
The ConVentioN


The ConVentioN0. DepartureJaime stood in her bedroom, suitcase on the bed, half filled with clothes as she folded anothercocktail dress that she’d retrieved from her closet. The horse cocked woman was dressed in agray sports bra and matching panties, the bulge of her balls secured snugly inside the elastic asshe turned up the music of her stereo. She was finally ready to go. Packing up the girls fortransport had been a pain in the ass, and not in a good way. Sasha was compliant, but thenagain, she always was, but the other two… Jaime sighed inwardly, a****ls should be shippedlike a****ls, she thought to herself as she loaded the dress into the case followed by herpersonal grooming kit. She then sealed the suitcase closed and walked over to her dresser,pulling out a pair of tight fitting white jeans with a grove cut into the seat for her tail. After slidingthem on, Jaime took off her sports bra, her big tits jiggling with her movements until she put ona matching sleeveless button up shirt that left most of her well toned midriff bare and showedoff her ample cleavage.”Roxanne, are you packed yet?” she called out.”Don’t call me that!!!” came the sharp reply.”Don’t sass me you little slut, you’re lucky I was able to talk Dominique into letting you comealong.” Jaime shot back as she grabbed her suitcase and left her bedroom, walking down theshort hall of her three bedroom apartment and setting the case with her other two. Both ofthose cases held computers and only a small number of papers. Dominiques Corporationmight be Multi-National, but that didn’t make what they were doing any less legal. On thesurface, they were a powerful Medical Corparation, developing new d**gs and treatments forvarious genetic disorders. But beneath the altruistic surface, was an even more powerfulsyndicate that dealt in human slave girls perfectly trained and altered for their jobs. Thoughthey rarely took girls off the streets now, breeding humans for profit was still i*****l. Though herfriends in Japan had some pull with the new Crown, and that might change in the near future.Thinking of those two enterprising young women got Jaime’s cock straining against her jeans,and she had to take a few calming breaths to get her threatening erection back down. Roxycame out of her room a moment later. She was dressed in an extremely short pleated purpleskirt that left most of her dick visible and a matching long sleeved t-shirt with ‘FUCK U!’ printedover her ample tits. As usual, Roxy’s hair was dyed a dark blue almost black color with a pinksplash in her bangs. Jaime had to sigh again as she watched her niece carry her singlesuitcase out from her bedroom.”Come on, we’re gonna be late as it is.” Jaime said.”It’s a private plane Aunt Jaime, can’t be late for a flight that won’t leave without you.” Roxyretorted.Jaime rolled her eyes, “True, but your cousin is gonna be pissed if we’re late for take-off, she’sput alot of work into making this convention happen.””Please, Dominique’s probably passing the time fucking one of the stewardesses.” Roxy repliedas she watched her aunt gather her own bags and open the door. She walked passed the tallerdickgirl and began moving towards the elevator. Jaime said nothing and locked the door beforefollowing after her troublesome niece.On the elevator, Jaime said, “Be on your best behavior, there’s gonna be alot of potential newcustomers there, and neither Dominique or I want any trouble.””Yeah yeah, just let me fuck some of the girls in the display area and I’ll be quiet.” Roxy said.”Why am I bringing you again?” Jaime asked rhetorically.”Because I threatened to tell mom you made yourself into a horse cocked dickgirl.” Roxyanswered smugly.”Right…” Jaime groaned. Granted dickgirls were common place in the world these days, but itwas still considered taboo to screw around with ones genetics for personal pleasures. AndJaime’s sister was one of those purest types who still believed women should be women andmen be men. Where was the fun in that!?The limo was waiting for them outside the apartment building, the driver took their bags andloaded them into the trunk while Jaime and Roxy sat down inside. They were underway a fewmoments later and Jaime let herself relax and look forward to the next few days.