
Zorro Rides Again


For those people opening this story, this is a continuation of an earlier body of work called Zorro. To make and sense of what is happening you really should read the original. It is filed under incest/taboo please read that first.

For those who have written to me asking for the story to continue, thanks for your kind words, I hope you enjoy this although it may not go where you would expect or like. Regards

All players over the age of 18.


Three months earlier

Johnny had been part of the selection panel for the one graduate they would take in their engineering firm. They were down to the last candidate and had all but determined their preferred candidate. Mary Alford, head of HR and panel chairperson opened the door and in walked a goddess; long jet black hair pulled back in a tight pony tail, killer body and a smile that engaged the panel members. Her name was Elle Norman and her smile and persona dominated the room. She was simply the most attractive woman he had ever seen and he could feel his heart pumping as he quickly recovered and put on his business smile.

Elle walked into the room and was quickly taken by the head person, Johnny Roberts. Tall, handsome, an easy going manner made her pulse quicken for more than just the interview. When he smiled at her she felt a spread of arousal that focussed on her sex. She was determined to make this interview succeed and looked forward to the challenge.

Johnny outlined the process they would follow, settling the players.

‘I’m intrigued as to why you want this job? At face value you have the grades that would more or less guarantee you a role in one of the large, perhaps more prestigious companies.’

She smiled and looked him in the eye. ‘Yes, and I could join the other 20 odd graduates in their program. Everything would be scheduled for the next year and we would all follow the same, compartmentalised learning track. Maybe I’m number 1, maybe I’m number 15, but we all do the same thing at the same pace. Now I’m not saying that’s bad, and in all fairness I’m interviewing with them as well, but I see an opportunity here that doesn’t exist elsewhere. You,’ she said leaning closer to Johnny and cocking an eyebrow in a flirtatious way that had his heart pumping, ‘have a reputation for taking one graduate, taking a personal interest in their education and giving opportunities to be involved in aspects of the business that few others would get. Yes, I could get more money elsewhere but for me it’s not just about money, this is my preferred position.’

She was impressive, as she knew she would be.

At the end of the interview the panel members all looked at each other. ‘How does WOW sound,’ said Mary. ‘She knows more about our business than half the people working for us. Perhaps it sounds better if I say it, as the only female panel member, the only issue is the old sexist thing. Gorgeous seems such an inadequate word to describe her. Is she just too attractive? Will she be too disruptive? All the guys will fall over themselves and I suspect the ladies will turn green with jealousy. Sorry to put it on the table but…WOW,’ she said looking at Johnny.

‘I like your honesty Mary and I think we all know what you mean. Are we frightened by one attractive woman? If we are then it’s time to give it away. Anyway, her first month will effectively be with me as we would normally do with any graduate, so that will give her a chance to develop relationships in a managed way. Anyone who wants to harass her will have to do it in the office next to me. That should give her some breathing space I would have thought. The next three months she is still directly working with me so I think we can handle it without too much fuss. Besides, I’m sure she knows more about handling amorous young men than anyone else in the business,’ he said and they all laughed, acknowledging the joke but also the reality.

Had he been more aware he may well have noticed the quiet look that Mary gave him. ‘I was also thinking of you. How will you handle her? Can you?’ the words unspoken.


Rose McLain was regarded as a throwback to a long gone era. She was fiercely loyal and protective of her boss. God himself would not have been able to get into Johnny’s office without first going through her. And her glare was the story of legend. Many a manager had quaked at her piercing stare as she looked over the top of her glasses. So when Elle was first brought to Johnny’s office Rose looked up as she was introduced, and the corners of her mouth turned down as she took in the little black skirt, white blouse with the top two buttons undone showing a tantalising amount of cleavage, neat business jacket and open heels making her gorgeous legs look long and shapely. Even the open smile on Elle’s face failed to impress Rose.

Displaying her customary air of superiority Rose showed Elle to her office and then took her through to Johnny’s office next door. Elle’s hand felt hot and heat radiated through her body Silivri Escort leaving her with a familiar flush in her groin as she was again introduced to him and they shook hands. He outlined her first month which was to effectively shadow Johnny everywhere, attend every meeting and learn the business. Then he gave her a task.

