
Abbey the Horny Lawyer


Abbey Robbins had unloaded her car and had gotten her six and a half year old son into bed. It was only about nine o’clock on this Sunday evening; but the comely twenty-five year old woman was physically exhausted. She had stripped and pulled a short nightgown over her head before crawling into bed. She was relaxing and one hand crept between her legs, two fingers finding their way between those moist pussy lips. As she tried to use her hands to bring herself a relaxing cum, she began to think about the events that had led her to the following day when she was about to begin a new chapter in her life.

She thought back to that day nearly seven and a half years before when her entire life had been changed. Abbey had been a beautiful high school senior who was an honor roll student and she had been a star softball player for her school’s team. She had colleges waiting in line for her to play for them when she graduated from high school. In March of that year, she had gone to a party and the young virgin had had a little too much to drink. Against her will she had had sex with two of the guys at that party. As traumatic as that experience had been, she had tried to put that horrible memory behind her and continue with her life.

Two months later, Abbey found out that that evening would never be erased from her mind. The teenage girl learned that she was pregnant. A month later, she broke her leg in two places and all of the college recruiters cooled their efforts to recruit her. Aided by the financial and moral support of her parents, Abbey gave birth to a healthy son and then enrolled in college in January. Abbey was a pregnant teenager with virtually no sexual experience when she and her mother began to have sex with each other. A couple of months after her son was born, she learned how enjoyable it could be to have sex with a man. She and her father began a sexual relationship that still continued.

During her first semester in college, she had been befriended by Jeannie Parks who had also had a promising college softball career ended by an injury. Jeannie was two years older than Abbey and she talked Jeannie into beginning to umpire high school softball. Their friendship eventually became sexual although Jeannie had been dating Gary Alhorn for almost two years. As she attended college, the horizons of Abbey’s sexual experience were broadened quite a bit. Jeannie graduated from college when Abbey was completing her sophomore year. The week after graduating from college, Jeannie had been married to Gary. Abbey had been the maid of honor at that wedding. Over the course of the weekend of the wedding, Abbey had sex with Gary, his brother and his sister.

Abbey had enrolled in law school after graduation from college. While trying to find a place for his daughter to live, Reggie Robbins, Abbey’s father, had found that it would be cheaper in the long run to buy a small apartment building than it would be to pay the astronomical rent on an apartment in a college town. Abbey had enlisted Gary and Jeannie’s help in refurbishing the building and they had taken rent in one of the apartments in lieu of payment for their labors. When Abbey was about to graduate from law school, Gary and Jeannie had purchased the apartment building.

Abbey returned to Kingsport and went to work as a law clerk in her father’s firm while she studied for the bar exam and awaited the results. A week and a half earlier, Abbey had been admitted to the bar; but she had been gone for a week umpiring at a national softball tournament. She had just returned from that tournament. On Monday morning, Abbey was going to begin her new duties as a full fledged lawyer at her father’s law firm. She knew that she had been successful over the past years as a student and she had confidence that she was doing a fine job as a mother. Now, she had to find out if she could be as successful as a lawyer as she had been with her other activities.

Abbey was still working her fingers into her pussy and she finally experienced a pleasant cum. She rolled over and went to sleep in anticipation of the excitement that was ahead of her.

Abbey dove into her new duties with the ardor that she attacked every new thing in her life. Reggie was pleasantly surprised at his daughter’s knowledge of the law and her ability to deal with the clients. Although Abbey had gone into corporate law with the knowledge that the possibility of exciting courtroom cases would be minimal, she hoped that she would soon get a case where she would go to court for something other than debt collection. As her father saw how the quality of her work was getting better every day, he began to give her better cases and more affluent clients all of the time.

The only thing that Abbey did not like about practicing law was the type of men that it attracted. The men who approached her were either married and bent on cheating on their wives or they were interested in developing a long-term relationship. She was now approaching twenty-six years of age and she was no more sinop escort interested in forming a lasting relationship than she had been when she was eighteen.

It was barely September and Abbey couldn’t wait for the next softball season to start. At the softball tournaments, she was around a more exciting group of people. They seemed to be more interested in life as it was happening, in contrast to some of the pompous self-centered people that she encountered in her law practice.

