
With Wendy’s Guidance


With Wendy’s GuidanceIt happened in my sophomore year of college, away from home and on the road for my college debate team. My girlfriend Wendy was almost four thousand miles away, back East to visit her family over the spring break.We had started up in November, dating a couple of times before falling in love, and later into bed together. We spent most school nights apart, and the weekends from Friday on through Sunday afternoon in my dorm room, or her apartment, fucking like crazy. Now, in early April, every minute away from her left me longing for her touch, her kisses, the taste and scent of her juices on my tongue, and the sight and feel of my cock gliding in and out of her while she moaned my name or throaty, endearing four-letter words in time to our thrusting.Being twenty is wonderful, especially in retrospect. Just past the embarrassment of getting an unexpected hard-on when standing up in front of the class, or in the pool with my sister’s friends, where even the cool autumn nights and the frigid pool couldn’t keep my flag from flying, and my sister blushing while her friends giggled, pretending not to notice. At twenty, you can actually get laid without hiding from your parents, or skulking around a backyard hoping her father doesn’t catch you with your pants down and your cock filling your girlfriend’s tender young pussy, or, worse, her mouth.Wendy was a good lay. Actually, she was an awesome lay. Her body was slender but generously curved in the right places. Her glorious mane of red hair spilled down over her shoulders, and when she rode astride me, grinding her sparse, almost pink bush against me, her pussy devouring my cock, nipples playing peek-a-boo through her tresses, I felt like I was in Heaven, or a really good porn flick.She seldom sunbathed, but when she did, it was always in the nude, and only in the late afternoon so she wouldn’t burn her pale, satiny skin. She had dark blue eyes, mischievous and bold, and slender lips that were much fuller and stronger when they touched mine. Her breasts were of average size, but full and responsive to my touch. She usually wore overalls with a tee-shirt, and sometimes a sweater for the chill Bay Area winters, and, on one notable occasion, nothing but the overalls. For about five minutes, that is.I was her first lover, her first all-grown-up relationship, and she tried to be a young sophisticate, almost succeeding until her first giggle broke the spell. My cock was the first inside her, so she said, but she was a fast study, picking up all the tricks I could teach her and she could read about and watch in the occasional porn we’d bring back to her apartment, feeling very adult while looking for any excuse to stop the movie and get our clothes and any waiting out of the way.I’d had three women before her, none lasting in my life longer than a few weeks, followed by late-night masturbation sessions going on until either the sun rose, or I fell asleep from happy exhaustion. Even then I dreamed of their bodies, always more perfect and willing in my sleep than in real life, rubbing and kissing and sucking me all over, begging me to return to them. More often than not, I woke to the sound of my own soft, covetous moans before school, naked on top of the bed, with my shorts mysteriously on the floor, humping my fist or the pillow in dreamy consolation.Wendy was new to sex, and despite her eagerness was very tentative about a lot of things. The first time I kissed her bush, she looked surprised, and had given me one of those, “Is that supposed to do something for me?” looks. Her first orgasm happened the second time I ate her out, and she seemed to decide that it did, after all, do something wonderful for her. To thank me, she very gently tried to fellate me, again looking puzzled at my reaction to her lips and tongue on my shaft. Like a lot of guys I knew, she clearly preferred receiving oral to giving it, but dutifully sucked me off, letting my semen spurt onto her lips, and a couple of times actually in her mouth, perhaps in the mistaken belief that I wouldn’t go down on her again if she didn’t reciprocate.As if.Anyway, Wendy was off to see her family all the way across the country. We promised to call every couple of days, but not every day, because that would be too needy. During the quarter break, I was out of town at a debate team tournament, and my school was in good shape to place in the week-long event. My roommate was an old friend, and the captain of our speech forensics team, James. I’d caught him stealing sidelong glances at Wendy when we were together, and sometimes smiled back, conspiratorially, telling him in my own mind that she was everything anyone could ever want.But this story is about what happened when she was away.James was lean, but in a wiry way, not skinny or frail. He wasn’t a jock, but he worked out often, battling the tendency of a student schooling away from home to gain or lose weight with the change in diet and schedule. His black hair was cropped short, and he had tightly trimmed sideburns. His clothing favored darker shades, often a black button-down shirt and blue jeans, or shorts and a tee with sneakers when he went to work out. His most striking feature, which endeared him to women of all types, was his eyes, a deep yet clear blue, the color of the ocean under a perfectly blue sky.We’d arrived Sunday at the hotel and unpacked. Monday kicked the festivities off, and Tuesday morning found my school tied for second place so far. My own debate on the merits of public funding for housing helped us get to that point, and I had called Wendy as promised that