***Dressed in a pair of high cut low riding blue jeans and white button up mens shirt that was tiedclosed over her big tits, Haruka Ten’oh hammered the last of the nails shut on the wooden cratethat housed Ami’s latest design Bio-mod chambers. She then took the stencil and spraypainted the shipping address for FedEx truck that would be here in another hour or so. All thecows were currently in the barn, kneeling in their stalls having their giant udders milked.Haruka licked her lips at the sight, all the original Sailor Senshi aside from herself and Ami laynaked on mats of hay, mooing and moaning in pleasure. With them were their c***dren, thecalves she and Ami had bred from them.Once she was finished moving the chamber outside, Haruka was going to have to pick threecows to take with her to this underground convention that she and Ami had been invited toattend. It had been a tough choice, but she finally settled on Setsuna, Clementine, and Hotaru.They were the only three cows who would fuck anyone they were told. The fat breasted slutswould be packed up in a****l shipping crates and flown over to the states. There they wouldbe the demo-girls for the technology to turn young women into human dairy cows. Ami wouldalso be selling her d**g cocktail that they had used to keep most of the girl docile for the firstfew months and years of their conversion.All this information played through Haruka’s mind as she used a hovering pallet to move theheavy crate outside. The sun shone brightly down on the open fields of green grass and asingle dirt road that ran by the farm. Haruka left the crate by the road, knowing the FedExpeople would pick it up on time and have it to its destination in less than twenty-four hours. Shethen walked back into the barn and sealed the door behind her.Inside the barn, Haruka looked over the row of cattle stalls that were strewn with hay and straw,inside them were pairs or trios of women all with gigantic breasts each as big as their torsos.Seven of them were the original Sailor Senshi, the rest were the girls they had birthed sincebeing turned into human cattle. In the first stall, Hotaru mooed in pleasure as the suckers overher massive udders continually sucked out her rich thick milk. The dark haired girl lay backagainst a dirty straw filled pillow at the back of her stall. Her slender legs were spread wide forher daughter Clementine, who lay on her side, her own udders being milked as she licked andsucked on her mothers pussy. Haruka fought back another erection at the sight as she walkedinto the stall, taking in the dirty musky smell of the two girls.”And how are my two favorite sluts today?” she asked.Clementine looked up from her mothers cunt and mooed loudly, her fingers sliding in and out ofher own pussy with a wet shlicking noise. The girl had her mothers exact hair cut, but the colorwas a dark blonde shade rather than the deep purple nearly black of her mother. The two ofthem looked like they could be sisters, but Clementine was truly Haruka and Hotaru’s owndaughter. Her body rapidly aged to that of a twelve year old after she was born, then lateraltered to have the big cow udders all of their little herd possessed. Kneeling down, Harukapulled one of the suckers from Clementines nipples and replaced it with her mouth, sucklingroughly and taking in a few swallows of her daughters raw milk.”MOOOOOO!!!!! Papa!!!” Clementine moaned happily before she dove her head back betweenher mothers legs, making Hotaru moan again. Haruka smiled around her daughter nipple asshe looked up at Hotaru. Her back and forth between c***dhood, adulthood, infancy, thenc***dhood again had screwed up Hotaru’s aging. Forever trapped in the body of a twelve yearold, Hotaru had become a complete nymphomaniac due to her adult desires and c***d-likebody. As a result, she was Amis first and only willing convert into a fuck cow(not counting thec***dren born into this life of course). At first, the dark haired girl had udders the same size asthe rest of the cows, but that wasn’t enough for her, and she soon begged her Mistress to makethem even bigger! So now each udder had enough volume to house her entire former l****abody! The short haired blonde could only grin at her after she finished drinking from herfirstborn daughter. Such a slut, and yet she had raised her after she returned to her c***dhoodbody.Standing, Haruka walked over to the next stall where Setsuna Meiou, the former Sailor Pluto,lay 1xbet yeni giriş alone in her stall on her back Her massive udders wobbled and jiggled with her pantingbreaths as she masturbated furiously while her nipples were milked. The green haired womanlooked up at Haruka with blank lust filled eyes that centered on the buldge in her shorts.Haruka grinned and rubbed a hand over the mound that was her horse dick.”Mmmm, you want this?” she asked. Setsuna mooed and struggled onto her knees, crawlingover to the blonde and looking up at her needily. “You worthless whore, only thing you’re goodfor now is a hard fucking!” Haruka spat as she backed away, not wanting to let Setsuna tempther into fucking her right now. The green haired woman mooed again, silently begging hermistress to fuck her pussy again and knock her up once more. Another reason Haruka hadchosen these three is that they were the only cows not currently pregnant, though that will havechanged by the time they returned.Stepping away from the stalls, Haruka whistled to get the cows attention, “Ok, Hotaru,Clementine, and Setsuna. You three will be coming with Ami and I to a special event hosted bya friend of ours. You’ll get all the fucking you want if you behave like good little cows.” she toldthem as she moved over to three large crates filled with hay and a supply of the high fat andprotein foodstuff that they fed the cows. All that was left was to get them packed up before Amigot back from making the final travel arrangements.