
I Don’t Go with Other Women, Do I?


“I’ve told you before John, I have no interest in other women.”

“But you haven’t tried, have you?”

“No, of course not,” I replied as my husband ran his fingers over my bare stomach and into the narrow landing strip of hair.

“Well how do you know?”

“Know what?”

“That you wouldn’t like it.”

“I just do and I am not interested.”

“You might like it,” he said cupping one of my full breasts as I took my glasses off in preparation for sex.

This must have been the ninth or tenth time we’d had a conversation like this in our twenty odd years of marriage. It had started probably eight or so years ago just as we were both approaching forty. Whether such significant birthdays had anything to do with it or not I’m not sure, but John was as persistent as I was evasive about the issue. Oddly, I was nowhere near as averse to it as I made out because admitting it to him was the main issue, particularly after telling him for so long that I was strictly a man’s woman.

As I had got older and was sidling through my forties, my attitude towards sex had changed and had become far more liberal and adventurous well, at least in theory!

Like most women I had over the years been approached by other women both overtly, but mainly, fairly covertly. Each of these I had avoided although I had been tempted a couple of times and one in particular could well have made me ‘cross the line’ had circumstances been different.

My sex life with John was pretty good, well it was at least as good as most others I learned from the oblique conversations I had with friends and the more open ones with women I met online when I made occasional visits to chat rooms. I’m not quite sure why I started using them, perhaps because I was bored now that the kids were off our hands, as much as kids ever are. At the time I hadn’t gone back to work and the chat room visits relieved the boredom and brought a little fun and excitement to my life including the occasional mutual masturbation or as I learned it was called, cybering!

I needed more in my life though so I decided to get a job. But what? Admittedly I didn’t try that hard but I tapped a few old contacts, scoured the job ads online for a couple of months and registered with some agencies with a total lack of success and then completely out of the blue a guy at the tennis club who had heard that I was looking for a part time job offered me one. I had been the events organiser at the club for a while and he had seen what a good job I had done, even if I do say so myself, with our club’s centenary celebrations.

Adam’s company organised and ran conferences, conventions and large meetings. Not the size of, say, political party conferences but a level down from that with his specialisation being company conventions. He needed some part time help at these events, mainly the few days before they started as everything was being put together. It was right up my street.

I worked with Lisa who was my boss as she was full time and ran the smaller events by herself. The three or four larger events that the company ran each month were where I came into play. After being in the job for a few months I became the main contact with the venue and the client for three or four weeks before the event took place agreeing all the details and then being at the venue for two or three days before and then during the proceedings. Most were in or around London and were within easy commuting distance but there were the occasional overnights when they were further away. That was a bit of an issue with John especially when now and then the ‘occasional overnight’ was stretched to two or three but we coped.

I had been in the job for a year or so and Lisa and I had become quite close. Although we worked well together, were about the same age, had similar lifestyles and family situations and we both talked a lot, we were quite different in appearance. Whilst she was tall, around five nine, I guessed with long, shoulder-length brunette hair in a style that was perhaps a little on the young side for her age, I was average, five six or so in height with spiky, blonde with dark streaks hair that barely reached my shoulders. She was beautifully slim with what is described in novels as a willowy figure whereas I was all ‘tits ‘n ass’ having 36inch D cup boobs to hers what I guessed were at their best 34B. My body was rounded and somewhat voluptuous whereas hers was lithe and slender.

As often happens with female work colleagues our conversations gradually became more personal and covered more intimate topics to the point that one evening when we were staying the night at a conference centre near to Bristol and having a drink after dinner, I mentioned how John had asked if I would go with another woman as he watched. I hasten to add that it was not as blunt as that sounds and came after a fairly long chat about how one’s attitudes towards many things change as you get older and one of us mentioned sex as being like that.

We both agreed that we saw it as being a far less precious gift than we had when younger and that in the appropriate circumstances, with the bursa otele gelen escort right guy and no chance of getting caught we would have little or no compunction about having sex with a stranger.

“Better that way,” I giggled into my third gin and tonic. “There’s no tomorrows?”

“Mmmmm very true and you don’t want those with a one nighter do you?”

“Well unless he’s a young stud,” I smiled.

“Mmmmm exactly, have you?”


“Been with one?”

“A young guy?”

“No I haven’t, have you?”

