
MILF Mother’s Incest Fantasy


MILF Mother’s Pizza Delivery Fantasy.

Mary Stephenson – Mother

Charles Stephenson – Dad

Noah Stephenson – Son

The clock on my wall had ticked to 7:00 AM and I was packed for my ‘business trip’. I checked and re-checked the suitcase that was on my bed. Everything I would need for this weekend was there. I took a minute to take a breath. My hands were a little shaky, so I definitely needed to calm down. A flash of light caught my eye. My room was dimly lit by the sunlight that was shining through my window. It was a sign of a new day. I still couldn’t believe it. I was really going through with this. My nerves were on end. I was cycling through being excited and rethinking this whole weekend. This fantasy was just something that I thought would have stayed in my head, but here I was ready to go. A woman my age shouldn’t think the way I was, but the thrill of it was too great.

A little backstory on me. My name is Mary Stephenson. I’m 52 years old and 5’3. I’m a divorced mom who makes good money at the law firm I work at. To outsiders it would look like I had the perfect life. Money, family and perpetual happiness. They were wrong. I divorced my husband because he was a rat, cheating bastard and I was done putting up with it. Because of feminism, am I right? I have a son who just graduated high school and was taking time to relax this summer before he went off to college. Noah was his name. He was my one and only. My one constant and he was perfect. I was always glad Noah was a momma’s boy. His father tried to mold him into something that he wasn’t and failed.

Thank fuck for small favors!

My looks… Well… I wouldn’t say I’m pretty. My face had always been my worst asset. The boys in high school used to make fun of me and said that I should have put a bag over my head if I ever wanted to get a boyfriend. There cutting words made me race to the bathroom, so I could cry my little heart out. I was a victim of this type of bullying for my entire high school career. They said these mean and hurtful things about covering my face because my body was damn near perfect. The boys at school might not have liked looking at my face, but they sure as hell lusted over my body. My breasts were a 36 DD, so they were BIG. I had trouble finding a bra way back then and with big breasts came perpetual back pain. Not that anyone really cared. My ass was also huge. Plump and meaty. I knew whenever I walked through the halls that the boys’ gazes fell straight to my butt. Needless to say, once they looked at my body, I had them all drooling.

With my assets the way they were, I knew this plan would work.

I closed my suitcase, opened my bedroom door and went to find my son. While I climbed the stairs, I thought about how delicious it would to be underneath my son while he fucked me senseless. It would be a dream come true. My fantasy some to light. There was one thing that was always crucial. While we were both at the height of our pleasure, Noah would push one final time into my depths and release his semes into my womb. The ultimate taboo. Just thinking about it had me shivering in delight.

My stomach fluttered as I got closer to his room, so I took a calming breath. I noticed his door was shut, so I gently knocked on it before turning the knob and entering. I had certainly learned my lesson on why knocking was important. If you were a mother like me with a son then you would know what I’m talking about. I giggled a little at the thought. I peaked my head through the gap in the open door and saw him laying down on his bed playing video games. No doubt he had spent all night playing them with his online friends. I had told him multiple times to not stay up so late, but he had defied me at every turn. If I had any doubts my nose confirmed my suspicions. His room reeked with his musk. It permeated the air and coated my nostrils. I should have been disgusted by the smell, but I couldn’t help but revel in the scent.

God, I am so dirty…

I was about to ask him a question when my eyes fell on it. My breath hitched, my heart pounded hard in my chest, and blood rushed to my ears. Right there for my eyes to see, to drink up in all its glory was his decently sized cock imprinted in his sweatpants. I never understood the current generation’s fascination with the darn things, but I got it when I saw this glorious sight. My tongue wet my lips as I gazed at it in an almost hypnotic state. I knew I shouldn’t be looking. This was wrong, but with how my body heated up while looking… Well, it just felt so right.

It took me a moment to compose myself, but I asked my intended question after a few seconds. “Noah? I’m going now. Do you need anything before I leave?” I asked sweetly.

“No, I’m good Mom. Have nice trip.” He replied without even glancing my way and waved dismissively at me. No doubt he wanted the house to himself. An image of him masturbating popped into my mind, but I shooed it away.

“Are you sure? I’ll be ürgüp escort gone for the entire weekend, so if you need something you should tell me before I leave.”