***”Quit it!” Peach yell as he struggled to get into the front seat of the car before April.”You quit little bitch, I called shotgun!” April shot back as she pulled her little brother away fromthe door with some effort.”Nuh-uh, I did!” Peach retorted as he smacked a hand against one of his sisters large fake tits.April groaned and slapped her brother, making him yelp like a little girl. Though anyone whosaw him right now would mistake him for one. Peach was dressed in a bright pink dress thatended several inches above his knees with his hair pulled up into a pair of pigtails. Theirmother had done his make-up, adding blush and matching pink lipstick. The estrogen pills thatMeryl constantly fed him were doing their job, giving the slut of a boy a pair of small A-Cup tits.Growling in agitation, Meryl came up behind her c***dren and smacked them both on the backof the head, “Fucking hell you two, we haven’t even left yet and you’re already arguing!” Merylsaid as she pulled them both away from the car door and pushed them against the rear door.Her eyes strayed for a moment to her daughter jiggling fake tits, but she quickly looked back toher face. Focusing on the star tattoos that trails from her right eye and down her cheek. Theplatinum haired women growled internally, still pissed about that and the other tattoos April hadgotten without permission.”Both of you, in the back, no arguments!” she snapped then whistled sharply. Piston barkedonce and came running up to his mistress. Meryl then opened the door and gave the dog thefront seat and shut the door with finality. She would threaten not to take them, but she hadalready spent too much on their tickets to let that money go to waste. Meryl then watched asher k**s silently and broodingly got into the car. Nodding to herself, she climbed in on thedrivers side after making sure the luggage was secure. Starting the engine of the family SUV,Meryl pulled away from the curb of their house and headed onto the interstate towards theAirport. Their flight left in another four hours, and they needed to get there with at least threehours to spare.”How long will the flight be?” April asked after half an hour of silence.”Five hours or so. But we’re in first class, so it won’t be so bad.” Meryl said.”What all will be going on there?” peach asked.”Oh, all kinds of things, so long as you two stay out of trouble, I’ll let you go around and do whatyou want, but one slip-up, and you’ll be spending the week in the hotel room!” Meryl warned.”Yeah yeah.” Peach and April said in unison. Piston then barked once, his head still out thewindow as they took the proper exit and pulled into the airport parking area. Meryl drove theminto the extended stay parking area and stopped the engine. Everyone then climbed out of thecar and began getting their bags out of the back. Peach ushered Piston into the dog travelingcase, giggling girlishly as he licked his face happily before crawling into the heavy off-whiteplastic cage.April meanwhile loaded herself up with hers and a couple of Meryls suitcases, refusing to carryany of her brothers crap. Meryl carried one suitcase and Pistons travel box while Peach carriedthe last two bags. Peach smiled as he turned several heads with his pink skirt and two inchheels. April turned even more heads, both male and female as her big fake tits bounced insideher gray sweater that left most of her cleavage open for all to see and her dark blue hotpantsthat showed off the ‘SLUT’ tattoo that was printed on the bottom of her left asscheek. Andwhen she bent over or lifted her arms up enough, anyone behind her could see the trampstampjust above her ass.The group made their way through security at the airport, Peach said a quick goodbye to pistonas he was carted off to Cargo then joined his family in boarding the airplane. It was one of thenew Jumbo Sized super airliners, with private rooms for the first class passengers. April sliddown in the seat nearest the window and undid a few more buttons on her sweater, revealingeven more of her cleavage. Peach sat across from her with Meryl and the older womanordered a glass of wine while the plane made ready for take-off.”Anyone pack a dildo?” April asked too loudly, knowing those within earshot would hear her,and she only smiled at the steward that walked by, angling her chest to give him a better look ather heavy tits.This is gonna be a long flight, Meryl thought.1. FlightRoxy whistled as she walked onto the private airliner, swanky wasn’t even the word for it. Thedark haired young dickgirl felt as though she had walked onto what might have passed for aGreek or Roman idea of a private jet, had they had such things in ancient times. Everythingwas in white and marble, trimmed with gold. The fuselage was large enough that Jaime couldstand up