
Living with an Exhibitionist Ch. 01


When I answered the apartment ad, I did not have high hopes. I had seen a mess of places and wasn’t crazy about any of them, but they were all at over the top of my price range. This one sounded too good to be true, and I assumed there would be some hidden catch they had casually forgotten to mention, like that parking was $400 a month extra or there was an active crack house next door. I was starting to get desperate as I had given my notice where I was, and the end of the month was coming up.

Thus I was pleasantly surprised to find a decent-looking neighborhood, free parking and a pleasant lobby. The guy I’d be rooming with, Terry, buzzed me up and I wandered around the corner, found an elevator (Awesome! I was in a third floor walk-up now!) and stepped out on the 8th floor to see a movie-actor handsome guy grinning at me in the hallway.

Terry seemed sane, and not at all like someone who would murder me in my bed or steal my dirty socks. He had a job and a girlfriend in his home state who he saw every few months, liked to work out and thus half the living room was his gym equipment. Another plus, as he said he’d not only let me use it but would coach me in exchange for spotting him when he trained. That would help me accomplish another of my own goals and save me money besides.

I would have my own room, but we’d have to share the bathroom, which was fine with me. I could see that he was pretty neat or at else had done a hell of a job scrubbing it down, and – despite than having a metrosexual amount of grooming products, to which he said I could help myself – it was plenty big enough.

We were sitting in the living room, me on his couch and him in a recliner, and talking over the details. I was all set to sign on the dotted line, when Terry, grinning kind of sheepishly said, “Um, there is one thing you should kinda know before you agree to live with me.”

“Your girlfriend? I don’t mind if she’s here. I’m a sound sleeper, and I’m living with four people in half Cebeci Escort this space now.”

“That’s cool, but, no that’s not it.” Terry was blushing a little. “I, uh, don’t really like to wear clothes much when I’m home. Is that gonna bother you?”

“Hey nothing wrong with chillin’ in your boxers in your own place,” I said affably. “I live with two chicks now, but they still catch me sometimes in the morning.”

“I don’t mean in boxers,” he said. “I like to be naked. I just got in the habit, and I really don’t feel like getting out of it. My last roommate said he would be chill about it, but then he started to ask me to stay in my room with my door shot, which sucked. The TV and my workout stuff is all out here. You get the bigger bedroom, in case you didn’t notice.”

I had to think about this a little. I wasn’t a prude, but I wasn’t sure whether I was ready to spend all my free time staring at a naked dude, either. Although I considered myself straight, I was not completely immune to very good-looking guys, which Terry definitely was. I caught myself checking him out a few times while we were talking, and that was with his clothes on!

“I dunno, man, as you can see I’m not exactly a jock. I haven’t had all that locker-room time I guess you have, so I’m not really used to being around other guys naked.”

“Well, you don’t have to get naked, dude, I’m talkin’ about me,” he grinned.

“Even still. I’m not saying it would bother me; I just don’t know.”

Terry nodded, looking a little disappointed. “Well, I’ll tell you what, you’re the first person I’ve interviewed that I wasn’t afraid to even tell this too. Lotta creepers out there. You seem cool, and I appreciate that you were honest. So, I’ll throw this out there. Are you busy tonight?”

I shook my head, wondering where he was going.

“Why don’t you hang out tonight, we’ll get some food and beers, watch a game or something, and see what you Kolej Escort think. If you really feel like it’s gonna bother you, no harm no foul. If you’re still not sure, we can spend more time together before you make a decision. Like I said, you’re the first guy that’s come by that I felt like I could click with, so I’m willing to take a risk and invest some time on this.”

That seemed cool of him, especially since he said on the phone he had a few more people coming to see it. I didn’t want to come across as a prissy little baby or, so I hesitated a second and nodded. He grinned. “Cool! I’m glad you’ll give it a shot.”

Terry stood up and came over to shake my hand. When we were done, he stayed in front of me and started unbuttoning his shirt.

“What are you doing?” I stammered.

“What do you think? Getting naked. I told you, tonight’s the trial run.” He slipped the shirt off his shoulders. It was obvious he was very athletic and also did a lot of manscaping… his chest was smooth and he had only a little fuzz going past his navel into the jeans he was unbuckling.

“Oh, I thought you meant we’d hang out and get to know each other,” I tried to find something else to look at besides his legs as the jeans slid down them, revealing black boxer briefs.

“We will, but we also need to know if this is gonna be a deal-breaker for you,” he said calmly, stepping out of the jeans and getting closer to me in the process. I had no real choice but to watch as – looking right at me – he pulled the underwear down slowly and kicked them free.

Terry’s dick was on the bigger side of respectable, long and thick even completely relaxed, which it seemed to be. The hair around it was neatly groomed and – as far as I could tell – his balls were shaved smooth. I realized I had been staring at it for a long second, and guiltily raised my eyes back to his, which seemed amused and unsurprised.

“Look all you want. I guess if Rus Escort you haven’t been around a lot of guys, it’s a novelty. I’m sure it’ll get boring eventually,” he didn’t seem bothered at all that he caught me checking out his meat. He picked the clothes up and put them in his room, then came back and turned the TV on, then dropped a take-out menu on my lap. I glanced at his dick again (yup, still there!) then busied myself trying to order something that wouldn’t break the bank, settling on a chicken parm sandwich. When I relayed my choice to him, he said, “Dude, I thought you were trying to get in shape,” and suggested grilled chicken and broccoli rabe, plus a big salad for both of us. I sheepishly agreed, thinking that at least he’d be a good influence.

We talked good-naturedly about the game, and – since I couldn’t really see much of him with his recliner pivoted towards the TV, I almost forgot he had no clothes on until the doorbell rang. I started to get up, figuring it was easier than him getting clothes on, but he sprang from his chair and had the door open before I could even say anything.

As he brought the food back, I couldn’t help but ask if the delivery person was bothered by his nudity.

Terry chuckled, “I order from there all the time. At this point, I think if I had clothes on they’d be disappointed.” Glancing at his shapely torso, I could see why, but didn’t comment. He refused my offer to pay for my half of the dinner, saying I could get it next time.

The rest of the night seemed normal enough, or as normal as could be under the circumstances. When the game was over, I was sleepy, and he showed me out without bothering to get dressed again, continuing the conversation standing in the doorway. All the way home I could not think how nice it must be to at home in your own skin (literally).

“So do you think you can handle living with a naked guy?” He asked, his grin disarming me by the minute.

“I guess so. Do you think we could hang out one more time, just to be sure?” I felt like such a baby but this was going to take some getting used to.

“‘Course. I just need to know by Thursday because I have two more people that want to look, and I don’t want to string them along.”

I could respect that, and figured I better man up and make a decision by then.

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