
The Yoni And The Lingam Ch. 10


The Yoni And The Lingam 10

This series consists of a number of stories, but they are not “stand alone” chapters. I strongly advise you to read from Chapter One if you haven’t already done so, otherwise this story will not make a lot of sense. Just imagine opening a book at a random page and trying to figure out what came before.

My phone chimed as I was sitting in my hotel room letting me know I had an incoming text, which I opened immediately. I had just finished re-dressing about five minutes before in my Indian dress shirt, the Kurta, and the special jeans that Maya had altered for me. It was the text or call I had been expecting, because I was about to give a talk to the women’s group of the local Hindu Temple. It simple read, ‘We are in reception now, come down when you are ready please sir.’

These Hindu women were very polite, which is something I had learned in the last few weeks and they always seemed to refer to me as ‘Sir.’ Maybe it was a leftover from the time when the British had ruled India I mused, not that they owed the British any great respect, far from it, but just that they had perhaps retained a more old fashioned form of English from that era before Indian independence. It was just a thought that flitted through my head, but then I promptly forgot it as I locked the room door behind me, and hurried down to reception to meet what I will temporarily call the temple ladies.

The ladies were unmistakeable, both dressed in brightly coloured saris with their long dark hair pulled tightly back, and the red ‘Bindi’ marking on their forehead. They quite took my breath away, both about medium height, and very, very beautiful. I felt a brief stirring from below, but ignored it and reached forward to shake their hands. The one doing the talking was called Amara, medium height, five foot five tall or thereabouts, and slim, maybe thirty years old I estimated, and the other silent and younger one who could have passed for her twin was Uma. They were sisters.

The introductions made and pleasantries exchanged, we left reception and made our way to the car park where Amara got behind the wheel of a large black Mercedes. Uma took the back seat and I got into the passenger seat at Amara’s invitation. She waited until I had my seatbelt on, then drove out of the car park and into the city. She drove very fast, but very competently in complete control of the vehicle, and very soon we entered the car park of the temple. It was a lot bigger than the one in my home town, with a high wall round the car park forming what I would have described as a compound.

‘Security,’ Amara explained. ‘When the temple was built thirty of forty years ago we had a lot of vandalism, broken windows, graffiti, etc. Far right racist groups and such like, so a high wall was built to deter such behaviour. We have CCTV cameras too.’ She maneuvered into a parking space and we all got out and made our way by a side door into the temple complex.

She led me into what I took to be a side hall, not the main temple, but it was far bigger than the one at Maya’s home temple. There was already a good number of women there, and there was an excited buzz of chat and conversation in the hall which died away as we entered. I nodded towards them all, and after having a good look at me, they turned back to each other and the conversation level rose again.

‘How many are you expecting to attend tonight,’ I asked, and her answer surprised me. Surprised? It bloody scared me shitless!

‘Between seventy and eighty, maybe more. Word has got around that tonight’s meeting will be something extra special, and extraordinary. They all want to meet you. If we follow the same sort of thing I saw at your home temple I think they will all go home very happy.’

‘Wait, you’ve seen me already, so you’re one of the women responsible for me being here tonight?’ I asked, and she confirmed she was, smiling.

‘I didn’t meet you that night, I would have remembered your face,’ I declared. She smiled, obviously flattered and shook her head.

‘No, it was my friend, and she hasn’t stopped talking about it ever since. I’m quite jealous actually,’ she laughed, but looked embarrassed all the same, and looked away shyly. ‘We’ve set a room aside for you to give proof to the doubters in private if you’re happy with that?’ I assured her that I was quite happy to offer proof.

‘I hope that you will be one of these seekers after the truth Amara,’ I said, letting her know that I would be delighted for her to see me. I could see by the deep red aura pulsating round her hips that she was sexually receptive to me. ‘Perhaps you could show me the room Amara so I can see if it’s suitable?’ I suggested, and she led me behind the ‘stage’ which was little more than a raised platform and opened a door.

There was a small ante room which led into another room and she opened the door of that room and led me inside. There was a desk against one wall, no windows and two Çankaya Escort or three office chairs.