“Mmmm yes I have actually.”

It was just a couple of weeks after that I told Lisa about John’s persistent request.

“Doesn’t want to join in then?” she smiled.

“Well no he didn’t say that but maybe he would want to.”

“I think it’s pretty common.”

“What, going with other women or threesomes?” I asked, smiling as I sipped my drink.

She laughed. “Both probably.”

“Why are you interested?” I asked jokingly.

“Well John’s pretty tasty, you never know,” she joked back.

Nothing more was said that evening as a couple of colleagues joined us.

A couple of weeks later Lisa and I were staying the night in Swindon finishing off the arrangements for a large training event for Porsche the next day. Again we had dinner and a few drinks and once more the discussion came round to relationships.

“Nothing that serious or to the point where we’d break up, but Ronnie and I don’t get on anywhere near as well as we used to,” Lisa told me and I agreed that was similar to John’s and my marriage.

Our conversation drifted onto a similar theme to the last time about having an affair and we both agreed that it was just too much effort and risky.

“As you said last time Jay, it’s best with no tomorrows.”

“I guess so but have you and Ronnie thought of swinging or maybe,” I added quickly. “Have done it.”

“Yes we’ve thought about it and looked into it once but it came to nothing. Why is that an invitation?”

We chatted along those lines until she asked.

“Is there anyone you really fancy?”

“What like a celebrity?”

“No, a real person.”

“Well being truthful love, I have always had a soft spot for Adam.”

“Our Adam?”

“Yes, as you know we were at the same tennis club and we had a few moments before he offered me this job.”

“How interesting, how far did you go?”

“Oh nothing other than dancing together and some flirting, at the time it was a bit close to home as his wife was at the club as well,”

“You don’t play any more do you?”

“What tennis?” I smiled.

“What else might you play at Jay?” Lisa said surprisingly seriously

“No, I gave it up when I hurt my hip.”

“So, not so close to home any more.”

“Well closer in some ways really.”

“Yes but no wife is involved now Jay is there?”

“No true but I do work for him.

“Still doesn’t stop you fancying him does it and I can understand it?”

“That’s true and how do you mean?”

“Well I have always fancied him too.”

“Really?” I smiled full of female curiosity. “Has anything happened?”

“No,” she replied back and paused before adding. “Yet.”

“Ooooo, maybe we both have him?” I joked.

She looked at me with a serious expression on her face. “Together?”

“Mmmmm maybe who knows?” I slurred.


“I’m afraid it will mean you’ll have to be there the five nights Adam told Lisa and me at our team meeting a few weeks later.”

He was explaining about a new contract he had won in Bournemouth. It was one of the biggest and most complicated events the company had ever run and needed hands on attention for the duration.

“I’ll be there as well some of the time,” he’d added as we finalised the general planning.

“Tell me you are fucking joking?” John said as we were getting ready for bed that night and I told him about being away for five nights.

“No I’m not, I am perfectly serious.”

“So who’s going to look after the kids and me?”

“Well the kids are pretty much self-sufficient and we have left them when we’ve been away.”

“What about me?” he asked as I took my bra off and stood across the bed from him in just my knickers.

“You’ll cope,” I told him as he slid his underpants off.

“Well I expect you and that Lisa will as well.”

“What do you mean?” I asked sitting down in front of the dressing table mirror and brushing my spiky, blonde hair.

“You seem to get on well.”

“We do.”

“How well?”

“Very well.”

“Bedroom well so I could watch?” he said walking into the bathroom and cleaning his teeth.

“Give it a rest John.”

“Well she is quite tasty isn’t she?”

“Yes she is striking.”

“But you don’t fancy her?”

“I have told you time and again I am not interested in women and in any case Adam will be there.”

“So maybe he’ll get the chance to see you and Lisa together,” he said coming out of the bathroom

To my surprise I saw in the mirror that he was semi-erect. Nodding escort bayan at it and smiling, I said.

“Where’s that come from?”

“Never mind where it’s come from you just focus on where it’s going,” he replied smiling.


Lisa and I travelled to Bournemouth on a Sunday afternoon to meet with the venue management to talk through the final arrangements. Everything seemed to be in order and we agreed to get together for breakfast at seven-thirty the next day when Adam was arriving , though not until the evening. It was motivating to know that our boss trusted us to make decisions and get things done without him interfering.

