
Terminal Desire

Helen Davison walked into the main concourse of the airport and headed purposefully for the check-in area. She was quite an attractive woman with deep hazel eyes, rounded cheek-bones, a button nose and full lips. She wore

her long, blonde hair loose and it hung below her shoulders. She wore a well tailored, black trouser suit, a dark purple blouse and on her feet were a pair of black 3″ heels.

She pulled a small case behind her, the wheels rolling smoothly on the shiny floor. Squeezing behind the crowd in front of the departures board, she examined the details and cursed inwardly when she saw that her flight, along with a dozen others, was delayed. It was now estimated to board at four-twenty, nearly three hours away. There was nothing that the thirty-four year old businesswoman could do except wait. She took hold of her small, brown luggage case and threaded her way between a herd of Germans who flooded in from the terminal forecourt. At the end of the concourse was a coffee shop where she queued for ten minutes before walking away with a large, overpriced latte. She surveyed the seating area. There seemed to be no free tables but there were a few individual seats that didn’t seem to be taken.

Helen moved to a table occupied solely by a woman who was dressed in what she took to be a flight attendant’s uniform; white collared blouse, peppermint green skirt and jacket with matching shoes. The woman had black hair that had been pulled back into a tight bun held by a green scrunchie. She was staring hard at a newspaper obviously deep in thought and lightly tapping a pen against her perfect teeth.

Helen manoeuvred through cases, rucksacks and carrier bags of a party of noisy Italians to the single vacant chair.

“Hi. Is anyone sitting here?” Helen asked.

The woman looked up at her and smiled.

“No. Please sit,” the woman replied in accented but excellent English.

“Thank you.”

Helen sat to the woman’s left, placed the latte on the table and manoeuvred the case next to the chair. She smoothed her trousers and crossed her legs before opening her bag and taking out a mobile phone. She pressed a series of buttons before placing it to her ear. As she waited for her call to be answered, she noticed the woman glancing at her. Helen looked away. The call was answered quickly but it was a voicemail.

“Hi, Lucy, it’s Helen. My flight’s going to be delayed for about three hours so can you call Eduardo to let him know that I hope to be there by eight? Thanks.

If there’s any change I’ll let you know. Bye.”

Helen replaced the phone in her bag and took a sip of the coffee. She glanced at the flight attendant and saw that the woman was looking at her. Helen gave her a swift, nervous smile and looked away suddenly finding the coffee shop’s price list exceedingly interesting. She sipped more of the latte and studied a man in a grey suit jabbering into a phone, gesticulating wildly. Harried parents were rushing to and fro with bags and kids. In general, Helen liked flying. It was an opportunity to have a few hours to herself without anyone pestering her, a short time to just sit back and let everyone else do the worrying. Even a hold-up like this didn’t make that much of an impression her.

It was only an inconvenience when plans at the other end had been made and had to be altered but that was easily accomplished. Besides, there was little that anyone could do about it.

“So you are delayed, yes?” the woman said.

Helen turned to her. “Err, yes. About three hours.” A name badge attached to the woman’s jacket proclaimed that Isabella Moreno was Cabin Crew.

“Me also.” Isabella scowled. “The French are striking again. It is bad news but at least I am being paid to drink coffee.”

Helen smiled meekly in acknowledgement and returned her attention to the price list. As she watched the throng of people move about, she noticed that

Isabella was writing something on the edge of her newspaper. Finished, she tore it off and folded it. Helen looked at her again and this time Isabella was looking straight into Helen’s eyes. After what seemed an eternity, Isabella placed the paper on the table and slid it in front of Helen who merely stared at it for a second before looking back at Isabella.

Still staring at Helen, Isabella parted her lips and slowly ran her tongue between them. Helen began to wonder if this woman making a pass at her. At once she felt both embarrassed and excited. Apprehensively, Helen picked up the scrap of paper, opened it and read what the woman had written.

‘You are very beautiful woman. I would like to make love to you.’

Helen didn’t know what to do or say. All she could do was stare at the paper open mouthed. Isabella leaned closer and smiled gently as she reached out and lightly ran her fingers over Helen’s trouser covered knee. Surprised, Helen jerked her leg away.

Isabella looked hurt. “What’s the matter? Don’t you find me attractive?”

“No,” said Helen. “I mean, yes. You are very good looking escort but…”

“But …?”