‘Yes, this will do nicely,’ I commented. ‘Will you do me a favour and make a list of those who want proof, and then control who enters.’ She nodded in assent. ‘Maya, my friend would normally do it, but she couldn’t come with me tonight, because her father is very ill. Will you be my assistant tonight Amara?’ She looked up at me with those wondrous dark eyes and agreed at once. I sat down on one of the chairs and pulled another round in front to me and indicated she should sit on it. She sat down and faced me.

‘What did your friend tell you about me?’ I asked. Again she looked embarrassed, and could hardly raise her glance off the floor, barely able to meet my eyes. ‘Please Amara, I’d like to know,’ I went on, then left a silence for her to fill and after a few moments she spoke, almost a whisper.

‘She said you were huge, truly the sacred lingam. She’d never seen anything like it and had never wanted any man so much in her whole life. Her yoni burned for you she said…’ her voice tailed off, whether embarrassed by what she had said or something else, I don’t know.

‘Thank you Amara,’ I said. ‘Are you not afraid that seeing the proof will make you feel the same way as your friend?’ I teased her. She shook her head.

‘I don’t know,’ she admitted, ‘perhaps I’ll have an answer to that when I see it.’ I decided to put her out of her misery, so I pulled my Kurta higher. I was wearing the special jeans that Myra had altered for me, the ones that left my hard cock permanently exposed for occasions like tonight. Her eyes opened wider in astonishment. I could see her visibly start to tremble.

‘Oh my god, I never dreamed… I… I… never… imagined…’ she gasped out breathlessly. I pointed to the floor in front of me between my knees. Her aura was pulsating faster and brighter and her sexual receptivity was stronger than ever.

‘Come closer, have a better look, make sure it’s real and not some trick.’ She got up and knelt before me. ‘Touch me,’ I suggested, and she reached out with both hands taking a good firm grip, having a good look at the base and feeling my balls with her left hand while the right stroked my length. She looked up at me, her eyes filled with tears of emotion.

‘My friend was right, it’s real, no trick.’ Then I asked her the question and she replied with complete honesty. ‘Yes… yes… it does. My yoni burns for you too.’ I pointed to my swollen knob, and she knew what to do. She kissed it, kissed along my length and tried to take my knob in her mouth. She managed a little bit, so I thanked her and stopped her there, reminding her that we had a crowd waiting out there in the hall for me. I lifted her to her feet, took her in my arms and kissed her and thanked her, and we went out to meet her friends.

The hall had filled up while we were in the back room, and it seemed to me there might even be more than the figure Amara had quoted earlier. I strolled nonchalantly, but mot arrogantly onto the stage, (I don’t do arrogance) and at first they were so busy talking amongst themselves that they didn’t even notice me, but bit by bit they fell silent and faced forward in their chairs, just looking at me. I looked back at them silently. They were a mixed batch, all ages from early twenties up to some older women in their sixties, and there were some truly beautiful women there, and a great deal of women who at any other time I would have called attractive. I stood up and looked round the room.

‘I’ve come to tell you a story,’ I began. ‘You’ll hear some things tonight that you may think are lies, I will leave it to you to decide whether I tell you the truth or not. At the end of the evening I will ask you to come forward to verify the truth for yourself if you wish to. It doesn’t matter to me whether you believe me or not, I’m simply here to tell you my story,’ and so I began.

I began with how I found the temple screen in a junk shop, how the shop keeper and I thought it may have come to be there in the first place, most probably brought back by some high ranking British official at the time of Indian independence in 1947. I had taken it home and cleaned it up, highly pleased with my purchase, and decided to use it as a decorative headboard for my bed.

The carvings on it were of a highly erotic nature, depicting quite a few sexual positions and that brought a small murmur from the crowd. I had used it as a headboard because I joked, I thought if I had a lady friend to visit and ran out of ideas I may find some inspiration in the carvings. That earned me a big laugh. The sacred Yoni and Lingam were, I added, repeated motifs in the carvings.

Soon after I had installed it as a decorative headboard, I was beset by dreams of a woman I could only describe as my ‘goddess,’ a woman of incomparable beauty who I instinctively knew to be my Keçiören Escort wife. I hadn’t realised that fact completely until I researched the chain she wore linking her nose piercing to her ear. It was ‘the Nath,’ and as you know, that is only worn by Hindu brides on their wedding night.’ That brought a murmur of surprise.