“Ugh. God, Mom! No, for the last time I’m fine!” He said with a whine.

“Alright, well just call me if you do! Love you!” I said as I closed his door.

As soon as the door was closed, I raced down the stairs and headed toward the front door. My chest was heaving. My heart was thumping so hard against my chest because of the adrenaline coursing through my veins. Seeing my son’s cock in person had my body thrumming with excitement. I needed it to be the weekend already.

Opening my car’s driver side door, I sat down in my worn seat and tried to slow my breathing. While I did that, I also thought about how I got here. I guessed it started with my divorce. I was a lonely mother who hadn’t had sex in a while. It hadn’t even been that long until I started writing in my diary. My diary wasn’t like normal diaries though. It was filled with the dirtiest fantasies my mind could come up with. I lost count on how many times I had masturbated to those juicy stories. They were too mouthwatering not to. Regular porn didn’t stack up anymore because of them. I found my pussy was wetter than it had ever been when I masturbated to them, my orgasms more earth shattering, and the pleasure mind numbing.

That’s when my mind thought of the one fantasy that made my pussy quiver in excitement every time I thought about it.

I knew this one fantasy was sick. In my heart I understood, but the images that my imagination made up were too good to ignore. How could I? I hadn’t had a fulfilling sex life for years now. No one would ever look my way after the divorce. Couple that with my low self-esteem and that makes a woman who needed to get laid. So, my mind churned up some absolutely filthy fantasies. The first half of this fantasy was normal. Just a standard pizza delivery driver showing up at your door while you just happened to be partially naked. It was standard. I had always enjoyed that kind of porn even if it wasn’t the most believable. But the second half. The second half was where it took a turn. The pizza delivery driver was my son.

I know, I know, but I couldn’t help it. The fantasy was all consuming and the diary wasn’t cutting it anymore, so I started thinking. Thinking of what exactly? Well… Once I summoned up the courage to carry out my inner thoughts, I devised a way to do this without alerting him. It actually worked out perfectly because he was a pizza delivery driver. I don’t know if that was why this fantasy was at the forefront of my mind, but this was going to happen and it was happening tomorrow.

My first part of the plan was easy as pie.

I told Noah I was going on a business trip for the firm, but what I was really doing was heading to a hotel near his work. I had this all planned out and my pussy was on fire. I don’t remember me ever being this horny. Certainly, I never was with my ex-husband. I could feel my juices flowing down my thighs as they rubbed together while I was driving my car. The suspense was killing me. I ached to be touched. For his hands to be all over me. For his cock to be in me.

I stopped at a red light and wanted to check and see if I was as horny as I thought. I swiveled my head to the right and then to the left to see if people were looking. When I was sure no one was looking, I slipped my hand into my panties. I gasped when I felt how hard my clit was. I ran a finger through my meaty fold quickly and saw my juices on my index finger glistening in the morning sun. I might actually need to masturbate to dull the ache in my panties. It wouldn’t be as satisfying, but it would pacify me until tomorrow. Like I said before; I’ve never been this turned on before.

When I got to the hotel, I parked my car and sighed. I would finally have some relief. I checked in at the front desk, thanked the concierge, and took the elevator up. The nice lady at the front gave me room 215. Said room looked like any other hotel room. Neat, spacious, and private. It would do. I began unpacking my suitcase and hanging the clothes I had brought. There weren’t many, but it was still the principle of it all.

My eyes fell on the see through robe and mask I had packed. I tried them both on and looked in the mirror. There was no way my plan wouldn’t work. My face was nice and covered, so that takes care of that. No need to worry about being recognized. I scanned further down and came to a stop at my chest. Without a bra in the way, everything was on display. My big breasts were out to play and you could clearly see my nipples. The tips were rock hard and I skimmed a finger lightly over one of them. I shivered. God, I was so sensitive! A tingle went down my spine at the thought of what tomorrow would bring. I couldn’t wait.


