
OK…But Just One Drink


OK…But Just One DrinkAgain a story which I love very much, but did not writeon my own. I found it and thought, that those people frequently reading my German or English stories couldlike it. Please find a copyright message at the end ofthis story… I’d had my new job for about 5 weeks, so I was familiar with most of the guys at the office, but I was still trying to fit in. As an office manager for an accounting firm I was both in-charge of the office and yet still subordinate to the accountants. It’s a rather difficult line to walk and it’s always easier if everyone likes you. Most of the guys in the office are under 35 and unmarried, so it is no surprise that they like to party at the end of the day.Being 42 and married for a little over a year to a cute 32 year old brunette…I preferred to go home in the evening.We had just finished an office wide meeting and I was anxious to head out the door. It was my wife’s birthday and she was picking me up from the office. When my co-workers and I reached the lobby, a few of them whistled. My wife was standing there blushing, in a very short, sexy red dress that I had never seen before. She obviously had plans for dinner at a nice restaurant. Marcus, a young partner at the firm, said, “We always have a drink at the ‘Poison Apple’ after work…why don’t you two join us before heading off to dinner?”Fool that I was, I said “How ’bout it, Linda?” In a way that made it clear she should say yes.”OK…But just one drink, we have reservations in a little over an hour.” She was a trooper. She knew that I wanted to be ‘one of the guys’. Besides, one drink couldn’t hurt.As we walked over to the club, Linda whispered in my ear, “I’ve got plans for you, Mister, so don’t waste my evening at this bar.” I could tell I was in for a nice evening. Her dress was short and buttoned all the way up the front. It was so short in fact, that she had to hold it down in the light wind. God forbid that she bend over for something. Her little dress didn’t wouldn’t much.The “Poison Apple” is a little dance club/bar with after work regulars and a dance floor for couples. Like most dance places, it’s rather dark. There was only one table that would seat all eight of us, a cramped ‘U’ shaped booth. To show what a great guy I was, I offered to pay for the first round. Marcus sat Linda at the head of the table “since it’s her birthday”. The head of the table, was the center of the “U”.I headed off to the bar with seven different orders in mind. Repeating them, so as not to forget.The bar tender was slow getting around to me. I rattled off all seven drinks (proud of myself for remembering them all). It took a while for him to fill the order and it took me three trips to deliver them to the table. All of the guys were making quite a fuss over Linda. As I delivered the drinks, I caught some of the conversation. They were asking her what she did for a living… a receptionist at a dentist’s office. What were her hobbies… blah, blah, blah… The music was loud, but I could make out the gist of the conversation. She was all smiles. She obviously liked all of the attention.As I delivered the last of the drinks, I found a chair had been placed at the ‘foot’ of the table for me. So everyone was sitting in the booth but me… which was understandable, since I had been off getting the drinks. Marcus was sitting next to Linda and I heard him asking her “any tattoos?” The whole table chuckled and I joined-in as Linda just smiled and blushed.Linda Ankara escort excused herself to go to the ladies room. Rather than clear the way for her, the guys on my right, slid her out, across their laps. Once she headed for the rest room the conversation turned to other things. Sports, new clients at the office, etc…I started talking with Tom, to my right. “During the week, we usually come here. On a Friday, we’ll go to Big Al’s.” I’d heard of the strip club but had never been there. “The girls are the best in the country…great table dances…”, Tom said. The guys at the other end of the table must have been talking about the same thing, because I overheard one of them saying, “Not often you see a girl, wearing’ a garter belt… much less slide her ass across your lap.”The conversation hushed a little as Linda returned. She waited for them to make way, but to my surprise Tom took her by the waist and slid her across his lap and passed her down to her place at the head of the table. She seemed surprised, but didn’t make any comment. She just quickly took a drink from her glass. The guys at the other end of the table resumed their conversation with her. I couldn’t make out the conversation over the music, but I could tell that they were teasing her, because she was giggling a lot. I went back to talking with Tom.He was telling me all about Big Al’s. I was looking forward to a Friday office meeting…so I could tag along afterwards. While I talked with Tom, I glanced at Linda every once in a while to see if she was ready to go.The conversation at the other end of the table was a little quieter now…so they must have stopped teasing her. She seemed to be more relaxed because she was leaning back in the booth and seemed to be breathing deeper. I glanced up again, to see that her eyes weren’t even open at one point. Her drink must be getting to her, I suspected.I decided to let her enjoy it…since it was her birthday and all. When she opened her eyes and saw that I was looking at her…she jumped a little and must have hit Marcus because his whole arm shook. She smiled sheepishly and gulped down the rest of her gin and tonic.I smiled at her…she must have almost dosed off and felt silly about it, I reasoned. Marcus offered to pay for the next round. I said, “It’s up to Linda…we have about a half hour, do you want to stay for another drink.” Linda sheepishly said, “Sure,” and everyone at her end of the table laughed and hooted. Marcus passed the money down to me and as I walked away to the bar, I heard someone saying, “my turn.”Once again, it took quite a while at the bar, and three trips to deliver the drinks. I noticed on each trip that people had changed seats. So it took me a while to get the right drink to the right person. Finally I sat back down and resumed my conversation with Tom (who was still sitting in the same seat…although he kept looking down at the other end of the table).Linda was relaxing again…leaning back in her seat and seemed to be gripping the edge of the table with both hands. Jim was leaning towards her and whispering something in her ear. It was cramped at that end of the table so Jim was right next to her. He was also gesturing fervently with his hand under the table, as if driving home an important point.Linda closed her eyes again… as though she was trying to remember something. The guy next to Marcus nudged him and traded places with him. He seemed to want to get in on the Ankara escort bayan conversation that Jim and Linda were having. He also gestured under the table… apparently