night, as I had Sunday. This time it was without success; the phone machine answered, and I checked my watch, suddenly realizing that just after dinner in Los Angeles was around bedtime in Boston. I apologized to the machine and quickly hung up.Sometimes, being twenty and horny isn’t so wonderful. Unable to reach Wendy, and not willing to piss off her old man, who I was sure was twice my height and nicknamed Killer, even though he was a music professor, I chatted with contestants from other universities, including a gorgeous brunette named Maria, an olive-skinned exchange student from a Latin American country whose name barely made an impression as we moved on to other subjects.My fifth beer of the evening hit me hard, and I decided to head to bed. Climbing under the covers, I noted James wasn’t there, and assumed he had enticed a woman into letting him spend some time in her bed, or just in her. After all, that’s at least part of the reason for these competitions, at both the high school and collegiate level.In minutes, I was fast asleep, but not comfortably. The alcohol interacted with my disappointment over not speaking to Wendy, or hearing her voice, and my dreams were both erotic and dark. In one dream, she stood nude, arms and legs apart to welcome me, and blew away at a sudden gale of wind that sucked her into the black clouds overhead.That dream passed, and she was with me again, naked and gorgeous, hair fuller than ever before, and her hot kisses stole my breath away as she mounted me, rocking her hips and fucking me deliberately and gently, leaning back with her hands on my knees, arching her back as I started to moan and thrust into the waiting moistness. The walls of her cunt tightened around my cock, and I groaned loudly as I shot my load deep into her waiting hole…I awoke, naked on top of the bed, with the covers thrown back, warm cum on my fingers and stomach, cooling in the hotel room’s dimness as my balls continued to spasm, subsiding with each new trickle of semen. Glancing over at James’ bed, I was relieved to see that it was empty, but then I noticed it had been slept in, just before I heard the shower turned on. At least he was in the bathroom while I was jacking off, I hoped. Retrieving my shorts and cleaning up as best I could, I got back under the covers moments before James stepped out of the bathroom.Turned away and pretending to sleep, snoring softly, I listened as he dropped his towel and got dressed. He stopped for a moment, probably grabbing his watch, and left the room without saying a word. Good, I thought. He didn’t catch me getting myself off. I hoped I was right.After waiting to make sure he was gone, I slipped out of bed and got into the shower myself, washing away my semen and all the fatigue I still had left. Dressing quickly, I went downstairs for breakfast and the daily assembly, then on into the day.Wednesday, despite my troubled sleep and too much beer the previous night, went very well. I placed first in my debate that day, and when the schedule came out that afternoon for the semi-finals on Thursday and Friday, saw to my pleasure that I wasn’t scheduled for anything, team or solo, until Friday afternoon, when I had one of each. I had the time off to relax and prepare. Best of all, nobody glanced at me with humor, or whispered behind my back about jacking off, so far as I know.James and I had dinner at one of the food court restaurants in the quad, and chatted about the tournament, and our chances in the rest of the tournament. I felt relaxed, and certain I would be ready for Friday’s events.Mid-burger, James looked at me. “Dude, you talk in your sleep.”What did he hear? Fighting back a wave of shame, I answered levelly, “I do? What was I talking about?””I think you were having a nightmare about Wendy; you called her name a couple of times, but not too loud. It woke me around four, but you calmed down and went back to sleep, and so did I.””Did I say anything else?” I was nervous as hell, but he just shook his head innocently.”You didn’t sleep too well.” It wasn’t a question.”No, not really.””Thought not. I fiddled with the schedule to get you tomorrow off. You’ve got to be on top of your game if we’re going to win!”Right after dinner, just before six, I called Wendy again, but again got the machine, and felt like an idiot stammering through another message. This wasn’t even one of the nights I was supposed to call, which made me feel even more foolish for being disappointed she didn’t answer.That night, I stopped at two beers, this time in a suite one of the other teams had rented for a night as a party hang-out, somehow keeping it from the faculty advisors of the rest of the schools, and their own. Looking for the bathroom, I stepped into the suite’s bedroom, and saw two students on the bed, fucking fast and hard with a minimum of clothing removed, a quickie to burn off steam until they could get to a private room. I shut the door, but not before noticing the woman on bottom was Maria, the exchange student from the previous night.I made my way to the room, determined to sleep more soundly tonight. Thankfully, my sleep was quieter, and when I woke up Thursday morning, James was in his bed, and my shorts, thankfully, were still on, my cock only semi-hard from the effort of waking up, and nothing else. I crept into the bathroom, stripped, showered and shaved, feeling better rested than I had all week, and ready to dash downstairs and relax while studying my materials for Friday.James was already out of bed, and stepped into the bathroom, giving me a polite nod along the way. I heard the shower start up again, and I started