
Bum’s Rush Ch. 03



This is a work of fiction that portrays its characters engaging in sex and sex-play. Any individual who is “getting busy” is old enough to do so.

This tale is tagged as Incest/Taboo and describes sexual activity between siblings. If that type of story is not for you, this is your last warning to turn aside.


Day 104

The new mattresses were amazingly more comfortable – if a little warmer – than the ones we’d been using. I couldn’t wait to fuck my sister on them.

That thought prompted me to ask Megan about sewing a bed-cover for us – to help with cleaning up after.. ahem.. spills.

Before we left the hut, I had Petal try out the hammock – wondering if she would like it better than the foam mattress.

She immediately asked for a second sleepover – to try it out for a full night. Megan’s next period was coming up in a few days – so we promised her we’d have her stay over again soon.

She pouted, but still rushed off to tell Naomi & Paul the news – as soon as she spotted them arriving at the central fire to grab a little breakfast.

Having already slept in the hammock himself, Paul said he thought she would really like it.

Petal, however, persisted in reporting that our new mattresses were super soft. She announced that she was looking forward to having one of her own.

Naomi told her to focus on her chores and stop begging Uncle Mike and Aunt Megan for gifts.

She came over, gave us hugs, and thanked us for the sleepover – before heading off with her step-mom for the day.

I, quite honestly, could not tell you what happened the rest of that day.

After dinner, my sexy sister and I headed to our hut – where – she unveiled the village’s very first fitted-sheet – already on the bed – and waiting for its virgin voyage.

I, promptly, stripped off my clothes – mere seconds ahead of Megan – and practically leapt onto the bed – eagerly anticipating a night of sucking & fucking.

Compared to the burlap & leaves – and even the fuzzy pelts – this felt like a pillow-top mattress – on a king-sized bed – covered in the finest of silks.

Life was so much simpler on the island – and I was happy – delighted – to be back in the land of nearly no stress.

I loved the new bed, and I was ecstatic to once again be able to share in all manner of illicit activities with my sister-bride.

I sat in the middle of the bed – with my heels together in front of me – and my knees surrounding my nude sister.

Megan sat in my lap – with my cock buried in her snug cunt – her legs around my waist – and her heels tucked behind my butt – pulling me deeper.

I took her face in my hands and kissed every part of her visage – her forehead, her eyebrows, her eyelids, her nose, her temples, her ears, across her neck (from ear to ear), her jaw, her cheeks, her chin, and her lips.

I was in love with those lips. I loved kissing them – not because it was taboo – not because they were soft & supple – but because of who they belonged to. It was who I was kissing.

Those other things – the fact that – anywhere else in the world – I would not be able to do this without people getting upset – the thrill – the impropriety – those were just bonuses.

This hot-ass, sexy-as-fuck woman – who happened to be my sister – she & I had been through so much together already – and I was anticipating so much more.

It wasn’t greed that brought me back to those beautiful lips – again & again – it was desperate hunger – a necessity of life. She was part of me – and I was part of her. If she wasn’t there, a chunk of me would be missing. I did everything I could to show her how much I loved her, needed her.

Her response mirrored mine. I felt adored – loved – cared for – complete.

We kissed again – and I adored the rest of her – all that I could reach – with caresses and gentle squeezes & tugs. I didn’t pull on her nipples – but I teased, rubbed, and rolled them between my fingers. I fondled her breasts like I’d never seen a pair before in my life. I can assure you that I, definitely, had never seen a pair that I liked more – there was no doubt about that.

I rubbed her shoulders, neck, and back – and pulled her in for loving hugs – as our mouths continued to kiss – as our tongues touched & teased. It wasn’t a wrestling match – it was a dance.

I rolled my beloved onto her back and continued our oral ballet – while softly sliding my meaty rod in & out of her snug passage.

I abandoned adoring her face and went to work on her collarbone & neck – while continuing to lovingly plumb her depths with my sounding-rod.

I worshipped her breasts – and the space between – and around them – and then zeroed-in on the more sensitive areas – licking & kissing – teasing & tonguing – nipping & nibbling.

