
3 M’s, My Many Mothers Ch. 09

Big Tits

This is a story I can finally share. It is a tale that covers many years so if you are looking for a quick read you can stop here. Like I have mentioned many times I am not a true writer but so far my submissions have been well received.

This story is the one that truly started it all, even though it is not the first story I submitted. It is about a real person I was introduced to through a close friend. I met Daniel years ago having purchased a home from his grandfather and years later Dan himself.

I learned his story first hand and since then have documented much of his life for you to share. Daniel is his real name, the others have been changed for their protection. I offer you his story that has been updated just this year, 2016.

Enjoy and vote if care to.


Chapter 9

With the passing of Eve and now Charles. I have become the president of the Real Estate Company. The basic compensation is still based on the contract I signed years ago. Charles left Sally, George, Kathryn, and even Nikki something. After charities and other causes he supported he left me several pieces of property as well as generous financial compensation. Actually he left properties to Ivan and myself 50\50.

Charles was always concerned about too much money going to one’s head. This way only with Ivan’s approval could I do anything. I appreciated his concerns. The condo on the beach which had been my second home was willed to me on a stipulation.

The friends that visited each winter were to have the condo from November to May each year they came down. I was to have access the remainder of the year. When they are no longer able to travel I will get it outright.

Nikki, Kat and I were coming up on our seventh wedding anniversary June 22nd’ 2010. I took them to Florida the weekend before to spend some time together. Nikki and I still loved each other. Sex although much less frequent, is still great considering her confession of being a lesbian.

The revelations from last year were becoming more of a focus for Nikki. When we’re alone she is very attentive but when we aren’t I can tell she is someplace else. We all arrived on Saturday had dinner out and fucked well into the night.

Sunday I took them to look at the house I had bought over a year ago at auction. It’s a big house I hoped to renovate one day. Kat was excited but Nikki …well … she was polite, but I could tell her heart wasn’t in it today.

I not only married Nikki I married my mom as well. These seven years with the few exceptions mentioned have been the best of my life. Kat and I are still madly in love. Even though Nikki has admitted her true feelings we still love and respect each other completely.

We have three wonderful children that are loved and well cared for. Sally, Sharon and Mary continue to be friends and lovers. The three of us have been fortunate indeed. That said, fate has its own story to tell.

Nikki, Kat and I spent the next couple of days just relaxing. Tuesday night the 22nd we went out for a great dinner and then dancing. The night was going great until we went back to the apartment. It started well enough but when it was over it was only Kat and I in bed. Nikki went to the spare room. Kat tried to play it off as she wasn’t feeling good but deep down I knew it was something else.

Kathryn met me in the shower, at first I thought it was because we were sweaty from dancing, but she had other plans. On her arm was a plastic bag taped just below her shoulder.

“What have we here?” I laughed.

“Danny you know I can’t get the cast wet!” Mom giggled.

There was no cast but we both knew what she meant. She wanted to relive that first night she seduced me.

“Well, I guess I better wash that cum from your hair.” I teased.

Kat squealed in delight as I shampooed her hair. When I started washing her back she cooed softly. I stopped just above her ass like I did years ago. I started washing her chest, my hands cleaned her breasts. I gripped them firmly.

“Oh, Danny, how I wanted you to do this that night.” Mom sighed as her hands gripped mine tighter.

“You have no idea how hard it was not to.” I confessed.

Kat still has what I consider the most perfect tits for a woman her age. Big but not too big, full with almost no sag. Perfect areolas with nipples made for sucking. Even after nursing me and my three kids they are still a thing of beauty.

I continued my journey like I did before years ago. Standing to one side I started on her ass. The soap and warm water guided my hand. When I went down her crack the second time I noticed her eyes were closed and she again pushed back ever so slightly.

I moved to her right side my right hand slid smoothly across her stomach and then slightly lower. My fingers felt the small scar where she had her tubes tied before I was born. Kat looked at me smiling.

“Eve is with us Danny I can feel it.” Kat whispered. I nodded that I understood. “Please don’t stop.”

I looked down her eyes were now closed düzce seks hikayeleri tightly and her breathing sporadic. I moved to the outside of her thigh down to her knee and started back up I stopped just short of her vagina when her hand gripped my wrist just like last time.