picking Dikmen Escort from my books for what to review before lunch. My thoughts must have been fairly deep, because I noticed the shower was off, and James was out the bathroom door, towel around his waist, and heading for his bed.”How are things? Better?” He didn’t usually talk in the morning, so his sudden relative outburst startled me for a bit.”Yeah. Better. No more nightmares.””Good! I need you in top form, and so does the team.”He came over to the hotel desk by the window, and leaned over the desk. “What are you doing? This is your day off.””It gives me a shot at getting a leg up for tomorrow, or whatever mangled metaphor you want to use.””Shot? Leg up?”I was starting to feel on edge, but forced it away, and looked up at James from my chair. “Sorry. It’s just that I haven’t heard from Wendy, and I think I fucked up by calling so late on Tuesday night. I hope I didn’t upset her, or piss off her”—old man—”family.””I’m sure everything’s fine. It’s probably why you were jacking off all night.”Wha-a-at? “Um, what…I mean…um…””Relax. Everybody does it. Wendy’s not available, and you’re probably pretty horny, and the distraction from the tournament probably did you some good.”I know watching you did me good.”My heart started to thunder in my chest, and I must have been staring, because he laughed a short bark of a laugh. “You saw me?”Laughing again, he answered, “Hell, yeah! I nearly came just watching you the first time…””The first time?””The first time, yeah. The second time I got really hot, and when you started jacking off, watching you humping the air like that, I sat on the bed and got myself off. Wendy must be great in bed for her to get you off like that in your dreams.””Um, yeah.” It felt more surreal with every passing moment, and I had noticed two things that had me frozen to my chair. First, my cock was rapidly awakening, and was bent at an uncomfortable angle in my pants. I started to shift in the desk chair, but stopped suddenly when the fabric rubbed against my shaft, quickening my erection. Second, I noticed James was also getting hard, and his cock was starting to press against the towel around his waist. “So, I came twice.” I could barely speak, hardly move, and wondered where this was going.”No, three times. When you started again, I got up and went around the corner and into the bathroom. When you came again, the door was closed, and I jacked off in the shower while listening.” He looked down at me, and I became uncomfortably aware that he could see, and probably was staring at, my crotch.”So, Wendy’s good, huh? You’re still horny, though. Right?”I thought about saying no. “Yes. Very.” I didn’t realize it until I’d spoken, but my voice was husky with need, and I was almost panting, thinking of Wendy, and putting my cock inside her, and sucking James’ cock while fucking her. “Very,” I repeated, turning to face James.”Me, too. Haven’t fucked for a few months, and you got me very…hot!” With the last word, he let go of the towel from his waist, and it slid with a whisper of cotton to the floor, as James stood in front of me, hands on his hips, his fully erect cock straining at vertical, right before my eyes. James’ eyes met mine, and neither of us moved or said a thing for several seconds, maybe a minute.James almost whispered, and his voice caught once or twice when he finally spoke. “You want to watch me? Get myself off, I mean?”I blinked, and couldn’t quite say anything. He watched me jack off, a couple of times. It’s only fair, right? “Um, it’s only fair. Right?”He grinned broadly, trying to put up a good front, even though he had to be more nervous than I was. Closing his eyes, he stood up straight, took a deep breath and wrapped his fingers around his cock, squeezing more than rubbing it, and said, “Right. Fair!”I thought he was going to lie back on the bed, the position I’d displayed while giving him my one-man self-fuck on parade. He didn’t move anything but his hand, starting to move it very gingerly and slowly up and down the length of his shaft. Sliding all the way down the shaft until his little finger was almost enveloped by his hairy sack, then gliding slowly up, until the head was in the center of his palm, he kept a slow, sensuous rhythm, almost massaging his dick.James’ breath became deeper, but still slow, and I caught a flutter in it at the end of one upstroke. His belly clenched, perfect six-pack abs tightening even as the mushroom shaped head of his cock darkened almost to purple, aroused from the loving friction he was giving it. James was breathing harder now, but still in control as he sped the tempo of his solo dance. He began to pant softly, and puckered his lips to blow out, making a soft little “oh” with each exhalation.If I’d closed my eyes, I could almost have imagined Wendy moaning instead of James, but I couldn’t tear my eyes away from the sight before me. If Wendy were watching me…but I’d never performed like this for Wendy. She’d never seen me naked and playing with myself, and I wondered if she would like to watch me some time. My attention went back to James’ efforts, and I felt a quiver in my chest.My own cock, fully recovered from my triple play two nights before, only slightly stiff just moments before, was tight against my slacks, threatening to burst out of the zipper. I couldn’t tear my eyes away from his throbbing member, even as I wondered what would happen when he came, how far his cum would reach, how much of it would get onto my shirt, or my face. The rationalization was easy; I should get my clean clothes out of harm’s way, shouldn’t I?”I’m taking off my pants now. Okay?” I couldn’t believe I’d said