She had taken me to her bedchamber, I continued, and in my dream we had made love, and that’s what led me to believe I was indeed her husband. For, I reasoned, no true Hindu woman would take a strange man to her bed on her wedding night. Again there was a louder murmur of agreement. I paused for a moment until the talking died down.

Over the course of the next few nights, I told them, she had visited me in my dreams again and again, until on the final night she had confirmed that fact for me. She was my wife, and had also asked me to return the screen to my local Hindu temple, which I had done. There was a thunderous round of applause at that revelation. I smiled and bowed my head until it died away. Now for the big reveal.

The woman I called my goddess had told me I was indeed her husband, I revealed to them. I had always been her husband, and would be her husband for all time, and throughout every cycle of birth and death we would always be as one, our souls joined. Predictably this raised a fair bit of hubbub in the room, no longer murmuring, they were turning to each other and talking excitedly. I stood there quietly, not interrupting, head held high, trying to look dignified. Gradually, the noise died down, and they turned facing front again, all eyes on me.

‘Already some of you are sceptical,’ I proclaimed. ‘I can see it in your eyes.’ This statement was met with much shaking of heads, so I went on. ‘If what I’ve said has shocked you, then this next part of my story will go much further.’

She told me she must leave me, but in leaving she was also leaving me a gift. I had already noticed that something strange was taking place within my body, right from the first time she took me to her bed in my dream. I had begun to grow larger, so much so that I had sought medical help from the doctors. They thought I was crazy, or some exhibitionist fool, but now I know that this was the gift of my goddess.

On that last night with me, I paused, she told me she had made me the ‘Keeper Of The Sacred Lingam.’ At my announcement complete pandemonium broke out, everybody seemed to be talking at once, voiced raised. This time I sat down as I waited for the noise to die down. Finally Amara got up on the platform, and tried to restore order, and finally they quietened down.

‘My friends,’ she began. ‘I know this is hard for you to believe, but you know me, and you know I am nobody’s fool. I am not easily convinced, but I have seen the proof for myself and I truly believe that he speaks the truth.’

‘We will have a short break now for tea or coffee or fruit juice,’ she announced, ‘but in the second half you can ask our guest any questions you like, and those who would seek proof are welcome to come and examine him for yourselves. There are quite a few doctors among us, so I would hope that one or two of you would come forward and give us the benefit of your medical knowledge in this matter.’

I sat there for a moment, a bit shocked by the reaction, but of course I was claiming to be something that was part of their religious beliefs. and they perhaps felt threatened. ‘Show no fear,’ I thought, ‘get down amongst them and spread those pheromones. Get them on your side.’ So, that’s exactly what I did, I got off the platform and walked amongst them, smiling and greeting them as if they were old friends.

Many of them, took my hands as I passed and thanked me for coming, and I thanked them for having me and listening to my story. I could see the tell-tale red auras appearing as I walked amongst them, and then suddenly Amara was at my elbow with a cup of tea which I was grateful for. We stood and spoke for a few minutes but we were continually interrupted by well-wishers thanking me for coming tonight. It seemed that the angry noise I had heard earlier was from a minority, and hopefully I would win them over in the question and answer session to come. Finally, I made my way back to the platform, and Amara asked them to take their seats again. When they were settled Amara asked if anyone would like to ask a question. A few hands shot up, and Amara picked a woman near the front.

‘Your story is very interesting sir, but why would this woman you call your goddess, and is so obviously Indian from what you say, choose a white man to be Keeper Of The Sacred Lingam.’ This one was easy as I had already answered it at my ‘home,’ temple.

‘A very good question,’ I said, flattering her a little, ‘but a question that is easily explained. Surely you know that in the continuing cycle of birth and death we are born to many roles.’ She nodded, agreeing with Etimesgut Escort me. ‘If I am a white man in this life, it does not mean that I have always been a white man, or that I have not been Indian in previous incarnations’ Heads were nodding in the audience, they understood alright.