Megan arched her back and moaned.

I sped up my thrusting a little.

Her wanton sounds were beginning to lash at my mental-flanks – propelling me – driving me faster kaman escort – moving me from a trot to a gallop.

I tried to keep the pace steady but she was calling to me.

I needed this – wanted this – as much as she did.

My ears could only hear the pleading in her moans – her groans – her growls.

My nose smelled nothing but the musk of her sex – and the pheromones that dialed my desire up from want – to need.

Her taste overloaded my tongue – and seemed to fill my mouth – and mind.

When my fingers contacted her skin, it just made them want to explore – and touch – and tease – every part of her that I could reach.

My mind told me that – when we had started this love-making session – it had been slow – soft – gentle.

This was anything but that – this was primal – carnal – frenzied.

Each thrust elicited a moan or a groan and it – seemingly – drove me faster.

Our joining wasn’t bestial – but it was frantic – I was driving to my climax and – from the sounds of it – she might beat me there.

Her steamy personal space tightened around my cock – and I heard her breath catch.

I growled as my testicles told my brain to claim this female – to mark her – to breed her.

I hunched myself into her, tightly, and clung to her – hanging on – desperate not to release her until my penis had stopped spewing my spermatozoa directly into her womb.

I nearly cried out as I finished.

I kept holding onto her – as I rolled onto my back – and carried her to my chest – the last of my ejaculate dangerously close to slipping out around our joining.

“Fuck! I love you,” I told her – as I kissed her face & mouth once more.

“I love you, Mikey. That got a little crazy. I came so hard!”

We cuddled and chatted a little longer – and then fell asleep – exhausted.

Day 105

Paul and I got called away from our building projects to help Miriam with a weed problem near the food-prep area.

I’m no master gardener but I realized – as she pointed to the plants she wanted removed – that at least some of them were tomatoes and peppers – if not quite the kinds I was used to seeing in dad’s garden, back home.

Paul sent some boys for the push-carries and shovels – and I went to get Rowe, the farm manager.

After talking to him and Miriam about what I thought they were – and what I thought we should do with them – we ended up clearing a space between the latrine path and the lagoon paths – at the east edge of the village – to split the plants by type.

I asked Miriam if I could hang out with the ladies when they were doing meal-prep the next few days to see what else I could catch.

At lunch-time, I watched them cutting up vegetables they had foraged.

I sampled a small, raw, slice of each – to make sure that what I was seeing was what I thought it was.

We ended up with garlic, radishes, onions, tomatoes, and peppers.

As they cleaned the tomatoes and peppers, I had them collect the seeds.

For the garlic and the onions, I had some of the girls take me to where they’d found the items – and I collected what I needed from the more mature plants – to give us the ability to propagate those in sufficient quantities as well.

For the time being, I divided the garden into fourths – since I had four major types of plants I intended to grow.

I was sure they had spices they were collecting as well – but this was a start.

I staked off the four areas – leaving non-tilled paths between the sections – to make access easier – and help me keep everything separated.

The vegetable plots were in place by the time lunch rolled around – so Paul and I worked on building projects for the remainder of the day.

Megan’s body was already cramping – in anticipation of her cycle arriving – so we kissed, cuddled, and fell asleep.

Day 106

Megan’s visit from Aunt Flo began early in the day. She said she thought Miriam had some leaves that were some sort of pain-reducer. She headed off to find the wise woman before we went to breakfast.

I hadn’t bathed since we’d returned so I hit the lagoon for a quick rinse.

At breakfast, I told Miriam we probably needed to water the veggies each morning – at least until the next good rain.

The morning was spent at the range with the firearm team. The range-master wanted us to go through some basics with the guns – and then he switched us to the compound bows for a while.

I can tell you that hearing live weapons-fire here is jarringly-loud. I ran over to the sewing area and retrieved some tiny scraps to wedge in our ears to try to minimize the damage.

I’ve been to the range several times and never really thought about it before – but here – where nothing else is that loud – you can almost feel how its affecting your body.

By lunch-time, the two warriors – and Joshua – were proficient with the bows.