‘Look, our Safety Manger, Bob Dunlop has notified me of his retirement, although it’s not effective for three months. Bob has been with us forever and, while he does a reasonable job I’m just not sure we are where we should be. You have studied health and safety so I want you to do an audit of our safety program. Say in four weeks report back to me on how you see things. For the rest of the day Johnny introduced Elle to other members of the business and she sat in with him on virtually everything he did. They quickly established a rapport and started to open up to each other.

Rose looked at her watch, it was near the end of the day. She stiffened in her chair and listened. There is was again, unmistakable; laughter, deep, belly laughter coming from Johnny’s office. She turned to look through the mottled glass window to make sure. There were only Johnny and Elle there. She couldn’t recall the last time she had heard genuine laughter from that office.

When Elle packed up to leave Rose gave her a warm smile. As she watched the relationship develop Rose both developed a real affection for Elle who she saw as having a really positive effect on Johnny but also was fearful of the future as she could see more than just friendship developing. And Rose suspected that there was a messy ending around the corner. However, Johnny was noticeably happier, joyful, energetic and pleasant to all staff.

Elle was an instant attraction with staff and, as Johnny had suggested, she was skilled in handling everything from attraction to jealousy. Within a short period of time she had the men eating out of her hand and had calmed the jealous females.

Elle worked closely with Johnny on the daily tasks and threw herself into the safety audit when she had her own time. While she was able to handle the advances of the various males in the business she found it much harder to manage her rapidly growing attraction to Johnny. And the feelings were mutual. They had an instant and easy rapport and shared the same sense of humour. It wasn’t long before people noticed Johnny coming to work happy, sparkling and his mood rubbed off onto others.

‘I want you to sit in on my budget/expenditure reviews,’ he told her. ‘I’m sure by the end of it you will learn a lot. I’m going to grill the managers and their senior staff. By the end of it there will be no doubt about their level of responsibility, tell me if I miss anything.’ And so the review began. One by one the managers and their staff were grilled, boiled and toasted over their budgets. Elle was amazed at Johnny’s comprehension of their progress and the level of detail that he had for every manager’s budget. No one was able to escape his scrutiny.

At the end he sat back, put his hands behind his head, placed one ankle on the other knee and smiled contentedly. ‘So, tell me if anyone doesn’t understand the importance of managing the financials?’ he chortled confidently.

Elle nodded her head. ‘Yes, very impressive. You didn’t miss anyone or anything,’ she said and Johnny basked in the compliment. Then she floored him with a question.

‘So, when do you do the same exercise for safety?’ she asked directly.

Johnny’s face dropped. ‘What do you mean?’ he said sitting bolt upright.

‘I’m impressed. And as a graduate, if I’m put in a compromising position where I have to choose between taking a chance on safety and overspending on my budget… you’ve just shown me how important the budget is… so?’

‘What,’ he said angrily, his voice raised a few decibels. ‘Are you saying I’m not safe?’ he growled, challenging her.

She remained calm, a half smile on her lips. “I’m not saying anything. I just ask the question. You wanted me to audit the safety program so I’m looking at everything. If the bone points at you or management so be it.’

‘WHAT, what,’ he said bristling with anger. Then he leaned across the table, stabbed a pointed finger at her and then into the table as he spoke. ‘You… you go out and ask around. You find out if I’m safe or not. I’m sure everyone will tell you how safe I am. Then come back and report that to me. Go,’ he said fuming. He was proud of his commitment to safety and took her challenge as an insult. Although he didn’t acknowledge it, it was also a factor of having her challenge him that made him angry.

Rose kept her head down as Johnny stormed out of his office. He walked past her desk then turned around. His anger was etched all over his face. Rose quaked as he glared at her. He leaned over her and stabbed his finger into the desk. ‘Do not, under any circumstances let me go home without sacking that sanctimonious… Şirinevler Escort arrogant… bitch,’ he snarled. ‘I’ll be back and then I’ll sort her out.’ She could see he was fuming then a wicked smile crossed his face and he leaned closer. ‘And I’m going to enjoy doing it,’ he said and then stormed off.

A few minutes later Elle came out of her office. She sauntered over to Rose. ‘I guess he’s a bit upset,’ she commented in a matter of fact way.