She was getting a respite in mid-September. Abbey and Mike would be leaving on a Thursday afternoon for Grafton and planned to return on Sunday evening. Jeannie’s daughter, Meagan, was being christened on Sunday and Abbey was going to be the Godmother. In addition to the fact that she was going to see Gary and Jeannie again, Gary’s brother, John, was going to be the godfather. Abbey hoped that Gary’s sister, Bonnie would be there also. Abbey recalled the weekend that Gary and Jeannie had been married. She had spent one evening in bed with John and then she and Bonnie had shared John after the wedding reception. She had one other occasion to get together with Bonnie and had seen John a few times since then.

Abbey left work at noon on Thursday and spent part of the afternoon packing for the trip. She was ready to leave town when she picked Mike up from school. Abbey had made arrangements in advance for Mike to miss school on Friday. Upon arrival in Grafton, she checked into the motel and then she and Mike drove to Gary and Jeannie’s. When they entered the hallway of the apartment building, Mike immediately ran to the door of their old apartment and reached for the door handle. Abbey stopped him, saying, “No, Mike. Someone else lives there now; we’re going to see Gary, Jeannie and the baby.”

After exchanging hugs and kisses with Gary and Jeannie, Abbey was shown the baby. After Abbey held the baby for a while, Abbey commented, “This almost makes me want another one myself.” They settled Mike in a chair so that he could ‘hold’ the baby and Abbey added, “Notice that I said that it almost makes me want another one.”

Abbey was surprised to hear Jeannie tell her, “Our plans were to wait another six months and then start trying again”

Abbey asked, “What do you mean that those WERE your plans?”

“Well, right now, we are playing it by ear. When it happens, it happens.”

“So we might be doing this again in less than a year, huh?”

“Who knows?”

“When are John and Bonnie coming? Bonnie is coming; isn’t she?”

“Yeah, Bonnie’s coming. The two of them are due in sometime after noon tomorrow. Gary’s parents are driving and they are expected sometime tomorrow; but you never know about them. They could walk in here at eight o’clock in the morning or they could arrive sometime late on Saturday. When Howard starts driving, he just wings it.”

Jeannie had finished fixing dinner and while they were eating she said, “Tomorrow and Friday nights, I have a girl from school coming to baby-sit. She will watch Mike and Meagan. I figured that Mike would stay the night so that you don’t have to drive back here and then to the motel after we have been partying.”

Abbey helped Jeannie clean up the kitchen after supper and they sat and talked for about two hours. Abbey was beginning to get tired and said, “I think that I’ll get Mike and head back to the motel. What time do you want to start getting things ready tomorrow?”

“Abbey, I asked you to come to be Meagan’s Godmother, not to be cheap labor.”

“I know; but I want to help as much as I can.”

“I’ll start as soon as I get Meagan fed and bathed in the morning. The time depends more on Meagan than anything else.”

“I’ll plan on being here at about eight-thirty or so.”

When they went to the living room, they found that Mike was sound asleep on the couch. Jeannie put a blanket over him and said, “You might as well leave him here for the night. Meagan will probably have me up before Mike wakes up, so I can get him fed before you get here.”

Abbey tried to argue that it would be too much of an inconvenience to Jeannie; but finally relented after assuring Jeannie that she would be there early with some clean clothes for Mike. When Abbey returned to the motel, she realized that she was not quite ready to go to bed yet. She went to the lounge to have a drink before retiring for the night. Abbey took a seat at the bar that gave her a view of the entrance and ordered a beer. She was about half finished with her beer when she saw a man that she recognized enter the lounge. The man recognized Abbey sitting there and approached her, taking a seat next to her.

Abbey said, “Hi, Mr. Alhorn. I didn’t think that you were going to get here until tomorrow or Saturday.”

“Abbey, I have asked you to call me Howard. We got an early enough start that we were able to make it all of the way here tonight. Have you been out to see my granddaughter yet?”

“Yep. She is cute as hell. You have a fine escort sinop looking granddaughter. Are you going out there tonight?”

“No. We’ve been on the road for almost fourteen hours. My wife went right to bed as soon as we got here. I decided that I needed a beer to relax before turning in. We’ll go visit when we get up in the morning.”

Abbey and Gary’s father continued to talk for a while longer. When Abbey’s beer was empty, she said, “I don’t feel like sitting here all night. I have some beer in my room; do you want to stop and have one?”