Lisa had booked us into a suite with two bedrooms and a sitting room where we could have meetings at any time rather than having to book meeting rooms. Although our bedrooms were either end of the lounge it was oddly exciting undressing and walking around my room naked knowing she was just a short distance away or that meetings were taking place just on the other side of my bedroom door!

Everything worked well from the registration and the informal dinner on the Monday afternoon and evening until the closing speeches and the early dinner on the Thursday evening. Adam had gone back to London late on the Monday evening and had left Lisa and I to get on with managing the proceedings returning on the Thursday.

The 200 or so delegates started drifting away from the conference around lunchtime on Thursday just after Adam arrived. Lisa and I had a series of meetings with all the parties involved including the hotel management, the conference sponsors and our main client in preparation for the more formal ‘wash up’ on the Friday, which to help us recover from the late nights and early mornings was not scheduled to start on Friday until mid-day. To use our time as effectively as possible Lisa and I split up and held the Thursday afternoon meetings separately.

I rattled through my meetings and around six was wondering how Lisa was getting on when she called on my mobile.

“Hi how’s it going?” she asked.

“Good just finishing with the printers.”

“Great, well done.”

“And you Lisa, how’s afternoon been?”

“Excellent, really good. Look I am with Adam now in the suite, why don’t you come up?”

“Ok be there in ten minutes.”

“Fine that’ll be great.”

I tidied up the room I had used for the four meetings and made my way to the suite. I was a little surprised when I went into the sitting room and neither Lisa or Adam were there but looking to the left towards Lisa’s bedroom I saw the door was ajar. I called out.

“Hi Lisa,” and walked towards my room when she replied.

“Hi Jay pop in here a minute will you please?”

To say I was surprised at what I saw when I stood in the doorway and pushed the door open was probably the understatement of my life. At first I couldn’t speak because I saw that Lisa was in bed covered with just the thin duvet and Adam was standing beside it with a towel wrapped around his waist and a glass of wine in his hand with a broad smile on his face.

Sitting up so that the duvet slid down exposing her bare breasts Lisa said “Come right in love and shut the door,” as Adam chipped in with.

“Nice to see you Jay, yes come on in.”

My first inclination was not to shut the door or go in but to turn and leave, but I didn’t for something compelled me to stay and do as they asked.

“Wine, champagne?” Adam asked chirpilly.

“Wine please, white,” I replied, sounding to my ears as matter of factly as if we were in the bar downstairs.

“Everything ok down there?” Lisa asked.

“Yes all finished I think we’re done until the wash up.”

“So, Adam,” said moving towards me and handing me the wine he had poured. “Time for some fun Jay.”

Taking the glass and looking from one to the other I replied. “Yes so it seems.”

Lisa replied almost apologetically. “It just happened Jayne, it wasn’t planned was it Adam?”

“Well not by you maybe,” he grinned.

Laughing and making her small boobs jiggle Lisa said. “Now, now you randy sod.”

“Well you know what I mean,” he smiled back adding. “Take a seat Jay, don’t stand there like that you look uncomfortable.”

I sat on the end of the bed and sipping my wine replied. “Well oddly enough I do feel rather uncomfortable.”

“Hmmmm yes I can see that,” Adam said.

No one spoke for a little while until he said. “I’ve a few calls to make so ladies excuse me?”

Directly he had left shutting the door behind him, Lisa and I looked at each other as she pulled the duvet up covering her breasts.

“So is it the first time?” I asked.

“Er, no.”

“How long has it been going on you cheeky bitch,” I grinned feeling a little jealous.

“Not long really.”

“Come on tell me.”

“This is our third time.”

“Is he good.”

“Actually love, he is pretty damn fantastic.”

“Lucky you then.”

“What wish it were you?”

“Not sure but as I said, before I worked here we came near a few times at the tennis club.”

“Yes mudanya escort he mentioned that, how near?”

“Mainly flirting.”

“More than that I bet.”

“Well yes we did have quite a snog once.”

“No sex?”

“Not really, why do you ask?”

“Well that’s why you are here?”

“What do you mean?”

“Well he told me that he had always fancied you as well as me and that you’d messed around at the tennis club.”

“I see.”

“And so he said to ask you to come here.”

“Oh ok.”