it, but, without waiting for an answer, my hands flew down to my belt, snap and zipper, with a self-assurance I didn’t feel, and unfastened everything. Lifting my ass off the chair, I whipped my pants and boxers onto the floor, and sat naked except for my shirt, in front of another man wearing only a little less, ready to watch him cum.Or you can help him cum, came the thought, lazily, almost sneakily.Before my thoughts caught up to the reality of my need, I was whipping off my shirt, and, naked as James now, leaned forward until the head of his shaft was an inch or two from my face. I didn’t think he noticed, then I saw a pearl of pre-cum grow at the tip of his cock, and James started to work harder. When I cradled his balls, he glanced down in surprise, and closed his eyes again, nodding slowly, giving me permission to help him finish.My left hand massaged his balls, and I felt them gently, knowing from my own practice at jacking off just how much pressure to bring with my fingertips and thumb. Although he was still jacking steadily, his grip loosened, leaving room for my right hand to scoot underneath, then to guide his fingers away, in moments taking over the chore from him. I was gentle with his manhood, because Wendy was always careful with mine.Now what? I’d never done this before, but I knew I needed to finish him, needed to milk cum from his balls and cock. I wondered if I’d be ashamed or embarrassed afterwards, and didn’t care enough to pursue the thought very long. My own member was tight with longing, wanting a pair of lips on it, of any kind, desperate to thrust inside a warm moistness, so my cum could spill out. I knew how he felt, and how horny he must have been, watching me dream of Wendy, fucking and sucking her in my dreams.My thoughts started to wander down paths they’d never been. I watched my fingers, not quite automatically rubbing his shaft, feeling the thickness of his cock on my fingertips and palm, the swollen head on one end and the pubic hair at the other, brushing my fist as I jacked him off.Suddenly, I noticed my other hand brushing my own impossibly tight erection, and I knew what I had to do. After all, I was very horny, very, very hard, and wanted James’ cock inside me.Inside me? The idea was both foreign and comforting. I know how Wendy would do it, and how I’d coach her to get it right. Thinking that was disturbing, or would have been if it hadn’t given me the inspiration I needed. I mentioned earlier that Wendy was too tentative, too timid when she sucked my cock. I wouldn’t be, because I knew how I wanted her to do it, and I knew James would want me to do it the same way.I told myself as I leaned in further that I was just going to lick the pre-cum with the tip of my tongue. He’d never know, and we’d be able to pretend it was just my thumb, accidentally flicking the fluid away. I pretended just a moment longer, then, pushing my right hand almost down to his nads, I leaned the rest of the way, and took most of his cock straight into my mouth.His pre-cum was sweet on my tongue, but that taste was overwhelmed by the salt and musk on the skin of his shaft. I felt his swollen head at the back of my mouth, stopping before I gagged on him, and pulled back until the tip of his head was just beyond my lips. James had stopped too, and stood stock still for a moment, and I opened my eyes, which I hadn’t realized were closed, to look up. He was looking down, shock, surprise and gratitude on his face.He clearly hadn’t expected a blowjob, not from me. Actually, maybe he wanted me to, but hadn’t expected any follow through. My eyes on his, I slowly drew his cock back into my mouth, and he closed his eyes with a lustful smile. “Oh, God!” It sounded almost like a prayer, he said it so softly, but with a curl at the end of the second word, a lustful lilt that made it clear he knew his cock was being sucked, knew I was sucking it, and that I’d only just started.Still playing with his balls with my left hand, I moved my right hand around to his well-toned ass, and gripped it, driving his hips slightly forward, then pulling back a little bit. It took three of the to-and-fro motions for him to get the idea, and to start thrusting his own hips, driving his cock into my mouth. Learning from one of Wendy’s miscues, I made sure my teeth were as far away as I could get them from the sensitive skin, and let him fuck my face, humping it like a pussy. I breathed through my nose, careful not to let his head hit the back of my throat hard enough for an inevitable and probably unpleasant reaction. James continued to hump my face, driving his cock into my mouth with a building rhythmOne time with Wendy—one time, at band camp–I had thrust too deep into her mouth, and she’d heaved violently, nearly puking up her dinner and a couple of illicit beers. It broke the mood, and I was committed to not breaking this mood.James’ breath grew more ragged, and he stifled a small moan. Another drop of pre-cum, like thin syrup, dribbled onto my tongue, driving me almost crazy with passion. I couldn’t understand why Wendy didn’t like doing this as much as I was loving it, waiting for the man in front of me and inside me to cum, hot semen boiling out from his rigid fuck-pole and into my waiting, hungry mouth.It happened with no more warning, as his cock hit the apex of the outthrust. James made a strangled sound, almost a scream, and I felt his whole cock pulse just before the first spurt of his load washed over my lips, and into my Eryaman Escort still open mouth. I grabbed his ass with both hands, and pulled him into me, this time nearly gagging for real on the erection against my tonsils