Howard swallowed the remainder of his beer and stood up. He followed Abbey to the elevator and to her room. When they arrived at the room, Howard noticed that the room was empty, prompting him to ask, “Where is your son?”

As Abbey handed Howard a beer, she replied, “He fell asleep at Gary and Jeannie’s; we decided not to wake him.”

They sat and talked for some time while having a couple of beers. When Abbey leaned over to hand Howard another beer, she noticed that he was staring at her cleavage and became slightly embarrassed. Howard simply commented, “You know, I now understand why my three kids and Jeannie enjoy being with you. You are a beautiful woman and you have a fantastic body.”

Abbey flushed at that comment and she wasn’t sure how much he knew about her relationship with his children and his sister-in-law. Abbey asked, “What do you mean by that comment?”

Howard smiled, “I know how you guys entertain yourselves when you get together. We are a very close family. Bonnie says that the only woman that she’s enjoyed more than you is her mother.”

Abbey said, “I wasn’t aware that Gary, John and Bonnie included you in their activities.”

“Oh yeah. Jeannie too. She is a fine woman.”

Howard moved next to Abbey. He put his arm around her and continued, “I would love to experience the pleasure that you’ve given Jeannie and my kids.”

Abbey had a half smile on her face as she looked up at Howard and he kissed her. Abbey did not respond to his kisses until he took her in his arms and lightly caressed one of her firm breasts. Abbey put her arms around his neck and her lips parted, allowing his tongue to dance with hers. When Howard began to unbutton her blouse, Abbey broke the embrace and stood up. Howard was unsure if Abbey was having second thoughts about this until he saw her remove her blouse and unhook her bra. Abbey told him, “Get moving; I’m not going to be the only one naked around here.”

The two of them were soon naked and they moved onto the bed. After kissing Abbey for a few minutes, Howard moved to her boobs and began kissing and sucking them. He reached between her legs to feel the wetness of her pussy. He enjoyed rubbing his fingers through the soft blonde fur covering those tender lips. Howard moved toward the foot of the bed and grabbed her ankles. He placed Abbey’s legs over his shoulders and began to lick that moist warm cavern. His tongue moved into her pussy and he began to lick her clit, slowly circling it with his tongue. Abbey was running her hands through his hair while he kept licking her clit. He used two fingers to penetrate her. He licked her clit in rhythm with the finger fucking that he was giving her.

As Howard continued to lick her pussy and was ramming his fingers into her, Abbey was grinding her pussy against his face. Her hands were pulling his face tightly against her. Abbey started to scream as her orgasm began to overtake her. Howard’s cock was now throbbing and leaking profusely. He quickly covered it with a condom and moved between Abbey’s legs, sliding his shaft between her juicing lips. Abbey continued to cum as he slid his cock in and out of her. She was unsure how many times that she came while Howard was fucking her. The intensity of the multiple orgasms caused Abbey to pass out for a short bit and she wasn’t sure that she remembered him cumming; but he assured her that he had had a most pleasant cum.

After they held each other and kissed for a while, Howard got out of bed and began to put his clothes on. As he was dressing, he said, “I don’t know if we will have time on this trip; but my wife is going to insist on having an opportunity to take you to bed.”

Abbey smiled, “If she is as good as you say that Bonnie claims, I will be looking forward to it.”

Howard moved toward the door and said, “We plan on going to see the baby shortly after eight; why don’t you meet us for breakfast at about seven-thirty?”

Abbey began to pull the covers over herself as she told Howard, “That sounds like a good idea; I have to get there early to take Mike some clean clothes.” When the door closed behind Howard, Abbey rolled over and fell asleep. She had a very relaxing and fulfilling night’s sleep.

Abbey was well rested when she awoke at six-thirty in the morning. She took a leisurely shower and dressed for the day at Jeannie’s. She got together a few changes of clothes for Mike and left her room. When she arrived in the sinop escort bayan lobby, she encountered Mr. and Mrs. Alhorn. Howard suggested that they have breakfast at the restaurant next door to the motel. Abbey said, “I’ll catch up with you as soon as I put these clothes of Mike’s in my car.” When they finished eating, they drove to Gary and Jeannie’s house.