“Well, I…. I’m sorry if I’ve given you the wrong impression but I’m not a lesbian.”

Isabella leaned forward conspiratorially. “You don’t have to be a lesbian to make love to another woman. And doing it once won’t turn you into one.”

Isabella sat back and they sat in silence for a few moments. A jumble of thoughts and emotions crashed through Helen’s mind. She had shied away from Isabella’s touch purely because of shock but she now realised that it had also sent a wisp of tingling pleasure straight to her crotch. The woman’s sheer bravado had caused Helen to stop herself from grabbing her things and leaving the table. As for not being a lesbian … well maybe what Isabella had said was true. Besides, Isabella was actually kind of… sexy. Yes! Sexy. And in fact quite pretty too. And there it was. Oh my god, she thought. She’s using her feminine allure and I’m responding. And she did have at least a couple of hours to waste before the flight and… who would ever know? Surprisingly, Helen realised that she was actually thinking about having sex with Isabella, and that those thoughts were actually turning her on. There was no doubt that a warm, fuzzy feeling flowed over her and she felt quite flushed.

Isabella leaned forward again. “Would like me to touch you again?” she whispered.

It was all Helen could do to nod her head. Isabella slowly reached across and this time placed her left hand on Helen’s thigh. Slowly, ever so slowly, Isabella’s warm hand moved in slow, gentle circles, her fingers gently squeezing the flesh beneath the thin material.

“Is that nice?” asked Isabella.

“Yes,” croaked Helen. She could feel her face becoming flushed and the beginnings of an ache in her crotch.

“Good.” Isabella lifted her hand and took another sip of her drink. “You know,

I love touching women in places like this. The thought of so many people, so close, not knowing what we’re doing, it really gets me so hot. I can see it has the same effect on you. Have you touched another woman before?”

“No,” said Helen. “Never.”

“Well then I think it’s about time you did. Put your hand on my leg, just as I did to you.”

Isabella shifted in her seat and opened her legs a far as her skirt would allow. Helen tentatively placed her hand on Isabella’s bare thigh, just above the knee. For a minute or so Helen stroked Isabella’s smooth flesh. Isabella was right. Touching another woman in such a public place was indeed as exciting as Isabella had claimed and she found herself becoming hornier by the second. Nervously, she glanced about her, a part of her hoping that no one was watching and, astonishingly, another part hoping that someone was. No-one else seemed to be taking any notice. Helen couldn’t believe what was happening. Here she was in a busy airport terminal caressing a strange woman’s leg. Her heart was racing and her crotch felt as though it was on fire.

“Thrilling, isn’t it,” said Isabella, grinning.

“Yes,” breathed Helen.

Isabella leaned forward and placed her lips beside Helen’s ear. “Would you like me to touch your pussy?”

Isabella’s words seemed to flick a switch in Helen’s mind. There was no more embarrassment, hesitation or uncertainty. What remained was a burning desire for this woman to pleasure her. Oh fuck it! she thought. Here goes!

“God, yes!” she gasped.

“Well, I know somewhere we can go for a little more privacy. Will you come?”

Helen merely nodded.

Shakily, Helen stood and grabbed the handle of the case.

Isabella manoeuvred herself between the tables and waited for Helen to negotiate the clutter of luggage, unruly teenagers and chairs. Isabella led the way along the concourse heading toward the security check area. Helen followed watching the sway of the younger woman’s hips and thinking that very soon Isabella would be touching her vagina. And she would be touching Isabella’s! The very thought of it sent a tremble coursing down her legs and she almost stumbled.

A small doubt entered her mind. She only had to turn away, walk straight to the exit, lose Isabella in the crowd and be away from Isabella for good. Yeah! It would be easy! But Isabella had a power over her, a power that drew her onward, inexorably getting closer to the point of no return and the tiny voice of doubt was drowned in a sea of lust. They walked past the rows of crowded check-in desks the whole length of the concourse before Isabella stopped at one of the entrance doors to the security search area.

“What now?” asked Helen.

“It is okay. You go through security as normal. I will meet you on the other side because I must go another way, for the staff.”

“Where are we going?” asked Helen nervously.

“Don’t worry. Just wait for me at the Caviar House. I will find you.”

Helen watched Isabella walk away. This time she was determined to go through with it. I’m going to see it through to the end. I’m bursa eve gelen escort going to let that woman touch my…

“Boarding card please.”