straight inside, and that was saying something since the horse cocked woman wasover six feet tall! As her bags were stored in the cargo hold with the three demo-girls Roxywalked up the length of the craft. Unlike the planes she’d been on before, this was was one bigpassenger section, the only walled off areas were the small kitchen and cockpit. She spied thebathrooms towards the back but didn’t pay them any mind as she walked towards the moaningand grunting noises coming from the area up towards the front of the craft.”Uuuhhhnnnnn..aaahhhhh… OOooaaaagghhhh!!!” someone groaned in time with a slick slidingnoise. Roxy quickly discovered the source to be a young boy dressed in a dark bluestewardess outfit. He had strawberry blonde hair covered by a round box-like hat and light blueeyes, pouty lips that were opened wide in a panting moan as Dominique’s thick horse dickslided all the way up his asshole! The skirt of his outfit had been pulled up past his hips, andthe white cotton panties he’d been wearing underneath now hung around his left ankle as herolled his hips back against the horsegirls thrusts. Roxy could already see the large lump ofDominiques cock stretching his thin belly as his cock spasmed against the black rubber ringholding in all his cum.Dominique herself was naked save for a pair of silver high heels and white tinged stockings.Her big beautiful tits rubbed against the boys ass as she grunted and began pumping him evenfaster. The piercings of her nipples glinted in the light as her blue eyes focused on Roxy.”About time you got here.” she said in a totally casual tone. She then smiled luridly, “You likehim? He was a gift from some over seas friends. He’s been very well trained, isn’t that right mylittle fuckboy?””Huuunnhhh… Yessss, Mistresssssss…” the boy hissed in pain and pleasure, his little dickstraining again against the ring around it.Roxy felt her hand move down to stroke her own dick, now standing at full attention andpitching a large tent in her purple skirt.”Traffic was a bitch.” Jaime finally spoke up, and Roxy saw that her aunt too was sporting amassive hard-on. She had been so quiet because she had to fuss with the fasteners of herpants to unleash her big horse cock.Dominique nodded, her white blonde hair tumbling around her face slightly as she said, “Take aseat, we’ll be lifting off in a few minutes. Once we’re up in the air, we can have 1xbet giriş some fun withmy favorite toy.” she explained before pulling the boys lips to her own in a lewd and sloppy kiss.Jaime and Roxy nodded then seated themselves around the bolted table where Dominique sat.The jets engines fired up a few moments later and before they knew it, they were flying throughthe air.Before she could unbuckle her seatbelt, Roxy saw more stewardesses dressed in skimpierversions of the boys outfit. The skirts were so short that Roxy didn’t know why they evenbothered wearing them. The three very well endowed women brought them all drinks and asmall snack tray that they set down on the table. The dark haired teen wanted to fuck one ofthem right now, but she knew to wait for permission from Dominique. Pliable as her aunt was,Dominique was downright SCARY when angered. So she settled for stroking her long dick asshe watched her second cousin continue to fuck the young boy. She hadn’t even stoppedpounding him even during the lift off. And just the memory of the way he groaned and his eyesrolling into the back of his head made her cock ache for a tight hole to fill!Jaime meanwhile grabbed her glass and took a swig of the liquid inside. Roxy guessed thedrink was vodka or some other clear alcohol. She finished her drink in a few swallows then gotout of her seat to walk over to Dominique and the boy. The blonde horse cocked womanpleased her lips over his as she moved his hand over to her now throbbing erection! The boygroaned against her mouth as she tongue kissed him while he slowly stroked her off.Oh fuck it! Thought Roxy as she unbuckled her seat and got down on her hands and knees,crawling over to the trio and taking the boys cock and balls into her mouth. “Mmmmmmm…!”she moaned as she savored the musky sweaty taste in her mouth while she slowly sucked thec***ds small dick. Her hand instantly went down to her own dick, stroking herself slowly as sheenjoyed herself. She heard the boy groaning as Dominique began thrusting faster, the slicksliding noise getting even louder as she pounded his ass with her massive horse dick. Roxylooked up to see him being forced to take Jaime’s wide cockhead into his little mouth as heraunt moaned in perverse pleasure.Smiling again, Roxy began bobbing her head up and down on the boys short length, giving himan experts blowjob as he squealed like a pig in orgasm. She could feel his little tool throbbingin her mouth as his balls struggled to pump his cum through the ring that bound his dick. Then,to her pleasant surprise, the black rubber ring snapped suddenly, flooding her mouth with histhick cum. The dark haired girl didn’t pull away though, she kept her mouth firmly latched ontohis cock as she guzzled his cum so loudly that her gulps were audible over the jets engines!After several long moments, the boys orgasm finally faded and Roxy pulled her mouth away,trails of cum and saliva stretching between her mouth and his cock. The young dickgirl lewdlylicked her lips, savoring the taste.”Oooo, you bad boy, you weren’t supposed to cum until I let you!” Dominique chided him.”Sorry mistress…” the boy said, still panting.