
The Three Milk Delivery Sisters


He walked into the showroom, packed with customers and distributors alike. His shoes made a sharp clacks on the wooden floor, causing looks to be turned toward him.

A woman stepped out of the mass and addressed him, “What would like today, sir?”

“I wonder if you have a skincare range for men?”

“Here, let me show you,” leading him deeper into the premises. All around him he saw groups of people huddled over glossy brochures, listening to one person or in one-on-one discussions. He was attracted to the energy on display here. People were selling cosmetic products from Scandinavia, and teaching others how to do the same, in the process creating ‘teams’ of salespeople. The more people one brought in and showed how the multilevel model worked, the more one benefited from the output of their ‘team’. He felt deep in his bones, however, that he could never be a part of this kind of thing. His admiration for the energy and excitement therefore fell off on this admission.

At the far end of the large hall the young woman led him around a corner and showed him to two ladies at a round table, two of whose four chairs were vacant. He was shown to one of them.

“Thank you,” he said as he sat. In those brief seconds he became aware that the two ladies were very much alike. The second thing he realised was that both were looking at him intently. Looking from one to the other, suddenly a revelation broke upon him. In the same instant, the two also had a revelation.




They recognised each other from their childhood days instantly. He was on his feet immediately, as they all stood. Kate was nearer him and reached him first, hugging him tightly. The youngster who had brought him stood to one side, without knowing what to make of this scene. Nick drew a little away from Kate and regarded her seriously. Then he remembered that Lynn was present. Turning to her he threw his arms open to her. She came into his embrace, which proved to be as warm as Kate’s. He pulled Kate back into the hug holding both of them and looking from one face to the other.

“How wonderful to see you both again!” he gushed. “I had only come here to pick up some items, and look how fortunate I have been!”

“How have you been since we left the village?” Lynn asked him. “It has been…what, seven or eight years?”

Nick’s brow furrowed in concentration. “I think I left eight years ago after finishing school at Kenton.” His voice became soft as he remembered those idyllic days on Kijabe Hill.

“I finished at Kijabe Girls’ the following year while Lynn finished a year after that,” supplied Kate. “Then we each came to the city to join University.”

“Even then I thought my parents suspected there was something between us,” said Nick. “By the way, where is Tina these days?” He had remembered the third sister.

“She is now in South Africa where she is studying Medicine.”

He sat in silence as he remembered the escapades they got up to in their young days.


Kijabe sat on a shelf in the northern wall of the Rift Valley. The slopes were heavily wooded and some of them very steep. The little village sat isolated from almost anywhere else in the heart of this peaceful paradise.

Kate and Lynn’s parents owned a large farm on what some called the saddle because it nestled between steep walls on two sides. They had a small herd of cattle grazing on their pastures. The milk Kolej Escort from these animals would normally have been taken to the dairy, but the truck broke down so often that Ronald van Cloete said exasperatedly to his wife one morning, “Away with the money! Even when the truck comes, they take ages to pay us. I will sell my milk to my neighbours instead.”

The girls’ mother agreed with her husband wholeheartedly. They, the little ones, enjoyed the abundance of milk and its products on days it did not sell well. They were given the duty of delivering small quantities to near neighbours who paid monthly. One such was Florence Carey the teacher, and wife of the only railway driver known to anybody in that whole district. That combination of occupations was the envy of the villagers, giving the couple an aura of respectability.

Kate and Lynn favoured this delivery more than all others. Mrs Carey gave them little snacks when they came to her door every two days. She had a store of such goodies for her own children, brought home by their father on his trips to places far and wide. Locals rarely saw these as they were of a kind not available in the local shops.

One day little Lynn asked her mother why they did not attend Kenton.

Jess answered, “First, because I am the only one employed; your father is a full- time farmer. Second, I am a government nurse. There are so many of us that the government cannot pay us enough to send our children to schools like Kenton.”

The girl looked confused by all this. “Don’t worry my daughter. One day you will all meet in employment and compete over the same jobs.”

Kate and her sister Tina were listening to this conversation.

Tina piped up, “But surely that is so unfair, Mum! Those privileged kids have been given a superior education to us!”

“These are the facts of our education system in this country and very many others. May someday it will change, girls!”


Nick looked forward to the upcoming midterm break. He loved trekking up vale and down dale around his home almost more than he enjoyed visiting his friends in the city, fifty kilometers away to the south.

On the second morning of the holiday, he put on his boots and took a stiff stick with him. Mrs Carey had packed snacks and drinks enough for himself and to share. It was if she knew, and approved, that he would spend the day with the farmer’s daughters.

Presently he stood on the stoop, knocking on the front door of the van Cloete farmhouse. “Good morning, Gladys!” he greeted the maid who came to open it. He leaned his staff against the railing as he entered.

“Good morning Mrs van Cloete!” he greeted politely when he was presented to her.

“Good morning Nick! Is it already midterm? How time flies!” said the lady of the house. “You want to speak to the girls, I am sure.”

“Yes, please. I want us to go to the Pejeta today. We have not been for some time.”

“Did someone say Nick?” said a young voice behind him. He spun round, coming face to face with Tina, the youngest.

“Hi Tina!” as he hugged her warmly.

Running feet were heard in the corridor outside the room. Then Kate, followed by Lynn burst into the room. Each embraced him with great warmth.

“Its been almost six weeks since schools opened, brother!”

“Too long,” agreed Nick.

“Kate, please have Gladys pack Rus Escort your knapsacks for a picnic.”

The girl rushed out of the room calling for the maid.

“Would you like some tea?” asked the girls’ mother. “Or would you prefer some juice?”

“Juice would be lovely, Mrs van Cloete.”

