
Breasticles Ch. 04


Author’s Note: Read Chapter 1 first.



I felt bad. Like, really bad. I hated to lie to Gale, even before we became girlfriends. But it was for her own good, I told myself. It was all for her good. Now I can’t even be honest with myself. Fantastic.

We’ve been friends for well over a year. I knew a fair amount about her, including her disappointing high school life and how puberty had done next to nothing for her. She had also hinted to me at times that she did wish she had a larger bust. I had been searching for quite some time, and then I found Doctor Blare. She was something of an underground doctor, but one that was very well connected. Able to get drugs that aren’t on the market yet or even approved.

She told me about one that could do exactly what I was hoping for. I found a way to get her and Gale in the same room, under the guise that Blare was a replacement for Rick, mine and Gale’s family doctor for years. Through this, Blare was able to get the drug in her. The results were more than I could imagine.

I hadn’t told Gale this, but I was a serious breast enthusiast. In my room at my parent’s house – still saving up for my own place – I had an extensive collection of porn, anime and hentai that all featured excessively large breasts. However, I didn’t have much of a desire to grow myself. I liked to admire them on others. I’d always liked Gale’s body, curvy, soft and deliciously feminine, but her bust was only average for her figure. I wanted her to have a chest to put all others to shame.

But as I said before, I feel bad. Lying to her is possibly the last thing I wanted to do. Well, I wasn’t lying so much as withholding information, I thought in an attempt to rationalise what I was doing. It didn’t help though. I was playing with Gale’s body without her knowing, and I had no idea if she would come out of this enjoying what I’ve done. My hope was that our relationship would progress far enough that she’d forgive me.

Though that never worked, even in the movies. I sighed as I stepped into the room.

“Evening, Miss Mitchell.” Blare said in greeting, already packing the items away.

“She’s got the pills?” I asked, keeping my tone very neutral. Blare nodded, “What did you tell her?” I inquired further, wanting to know in case I had to play along.

“I told her that they would reduce the growth of her breasts.” She told me. I groaned.

“Why? They’re going to make them bigger. She’ll notice quickly and then she’ll start to figure this all out. It’s too soon.” I said, exasperated.

“Don’t worry. I included a little something else within the pills.” She said, grinning mischievously at me. I had seen that Blare was capable of wearing a mask around most people. In front of strangers, she was polite, experienced and generally a nice woman. But around those she knew, she let out a different side of her, a side that showed how mischievous, playful and almost psychopathic she was. Blare seemed yalvaç escort to get a kick out seeing people in shock or fear.

I know Gale had called her earlier, concerned by the substantial growth of her breasts. Part of me suspected that Blare had been turned on by it. She was a sadist through and through, but made it clear that physical pain was far from her thing. Emotional torment is what got her going. It was the only reason she agreed to do this for me pro bono.

“And that would be?” I asked, raising an eyebrow at her. The more time I spent around her, the less I enjoyed her company.

“An aphrodisiac. She’ll be too focused on her own sex that she won’t be able to give a thought to her tits.” I stared at her in disbelief.

“You fucking what?!” I shouted at her, uncaring if anyone heard me.

“Don’t worry, the effect’s dull after four weeks and the aphrodisiac loses its effects altogether within five. And she can function in society… mostly.” She explained calmly. I glared at her, but didn’t speak up. What’s done is done after all, and I couldn’t just walk up to Gale and say ‘sorry, you can’t have those pills, they’ll make your boobs giant and turn you into a nymphomaniac’. I sighed and looked at her.

“Are you sure she’ll be alright in public?” I asked, squinting my eyes at her. She nodded, being serious for once upon noticing the promise of murder in my tone. Taking her word for it, I took a deep, calming breath and asked my final question.

“How big will she grow now?” I asked. It was the same question I asked each time we met, which I saved until the end, since it was the only thing I genuinely enjoyed about our time together.

“Hmm, the initial dose is still active surprisingly, should’ve faded a few days ago. Mixed with the pills… I’d say she should be shopping for custom bras by this time next month.” One month, and she wouldn’t be able to shop for bras in a store. The thought stayed with me even as I left the clinic. If they reached that kind of size, then would she be able to function normally? The question made my heart ache. I didn’t want her to be more breast than woman.

As I sat in my car, I couldn’t stop my mind from wondering. Ever since I had set all of this up, I’d found myself fantasising about Gale, and her potential bust, more often than not. She wasn’t the only one who had trouble with her daydreams. I continued to sit there, until I came to a decision. If Gale was going to end up as some sort of freak, I was going to be one too… well, more of one anyway. I looked at the doors to the clinic, seeing Blare walking out. I drove up to her and opened the passenger door.

“I need to talk to you.” The smirk that spread across her face, revealing those perfect teeth, almost sent shivers down my spine. What was I about to get myself into?


“Oh god!” I cried, slumping down on my bed, panting. This was the fifth time today that I had masturbated to completion. yenibosna escort It had been two days since my last check-up, and all I’ve been able to think about since then is my own pleasure. Even at work, I’ve been struggling to keep a hand out of my pants, or away from my breasts. God, I thought as I looked down at them. They were bigger already. My G cup bras were beginning to bite into my skin.