Gary was surprised to see his parents arriving with Abbey. He asked, “When did you guys get into town? We didn’t expect you to get here until later today or tomorrow.”

Veronica, Gary’s mother, replied, “We were making such good time yesterday that we just drove all of the way here. We got in late last night.”

Veronica spent most of the morning playing with Meagan. Mr. and Mrs. Alhorn had seen the baby shortly after she was born; but the thousand miles separating them had kept them from seeing her since then. After insuring that Mike had gotten dressed, Abbey began to help Jeannie with her preparations for Sunday. After fixing lunch, Jeannie told Gary that they needed to go to the store to get some things that they would need for the weekend. Gary replied, “Why don’t you and Abbey go to the store. I’ll stay here and watch Mike. Grandma seems to be keeping Meagan happy.”

When they returned from the store, John and Bonnie had arrived. The guys went to the car and brought in the things that the women had purchased. When the groceries and other items had been put away, everyone sat and talked for most of the afternoon. About four o’clock, Bonnie said, “We need to think about where we are going to go for supper tonight. Jeannie doesn’t need to be feeding us all weekend long.”

Howard stated, “Tonight, your mother and I are going to dinner with an old friend of mine; but all of you plan on going to dinner with us tomorrow night. You’re on your own tonight, guys.”

John said, “I think that we should just have pizza back at the motel. We can have a couple of beers and then decide if we want to go out or stay put.”

Mr. and Mrs. Alhorn were leaving at that time. After seeing them out the door, Gary commented, “We have a baby sitter coming tonight and we don’t plan on wasting that to just sit around eating pizza and drinking beer.”

Bonnie said, “I think that the pizza and beer will just be the warm-up for a very entertaining evening. It’s been a while since the five of us got together and I’m kinda’ looking forward to it.”

Gary laughed, “Well, if that’s what you’ve got in mind, I’d be willin’ to pay for two babysitters.”

John was getting impatient and wanted to return to the hotel to get things started. Finally, Jeannie said, “I’ll wait here for the babysitter; the rest of you can go ahead to the motel. There is one stipulation; nobody gets anything except pizza and beer until I get there.”

The pizza delivery driver was just leaving the motel room when Jeannie arrived. As she entered the room, she saw that everyone was getting a piece of pizza. She also noticed that the guys had removed their shoes and socks and they were wearing just their pants. Abbey and Bonnie were wearing T-shirts and it was obvious that they had removed their bras already. As Abbey sat down on the edge of the bed, Jeannie could see that she was not wearing panties.

Jeannie exclaimed, “I thought that I said that no one could have anything except beer and pizza until I got here.”

Gary replied, “Hey, the girls went to the bathroom to get comfortable and while they were gone, we stripped down to our pants. We just wanted to be ready for when you got here. Unless the girls did something in the bathroom, no one has started to have sex yet.”

Bonnie and Abbey each had sheepish looks on their faces and when Jeannie looked at them, Bonnie admitted, “Well, we might have kissed a little and played with each other’s boobs for a bit.”

Abbey giggled before admitting, “Maybe, a finger might have slipped into the other’s pussy for a couple of seconds ? or longer.”

Jeannie began to laugh as she started to undress. When Jeannie’s bra was tossed aside, the guys started to remove their pants and the girls discarded their T-shirts. The three girls tumbled onto one of the beds and Abbey and Bonnie started to work on Jeannie’s nice 36B boobs. Soon Bonnie had moved into position to start lapping on Jeannie’s pussy. John complained, “The one bad thing about having more women than men is that we seldom get to eat any pussy.”

Abbey paused from sucking on Jeannie’s tits to tell him, “Quit your fucking bitching. It’s time for you guys to start using those cocks instead of thinking with them. Bonnie’s pussy is waiting and willing and I don’t think that she plans on using her fingers on herself all night.”

Gary moved behind Bonnie and mounted her from the rear. The feel of her brother’s hard cock sliding in and out of her pussy caused Bonnie to redouble her efforts as she licked her sister-in-law’s pussy. John pulled Abbey away from Jeannie’s tits and moved her to the other bed and clamped his lips on those succulent 38D tits before sliding his hard cock into that most cavern between her legs. As Abbey was feeling the excitement caused by that hard piece of meat sliding in and out of her, she heard Jeannie and Bonnie begin to scream from the orgasms that they were experiencing.

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