“No please!” Kat teased me holding my wrist in place.

With a naughty giggle mom’s hand guided mine along her inner thigh to her vagina.

“Mom!” I teased back. “Kathryn! It’s me Danny!” I called out.

“SSHHH!” She replied just like she did then.

Only now it was so we would both remember that fateful day. Kat held me firm and then she put my hand directly on her pussy. With one hand on her ass the other was over her vagina cupping it like a baseball.

“I was such a dork.” I reminded her.

“You were anything but a dork. Danny you were and still are the most loving person I have ever known.” Mom replied. “Maybe inexperienced but never a dork.”

Kat slipped her hand over mine and soon her legs spread even further. Kat put two of her fingers inside and then pulled them out. She thrust her hips and pressed my hand hard against her mound. I filled her pussy with two fingers just like that day.

“Yes. Oh Danny I remember it like it was just yesterday!” Kat moaned.

I remember how my left hand I found the soap and eased it down the crack of her ass. When I reached her asshole I no longer lightly touched it. I easily slipped my finger in her greedy ass.

“That’s not how it went!” Mom protested.

“Do you want me to stop?” I teased.

“Never!” She groaned as my finger bottomed out.

With two fingers in her pussy and one in her asshole she started bucking back and forth moaning in pleasure.

“I’m cumming Danny. I’m cumming!” Kat hissed.

I held her tight and strummed her clit as mom rode out her climax. She embraced me, the plastic bag allowing her to bend her arm like the cast never would. Falling to her knees she took my raging hard on in her mouth.

“Cum on me Danny!” Kat begged as my cock started spewing thick ropes of milky cum.

She looked up her eyes filled with lust, just like those first days she taught me to become a man. The cum washed off in the warm spray, I pulled her up and kissed her passionately.

“I’m still in love with you Kathryn.” I confessed.

“I know son. Now come show me how much by filling my ass.” Kat offered.

This was not the last shower we took that night.

The next morning however Nikki seemed to be her old self. Bright and cheery she even sucked me off until I filled her mouth. Maybe she was really was just under the weather I tried kidding myself.

Thursday the two of them were on the way home to see the kids. I had a meeting in the afternoon and all day Friday. Saturday was Lizzy’s twenty first birthday and I promised to be there for the party.

Lizzy was leaving the weekend after to the new campus she would be attending for college. She had her associate’s degree she earned at the local community college and now was transferring to a university to get her BA. It was three hours away and Lizzy had already lined up a part time job for herself.

I was conflicted about Lizzy moving. It was no secret I had deep feelings for her. Sharon her mother even suggested I should take her out for dinner or a movie. Sharon told me how happy it would make Lizzy. Even though I always rejected her suggestions Sharon never stopped promoting them. I declined of course, even when Sally told me to trust my instincts.

Everyone knew Lizzy thought she loved me. It was the worst kept secret among the women in my life. Even her brother Jr seemed to understand her infatuation. For me I needed everyone to think Lizzy was still just a cute kid.

I made it clear that moving away would be the best thing for her. It was time she moved on, learn some independence and finish college. Hell maybe even fall in love and have the kids we all knew she wanted. Because of this complicated situation I made sure we were never alone.

I closed two deals Saturday morning and headed to the airport for the trip home. Since we came down for our anniversary I was flying commercial. The party started at seven with dinner and then the bar for drinks later. I had called Nikki but Kat answered her phone.

The moment she spoke I knew something was wrong. My first thought was Nikki and Lizzy had gone out the night before with some friends and got wasted just after midnight. Kat assured me Nikki was fine and Lizzy was home with her mom. She acted like everything was ok. I felt differently. I pried but she wasn’t telling me anything over the phone.

Hanging up I placed my phone in with my computer and went through security. Placing my belongings in an overhead bin I settled in for the flight home. The plane taxied to a runway and sat. I watched through the windows as plane after plane departed, still we sat. I knew something was wrong and soon so did the others. We had been on the tarmac way too long without moving and the summer sun was heating up the cabin.