She rummaged in her bag for the printed sheet and handed it over. The security man waved her through and she waited an age for her turn to put her case on the x-ray conveyor, place her shoes and jacket in a plastic tray and pass through the metal detector. To her relief, no alarm sounded and she gathered her things, slipped on her shoes and made her way through the exit.

Emerging into the departure lounge she found Isabella waiting just where she said.

“That was quick.”

“I went straight through the staff security point. So are you ready?” she asked.

“Yes.” They moved slowly through the heaving departure lounge to where a crowded transit car waited with its doors invitingly open. “Where are we going?”

“A quiet place I know of,” said Isabella.

They stepped aboard, just managing to squeeze on before the doors slid closed and the transport smoothly began its journey, gathering speed, the passengers swaying in concert with the turns. Helen felt Isabella’s breasts pushing into her back and a hand caressing her bottom. She shifted her feet wider apart and Isabella responded by curling her teasing fingers into Helen’s hot crotch.

The transit slowed sharply as it approached a station.

“We need to stay on for the next stop,” Isabella said. They moved away from the doors as the other passengers jostled to get off as quickly as possible, heading to the escalators. One other passenger remained on board, a young dark-haired woman, about twenty, wearing a dark grey skirt suit and a yellow day-glo vest. The doors closed and the transit lurched forward again. The woman made her way toward them.

“Hi, Isabella.” She stepped to Isabella, placed her arms around Isabella’s neck, leaned forward and kissed her passionately on the lips. They locked lips for a few seconds before easing apart. The newcomer looked at Helen, visually appraising her. “I take it that you two need my help?”

Helen was dumbstruck but Isabella was unruffled.

“Katy, we’d like to use the Express Lounge in Satellite Two.”

“Sure. But there’ll be a price to pay the next time I see you.”

The transit braked again, slowing to a halt at another underground station. The doors swished open and Katy stepped out.

“What’s going on?” said Helen. “Who is she?”

Isabella took Helen’s arm and led her off the transit, past a pair of escalators and to a waiting lift.

“Katy has access to one of the private lounges. She will let us use it for a while.”

Katy pushed the call button and they waited for the lift to descend. Thirty seconds later they were stepping out onto a deserted concourse. Departure gates were situated at intervals on both sides as they walked quickly the length of the building, past shuttered newsagents, bars and coffee shops. Eventually Katy stopped at a partitioned area where frosted glass doors declared that they had arrived at the Express Lounge.

“Okay,” said Katy. “Remember, I’ll be back in an hour. Don’t make a mess, don’t have any drinks and for fuck sake don’t get caught.” She pulled her ID card from her vest and swiped it on the reader by the door. The door buzzed quietly and Katy pushed it open. Isabella took Helen’s hand and followed Katy inside.

“You two enjoy yourselves. I’d love to join you but I’m needed elsewhere.” Katy kissed Isabella again and then looked at Helen. “Isabella said that you were hot. She wasn’t kidding!”

With that, Katy turned and walked out, pulling the door closed behind her.

Isabella took Helen’s arm and they moved through the door. “My god!” exclaimed Helen. What…”

“Hush!” said Isabella. “Don’t worry. Just relax and let things happen.”

The lounge interior was plush, modern and obviously unused for some time. A long bar with a dozen optics and stools was located against one wall with an empty refrigerator next to it. Deep sofas and chairs with large soft cushions were to be found arranged around tables laden with magazines. Opposite the bar were floor to ceiling windows running the entire length of the lounge allowing her see a dozen aircraft on the stands on a neighbouring satellite.

Leaving her bag near the door, Helen stood in the centre of the room while Isabella moved to the bar.

“So, what can I get you?”



“Okay. A rum and coke would go down a treat right now.”

“Coming right up. Why don’t you take a seat?”

Helen moved to one of the beige sofas and perched on the edge taking in the small details of the lounge. A number of large pot plants had been placed against the walls, their long stems and large leaves filling the spaces between small, framed watercolours and several rows of spotlights that were angled up at the ceiling. Moments later Isabella was standing in front of Helen holding out her drink. Isabella sat görükle escort beside Helen and sipped her Martini. They sat in silence again for a while.

“So, do you still want me to touch your pussy?”

“Yes,” said Helen, meekly.

“Well you had better get those trousers off then.”

Helen took a big swig of the drink and placed it on a small table at the side of the sofa. She stood up and removed her jacket, laying it across the back of a neighbouring chair.

