
30 Days

Abella Danger

30 days that’s Samantha’s mantra to go along with no eggs. You make or break any habit in 30 days if you are dedicated. Zero contact. Get Brad out of your head & dreams. It’s not real it’s all fantasy and fiction.

Does it count against Samantha if every.single.day since starting the 30 day plan she has had self play with another crazy wild fantasy? Nope! Zero contact & no eggs…. The dreams are pure torture. She’s been ravished in every way possible by Brad and others he’s brought along in those dreams. Fuck…. 30 days….

10-ish days to go and it’s finally easing up. Brads made no effort to reach out, perhaps he’s onto the next but Samantha is okay knowing if she needed anything in life she could call him and he’d help if he could. Back to the basics between them. No eggs.. no eggs. Samantha has also been lucky to not randomly run into Brad anywhere. Samantha is convinced and confident that after the 30 day reset she won’t be affected by him or his voice.

Brad. Apparently he’s been aware she’s gone silent. He’s calling her phone now. No text no private messages. He is calling. Samantha has to answer as they never ever call each other and she worries something is wrong. Fuck, his voice. It’s immediate like always. Samantha is throbbing and soaked. “Why are you not talking to me” that’s how it starts. Samantha takes a deep breath trying to control her immediate raging horniness. Samantha manages a weak “just busy” and Brad responds with “I’ll see you soon Samantha to remind you of your own rules” and hangs up. Wait… what rules? Samantha is shaking all over. Mentally she resets her countdown….30 new days. Fuck Brad.

Samantha wakes up frustrated bordering on angry. Another night of dreams and unwanted thoughts. As she gets ready for the day she decides a brisk walk will help her mood. Samantha is about 1/2 way down the road, feeling much better no Brad thoughts/fantasies when she hears the truck. Samantha breaks out in goosebumps and ending with hard nipples. Sometimes it’s the stupidest things that set her off. She turns up the volume of her music and picks up her pace. Samantha is unaware she is walking right into the very person she wants to avoid the most.

Brad can’t believe she’s walking towards him. He was on his way to teach her a lesson. He’s bordering on anger with a raging hard-on. Brad knows his cock isn’t attached to her but at the same time they had a deal and in his mind that means when either have a need they go for it. Brad has a need. Samantha needs to be reminded of this. Fucking Samantha drives him crazy. As he approaches her he stops and turns the truck off. Rolling down the window waiting to let her have it and in more ways than one.

Shit, Samantha cannot handle this. She really can’t hear his voice and have him see her entire body heat up and respond. Samantha stops next to the passenger side window, looking up at him. They have a stare down and Brad finally says “get in the truck Samantha” to which she slowly shakes her head no. It takes seconds for him to be out of the truck around to the side she’s on with his hands on her neck. He’s squeezing lightly but his thumbs are rubbing in circles. Brad leans in whispering “in the truck now” opening the door for her. Samantha climbs up breathing every breath slowly with intent to keep calm and level headed.

Brad climbs back in, starts the truck and turns it around to head away from her house. He’s also breathing with intent, through his anger. Neither speak and as Brad heads to an unknown destination Samantha is mentally battling reaching over to feel his cock and just opening the passenger door and jumping out risk be damned in either choice. Samantha knows she has to shake him out of her system so grabbing his cock is not the right choice. No eggs, no eggs, no fucking eggs.

It’s total silence and although Samantha can feel the steam rolling off of both of them she knows the angry silence is better than hearing his voice right now. She has no idea where he’s taking her and she’s not about to ask. So much for no eggs. Samantha had a feeling this might be the one time she’d push too far and see Brad’s full personality and she wasn’t sure, no she knew, she wasn’t ready for it. Samantha wanted out of the truck desperately.

Brad had reached his limit with Samantha and he intended to teach her a lesson. He just didn’t have it in him to be gracious or gentle today. He was well aware that she was sitting across from him right now contemplating how to get away. There was no way out and even if there was he wasn’t giving in to letting her run. Brad had set up the perfect location and had some stuff in place and he was certain she’d come around and play his way.