It was now Saturday night and my body was filled with anxiety. Today uşak escort was the day. I picked up the hotel phone and dialed the pizza place where Noah worked. It rang a few times and then someone picked up. I made sure it wasn’t him answering the phone. I wanted this to be a surprise. I told the worker that I was a friend of Noah’s who wanted to surprise him because I hadn’t seen him in forever. I told them to keep it just between us so it would be a real surprise when he showed up here. I might have added some sultriness to my voice to convey a deeper meaning. The woman on the end of the phone giggled like a schoolgirl and promised not to tell. I grinned at the response. After that, I ordered the pizza like normal, thanked the worker, and hung up the phone. She said it would be 30 minutes till he got here, so I took the time to freshen up and getting ready for the night ahead.

After dressing in my outfit for the night, I checked myself in the mirror to see how I looked one last time. Even at 52 my body contended with the younger generation. There was no way my darling Noah would be able to resist. I sat down in one of the chairs with my legs crossed, waiting. My nipples were rock hard once again and my pussy was soaked. My mind thought about how Noah would react to this. Would he be surprised? Would he be disgusted? I guess I would have to wait and find out. I couldn’t wait till he got here.

A knock on the door had me practically running out of my seat to open it.

Opening the door, I was face to face with my son in his work uniform. Now, even if Noah didn’t tell me he was a virgin, I would have still guessed he was. My son unfortunately got the bulk of my genes. Firstly, I noticed his straight brown hair was greasy. That was probably due to his sweating while making his deliveries. His face was slightly better than mine, but the acne he had made him look a lot worse. He stood at about 5’7 and was chubby ta-boot. Still this boy standing in front of me was my son and that was all that mattered.

Still, Noah looked cute in his uniform. He was no doubt about to recite the amount on the receipt that I had to pay, but his eyes went wide at the sight of me. I’m sure he didn’t expect a half-naked woman to open the door. His eyes darted straight to my big, full breasts. His intense gaze made my body warm all over. My own son was looking at me with unfettered, raw lust. And it was making me so horny.

“How much will it be, sweety?” I asked nicely. I pretended to be ignorant of his staring and pressed the conversation forward.

My words broke him out of his trance. His eyes then snapped up to mine which were behind the mask and the blush on his cheeks told me everything I needed to know. “I-I-It’ll be $17.81 ma’am.” He stammered. He took a deep gulp and tried his hardest to avoid my naked breasts.

“Alright, let me just go get the money I owe you from my purse.” I turned on my heel and made sure to sashay my hips, so he could get a good look at my butt. I even gave it a little wiggle. Luckily for me, there was a mirror on the far end of the wall, so when I peeked at it by my purse I saw Noah staring. His eyes were right where I wanted them. On my butt. Having my son look at my body so fervently had my pussy on fire!

“Ma’am is everything all right?” Noah called out nervously from the doorway. Oops. I must have been taking too long.

“Everything’s ok. How about you come in and close the door while I get it all together?”

“I… ah- uhhhh…o-ok.” He replied. I heard the door shut behind me and was relieved that Noah did as I told him to.

Now, I just had to tell him the bad news or the good news depending on how you look at the situation.

I turned back to him, walked slowly, and offered him a shy smile. “I’m sorry honey. It seems I don’t have any cash on me.”

“Ah…then how will you pay ma’am?” Noah asked flustered and confused.

I inched closer to him.

“I’m sure there is some way we can work this out.” I said as I tapped my chin in fake contemplation.

I inched closer again.

“Don’t you think?” I said with a seductive smile.

I inched so close now that I was right in front of him. I could hear Noah’s panicked, labored breaths as they grew faster and faster as I got closer to him. I knew I was making his night. This was just supposed to be a routine delivery, but now some hot MILF was coming on to him. (Yes, I know what a MILF is.) This was every young man’s wet dream and was even better for me because I knew he was a virgin. He told me once when I had brought up if he had a girlfriend. Tonight, I would be his first sexual experience and I would make it mind blowing.

Being so close, I saw how dilated my son’s pupils were already. The ‘love hormones’ were kicking in. Just the sight of my son’s eyes was getting me too worked up. If I wasn’t careful I would cum right now. I could also smell him. My son wasn’t the most hygienic person in the world, but that üsküdar escort was working in my favor right now. The smell of his pungent musk made me all the hornier.

“I don’t think I got your name, honey.” I asked in a breathy whisper.

“N-Noah ma’am. I-Its Noah.” He whispered low.

This would be where I made my first move.

I stood on my tippy toes so I could reach his ear with my lips. “Have you ever touched a pair of breasts Noah?” I whispered seductively.