“I thought so!” as she poured some from a jug on the sideboard.

In what seemed like only five minutes, Gladys came into the room bearing a knapsack.

Nick put his glass on the stool and said, “Should I move what I have in mine into this one, so that we do not have two burdens, neither of which is full?” looking at Mrs van Cloete. “I can carry it then.”

Impressed by the boy’s thoughtfulness she gave her consent easily. She always thought he would grow up to be a fine gentleman.

“Everything ready, girls?” she looked them over. “You should have had your boots brushed, Lynn!”

“Its alright Mrs van Cloete. We are going into the bush.”

“Of course, Nick,” she acknowledged. “Come and kiss mummy goodbye, girls!”

Off the three girls went with the boy after he had retrieved his staff beside the front door.


Nick’s purchases gave him a special pleasure in that he had boosted his childhood sweethearts’ point value for that month. He resolved to do the same the following month.

“Why don’t we go have some lunch?” he suggested.

“Are you hungry Kate?” joked Lynn.

“If not for food, I definitely want more of Nick’s company!” her face held a mischievous leer.

At the Stratos Restaurant, they each made their order. As they ate they did all the catching up that eight years of absence called for.

Now that they had found each other, they wanted to see each other on any pretext, even while Nick was not giving them any business. Not that he did not give it his best effort. He sent his friends to them so that they made more sales points and became valuable members of their team. But after work they had coffee and also dinners, more so on Fridays when work was done. One evening after such a meal Lynn said to him, “Do you want to see our little house in Pangani?”

“Your car or mine?” he riposted, signalling his willingness.

“If we go in our car and leave yours behind, we will not escort you back to town to take yours. You have to spend the night on the sofa,” the forthright Kate told him.

“OK then, I will follow you,” he acquiesced.

The two sisters shared the car, as they did the house. Kate drove out to Ngara and onto Parkroad. From that road she headed into Pangani and their estate. Nick parked behind them. But Lynn told him to take an end slot so that the other residents, coming after him, did not block him.

“Did he tell you he was going anywhere before sunrise?” said Kate with a naughty smile.

Inside the house the girls went into the bedroom and changed into something more homely.

“I like that flowery dress. It reminds me of the Kijabe countryside after the rains when flowers bloom,” said Nick when Kate came out of the bedroom.

“Stop being diplomatic! You have noticed that now I have no bra,” chided Kate. “I pull them off as soon as I get into the house.”

“Come here, let me confirm those ugly rumours!” he pulled her by the arm and lowered her onto his lap. Kissing her neck caused her to squirm, making those lovely boobs wiggle about.

“Hey lovebirds! Yenimahalle Escort Don’t start anything without me!” said Lynn from the doorway. In three strides she was across the room; she threw her arms around them both, bringing her unfettered boobs in touch with his upper arm. Desires which had been kept under lid all their days of growing up in Kijabe now came to the fore. It seemed the sisters harboured no jealousy between them. They shared Nick freely. He kissed them in turn and fondled the bums encased in light clothing. He was sure Kate had no panties under her simple dress. Soon enough he was fondling their breasts, kissing them and eventually started undressing Kate. He found that his instincts were correct in that she had nothing more than the dress on her body. When it came to Lynn’s turn he found she had but two pieces of clothing.

When taking down her panties, he came face to face with her cunt, wet and eager. He could smell her arousal so he started on licking it. She threw her legs wide to give him full access. Her sister embarked on kissing her nipples. She was so highly strung that the double assault had her pouring out her juices copiously within minutes. Quickly Nick switched to sucking Kate’s tits hithertofore neglected. When she stroked her sister’s cunt and found it so wet, she wanted to lick those juices when they were still fresh. So Nick had to abandon the tits but was rewarded with access to Kate’s pussy.

He opened her up, burying his face in it, while the sisters lay on their sides facing each other so that Kate could get at her meal. At the same time one of her hands could reach Lynn’s nipples stroking, pulling and squeezing them until the poor girl came again all over her sister’s mouth. This provoked Kate to succumb to whatever Nick as doing to her pussy, and she too let go of her juices. Without any other distraction, Nick captured all of it, then licked the excess away, leaving her pussy cleaner than he found it.

The three naked bodies coiled around each other like so many cobras in their den. After dozing for a while they all moved into the bedroom onto the queen-sized bed. He stroked them, kissed and fondled them, rubbed the helmet of his cock on their cunt lips until they could bear it no more and demanded to have it sink into their depths. He fucked each sister to thunderous orgasms while the other was either playing with his balls, rimming his ass or sucking her sister’s nipples. They fell into a deep slumber, bodies around each other so that if you peeped in at the window you have been hard-pressed to say who was where.

Nick woke to the very wonderful feeling of a mouth on his cock. Lynn said, “This is my first meal of the day!” as soon as he stirred. His cock sprung up due to all this loving it was getting. The soft noises of the bed as the two shifted positions caused Kate too, to wake up. He took them each ‘to Canaan’s land’ before they woke up to shower together and break their nocturnal fast.

“How come we are at the breakfast table sooner when there are three of us?” wondered Kate aloud.

“For one, we all piled into the shower, saving loads of time. Normally, you get into the shower and take so long that you almost make me late!” accused the other.

“So you have at least one benefit, Nick, according to Lynn!” said Kate.

That made the farewell filled with laughter as they hugged each other all round.

Afterwards Nick sped off to his place before the jams built up. He did not plan to leave his house until early that afternoon. All that morning he could feel the two pussies on his cock.

He was sure to be back with the two ‘milk sisters’ before very long. And there was still the young doctor training in South Africa; what happened when she came back, he could only guess.

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