
A Letter from My Sister

Dear Paige,

How are you Sis? Thank you so much for writing. Yes, everything is lovely here. John’s idea of an extended honeymoon has been an absolute pleasure. When you yourself get married you must insist upon as much time alone, away together as you can.

We have been spending long days by the beach, relaxing and drinking. The night life here is relatively tame, but there are enough little bars and nightspots around to ensure we always have somewhere new to go. We’re being very naughty, drinking and chatting long into the night, and lazing in bed until midday or so the next morning.

Everything is perfect between John and me, thank you for asking. You know how in love with him I was before we got married, and this time alone with him has only made us fall deeper into our feelings. I cannot express to you how wonderful it is to be in love, married to an amazing man.

I was sorry to hear about your run in with Daddy. I’m sure it’s not too long before you can move out, and you’ll be away from his strictness once you are living on your own, I am sure. The last spanking you detailed to me in your previous letter (gosh, you sure go into describing them – I could practically feel my own bottom heating up reading it) brought back a lot of memories of my times over Daddy’s knee.

You are however, wrong to believe that I myself am safe from a firm hand and a spanking. You mustn’t say this to anyone (although mother and father already know) but yes, I can confide in you that my marriage to John is one in which I am spanked in.

I know from your letter to me that you will be shocked to read this. Indeed, if you felt that at your young age of eighteen you are too old to be spanked, it must be scary to think of a twenty five year old woman like myself being spanked. But it is true. I was too ashamed to say it to your face, on my last trips home, but I was even being spanked then.

In fact, John spanked me on the Saturday two weeks before our wedding (when I was staying with you and Mum and Daddy, the day after we went out clubbing, sis). When you had all left that day, İstanbul Escort Bayan he took me over his knee and delivered a blistering to rival Daddy’s best efforts, due to the fact that I broke my promise about calling him when I was out with you.

I may as well tell you all. It feels good to get it off my chest. I was very ashamed to have you looking up to me, something due in part I know to the fact that I was no longer disciplined like a child, when in fact I was being spanked just as much (if not more!) then you yourself.

John had been spanking me for many months, even before our engagement. Daddy told him how I was punished as a child, they even spoke of my last date with the strap when I was nineteen and still living at home. They spoke about this right in front of me, and that night John informed me that he thought it would be best if he continued to punish me the way I had been raised.

I know you are balking at this, but John is not a bad man. And no, despite your claims, neither is Daddy. Both are men who care and love about us. I know this is difficult to hear, because I too resented the authority of Daddy whenever I was spanked by him.

But truth be told, John could not spank me if I did not give my consent. I knew that it had been long since I had been spanked, and although I am sure you will think me crazy, I had begun to miss the discipline. You know how it is after a spanking, when you are forgiven and you can feel loved again. It is a million times more satisfying when your husband is the one who reaffirms his love for you, by taking you in hand.

Why you may ask, do I allow this to continue? Frankly, I think I need these spankings to keep me in line. I had not intended this letter to be so frank, and to talk so much about this, but it is something I need to tell you, and something that (from the content of your last letter) is clearly heavily on your mind.

No I do not think Daddy is ‘cruel’ or ‘unfair’ or any of the other terms you used to describe him. No more so then I think this of my own husband. I do not know if the man you İstanbul Escort marry will seek to punish you this way, and I do not know if this is what is best for you, either.

I only know this. When John takes me across his lap, like Daddy, and spanks me on my (always bare) bottom, it makes me feel secure. Makes me feel loved. And most of all I know that I have deserved it.

I have just looked back over the last page of writing, and I blush when I realise I have spent my first letter to you as a married woman writing about my spankings. But I am glad you can confide in me with your feelings about them (your last letter was full of them!) and so I felt it my duty to do the same.

There is another, significantly more embarrassing reason that my mind is hung up on the thoughts of spankings as I sit here on this beautiful Summer morning (and now I am perfectly guilty of trying to make you jealous) on my hotel balcony overlooking the water. You see, John is out buying some bread and wine for a picnic we have planned later tonight, but I myself am sitting here freshly spanked.

I played what I thought to be a harmless joke on John, and locked him out of the apartment this morning when he went to fetch breakfast from a local café. Unfortunately, I didn’t count on myself being as tired as I was from the night before, and I must admit I fell asleep before he returned.

Now you know how much of a heavy sleeper I am, and the bedroom in here is quite far from the front door (and sound proofed, for the obvious reasons a bedroom in a honeymoon suite needs to be!). I awoke to the sound of a furious John yelling and banging on the door.

I don’t know how long he had been standing there, but the breakfast was quite cold, he told me, and he was furious. He spanks me just like Daddy always did, corner time beforehand, stark naked, thinking about the upcoming punishment. Then he calls me over, and the lecture begins.

I have been naked in front of him many times, obviously, but it is true that you never feel more naked then the moment directly before a spanking. And he spanks Escort İstanbul hard, sis. Harder than Daddy even (although he doesn’t have quite as much practice!).

Afterwards he stood me in the corner, my bottom bright red and my punishment complete. But after a few minutes he turned me around, and hugged me and kissed my tears away. He is a very loving man.

It isn’t like how the spankings were with Daddy, and so I can understand that if these are all you know, that you might not realise the true importance of having a man in your life willing to spank you. But you must take my word for it, the loving hand and the strict embrace of somebody who cares for you is not to be taken for granted.

I must confess to, that the whole ordeal turns me on. You hinted in your last letter (I don’t think that I was reading too much into it) that the power of Daddy gives you a bit of a rush. It used to do the same for me. If this is the case for you, than I tell you to waste no time in finding a good man to give you a proper, loving spanking.

The charge is electric. I was surprised to see how wet I was, but the truth is in the pudding, sis. Oh sure, a spanking hurts as much as you well know it does, but knowing that it comes from a man you can love, a man you go to bed with, is a wonderful feeling.

I must go now, for I plan on cleaning our apartment before John returns (you see the effects a spanking can have on me!) and he shall be back soon. I will write you properly tomorrow, to tell you more of what we have been up to, more about John. I just couldn’t help myself, between the spanking I received this morning, and your detailed (and quite explicit!) account of yours from the week just gone, I have been unable to think of anything but the thought of spankings.

Give my regards to all. I am sorry if you feel I am being too light about this whole issue, or if you feel that I have glossed over the spankings from Daddy that you were obviously angry about receiving. But, you asked me to be straightforward and honest with you, and that is what I feel I have been. Daddy’s spankings may hurt, but he spanks because he loves you. When you find a man who loves you in an intimate way, then the true intimacy of the discipline will make itself known to you.

Until then, try and stay out of trouble!

Your sister,


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