From out of nowhere came squads of cars and two portable ladder trucks. The plane was emptied and we were all loaded on buses and returned to the terminal. Sequestered they separated us until there was about thirty guys in the room. One by one we were interrogated then screened again. The best I could figure was someone made a threat, real or implied and they were trying to find the culprit.

Delayed and without a phone it was well past eight by the time my belongings were returned to me.

Since Nikki didn’t answer last time I called Kat. She didn’t answer. I figured she was at the party and couldn’t hear the phone. Being one of the last ones released I couldn’t find a flight until the next morning and it was a layover and wouldn’t arrive until Sunday after dinner.

I called the charter office to see if any seats were available. They said I could hitch a ride but the cost would be $1500. It was planned to arrive at nine in the morning. By now I was so pissed and stressed from not knowing what the problem at home was I reluctantly agreed. I grabbed a cab to take me to the municipal airport that the charter was flying from. I called Kat again, again no answer. I called Sally figuring she at least would be available.

“Daniel where are you? Are you ok?” Sally asked. I explained the basics assuring her I was just tired and frustrated.

“I have been trying to reach Kat but she won’t pick up!”

“Daniel your mother is over at Sharon’s.” Sally hesitated. “There’s a bit of a problem!”

“What is it? Is everyone ok?” I asked concerned.

“Physically everyone is fine, just some drama. They won’t tell me because they know I would tell you!”

“I feel bad I missed Lizzy’s party if you see her tell her I’ll make it up to her.” I relayed.

Sally didn’t reply. Even over the phone I knew there was something she was now keeping from me.

“Sally, I’m taking the charter it should be there in the morning. I’ll call with more information then.” I explained.

“Sir please come home as soon as possible. You are needed. Goodbye!” Sally replied. Then just like that she hung up!

I couldn’t believe it, Sally hung up on me? This was not a good sign. I was now resigned to the fact I was all but helpless. Tired and hungry I knew I would never make it driving through the night. I accepted my fate and hopefully tomorrow would be better. It was almost midnight.

The vending machine supplied dinner. A lousy waiting room chair was my bed. It was about five when the party I was flying with arrived, and for them it was a party.

There were at least ten in all, it seems they were at a bachelor’s party and still celebrating. I was beyond caring by now. By seven we were taxiing down the runway and I was finally on my way home. I dozed in the back of the plane the party animals now succumbed to their over indulgence.

I woke as the pilot announced our descent and soon the wonderful sound of tires squealing on the tarmac welcomed me home. Almost.

I looked out the window and this wasn’t home. I knew our airport well and this wasn’t it. I called the attendant and asked where we were. She explained that we were in New Orleans. The plane pulled to a stop, the doors opened and two limos were waiting for the group. I reached the cockpit just as the last of them were departing.

“I didn’t know I was going to New Orleans!” I complained.

“Just a stopover Mr. Master’s we will have you home in a couple of hours.” The captain explained. I was ready to scream but I knew that wouldn’t get me home any sooner.

“I wish I had known! I would have made different arrangements.” I explained dejected. A man in his late fifties or so and part of the group overheard my conversation.

“I’m afraid it’s my fault. A friend of mine asked us to stop in for lunch. I just couldn’t resist. He’s rarely here. You’re welcome to come!

“Thank you sir. That is very generous. But I’m going to go see if I can catch another flight.” I replied somewhat rudely.

“But you’ve paid for this one. Please, you will be my guest, after we eat we will be going straight home I promise.” He replied.

I looked at the pilot for advice. He looked at the man I was not quite happy with. With a warm smile he looked back at me.

“The chances of you getting a flight from here to home isn’t good. By the time you get to the airport we will be back in the sky.” The pilot explained.

I looked back at the passenger. Something about him made me waver. He thrusted his hand out to shake mine.

“Please I insist.” He grinned.

He had a point. I felt it would be rude to refuse him. With little to lose I accepted my fate. Lemonade from lemons. I thought.

“Thank you sir that is very generous.” He seemed surprised that I would be thanking him for ruining my return trip further. I stuck out my hand “Daniel Masters. But please call me Dan, all my friends do.”

“Mike, nice to meet you Dan.” He returned my handshake and followed me to a limo. He sat at the other end while I mixed in with the young men closer to my age.