as his second spurt washed over them. James kept thrusting, resting his hand on the back of my head, but thankfully without forcing my face further into his groin, for which I was grateful. I swallowed quickly, desperate not to gag or cough up the fluid he had given me.”Ooooohhh!” James staggered back after his ejaculations died down. Remarkably little of the thick, heady fluid had escaped my mouth, and I continued to swallow. The taste was familiar, since I’d jacked off a couple of times while on my back before, bent double to bring my cock just over my open mouth. My own hot cum had been a delicious, forbidden thing, and James’ was even more forbidden. It was strange, too, but also delicious, and too good not to share, so I stood up and kissed James full on the mouth.My cum-glazed lips met his, and he opened his mouth, to kiss me back, as if it were the most natural thing for him to share his own cum with a guy who’d just sucked him off. The semen I was now sharing with him provided even more lubrication, and our tongues were now swimming in the remnants of his load. He grabbed me fiercely, driving his tongue into my mouth, as the two of them danced about, wrestling in spit and cum. Naked bodies pressed into one another with a desperate lust I was used to from girls, our cocks rubbed against each other in the embrace, mine still straining with need, and his still throbbing, leaking semen into the kinky hairs around it. He caressed my back, cupping my ass in his hands and letting his lips work on mine, our tongues still playing amid the spit and the still-warm thickness of his cum.After a moment, we pulled apart. I expected to feel guilty, even ashamed, but I didn’t at all, realizing that, even as James’ hard-on was flagging after his orgasm, mine was still going strong, and I wanted him to drop to his knees right away and return the service I’d given him. His cum was on both our mouths, and I wanted him to taste mine right now.I’d felt this want before, with Wendy, the moment I saw her topless the first time we seriously made out. Even then, we’d gone slow, taking a couple of weeks to graduate to fucking, both genital and oral, but this was something different, something primal. I was in the grip of a lust I’d never felt anything quite like before, and I knew I wanted to fuck James right there, shoot my load in his mouth, or in his ass. When I fantasized about my rod plunging between his firm, muscled cheeks the imagined sensation was so strong I nearly shot my wad without him touching me. I did release a small groan, gazing into his crystal blue eyes.He must have seen my want, for his eyes turned to a wicked, tired leer. “You were fucking great! You suck a lot of cocks before?” He gingerly stroked the underside of my still-rigid pole, and I shivered with desire before shaking my head. “Any?”I shook my head again, more sharply. “My first one.””Well, I liked it. Fuck me, did I like it!” James gave my cock several strokes, and then kissed me again, slowly, fully, lustfully. “I really mean it. Fuck me.” He let go and retreated, climbing backwards onto the bed from the foot, then lay back with his legs spread, his cock still showing signs of arousal. “You should get on top, dude.”I followed him, climbing over the foot of the bed, keeping my eyes on his, and moved straight towards his cock and ass. When I got to James, I climbed on top, but didn’t try to enter his anus just yet. Instead, I found myself holding and frenching him, humping his groin, and shivering with pleasure each time my cock rubbed against his. His lips were still salty from the shared cum, and our mouths met each other repeatedly, tongues diving in for more contact, our lips hungry and wanting. After only a few minutes, I disengaged from his mouth, and started to move my groin up his stomach, to his chest, making my intentions clear with the motion. He was going to suck my cock, too.One thing I love to do during sex is swear; four-letter forbidden words seemed suddenly very appropriate to this taboo episode. Wendy sometimes cursed a blue streak, moaning how she wanted my cock inside her hot, wet pussy, and would I please oh please cum inside her or on her tits. James had been mostly quiet, making almost no noise except when hitting his climax. My mouth had been too full to say anything, and I’d had my attention solidly on fucking his dick with my lips and tongue. Now I did talk.”Let me fuck your mouth. I want to cum inside you, taste my semen on your lips this time. Put it in and suck it, James. Suck me ’til I shoot all over you.” With each word, my lust rose further, and it seemed with every syllable I was readier to cum, the muscles in my loins as tight as a wound spring, tightening impossibly more with each venture between James’ lips.He opened his eyes and moaned around my cock as he gave me a nervous little smile, and gathered himself, before throwing both arms around my naked waist to pull me forward. His mouth engulfed me, and I thrust a couple of times before I felt my orgasm building too fast to control.It was my turn to moan, and I did. Gritting my teeth against the tidal wave of lust that had been growing inside of me, and afraid to say it too loud, I whispered, “Oh, fuck! I’m gonna make it. Oh, fuck!” My cock started to pulse in the all-too-familiar onset of orgasm, and I clamped my mouth shut, determined not to get the attention of anyone in the adjoining rooms, or in the county.James’ mouth was off my cock immediately, and a flash of disappointment hit me, that apparently he didn’t want me to shoot in his mouth, the way I’d let him—wanted him to—shoot his load in mine. Instead of jacking