Fae had been giving me worried looks every day. Every chance she got, she would ask if I was alright. I always hesitated to answer that, since I wasn’t sure. I mean, I still feel fine in a physical sense. I didn’t feel sick, and no parts of my body ached, at least not much. As I laid there, I felt the embers of lust once again. I didn’t fight it. I knew I’d lose.

My days continued like that. Every day, I’d wake up, masturbate, go to work, masturbate in the bathrooms, kiss Fae goodbye for the day, masturbate to the thought, and then go home… and masturbate even more. It scared me. Part of me, an extremely vocal part when I wasn’t touching myself, screamed at me to see a doctor. A professional, anyone who could find out what was wrong with me. But I never found the will to pick up the phone.

The only time I’d spend in my car was to drive to and from work. I couldn’t muster the will to restrain myself much longer than that. At work, I had distractions; customers, Jennifer and Fae. Even then, I would go on break and head straight to the bathrooms. I doubt I need to elucidate what I do there. More than once, I had jumped when someone touched my shoulder and had to drag my hand away from my crotch. My fantasies were getting worse as well.

I’d been serving a customer. A pretty young woman, short, lithe and cute. She was a beginner drummer, hoping for some advice on a good starting kit. I had gestured for her to step into the room that housed our demonstration kits, and my eyes fell on her rear. It was shapely, the heart shaped cheeks swaying in tandem with her steps. I had immediately fallen in my own world. She’d been standing there, waiting for me, for over five minutes before I broke out of my reverie. I was lucky I hadn’t fallen or something.

I was getting scared to drive as well. More than once, I had stopped at a red light and had to tightly grip the steering wheel, until my knuckles turned white, to keep my hands from straying to my body. I wanted to ask Fae to start giving me rides, but I didn’t want to rely on her for that. As it was, I had to delegate most of my work to her. Part of me wanted to ask for a vacation, just until this… whatever it was, passed.

Fae had said she would put in a word for me as well if I needed it. I wanted to so bad, but I wanted to keep working. I liked being there, I liked working with my friends, I liked spending time with Fae. But at the same time I was losing ground against my own desires. It didn’t help that my chest was only continuing to grow.

Just under a week had yenimahalle escort passed since my check-up. I was now looking for I cup bras. Yes, I cup bras. They were massive, way too big for my hands. They still kept their shape and sat just above my navel. If they kept up this pace of growth, I’d be ordering custom made underwear in another week. Maybe even less.

Aside from that, I’d noticed that my hips and rear were gaining some additional padding as well. If I had guess, it’d be my body trying to make sure I had some form of balance, so that I wouldn’t fall flat on my face if I stumbled. My pussy was oddly similar, now fairly meaty and with a clit the size of a marble. Admittedly, I enjoy this repeatedly. The larger my lips and clit were, the more space there was for me to derive pleasure from. However, the mere act of walking was beginning to stimulate them.

“Just take a vacation, Gale.” Fae said to me as we left the store. I was hardly listening, just as I had been throughout the entire day. I could hardly focus on anything for more than a few minutes before my pussy made its presence known. My panties were soaked through, and I’d felt a drop of my desire run down my inner thigh on more than one occasion, “Gale?” She asked, placing a hand on my arm. I jolted back to reality.

“Uh, sorry, what?” My voice even reflected how I felt. It was always husky; like I was trying to seduce anyone I talked to. Fae gave me possibly the most worried look I’d ever seen.

“Gale, you’re going on holiday. I don’t care what you say. You’re not coming to work for at least a month.” She told me, sounding much more like a worried parent than my girlfriend. I grinned at her, partly because I was touched by her worry, and partly because I was picturing her stripping down and getting it on with me.

“Yeah… yeah, you’re right.” I relented, trying to hide my thoughts.

“I’ll drive you home, okay?” She asked, though didn’t leave any chance to answer, already opening the passenger door on her car and waving for me to sit inside. Once again, I relented and did as she wanted. She climbed into the driver’s seat and started the engine, “I’ll ask someone to bring your car by tomorrow.” I nodded, already starting to feel my body lusting for another orgasm. I’d done it earlier, less than an hour ago in fact. But I was still hungry for more.

When we came to my apartment building, Fae leaned over to kiss me. I don’t know if I was lost in my fantasies at the time, or I simply wanted her more than I’d ever realised, but I couldn’t stop myself. I pulled her close, pressing my lips against hers, forcing her mouth open to grant my tongue entry. We fenced for a moment, while I ran my hands over her gorgeous body. Fae didn’t stop me.

When we pulled apart, I could only say three words:

“My place, now.” She only nodded to show she heard me. It was a miracle she remembered to lock her car as we rushed up to my apartment. Whenever we were alone, we were kissing. My hands would cup her ass, pulling her hips against me, and she would do the same. Forcing my constantly engorged clit to press into my pants. I’d groan in annoyance each time someone came into view, as we pulled apart. We reached my apartment and I opened the door…

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