in opposition to Jim. Finally, Linda gasped rather loudly…apparently exasperated with their conversation. She leaned forward and opened her eyes and took a another deep drink of her Gin and Tonic.Tom was telling me about some of the group’s wild evenings at the strip club. A little later when I looked up. Linda was leaning over the table and filling her bowl with peanuts from the basket in the middle of the table. It was a bit of a reach, so she was leaning on her elbows as she did it… and it seemed to take quite a while.The guys on either side of her where leaning back behind her… apparently to make room for her. Her eyes had sort of a glazed look, I wondered if she might have had too much to drink. She sat back down and the guys next to her helped her eat the peanuts.Just a couple of minutes later she was filling her bowl again and different guys were sitting next to her. I couldn’t tell for sure, because it was dim, but it looked like the guys next to her were looking up her dress. I tried to motion to her, but she seemed oblivious to the whole thing. ‘Oh well, Let them have their fun,’ I thought. Just looking isn’t going to hurt anybody, I guess.I went to the rest room and when I got back, Jim offered to pay for the next round.I looked at Linda and she just nodded. There were low chuckles around the table. I went off to get the drinks again and notice that Linda had apparently returned to the conversation with Jim and the other guy. They were both leaning in towards her. and she apparently disagreed with both of them…because she was gesturing wildly at both of them under the table…probably shaking a finger at them both. It must have been good humored fun, because the guys didn’t seem offended by her scolding.The bar-tender took his time again and when I returned, Linda was nowhere to be found. I asked Tom where she was and just as he was telling me that she had lost an earring under the table, I noticed the back of her head over Marcus’s lap. It was dark, but I could tell that she was looking around, because her head was moving around a lot. I went back for the rest of the drinks. On my second trip she was still looking, but when I returned with the last of the drinks… she must have found it, because she was sitting upright… touching-up her lipstick.I sat down to enjoy my drink and Linda excused herself to the Ladies’ Room again. The guys took their time as they slid her down the line and she trotted off to the rest room. I noticed that Tom had moved to the other end of the table, so I struck up a conversation with Marcus.I didn’t even notice when Linda got back, but she was filling her bowl again with peanuts and Tom was leaning-in behind her. I turned back to my conversation with Marcus. We talked for a while and about three minutes later she was still there, leaning over the table and resting on her elbows. When I looked up, she grabbed her bowl and sat back quickly. Apparently backing into Tom pretty hard. This must have made Tom spill his drink on himself, because his chin was all wet.Marcus, directed my attention back to our conversation.A little later I looked up and noticed that my wife had undone several of the buttons of her dress. It was hot in the bar, so that didn’t surprise me in and of itself. What did surprise Escort Ankara me was that her cleavage was showing to the point that you could see the edges of her bra cups. She just smiled at me and returned to her conversation with Bill, a stocky black accountant from an ivy league school. She was directly facing him so all I could see was her back. Once again, it was dark in the club, but for her to face him like that… it seemed that she would almost have to be straddling his lap… she looked over her shoulder and smiled to me… so I knew that everything must be OK.Marcus asked me a question so I returned to the conversation.When I looked up again. She was sitting back in her seat again and it looked like even more of her buttons were undone. Her dress could fall open at any moment. Bill distracted me by offering to pay for the next round. Linda said, “We’ve missed our reservations by now…so we might as well.” Everyone laughed and I noticed that the guys on either side of my wife were turned-in towards her and showing her a lot of attention.Once again, the bartender took his time. When I finally returned to the table, I was floored. Linda was leaning over the table, gripping each side tightly with her hands and had the hem of her dress laid across her back. Someone was apparently behind her with his face pressed against her crotch and Bill had his hand in the front of her dress and was pulling her bra down and to the side. Tom was starting to help Bill by unbuttoning more of her buttons and undoing the front clasped bra. Linda’s eyes were closed, but her rapid breathing made it clear that she was on the verge of orgasm.I watched helplessly Bill pinched one of my wife’s nipples and Tom maneuvered to suck on the other one. Soon my wife gasped the same gasp I had heard earlier in the evening. The most disconcerting thing about it was that I was turned-on. Instead of yelling at everyone… I delivered the drinks and went back for the second and third trips.When I got back Marcus was at the head of the table with my wife on his lap. She was bouncing up and down… so I could tell that he was fucking her. Her dress was open in front Tom and Bill were replaced by other guys who were sucking her tits. I simply sat down and watched as they took turns with her. Now that I knew what was going on…she would close her eyes for a while and then she would open them and watch me intently as she was fucked and man-handled. At one point, she sat on the end of the booth right next to me and I watched her give blow jobs to all six of the guys from my office. She didn’t even offer to touch me, but she made sure that I noticed when they came. Some of the cum dribbled down her chin, but more often than not, she would milk their dicks with her hand as she drank down the cum in slow deliberate gulps.Since that day, she is a regular at office functions. The first night that I went to Big Al’s strip club, my wife was there. She kneeled in front of each of the guys from the office as they enjoyed the show. She even sucked me off that night. While she was giving blowjobs, guys had her skirt up and were sticking money in her garter.The only time that it bothers me is when she stops by the office during the business day and fucks and sucks guys while I’m working. She does it with the door closed, but everyone (even the secretaries) knows what is going on.——————————————————-= This work is copyrighted to the author © 2000. =-Gilglim ([email protected]), M+/F, wife, cuckoldPlease do not remove the author information or makeany changes to this story. You may post freely to non-commercial “free” sites, or in the “free” area ofcommercial sites. Thank you for your consideration.——————————————————

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