‘Um, you could say that,’ Rose said quietly, knowing the full truth. She had never seen Johnny so upset and she felt sorry for the young girl.

‘I put a dent in his ego and he doesn’t like it,’ she said. And Rose nearly fell off her chair as Elle gave her a warm smile ‘but he will get over it, he knows I’m right. He just needs a bit of time to accept it, then he will come around to my way of thinking. Let’s face it, he’s only a man. He just doesn’t like being told, especially by a woman.’

When Johnny came back he asked Rose to bring Elle in.

‘Rose is here to take notes,’ he said. Rose was stunned as he continued. ‘I took exception to what you just did. There’s a lot of ways about telling people things, insulting them or belting them between the eyes with a baseball bat is one, it gets their attention but is not normally recommended. But sometimes necessary. If you had been afraid to tell it to me straight, if you had couched it in soft terms I would have likely dismissed what you said. And that would have been a tragedy. Pardon the expression but that took balls. On another day I might have sacked you.

‘But… I’m making some changes and Rose will put these in writing. You will continue to shadow me as a graduate. Bob retires in two months. You will still stay in the graduate program but effective tomorrow you will be the Manager Health and Safety, he and his staff will transfer to you although I expect you to look after Bob, he’s been a loyal servant. When he has gone let me know what resources you need to get the program up to speed and then get the job done. I’m throwing you in at the deep end, you’ve got a shit load of work ahead of you but I have no doubt, none at all that you will succeed. By the way, safety interviews commence in four weeks and you will start by tackling me. I hope you know the difference between bullshit and fact because you will likely get a lot of one and little of the other. You want to raise the profile of safety well it’s all yours Elle and if you need any support then you’ve got it.’

‘I… I… don’t know what to say,’ Elle stammered. ‘Thank you, thank you so much. I will do whatever has to be done to justify your faith in me. I… I’m overwhelmed,’ she said, flustered.

A warm smile creased his face and his body relaxed. ‘It’s me that needs to thank you. Now get out of here you two. It’s not like you haven’t got anything to do. Women!’

Rose gave Elle a comforting smile as they left. By the time she sat down Elle’s love for Johnny had become an infatuation. At there was nothing she wouldn’t do for him.

Over the ensuing weeks Rose watched with mixed emotions as she saw the relationship develop. She knew the signs. Elle was more than attractive and Rose watched the interaction her and Johnny, the way she dressed sexy but business attire, the smiles, the laughter, how she leaned over him showing her perfect cleavage, the casual touches then more recently the quick lunch date. She knew nothing had happened but understood the inevitability.


Monica had a burning pain in her chest, her mouth was dry as she looked at Nate. The time was now although right now she desperately wanted to go to the toilet. Hot tears were burning behind her eyes and the first sounds were not words, just a nervous croak. She cleared her throat.

‘Nate… we… I need to talk with you.’

Nate was stunned, he hadn’t expected his mother to say anything. ‘Oh Christ,’ he thought ‘she’s going to tell me. What the fuck do I do?’

There was an eerie silence in the room. Monica ran her hand through her hair nervously.

‘Nate, when you came home… you must have seen, must have wondered… this is so hard,’ she said as she ran a trembling hand over her eyes. ‘Nate, when you saw me you must have seen my… my… all of me – my sex, naked. And when you saw all of me you must have seen… oh god,’ she muttered shaking her head in disbelief as a tear trickled down her cheek. ‘Nate, baby, it’s not as it must appear. You must have wondered why I was in that state, must have wondered, no, knew what was dripping down my thighs and I assume there were puddles on the floor. You must have known what it was… that it was… sperm. I mean, what else could it have been? And you knew that it obviously wasn’t from your dad.’

‘But it wasn’t what you think. I mean, it’s not like I’m having an affair or anything.’

Then Monica stopped, her head and shoulders sagged and another tear trickled down her face. Şişli Escort She couldn’t look at him and her hands covered her face as she continued.

‘The truth is I don’t know whose sperm it was. At the time I thought your dad wasn’t coming home… and I know that should have alerted me, but… I had a lot to drink… a lot, and I guess that made me… careless. The girls were all talking about sex. I was horny, we all were. I was depressed and then someone walked in wearing a Zorro uniform. God, I thought it was your dad; I wanted it to be your dad because I was so hot, like a bitch on heat. I sort of threw myself at him. I wouldn’t if I had known who it was.’