me off, though, James put his thumb and forefinger on the underside and top of my cock, at the very base, and squeezed, holding the flood inside me, abating my own climax for a moment. I felt a thin dribble of cum make its way up the shaft, and felt James’ tongue lap gently, excruciatingly, at the hole at the tip of my head where it escaped.”I do this to myself,” he panted between delicate licks. “It makes me cum longer. Harder.” He cleaned the last of it with his velvety tongue, catching every drop, still pinching off the flow of semen, damming my orgasm up within me. I could swear my balls were swelling, twice their size and growing quickly, ready to burst if he didn’t let me come.Grinning wickedly, James winked at me before closing his eyes to concentrate on his duty. He started to bob his head quickly on my cock, and it was better than Wendy, I thought. Unable to shoot, held back from finishing by his two fingers, it felt like I was going to burst for real. And still he kept sucking, and I closed my eyes, trying to imagine Wendy so it would feel less like cheating, and more like the great cocksucking it was.The sensation of being so close and unable to move further drove me almost mad with desire. My teeth were clamped shut, my lips barely open, and I strangled my moans almost to silence. “Oh god James oh god let me cum let me cum oh god oh god oh god!” My legs were turning to water, and I didn’t know how long it would be before I could let loose. I looked down to see James eagerly gobbling my hard-on, and sighed as I watched my erection disappear into his face, then reappear almost instantly.I wanted to beg him to stop, or let go of his fingerhold at the base of my shaft, and let my cum out. I felt like I would do anything at all for him if he would just let the floodwaters loose, suck his cock non-stop for a week, let him fuck my ass with Wendy watching him thrust his hard-on into me, cumming on my back or face while Wendy sat on the opposite bed, horrified and turned on and naked and finger fucking her pussy with her fingers while seeing me fucked like a girl, anything at all if I could only….Cum.James pulled his fingers away from the base of my shaft, opening the gates for the surge that he’d heroically held back, and continued to bob his head, fucking my cock with his mouth. The next stroke inward was enough, and I nearly screamed at the divine force of the release. Grabbing the headboard, I leaned into him, and humped his face furiously, almost mindlessly, pumping myself dry. I pulled out after several strokes, grabbed my cock, and started milking my cock for more cum. Even with the intensity of my orgasm, I wanted more, wanted to shoot again and again in his mouth, on his face and belly, and in his ass.Finally spent, I collapsed Indian-legged on the bed next to James, who still had my semen on his face and in his mouth. He swallowed, leaned up and kissed me, letting me taste my juices as I had shared his with him just a little earlier. A few minutes later, exhausted, we fell asleep on the bed, and later made our way under the covers, facing each other, and slept for a while longer.* * *I peeked at the clock, and it was nearly noon. We’d slept for close to four hours after our mutual play that morning, and we were still naked. Under the covers was warm and the air was still heavy and humid with the smell of our musk. His head was in the crook of my arm, close enough I could almost smell cum, his and mine, on his breath. I snuck a look under the covers, and saw James cock was semi-hard, and watched in fascination as it twitched, and started to grow into late-morning wood.Another first for me, I’d never watched a cock harden by itself, even my own. It grew thicker and thicker, reaching out in a wonderful looking stretch that wouldn’t end for some time, if I was lucky.I moved my hand from where it lay on top of the covers, and slipped it between the sheets, my fingers creeping towards James’ groin and the wakening rod within. My own cock was beginning to waken, and more quickly, because of my anticipation of what I knew I was going to do with James. I started to stroke, gently at first, and his hard-on nestled into my hand, even as James continued to sleep.As I jacked him off, James started to awaken, and I felt his hand on mine. I decided he would have started rubbing himself if I wasn’t there, and then I felt his hand reach towards and touch my burgeoning erection. He didn’t open his eyes, but James was clearly close to awake, as he worked his fingers up and down my penis, teasing it into full growth.Without opening his eyes, he spoke, very quietly as if afraid to break the mood. “You know we have all day, right?””Mm?””Yeah. I have today off too. What do you want to do now?””I want to fuck.”He opened his clear blue eyes, and laughed softly. “What, no more blow jobs?”My own reaction shocked me as I thought of Wendy, what she would say, and found the words, her words, coming from my mouth. “Later. I’ll suck it dry again later, but I want that cock inside me right now.””Good.”I rolled onto my back, and spread my legs, drawing my knees up to my chest to give James easy entry. “Fuck my asshole, James. Put it in me and don’t stop ’til you cum.” A look of startlement crossed his features for a moment, before he grinned and threw back the covers. He got up on Esat Escort his knees, then settled back, legs spread, hard-on at the ready, poised to thrust inside me.James got off the bed for a moment and looked inside the drawer, pulling out a condom after seconds of searching. “It’s lubricated. Makes it go in easier.” He tore open the square blue-and-white package, and