***The thrumming hum of the jet engines was all Hotaru could hear as she knelt inside the largewooden shipping crate with her daughter Clementine. She had tried talking to Setsuna a fewtimes, but her cow sister could only think about their Mistresses big hard cocks and gettingknocked up again. Even now, she could hear the green haired woman mooing and moaning asshe masturbated inside her crate. Not that she minded talking about sex, she was a slutbeyond all redemption after all, but sometimes it was nice to just chat for a while about oldtimes.”Mmmm, mama…” Clementine cooed as she nuzzled her cheek against Hotaru’s massiveudders. Her dark blonde hair hung to either side of her face, a mirror style of Hotaru’s ownpreferred cut. It had taken some begging and pleading, but Hotaru and Clementine hadmanaged to talk Haruka into boxing them up together for their flight. Now the two cow womenlay naked in an a****l cargo crate strewn with hay in the cargo hold of a Jumbo Jet.”What is it baby?” Hotaru asked, lightly stroking her daughters hair as she lay in her cleavage.The blondes own giant udders mashed warmly against hers as they cuddled.”Clementine’s thirsty.” Clementine cooed as she nuzzled her face against her mothers uddersagain.Hotaru grinned and leaned back against the wall of their shipping crate, “Mmm, then mommashould give her little girl something to drink.” she replied as she gently pushed her daughter outfrom between her udders. Clementine mooed happily and crawled to the end of one fleshyballoon, latching her mouth over her mothers nipple and suckling hard.”Mooooo….” Hotaru moaned in pleasure, her pussy getting wet instantly as she felt her milkflowing easily from her nipple into her daughters mouth. “Mmmm, yes baby, suck on mommasudder, just like that…” she moaned and moved to pull her free nipple to her lips, latching hermouth onto it and guzzling down her own milk! Just the taste of it turned her on even more asher pussy began drooling onto the hay on the floor of the crate. Hotaru could smell her ownheady musk and she moaned in desire around her nipple while Clementine greedily suckleddown more of her milk from her other udder.”Mmm, mmm, mmm….” Clementine moaned softly around her mothers nipple, milk slowingtrickling from the edges of her pink lips. The blonde took several more loud gulps of milk beforefinally pulling away and licking her lips slowly. Hotaru then released her own udder and pulledher daughter up into a deep and lewd kiss. Both girls moaned into one anothers lips, rubbingtheir naked bodies together as they moved to lay atop one another.”Mooooooo…” Hotaru moaned again as she lay on her back, her giant udders resting to eitherside of her curvy body. Her daughter then climbed on top of her, her smaller, but still massiveudders mashing against the dark haired girls as she leaned in to kiss her again. Their tongueslowly rubbed against each others, licking and sucking on one anothers mouths while theirhands groped and explored their mounds of naked pliant flesh. Clementine mooed softly andbegan slowly licking her way down her mothers body, enjoying her taste, her smell, and thesound of her voice as she sighed and mooed in desire.”Mmmm, you’re such a slut mama!” Clementine giggled and moved down to begin lickingHotaru’s hairless pussy.”MOOOO!!!” was Hotaru’s only response as she reached her hands down to pull her daughtershead between her legs. Her daughter only smiled and delved her tongue deeper into the othergirls pussy, the very pussy she had come from. Just the thought of it made her own cunt tinglewith desire. Clementine mooed against her mothers pussy as she played her tongue againstHotaru’s clit, making the dark haired cow shudder in ecstasy as she brought her to orgasm.She felt the other girls pussy spraying her face with its juices and eagerly bathed herself inthem. The blonde haired young girl then crawled back up to her mothers face, kissing heragain and letting her taste her own juices as she rubbed bodies with her once again.Clementine smiled and listened to her mother moo and moan while their naked bodies rubbedtogether. She then moaned herself when she felt the dark haired girls fingers probing her wetlittle pussy. “Mmmm, yesssss…” she hissed and began bucking her hips against Hotaru’sdigits, loving the way the baby fat of her ass felt as it jiggled with her motions. The blonde thenmoved to push her own big udders in her mothers face, “Mmmm, suckle me now mama, myudders