They pull up to the house. It’s been built but won’t be occupied ergene escort for a few more weeks. Brad ensured his staff would be busy elsewhere for a few hours so he could be uninterrupted with his plans. He says “Samantha get out of the truck and come with me” and strangely she does as he says. Brad is surprised, he was picturing a battle. He wasn’t sure if this made him happy or angry. Brad kind of wanted a battle.

As they enter the house Samantha looks around not sure what to expect. It’s beautiful but empty except for a big black pillow in the middle of the living room space. How strange. Seconds later Brad gripes Samantha by the chin pulling her face towards his. As he stares into her eyes he says “I think you should do as I say today and maybe you’ll be rewarded” Samantha is really struggling. She wants to push him away, she wants to walk out of the house and call someone for a ride but more than any of that she wants to know his plans and how it’ll play out.

Samantha had tried for all this time to push him out of her mind and to put him back in the pre-egg category in her mind. Samantha truly had loved their old friendship and missed it but she knows life doesn’t let you go backwards. So in the here and now she was going to let herself have this time with him, she’d let him take control and she’d walk away okay after just like she’d done previously. The hardest thing was that she wasn’t in love with him but yet he wasn’t just another friend in life. There was something special about him or there had been until it was just off balance in their friendship. Fucking eggs!

Brad could see in her eyes that she was thinking too much, and he wasn’t going to let her. He backed away, and said “there’s a restroom over in that hallway, go use it to strip and freshen up or whatever you need. You have 5 minutes to be naked and kneeling on that pillow with your head down” Samantha audibly groaned. What the actual fuck. Is Brad for real right now? Samantha had read enough BDSM books to know it was not her thing. Samantha liked the control and hated to be controlled. She felt the fight coming to life in her. Brad felt that anger again and turned his back on her walking down the other hall disappearing from her view.

Samantha turned and walked to the restroom, suddenly grateful that she had just been waxed for the first time in a while. Samantha always shaved and was well groomed but it she had recently splurged because she was feeling good. There is no pain like that waxing pain but in the end the result is amazing and it makes everything feel better! Everything is a heightened sense after you do it. Samantha was physically shaking, as she removed all of her clothes. She took a few minutes to splash water on her face to cool off. Samantha took a deep breath opening the bathroom door.

Thankfully, Brad was nowhere to be seen as she made her way across the room, kneeling on the black pillow, head down with her hands on her lap. Oddly just six months ago, she would’ve never have done this. Never would have had the confidence to kneel naked on this pillow for him. Samantha just really needed to open her mind that she’s going to follow his lead and not knock him on his ass once he is in front of her, take what she wanted and walk out, clothes left behind be damned.

The hair on the back of Samantha’s neck was suddenly standing up. She could feel his presence. Samantha could feel her pulse pounding in all the right places. Brad is now standing in front of her and based on the little she can see he must also be naked. Holy fuck. What will Samantha decide to do, she truly doesn’t even know herself. She closes her eyes and she clearly sees and remembers exactly how full his balls are, how hard his cock is, how perfect his mushroom head is and she knows he’s likely leaking a little pre-cum. Fuck this shit. She wants to lick him. She needs to lick him.

Brad can’t lie he’s totally shocked Samantha listened. He’s as hard as a rock seeing her naked kneeling on the pillow obeying him. Brad is well aware she is fighting a battle even right now about it and he’s prepared for her to lose control and do what she wants. Brad knows that if given even a second to contemplate it she’d have his hard cock in her mouth and down her throat before he could blink. Although they don’t know each others full sexual desires they know just enough to be dangerous. Brad tells her the rules are as follows:

Do not look up unless directed too

Answer all questions with yes Sir or no Sir

No touching Brad unless directed to do so

No orgasms until he says it’s time

If Samantha disobeys at any time there is a punishment ready for her.