started to unroll the condom onto his shaft.”Were you planning on this?” It seemed impossible, and oddly flattering.He shook his head, still concentrating on getting the condom on. “No. I figured if I got a girl into my bed, I might want to have a couple handy.”It was my turn to laugh. “Too bad you didn’t get a girl. But go ahead and fuck me like one, if you like.” I meant it. The thought of being on the bottom, watching as another man plunged his cock inside of me, and the anticipation of how it would feel having my ass filled had me ready for a good fuck. If I’d been alone, I’d be jacking off harder than ever before; it was that intoxicating, the lust and the want.He wriggled his hips to bring his now-shrouded cock closer, and I felt the cold lubricant on the tip against the very center of my ass, and then the first gentle pressure spreading my virgin anus as James penetrated me very slowly. The coolness of the lube made me tighten my ass involuntarily, and James hissed with pleasure at the sudden grip.James pushed slowly, and I felt my anus spread slightly at the unfamiliar invasion. I glanced between my legs, which I had put up in the air –like a woman being fucked in her hole, but I’m being fucked in mine, I thought with exultation—and saw that his cock was only a little way in, maybe two inches. It felt great, and I was hungry for more, wanted it all, but I was still rational enough to be grateful for his control, and that he didn’t just shove it in, probably tearing my asshole in his haste. Fascinated, I watched him push slowly but firmly inside me, feeling filled, as in no longer empty, as his cock spread the walls beyond my asshole. There was a little pain, but it was worth it. God, it was worth it!After a minute, maybe less, of gradual pressure, James’ bush was against my buttocks, and I knew he was in all the way. I leaned up to kiss him, and run my hands up and down his forearms, the way Wendy would do when I fucked her on top. “James, you should start fucking me now.” My voice was strange and calm to my ears, as if having a hard-on up my ass was the most natural thing in the world. Maybe it’s not natural, but it’s in, and I want it in.He started to rock his hips gently, almost absent-mindedly, and I groaned as I felt his shaft begin to rub my insides, gently moving against the walls that had never been used as an entrance before. It felt so tight, so good, so right, having a cock inside my ass.He must have seen me smiling, because he smiled back, and asked, “Feels good?”I laughed. “Feels strange…and good.” His smile broadened into a grin, and James started to thrust a little faster, pulling his cock out almost to the head, and moving it back in slowly, but deeper, or so it felt when his bush brushed again at my ass. Just the wisps of alien pubic hair brushing against places I’d never had it before were driving me wild, and I wanted him right where he was, pushing his cock up inside me, fucking my ass the same way we’d fucked each others’ mouths earlier in this impossible day.James’ moan became clearer over the sound of the bedsprings, and his thrusts, while still not savage or driving, became more pronounced, and his groin slapped into my ass, softly, then progressively more firmly. It felt wonderful, and I thought about how it must feel for Wendy to have my cock inside her, the joy of having someone else penetrating her pussy, rubbing it all the right ways.James’ next moan was quieter, but it was because he held it back. I glanced down my belly to see his cock pistoning now, but it didn’t feel painful at all, not any more. My cock had fully awakened, and strained towards my navel, pulsing in time to the fucking my ass was taking. “Are you close?”He didn’t speak, just nodded his head stiffly, gritting his teeth against the explosion of semen we both waited for and wanted. I started to jack off in time to his thrusts, trying to time it so I would shoot at just the right time.He suddenly sped up, and I felt as much as heard the whap-whap-whap of his groin against my ass, and the swollen cock nestled inside of me. He was close, and so was I. My voice was low, but no longer the whisper it had been. “Do it! Cum inside me, James! Keep fucking me, fuck me fuck me fuck me! Don’t stop!” I’d heard Wendy tell me the same thing, don’t stop, but I didn’t say it to sound encouraging. I meant it, and knew how she felt just before I shot my load inside her, the yearning to feel the pulsing of my cock as it spurted fluid into her pussy. “Don’t stop.”With a sudden burst of speed, James’s thrusts became almost painful, then stopped as he shoved hard, putting himself as far inside my ass as he could. “Aaaaah! Fuck!” I was still rubbing my cock, and I was almost there too. When I felt his load erupt into the condom, the quivering pulses as his load shot into my ass, I came too, and kept jerking myself until he finally pulled out, stripped the condom off, and tossed it on the floor before collapsing next to me.We lay there panting for a few minutes, then, eyes closed drowsily, James asked me, “So, you want to fuck my ass now, or do you need a few minutes?* * *We spent all day Thursday in bed. It reminded me of my first weekend with Wendy, but I had very little time to think about her, with all the time I spent sucking and fucking, and being sucked and fucked. All I knew was that by the time I fell asleep just before midnight Thursday night, I was fully satisfied with how the day had gone.