‘The bastard never let on. I mean he knew what he was doing – and he was doing plenty. Then when everyone else left and there was just the two of us we went to the bedroom… and then he was getting plenty.’

Monica sobbed as she chocked on her words.

‘I swear honey, I didn’t know who it was. I admit I should have known it wasn’t your father, his cock was bigger in every way; longer, thicker, harder… and I told him so. God, I took his cock in my hand, he was so aroused it was so hard, throbbing, it’s been a long time since your father was like that, his cock was dribbling with pre cum, it was all over my hands, I smeared it over the head of his cock… helped him lubricate it so he could put it in me easier. When I held his balls in my hand they were like great fucking hairy coconuts hanging from a tree. And when he mounted me… it’s not like he had to do it all, I spread myself for him, so he mounted up and as he started to ride me I wrapped my arms and legs around him and gave myself to him. And did he ride me… oh yeah, what a ride, he really fucked me. When he put that cock in me my mind just blew itself away, I lost it. It was the best fuck I’ve ever had, he stretched me wide, touched places I didn’t even know existed, one minute he was riding me like there was no tomorrow, the next he was so smooth, so gentle. Your dad… normally he doesn’t last that long, but last night… he just kept going, he was insatiable. He knew how to make love to a woman, I could feel the orgasm coming from a long way out, it just grew and grew until I was consumed by it; he made me cum, and cum, and cum… and I was screaming in ecstasy. When he came inside me I felt so good. It was the best fuck I’ve ever had. I went to sleep and when I woke up he was gone. The house was empty. I feel ashamed, I feel like such a fool.’ ‘And then you came home and you know the rest,’ she said and broke down sobbing. She stepped to him and put her head on his chest.

Nate put his arms around her and hugged her to him.

‘I don’t have to tell her, she will never know,’ he thought to himself as Monica broke down crying into his shoulder.

‘So now, there’s someone out there who has had his way with me and I don’t know who. It could be one of our friends or none. Am I going to pass him on the street? Is he going to come into our house? Is it one of your dad’s work mates? Is he going to look me in the eye as we talk knowing all the time that he has kissed me, fondled my breasts, fucked me and made me cum? Every time we meet he is going to know and he’s going to get his jollies at my expense. And I will never know,’ she said sobbing.

And then from somewhere he heard his own voice ‘It was me. I came home early and put on the outfit. I just wanted to grab a beer and go to my room but you saw me. Thereafter, I didn’t mean for it to go as far as it did but there was never a right time and then… it felt so good that I just couldn’t resist.’

Then for a few moments there was deathly silence. Her jaw had dropped and her mouth hung open in shock. Then she exploded.

‘WHAT, YOU,’ she screamed in disbelief, her face contorted in anger. Although he maintained a hold on her she took a step away from him and slapped him as hard as she could across the face. He didn’t flinch and stared at her.

‘YOU FUCKING BASTARD,’ she screamed then hit him again. ‘Jesus fucking Christ, how could you? You… you… you raped me, you fucking raped me. My own fucking son, you bastard. How could you be so heartless, so insensitive, how could you play me like that? Christ don’t you understand that’s incest. You’re disgusting, get out my sight, go. I don’t want to look at you. Oh my god I’m going to be sick,’ she cried.

Nate let go of her and she turned away from him sobbing loudly and promptly started to heave into the sink. He took the opportunity to leave her hanging over the bowl.

Nate closed his bedroom door gently behind him. For a moment he stood still then took a deep breath and slowly let the air exhale. His mind was blank but his emotions were running on high.

His head wrenched around in surprise as his mother burst into his room. Her face drawn, her eyes wild, blazing with anger and her voice bordering on hysterical. She stood inches in front of him and jabbed a finger into his chest.

‘You knew. All the time you knew. You could have done something, you could have told me, but no… my own son. You took advantage of me – of my trust. How could you do that? What made you think that you could do something like that and get away with it? How could you do something like that to me? I’m your mother. How could you… practically rape me?’ she yelled at him.

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