Brad asks “Samantha, do you understand all of these rules” ermenek escort She replies with “Yes Sir” Samantha is pissed off but beyond aroused. She’s aware this will be a big battle within herself and she’s sure she will face punishment at some point which scares her but more angers her. Brad says “look up at me now” Samantha takes it all in from his bare feet, long skinny legs, she skims over his package that is indeed leaking at the head, past his stomach, up his chest and finally into his eyes. Ohhh Fuck his eyes are so needy. Samantha slams her head back down counting in her head 12345 fuck 678… Brad roughly yanks her chin up with one hand and is shaking his head no. She’s already failed. Brad brings his other hand from behind his back and won’t let her view what’s about to happen.

It all happens so fast Samantha just finds herself letting out a scream. Mother Fucker the pain!!!!! Her nipples are both now being held in clamps. She’s never had this done before. Tears are now free falling down her face. Game fucking on. Brad wipes her tears with his thumb and says “Samantha you can handle this”. Once the pain eases up Samantha realizes how incredibly sensitive her nipples are and she’s always been sensitive there even before this. As she’s thinking this Brads softly rubbing his index finger across her swollen and protruding nipples making Samantha jolt back and an uncontrollable moan escapes her. Did he really say she couldn’t cum until he said because she’s about to explode from the pleasure he’s brining just by the nipple pleasure and she’s not sure she can control it. How the actual fuck is she going to survive this.

Brad cannot take his eyes off her heaving chest with the huge nipples in the clamps. He sees how his thumb brushing across them is making her squirm but he has to push her a little further before he can suck on them as he has a feeling that might push her over the edge before he’s ready for her to. Brad takes a step back wrapping bis hand around his cock. “Samantha eyes on my cock” he chuckles as he watches her face scrunch up like she’s in a new sort of pain. His dick twitches in his hand at her “yes sir” response. Samantha is transfixed on his package, not even attempting to look up past it into Brads face. He’s being so careful, going so very slow so that she enjoys the show but also because it wouldn’t take much for him to stroke himself until he was exploding all over her face and chest.

Samantha wants to die. She’s praying hard for something to knock her out. She cannot do this. Brad stroking himself and not allowing her to participate is the worst punishment he could give. Samantha wants to be the one jacking him off while devouring his balls. She wants to shove a finger up his ass and find his sweet spot again. She wants to have his thick hot cum pouring down her throat and she can almost feel his hands pulling her hair as he gets off. Samantha has never felt this tested or turned on. She needs to lick him. Fuck.

Brad is watching Samantha’s eyes and they go from emotional to horny to fucking beyond anything he’s ever seen. He releases his cock and steps forward. Samantha looks down. Brad has not told her she can look away. He gets down on one knee with the other braced up and yanks Samantha down and across his bended leg and it’s such a quick movement he catches her off guard. Samantha’s ass is exactly where he wants it as he smacks it hard. He delivers it with enough force it jolts her body forward a bit and he can now see his red hand mark left behind. Brad eases her back onto the pillow supporting her as she gets back in place. Samantha is red faced and looks like she might spit fire, however he would bet money she’s soaked now.

Samantha is mortified, pissed off and fucking horny. Her ass cheek literally stings. How much more will she let him get away with. It’s such an odd feeling for her. On the one hand she’s humiliated and on the other she desperately needs to see this through and get relief. Samantha decides right then she will do it right to avoid any more punishments. She has a sneaky feeling that will piss Brad off and after the spanking that’s what she needs to see, him pissed and not fully getting his way.

Brad reaches down and lifts her chin again telling her “you have 30 seconds to touch me in any manner you please, but do not make me cum and you must remain on your knees” and much to his delight she responds “Yes Sir” he could get used to this Sir thing and his cock is reactive to it as well. Brad knows Samantha will go straight for his balls. She’s over dramatic about them all the time but he will let her as he thinks he can last longer with that than if she swallowed or licked him right now. OHHH FUCK! Yes she went for his balls but eryaman escort her finger is starting to enter his ass. No fucking way. Samantha naked on her knees in front of him, mouthing trying hard to get his balls engulfed and a finger up his ass pushing his prostate. He’s not going to be able to hold off. Damn her. He should have known.