* * *Friday was easy, and I aced my solo debate event, and helped the team to a respectable second-place finish. I thought that maybe I could have done better, but that would have meant no fun at all, and it had been so worth it.James and I celebrated in the privacy of our room by trading blowjobs, which turned into a very satisfying sixty-nine before long. The next morning, we headed to our separate homes, and I settled in to my apartment just after two o’clock to wait for Wendy.* * *Saturday, Wendy called, sheepish and very apologetic. It turned out her folks had headed up into the Adirondacks for a couple of days of camping, dragging my helpless girlfriend with them. No phone service out there, apparently. Wendy told me she felt so bad when she’d heard my messages, and had no chance to call me before her flight. I rushed over to her apartment to greet her properly, and in only a few minutes her happy hugs and kisses led to the loss of her sweater and bra, then the rest of her clothing, and finally to her bedroom, and the release of her tension, built up over the last week or so.James’ attentions hadn’t, apparently, reduced the lust I felt for Wendy, not even slightly. Even with my last orgasm scant hours behind me, I came just moments after getting inside her moist pussy, but she didn’t seem at all upset, just giggled as she grabbed my ass and helped me keep humping her with my spent but still stiff enough hard-on. We filled in the space between the regular fucking with oral, to our mutual satisfaction.Three orgasms later, four for her, Wendy lay next to me, panting softly, her cheek on my shoulder and her hand nestling my weary cock, still wet with both our juices, and said, “So, what did you do while I was gone?” She smiled, then cocked an eyebrow in expectation.Panic drove through me, hard and fast. Any remaining erection vanished in the rush of fear. Does she know? What do I say? “Sorry, you were out of town, so I fucked a guy, and I hope you didn’t taste anything wrong when you sucked me off a little while ago.” Fighting to keep my voice level against the hammering of my heart against my ribs, I answered, “What do you mean, sweetheart?”She laughed lightly, surprising me. “What, a week without getting laid? And you off at that speech convention?” Wendy was now up on one elbow, grinning at me, and she kissed me on the cheek, then on the mouth, very chastely, considering how little clothing and how much cum was all over her body. “I was horny the whole week, and out in the woods I couldn’t get myself off in the same tent as my parents. Even the camp showers weren’t secluded enough for me to deal with it. So, tell me the truth. Another girl turned you into her one-night fling, right?””Wh-why do you think that?”Wendy laughed again, more merrily this time. “I love it when you eat my pussy out, but you were so…attentive…this time. You’re good, but you were so patient! And, when I had my mouth wrapped around your cock”—her right hand had drifted off my cock, past my hip, and between her thighs, to the moist pink lips and kinky pubes I’d only recently left, and started absently to part those lips, rubbing her middle finger on her clit—”you actually told me how you wanted it sucked! You never tell me how you want it sucked!”She leaned over to kiss me again, a twinkling in her eyes. “Tell me who this girl was. I want you to tell me everything you did.”What can I tell her? But it was absolutely true. I had changed, and had helped Wendy to learn what I really liked, after fucking and being fucked by another guy. It was surreal, and I knew I had to say something.So I told her. I told her about the erotic dreams, and my jacking off in my sleep and later in the shower, told her about the want and my need, my roommate watching me, and then jacking off himself. I told her how I’d sucked his cock, and wound up sucking and fucking most of the rest of the convention away.Wendy started off excited, still fingering her slit, which sounded very wet and ready. She slowed down when I told her about James jacking off, and stopped entirely, just watching me in what I could only assume was horror, or at least distaste, as I related the tale of my first fellatio.For an hour, I told her everything, every scent, taste, thrust, and thought. Everything.When I finished, she sat quietly, not moving, not touching me. Shit, she’s pissed. What’s she going to tell people about how we broke up? I envisioned her going to all my friends, and pointing to me while proclaiming I’d sucked another guy off just because she wasn’t there for a week.”It’s the truth? You really did that? Let some other guy cum in your mouth, and fuck you? Jam his cock up your ass?” Her voice sounded small, and unsure, and I knew we were done. She’d probably shower for a week in bleach just to get the feel of me off her.”Honey, I…””Is it true?””Everything, love.”In the sunset streaming through her bedroom window, I saw her lean her face down into mine, jaw set. She slapped me on the chest, hard. “Bastard! Don’t you ever, ever, fucking suck another guy’s cock! Never!”Did I mention her undergrad studies were in theater?The scowl on her face broke, and I saw she was trying to hold back a grin. She laughed again, happily and lustily. “Never, ever do that again!” Wendy had gotten me, and still wanted me, and then she looked down into my face with a loving smile, her eyes filled with mischief, her naked body and magnificent tits over me, her own wanton lust and need nearly blinding me with their strength, something primal I knew I would have to help her deal with, all weekend if necessary.She leaned her lips down, and nibbled on my earlobe, then whispered as she straddled my now recovering erection. “Not unless I can watch!”But that is a story for another weekend.

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