‘Here on earth we change our clothes every day, but the body remains the same. Likewise with our souls, we may appear as many different people on our path to enlightenment, but our souls always remain the same.’ There was a loud round of applause again. Another hand shot up.

‘Please sir, I am asking if you would be so very kind. You said your body started changing, but your body looks perfectly normal, so what has changed sir?’ she asked. I laughed, then smiled at her so that she didn’t feel I was making fun of her and taking her question lightly.

‘Mmm… that is also a very good question, but it’s also quite embarrassing. I think the best way to answer that is to remind you that she made me Keeper Of The Sacred… I paused for dramatic effect… Lingam.’ She laughed and covered her face with her hands. ‘I’m sorry I asked now sir,’ she called out to me still laughing, as were all the other ladies in the hall.

‘Are you asking us to believe that in the last month or so your…eh… lingam, has doubled in size?’ another woman asked.

‘I’m not asking you to believe anything. It is what it is. I was a normal man, and I mean normal in very way, and then I began to grow. It frightened me to begin with, because I didn’t understand what was happening until my goddess told me. I am still growing but hopefully not much more and now I’ve learned to accept it. If you find it hard to believe, then please come and see me to verify what I’ve said. I have nothing to hide. I am willing to give proof the only way I can.’

Amara stood up then and intervened bringing proceedings to a halt, but said she was here to take names of those who wanted proof for themselves. Adding, if you want to see proof please come to the dressing room door, and I would see as many as possible before the temple closed for the night. I thanked them all for coming to see me and expressed the wish that I would see many of them again. The applauded once more, all smiling at me, and I then I bowed and waved them goodbye before I disappeared into the private room.

The first one was a huge surprise, and also a delight, it was Amara’s younger sister, Uma. She came in and sat down, looking at me with a smile on her beautiful face. I asked her if she really wanted to see my ‘proof,’ or was she just curious, and she nodded that she was indeed just curious, so I lifted my Kurta and showed her my cock.

‘Oh my god, Amara said it was big, but I never thought it would be so huge,’ she gasped in disbelief. ‘Not that I’ve seen anything to compare it with before. We Indian girls are very sheltered you know,’ she explained. I invited her to touch it to verify that it was real, and she stepped forward eagerly, no reluctance and got down on her knees, rubbing her hands up and down. ‘Mmm.. so soft, but yet so hard. Thank you for letting me see it, I’d better go. Amara will wonder what I’m up to, she’s a very protective big sister.’ She turned away, stopped at the door and looked back at me. ‘I think I’ll be seeing you again soon,’ and with a wink she was gone. I took that as a promise for the future.

The next one who came into the room was the sceptic who asked if I really thought they would believe something like this. I had concealed myself again, and she came into the room closing the door behind her. She was very attractive, not in the same league as Amara, or Uma, but the kind of attractiveness where if I’d met her before all this started I’d have been very happy to make love with her. She looked closer to forty than thirty, but still most fuckable.

‘Hi, so you’ve come for proof?’ I stated, looking at her aura, it was red, she was horny no doubt about it, but I could see she was still sceptical, still reserved. ‘Are you married I asked her?’ and she confirmed she was. ‘Are you sure you want to do this?’ I asked again. She confirmed that she was.

‘Don’t try to fool me please or dissuade me. I came for proof and I want to see your proof, otherwise I will not believe you. Trying to put me off only makes me more suspicious.’ So be it I thought and indicated the chair where she sat down.

‘You want to see the changes my body has gone through?’ I asked, kinda warning her, but she nodded adamantly. I slowly began to pull my Kurta higher, her eyes followed my move, until at last my cock rose to his full prominence in front of her startled eyes. She swallowed, gasped out.

‘Oh my god… it’s not real… it can’t be real… I don’t believe it.’ I indicated the spot between my knees.

‘You’ve doubted me, now come closer and check for yourself,’ and she slid off the chair, shuffling forward on her knees until she was crouching between my knees. ‘Touch it,’ she shook her head, protesting that she was a married woman. ‘I insist you touch it; how can you know it’s not false if you don’t touch it, feel its hardness, the warmth of my skin.’ She reached out a tentative hand and let her fingertips graze it. It twitched at her touch, she flinched, then looked at me, unblinking, then looked down at my cock.

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