
Time For You To Go


Why does the doorbell always go at the most awkward moment? I was trying to make it up to my boyfriend, Luke, for shrinking his favourite sweater. I offered him the choice of a delicious dinner or a long sloppy blowjob. Of course Luke being Luke wanted both, telling me it was a very expensive piece of clothing I’d ruined. Being a soft touch I agreed and was currently at the business end of giving Luke the fellatio of his life when the jarring sound of our bell shattered the moment, well nearly. I can feel Luke begin to tense and knew he was about to blow, and whoever was at the door would just have to wait. Suddenly he groans and juts, filling my mouth with a huge load of his salty cum which I try to swallow as quickly as possible before making my way to the door, still licking my lips and swallowing down the last drops of Luke’s load. “Make yourself presentable, Luke. This might be my sister, she said she might call around sometime tonight.” I leave him retrieving his boxers and jeans, as I walk slowly as I can to the door, it rings loudly once more as I am almost under the bell, which makes me jump out of my skin. Whoever it is seems to be bloody impatient. I swing the door open, it’s not my sister, but instead Carl, Luke’s younger brother. I don’t even try to hide my look of disdain. We don’t exactly get on. “Oh talk Ataşehir Escort about a bad penny, what are you doing here again?” “Luke in, is he?” Carl doesn’t even wait for a reply, barging past me and towards the lounge. I do hope Luke is now fully clothed again. I charge after Carl “Come in why don’t you?” He doesn’t reply, just enters the lounge as I follow. I can see Luke is just zipping up. Carl looks at Luke, then at me “Not come at a bad time have I? Excuse the pun.” I play him at his own game, not even dignifying with a reply, instead turning towards the stairs, and heading up to the bedroom. I leave the brothers to it, no doubt Carl is in some sort of trouble as per usual, also as per usual asking Luke to get him out of it. The story never changes. I honestly can’t say I’ve ever seen him unless he wants something. After five minutes I can hear their voices from the bedroom, both becoming raised and agitated so I decide to go back down and check everything is okay. “What the hell is all the noise? You’ll wake old Ted next door, and he’s as deaf as a post.” I can see both of them look angry, especially Carl who fixes me a stern stare. “It’s nothing to worry your pretty head with. Go and make the tea like a good girl eh?” I calmly tell him to fuck off before sitting down on Ataşehir Escort Bayan the sofa which only a few minutes ago was host to my amazing oral skills. It transpires that Carl’s girlfriend has kicked him out of their flat after one too many dalliances and he needed somewhere to stay for a few days. To say I’m not pleased is an understatement. “No fucking way, I don’t want him here, last time he stayed it took a week to get the place clean again.” Despite my protests, Luke allowed his brother to stay for ‘just a day or two, no more’ or at least that’s what he said. A week later he was still with us, eating everything in sight, of course without a penny put towards grocery or electricity. Even worse was the fact that he didn’t have a job so spent all day inside whilst myself and Luke were out at work. Knowing what Carl was like I bet he was snooping into all our private things whilst we weren’t there. Well into a second week and there was still no sign of Carl moving on. My temper by this stage was getting an extreme test. I asked Luke to ask him to leave, but being the wet lettuce he is, he refused saying he couldn’t see his brother on the streets. “You tell him by tonight or I will.” I slammed the door with as much force as I could muster. The frustration of having this Escort Ataşehir lazy oaf in our house beginning to take its toll on me, leaving me unable to concentrate on anything, particularly my work as I was always thinking of Carl going through my private things. Talking of work, I arrived at the office to find everyone stood outside shivering in the cold November wind rather than inside gossiping around the coffee machine. Curious as to what was happening, I approached Jack my supervisor and inquired what was going on. Apparently the storm that had brutally bashed the town last night had knocked out the power supply, with no suggestion as to when it was going to be fixed. “You may as well go home, Moira. I’ll call you on your mobile when the power it back on. Pointless standing out here in the cold.” I did’’t need a second invitation to be sent home, quickly making my way back to the car before Jack changed his mind. I quickly accelerated off the car park and back towards home. I decided that now was as good a time as any to tell Carl to sling his hook, knowing Luke wouldn’t have the balls to do it. I made it back within ten minutes, turning the key in the front door, rehearsing my lines and bracing myself for a bit of a verbal battle with Carl, who I know would give as good as he got. Entering the house I was surprised by the lack of noise; no blaring television, no bass heavy dance music on the stereo, just complete silence. I thought to myself that perhaps Luke had grown a pair and told him to go, finally. The only sound was the click of my heels on the wooden floor as I went to hang my coat in the hallway by the stairs.

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