayton’s desire to minimize his erection all but evaporated as Kendra pressed her round butt back into him. His hips responded on their own, squeezing the mass of his now fully-erect cock against her. An eternity passed in a second, and then Emily’s bark of drunken laughter shattered the silence.

“Ahhh ha ha ha ha, ohmygod, you two should have SEEN yourselvvvess ha ha ha, that was…pricelesssss, ah ha ha ha ha.” Her voice brought Clayton hammering back to his senses. Immediately, he released the grip on Kendra’s hand, and she stepped away from him towards her sister. Kendra smacked her on the arm, no longer petrified, and instead full of scorn.

“You are…the…worst! I got superrrr scared foraminute!” Emily was practically in tears now, the alcohol in her system rendering her incapable of pulling it together. The shock of the scare began to dissipate, and Clayton started laughing, as well.

“You hav – have to admit, Kendra,” he injected between breaths, “that was prettyyyy good.” Kendra twisted her head back towards him, away from Emily’s hysterics.

“I got the feeling that was your take onn the situation, if I don’t sayso myselff ,” she said with a raised eyebrow, and the phantom hint of a half-smile. Clayton laughed nervously. Was that comment intentional? Or was the whiskey clouding his perceptions? Kendra turned back around as Emily finally regained composure, grabbing the fifth from her purse.

“Welllll, while you guys sit there laaauughing yourselves to death, I’m going to enjoy s’m-more of this delicious Rye.” Kendra took a modest pull from the bottle, and wiping her lips with her sleeve, announced to the air, “obviously, you’re both to sissy to keep up.” Emily all but ripped the bottle from Kendra’s hand.

Once the challenge was accepted, and rounds taken, the bottle was stowed. Clayton, Emily and Kendra, now definitely inebriated, wandered around the Maze as night advanced around them. Clayton was only halfway focused on directions, though, as there was now a palpable chemistry he felt with Kendra. Positive it was just the alcohol, Clayton tried to minimize how far he read into the difference in attitude he felt emanating from her. Where reserve and distance had stood before, he now felt only playful flirtation and coyness in response to his usual teasing. The three of them laughed, wandered, and unsuccessfully tried to scare each other as they wandered through the dark stalks. The stars wheeled lazily across the sky as the evening drew on. Twice, Clayton thought they were almost out, and twice, they discovered that was not the case. The number of people they encountered on the path numbered less and less as the minutes rolled by. As they began to sober, the trio stopped at a three-way split in the path. Emily pulled out her her phone, the brightness of the screen causing Clayton to suck in a breath of protest. He brought up a hand to shield his eyes.

“OK, it’s 9:30, guys. We’ve been in here for about 2 hours. I don’t know about you, but I’m starting to get a little cold and tired.” Kendra nodded her head in agreement. “We’re going left. Ready?” Clayton pondered breifly. Based off of their proximity to what he figured was the outer wall of the Maze, the way they should be going was right, and after another pause to analyze, he said so.

“Hey, I have the keys to the car, so screw that. Follow me or walk home.” Clayton shook his head. Emily could be intensely stubborn sometimes, but she wouldn’t leave without them. Kendra knew this, and chimed in.

“Hey, Em, what if Clayton is right? He is making sense. Come on.” Emily’s gaze flicked back and forth between the two of them. She stood up as straight as she could.

“I see what’s going on here. You tall people think that because I am short I have nooooooo idea of what I am doing. Fine. You go and get lost. I’ll be in my car, drinking warm cider.” And with that, she stomped off down the path. Clayton started after her, but Kendra swung an arm out across his chest to stop him.

“Trust me. When she’s like this, there’s really no point. The best thing we can do is get out of here and make sure we have that cider waiting for her in the car.” Clayton nodded, realizing she was absolutely correct. Emily was in no mood to be debated with. He turned to follow Kendra down the Right path, the corn quickly swallowing them again in stillness. They threaded the Maze for a few minutes, and then Kendra spoke up.

“So honestly, how drunk are you still?” She said.

“Pretty sure I would not be legal to drive,” Clayton said foolishly. He had not intended to get this intoxicated, but hey, he thought, life happens. “How about you, anyways, what’s your situation. It’s a little easier to talk this way, isn’t it? Less awkward, and all that jazz?” Kendra smiled slightly, nodding the affirmative. Her trademark shyness was melting away by the minute

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