After the meal, the weapons instructor kapaklı escort had them try out the atlatl arms that he’d built.

It took a while longer for them to master how that worked.

Dinner was something I hadn’t seen yet in our time here. When I asked Paul about it, he said a word I hadn’t heard before. A few hand-signs later and I figured out it was some kind of primate or monkey.

I think he was just messing with me though. In all of our time on the island, I have yet to see a monkey – plus – he was smirking way more than normal.

Day 107

Paul and I started moving a few palm trees from the area by the playground equipment. He had thought of another obstacle he wanted to add to the course but we needed to make room for it.

We also constructed a second swing – next to the first. Hoping there would be fewer youngsters upset for having to wait so long for their turn.

Near mid-morning, Miriam came to find us. The kids were reporting that two of the younger boys had disappeared during a game of Hide n’ Seek – and they’d been missing for an hour or so before the little ones had dared to come to the chief’s wife.

Paul sent his nephew to get Hal (the range-master) while we gathered a few others who were nearby.

The kiddos took us to where they’d been playing. The rest of us kind of stood around while Hal & Paul – who were, apparently, the best trackers in the village – scouted the area.

Ten minutes later, Hal hollered that he’d found two sets of footprints headed west and we all joined him.

Our two hunter-guides followed the signs of the boys’ passage through the brush – around a pond – and onward.

Hal said it looked like they’d found a Cocaleca – a walking bird – and seemed to be following it. Paul said the creature appeared to be favoring one leg – so they believed the boys had been worried about the animal and got distracted tracking it – and forgot to pay attention to where they were.

More than an hour later, we found the pair, sitting in a small clearing, crying.

Neither of them appeared to be hurt – so we picked them up and headed for home.

On the way back, they relayed their tale. Paul’s theory had been on target.

The boys had realized they were in trouble when a crocodile came charging out of the brush to chase their new-found pet – which ran off.

Fortunately, the croc had been more interested in pursuing the noisy bird – and hadn’t noticed the two small boys.

At that point, they had realized they were lost and stayed where they were at – much to the happy amazement of most of the adults in our group – who didn’t think the two were capable of listening to instruction – never mind following it – especially in a tense situation.

It was after lunch by the time we got back to the central fire – but the women quickly brought out the remnants of the midday meal.

The boys were just starting to recover from their shock but – as soon as they had taken a few bites of food – they forgot about their scare and remembered that they were hungry.

Once the rest of us saw that they were finally eating, we took our food & drink as well, happy to not have to report death or injury to the anxious mothers.

Once the two youngsters had finished eating, their parents took them a little way from the camp’s gathering area for a private chat.

The fathers looked on, sternly, as the mothers first hugged the boys, then yelled at them, and then grabbed them by their ear-lobes to drag them off to extra chores.

Once the two fathers were safely away from the eyes of the village’s women-folk, they shook their heads and grinned, saying, basically, “They are boys.”

When one of the teens asked how much trouble they were in with their mothers, the two just looked at each other and howled in laughter.

One of them said he would probably wait two days and – if her fury had not subsided – he would take the boy into the brush and beat his ass with willowy reeds until the skin was red and angry – and then return him to his mother so that she could console him and the house could return to peace.

One or two of the other fathers nodded like they’d had to do the same thing.

After that, everybody split off to return to whatever they’d been doing before.

Paul & I went to visit the butcher. He suggested we run my idea by Joshua – who was heading off to check the traps.

We met his team as they were headed back to the butcher’s with a medium-sized crocodile they’d caught in the second trap.

My idea was to capture or trap some of the piglets from the wild boars – and to use those to start raising a herd.

The concept was new to Joshua as well and we ended up chatting with the elders. I explained the basics of the plan – and the pen that we’d need to build.

Their only real concerns were trying to save enough construction materials without taking away from any of the other projects.

For karabağlar escort the time being, I was authorized to set up a modest pen – roughly 20 feet square – which would be filled with any piglets that were captured.

This would give us a chance to figure out some answers we needed before this project could really get off the ground: How much food did they need? How much space did they need? How old did they need to be to breed? Did we need to split the males & females?