“I want you to stand in front of me,” said Isabella as she leaned back in the sofa. She crossed her legs, giving Helen a flash of stocking-top and continued to sip at her Martini as Helen unbuttoned her trousers and unzipped the fly.

Helen slid them over her hips and let the trousers fall to the ground. She stepped out of them and looked apprehensively at Isabella. The younger woman sat for a few moments admiring Helen’s long legs clad in a pair of black tights covering a pair of white cotton panties

“Very nice,” Isabella said. “Now, your top and bra.”

Helen obeyed, pulling the top over her head and dropping it to the floor. She fumbled with the catch of her bra before it too fell free. Helen felt extremely self-conscious standing in front of Isabella with her naked breasts on display.

“Oh yes. They’re lovely. Now I want you to take your nylons off.”

Helen lifted her feet, removed her shoes then rolled the tights down her legs and dropped them on the small pile of clothes.

Isabella smiled. “Good. Nervous?”

Helen just nodded. Isabella stood and positioned herself at Helen’s side. With her left hand she caressed Helen’s back before travelling down to her buttocks, her fingers tentatively exploring the top of the cleft.

“By the way, what’s your name?” asked Isabella, breathing into Helen’s ear.


“Well Helen, there’s no need to be nervous. Just relax and enjoy it.”

Using the palm of her right hand Isabella softly teased Helen’s rapidly stiffening nipples. Helen gasped and closed her eyes tightly, struggling to contain her delight. Isabella trailed her fingers down Helen’s belly and inside those white panties. For a few seconds Isabella ran her finger through Helen’s wiry pubes.

“Part your legs slightly,” Isabella told Helen, who moved a foot to accommodate the intruding hand that pushed further in her panties and fondled her now engorged labia. A flourish of pure joy burst from Helen’s crotch and surged through her body, causing her legs to shake. Isabella looked into Helen’s eyes.

“Oh! I think that you’re enjoying it, aren’t you?”

Before she could reply, Helen took a sharp intake of breath because Isabella had parted her puffy labia and slowly eased a finger inside her slippery hole.

Isabella slowly twisted and curled her finger as the heel of her hand massaged Helen’s hairy mound. Meanwhile, the fingers of Isabella’s left hand had curled around Helen’s buttocks and her fingernails were now nudging against her anus.

It was just too much. Helen’s first orgasm coursed through her in a powerful series of waves, her vaginal muscles rhythmically gripping Isabella’s finger.

Isabella held Helen tightly until the shuddering had subsided.

“Now I know that you are enjoying it!” giggled Isabella. “Why don’t you sit down after I get these off?”

She peeled Helen’s wet panties down and hooked them over her feet. Isabella looked at Helen’s crotch, appreciating her neatly trimmed pubes. Helen gratefully sat on the edge of the sofa and sat back. Isabella lifted her skirt up around her waist and removed her own damp panties. Helen watched open-mouthed as Isabella gave her own hairless vagina a quick rub and then knelt on the floor, pushing Helen’s knees apart and exposing that hot, moist pussy. “Do you want me to lick it?” she asked.

“Oh, yes. Please.”

Isabella leaned forward and buried her nose in Helen’s bush. Suddenly, she inhaled a deep breath.

“My! You smell wonderful. I wonder if you taste just as good.”

Without a further word, Isabella placed a thumb against Helen’s pussy and pushed up and backward, revealing the small pink bud of Helen’s clit. Isabella ran her tongue over and around it and then flicked it rapidly back and forth before giving it a gentle suck. At the same time Isabella reached down between her own legs with her free hand and began twiddling her engorged clit.

Helen moaned deeply as Isabella now thumbed the fat clit and slid her tongue into Helen’s dripping hole. Helen fastened Isabella’s head with her thighs, pulling the young woman’s tongue further into her burning pussy. Helen sucked in great gulps of air moments before her orgasm thundered through her body, racking it with intense spasms and making her moan loudly. Seconds later Isabella’s own orgasm shot through her in one big flash.

For an age the two women remained in place, savouring the experience and letting their tremors subside before Helen eventually released Isabella’s head allowing the younger woman to take several deep breaths.

“So,” said Isabella climbing to her feet and plopping herself down next to Helen on the sofa. “You enjoyed it, yes?”

“Oh it was marvelous. Thank you,” said Helen.

“It was a pleasure,” said Isabella, her face still moist with Helen’s juice. “

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