are so full right now!” she begged.Happy to oblige, Hotaru used her free hand to pull her daughters left udder to her face andlatched her mouth onto the nipple. Warm sweet breastmilk flowed easily into her mouth whereshe greedily swallowed it down in loud erotic gulps. “MoooOOOOOO!!!” Clementine moaned inpleasure, cumming from just having her nipple sucked. Before long, Hotaru and Clementine layon their sides, pussies pressed up against each others in a perfect lesbian kiss as they groundtheir cunts together. Both cow women mooed and moaned while their clits rubbed and playedagainst one anothers. Milk steadily leaked from both their udders, soaking the hay while theirbodies became coated in sweat.”Mama..mama…. mammAA!!!” Clementine panted again and again, her udders jiggling wildlywith her motions.”Mmmm, yes, cum for mama Clementine, show her how dirty a little whore you are!” Hotarupanted as she gripped and squeezed her own udders, occasionally pulling one nipple to hermouth to drink her own milk.”Yes mama!! Clementine is a dirty 1xbet güvenilirmi slutty whore!!! Just like mama!!!” Clementine howled as shebegan cumming hard, her nipples spraying a constant stream of milk that finally began leakingfrom the crate onto the cargo hold floor. Hotaru climaxed with her daughter, her pussy soakingtheir crotches as her udders leaked endlessly onto the floor as well.***April leaned against her seat inside their small First Class cabin on the airliner. Meryl busiedherself with a magazine she’d found in one of the seat pockets while Peach listened to hismusic player. The big breasted young women could hear the Candy Pop music leaking outfrom her brothers headphones and sighed. She was BORED!!!! The in-flight movie was somedull romantic comedy that she could even sit through the first ten minutes of before turning offthe small video screen. There were still another four and a half hours left in their flight and shedidn’t think she could keep her sanity that long without something to do.Grabbing one of the magazines from her seat pocket, April thumbed through a catalogue ofvarious gadgets and gizmos before that too became boring and she tossed it onto the emptyseat in their cabin. She then turned to her drag queen brother, completely unrecognizable as aboy in his pink skirt and make-up. April wondered if she would be able to pimp him out at thisconvention that her mother was doing the security for. From what she knew, there would bealot of sluts and whores there, all selling or having their bodies sold. Both Meryl’s bosses wouldbe there as well. She’d met Jaime once with her friend Roxy, but she’d never gotten thechance to feel the womans horse dick inside her since she’d had to go home shortly aftermeeting her. But just the memory of Roxy’s stories got her pussy damp and her nipples hard!How would it feel to rub something like that between her big tits?”Mmmm…” April murmured as she leaned back in her seat and fondled one tit through the graysweater she wore. The purple haired teen felt herself getting hornier by the second as sheturned to look at her brother, lightly mouthing along with the lyrics of the song he was listeningto.Licking her lips, April sat up and leaned over to her brother, licking his neck softly as she slid ahand up his skirt. “s*s, what are you doing?” Peach asked as April fondled his cock and ballsthrough the white cotton panties he wore.”I’m bored…” April replied and slid out of her seat slowly, kneeling down in front of peach andpushing her skirt up then quickly pulling down his panties. She eyed his slowly hardening dickfor only a moment before taking it into her mouth and sucking it softly. She then heard a soft’click’ as Meryl slid the cabin door lock into place and turned on the ‘Do Not Disturb’ lightoutside all without looking up from her magazine. Peach moaned softly and began leaningback in his seat while Aprils head bobbed up and down on his short dick. He didn’t try to put hishands on her head as she sucked him off, the little bitch knew better than to try and dominatehis sister. April let out a lewd moan as she ran her tongue of his hot little cock, loving the way itfelt in her mouth as she unbuttoned her shorts and began to finger herself there in the cabin.She hardly took notice as Meryl discreetly left the cabin, locking the door again as she left.Standing outside her private cabin, Meryl took a deep breath, fighting down her growingerection as she listened through the door as April continued to suck off her little brother.Peach’s girlish moans were almost enough to make her dick rip through the special panties shewore under her jet black cocktail dress. The skirts hem was too high cut for her to go withoutpanties as her dick would hang out for all to see. And while most dickgirls liked showing offtheir dicks at all times, Meryl wanted to give the appearance of a sophisticated woman travelingwith her c***dren.Nonetheless, seeing April just start blowing her son like that… Meryl took another