I’d never raised animals so I had no clue – other than the basics. The villagers had never even considered the idea – until I mentioned it – so it was all going to be a bit of an experiment for a while.

If it turned out to be a bust, we could always just turn them loose and scrap the whole idea.

As Megan and I lay down, her uterus was still cramping. I had her lay on top of me – face up – and I kneaded my fists and palms across her abdomen – to try to sooth the muscles.

Unfortunately, with both of us being naked, I really only succeeded in rubbing my stiff woody up against her gap – which didn’t help her any – and only made my balls ache more than they already did.

Day 108

Rain. We headed off for the lagoons to bathe and do laundry.

I considered jerking off beneath the waves but decided to just wait. Megan should be out of sex-jail soon.

My sister’s women’s intuition must have kicked in because – when we got back to the hut – she made me strip naked and lie on the mattress.

She blindfolded me and used my rope – which I now carried just like the rest of the men in the tribe – to tie my arms and legs to the bamboo flooring.

I didn’t know what she had planned but my cock was already rock-hard – standing like a fifth pillar – holding up the roof of our hut.

I’d been hoping for a feather – or a tongue – or lips – but – no – it felt like the burlap from the palm trunks.

She didn’t exactly use it like sandpaper – but the rough material was a mood-killer.

She drug a handful of it around my face, across my shoulders, down my arms, and across my chest, irritating my nipples.

She was rougher across my abs and a little nicer on my ribs – but still irksome. She roughed-up the outsides of my legs – all the way down – to the soles of my feet.

Then she started chaffing up the fronts & insides of my legs – moving up my thighs – and – finally – to my lap.

Now it really DID feel like sandpaper! She drug it around my groin, across my nut-sack, around my swollen dick – and then – fuck! – She wrapped it around my cock with her hand – and slid it up & down my raw meat once.

I started to scream out – and she pounced on my mouth with both hands, giggling wickedly. I growled at her but the sound was trapped inside.

When I finally relaxed – after the skin of my fuck-stick had calmed a little – I felt her move between my legs.

Her hair – which had grown a little longer while we’d been here – brushed against the inside of my thigh. My cock & balls were aching again.

When her hot tongue touched against my ball-sack – a half-second before she sucked the whole thing into her mouth – I jumped – and nearly shrieked.

Her hand wrapped around my dick – near the crown. One of her knuckles pressed against my perineum – at the lower end of my shit-hole.

As she sucked & licked my balls, she started slowly jacking me off. It had been days – and I was ready to pop.

“Meg!” I warned.

My ball-sack was, once again, sucked into her mouth.

Her hand was moving slowly – but I was at my limit – and we were about to have a mess.


Continuing to press her knuckle against my taint – and suck my balls – she aimed my cock at my face – and kept jacking me off.

I whimpered as the semen started rocketing from my cock – and then yelped as the hot fluid splattered onto my neck, chest, and abs.

I didn’t want to be covered in my own jizz but I couldn’t stop cumming – and cumming.

I hadn’t climaxed in days – and I’d teased myself on her gorgeous body too much the night before – and she was stimulating pretty much every erogenous zone she could reach.

Only after the last drop of semen had spurted from my penis did she lick the head – and then suck my cock down her hateful, beautiful throat – bobbing her head up & down – fucking my rod with her lips & mouth – sucking & licking.

I moaned in ecstasy – and she stopped.

I took a big breath – to tell her what I thought of the abuse she was giving me – and she kissed that breath – and the next one – away.

Her tongue invaded my mouth, battled with mine, and threatened my throat. I was a little caught off-guard – and extremely turned-on – at the feralness of it.

My sadistic sister’s mouth left mine – and her tongue & lips started sucking & licking all of the jizz from the self-bukkake she had inflicted on me.

Her tongue chased the sticky shit around my body like an oral bulldozer – until she had accumulated a little pool. She sucked that into her mouth and – I assume – swallowed it.

It seemed like it took hours for her to clean me up – and my dick was hard again.

She climbed on top of me – skin to skin – breasts to chest – abs to abs – my cock nestled up against her entrance.

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