Once in the limo. I called Sally and told her of my delay, she could offer no update except to remind me I was needed ASAP.

The two cars drove to a restaurant that looked very nice. Few cars were in the lot but when we reached the door I saw we were there an hour before they opened. Then I remembered about the time change.

By this time the young group had caught their second wind, the thought of food fueled their renewed enthusiasm. I met the groom he was a bit under the weather as they all were but he seemed like a decent guy.

The chef came out and I recognized him immediately since he has been on every TV show featuring food. He greeted Mike and instructed the staff to seat us outside.

There were eight younger men that were obviously here to party. One other gentleman I guessed to be in his sixties and Mike. The younger men looked to be about twenty five or so, probably college age or graduates.

From some of the conversation I had heard, most were from the same fraternity. I was looking for a way not to sit with them, it was their party, and I was in no mood to be happy with them. I needed to get home, I could feel it, I don’t know how to explain it but someone needed my help.

Mike sensed my apprehension and asked the waitress to sit me with him and the other man, Carl.

“So Daniel. I’m sorry, Dan, what is so important at home? I was told you are a business traveler when they asked if you could join us.” Mike asked.

He looked at me in a way that made me feel like we had met before. I’m pretty good with names and faces, but with just Mike as a name, I couldn’t place him. I didn’t recognize his face. Still he was polite, and seeing the restaurant we were at, generous. Calmly, I replied.

“The first is a promise I broke. Something I never do. It was a very important commitment to someone special.” I explained.

Mike looked at Carl. They exchanged glances. They hesitated for a further explanation.

“A twenty first birthday.” I explained. Mike seemed to understand. Carl was clueless.

“And the second?” Mike asked.

“I don’t know. Something isn’t right. I don’t know what it is but I know I’m needed.” I replied looking out over the water.

Carl seemed amused by words Mike seemed to take it serious. The waitress brought us iced tea and some appetizers to sample.

“Masters. I knew a couple with that name. Charles and Evelyn, wonderful couple. Went through some tough times once.” Mike offered.

I looked back at him again but still couldn’t place him.

“Charles seems like a very stand-up guy. Evelyn, is she your mother?” Mike asked.

A lead weight dropped in my stomach as he spoke. I couldn’t lie but telling the truth would surely bring disgrace on their memory.

“You must be thinking of Duane their son. He passed away when I was young. I answered without answering.” He looked at me with the eyes of a chess player.

“You must be right?” He replied. Mike knew something. If Mike was planning on moving to boxing me in he had his chance.

“So Charles is your grandfather?” He had me backed in a corner. He knew and was politely letting me off the hook. But why?

“He was. Charles and Eve passed away last year. She first he shortly after.” I explained. Mike seemed truly stunned.

“I’m sorry to hear that. My condolences.”

Carl looked at Mike, he was sensing something was going on and he was curious.

“So Dan, who deserves the credit for raising such a fine young man as yourself?” Mike asked coyly.

If there was any doubt he knew, that removed it. He didn’t ask who my mother was he asked who raised me. Again he let me escape. Mike wasn’t playing with me, I realized he was gathering information.

I call Kathryn mom.” I explained making no doubt about letting him know he was right. “She will hold a special place in my heart forever!” I stated proudly.

Mike grinned but Carl seemed more confused than ever.

“Eve was a big part of my youth and her sister Sally as well.” I continued.

“Well Daniel, I would like to meet your mother and Sally sometime!” Mike replied slyly.

Mike was letting me know he was no threat. He was asking to see Kat but called her my mother. By calling me Daniel he was sending a message that he was serious as well. This was an intriguing man.

“I’m sure they would be honored to meet you Mike.” He seemed impressed with my boldness.

“If I remember Charles was in real estate. Do you dabble?” Mike asked.

Carl seemed to relax now the conversation turning to something he could understand.

“Charles owned a real estate company in Florida along the east coast. Ivan and I are partners in the company now. Ivan worked with Charles for years. He runs the place when I’m gone. I then work for a company at home, I’m a Jr partner there.” Mike looked at Carl their eyes got big and they both laughed.

“Dan I think the reason you’re on our flight was no coincidence. I believe we were meant to meet each other at this time!” Mike chuckled. Carl nodded his head in agreement.

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