“I asked if he felt we should get dressed and he said no.”

“So what’s his plan?”

“I really don’t know love but I imagine somewhere along the way it involves sex with you.”

“Christ really?”

“Yes darling really, grow up.”

“Shit I hadn’t really realised until now.”

“Realised what?” Adam said as he walked back into the bedroom.

“Girl’s talk,” Lisa cracked quickly.

“Now, now ladies, don’t be sexist,” he smiled, freshening our glasses with red for himself.

“We were just talking about the tennis club ,” Lisa said as I walked over to the dressing table and propped myself against it glaring daggers at her.

“Any particular aspect of that?” he asked, smiling and looking into my eyes.

“Not really?” I said feeling embarrassed

“Not that opera night?”

“Er which was that?” I asked coyly.

“You must remember?” he said staring at me.

“Mmmm maybe but only vaguely,” I smiled.

“Like me to show you what happened behind the pavilion?” he said grinning.

“Oh that,” I smiled back.”

“Yes that Jay.”


“So would you?” he persisted.

“I would,” Lisa called out from the bed.

“Just a minor incident Adam, no follow up,” I quipped quite enjoying the flirty banter.

“Waiting for an opportune moment Jay.”

“Took your time.”

“Maybe, but had to come in the end Jay and,” he said, stopping as Lisa interrupted him.

“Now it has so why don’t you get undressed Jayne?”

I stared at her with a mock look of anger on my face, but her smile and raising of her eyebrows dissipated that and I grinned and replied. “Now why would I do that?” as Adam walked over, stood right in front of me and placed his hands on my hips.

“Because Jay, Lisa and I would like you to and quite frankly its nigh on bloody impossible to fuck you dressed like that and I would probably mess up the suit and that cost over five hundred quid,” he said in a matter of fact way.

I had never been sexually accosted quite as casually before but the grin on Adam’s face and the way he said it told me it was tongue in cheek. I felt surprisingly cool and calm as I responded.

“So all you really care about is the money is it?” I smiled.

“What, you’d prefer me to fuck you wearing it would you?”

“Well you didn’t when I was wearing a dress that night did you?”

“No but I should have done and have regretted it ever since.”

Lisa joined in. “Come on Jay, take your clothes off,” and then getting out of bed and walking over to us she added. “Here let me help.”

I felt giddy with a strange form of arousal. It combined the casual way that Adam was approaching this, with the prospect of having sex with him, his near nudity and now Lisa standing next to me completely naked. I could smell sex merging with her perfume.

I had thought and sort of fantasised about sex with Adam many times since that time outside the tennis pavilion when we had kissed and he had fondled my bum and boobs. And of course that had increased in intensity since working for him and talking about him to Lisa. I also found the fact that they had so recently had sex another unusual type of turn on.

“No Lisa, this is crazy,” I somehow managed to gasp as she was trying to remove the dark blue, pinstriped jacket of the Ted Baker suit that the firm supplied with both a skirt and trousers.

“No it isn’t Jay you know you fancy Adam and by god does he fancy you, don’t you boss?”

Adam placed his hands on either side of my face and leaning forward so that his lips were just inches from mine he whispered.

“Yes Jay I do very much, it’s been hell recently working so closely with you two,” as he brushed his lips across mine.

“So how come Lisa got it first?” I asked, smiling as he kissed me softly on my lips whispering.

“Just how the cards were dealt and opportunity,” he whispered, intensifying the kiss.

As I responded so I felt Lisa pulling the jacket off my shoulders and down my arms as she said.

“Got to be some perks being the boss hasn’t there?”

Adam’s arm went round me and I responded by wrapping my arms around his neck as I felt Lisa fiddling with the zip at the back of my skirt. As Adam and I continued kissing with increasing intensity so Lisa slid the skirt down, removed it and hung it over the back of a chair.

“Move back a little,” she whispered as she fumbled for the buttons of the crisp, white blouse. They came undone easily and quickly and that joined my skirt on the back of the chair

Standing there being kissed by Adam with Lisa looking on I wished that I had worn stockings rather than the rather unflattering tights which covered the tiny black thong I was wearing.

“Oh Christ Jay, those breasts are amazing,” Adam groaned, cupping one and squeezing it nicely. “Aren’t they Lisa?” he asked looking at her.

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