Samantha knows she’s pushing her luck literally but as Brads hips are slightly rocking forward she stops everything at once. Leans back to her starting position, head down and hands in her lap. She’s barely back to this when Brads on his knees in front of her. He lifts her right tit and starts sucking on her nipple. It’s a straight hit to her wet cunt. She can’t separate in her mind that his mouths actually on her nipple and not on her pussy. Brad shifts to the left side not leaving one out and Samantha needs friction on her clit. Needs it desperately. She’s pushing back trying to find something/anything to rub against. Brad releases her nipple and goes in for a kiss. He’s kissing her, biting her lips, sucking her tongue and she can’t resist wrapping her arms around his neck to deepen it further. As she does so they lose their balance with Brad falling on top of her.

Brad is tweaking her nipples through the kiss and Samantha has wiggled down enough to force his hard cock against her over ready cunt. Brads now rubbing his lengthen against her grinding hard, giving her a small piece of what she wants. Brad has one more piece to put in place though. He pushes away from her and tells her to get on all fours on the pillow and to look down until he advises differently. He stands up and walks out of the room. Samantha’s brain is on overload. Once again she feels his presence before she sees him coming back into the room. Brad is now behind her and she hears the sound of him opening a bottle. Samantha knows it must be lube. What kind of fresh hell is he preparing to put in her waiting pussy? Oh.My.God….

It’s not her cunt he’s after. “Samantha relax so I can get this in your ass without pain”. Samantha is now visibly trembling and Brad enjoys it more than he should. Brad has inserted the plug as far as it’ll go and uses the remote on a low vibrating pulse. Samantha’s head is now thrown back, eyes squeezed tightly shut as she enjoys first the slight pain and then the quick change to pleasure. Samantha is truly out of her mind when she feels Brad’s cock rubbing against her swollen clit from behind. Brad coats his cock in her wetness with a few strokes and then slams into her waiting cunt.

“FFFUUUUUUUCKKKKKK” Brad yells out. He holds her still by her hips wanting to enjoy the feel of her wet, hot, tight pussy surrounding his cock for the first time. Samantha however is coming undone with his thickness in her and the vibrating plug in her ass and trying her damndest to get him to move and fuck her hard and fast like she needs.

Brad starts slowly fucking Samantha. Brads really enjoying watching Samantha’s pussy as it opens and closes around him. He leans a bit to the side to see her tits moving all over the place and they look so good. Brad reaches under Samantha and starts rubbing her clit with the perfect amount of pressure. Brads cock going seemingly deeper with each thrust. They are both slowly losing control.

Brad can feel Samantha’s juices as it runs out of her. They carry on fucking with varying paces and tempo with Samantha having small orgasms throughout. Each time feeling the need to say “I am fucking cuming on your cock” and Brads too far gone himself to stop and punish her.

Brad feels his balls start to tighten. Samantha can sense he’s about to cum flooding her pussy with his cum so she starts bucking back on him harder and faster, driving him deep into her cunt.

Brad can’t believe how hard he cums, his orgasm seems to just keep going, he is cumming like a fountain. They keep fucking as he cums inside Samantha and this pushes her over the edge as well and makes her cum one final time screaming with Brad deep inside her. They slowly stop thrusting and just enjoy the feeling of each other locked together, Brads cock and Samantha’s pussy twitching away as their orgasms subside. Brad slowly pulls out of her, his cock still hard, a welcomed sight!! Samantha’s pussy is open wide and Brad can easily see their combined juices as it starts to ooze out of her. Samantha looks obscenely sexy lying there like that and Brad won’t forget it for a long time.

Brad gently removes the plug and then pulls Samantha in for a tight hug. They linger a few minutes and then he finally releases her nipples from the clamps and if she thought they were sensitive with them on she can’t even describe them now. They both get up going down separate halls to clean up and get dressed. Samantha feels this deep sense of peace. Perhaps she needed this awakening and punishment.

As they walk back to Brad’s truck he says “Samantha you said no stopping so remember that and it might be next week or a few years but it’s always an option”

“Yes Sir”

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