Noah gasped and his eyes went wide. He frantically shook his head side to side.

I knew this would work and my heart was pounding so loud with excitement that I thought I was having a heart attack. Deep down men craved a woman’s body. Well, if they aren’t gay, but my son wasn’t. I’ve caught him several times eyeing my assets. The need to chase pleasure and procreate ran strong through humans. Even if my son wasn’t experienced, he still felt that pull. He was definitely feeling it strongly right now if the tenting in his pants was anything to go by.

“Go on then Noah. Touch them.” I still seductively whispered.

Noah gulped. He eyed my breasts like they were the best prize in the whole wide world. His shaky hands came up slow. He was nervous, but I would guide him. I took my son’s hands in my own – he jumped a little with sudden contact – and put them firmly on my big breasts. I groaned at the contact. His hands were warm and sweaty. The contact made my body shiver in response. I couldn’t believe it… My sons’ hands were on my boobs! That sent a wave of arousal coursing throughout my body and a tingle formed right between my legs. I had to press my legs thighs together, so my juices didn’t run down my leg.

“That’s nice, Noah. Real nice. I love the feel of your big hands.” I said. He didn’t really have big hands, but I’d say whatever if it got him more into the mood.

He didn’t reply, but I noticed two things. One: he was licking his chapped lips like this was a feast for the gods. Two: he was extremely hard. His cock was now easily visible from his pants and was aching to be released. My mouth watered at the sight, but it was too soon. One step at a time. I wanted Noah to enjoy everything his mother had to offer.

In this small hotel room, Noah squeezed and kneaded my needy flesh. I no longer was guiding him with my hands, but he was still slowly exploring his mother’s breasts. God, just thinking that almost made me orgasm. His touch felt so good, so wrong, but so soooo good. He was inexperienced, but that would change tonight. I would make a man out of my boy. His touch set body was on fire. It hungered for more.

I knew this taboo fantasy would make me the horniest I’ve ever been!

“How about we step this up a notch. Doesn’t that sound good honey?”

“W-what d-do you mean ma’am?” He replied.

“Would you like to suck on my big nipples? There just aching for attention.” I said as I put my hands back on his and guided them to my pert, stiff nipples. They were sensitive, so when his hands went over them it sent jolts of electricity coursing through me.

“Yes… please.” He answered huskily. Noah’s hand raised to my left breast and he bent down till his lips were hovering above my nipple. His warm breath ghosted over my body which raised goosebump’s all along my arms.

“God, yessssssss…” I moaned out in ecstasy as Noah took my nipple in his warm, moist mouth.

With my hands I pushed his head down and urged him to continue. Noah latched onto my nipple like he was a babe again. It didn’t matter that my son wasn’t the best at this. His incessant sucking and slurping of my nipple had me aching to be touched in other places. I loved it. I was basking in it. Mmmmm. This felt like heaven.

“So good, honey.” I moaned again. “Now switch to the other one. It needs some attention as well.”

And he did. Noah gave the same amount attention to my right nipple as he did to my left. I was filled with bliss. Did I mention that I was horny? I didn’t know how much more of this I could take. I was trying so hard to keep myself together for my son to enjoy himself. Just a little longer…

“Wait.” I said breathlessly. “Wait a minute sweetheart. Let’s go sit down and get comfy.” I led my son to the chair in the corner and sat him down in it. I knew what I was about to do would drive myself even madder, but I would hang in there, I had to. This needed to be perfect.

My son looked up to me with lidded eyes after he had sat down. “What now Ma’am?” His stutter seemed to vanish. He was too blissed out to care. I almost giggled at his eagerness. Boys will by boys after all.

“Now we… kiss.”

I shed my robe and let it fall to the floor. My body was now fully exposed. I was baring all of myself to my son. Noah’s eyes bulged out of his head at the sight of my naked body. My lascivious curves were on display for his eyes only. It looked like he couldn’t decide where he wanted to look. His eyes kept jumping back and forth from my breasts to my pussy. He was practically drooling. I knew he was imaging doing all sorts of dirty things to my body in his mind.

“Like what you see?” I asked in a sultry voice. I wiggled my breasts a little to give him a show. They swayed and jiggled nicely.

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