deep breathand walked by the rows of first class passengers. Only a handful of people were traveling infirst class, she counted seven altogether, but didn’t bother to take in any details on them as sheheaded forward towards the Flight Attendant area. As they were being seated in their cabin,Meryl noticed that one stewardess in particular had stole a glance up her dress and saw thetype of panties she was wearing. Now, she spotted that same stewardess reloading a snackcart alone in the jets small, but well stocked kitchen.She looked to be about twenty-two, twenty-three tops, with blonde hair dyed with streaks of redto give her a fire-like look. Her uniform consisted of a navy colored thigh hugging skirt,matching jacket with the Airline Company’s Logo over the left breast, and a white blouse with aruffled button-up front. A quick check showed she wasn’t wearing any underwear, not even athong. Her skin was a lightly tanned color, like caramel, and smooth, not a blemish anywherethat Meryl could see. The platinum haired woman licked her ruby painted lips slowly as shewalked into the kitchen silently.It wasn’t until Meryl only stood a couple paces away that the stewardess realized she wasn’talone in the kitchen. She turned, slightly startled, and said, “Ma’am, I’m sorry but you can’t–mmpph!!!” was as far as she got before Meryl closed the distance between them and locked herlips fully with the womans while she pressed her up against the counter. Her tongue easilyparted her lips and slid wetly against the young womans. The stewardesses green eyes wentwide as she fought at first, trying to push Meryl off her, but her resistence slowly faded asMeryls scent filled her nostrils.”I saw you watching me,” Meryl whispered after she broke the kiss and slide her hands underthe womans skirt, slowly pushing the fabric up while she felt her cock sliding free from herpanties to rub up against her thighs. “I know you want what I have…” she whispered as sherubbing her thick dick against the stewardesses now very moist crotch.The woman, Sonya, as it said on her name tag, panted softly as she struggled not to moan tooloudly. “I… I, I’ve never… been with a…” she couldn’t finish as her cheeks flushed as red asher hair.”Well, it’s time we did something about that…” Meryl whispered hotly into Sonya’s ear beforeshe pushed her dick inside her with ease. Her hand covered Sonya’s mouth as she tried tomoan loudly. Meryl closed her eyes and savored the feel of an unfamiliar pussy. Sonya wastight, and very wet, she could feel her juices streaming down her cock as she began thrustinginto her against the kitchen counter. The red and blonde haired womans legs then wrappedaround Meryls waist as she began thrusting back, panting hard as she fought to keep hermoans down. Meryl helped her by pressing her mouth to hers in another lewd and passionatekiss. Sonya eagerly kissed back and moaned against Meryls lips as her body shook in orgasm.Meryl grinned, Little whore, she thought to herself as she began pumping into her faster,making some of the plastic utensils on the counter clink against themselves.Sonya came again as Meryl buried her entire length inside her, feeling her pussy gush all overher dick as the platinum haired woman mashed her big tits against Sonya’s smaller ones.Another smile passed over her lips as she felt the piercings of her nipples rub against somepiercings that Sonya was hiding under her blouse.”oh yes, fuck me!” Sonya breathed, struggling hard to keep her voice down. She wrapped herarms around Meryls shoulders and took another deep breath in through her nose, taking in thedickgirls scent and becoming even more aroused. Meryl groaned quietly and began poundinginto her as hard as she could without making too much noise. Any moment now anotherStewardess might walk into the kitchen and catch them, and that knowledge only turned thedickgirl on even more!”i’m cumming, i’m cumming, i’m cumming, i’m cumming, I’M CUMMING!!!!” Sonya howled, andif not for Meryl clamping her hand over the womans mouth, her last scream would have beenheard by everyone on the plane! Meryl then groaned in pleasure, cumming hard inside thewoman as she officially joined the ‘Mile High Club’. She thrusted into her several more times,making sure to fill her slutty cunt with her cum before pulling out slowly with a barely audiblepop. After wiping her dick off on the womans skirt, Meryl then grabbed a pen from the counterof the kitchen and scribbled the phone and room numbers of the hotel where she and her familywere staying onto Sonya’s hand before fixing her own clothes and walking out of the kitchenwith a satisfied expression on her face.~End Chapter 1~tell me wt u think and if u injoyed i am gonna right the rest for ya and one more thing that dosen’t mean that i write about futa to be a gay !! i am just was thinking about a storie to write and this one has came up tell me wt u think i am gonna be w8ing ur comments 😀

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